THIS month year happily re port happening Annual KRC Electric Fly column reporting seems brings better over years Ive kinda used up superlatives know describe meet people attending planes bring now feel have no words adequately convey awe impact Ninth Electric Fly held September 17-18 1988 Over years KRC hosted meet club field located Hatfield PA over years field became increasingly pressed handle growth year KRC arranged use much larger field nearby Buc-Le Aerosportsmen club Quakertown group well known parts Giant Scale interest meets field surroundings several times spacious KRC field years Electric Fly FILLED THAT HELD According senior Buc-Le mem ber first time field reached capacity noon Saturday no parking space same time 99 registra tions logged 141 planes flight line obviously large additional number vis ible cars final count 113 individuals registered participate meet 113 modelers came 16 states Canada level interest significantly exceeds last largest attendance feel new clear indicator just rapidly interest Electric currently grow ing year sees new firsts repeat established favorites Electric Fly First bit downer year saw rain things down previous eight years first time Somehow meet has managed times rain down street avoid weather conditions severe enough shut year rains began early afterSteve Syrotiak New Haven CT brought fine Leisure Eaglet new kit bit nice Amptique Power geared As tro 05 seven 900-mAh cells Insonia Griggs Utica NY holds hubby Bills version Kopski Ampeater right hand Kopskis left see February 1988 MA Bill measured Kopskis original yardstick last year built copy Planes allbalsa feature Ritz-type wing construction use profile fuselages radio Electric stuff held place double-sticky tape noon first day Fortunately persons registered time gotten Continued naee 155 Electric Grand Master Keith Shaw brought Toledo-award-winning masterpiece -scale Stearman modeled after full-scale prototype owned late Bill Barber Wingspan 65 weight 9 lb power As tro cobalt 60 sport wind 24 1 200-mAh Sanyo SCR cells 16 x 8 prop up front 7000 rpm Ultracote-covered model fully acrobatic has smoke-generation system left awesome trails sky 40 Model Aviation Radio Conoi 0 Electncs Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Laisdal PA 19446 1988 KRC Electric Fly flight line about noon Saturday September 17 141 planes flight line registration yet peak Participants came 16 states Canada Electric Fly annual low-key event fun-fly format lots socializing Rich Simpson Pittsburgh PA AllBrian Heff Nazareth PA House ofUp/Last-Down-winning Amptique Astro 035 Balsa Pietenpol Kit plane spans 65 wasmotor twin parallel 5-cell packs Sanoriginally made wet power Electric con-yo 1 700-mAh cells carefully chose version uses Astro geared 25 ferrite motormotors gear ratio enable flights just 14-cell 1700-mAh battery pack 13 x 8 fanslight wind information column Don Gray Gaithersburg MD Leisure Cabin Playboy Power geared LT 50 7 800-mAh cells Jomar speed control Prop 11 x 7 taken off wet-powered plane Charles Spear Mockaville NC Coverites Pea Shooter converted Elec tric Astro cobalt 40 direct drive 10 x 5 prop 18 900-mAh cells Weight 83 oz wing loading 21 oz/100 sq friendly fellow man connec tions John Sermos connector fame Plane Graupner Electric UHU Hobby Lobby International also has matching power system unusually nice folding propcalled Scimitar Diameter 7 comes spinner unique coilet-type shaft mount easy ret rofit other motors January 1989 41 PRICE REDUCTION SALE five models speed controls employ latest MOSFET/HEXFET technology feature fail safe timer shuts down motor event transmitter receiver receiver battery failure CompleteAssembled ModelParts Kitand TestedPCBMOSFETS EKE-24C$1950$2550$ 350$1250 EKE-7R$2500$3100$ 350$1800 EKE-7RM$2600$3200$ 350$1800 EKE-24U$2800$3800$ 800$1200 EKE-FR$4000$5000$1000$2400 EKE-FB$3500$4500$1000$1500 EKE-24U FB Upgrade Kit withorder$ 500 RBV-4$1595$1995$ 500 EKE-24C isa forward throtfle uses ito 24 cells size IX 3X75 EKE-7R full forward half reverse handles 4107 cells size Px45x75 EKE-7RM mini version 7R size 14X27X6 EKE-24U micro version EKE-240 smaller existing micros EKE-FR full forward full reverse handles4 7 cells size 14x2x6 EKE-FB full forward brake handles 4 14 cells size 14X2X6 speed controls fully proportional both directions RBV-4 board receiver volt meter uses 10 leds three colors non-warranty repairs normally $1500 repair fee Please send $200 postage handling per order Also send SASE information assembled speed controls carry full 90 day warranty Enclosures heat sinks also available Mail ELDENOKEN ELECTRONICS INC vi PO Box 1853 Arvada Colorado 80001 call today 303 431-1328 ties sod MalletCard sceoptdd plus 4% Gas Model Products 8773 Russet Drive Cincinnati OH 45239 513-385-7398 Modeled Choice GMP EPOXIES High Quality Model Construction Giant Kwik Set 6 miii Epoxy 16 oz 1495 KwikSet6mun EpoxylOoz 1095 Jr Kwik Set 6 nun Epoxy5 oz 695 Half Fast 10mm EpoxylOoz 995 Easy Off Puller er tool removing drive washers flywheels $795 products not dealer order direct Add $150 postqe Magnificent Sig Kadet Senior Everett Ru bendunst Foster RI has clear MonoKote cover uses geared Astro 40 swInging 13 x 8 prop 18 1200-mAh cells Weight 8 lb GMP AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS 80 3/16 1/43/8 & 1/2$179 40in3/4&1$179 Dealer Distri butor Inquiries Invited WE ARE SHOOTING DOWN HIGH BALSA PRICES WITH SUPER QUALITY Satisfaction Guaranteed Direct Only BALSA SHEETS 36 48 30 BALSA SlICKS 1 182 331 1614 3322 401 1838 182 4311612 3162 4933214 14 2 5633238 1 323 3733212 1203 37 1818 1163 3749 31 1814 3323 4458 37 1 838 1-83 54 71 48 1812 3183 62 82 85318316 14 3 7385 6131838 518385 110316 12 38 388 1247114 14 123110 15514 38 343165 1811412 118458784814 34 3324708458141 18 480 10888518516 318483 1227538 38 144110 134843812 384165 225 13938 34 12 4225 281381 MATCHEOSHEETS 4212 12 12 34 332410012 1 18410858 5/9 3164120 31 BALSA HOT LINE Call 806 745 6394 10am 6pm Central Time LONE STAR MODELS 1623 57th St Lubbock TX 79412 3648 09 10 14 10 12 16 08 1116 1218 /824 1118 1720 2230 1624 1926 2130 3444 4055 2128 2737 3248 4255 5270 3653 4682 5878 4865 6790 \*ifl w BALSA TRIANGLES 36 141428 38 3830 121238 34 3445 1,155 BALSA PLANKS36 11 85 12150 13200 14280 1123275 1124380 22225 23325 24435 33495 34888 TAPERED SHEETS36 142 65 43 85 382 68 383 98 123120 LONESTAREPOXY 904L,l--895 rr,r598 lSrrir598 3Orno598 111 iI 5IW OM CUT CONTEST BALSA Sheets Piece ed Close Tolerances AAA Grade Dried ped 100% serious modeler want performance LIGHT 4-6 LB WOOD36 132353 120353 118383 332 18377 318389 143104 3/83122 123198 343242 13335 118483 3324100 184115 3/184133 144158 3/84236 124322 TRAILING EDGE 36 14132 5/1811/439 3811246 12270 -INSTANTGLUE 1 04 Thc6298 lozTh,299 20 TOck550 2o ron550 must try 4-6 lb balsa * NEW * Hundreds new sizes accessories finishing materials Send #10 SASE latest catalog SPRUCE STICKS 36 48 1/81/81725 18142026 18382232 3163162838 14143450 1/43/84055 3/8 989 3/8 1/26077 1/2t 128688 1/2347587 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 38 3/8 1212 34 34 LITE PLY 48 186 155 1/8612315 146250 1-412 495 BASSWOOD48 3/1631826 3/161430 3/163838 3161246 3183480 1/41/442 143/849 1/43488 3/83/860 3/81/270 3/8 3490 121290 1234100 BUNDLE DEALS 20-1/16336 699 20-1/16436 1035 20-3/32 865 15-3/32 438 955 151/8338 739 10-1/8438695 15318338 920 10318438 835 1014338 855 10-1/4436930 103/8 338870 538 438855 512338 540 5124381080 10-3/324 48885 5-1/8448500 5-3/16448600 5-1/4448645 HARD MAPLE 1438 3/8 3/8 38 1 2 38 34 1 2 34 BIRCH DOWELS 18 318 14 518 38 40 46 50 58 68 36 09 11 14 28 32 3PLYBIRCH 48 18412620 13212445 11812 455 /812 495 S PLY BIRCH 3/32 12 1/812 383/1612 471/412 643/812 8112 12 48 588 625 625 825 729 900 GROOVED LG MOUNTS i2 Inches 3/83/4/1 8/40 3/83/4/832/40 1/23/41316/45 cant 48 Handling charge pay UPS Add $250 COD S300 extra PP APO FPO States accept Vrsa Matte Card personal check, COO 830% tax n 188 US carrency MIninlam Wood 048 $1000 0V RC Electrics/Kopski Continued page 40 some flying day total toss Sunday started out tittle chilly some breeze did get comfortable day progressed continuous flying alt day Sundaybeginning around 700 am two hours before scheduled opening As matter general interest what may worth peculiar condition prevalent field Saturday morning An un usually large number models experienc ing severe glitching Unfortunately beauti flit Etectrics incurred damage instance three airborne ships went essentially simul taneously turns out fire manufacturing plant about away extensive fire police other emergency equipment site suspect high-power communications equipment having caused problems Now uppers meet saw first successful Electric ducted fan model design regular attendee Bob Rumsey Ill have neat photo sequence next issue An other first magnificent performance meet regular Electric Grand Master Keith Shaw year Keith flew splendid new Stearman Biplane through awesome acrobatic performanceWITH SMOKE plane mod eled after full-scale version flown late stunt pilot Bitt Barber Keith knew Bill built model flies same alr show per formance memory Bill last year saw two successful Electric Hel icopters first time think falr list Helicopters agaln first because last year brought both power/tethered flying some limited flying onboard powera signif icant first-ever occasion year saw KRCs own normally reserved Bill Miller repeat edly fly dazzling performances on-board powered Astro 25 cobalt-equipped Baron 30 MX over skyfast high far whole new level dramatically demon strated Electric capability performance quantum leapa real crowd pleaserand think another meet first first time KRC presented Elec tric Fly free registration Historically small registration fee ranging over years $3 $5 used help cover costs just proceeds onfield concession stand Electric Fly Raffle year Cd Bruce Fen stermacher decided since weve always successful meets no financial losses would say thanks everyone offering free en try Another meet first technology win well-known All-Up/Last-Down event Nor mally activity won combination good plane high soaring skill year Rich Simpson Pittsburgh PA claimed $50 cash prize less favorable soaring alr would believean Amptique some clev erness Richs well-worn model equipped Astro cobalt 035 turning Kyosho gear box folder made broken Kyosho 9 x 8 blades Energy supplied two five-cell packs Sanyo 1700-mAli SCE cells charged separately flown parallel Rich equivalent 3400 mAli board simply flew away challenge presented other 11 pilots launched simultaneously Sec ond place went Dr John Mountjoy WinstonSalem NC welt known winning event year true spirit quality hu man walked up Rich congratula tions have say certain appropriate ness Amptiques win because idea Alt-Up/Last-Down borrowed KRC Roland Boucher Leisure Several years ago Roland ran Leisure-sponsored Electric meet included $1000 prize winner such event kind award bit quite bit past KRCs resources event idea very good KRC has offered popular successful event several years Leisure makes Amptique kit established favorite Electric Fly raffle Established notwithstanding years Raffle introduced another first scope year top item completed fully equipped test-flown photographic docu mentation Great Planes PT Electric PT pic tured last month masterfully built cluded Futaba radio Jomar SC5 speed con trol TWO interchangeable packs seven Sanyo 1 2-Ali cells attendees just wanted buy beauty outright Electric flier Mel Hall Skippack PA took plane home first ticket draw Other raffle items included four-channel Futaba radio second place Astro cobalt 02 035 gear-drive systems JM Glascraft Songbird Carl Goldberg Sophisti cated Lady plus power pod photo details tatter future column Now ask raffle raffle Another meet first short survey Upon signing usual AMA forms registrant asked fill out simple question naire 74 persons able fill out Continued page 158 January 1989 155 RC Electrics/Kopski Continued page 155 form least poi-tions say able because huge turnout made regis tration table jammed place fully under stand some folks simply didnt have time space render info sought Anyway 74 forms produced some very teresting insight Electric fliers Electric Fly itself Id like pass along some high lights resulting short survey Im going assume returns representative 113 participants 1 Of 72 answers 24 first-time partici pants Thats exactiy /3 2 On average everyone attended 297 KRC meets 3 Based 71 answers shortest distance traveled about 12 miles longest about 1100 average 252 Based aver age means total 113 participants tra velled 28476 milesor once around world 4 Of 64 answers participant brought 198 planes means 113 x 198 224 planes Ninth Annual KRC Electric Fly 5 As motor usage 74 respondees 11 use 02s 19 use 035s 58 use OSs three use 075s three use lOs 31 use 15s 21 use 25s 14 use 40s five use 60s Four five persons also listed less familiar motor designations including Kel ler 50/24 Keller 25/12 Ungar 24 6 Roughly speaking attendees indicated about equal use direct reduced drive 7 Based 67 answers about 67% Elec tric fliers meet also fly Gas power 15% have never used wet stuff 18% previ ously used itbut have managed straighten Out lives 8 Of 65 responses varied combined rea sons 40 like Electric because quietness 36 because its clean 11 because its easy simple convenient safer eight because its higher technology its challenge Others like fun because its greatest cause its way fly case All-Up/Last-Down victor Rich Simpson cause Im too heavily invested get out personal side meet offered some thing special Several years ago built large aerobatic plane named Exciter have ravaged trashed 1985 Electric Fly brutal midair assault made sup posed friend Ted Davey DSC newly kitted La Crate mean combination Ted killer Crate shredded magnificent model just above large steel-laden trucks latter finished job Exciter residue further strained itself through I-beams Fortunately have some real friends like Mitch Poling Model Builder magazine convinced various means resurrect Exciter see Model Builder August 1988 So about 12 days before meet opened plas tic garbage bag model remains carefully interred garage shopturned-operating-room piece bitty piece Ex citer rejoined CyA alchemy finally spirit legendary phoenix Exciter again made both appearance flight Elec tric Fly What really amazing large num ber people actually recognized design leamed less original model couldnt believe itfor did recall heap rubble few years ago Adding good feeling about matter Made USA Curtiss Jenny * Quality hand-cut kit complete plans rigging scale control setup wire parts pre-bent special hardware included parts individually indentified packaged Decals Major Decal * Engine sizes 20 40 FS 25 TS * Wing unit removes four screws less 3 minutes flying wires left intact * Superb flight characteristics Introductory Price 13900 VISA erCard y Order Michigan residents add 4% sales tax Add $550 PEtH US orders $1250 foreign Video Catalog $1250 post inciVHSIB8ta *5 rebate return tape kit order Reg catalog sample mini-plan $2 Hand-Cut Quality Affordable Price AERODROME MODELS LTD 2623 S Miller Rd 7~__Saginaw MI 48603 517 781-3000 Other Kits Avallab Aero-Pacer Baby -Pacer Gipsy Moth Flybaby Flybaby combo Hawker Hurricane Jester ErebaI1 RIC 1db-Bar Glow Plugs Long Short Also.Only $189 Traditional line non-idle bar Glow Plugs Six Types 3 Heat Ranges High Performance Glow Element Blow Proof Seal Only $149 Swanson Associates PO Box 151 Wayne NJ L 1548 07470 m 158 Model Aviation ma Name Street Address City State Zip HOBBY RNATIONAL INC yr American Eaglet - was first light-plane receive type certificate Anorioan Eaglet carry two ooersdby LTMJ 05 motorpeople 45 horsepower ohkheosorv-Packooedintoisuros-The Eaglet complete itight system idOSA 1930s contemporary Aeronca C3 Taylor Cubs Health Parasol Pietenpol Air Camper Eaglets gentle flying characteristics reason flying schools day chose standard instructional aircraft Leisures easy-to-build scale model kit Amencan Eaglet 05 electric powered shares gentle Keiths flight itsomething hed wanted 1985 couldnt because Teds preemptive action Anyway seeing oles own design being flown Master happy humbling experience very much enjoyed particular flight Keith routinely flies oth ers models asked OK Mitch Maybe will publish Would like kit Ted sad thing about KRC meet ends good thing have en joyed continuance others hard imagine next year will mark 10th anniversary KRC Electric Fly What began dubious risky one-day affair 1980 tracted three icipants has matured two annual days sheer joy excitement happiness two days re charging friendships associations made past two days new memories ac quaintances formed year two days Electric advancement achievement shared displayed allwith having come mean over 100 participants hundreds spec tators Its heckofa flight folks have comments youd like share other Electrickers Please send themor questions SASE please ad dress given box very beginning column sincere thanks numerous folks came Fly comment favorably column appreciate interest feel ing taking time say flight characteristics full scale aircraft Scaled 18 inches-to-foot model features span 62 inches wing area 571 square inches Its lightweight structure 4041 oz flying weight allows low wing loading 104 ounces per square foot combined Leisure flight system turning 11 x 5 prop flight performance spectacular Takeoff occurs after 20 foot ground roll climb-out brisk model has thermaled moderate lift conditions Gentle landings breeze Scale details documentation included plans make scale contest winner Rsr afree copy Leisures new full color catalog send stamped self addressed business sized envelope Leisure Electrenics Inc 22971 Triton Way Unit B Lesguna Hills C4 92653 RC AerobaticsNan Putte Continued page 43 must able trimned must sta ble airplane trimmed steady level flight forces moments acting must add up zero means lift equals weight thrust equal drag no net pitching moment present two curves referred lift pitching moment curves Figure 1 shows rela tionship between lift generated given speed aircraft angle attack can see theres angle attack lift equals airplane weight airplane must angle attack maintain unaccelerated level flight airspeed chosen exam ple called trim angle attack Theres different trim angle attack another airspeed airplane angle attack higher trim angle attack will tend climb vice versa second Figure 2 curve really set curves shows pitching moment generated stable airplane given speed function airplane angle attack several elevator set tings pitching moment muat zero trim curve can pass through zero pitching moment aircrafts trim angle tack lift equals airplane weight curve labeled E2 corresponds particular elevator position summarize given airspeed angle attack elevator setting airplane will maintain unaccelerated level flight change throttle setting consume fuel trim attitude airplane will change elevator deflection required Leisure achieve will change well have prob ably noted airplanes trim changes fuel consumed flight speed changed Airplanes can designed minimize ef fects will always present degree Now what about William Ropers problem take airplane steady level flight roll 90 roll performed almost about axis line direction airplane flying call rolling about velocity vector airplane rolled 900 about axis lift wing does change However now lift countering airplanes weight fact its pointed perpen dicular Newtons laws obviously work situation airplane accelerates direction perpendicular wings downward well So much mystery What happens airplane rolled less 45 ally same forces present airplane rolled 90 effect reduced Consequently air plane will start gentle turn due unopposed part lift generated wing airplanes descent reduced because substan tial fraction lift available counter airplanes weight Consequently airplane will enter descending torn So does banking produce heading change Yes suggestion made William Roper way oppose heading change rolling maneuver judicious use rudder What suggested true However dont know anyone fast enough right amount rudder counter heading changes good news takes time airplanes heading change very much since supposed perform three rolls five seconds heading changes dont have January 1989 159 New Leisure introduces electric scale American Eaglet responding advertisers mention thatyou read about ModelAviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 40, 41, 155, 158, 159
THIS month year happily re port happening Annual KRC Electric Fly column reporting seems brings better over years Ive kinda used up superlatives know describe meet people attending planes bring now feel have no words adequately convey awe impact Ninth Electric Fly held September 17-18 1988 Over years KRC hosted meet club field located Hatfield PA over years field became increasingly pressed handle growth year KRC arranged use much larger field nearby Buc-Le Aerosportsmen club Quakertown group well known parts Giant Scale interest meets field surroundings several times spacious KRC field years Electric Fly FILLED THAT HELD According senior Buc-Le mem ber first time field reached capacity noon Saturday no parking space same time 99 registra tions logged 141 planes flight line obviously large additional number vis ible cars final count 113 individuals registered participate meet 113 modelers came 16 states Canada level interest significantly exceeds last largest attendance feel new clear indicator just rapidly interest Electric currently grow ing year sees new firsts repeat established favorites Electric Fly First bit downer year saw rain things down previous eight years first time Somehow meet has managed times rain down street avoid weather conditions severe enough shut year rains began early afterSteve Syrotiak New Haven CT brought fine Leisure Eaglet new kit bit nice Amptique Power geared As tro 05 seven 900-mAh cells Insonia Griggs Utica NY holds hubby Bills version Kopski Ampeater right hand Kopskis left see February 1988 MA Bill measured Kopskis original yardstick last year built copy Planes allbalsa feature Ritz-type wing construction use profile fuselages radio Electric stuff held place double-sticky tape noon first day Fortunately persons registered time gotten Continued naee 155 Electric Grand Master Keith Shaw brought Toledo-award-winning masterpiece -scale Stearman modeled after full-scale prototype owned late Bill Barber Wingspan 65 weight 9 lb power As tro cobalt 60 sport wind 24 1 200-mAh Sanyo SCR cells 16 x 8 prop up front 7000 rpm Ultracote-covered model fully acrobatic has smoke-generation system left awesome trails sky 40 Model Aviation Radio Conoi 0 Electncs Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Laisdal PA 19446 1988 KRC Electric Fly flight line about noon Saturday September 17 141 planes flight line registration yet peak Participants came 16 states Canada Electric Fly annual low-key event fun-fly format lots socializing Rich Simpson Pittsburgh PA AllBrian Heff Nazareth PA House ofUp/Last-Down-winning Amptique Astro 035 Balsa Pietenpol Kit plane spans 65 wasmotor twin parallel 5-cell packs Sanoriginally made wet power Electric con-yo 1 700-mAh cells carefully chose version uses Astro geared 25 ferrite motormotors gear ratio enable flights just 14-cell 1700-mAh battery pack 13 x 8 fanslight wind information column Don Gray Gaithersburg MD Leisure Cabin Playboy Power geared LT 50 7 800-mAh cells Jomar speed control Prop 11 x 7 taken off wet-powered plane Charles Spear Mockaville NC Coverites Pea Shooter converted Elec tric Astro cobalt 40 direct drive 10 x 5 prop 18 900-mAh cells Weight 83 oz wing loading 21 oz/100 sq friendly fellow man connec tions John Sermos connector fame Plane Graupner Electric UHU Hobby Lobby International also has matching power system unusually nice folding propcalled Scimitar Diameter 7 comes spinner unique coilet-type shaft mount easy ret rofit other motors January 1989 41 PRICE REDUCTION SALE five models speed controls employ latest MOSFET/HEXFET technology feature fail safe timer shuts down motor event transmitter receiver receiver battery failure CompleteAssembled ModelParts Kitand TestedPCBMOSFETS EKE-24C$1950$2550$ 350$1250 EKE-7R$2500$3100$ 350$1800 EKE-7RM$2600$3200$ 350$1800 EKE-24U$2800$3800$ 800$1200 EKE-FR$4000$5000$1000$2400 EKE-FB$3500$4500$1000$1500 EKE-24U FB Upgrade Kit withorder$ 500 RBV-4$1595$1995$ 500 EKE-24C isa forward throtfle uses ito 24 cells size IX 3X75 EKE-7R full forward half reverse handles 4107 cells size Px45x75 EKE-7RM mini version 7R size 14X27X6 EKE-24U micro version EKE-240 smaller existing micros EKE-FR full forward full reverse handles4 7 cells size 14x2x6 EKE-FB full forward brake handles 4 14 cells size 14X2X6 speed controls fully proportional both directions RBV-4 board receiver volt meter uses 10 leds three colors non-warranty repairs normally $1500 repair fee Please send $200 postage handling per order Also send SASE information assembled speed controls carry full 90 day warranty Enclosures heat sinks also available Mail ELDENOKEN ELECTRONICS INC vi PO Box 1853 Arvada Colorado 80001 call today 303 431-1328 ties sod MalletCard sceoptdd plus 4% Gas Model Products 8773 Russet Drive Cincinnati OH 45239 513-385-7398 Modeled Choice GMP EPOXIES High Quality Model Construction Giant Kwik Set 6 miii Epoxy 16 oz 1495 KwikSet6mun EpoxylOoz 1095 Jr Kwik Set 6 nun Epoxy5 oz 695 Half Fast 10mm EpoxylOoz 995 Easy Off Puller er tool removing drive washers flywheels $795 products not dealer order direct Add $150 postqe Magnificent Sig Kadet Senior Everett Ru bendunst Foster RI has clear MonoKote cover uses geared Astro 40 swInging 13 x 8 prop 18 1200-mAh cells Weight 8 lb GMP AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS 80 3/16 1/43/8 & 1/2$179 40in3/4&1$179 Dealer Distri butor Inquiries Invited WE ARE SHOOTING DOWN HIGH BALSA PRICES WITH SUPER QUALITY Satisfaction Guaranteed Direct Only BALSA SHEETS 36 48 30 BALSA SlICKS 1 182 331 1614 3322 401 1838 182 4311612 3162 4933214 14 2 5633238 1 323 3733212 1203 37 1818 1163 3749 31 1814 3323 4458 37 1 838 1-83 54 71 48 1812 3183 62 82 85318316 14 3 7385 6131838 518385 110316 12 38 388 1247114 14 123110 15514 38 343165 1811412 118458784814 34 3324708458141 18 480 10888518516 318483 1227538 38 144110 134843812 384165 225 13938 34 12 4225 281381 MATCHEOSHEETS 4212 12 12 34 332410012 1 18410858 5/9 3164120 31 BALSA HOT LINE Call 806 745 6394 10am 6pm Central Time LONE STAR MODELS 1623 57th St Lubbock TX 79412 3648 09 10 14 10 12 16 08 1116 1218 /824 1118 1720 2230 1624 1926 2130 3444 4055 2128 2737 3248 4255 5270 3653 4682 5878 4865 6790 \*ifl w BALSA TRIANGLES 36 141428 38 3830 121238 34 3445 1,155 BALSA PLANKS36 11 85 12150 13200 14280 1123275 1124380 22225 23325 24435 33495 34888 TAPERED SHEETS36 142 65 43 85 382 68 383 98 123120 LONESTAREPOXY 904L,l--895 rr,r598 lSrrir598 3Orno598 111 iI 5IW OM CUT CONTEST BALSA Sheets Piece ed Close Tolerances AAA Grade Dried ped 100% serious modeler want performance LIGHT 4-6 LB WOOD36 132353 120353 118383 332 18377 318389 143104 3/83122 123198 343242 13335 118483 3324100 184115 3/184133 144158 3/84236 124322 TRAILING EDGE 36 14132 5/1811/439 3811246 12270 -INSTANTGLUE 1 04 Thc6298 lozTh,299 20 TOck550 2o ron550 must try 4-6 lb balsa * NEW * Hundreds new sizes accessories finishing materials Send #10 SASE latest catalog SPRUCE STICKS 36 48 1/81/81725 18142026 18382232 3163162838 14143450 1/43/84055 3/8 989 3/8 1/26077 1/2t 128688 1/2347587 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 38 3/8 1212 34 34 LITE PLY 48 186 155 1/8612315 146250 1-412 495 BASSWOOD48 3/1631826 3/161430 3/163838 3161246 3183480 1/41/442 143/849 1/43488 3/83/860 3/81/270 3/8 3490 121290 1234100 BUNDLE DEALS 20-1/16336 699 20-1/16436 1035 20-3/32 865 15-3/32 438 955 151/8338 739 10-1/8438695 15318338 920 10318438 835 1014338 855 10-1/4436930 103/8 338870 538 438855 512338 540 5124381080 10-3/324 48885 5-1/8448500 5-3/16448600 5-1/4448645 HARD MAPLE 1438 3/8 3/8 38 1 2 38 34 1 2 34 BIRCH DOWELS 18 318 14 518 38 40 46 50 58 68 36 09 11 14 28 32 3PLYBIRCH 48 18412620 13212445 11812 455 /812 495 S PLY BIRCH 3/32 12 1/812 383/1612 471/412 643/812 8112 12 48 588 625 625 825 729 900 GROOVED LG MOUNTS i2 Inches 3/83/4/1 8/40 3/83/4/832/40 1/23/41316/45 cant 48 Handling charge pay UPS Add $250 COD S300 extra PP APO FPO States accept Vrsa Matte Card personal check, COO 830% tax n 188 US carrency MIninlam Wood 048 $1000 0V RC Electrics/Kopski Continued page 40 some flying day total toss Sunday started out tittle chilly some breeze did get comfortable day progressed continuous flying alt day Sundaybeginning around 700 am two hours before scheduled opening As matter general interest what may worth peculiar condition prevalent field Saturday morning An un usually large number models experienc ing severe glitching Unfortunately beauti flit Etectrics incurred damage instance three airborne ships went essentially simul taneously turns out fire manufacturing plant about away extensive fire police other emergency equipment site suspect high-power communications equipment having caused problems Now uppers meet saw first successful Electric ducted fan model design regular attendee Bob Rumsey Ill have neat photo sequence next issue An other first magnificent performance meet regular Electric Grand Master Keith Shaw year Keith flew splendid new Stearman Biplane through awesome acrobatic performanceWITH SMOKE plane mod eled after full-scale version flown late stunt pilot Bitt Barber Keith knew Bill built model flies same alr show per formance memory Bill last year saw two successful Electric Hel icopters first time think falr list Helicopters agaln first because last year brought both power/tethered flying some limited flying onboard powera signif icant first-ever occasion year saw KRCs own normally reserved Bill Miller repeat edly fly dazzling performances on-board powered Astro 25 cobalt-equipped Baron 30 MX over skyfast high far whole new level dramatically demon strated Electric capability performance quantum leapa real crowd pleaserand think another meet first first time KRC presented Elec tric Fly free registration Historically small registration fee ranging over years $3 $5 used help cover costs just proceeds onfield concession stand Electric Fly Raffle year Cd Bruce Fen stermacher decided since weve always successful meets no financial losses would say thanks everyone offering free en try Another meet first technology win well-known All-Up/Last-Down event Nor mally activity won combination good plane high soaring skill year Rich Simpson Pittsburgh PA claimed $50 cash prize less favorable soaring alr would believean Amptique some clev erness Richs well-worn model equipped Astro cobalt 035 turning Kyosho gear box folder made broken Kyosho 9 x 8 blades Energy supplied two five-cell packs Sanyo 1700-mAli SCE cells charged separately flown parallel Rich equivalent 3400 mAli board simply flew away challenge presented other 11 pilots launched simultaneously Sec ond place went Dr John Mountjoy WinstonSalem NC welt known winning event year true spirit quality hu man walked up Rich congratula tions have say certain appropriate ness Amptiques win because idea Alt-Up/Last-Down borrowed KRC Roland Boucher Leisure Several years ago Roland ran Leisure-sponsored Electric meet included $1000 prize winner such event kind award bit quite bit past KRCs resources event idea very good KRC has offered popular successful event several years Leisure makes Amptique kit established favorite Electric Fly raffle Established notwithstanding years Raffle introduced another first scope year top item completed fully equipped test-flown photographic docu mentation Great Planes PT Electric PT pic tured last month masterfully built cluded Futaba radio Jomar SC5 speed con trol TWO interchangeable packs seven Sanyo 1 2-Ali cells attendees just wanted buy beauty outright Electric flier Mel Hall Skippack PA took plane home first ticket draw Other raffle items included four-channel Futaba radio second place Astro cobalt 02 035 gear-drive systems JM Glascraft Songbird Carl Goldberg Sophisti cated Lady plus power pod photo details tatter future column Now ask raffle raffle Another meet first short survey Upon signing usual AMA forms registrant asked fill out simple question naire 74 persons able fill out Continued page 158 January 1989 155 RC Electrics/Kopski Continued page 155 form least poi-tions say able because huge turnout made regis tration table jammed place fully under stand some folks simply didnt have time space render info sought Anyway 74 forms produced some very teresting insight Electric fliers Electric Fly itself Id like pass along some high lights resulting short survey Im going assume returns representative 113 participants 1 Of 72 answers 24 first-time partici pants Thats exactiy /3 2 On average everyone attended 297 KRC meets 3 Based 71 answers shortest distance traveled about 12 miles longest about 1100 average 252 Based aver age means total 113 participants tra velled 28476 milesor once around world 4 Of 64 answers participant brought 198 planes means 113 x 198 224 planes Ninth Annual KRC Electric Fly 5 As motor usage 74 respondees 11 use 02s 19 use 035s 58 use OSs three use 075s three use lOs 31 use 15s 21 use 25s 14 use 40s five use 60s Four five persons also listed less familiar motor designations including Kel ler 50/24 Keller 25/12 Ungar 24 6 Roughly speaking attendees indicated about equal use direct reduced drive 7 Based 67 answers about 67% Elec tric fliers meet also fly Gas power 15% have never used wet stuff 18% previ ously used itbut have managed straighten Out lives 8 Of 65 responses varied combined rea sons 40 like Electric because quietness 36 because its clean 11 because its easy simple convenient safer eight because its higher technology its challenge Others like fun because its greatest cause its way fly case All-Up/Last-Down victor Rich Simpson cause Im too heavily invested get out personal side meet offered some thing special Several years ago built large aerobatic plane named Exciter have ravaged trashed 1985 Electric Fly brutal midair assault made sup posed friend Ted Davey DSC newly kitted La Crate mean combination Ted killer Crate shredded magnificent model just above large steel-laden trucks latter finished job Exciter residue further strained itself through I-beams Fortunately have some real friends like Mitch Poling Model Builder magazine convinced various means resurrect Exciter see Model Builder August 1988 So about 12 days before meet opened plas tic garbage bag model remains carefully interred garage shopturned-operating-room piece bitty piece Ex citer rejoined CyA alchemy finally spirit legendary phoenix Exciter again made both appearance flight Elec tric Fly What really amazing large num ber people actually recognized design leamed less original model couldnt believe itfor did recall heap rubble few years ago Adding good feeling about matter Made USA Curtiss Jenny * Quality hand-cut kit complete plans rigging scale control setup wire parts pre-bent special hardware included parts individually indentified packaged Decals Major Decal * Engine sizes 20 40 FS 25 TS * Wing unit removes four screws less 3 minutes flying wires left intact * Superb flight characteristics Introductory Price 13900 VISA erCard y Order Michigan residents add 4% sales tax Add $550 PEtH US orders $1250 foreign Video Catalog $1250 post inciVHSIB8ta *5 rebate return tape kit order Reg catalog sample mini-plan $2 Hand-Cut Quality Affordable Price AERODROME MODELS LTD 2623 S Miller Rd 7~__Saginaw MI 48603 517 781-3000 Other Kits Avallab Aero-Pacer Baby -Pacer Gipsy Moth Flybaby Flybaby combo Hawker Hurricane Jester ErebaI1 RIC 1db-Bar Glow Plugs Long Short Also.Only $189 Traditional line non-idle bar Glow Plugs Six Types 3 Heat Ranges High Performance Glow Element Blow Proof Seal Only $149 Swanson Associates PO Box 151 Wayne NJ L 1548 07470 m 158 Model Aviation ma Name Street Address City State Zip HOBBY RNATIONAL INC yr American Eaglet - was first light-plane receive type certificate Anorioan Eaglet carry two ooersdby LTMJ 05 motorpeople 45 horsepower ohkheosorv-Packooedintoisuros-The Eaglet complete itight system idOSA 1930s contemporary Aeronca C3 Taylor Cubs Health Parasol Pietenpol Air Camper Eaglets gentle flying characteristics reason flying schools day chose standard instructional aircraft Leisures easy-to-build scale model kit Amencan Eaglet 05 electric powered shares gentle Keiths flight itsomething hed wanted 1985 couldnt because Teds preemptive action Anyway seeing oles own design being flown Master happy humbling experience very much enjoyed particular flight Keith routinely flies oth ers models asked OK Mitch Maybe will publish Would like kit Ted sad thing about KRC meet ends good thing have en joyed continuance others hard imagine next year will mark 10th anniversary KRC Electric Fly What began dubious risky one-day affair 1980 tracted three icipants has matured two annual days sheer joy excitement happiness two days re charging friendships associations made past two days new memories ac quaintances formed year two days Electric advancement achievement shared displayed allwith having come mean over 100 participants hundreds spec tators Its heckofa flight folks have comments youd like share other Electrickers Please send themor questions SASE please ad dress given box very beginning column sincere thanks numerous folks came Fly comment favorably column appreciate interest feel ing taking time say flight characteristics full scale aircraft Scaled 18 inches-to-foot model features span 62 inches wing area 571 square inches Its lightweight structure 4041 oz flying weight allows low wing loading 104 ounces per square foot combined Leisure flight system turning 11 x 5 prop flight performance spectacular Takeoff occurs after 20 foot ground roll climb-out brisk model has thermaled moderate lift conditions Gentle landings breeze Scale details documentation included plans make scale contest winner Rsr afree copy Leisures new full color catalog send stamped self addressed business sized envelope Leisure Electrenics Inc 22971 Triton Way Unit B Lesguna Hills C4 92653 RC AerobaticsNan Putte Continued page 43 must able trimned must sta ble airplane trimmed steady level flight forces moments acting must add up zero means lift equals weight thrust equal drag no net pitching moment present two curves referred lift pitching moment curves Figure 1 shows rela tionship between lift generated given speed aircraft angle attack can see theres angle attack lift equals airplane weight airplane must angle attack maintain unaccelerated level flight airspeed chosen exam ple called trim angle attack Theres different trim angle attack another airspeed airplane angle attack higher trim angle attack will tend climb vice versa second Figure 2 curve really set curves shows pitching moment generated stable airplane given speed function airplane angle attack several elevator set tings pitching moment muat zero trim curve can pass through zero pitching moment aircrafts trim angle tack lift equals airplane weight curve labeled E2 corresponds particular elevator position summarize given airspeed angle attack elevator setting airplane will maintain unaccelerated level flight change throttle setting consume fuel trim attitude airplane will change elevator deflection required Leisure achieve will change well have prob ably noted airplanes trim changes fuel consumed flight speed changed Airplanes can designed minimize ef fects will always present degree Now what about William Ropers problem take airplane steady level flight roll 90 roll performed almost about axis line direction airplane flying call rolling about velocity vector airplane rolled 900 about axis lift wing does change However now lift countering airplanes weight fact its pointed perpen dicular Newtons laws obviously work situation airplane accelerates direction perpendicular wings downward well So much mystery What happens airplane rolled less 45 ally same forces present airplane rolled 90 effect reduced Consequently air plane will start gentle turn due unopposed part lift generated wing airplanes descent reduced because substan tial fraction lift available counter airplanes weight Consequently airplane will enter descending torn So does banking produce heading change Yes suggestion made William Roper way oppose heading change rolling maneuver judicious use rudder What suggested true However dont know anyone fast enough right amount rudder counter heading changes good news takes time airplanes heading change very much since supposed perform three rolls five seconds heading changes dont have January 1989 159 New Leisure introduces electric scale American Eaglet responding advertisers mention thatyou read about ModelAviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 40, 41, 155, 158, 159
THIS month year happily re port happening Annual KRC Electric Fly column reporting seems brings better over years Ive kinda used up superlatives know describe meet people attending planes bring now feel have no words adequately convey awe impact Ninth Electric Fly held September 17-18 1988 Over years KRC hosted meet club field located Hatfield PA over years field became increasingly pressed handle growth year KRC arranged use much larger field nearby Buc-Le Aerosportsmen club Quakertown group well known parts Giant Scale interest meets field surroundings several times spacious KRC field years Electric Fly FILLED THAT HELD According senior Buc-Le mem ber first time field reached capacity noon Saturday no parking space same time 99 registra tions logged 141 planes flight line obviously large additional number vis ible cars final count 113 individuals registered participate meet 113 modelers came 16 states Canada level interest significantly exceeds last largest attendance feel new clear indicator just rapidly interest Electric currently grow ing year sees new firsts repeat established favorites Electric Fly First bit downer year saw rain things down previous eight years first time Somehow meet has managed times rain down street avoid weather conditions severe enough shut year rains began early afterSteve Syrotiak New Haven CT brought fine Leisure Eaglet new kit bit nice Amptique Power geared As tro 05 seven 900-mAh cells Insonia Griggs Utica NY holds hubby Bills version Kopski Ampeater right hand Kopskis left see February 1988 MA Bill measured Kopskis original yardstick last year built copy Planes allbalsa feature Ritz-type wing construction use profile fuselages radio Electric stuff held place double-sticky tape noon first day Fortunately persons registered time gotten Continued naee 155 Electric Grand Master Keith Shaw brought Toledo-award-winning masterpiece -scale Stearman modeled after full-scale prototype owned late Bill Barber Wingspan 65 weight 9 lb power As tro cobalt 60 sport wind 24 1 200-mAh Sanyo SCR cells 16 x 8 prop up front 7000 rpm Ultracote-covered model fully acrobatic has smoke-generation system left awesome trails sky 40 Model Aviation Radio Conoi 0 Electncs Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Laisdal PA 19446 1988 KRC Electric Fly flight line about noon Saturday September 17 141 planes flight line registration yet peak Participants came 16 states Canada Electric Fly annual low-key event fun-fly format lots socializing Rich Simpson Pittsburgh PA AllBrian Heff Nazareth PA House ofUp/Last-Down-winning Amptique Astro 035 Balsa Pietenpol Kit plane spans 65 wasmotor twin parallel 5-cell packs Sanoriginally made wet power Electric con-yo 1 700-mAh cells carefully chose version uses Astro geared 25 ferrite motormotors gear ratio enable flights just 14-cell 1700-mAh battery pack 13 x 8 fanslight wind information column Don Gray Gaithersburg MD Leisure Cabin Playboy Power geared LT 50 7 800-mAh cells Jomar speed control Prop 11 x 7 taken off wet-powered plane Charles Spear Mockaville NC Coverites Pea Shooter converted Elec tric Astro cobalt 40 direct drive 10 x 5 prop 18 900-mAh cells Weight 83 oz wing loading 21 oz/100 sq friendly fellow man connec tions John Sermos connector fame Plane Graupner Electric UHU Hobby Lobby International also has matching power system unusually nice folding propcalled Scimitar Diameter 7 comes spinner unique coilet-type shaft mount easy ret rofit other motors January 1989 41 PRICE REDUCTION SALE five models speed controls employ latest MOSFET/HEXFET technology feature fail safe timer shuts down motor event transmitter receiver receiver battery failure CompleteAssembled ModelParts Kitand TestedPCBMOSFETS EKE-24C$1950$2550$ 350$1250 EKE-7R$2500$3100$ 350$1800 EKE-7RM$2600$3200$ 350$1800 EKE-24U$2800$3800$ 800$1200 EKE-FR$4000$5000$1000$2400 EKE-FB$3500$4500$1000$1500 EKE-24U FB Upgrade Kit withorder$ 500 RBV-4$1595$1995$ 500 EKE-24C isa forward throtfle uses ito 24 cells size IX 3X75 EKE-7R full forward half reverse handles 4107 cells size Px45x75 EKE-7RM mini version 7R size 14X27X6 EKE-24U micro version EKE-240 smaller existing micros EKE-FR full forward full reverse handles4 7 cells size 14x2x6 EKE-FB full forward brake handles 4 14 cells size 14X2X6 speed controls fully proportional both directions RBV-4 board receiver volt meter uses 10 leds three colors non-warranty repairs normally $1500 repair fee Please send $200 postage handling per order Also send SASE information assembled speed controls carry full 90 day warranty Enclosures heat sinks also available Mail ELDENOKEN ELECTRONICS INC vi PO Box 1853 Arvada Colorado 80001 call today 303 431-1328 ties sod MalletCard sceoptdd plus 4% Gas Model Products 8773 Russet Drive Cincinnati OH 45239 513-385-7398 Modeled Choice GMP EPOXIES High Quality Model Construction Giant Kwik Set 6 miii Epoxy 16 oz 1495 KwikSet6mun EpoxylOoz 1095 Jr Kwik Set 6 nun Epoxy5 oz 695 Half Fast 10mm EpoxylOoz 995 Easy Off Puller er tool removing drive washers flywheels $795 products not dealer order direct Add $150 postqe Magnificent Sig Kadet Senior Everett Ru bendunst Foster RI has clear MonoKote cover uses geared Astro 40 swInging 13 x 8 prop 18 1200-mAh cells Weight 8 lb GMP AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS 80 3/16 1/43/8 & 1/2$179 40in3/4&1$179 Dealer Distri butor Inquiries Invited WE ARE SHOOTING DOWN HIGH BALSA PRICES WITH SUPER QUALITY Satisfaction Guaranteed Direct Only BALSA SHEETS 36 48 30 BALSA SlICKS 1 182 331 1614 3322 401 1838 182 4311612 3162 4933214 14 2 5633238 1 323 3733212 1203 37 1818 1163 3749 31 1814 3323 4458 37 1 838 1-83 54 71 48 1812 3183 62 82 85318316 14 3 7385 6131838 518385 110316 12 38 388 1247114 14 123110 15514 38 343165 1811412 118458784814 34 3324708458141 18 480 10888518516 318483 1227538 38 144110 134843812 384165 225 13938 34 12 4225 281381 MATCHEOSHEETS 4212 12 12 34 332410012 1 18410858 5/9 3164120 31 BALSA HOT LINE Call 806 745 6394 10am 6pm Central Time LONE STAR MODELS 1623 57th St Lubbock TX 79412 3648 09 10 14 10 12 16 08 1116 1218 /824 1118 1720 2230 1624 1926 2130 3444 4055 2128 2737 3248 4255 5270 3653 4682 5878 4865 6790 \*ifl w BALSA TRIANGLES 36 141428 38 3830 121238 34 3445 1,155 BALSA PLANKS36 11 85 12150 13200 14280 1123275 1124380 22225 23325 24435 33495 34888 TAPERED SHEETS36 142 65 43 85 382 68 383 98 123120 LONESTAREPOXY 904L,l--895 rr,r598 lSrrir598 3Orno598 111 iI 5IW OM CUT CONTEST BALSA Sheets Piece ed Close Tolerances AAA Grade Dried ped 100% serious modeler want performance LIGHT 4-6 LB WOOD36 132353 120353 118383 332 18377 318389 143104 3/83122 123198 343242 13335 118483 3324100 184115 3/184133 144158 3/84236 124322 TRAILING EDGE 36 14132 5/1811/439 3811246 12270 -INSTANTGLUE 1 04 Thc6298 lozTh,299 20 TOck550 2o ron550 must try 4-6 lb balsa * NEW * Hundreds new sizes accessories finishing materials Send #10 SASE latest catalog SPRUCE STICKS 36 48 1/81/81725 18142026 18382232 3163162838 14143450 1/43/84055 3/8 989 3/8 1/26077 1/2t 128688 1/2347587 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 38 3/8 1212 34 34 LITE PLY 48 186 155 1/8612315 146250 1-412 495 BASSWOOD48 3/1631826 3/161430 3/163838 3161246 3183480 1/41/442 143/849 1/43488 3/83/860 3/81/270 3/8 3490 121290 1234100 BUNDLE DEALS 20-1/16336 699 20-1/16436 1035 20-3/32 865 15-3/32 438 955 151/8338 739 10-1/8438695 15318338 920 10318438 835 1014338 855 10-1/4436930 103/8 338870 538 438855 512338 540 5124381080 10-3/324 48885 5-1/8448500 5-3/16448600 5-1/4448645 HARD MAPLE 1438 3/8 3/8 38 1 2 38 34 1 2 34 BIRCH DOWELS 18 318 14 518 38 40 46 50 58 68 36 09 11 14 28 32 3PLYBIRCH 48 18412620 13212445 11812 455 /812 495 S PLY BIRCH 3/32 12 1/812 383/1612 471/412 643/812 8112 12 48 588 625 625 825 729 900 GROOVED LG MOUNTS i2 Inches 3/83/4/1 8/40 3/83/4/832/40 1/23/41316/45 cant 48 Handling charge pay UPS Add $250 COD S300 extra PP APO FPO States accept Vrsa Matte Card personal check, COO 830% tax n 188 US carrency MIninlam Wood 048 $1000 0V RC Electrics/Kopski Continued page 40 some flying day total toss Sunday started out tittle chilly some breeze did get comfortable day progressed continuous flying alt day Sundaybeginning around 700 am two hours before scheduled opening As matter general interest what may worth peculiar condition prevalent field Saturday morning An un usually large number models experienc ing severe glitching Unfortunately beauti flit Etectrics incurred damage instance three airborne ships went essentially simul taneously turns out fire manufacturing plant about away extensive fire police other emergency equipment site suspect high-power communications equipment having caused problems Now uppers meet saw first successful Electric ducted fan model design regular attendee Bob Rumsey Ill have neat photo sequence next issue An other first magnificent performance meet regular Electric Grand Master Keith Shaw year Keith flew splendid new Stearman Biplane through awesome acrobatic performanceWITH SMOKE plane mod eled after full-scale version flown late stunt pilot Bitt Barber Keith knew Bill built model flies same alr show per formance memory Bill last year saw two successful Electric Hel icopters first time think falr list Helicopters agaln first because last year brought both power/tethered flying some limited flying onboard powera signif icant first-ever occasion year saw KRCs own normally reserved Bill Miller repeat edly fly dazzling performances on-board powered Astro 25 cobalt-equipped Baron 30 MX over skyfast high far whole new level dramatically demon strated Electric capability performance quantum leapa real crowd pleaserand think another meet first first time KRC presented Elec tric Fly free registration Historically small registration fee ranging over years $3 $5 used help cover costs just proceeds onfield concession stand Electric Fly Raffle year Cd Bruce Fen stermacher decided since weve always successful meets no financial losses would say thanks everyone offering free en try Another meet first technology win well-known All-Up/Last-Down event Nor mally activity won combination good plane high soaring skill year Rich Simpson Pittsburgh PA claimed $50 cash prize less favorable soaring alr would believean Amptique some clev erness Richs well-worn model equipped Astro cobalt 035 turning Kyosho gear box folder made broken Kyosho 9 x 8 blades Energy supplied two five-cell packs Sanyo 1700-mAli SCE cells charged separately flown parallel Rich equivalent 3400 mAli board simply flew away challenge presented other 11 pilots launched simultaneously Sec ond place went Dr John Mountjoy WinstonSalem NC welt known winning event year true spirit quality hu man walked up Rich congratula tions have say certain appropriate ness Amptiques win because idea Alt-Up/Last-Down borrowed KRC Roland Boucher Leisure Several years ago Roland ran Leisure-sponsored Electric meet included $1000 prize winner such event kind award bit quite bit past KRCs resources event idea very good KRC has offered popular successful event several years Leisure makes Amptique kit established favorite Electric Fly raffle Established notwithstanding years Raffle introduced another first scope year top item completed fully equipped test-flown photographic docu mentation Great Planes PT Electric PT pic tured last month masterfully built cluded Futaba radio Jomar SC5 speed con trol TWO interchangeable packs seven Sanyo 1 2-Ali cells attendees just wanted buy beauty outright Electric flier Mel Hall Skippack PA took plane home first ticket draw Other raffle items included four-channel Futaba radio second place Astro cobalt 02 035 gear-drive systems JM Glascraft Songbird Carl Goldberg Sophisti cated Lady plus power pod photo details tatter future column Now ask raffle raffle Another meet first short survey Upon signing usual AMA forms registrant asked fill out simple question naire 74 persons able fill out Continued page 158 January 1989 155 RC Electrics/Kopski Continued page 155 form least poi-tions say able because huge turnout made regis tration table jammed place fully under stand some folks simply didnt have time space render info sought Anyway 74 forms produced some very teresting insight Electric fliers Electric Fly itself Id like pass along some high lights resulting short survey Im going assume returns representative 113 participants 1 Of 72 answers 24 first-time partici pants Thats exactiy /3 2 On average everyone attended 297 KRC meets 3 Based 71 answers shortest distance traveled about 12 miles longest about 1100 average 252 Based aver age means total 113 participants tra velled 28476 milesor once around world 4 Of 64 answers participant brought 198 planes means 113 x 198 224 planes Ninth Annual KRC Electric Fly 5 As motor usage 74 respondees 11 use 02s 19 use 035s 58 use OSs three use 075s three use lOs 31 use 15s 21 use 25s 14 use 40s five use 60s Four five persons also listed less familiar motor designations including Kel ler 50/24 Keller 25/12 Ungar 24 6 Roughly speaking attendees indicated about equal use direct reduced drive 7 Based 67 answers about 67% Elec tric fliers meet also fly Gas power 15% have never used wet stuff 18% previ ously used itbut have managed straighten Out lives 8 Of 65 responses varied combined rea sons 40 like Electric because quietness 36 because its clean 11 because its easy simple convenient safer eight because its higher technology its challenge Others like fun because its greatest cause its way fly case All-Up/Last-Down victor Rich Simpson cause Im too heavily invested get out personal side meet offered some thing special Several years ago built large aerobatic plane named Exciter have ravaged trashed 1985 Electric Fly brutal midair assault made sup posed friend Ted Davey DSC newly kitted La Crate mean combination Ted killer Crate shredded magnificent model just above large steel-laden trucks latter finished job Exciter residue further strained itself through I-beams Fortunately have some real friends like Mitch Poling Model Builder magazine convinced various means resurrect Exciter see Model Builder August 1988 So about 12 days before meet opened plas tic garbage bag model remains carefully interred garage shopturned-operating-room piece bitty piece Ex citer rejoined CyA alchemy finally spirit legendary phoenix Exciter again made both appearance flight Elec tric Fly What really amazing large num ber people actually recognized design leamed less original model couldnt believe itfor did recall heap rubble few years ago Adding good feeling about matter Made USA Curtiss Jenny * Quality hand-cut kit complete plans rigging scale control setup wire parts pre-bent special hardware included parts individually indentified packaged Decals Major Decal * Engine sizes 20 40 FS 25 TS * Wing unit removes four screws less 3 minutes flying wires left intact * Superb flight characteristics Introductory Price 13900 VISA erCard y Order Michigan residents add 4% sales tax Add $550 PEtH US orders $1250 foreign Video Catalog $1250 post inciVHSIB8ta *5 rebate return tape kit order Reg catalog sample mini-plan $2 Hand-Cut Quality Affordable Price AERODROME MODELS LTD 2623 S Miller Rd 7~__Saginaw MI 48603 517 781-3000 Other Kits Avallab Aero-Pacer Baby -Pacer Gipsy Moth Flybaby Flybaby combo Hawker Hurricane Jester ErebaI1 RIC 1db-Bar Glow Plugs Long Short Also.Only $189 Traditional line non-idle bar Glow Plugs Six Types 3 Heat Ranges High Performance Glow Element Blow Proof Seal Only $149 Swanson Associates PO Box 151 Wayne NJ L 1548 07470 m 158 Model Aviation ma Name Street Address City State Zip HOBBY RNATIONAL INC yr American Eaglet - was first light-plane receive type certificate Anorioan Eaglet carry two ooersdby LTMJ 05 motorpeople 45 horsepower ohkheosorv-Packooedintoisuros-The Eaglet complete itight system idOSA 1930s contemporary Aeronca C3 Taylor Cubs Health Parasol Pietenpol Air Camper Eaglets gentle flying characteristics reason flying schools day chose standard instructional aircraft Leisures easy-to-build scale model kit Amencan Eaglet 05 electric powered shares gentle Keiths flight itsomething hed wanted 1985 couldnt because Teds preemptive action Anyway seeing oles own design being flown Master happy humbling experience very much enjoyed particular flight Keith routinely flies oth ers models asked OK Mitch Maybe will publish Would like kit Ted sad thing about KRC meet ends good thing have en joyed continuance others hard imagine next year will mark 10th anniversary KRC Electric Fly What began dubious risky one-day affair 1980 tracted three icipants has matured two annual days sheer joy excitement happiness two days re charging friendships associations made past two days new memories ac quaintances formed year two days Electric advancement achievement shared displayed allwith having come mean over 100 participants hundreds spec tators Its heckofa flight folks have comments youd like share other Electrickers Please send themor questions SASE please ad dress given box very beginning column sincere thanks numerous folks came Fly comment favorably column appreciate interest feel ing taking time say flight characteristics full scale aircraft Scaled 18 inches-to-foot model features span 62 inches wing area 571 square inches Its lightweight structure 4041 oz flying weight allows low wing loading 104 ounces per square foot combined Leisure flight system turning 11 x 5 prop flight performance spectacular Takeoff occurs after 20 foot ground roll climb-out brisk model has thermaled moderate lift conditions Gentle landings breeze Scale details documentation included plans make scale contest winner Rsr afree copy Leisures new full color catalog send stamped self addressed business sized envelope Leisure Electrenics Inc 22971 Triton Way Unit B Lesguna Hills C4 92653 RC AerobaticsNan Putte Continued page 43 must able trimned must sta ble airplane trimmed steady level flight forces moments acting must add up zero means lift equals weight thrust equal drag no net pitching moment present two curves referred lift pitching moment curves Figure 1 shows rela tionship between lift generated given speed aircraft angle attack can see theres angle attack lift equals airplane weight airplane must angle attack maintain unaccelerated level flight airspeed chosen exam ple called trim angle attack Theres different trim angle attack another airspeed airplane angle attack higher trim angle attack will tend climb vice versa second Figure 2 curve really set curves shows pitching moment generated stable airplane given speed function airplane angle attack several elevator set tings pitching moment muat zero trim curve can pass through zero pitching moment aircrafts trim angle tack lift equals airplane weight curve labeled E2 corresponds particular elevator position summarize given airspeed angle attack elevator setting airplane will maintain unaccelerated level flight change throttle setting consume fuel trim attitude airplane will change elevator deflection required Leisure achieve will change well have prob ably noted airplanes trim changes fuel consumed flight speed changed Airplanes can designed minimize ef fects will always present degree Now what about William Ropers problem take airplane steady level flight roll 90 roll performed almost about axis line direction airplane flying call rolling about velocity vector airplane rolled 900 about axis lift wing does change However now lift countering airplanes weight fact its pointed perpen dicular Newtons laws obviously work situation airplane accelerates direction perpendicular wings downward well So much mystery What happens airplane rolled less 45 ally same forces present airplane rolled 90 effect reduced Consequently air plane will start gentle turn due unopposed part lift generated wing airplanes descent reduced because substan tial fraction lift available counter airplanes weight Consequently airplane will enter descending torn So does banking produce heading change Yes suggestion made William Roper way oppose heading change rolling maneuver judicious use rudder What suggested true However dont know anyone fast enough right amount rudder counter heading changes good news takes time airplanes heading change very much since supposed perform three rolls five seconds heading changes dont have January 1989 159 New Leisure introduces electric scale American Eaglet responding advertisers mention thatyou read about ModelAviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 40, 41, 155, 158, 159
THIS month year happily re port happening Annual KRC Electric Fly column reporting seems brings better over years Ive kinda used up superlatives know describe meet people attending planes bring now feel have no words adequately convey awe impact Ninth Electric Fly held September 17-18 1988 Over years KRC hosted meet club field located Hatfield PA over years field became increasingly pressed handle growth year KRC arranged use much larger field nearby Buc-Le Aerosportsmen club Quakertown group well known parts Giant Scale interest meets field surroundings several times spacious KRC field years Electric Fly FILLED THAT HELD According senior Buc-Le mem ber first time field reached capacity noon Saturday no parking space same time 99 registra tions logged 141 planes flight line obviously large additional number vis ible cars final count 113 individuals registered participate meet 113 modelers came 16 states Canada level interest significantly exceeds last largest attendance feel new clear indicator just rapidly interest Electric currently grow ing year sees new firsts repeat established favorites Electric Fly First bit downer year saw rain things down previous eight years first time Somehow meet has managed times rain down street avoid weather conditions severe enough shut year rains began early afterSteve Syrotiak New Haven CT brought fine Leisure Eaglet new kit bit nice Amptique Power geared As tro 05 seven 900-mAh cells Insonia Griggs Utica NY holds hubby Bills version Kopski Ampeater right hand Kopskis left see February 1988 MA Bill measured Kopskis original yardstick last year built copy Planes allbalsa feature Ritz-type wing construction use profile fuselages radio Electric stuff held place double-sticky tape noon first day Fortunately persons registered time gotten Continued naee 155 Electric Grand Master Keith Shaw brought Toledo-award-winning masterpiece -scale Stearman modeled after full-scale prototype owned late Bill Barber Wingspan 65 weight 9 lb power As tro cobalt 60 sport wind 24 1 200-mAh Sanyo SCR cells 16 x 8 prop up front 7000 rpm Ultracote-covered model fully acrobatic has smoke-generation system left awesome trails sky 40 Model Aviation Radio Conoi 0 Electncs Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Laisdal PA 19446 1988 KRC Electric Fly flight line about noon Saturday September 17 141 planes flight line registration yet peak Participants came 16 states Canada Electric Fly annual low-key event fun-fly format lots socializing Rich Simpson Pittsburgh PA AllBrian Heff Nazareth PA House ofUp/Last-Down-winning Amptique Astro 035 Balsa Pietenpol Kit plane spans 65 wasmotor twin parallel 5-cell packs Sanoriginally made wet power Electric con-yo 1 700-mAh cells carefully chose version uses Astro geared 25 ferrite motormotors gear ratio enable flights just 14-cell 1700-mAh battery pack 13 x 8 fanslight wind information column Don Gray Gaithersburg MD Leisure Cabin Playboy Power geared LT 50 7 800-mAh cells Jomar speed control Prop 11 x 7 taken off wet-powered plane Charles Spear Mockaville NC Coverites Pea Shooter converted Elec tric Astro cobalt 40 direct drive 10 x 5 prop 18 900-mAh cells Weight 83 oz wing loading 21 oz/100 sq friendly fellow man connec tions John Sermos connector fame Plane Graupner Electric UHU Hobby Lobby International also has matching power system unusually nice folding propcalled Scimitar Diameter 7 comes spinner unique coilet-type shaft mount easy ret rofit other motors January 1989 41 PRICE REDUCTION SALE five models speed controls employ latest MOSFET/HEXFET technology feature fail safe timer shuts down motor event transmitter receiver receiver battery failure CompleteAssembled ModelParts Kitand TestedPCBMOSFETS EKE-24C$1950$2550$ 350$1250 EKE-7R$2500$3100$ 350$1800 EKE-7RM$2600$3200$ 350$1800 EKE-24U$2800$3800$ 800$1200 EKE-FR$4000$5000$1000$2400 EKE-FB$3500$4500$1000$1500 EKE-24U FB Upgrade Kit withorder$ 500 RBV-4$1595$1995$ 500 EKE-24C isa forward throtfle uses ito 24 cells size IX 3X75 EKE-7R full forward half reverse handles 4107 cells size Px45x75 EKE-7RM mini version 7R size 14X27X6 EKE-24U micro version EKE-240 smaller existing micros EKE-FR full forward full reverse handles4 7 cells size 14x2x6 EKE-FB full forward brake handles 4 14 cells size 14X2X6 speed controls fully proportional both directions RBV-4 board receiver volt meter uses 10 leds three colors non-warranty repairs normally $1500 repair fee Please send $200 postage handling per order Also send SASE information assembled speed controls carry full 90 day warranty Enclosures heat sinks also available Mail ELDENOKEN ELECTRONICS INC vi PO Box 1853 Arvada Colorado 80001 call today 303 431-1328 ties sod MalletCard sceoptdd plus 4% Gas Model Products 8773 Russet Drive Cincinnati OH 45239 513-385-7398 Modeled Choice GMP EPOXIES High Quality Model Construction Giant Kwik Set 6 miii Epoxy 16 oz 1495 KwikSet6mun EpoxylOoz 1095 Jr Kwik Set 6 nun Epoxy5 oz 695 Half Fast 10mm EpoxylOoz 995 Easy Off Puller er tool removing drive washers flywheels $795 products not dealer order direct Add $150 postqe Magnificent Sig Kadet Senior Everett Ru bendunst Foster RI has clear MonoKote cover uses geared Astro 40 swInging 13 x 8 prop 18 1200-mAh cells Weight 8 lb GMP AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS 80 3/16 1/43/8 & 1/2$179 40in3/4&1$179 Dealer Distri butor Inquiries Invited WE ARE SHOOTING DOWN HIGH BALSA PRICES WITH SUPER QUALITY Satisfaction Guaranteed Direct Only BALSA SHEETS 36 48 30 BALSA SlICKS 1 182 331 1614 3322 401 1838 182 4311612 3162 4933214 14 2 5633238 1 323 3733212 1203 37 1818 1163 3749 31 1814 3323 4458 37 1 838 1-83 54 71 48 1812 3183 62 82 85318316 14 3 7385 6131838 518385 110316 12 38 388 1247114 14 123110 15514 38 343165 1811412 118458784814 34 3324708458141 18 480 10888518516 318483 1227538 38 144110 134843812 384165 225 13938 34 12 4225 281381 MATCHEOSHEETS 4212 12 12 34 332410012 1 18410858 5/9 3164120 31 BALSA HOT LINE Call 806 745 6394 10am 6pm Central Time LONE STAR MODELS 1623 57th St Lubbock TX 79412 3648 09 10 14 10 12 16 08 1116 1218 /824 1118 1720 2230 1624 1926 2130 3444 4055 2128 2737 3248 4255 5270 3653 4682 5878 4865 6790 \*ifl w BALSA TRIANGLES 36 141428 38 3830 121238 34 3445 1,155 BALSA PLANKS36 11 85 12150 13200 14280 1123275 1124380 22225 23325 24435 33495 34888 TAPERED SHEETS36 142 65 43 85 382 68 383 98 123120 LONESTAREPOXY 904L,l--895 rr,r598 lSrrir598 3Orno598 111 iI 5IW OM CUT CONTEST BALSA Sheets Piece ed Close Tolerances AAA Grade Dried ped 100% serious modeler want performance LIGHT 4-6 LB WOOD36 132353 120353 118383 332 18377 318389 143104 3/83122 123198 343242 13335 118483 3324100 184115 3/184133 144158 3/84236 124322 TRAILING EDGE 36 14132 5/1811/439 3811246 12270 -INSTANTGLUE 1 04 Thc6298 lozTh,299 20 TOck550 2o ron550 must try 4-6 lb balsa * NEW * Hundreds new sizes accessories finishing materials Send #10 SASE latest catalog SPRUCE STICKS 36 48 1/81/81725 18142026 18382232 3163162838 14143450 1/43/84055 3/8 989 3/8 1/26077 1/2t 128688 1/2347587 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 38 3/8 1212 34 34 LITE PLY 48 186 155 1/8612315 146250 1-412 495 BASSWOOD48 3/1631826 3/161430 3/163838 3161246 3183480 1/41/442 143/849 1/43488 3/83/860 3/81/270 3/8 3490 121290 1234100 BUNDLE DEALS 20-1/16336 699 20-1/16436 1035 20-3/32 865 15-3/32 438 955 151/8338 739 10-1/8438695 15318338 920 10318438 835 1014338 855 10-1/4436930 103/8 338870 538 438855 512338 540 5124381080 10-3/324 48885 5-1/8448500 5-3/16448600 5-1/4448645 HARD MAPLE 1438 3/8 3/8 38 1 2 38 34 1 2 34 BIRCH DOWELS 18 318 14 518 38 40 46 50 58 68 36 09 11 14 28 32 3PLYBIRCH 48 18412620 13212445 11812 455 /812 495 S PLY BIRCH 3/32 12 1/812 383/1612 471/412 643/812 8112 12 48 588 625 625 825 729 900 GROOVED LG MOUNTS i2 Inches 3/83/4/1 8/40 3/83/4/832/40 1/23/41316/45 cant 48 Handling charge pay UPS Add $250 COD S300 extra PP APO FPO States accept Vrsa Matte Card personal check, COO 830% tax n 188 US carrency MIninlam Wood 048 $1000 0V RC Electrics/Kopski Continued page 40 some flying day total toss Sunday started out tittle chilly some breeze did get comfortable day progressed continuous flying alt day Sundaybeginning around 700 am two hours before scheduled opening As matter general interest what may worth peculiar condition prevalent field Saturday morning An un usually large number models experienc ing severe glitching Unfortunately beauti flit Etectrics incurred damage instance three airborne ships went essentially simul taneously turns out fire manufacturing plant about away extensive fire police other emergency equipment site suspect high-power communications equipment having caused problems Now uppers meet saw first successful Electric ducted fan model design regular attendee Bob Rumsey Ill have neat photo sequence next issue An other first magnificent performance meet regular Electric Grand Master Keith Shaw year Keith flew splendid new Stearman Biplane through awesome acrobatic performanceWITH SMOKE plane mod eled after full-scale version flown late stunt pilot Bitt Barber Keith knew Bill built model flies same alr show per formance memory Bill last year saw two successful Electric Hel icopters first time think falr list Helicopters agaln first because last year brought both power/tethered flying some limited flying onboard powera signif icant first-ever occasion year saw KRCs own normally reserved Bill Miller repeat edly fly dazzling performances on-board powered Astro 25 cobalt-equipped Baron 30 MX over skyfast high far whole new level dramatically demon strated Electric capability performance quantum leapa real crowd pleaserand think another meet first first time KRC presented Elec tric Fly free registration Historically small registration fee ranging over years $3 $5 used help cover costs just proceeds onfield concession stand Electric Fly Raffle year Cd Bruce Fen stermacher decided since weve always successful meets no financial losses would say thanks everyone offering free en try Another meet first technology win well-known All-Up/Last-Down event Nor mally activity won combination good plane high soaring skill year Rich Simpson Pittsburgh PA claimed $50 cash prize less favorable soaring alr would believean Amptique some clev erness Richs well-worn model equipped Astro cobalt 035 turning Kyosho gear box folder made broken Kyosho 9 x 8 blades Energy supplied two five-cell packs Sanyo 1700-mAli SCE cells charged separately flown parallel Rich equivalent 3400 mAli board simply flew away challenge presented other 11 pilots launched simultaneously Sec ond place went Dr John Mountjoy WinstonSalem NC welt known winning event year true spirit quality hu man walked up Rich congratula tions have say certain appropriate ness Amptiques win because idea Alt-Up/Last-Down borrowed KRC Roland Boucher Leisure Several years ago Roland ran Leisure-sponsored Electric meet included $1000 prize winner such event kind award bit quite bit past KRCs resources event idea very good KRC has offered popular successful event several years Leisure makes Amptique kit established favorite Electric Fly raffle Established notwithstanding years Raffle introduced another first scope year top item completed fully equipped test-flown photographic docu mentation Great Planes PT Electric PT pic tured last month masterfully built cluded Futaba radio Jomar SC5 speed con trol TWO interchangeable packs seven Sanyo 1 2-Ali cells attendees just wanted buy beauty outright Electric flier Mel Hall Skippack PA took plane home first ticket draw Other raffle items included four-channel Futaba radio second place Astro cobalt 02 035 gear-drive systems JM Glascraft Songbird Carl Goldberg Sophisti cated Lady plus power pod photo details tatter future column Now ask raffle raffle Another meet first short survey Upon signing usual AMA forms registrant asked fill out simple question naire 74 persons able fill out Continued page 158 January 1989 155 RC Electrics/Kopski Continued page 155 form least poi-tions say able because huge turnout made regis tration table jammed place fully under stand some folks simply didnt have time space render info sought Anyway 74 forms produced some very teresting insight Electric fliers Electric Fly itself Id like pass along some high lights resulting short survey Im going assume returns representative 113 participants 1 Of 72 answers 24 first-time partici pants Thats exactiy /3 2 On average everyone attended 297 KRC meets 3 Based 71 answers shortest distance traveled about 12 miles longest about 1100 average 252 Based aver age means total 113 participants tra velled 28476 milesor once around world 4 Of 64 answers participant brought 198 planes means 113 x 198 224 planes Ninth Annual KRC Electric Fly 5 As motor usage 74 respondees 11 use 02s 19 use 035s 58 use OSs three use 075s three use lOs 31 use 15s 21 use 25s 14 use 40s five use 60s Four five persons also listed less familiar motor designations including Kel ler 50/24 Keller 25/12 Ungar 24 6 Roughly speaking attendees indicated about equal use direct reduced drive 7 Based 67 answers about 67% Elec tric fliers meet also fly Gas power 15% have never used wet stuff 18% previ ously used itbut have managed straighten Out lives 8 Of 65 responses varied combined rea sons 40 like Electric because quietness 36 because its clean 11 because its easy simple convenient safer eight because its higher technology its challenge Others like fun because its greatest cause its way fly case All-Up/Last-Down victor Rich Simpson cause Im too heavily invested get out personal side meet offered some thing special Several years ago built large aerobatic plane named Exciter have ravaged trashed 1985 Electric Fly brutal midair assault made sup posed friend Ted Davey DSC newly kitted La Crate mean combination Ted killer Crate shredded magnificent model just above large steel-laden trucks latter finished job Exciter residue further strained itself through I-beams Fortunately have some real friends like Mitch Poling Model Builder magazine convinced various means resurrect Exciter see Model Builder August 1988 So about 12 days before meet opened plas tic garbage bag model remains carefully interred garage shopturned-operating-room piece bitty piece Ex citer rejoined CyA alchemy finally spirit legendary phoenix Exciter again made both appearance flight Elec tric Fly What really amazing large num ber people actually recognized design leamed less original model couldnt believe itfor did recall heap rubble few years ago Adding good feeling about matter Made USA Curtiss Jenny * Quality hand-cut kit complete plans rigging scale control setup wire parts pre-bent special hardware included parts individually indentified packaged Decals Major Decal * Engine sizes 20 40 FS 25 TS * Wing unit removes four screws less 3 minutes flying wires left intact * Superb flight characteristics Introductory Price 13900 VISA erCard y Order Michigan residents add 4% sales tax Add $550 PEtH US orders $1250 foreign Video Catalog $1250 post inciVHSIB8ta *5 rebate return tape kit order Reg catalog sample mini-plan $2 Hand-Cut Quality Affordable Price AERODROME MODELS LTD 2623 S Miller Rd 7~__Saginaw MI 48603 517 781-3000 Other Kits Avallab Aero-Pacer Baby -Pacer Gipsy Moth Flybaby Flybaby combo Hawker Hurricane Jester ErebaI1 RIC 1db-Bar Glow Plugs Long Short Also.Only $189 Traditional line non-idle bar Glow Plugs Six Types 3 Heat Ranges High Performance Glow Element Blow Proof Seal Only $149 Swanson Associates PO Box 151 Wayne NJ L 1548 07470 m 158 Model Aviation ma Name Street Address City State Zip HOBBY RNATIONAL INC yr American Eaglet - was first light-plane receive type certificate Anorioan Eaglet carry two ooersdby LTMJ 05 motorpeople 45 horsepower ohkheosorv-Packooedintoisuros-The Eaglet complete itight system idOSA 1930s contemporary Aeronca C3 Taylor Cubs Health Parasol Pietenpol Air Camper Eaglets gentle flying characteristics reason flying schools day chose standard instructional aircraft Leisures easy-to-build scale model kit Amencan Eaglet 05 electric powered shares gentle Keiths flight itsomething hed wanted 1985 couldnt because Teds preemptive action Anyway seeing oles own design being flown Master happy humbling experience very much enjoyed particular flight Keith routinely flies oth ers models asked OK Mitch Maybe will publish Would like kit Ted sad thing about KRC meet ends good thing have en joyed continuance others hard imagine next year will mark 10th anniversary KRC Electric Fly What began dubious risky one-day affair 1980 tracted three icipants has matured two annual days sheer joy excitement happiness two days re charging friendships associations made past two days new memories ac quaintances formed year two days Electric advancement achievement shared displayed allwith having come mean over 100 participants hundreds spec tators Its heckofa flight folks have comments youd like share other Electrickers Please send themor questions SASE please ad dress given box very beginning column sincere thanks numerous folks came Fly comment favorably column appreciate interest feel ing taking time say flight characteristics full scale aircraft Scaled 18 inches-to-foot model features span 62 inches wing area 571 square inches Its lightweight structure 4041 oz flying weight allows low wing loading 104 ounces per square foot combined Leisure flight system turning 11 x 5 prop flight performance spectacular Takeoff occurs after 20 foot ground roll climb-out brisk model has thermaled moderate lift conditions Gentle landings breeze Scale details documentation included plans make scale contest winner Rsr afree copy Leisures new full color catalog send stamped self addressed business sized envelope Leisure Electrenics Inc 22971 Triton Way Unit B Lesguna Hills C4 92653 RC AerobaticsNan Putte Continued page 43 must able trimned must sta ble airplane trimmed steady level flight forces moments acting must add up zero means lift equals weight thrust equal drag no net pitching moment present two curves referred lift pitching moment curves Figure 1 shows rela tionship between lift generated given speed aircraft angle attack can see theres angle attack lift equals airplane weight airplane must angle attack maintain unaccelerated level flight airspeed chosen exam ple called trim angle attack Theres different trim angle attack another airspeed airplane angle attack higher trim angle attack will tend climb vice versa second Figure 2 curve really set curves shows pitching moment generated stable airplane given speed function airplane angle attack several elevator set tings pitching moment muat zero trim curve can pass through zero pitching moment aircrafts trim angle tack lift equals airplane weight curve labeled E2 corresponds particular elevator position summarize given airspeed angle attack elevator setting airplane will maintain unaccelerated level flight change throttle setting consume fuel trim attitude airplane will change elevator deflection required Leisure achieve will change well have prob ably noted airplanes trim changes fuel consumed flight speed changed Airplanes can designed minimize ef fects will always present degree Now what about William Ropers problem take airplane steady level flight roll 90 roll performed almost about axis line direction airplane flying call rolling about velocity vector airplane rolled 900 about axis lift wing does change However now lift countering airplanes weight fact its pointed perpen dicular Newtons laws obviously work situation airplane accelerates direction perpendicular wings downward well So much mystery What happens airplane rolled less 45 ally same forces present airplane rolled 90 effect reduced Consequently air plane will start gentle turn due unopposed part lift generated wing airplanes descent reduced because substan tial fraction lift available counter airplanes weight Consequently airplane will enter descending torn So does banking produce heading change Yes suggestion made William Roper way oppose heading change rolling maneuver judicious use rudder What suggested true However dont know anyone fast enough right amount rudder counter heading changes good news takes time airplanes heading change very much since supposed perform three rolls five seconds heading changes dont have January 1989 159 New Leisure introduces electric scale American Eaglet responding advertisers mention thatyou read about ModelAviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 40, 41, 155, 158, 159
THIS month year happily re port happening Annual KRC Electric Fly column reporting seems brings better over years Ive kinda used up superlatives know describe meet people attending planes bring now feel have no words adequately convey awe impact Ninth Electric Fly held September 17-18 1988 Over years KRC hosted meet club field located Hatfield PA over years field became increasingly pressed handle growth year KRC arranged use much larger field nearby Buc-Le Aerosportsmen club Quakertown group well known parts Giant Scale interest meets field surroundings several times spacious KRC field years Electric Fly FILLED THAT HELD According senior Buc-Le mem ber first time field reached capacity noon Saturday no parking space same time 99 registra tions logged 141 planes flight line obviously large additional number vis ible cars final count 113 individuals registered participate meet 113 modelers came 16 states Canada level interest significantly exceeds last largest attendance feel new clear indicator just rapidly interest Electric currently grow ing year sees new firsts repeat established favorites Electric Fly First bit downer year saw rain things down previous eight years first time Somehow meet has managed times rain down street avoid weather conditions severe enough shut year rains began early afterSteve Syrotiak New Haven CT brought fine Leisure Eaglet new kit bit nice Amptique Power geared As tro 05 seven 900-mAh cells Insonia Griggs Utica NY holds hubby Bills version Kopski Ampeater right hand Kopskis left see February 1988 MA Bill measured Kopskis original yardstick last year built copy Planes allbalsa feature Ritz-type wing construction use profile fuselages radio Electric stuff held place double-sticky tape noon first day Fortunately persons registered time gotten Continued naee 155 Electric Grand Master Keith Shaw brought Toledo-award-winning masterpiece -scale Stearman modeled after full-scale prototype owned late Bill Barber Wingspan 65 weight 9 lb power As tro cobalt 60 sport wind 24 1 200-mAh Sanyo SCR cells 16 x 8 prop up front 7000 rpm Ultracote-covered model fully acrobatic has smoke-generation system left awesome trails sky 40 Model Aviation Radio Conoi 0 Electncs Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Laisdal PA 19446 1988 KRC Electric Fly flight line about noon Saturday September 17 141 planes flight line registration yet peak Participants came 16 states Canada Electric Fly annual low-key event fun-fly format lots socializing Rich Simpson Pittsburgh PA AllBrian Heff Nazareth PA House ofUp/Last-Down-winning Amptique Astro 035 Balsa Pietenpol Kit plane spans 65 wasmotor twin parallel 5-cell packs Sanoriginally made wet power Electric con-yo 1 700-mAh cells carefully chose version uses Astro geared 25 ferrite motormotors gear ratio enable flights just 14-cell 1700-mAh battery pack 13 x 8 fanslight wind information column Don Gray Gaithersburg MD Leisure Cabin Playboy Power geared LT 50 7 800-mAh cells Jomar speed control Prop 11 x 7 taken off wet-powered plane Charles Spear Mockaville NC Coverites Pea Shooter converted Elec tric Astro cobalt 40 direct drive 10 x 5 prop 18 900-mAh cells Weight 83 oz wing loading 21 oz/100 sq friendly fellow man connec tions John Sermos connector fame Plane Graupner Electric UHU Hobby Lobby International also has matching power system unusually nice folding propcalled Scimitar Diameter 7 comes spinner unique coilet-type shaft mount easy ret rofit other motors January 1989 41 PRICE REDUCTION SALE five models speed controls employ latest MOSFET/HEXFET technology feature fail safe timer shuts down motor event transmitter receiver receiver battery failure CompleteAssembled ModelParts Kitand TestedPCBMOSFETS EKE-24C$1950$2550$ 350$1250 EKE-7R$2500$3100$ 350$1800 EKE-7RM$2600$3200$ 350$1800 EKE-24U$2800$3800$ 800$1200 EKE-FR$4000$5000$1000$2400 EKE-FB$3500$4500$1000$1500 EKE-24U FB Upgrade Kit withorder$ 500 RBV-4$1595$1995$ 500 EKE-24C isa forward throtfle uses ito 24 cells size IX 3X75 EKE-7R full forward half reverse handles 4107 cells size Px45x75 EKE-7RM mini version 7R size 14X27X6 EKE-24U micro version EKE-240 smaller existing micros EKE-FR full forward full reverse handles4 7 cells size 14x2x6 EKE-FB full forward brake handles 4 14 cells size 14X2X6 speed controls fully proportional both directions RBV-4 board receiver volt meter uses 10 leds three colors non-warranty repairs normally $1500 repair fee Please send $200 postage handling per order Also send SASE information assembled speed controls carry full 90 day warranty Enclosures heat sinks also available Mail ELDENOKEN ELECTRONICS INC vi PO Box 1853 Arvada Colorado 80001 call today 303 431-1328 ties sod MalletCard sceoptdd plus 4% Gas Model Products 8773 Russet Drive Cincinnati OH 45239 513-385-7398 Modeled Choice GMP EPOXIES High Quality Model Construction Giant Kwik Set 6 miii Epoxy 16 oz 1495 KwikSet6mun EpoxylOoz 1095 Jr Kwik Set 6 nun Epoxy5 oz 695 Half Fast 10mm EpoxylOoz 995 Easy Off Puller er tool removing drive washers flywheels $795 products not dealer order direct Add $150 postqe Magnificent Sig Kadet Senior Everett Ru bendunst Foster RI has clear MonoKote cover uses geared Astro 40 swInging 13 x 8 prop 18 1200-mAh cells Weight 8 lb GMP AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS 80 3/16 1/43/8 & 1/2$179 40in3/4&1$179 Dealer Distri butor Inquiries Invited WE ARE SHOOTING DOWN HIGH BALSA PRICES WITH SUPER QUALITY Satisfaction Guaranteed Direct Only BALSA SHEETS 36 48 30 BALSA SlICKS 1 182 331 1614 3322 401 1838 182 4311612 3162 4933214 14 2 5633238 1 323 3733212 1203 37 1818 1163 3749 31 1814 3323 4458 37 1 838 1-83 54 71 48 1812 3183 62 82 85318316 14 3 7385 6131838 518385 110316 12 38 388 1247114 14 123110 15514 38 343165 1811412 118458784814 34 3324708458141 18 480 10888518516 318483 1227538 38 144110 134843812 384165 225 13938 34 12 4225 281381 MATCHEOSHEETS 4212 12 12 34 332410012 1 18410858 5/9 3164120 31 BALSA HOT LINE Call 806 745 6394 10am 6pm Central Time LONE STAR MODELS 1623 57th St Lubbock TX 79412 3648 09 10 14 10 12 16 08 1116 1218 /824 1118 1720 2230 1624 1926 2130 3444 4055 2128 2737 3248 4255 5270 3653 4682 5878 4865 6790 \*ifl w BALSA TRIANGLES 36 141428 38 3830 121238 34 3445 1,155 BALSA PLANKS36 11 85 12150 13200 14280 1123275 1124380 22225 23325 24435 33495 34888 TAPERED SHEETS36 142 65 43 85 382 68 383 98 123120 LONESTAREPOXY 904L,l--895 rr,r598 lSrrir598 3Orno598 111 iI 5IW OM CUT CONTEST BALSA Sheets Piece ed Close Tolerances AAA Grade Dried ped 100% serious modeler want performance LIGHT 4-6 LB WOOD36 132353 120353 118383 332 18377 318389 143104 3/83122 123198 343242 13335 118483 3324100 184115 3/184133 144158 3/84236 124322 TRAILING EDGE 36 14132 5/1811/439 3811246 12270 -INSTANTGLUE 1 04 Thc6298 lozTh,299 20 TOck550 2o ron550 must try 4-6 lb balsa * NEW * Hundreds new sizes accessories finishing materials Send #10 SASE latest catalog SPRUCE STICKS 36 48 1/81/81725 18142026 18382232 3163162838 14143450 1/43/84055 3/8 989 3/8 1/26077 1/2t 128688 1/2347587 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 38 3/8 1212 34 34 LITE PLY 48 186 155 1/8612315 146250 1-412 495 BASSWOOD48 3/1631826 3/161430 3/163838 3161246 3183480 1/41/442 143/849 1/43488 3/83/860 3/81/270 3/8 3490 121290 1234100 BUNDLE DEALS 20-1/16336 699 20-1/16436 1035 20-3/32 865 15-3/32 438 955 151/8338 739 10-1/8438695 15318338 920 10318438 835 1014338 855 10-1/4436930 103/8 338870 538 438855 512338 540 5124381080 10-3/324 48885 5-1/8448500 5-3/16448600 5-1/4448645 HARD MAPLE 1438 3/8 3/8 38 1 2 38 34 1 2 34 BIRCH DOWELS 18 318 14 518 38 40 46 50 58 68 36 09 11 14 28 32 3PLYBIRCH 48 18412620 13212445 11812 455 /812 495 S PLY BIRCH 3/32 12 1/812 383/1612 471/412 643/812 8112 12 48 588 625 625 825 729 900 GROOVED LG MOUNTS i2 Inches 3/83/4/1 8/40 3/83/4/832/40 1/23/41316/45 cant 48 Handling charge pay UPS Add $250 COD S300 extra PP APO FPO States accept Vrsa Matte Card personal check, COO 830% tax n 188 US carrency MIninlam Wood 048 $1000 0V RC Electrics/Kopski Continued page 40 some flying day total toss Sunday started out tittle chilly some breeze did get comfortable day progressed continuous flying alt day Sundaybeginning around 700 am two hours before scheduled opening As matter general interest what may worth peculiar condition prevalent field Saturday morning An un usually large number models experienc ing severe glitching Unfortunately beauti flit Etectrics incurred damage instance three airborne ships went essentially simul taneously turns out fire manufacturing plant about away extensive fire police other emergency equipment site suspect high-power communications equipment having caused problems Now uppers meet saw first successful Electric ducted fan model design regular attendee Bob Rumsey Ill have neat photo sequence next issue An other first magnificent performance meet regular Electric Grand Master Keith Shaw year Keith flew splendid new Stearman Biplane through awesome acrobatic performanceWITH SMOKE plane mod eled after full-scale version flown late stunt pilot Bitt Barber Keith knew Bill built model flies same alr show per formance memory Bill last year saw two successful Electric Hel icopters first time think falr list Helicopters agaln first because last year brought both power/tethered flying some limited flying onboard powera signif icant first-ever occasion year saw KRCs own normally reserved Bill Miller repeat edly fly dazzling performances on-board powered Astro 25 cobalt-equipped Baron 30 MX over skyfast high far whole new level dramatically demon strated Electric capability performance quantum leapa real crowd pleaserand think another meet first first time KRC presented Elec tric Fly free registration Historically small registration fee ranging over years $3 $5 used help cover costs just proceeds onfield concession stand Electric Fly Raffle year Cd Bruce Fen stermacher decided since weve always successful meets no financial losses would say thanks everyone offering free en try Another meet first technology win well-known All-Up/Last-Down event Nor mally activity won combination good plane high soaring skill year Rich Simpson Pittsburgh PA claimed $50 cash prize less favorable soaring alr would believean Amptique some clev erness Richs well-worn model equipped Astro cobalt 035 turning Kyosho gear box folder made broken Kyosho 9 x 8 blades Energy supplied two five-cell packs Sanyo 1700-mAli SCE cells charged separately flown parallel Rich equivalent 3400 mAli board simply flew away challenge presented other 11 pilots launched simultaneously Sec ond place went Dr John Mountjoy WinstonSalem NC welt known winning event year true spirit quality hu man walked up Rich congratula tions have say certain appropriate ness Amptiques win because idea Alt-Up/Last-Down borrowed KRC Roland Boucher Leisure Several years ago Roland ran Leisure-sponsored Electric meet included $1000 prize winner such event kind award bit quite bit past KRCs resources event idea very good KRC has offered popular successful event several years Leisure makes Amptique kit established favorite Electric Fly raffle Established notwithstanding years Raffle introduced another first scope year top item completed fully equipped test-flown photographic docu mentation Great Planes PT Electric PT pic tured last month masterfully built cluded Futaba radio Jomar SC5 speed con trol TWO interchangeable packs seven Sanyo 1 2-Ali cells attendees just wanted buy beauty outright Electric flier Mel Hall Skippack PA took plane home first ticket draw Other raffle items included four-channel Futaba radio second place Astro cobalt 02 035 gear-drive systems JM Glascraft Songbird Carl Goldberg Sophisti cated Lady plus power pod photo details tatter future column Now ask raffle raffle Another meet first short survey Upon signing usual AMA forms registrant asked fill out simple question naire 74 persons able fill out Continued page 158 January 1989 155 RC Electrics/Kopski Continued page 155 form least poi-tions say able because huge turnout made regis tration table jammed place fully under stand some folks simply didnt have time space render info sought Anyway 74 forms produced some very teresting insight Electric fliers Electric Fly itself Id like pass along some high lights resulting short survey Im going assume returns representative 113 participants 1 Of 72 answers 24 first-time partici pants Thats exactiy /3 2 On average everyone attended 297 KRC meets 3 Based 71 answers shortest distance traveled about 12 miles longest about 1100 average 252 Based aver age means total 113 participants tra velled 28476 milesor once around world 4 Of 64 answers participant brought 198 planes means 113 x 198 224 planes Ninth Annual KRC Electric Fly 5 As motor usage 74 respondees 11 use 02s 19 use 035s 58 use OSs three use 075s three use lOs 31 use 15s 21 use 25s 14 use 40s five use 60s Four five persons also listed less familiar motor designations including Kel ler 50/24 Keller 25/12 Ungar 24 6 Roughly speaking attendees indicated about equal use direct reduced drive 7 Based 67 answers about 67% Elec tric fliers meet also fly Gas power 15% have never used wet stuff 18% previ ously used itbut have managed straighten Out lives 8 Of 65 responses varied combined rea sons 40 like Electric because quietness 36 because its clean 11 because its easy simple convenient safer eight because its higher technology its challenge Others like fun because its greatest cause its way fly case All-Up/Last-Down victor Rich Simpson cause Im too heavily invested get out personal side meet offered some thing special Several years ago built large aerobatic plane named Exciter have ravaged trashed 1985 Electric Fly brutal midair assault made sup posed friend Ted Davey DSC newly kitted La Crate mean combination Ted killer Crate shredded magnificent model just above large steel-laden trucks latter finished job Exciter residue further strained itself through I-beams Fortunately have some real friends like Mitch Poling Model Builder magazine convinced various means resurrect Exciter see Model Builder August 1988 So about 12 days before meet opened plas tic garbage bag model remains carefully interred garage shopturned-operating-room piece bitty piece Ex citer rejoined CyA alchemy finally spirit legendary phoenix Exciter again made both appearance flight Elec tric Fly What really amazing large num ber people actually recognized design leamed less original model couldnt believe itfor did recall heap rubble few years ago Adding good feeling about matter Made USA Curtiss Jenny * Quality hand-cut kit complete plans rigging scale control setup wire parts pre-bent special hardware included parts individually indentified packaged Decals Major Decal * Engine sizes 20 40 FS 25 TS * Wing unit removes four screws less 3 minutes flying wires left intact * Superb flight characteristics Introductory Price 13900 VISA erCard y Order Michigan residents add 4% sales tax Add $550 PEtH US orders $1250 foreign Video Catalog $1250 post inciVHSIB8ta *5 rebate return tape kit order Reg catalog sample mini-plan $2 Hand-Cut Quality Affordable Price AERODROME MODELS LTD 2623 S Miller Rd 7~__Saginaw MI 48603 517 781-3000 Other Kits Avallab Aero-Pacer Baby -Pacer Gipsy Moth Flybaby Flybaby combo Hawker Hurricane Jester ErebaI1 RIC 1db-Bar Glow Plugs Long Short Also.Only $189 Traditional line non-idle bar Glow Plugs Six Types 3 Heat Ranges High Performance Glow Element Blow Proof Seal Only $149 Swanson Associates PO Box 151 Wayne NJ L 1548 07470 m 158 Model Aviation ma Name Street Address City State Zip HOBBY RNATIONAL INC yr American Eaglet - was first light-plane receive type certificate Anorioan Eaglet carry two ooersdby LTMJ 05 motorpeople 45 horsepower ohkheosorv-Packooedintoisuros-The Eaglet complete itight system idOSA 1930s contemporary Aeronca C3 Taylor Cubs Health Parasol Pietenpol Air Camper Eaglets gentle flying characteristics reason flying schools day chose standard instructional aircraft Leisures easy-to-build scale model kit Amencan Eaglet 05 electric powered shares gentle Keiths flight itsomething hed wanted 1985 couldnt because Teds preemptive action Anyway seeing oles own design being flown Master happy humbling experience very much enjoyed particular flight Keith routinely flies oth ers models asked OK Mitch Maybe will publish Would like kit Ted sad thing about KRC meet ends good thing have en joyed continuance others hard imagine next year will mark 10th anniversary KRC Electric Fly What began dubious risky one-day affair 1980 tracted three icipants has matured two annual days sheer joy excitement happiness two days re charging friendships associations made past two days new memories ac quaintances formed year two days Electric advancement achievement shared displayed allwith having come mean over 100 participants hundreds spec tators Its heckofa flight folks have comments youd like share other Electrickers Please send themor questions SASE please ad dress given box very beginning column sincere thanks numerous folks came Fly comment favorably column appreciate interest feel ing taking time say flight characteristics full scale aircraft Scaled 18 inches-to-foot model features span 62 inches wing area 571 square inches Its lightweight structure 4041 oz flying weight allows low wing loading 104 ounces per square foot combined Leisure flight system turning 11 x 5 prop flight performance spectacular Takeoff occurs after 20 foot ground roll climb-out brisk model has thermaled moderate lift conditions Gentle landings breeze Scale details documentation included plans make scale contest winner Rsr afree copy Leisures new full color catalog send stamped self addressed business sized envelope Leisure Electrenics Inc 22971 Triton Way Unit B Lesguna Hills C4 92653 RC AerobaticsNan Putte Continued page 43 must able trimned must sta ble airplane trimmed steady level flight forces moments acting must add up zero means lift equals weight thrust equal drag no net pitching moment present two curves referred lift pitching moment curves Figure 1 shows rela tionship between lift generated given speed aircraft angle attack can see theres angle attack lift equals airplane weight airplane must angle attack maintain unaccelerated level flight airspeed chosen exam ple called trim angle attack Theres different trim angle attack another airspeed airplane angle attack higher trim angle attack will tend climb vice versa second Figure 2 curve really set curves shows pitching moment generated stable airplane given speed function airplane angle attack several elevator set tings pitching moment muat zero trim curve can pass through zero pitching moment aircrafts trim angle tack lift equals airplane weight curve labeled E2 corresponds particular elevator position summarize given airspeed angle attack elevator setting airplane will maintain unaccelerated level flight change throttle setting consume fuel trim attitude airplane will change elevator deflection required Leisure achieve will change well have prob ably noted airplanes trim changes fuel consumed flight speed changed Airplanes can designed minimize ef fects will always present degree Now what about William Ropers problem take airplane steady level flight roll 90 roll performed almost about axis line direction airplane flying call rolling about velocity vector airplane rolled 900 about axis lift wing does change However now lift countering airplanes weight fact its pointed perpen dicular Newtons laws obviously work situation airplane accelerates direction perpendicular wings downward well So much mystery What happens airplane rolled less 45 ally same forces present airplane rolled 90 effect reduced Consequently air plane will start gentle turn due unopposed part lift generated wing airplanes descent reduced because substan tial fraction lift available counter airplanes weight Consequently airplane will enter descending torn So does banking produce heading change Yes suggestion made William Roper way oppose heading change rolling maneuver judicious use rudder What suggested true However dont know anyone fast enough right amount rudder counter heading changes good news takes time airplanes heading change very much since supposed perform three rolls five seconds heading changes dont have January 1989 159 New Leisure introduces electric scale American Eaglet responding advertisers mention thatyou read about ModelAviation