RADIO CONTROL ELECTRICS ii U V1 U'f1-i Y U m1 QUICKIE MEET Announcements include Old Time Eagles MAC hosts FM magazine sponsors Third Eagles Electric Fly May 15 rain date May 16 Hope NJ FF RC Electrics welcome CD Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07649 Tel 201 261-1281 heard last years meet terrific E-Power Spring Sizzle scheduled May 30 10 am dark Location 600 Gude Drive East Rockville MD info contact Dereck Woodward 11159 Captains Walk Court N Potomac MD 20878 Tel 301 309-0140 E-mail weekendpilot @junocom column next few especially RC modelers some wet power flight experience considering just beginning E-power aeromodeling columns will look briefly some E-history discuss some basic Electric operating principles include some perspective contemporary Electric offer some insight some suggestions initial Electric success continuing enjoyment Forget what nay-sayers have said open mind read Electric aeromodeling US somewhere around ury old measure begins appearance earliest E-power products early 70s course modelers pursuing Electric prior time thats few products became available modelers at-large could easily participateeven considerable difficulty earliest products minimal performers say least modelers wanted fly Electric especially dedicated inventive successful relatively little information available sparse interest made nearly impossible get assistance another actually flying Electric successfully its because person really wanted fly Electric fair say Electric very slow difficult start reasons other hand did some other aeromodeling specialitieslike earliest days RC relatively few hobbyists early 70s really wanted fly Electric Once caught its existence quickly developed burning interest flying glow-power RC since 1955 new challenge really turned Early products notwithstanding doing myself scratch desireand fun-filled challenge Fun after what hobby remember rewinding toy motors making gear drives playing wimpy Ni-Cds dayall much enthusiasm trying learn firsthand much power took make something fly build such power system whole process slow-going great fun alone root interest several modelers-in-kind around country basic driving interest still exists within growing E community now includes E modelers suppliers pushing powerful state art fastmoving high-flying exciting directionsrather just few individuals struggling get off ground As time went along did enjoy small success after another actually experienced transitions powered sink level flight climbing flightall home-made E-stuff What thrill used early struggles simple successes describe power needed fly model simple arithmetic Basically constructed simple empiricism relationship developed flying several simple E models variety power systems over course year two empiricism approximated electrical power needed just maintain level flight simple airplanes May1999 97 flies can flown Electric Eight-pound Great Planes Ultimate biplane Jack Sowle uses 20 1700s power MaxCim geared 15-13Y 12 x 8 Zinger Electric conversion Great Planes Stik Bill Jones Astro 25Many senior modelers find Electrics enjoyable challenging L-R direct drive to9 x 5162000 mAh cellsEllis Grumer Everett Rubendunst Charlie Evans KRC Level flight too exciting useful itself chosen reference condition compare early experimental results empiricism reads Power ht x Wing Loading Power watts input motor Weight finished model pounds Wing Loading oz/sq ft planform equation has held up very well acknowledge units make sense arithmetic does work became basis E-designs years effect knew needed power level attain climbing flight once got past point E-model career everything designed thereafter flew very satisfactorily published equation MAs Electric series Part 8 April 1984 Please dont get uptight arithmetic techno-terms like watts Technical complexity thrust presentation hope provide easy insight understanding feel technical terms invoked will easily become second nature part routine flightline language As time went more E-stuff published better E-products appeared modelers gradually became interested E-power Some began use equation variations success part word power became very useful important Power remains E-aeromodelers vocabulary today though early equation now little use some ways power watts now used much like displacement wet engines early equation has given way contemporary guidelines rules-ofthumb relating watts kind airplane kind flying expected also new Electric math form sophisticated commercial software programs software very exciting fun extension within Electric really nicety necessity So no dont need computer fly Electric Far important early E-success continuing enjoyment Electric just some good information coupled little insight understanding plenty knowledge within modeldom regarding wet engine displacement size models flight characteristics several reasons wealth knowledge primarily because its long history present widespread use everybodys doing So cubic inches very familiar language hobby shop wet power flightline its cubic inches its probably just product name some engine since everybody knows what means Props fuel often get mention too walk Electric flightline youd hear words like watts cells may also hear motor product names like Turbo 10 Astro 40 might hear words like three-to-one referring gear ratio will also hear props amps discussed sentence two combining two words expressions can describe power system makeup ones E-model E-modeler can tell another everything needs know about power system manner Now may hear about wet models weight Electric flightline youll likely hear about weight because weight comparatively important Electric So flightline has its own language really different its just Electrics yet familiar widespread wet power s Electrics difficult basic makeup Electric power system battery motor/propeller combination unlike wet fuel tank engine/prop combination Electric power systems include associated supporting items such switch speed control fuse wiring connectors etc much like fuel line fuel filler fitting carburetor linkage servo Another very rough comparison may drawn between two-strokes fourstrokes Electrics direct-drive gear-drive respectively area power plants differ muffler Electrics dont need Another divergent area may power system weight relatively speaking typical Electric installation heavier Thats made point about overall model weight Both power systems fly aeromodels virtue respective propellers moving air simple large props props turning faster move air per unit time small props props turning slower former requires displacement and/or rpm watts latter widespread familiarity long history wet power makes appear easy match up suitable engine prop fuel airplane everybody just knows what knowledge innate Electric level yet its getting E-modelers have evolved some rules thumb virtually assure fully satisfactory E-flight no matter airplane point casual comment maintain model can flown can flown Electric Some photos month stand support So does wannabe E-flier match airplane power system several approaches next column will get Meanwhile strongly suggest begin gathering back issues aeromodeling magazines possible read through E columns Forget will disordered flow information has much randomly published nothing else youll least exposed jargon Electric cannot overemphasize resources consideration Please enclose SASE correspondence youd like reply please enjoy extra-special fun early Springtime E-flying always seems bring odel Aviation tric multimotor scale easy B-25 Michael Hines uses Cloud Dancer wet Electric Marc Thomson uses geared twin geared Speed 400s 10 cells 9 x 6s Astro 25 14 17Ah cells 12 x 8 prop Claudia Garner photos
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 97, 98
RADIO CONTROL ELECTRICS ii U V1 U'f1-i Y U m1 QUICKIE MEET Announcements include Old Time Eagles MAC hosts FM magazine sponsors Third Eagles Electric Fly May 15 rain date May 16 Hope NJ FF RC Electrics welcome CD Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07649 Tel 201 261-1281 heard last years meet terrific E-Power Spring Sizzle scheduled May 30 10 am dark Location 600 Gude Drive East Rockville MD info contact Dereck Woodward 11159 Captains Walk Court N Potomac MD 20878 Tel 301 309-0140 E-mail weekendpilot @junocom column next few especially RC modelers some wet power flight experience considering just beginning E-power aeromodeling columns will look briefly some E-history discuss some basic Electric operating principles include some perspective contemporary Electric offer some insight some suggestions initial Electric success continuing enjoyment Forget what nay-sayers have said open mind read Electric aeromodeling US somewhere around ury old measure begins appearance earliest E-power products early 70s course modelers pursuing Electric prior time thats few products became available modelers at-large could easily participateeven considerable difficulty earliest products minimal performers say least modelers wanted fly Electric especially dedicated inventive successful relatively little information available sparse interest made nearly impossible get assistance another actually flying Electric successfully its because person really wanted fly Electric fair say Electric very slow difficult start reasons other hand did some other aeromodeling specialitieslike earliest days RC relatively few hobbyists early 70s really wanted fly Electric Once caught its existence quickly developed burning interest flying glow-power RC since 1955 new challenge really turned Early products notwithstanding doing myself scratch desireand fun-filled challenge Fun after what hobby remember rewinding toy motors making gear drives playing wimpy Ni-Cds dayall much enthusiasm trying learn firsthand much power took make something fly build such power system whole process slow-going great fun alone root interest several modelers-in-kind around country basic driving interest still exists within growing E community now includes E modelers suppliers pushing powerful state art fastmoving high-flying exciting directionsrather just few individuals struggling get off ground As time went along did enjoy small success after another actually experienced transitions powered sink level flight climbing flightall home-made E-stuff What thrill used early struggles simple successes describe power needed fly model simple arithmetic Basically constructed simple empiricism relationship developed flying several simple E models variety power systems over course year two empiricism approximated electrical power needed just maintain level flight simple airplanes May1999 97 flies can flown Electric Eight-pound Great Planes Ultimate biplane Jack Sowle uses 20 1700s power MaxCim geared 15-13Y 12 x 8 Zinger Electric conversion Great Planes Stik Bill Jones Astro 25Many senior modelers find Electrics enjoyable challenging L-R direct drive to9 x 5162000 mAh cellsEllis Grumer Everett Rubendunst Charlie Evans KRC Level flight too exciting useful itself chosen reference condition compare early experimental results empiricism reads Power ht x Wing Loading Power watts input motor Weight finished model pounds Wing Loading oz/sq ft planform equation has held up very well acknowledge units make sense arithmetic does work became basis E-designs years effect knew needed power level attain climbing flight once got past point E-model career everything designed thereafter flew very satisfactorily published equation MAs Electric series Part 8 April 1984 Please dont get uptight arithmetic techno-terms like watts Technical complexity thrust presentation hope provide easy insight understanding feel technical terms invoked will easily become second nature part routine flightline language As time went more E-stuff published better E-products appeared modelers gradually became interested E-power Some began use equation variations success part word power became very useful important Power remains E-aeromodelers vocabulary today though early equation now little use some ways power watts now used much like displacement wet engines early equation has given way contemporary guidelines rules-ofthumb relating watts kind airplane kind flying expected also new Electric math form sophisticated commercial software programs software very exciting fun extension within Electric really nicety necessity So no dont need computer fly Electric Far important early E-success continuing enjoyment Electric just some good information coupled little insight understanding plenty knowledge within modeldom regarding wet engine displacement size models flight characteristics several reasons wealth knowledge primarily because its long history present widespread use everybodys doing So cubic inches very familiar language hobby shop wet power flightline its cubic inches its probably just product name some engine since everybody knows what means Props fuel often get mention too walk Electric flightline youd hear words like watts cells may also hear motor product names like Turbo 10 Astro 40 might hear words like three-to-one referring gear ratio will also hear props amps discussed sentence two combining two words expressions can describe power system makeup ones E-model E-modeler can tell another everything needs know about power system manner Now may hear about wet models weight Electric flightline youll likely hear about weight because weight comparatively important Electric So flightline has its own language really different its just Electrics yet familiar widespread wet power s Electrics difficult basic makeup Electric power system battery motor/propeller combination unlike wet fuel tank engine/prop combination Electric power systems include associated supporting items such switch speed control fuse wiring connectors etc much like fuel line fuel filler fitting carburetor linkage servo Another very rough comparison may drawn between two-strokes fourstrokes Electrics direct-drive gear-drive respectively area power plants differ muffler Electrics dont need Another divergent area may power system weight relatively speaking typical Electric installation heavier Thats made point about overall model weight Both power systems fly aeromodels virtue respective propellers moving air simple large props props turning faster move air per unit time small props props turning slower former requires displacement and/or rpm watts latter widespread familiarity long history wet power makes appear easy match up suitable engine prop fuel airplane everybody just knows what knowledge innate Electric level yet its getting E-modelers have evolved some rules thumb virtually assure fully satisfactory E-flight no matter airplane point casual comment maintain model can flown can flown Electric Some photos month stand support So does wannabe E-flier match airplane power system several approaches next column will get Meanwhile strongly suggest begin gathering back issues aeromodeling magazines possible read through E columns Forget will disordered flow information has much randomly published nothing else youll least exposed jargon Electric cannot overemphasize resources consideration Please enclose SASE correspondence youd like reply please enjoy extra-special fun early Springtime E-flying always seems bring odel Aviation tric multimotor scale easy B-25 Michael Hines uses Cloud Dancer wet Electric Marc Thomson uses geared twin geared Speed 400s 10 cells 9 x 6s Astro 25 14 17Ah cells 12 x 8 prop Claudia Garner photos