RADIO CONTROL AEROBATICS U fl ~I new AMA Competition Regulations 1999-2001 has just dropped out mailbox landed desk write always exciting time us serve Contest Boards Advisory Committees filled gtorious hope have finally achieved totally unlikely produced rule book errors sans dreaded gray areas Such forlorn hope seldom survives initial reading never outlasts first contest season Stil lwe try time looks like good solid try best several rules cycles should because major changes actual form events table What table mainly finetuning some light housekeeping designed clarify intent ctose loopholes said few important changes Perhaps visible change renaming former Novice Sportsman classes Novice now Sportsman Sportsman now Intermediate maneuver schedules remain same accumulated advancement points remain accumulated names have changed protect something other main effect will some scoring software will need updated few old scoresheets will need class titles crossed out rewritten rose other name se political winds may make further change necessary next rules cycle Sportsman Sportsperson will deal time comes Clause 431 provided exemption model weight power size old Novice class up AMA-legal 55 pounds has removed now Noviceerr Sportsman will fly models same size power other classes Fair widely felt traditionally least-able should provided continued means maximum damage allowable under insurance restrictions assume judges will now thankful least somewhat less terrified Clause 45 Number Models has replaced Clause 45 Eligibility Models new rule makes legal contestants share borrow repair models interchange parts whatever want within state federal laws governing theft long show up flightline complete model conforms rules CD deems airworthy Another new clause 471 deals temporary marking temporary aircraft AMA numbers temporary pilots clarification has inserted 131 regarding number rounds flown determine winner competitors particular class have flown x number rounds rounds will countfor class competitors another class have flown y number rounds done strictly make obvious what evidently obvious some Clause 147 has added making illegal hot-dog during free passes after takeoff before landing Hot-dogging defined anything isnt strictly trimming purposes Any simple 1800 turnaround may used position aircraft box entry judges opinion prohibited maneuver performed first maneuver following violation will zeroed course AMA Pattern equivalent 15 yards excessive end zone celebration like NCAA version depends almost totally mood flag-thrower predict new rule may cause some discussion little may heated best advice pilots play safe F3A-style takeoff landing sequencesat least until have insurmountable lead Clause 208 has added help perennial sun-in-the-box problem basically says CD should what he/she can see sun isnt box models whether reorienting flightline scheduling competition appropriate time after dark presumably key word should Bottom line May1999 81 Kirk Wanner kneeling Charley Reed pose Midwest contest last year Sam Turners Saturn good-looking design Big Supertigre 2300 fills nose Dont expect much change local events written mainly big events like Nationals maneuver schedules classes remain untouched except some k-factor changes Masters result two separate proposals k-factor Immelmann Turn goes k 2 because proposal make k-factors same class class identical maneuvers since Immelmann k ortsman Intermediate Advanced now k sters well never mind Masters class ought able babies solid 9 time sleep three-channel trainer same thing holds true Half Square Loop Half Roll Vertical Masters k w k cause what Advanced class other words now pays same simple Immelmann Go figure wouldnt try three-channel trainer Several other changes Masters make bit sense Vertical Eight Middle Pilots Option has bumped k 4 because difficulty pilots continue have making two loops anywhere near same size dreaded Two Rolls Opposite Directions goes k 4 similar reason Master pilots arent doing terrifically well Overall total k Masters goes 66 68 impact goes little beyond obvious scoring software changes Putting additional emphasis two maneuvers pilots having trouble should make little easier judges separate best rest should also cause pilots rethink practice time regarding trouble spots Judges Guide section also contains few revisions Under Bb Smoothness Gracefulness criteria pitch changes has revised include requirement model show constant radius transitions line line Excessively tight maneuvers should avoided line has replaced Higher marks should awarded flying tight high-G corners done remove differences between AMA FAI judging criteria section D Judging Individual Maneuvers Loops greatly expanded list judging criteria loops part-loops has included list breaks very little new ground mostly collation criteria gathered other areas book presented under heading clarifications worthy note Snaps Rolls contained looping portions various maneuvers such Avalanche required done within 6~~~ Superior Balsa & Hobby Supply GRA04&DENS SELECTION 700 AM 700 ttp//pw2netcomcomHbalsaIsupenorhtm balsaixnetcomcom PST CA TIME 020-G Centralia Hawaiian Gardens CA 90716 Monday Saturday se add sufficient amount excess refunded shipping UPS Parcel Post PLQ $285 handlingMFGRS & DEALERS SEND FOR RESELLER 800 488-9525 $2500 Mm order accept Visa Mastercard Checks CA sales add 825% sales tax OGRAM Info 582885-3220 FAX 582880-0327 Complete price ist-SASE Shop hours 800AM lo 300PM Mon FriPices sukiect change 9/98 BALSABass sticks 2CC balsa price STICKS Sitka Spruce sticks 3x balsa price 1116 14C1436481/4 64l43648 i/i8i1/l6101/41 1142230 1/183/32101/43/82733 1116 11810141/4, 1/229 41 1/1813/18Il 151/4x61837 50 111e111412IS1/4,3/442 88 l/18x3/81316 1/181/21721________ 1/18C3/42229 3/32 3/321112 3/32x1/81214 3/323/181316 3/321/41418 3/323/81519 3/32x1/21824 3/323/42632 IA HNIIA 1/8CC3/181318 1/8, 1/41421 1/83/81523 1/8CC 1/22127 1/8CC3/42838 5/16 184C14 18rAr 5/18,0/182735 5/18u3183138 5/18x1/23848 5/18s3/448 82 3/83183845 3/Bo 1/24057 3/85/84788 383/45388 1/21124884 1/25/85778 C/2,3/480 82 8/814CH3646 5/85/880 .88 5/8c183114 3/16 34C1436482 3/183/181423lQIh*LEIfltlL2dJI&I6 3/18x 1/41827 NHP West Systems 3/161 3/82125 & Bob Smith Epoxy 3/181122438 ls Supplies 311813/43048 Composils Hardware BALSA SHEETS INiPZAE 1118u12845 3/32131 42 1/8xl38 48 3/1613858 1/4 1 15278 3/8 xl8788 112 xi78 104 3 U4CH36 48 7i7T4T56 1/18x 2 3850 31222 4081 1/8 124986 3118128074 1/4 x288 80 3/8 1288119 11212110143 3 INCH3848 03213989 1/1ex34460 3/32352 87 1/8 138384 3/18u376 103 1/4 x384 138 511813109 182 3/8 13115 170 112 13150 205 41fAF 1132x478106 11I8s488 92 3/321482114 1/81483134 3/18x4108158 1/414152178 3/814210288 11214285338 TRAILING EDGES ll I2837 3/1813/4A3547 1/4 11Il3884 51181l-I/4II4871 3/8 11-11211 5885 112 1280 3/4 13180 36 AILERONS 1/4 1157 1/4 111/485 1/4 x280 51161111474 51181111275 51181288 1/411112 3/81 1-11283 3/81285 3/812-112106 11211-11295 112x2I08 36 TRIANGLES 1/411/4 28 3/81318 -/133 3/413/4 -/1 40 lxi-L.J 88 36 BIRCH DOWELS 035/1827 3/18173/837 1/42011254 36 LEADING EDGES COnvensolalSvmmeSlcal 1/4, 3181iiWx 31875 31811/2 85 112x1/2105 1123/4148 13/413/4180 3/411170111188 Ldg Edge RefleeSie Tape3 50 1/16141200 3/321 80225 1/8178250 3/16208285 1/4235325 3/8300420 1/2510715 BALSA BLOCKS 2430 36 48 11312023528832s 114187325378425 212175245292330 2x3160350423488 214288458530715 313330888785668 3144807708201236 414880888l280 less Aircraft Grad# Birch Plywood 6x1212x1212x241254848x48 [v32][b-1-10-1-10]] 3Ply145205535 1035 3600 1/22951 90355675 2500 3 Ply 95190355675 2500 / 2 5Pty 3/16 4Ply 140 150 99 275 295 200 525 575 347 10203800 11204000 6592600 ---SPly 125 230 3507352850 371~5T 285 55010003900 7Ply 9ply215 37561512004500 [v32][b-1-10-1-10]] 95125240475 1750 1/4 Lie Pop/ar 1251 85345675 2500 Tck 1122 x 12 1mm 105- 51150 Shpgor4y CASb Smith EihBargain Bundles 36- $295 48 $395 114,1/2oz210185 Gapor1cc349300112213 /8/ I122C4 le1/801/8 1381p3/18l3/16 1301l/411/4 /1813/813/8 121 1/2X112 /8/ FOAM SHEETS j 8/oe2o12x24 385 [v32][b-1-10-1-10]]-----4----Thick2oz59550011/1813 18/ 1/1814 81/813/18 132113/I81I/4 /2311/413/8/1513/811/2 /10/ 11213/4/8/ IA/h1e21I2x24 175 BS Thick 8oz179516503/32o3 18/3/3214 /8/ 1/811/4 /30/3I1613/8 /20/ I/4112 /141 3/81314 / 8/I l6oz30001/8 13181 1/8 14/4/1/81318 /28/ 3118112 /1711/41314 /101 jiCh/gfrcV81se2x24u48 830"EPP2x12124 550 2 ozthinaap88na- 1 sebbore 55/C3/18 13151 3/18x4 /31/8 xl/2 /201j 3/18x3/4 /13/LImited availabllitv-CaIIWNte4x12124 350EPP2x 12x48 1550 Odalaes 1/2oz455365I14 x3 /4/ 114 04 13/1/81314 115/ODenotesquantitvperbundle ylftCe4C24x48 1275" EPP2x38x48 3000 Thin 1 oz8456653/8o3 1313/8 14 12I Some stains wormholes & irregulars nel Foam CZutsng WIre-Steel -$300 Thick2oz1495120011213/2/112 o4 2/$600 Handlg 5/or UPS Oversize Shipa Chge 82 Model Aviation Turners two-meter Saturn weighs 10 pounds Wing area 1100 square inches radius arc other words circularity roundness maneuver must maintained during snap roll Also section D Judging Individual Maneuvers Spins criteria has added effect once model has entered spin drift caused wind judging criteria Hopefully will help clear up confusion spin centering Some minor housekeeping taken care Takeoff maneuver description wording changed throttle smoothly suddenly advanced model smoothly suddenly accelerates After judge supposed watching model observing pilots throttle technique listening engine As rest some old typos cleared few minor redundancies swept up nothing worth noting long last perfect book chance bub spotted least new typo two old ones missed cleanup new very minor ones missed tradition says least unpleasant surprise will surface once contests start good news looks like very workable edition predict unpleasant surprises will few good thing since will using book three years under new rules-cycle provisions same mailbox produced rule book also yielded interesting new building video Robins View Productions LLC Robins View headed up Bob Hunt Control Line Stunt guru ext roordinaire former glue-stained editor Flying Models Perfect Airframe Alignment first new series will essentially video remake Dean Pappas Bob Huntproduced Project Pattern photo feature series appeared Flying Models some 10 years ago enormously popular useful series explained rudiments Pattern model construction whole generation competitors Dean involved new series spot has filled master builder Bob Noll ProBuilt RC Products Bob most-sought-after prolific professional builders competition Aerobatic model aircraft country models have won big ones over world Running time first segment just over hour title pretty much tells tale major components Pattern airframe assembled aligned before eyes using simple easy-to-build alignment tools jigs Bob employs business art trammeling airframe thoroughly discussed hour jam packed building tips methods used excellent repeatable similar identical procedures use own workshop production editing professional tools gadgets used may ordered Bob Noll built plans provided video criticism can come up several fiberglass cutting/grinding procedures undertaken breathing protection eye protectiona small flaw worth pointing out retail list tape $2495 Bob Hunt making available limited time $1995 &H Order Robins View Productions Box 68 Stockertown PA 18083 Tel 610 746-0106 get Web robinsviewcom highly recommended Another best pro builders country Sam Turner Sam has sent along some photos latest design 2meter Saturn fuselage designed removable canopy airframe will handle two- four-stroke engines exhaust systems up 15 cubic inches Different custom pipe tunnels may ordered accommodate commercially available systems prototype flying stock SuperTigre 2300 APC 16 x 10a combination Sam describes exceptionally sweet Weight 10 pounds wing area 1100 square inches model kitted available Aerolite Products can reached 813949-0140 999 83
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 81, 82, 83
RADIO CONTROL AEROBATICS U fl ~I new AMA Competition Regulations 1999-2001 has just dropped out mailbox landed desk write always exciting time us serve Contest Boards Advisory Committees filled gtorious hope have finally achieved totally unlikely produced rule book errors sans dreaded gray areas Such forlorn hope seldom survives initial reading never outlasts first contest season Stil lwe try time looks like good solid try best several rules cycles should because major changes actual form events table What table mainly finetuning some light housekeeping designed clarify intent ctose loopholes said few important changes Perhaps visible change renaming former Novice Sportsman classes Novice now Sportsman Sportsman now Intermediate maneuver schedules remain same accumulated advancement points remain accumulated names have changed protect something other main effect will some scoring software will need updated few old scoresheets will need class titles crossed out rewritten rose other name se political winds may make further change necessary next rules cycle Sportsman Sportsperson will deal time comes Clause 431 provided exemption model weight power size old Novice class up AMA-legal 55 pounds has removed now Noviceerr Sportsman will fly models same size power other classes Fair widely felt traditionally least-able should provided continued means maximum damage allowable under insurance restrictions assume judges will now thankful least somewhat less terrified Clause 45 Number Models has replaced Clause 45 Eligibility Models new rule makes legal contestants share borrow repair models interchange parts whatever want within state federal laws governing theft long show up flightline complete model conforms rules CD deems airworthy Another new clause 471 deals temporary marking temporary aircraft AMA numbers temporary pilots clarification has inserted 131 regarding number rounds flown determine winner competitors particular class have flown x number rounds rounds will countfor class competitors another class have flown y number rounds done strictly make obvious what evidently obvious some Clause 147 has added making illegal hot-dog during free passes after takeoff before landing Hot-dogging defined anything isnt strictly trimming purposes Any simple 1800 turnaround may used position aircraft box entry judges opinion prohibited maneuver performed first maneuver following violation will zeroed course AMA Pattern equivalent 15 yards excessive end zone celebration like NCAA version depends almost totally mood flag-thrower predict new rule may cause some discussion little may heated best advice pilots play safe F3A-style takeoff landing sequencesat least until have insurmountable lead Clause 208 has added help perennial sun-in-the-box problem basically says CD should what he/she can see sun isnt box models whether reorienting flightline scheduling competition appropriate time after dark presumably key word should Bottom line May1999 81 Kirk Wanner kneeling Charley Reed pose Midwest contest last year Sam Turners Saturn good-looking design Big Supertigre 2300 fills nose Dont expect much change local events written mainly big events like Nationals maneuver schedules classes remain untouched except some k-factor changes Masters result two separate proposals k-factor Immelmann Turn goes k 2 because proposal make k-factors same class class identical maneuvers since Immelmann k ortsman Intermediate Advanced now k sters well never mind Masters class ought able babies solid 9 time sleep three-channel trainer same thing holds true Half Square Loop Half Roll Vertical Masters k w k cause what Advanced class other words now pays same simple Immelmann Go figure wouldnt try three-channel trainer Several other changes Masters make bit sense Vertical Eight Middle Pilots Option has bumped k 4 because difficulty pilots continue have making two loops anywhere near same size dreaded Two Rolls Opposite Directions goes k 4 similar reason Master pilots arent doing terrifically well Overall total k Masters goes 66 68 impact goes little beyond obvious scoring software changes Putting additional emphasis two maneuvers pilots having trouble should make little easier judges separate best rest should also cause pilots rethink practice time regarding trouble spots Judges Guide section also contains few revisions Under Bb Smoothness Gracefulness criteria pitch changes has revised include requirement model show constant radius transitions line line Excessively tight maneuvers should avoided line has replaced Higher marks should awarded flying tight high-G corners done remove differences between AMA FAI judging criteria section D Judging Individual Maneuvers Loops greatly expanded list judging criteria loops part-loops has included list breaks very little new ground mostly collation criteria gathered other areas book presented under heading clarifications worthy note Snaps Rolls contained looping portions various maneuvers such Avalanche required done within 6~~~ Superior Balsa & Hobby Supply GRA04&DENS SELECTION 700 AM 700 ttp//pw2netcomcomHbalsaIsupenorhtm balsaixnetcomcom PST CA TIME 020-G Centralia Hawaiian Gardens CA 90716 Monday Saturday se add sufficient amount excess refunded shipping UPS Parcel Post PLQ $285 handlingMFGRS & DEALERS SEND FOR RESELLER 800 488-9525 $2500 Mm order accept Visa Mastercard Checks CA sales add 825% sales tax OGRAM Info 582885-3220 FAX 582880-0327 Complete price ist-SASE Shop hours 800AM lo 300PM Mon FriPices sukiect change 9/98 BALSABass sticks 2CC balsa price STICKS Sitka Spruce sticks 3x balsa price 1116 14C1436481/4 64l43648 i/i8i1/l6101/41 1142230 1/183/32101/43/82733 1116 11810141/4, 1/229 41 1/1813/18Il 151/4x61837 50 111e111412IS1/4,3/442 88 l/18x3/81316 1/181/21721________ 1/18C3/42229 3/32 3/321112 3/32x1/81214 3/323/181316 3/321/41418 3/323/81519 3/32x1/21824 3/323/42632 IA HNIIA 1/8CC3/181318 1/8, 1/41421 1/83/81523 1/8CC 1/22127 1/8CC3/42838 5/16 184C14 18rAr 5/18,0/182735 5/18u3183138 5/18x1/23848 5/18s3/448 82 3/83183845 3/Bo 1/24057 3/85/84788 383/45388 1/21124884 1/25/85778 C/2,3/480 82 8/814CH3646 5/85/880 .88 5/8c183114 3/16 34C1436482 3/183/181423lQIh*LEIfltlL2dJI&I6 3/18x 1/41827 NHP West Systems 3/161 3/82125 & Bob Smith Epoxy 3/181122438 ls Supplies 311813/43048 Composils Hardware BALSA SHEETS INiPZAE 1118u12845 3/32131 42 1/8xl38 48 3/1613858 1/4 1 15278 3/8 xl8788 112 xi78 104 3 U4CH36 48 7i7T4T56 1/18x 2 3850 31222 4081 1/8 124986 3118128074 1/4 x288 80 3/8 1288119 11212110143 3 INCH3848 03213989 1/1ex34460 3/32352 87 1/8 138384 3/18u376 103 1/4 x384 138 511813109 182 3/8 13115 170 112 13150 205 41fAF 1132x478106 11I8s488 92 3/321482114 1/81483134 3/18x4108158 1/414152178 3/814210288 11214285338 TRAILING EDGES ll I2837 3/1813/4A3547 1/4 11Il3884 51181l-I/4II4871 3/8 11-11211 5885 112 1280 3/4 13180 36 AILERONS 1/4 1157 1/4 111/485 1/4 x280 51161111474 51181111275 51181288 1/411112 3/81 1-11283 3/81285 3/812-112106 11211-11295 112x2I08 36 TRIANGLES 1/411/4 28 3/81318 -/133 3/413/4 -/1 40 lxi-L.J 88 36 BIRCH DOWELS 035/1827 3/18173/837 1/42011254 36 LEADING EDGES COnvensolalSvmmeSlcal 1/4, 3181iiWx 31875 31811/2 85 112x1/2105 1123/4148 13/413/4180 3/411170111188 Ldg Edge RefleeSie Tape3 50 1/16141200 3/321 80225 1/8178250 3/16208285 1/4235325 3/8300420 1/2510715 BALSA BLOCKS 2430 36 48 11312023528832s 114187325378425 212175245292330 2x3160350423488 214288458530715 313330888785668 3144807708201236 414880888l280 less Aircraft Grad# Birch Plywood 6x1212x1212x241254848x48 [v32][b-1-10-1-10]] 3Ply145205535 1035 3600 1/22951 90355675 2500 3 Ply 95190355675 2500 / 2 5Pty 3/16 4Ply 140 150 99 275 295 200 525 575 347 10203800 11204000 6592600 ---SPly 125 230 3507352850 371~5T 285 55010003900 7Ply 9ply215 37561512004500 [v32][b-1-10-1-10]] 95125240475 1750 1/4 Lie Pop/ar 1251 85345675 2500 Tck 1122 x 12 1mm 105- 51150 Shpgor4y CASb Smith EihBargain Bundles 36- $295 48 $395 114,1/2oz210185 Gapor1cc349300112213 /8/ I122C4 le1/801/8 1381p3/18l3/16 1301l/411/4 /1813/813/8 121 1/2X112 /8/ FOAM SHEETS j 8/oe2o12x24 385 [v32][b-1-10-1-10]]-----4----Thick2oz59550011/1813 18/ 1/1814 81/813/18 132113/I81I/4 /2311/413/8/1513/811/2 /10/ 11213/4/8/ IA/h1e21I2x24 175 BS Thick 8oz179516503/32o3 18/3/3214 /8/ 1/811/4 /30/3I1613/8 /20/ I/4112 /141 3/81314 / 8/I l6oz30001/8 13181 1/8 14/4/1/81318 /28/ 3118112 /1711/41314 /101 jiCh/gfrcV81se2x24u48 830"EPP2x12124 550 2 ozthinaap88na- 1 sebbore 55/C3/18 13151 3/18x4 /31/8 xl/2 /201j 3/18x3/4 /13/LImited availabllitv-CaIIWNte4x12124 350EPP2x 12x48 1550 Odalaes 1/2oz455365I14 x3 /4/ 114 04 13/1/81314 115/ODenotesquantitvperbundle ylftCe4C24x48 1275" EPP2x38x48 3000 Thin 1 oz8456653/8o3 1313/8 14 12I Some stains wormholes & irregulars nel Foam CZutsng WIre-Steel -$300 Thick2oz1495120011213/2/112 o4 2/$600 Handlg 5/or UPS Oversize Shipa Chge 82 Model Aviation Turners two-meter Saturn weighs 10 pounds Wing area 1100 square inches radius arc other words circularity roundness maneuver must maintained during snap roll Also section D Judging Individual Maneuvers Spins criteria has added effect once model has entered spin drift caused wind judging criteria Hopefully will help clear up confusion spin centering Some minor housekeeping taken care Takeoff maneuver description wording changed throttle smoothly suddenly advanced model smoothly suddenly accelerates After judge supposed watching model observing pilots throttle technique listening engine As rest some old typos cleared few minor redundancies swept up nothing worth noting long last perfect book chance bub spotted least new typo two old ones missed cleanup new very minor ones missed tradition says least unpleasant surprise will surface once contests start good news looks like very workable edition predict unpleasant surprises will few good thing since will using book three years under new rules-cycle provisions same mailbox produced rule book also yielded interesting new building video Robins View Productions LLC Robins View headed up Bob Hunt Control Line Stunt guru ext roordinaire former glue-stained editor Flying Models Perfect Airframe Alignment first new series will essentially video remake Dean Pappas Bob Huntproduced Project Pattern photo feature series appeared Flying Models some 10 years ago enormously popular useful series explained rudiments Pattern model construction whole generation competitors Dean involved new series spot has filled master builder Bob Noll ProBuilt RC Products Bob most-sought-after prolific professional builders competition Aerobatic model aircraft country models have won big ones over world Running time first segment just over hour title pretty much tells tale major components Pattern airframe assembled aligned before eyes using simple easy-to-build alignment tools jigs Bob employs business art trammeling airframe thoroughly discussed hour jam packed building tips methods used excellent repeatable similar identical procedures use own workshop production editing professional tools gadgets used may ordered Bob Noll built plans provided video criticism can come up several fiberglass cutting/grinding procedures undertaken breathing protection eye protectiona small flaw worth pointing out retail list tape $2495 Bob Hunt making available limited time $1995 &H Order Robins View Productions Box 68 Stockertown PA 18083 Tel 610 746-0106 get Web robinsviewcom highly recommended Another best pro builders country Sam Turner Sam has sent along some photos latest design 2meter Saturn fuselage designed removable canopy airframe will handle two- four-stroke engines exhaust systems up 15 cubic inches Different custom pipe tunnels may ordered accommodate commercially available systems prototype flying stock SuperTigre 2300 APC 16 x 10a combination Sam describes exceptionally sweet Weight 10 pounds wing area 1100 square inches model kitted available Aerolite Products can reached 813949-0140 999 83
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 81, 82, 83
RADIO CONTROL AEROBATICS U fl ~I new AMA Competition Regulations 1999-2001 has just dropped out mailbox landed desk write always exciting time us serve Contest Boards Advisory Committees filled gtorious hope have finally achieved totally unlikely produced rule book errors sans dreaded gray areas Such forlorn hope seldom survives initial reading never outlasts first contest season Stil lwe try time looks like good solid try best several rules cycles should because major changes actual form events table What table mainly finetuning some light housekeeping designed clarify intent ctose loopholes said few important changes Perhaps visible change renaming former Novice Sportsman classes Novice now Sportsman Sportsman now Intermediate maneuver schedules remain same accumulated advancement points remain accumulated names have changed protect something other main effect will some scoring software will need updated few old scoresheets will need class titles crossed out rewritten rose other name se political winds may make further change necessary next rules cycle Sportsman Sportsperson will deal time comes Clause 431 provided exemption model weight power size old Novice class up AMA-legal 55 pounds has removed now Noviceerr Sportsman will fly models same size power other classes Fair widely felt traditionally least-able should provided continued means maximum damage allowable under insurance restrictions assume judges will now thankful least somewhat less terrified Clause 45 Number Models has replaced Clause 45 Eligibility Models new rule makes legal contestants share borrow repair models interchange parts whatever want within state federal laws governing theft long show up flightline complete model conforms rules CD deems airworthy Another new clause 471 deals temporary marking temporary aircraft AMA numbers temporary pilots clarification has inserted 131 regarding number rounds flown determine winner competitors particular class have flown x number rounds rounds will countfor class competitors another class have flown y number rounds done strictly make obvious what evidently obvious some Clause 147 has added making illegal hot-dog during free passes after takeoff before landing Hot-dogging defined anything isnt strictly trimming purposes Any simple 1800 turnaround may used position aircraft box entry judges opinion prohibited maneuver performed first maneuver following violation will zeroed course AMA Pattern equivalent 15 yards excessive end zone celebration like NCAA version depends almost totally mood flag-thrower predict new rule may cause some discussion little may heated best advice pilots play safe F3A-style takeoff landing sequencesat least until have insurmountable lead Clause 208 has added help perennial sun-in-the-box problem basically says CD should what he/she can see sun isnt box models whether reorienting flightline scheduling competition appropriate time after dark presumably key word should Bottom line May1999 81 Kirk Wanner kneeling Charley Reed pose Midwest contest last year Sam Turners Saturn good-looking design Big Supertigre 2300 fills nose Dont expect much change local events written mainly big events like Nationals maneuver schedules classes remain untouched except some k-factor changes Masters result two separate proposals k-factor Immelmann Turn goes k 2 because proposal make k-factors same class class identical maneuvers since Immelmann k ortsman Intermediate Advanced now k sters well never mind Masters class ought able babies solid 9 time sleep three-channel trainer same thing holds true Half Square Loop Half Roll Vertical Masters k w k cause what Advanced class other words now pays same simple Immelmann Go figure wouldnt try three-channel trainer Several other changes Masters make bit sense Vertical Eight Middle Pilots Option has bumped k 4 because difficulty pilots continue have making two loops anywhere near same size dreaded Two Rolls Opposite Directions goes k 4 similar reason Master pilots arent doing terrifically well Overall total k Masters goes 66 68 impact goes little beyond obvious scoring software changes Putting additional emphasis two maneuvers pilots having trouble should make little easier judges separate best rest should also cause pilots rethink practice time regarding trouble spots Judges Guide section also contains few revisions Under Bb Smoothness Gracefulness criteria pitch changes has revised include requirement model show constant radius transitions line line Excessively tight maneuvers should avoided line has replaced Higher marks should awarded flying tight high-G corners done remove differences between AMA FAI judging criteria section D Judging Individual Maneuvers Loops greatly expanded list judging criteria loops part-loops has included list breaks very little new ground mostly collation criteria gathered other areas book presented under heading clarifications worthy note Snaps Rolls contained looping portions various maneuvers such Avalanche required done within 6~~~ Superior Balsa & Hobby Supply GRA04&DENS SELECTION 700 AM 700 ttp//pw2netcomcomHbalsaIsupenorhtm balsaixnetcomcom PST CA TIME 020-G Centralia Hawaiian Gardens CA 90716 Monday Saturday se add sufficient amount excess refunded shipping UPS Parcel Post PLQ $285 handlingMFGRS & DEALERS SEND FOR RESELLER 800 488-9525 $2500 Mm order accept Visa Mastercard Checks CA sales add 825% sales tax OGRAM Info 582885-3220 FAX 582880-0327 Complete price ist-SASE Shop hours 800AM lo 300PM Mon FriPices sukiect change 9/98 BALSABass sticks 2CC balsa price STICKS Sitka Spruce sticks 3x balsa price 1116 14C1436481/4 64l43648 i/i8i1/l6101/41 1142230 1/183/32101/43/82733 1116 11810141/4, 1/229 41 1/1813/18Il 151/4x61837 50 111e111412IS1/4,3/442 88 l/18x3/81316 1/181/21721________ 1/18C3/42229 3/32 3/321112 3/32x1/81214 3/323/181316 3/321/41418 3/323/81519 3/32x1/21824 3/323/42632 IA HNIIA 1/8CC3/181318 1/8, 1/41421 1/83/81523 1/8CC 1/22127 1/8CC3/42838 5/16 184C14 18rAr 5/18,0/182735 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must maintained during snap roll Also section D Judging Individual Maneuvers Spins criteria has added effect once model has entered spin drift caused wind judging criteria Hopefully will help clear up confusion spin centering Some minor housekeeping taken care Takeoff maneuver description wording changed throttle smoothly suddenly advanced model smoothly suddenly accelerates After judge supposed watching model observing pilots throttle technique listening engine As rest some old typos cleared few minor redundancies swept up nothing worth noting long last perfect book chance bub spotted least new typo two old ones missed cleanup new very minor ones missed tradition says least unpleasant surprise will surface once contests start good news looks like very workable edition predict unpleasant surprises will few good thing since will using book three years under new rules-cycle provisions same mailbox produced rule book also yielded interesting new building video Robins View Productions LLC Robins View headed up Bob Hunt Control Line Stunt guru ext roordinaire former glue-stained editor Flying Models Perfect Airframe Alignment first new series will essentially video remake Dean Pappas Bob Huntproduced Project Pattern photo feature series appeared Flying Models some 10 years ago enormously popular useful series explained rudiments Pattern model construction whole generation competitors Dean involved new series spot has filled master builder Bob Noll ProBuilt RC Products Bob most-sought-after prolific professional builders competition Aerobatic model aircraft country models have won big ones over world Running time first segment just over hour title pretty much tells tale major components Pattern airframe assembled aligned before eyes using simple easy-to-build alignment tools jigs Bob employs business art trammeling airframe thoroughly discussed hour jam packed building tips methods used excellent repeatable similar identical procedures use own workshop production editing professional tools gadgets used may ordered Bob Noll built plans provided video criticism can come up several fiberglass cutting/grinding procedures undertaken breathing protection eye protectiona small flaw worth pointing out retail list tape $2495 Bob Hunt making available limited time $1995 &H Order Robins View Productions Box 68 Stockertown PA 18083 Tel 610 746-0106 get Web robinsviewcom highly recommended Another best pro builders country Sam Turner Sam has sent along some photos latest design 2meter Saturn fuselage designed removable canopy airframe will handle two- four-stroke engines exhaust systems up 15 cubic inches Different custom pipe tunnels may ordered accommodate commercially available systems prototype flying stock SuperTigre 2300 APC 16 x 10a combination Sam describes exceptionally sweet Weight 10 pounds wing area 1100 square inches model kitted available Aerolite Products can reached 813949-0140 999 83