GIANT SCALE Bob Beckman MAIL call Ive getting lot mail Fm going catch up some month youre still waiting answer dont see hang will respond first write Johnny Burnett Portland OR Weve couple back forth now heres part second letter Dear BobThanks answering letter Lost some negs years ago mail dont send anymore mail Anyhow am enclosing three prints models back 59 60Looking forward seeing pics fine Sparrowhawk Its all-time favorites too ask what would like see column thing Im bipe nut would like see methods cabane attachment interplane struts also way make obtain some big donut air wheels 1/4 scale Ive included Johnnys pictures didnt mention engine would imagine glo 60 subject wheels have long thought full-scale tailwheel inner tubes might good bet Wally Rinker didnt just think about did Sacramento last May turned wooden hub about 8-in tube Looked quite useable Dan Santich King NC hit Dear Bob article May issue really got thinking easier build scratch someones plans suppose depends plans use have built tried some plans bad would have quicker easier draw own beyond definition scratch nothing desired flight characteristics mind seems inclusive note phrase impractical highly doubtful anyone would could comply meant include engine radio prop fuel tank wheels quick links etc draw line have got Big Bird Bug too since leaving Top Flite must say am really hooked Now neighbors come over no longer am referred old guy plays toy airplanes string Would like get some info have Large Airplane organizations As efforts easier have success know little tricks others have learned experience knows may have something offer Enclosed some pics just-completed SI-S powered Super Hustler weighs 18 lb dry Built Sheber plans would put airplane category kit hope wife puts Hot Stuff next Martini fuel line spaghetti Big BestDan Dans pictures unfortunately color Polar oids cant share Heres portion reply Dan 32 Model Aviation AM making some progresswith Sparrowhawk Herearethe parts foran upperwing panel ready assemble 4 spars 1/4 sq spruce root rib 1/8 ply remaining ribs 3/16 foam core board laminated balsa tip aluminum tube leading edge expensive item balsa about dollars worth Some ribs have trimmed ailerons prime example scratch-builders art unfinished Bellanca Pacemaker Bob Duke displayed Sacramento Giant Scale Fly-in last May Without true scratchbuilders would get plans can hardly wait photos finished plane Also seen sacramento ass May tflis pair WW big birds Triplane Palmer Cramer Bob Holmans plans Eindecker scratch-built design byJohn Lockwood Bob Holman also has Johns plans available Webra 91s power superb flying machines Dear DanThanks letter Its nice know someone out listening comments its obvious didnt quite express myself completely What Im saying average plane built kit required certain set skills average plane built plans required some additional skills develop plans plane can built requires skills maintain step plan-built scratch-built much bigger kit-built plan-built No way can plane built Sheber plans same category kit-built plane dont think implied anything like think youre pulling leg scratch scratch However know models everything including engine fittings designed built scratch Oh come think builders didnt metal cut down trees sol guess werent really scratch-built AII kidding aside think term scratchbuilt can reasonably allow use pre existing components depends what scratch-building example reasonable include commercially available engine scratch design airplane assembling GHQ engine kit didnt give scratch-built engine fact seldom gave kind engine dont mean imply scratch-built plane automatically better Like anything else depends does well does Ive done lot scratch-building over years both original design scale successful ones certainly majority least learned something Dans query about big bird organizations common Ill answer ofthem now two such organizations know three countingthe Canadian group mentioned last month Quarter Scale Association America QSAA older better known restrict activities one-quarter size scale replicas sting man carrying aircraft constitution requires officers association reside Las Vegas NV area address Pat Bunker 6532 Bourbon Way Las Vegas NV 89107 Miniature Aircraft Society MAS dedicated advancement enjoyment kinds big birds have president Don Godfrey Super Stearman fame 11member board representatives members throughout US Canada member France address Godfrey & Son Music 254 Washington St Binghamton NY 19301 Send $1000 either both theyll make card carrying member Thistledown Flyers again Last month told about Aug 2 & 3 Monster Airplane Rally Napoleon OH Turns out that taking place about time read just warm-up session three-day Labor Day weekend going again will Miniature Aircraft Society regional fly-in should doozy Thistledown Flyers should know run Giant Scale fly-in After have weekend 40-member club fields 75 big birds itself info contact Corky Heitman Thistledown Flyers P0 Box 334 Napoleon OH 43545or phone 419 264-5441 Bob Beckman 8248 Holly Grove Ct. Manas sas VA 22110 SAFE FLYING IS NO ACCIDENT rFUEL TUBING CLEAR NEOPRENE SUPER BLUE SILICONE FUEL AVAI LADLE OFF ThE ROLL OR PAQAGEO IN 2 LENGTHS CATPKG NOFUEL TUBINGPRICE 2182 FT CLEAR VINYL-SM.30 2192 FT CLEAR VINYL-MED.40 2202 FT CLEAR VINYL-LG.50 2212 FT SILICONE-SM.90 2222 FT SILICONE-MED$110 2232 FT SILICONE-LG$150 2242 FT NEOPRENE-SM.60 2252 FT NEOPRENE-MED.80 2262 FT NEOPRENE-LG.90 THE FINAL FILTER n ONLY 11/4 LONG FILTERS IN EITHER DIRECTION ultimate in-line fuel filter twice much fuel filtering capacity filters now available extremely fine 130 micron polyester screen filters out smallest particles yet because large filtering ares does restrict fuel flow Proven 20% better wire screen equivalents classy looking aluminum filter should used between engine tank fuel can lineACTUAL SIZE CAT NO 162 ONLY $175 CLEAN BY BACK FLUSHING NOTHING GETS PAST THE FINAL FILTER T-PINS STRONG SMOOTH AND SHARP IN 3 POPULAR SIZES NO254 . 1-1/2. $200 NO253. 1-1/4. $175 NO252 .1 . $150 100 PER PACKAGE PINS SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE DU-BRO PRODUCTS INCORPORATED September 1980 33 JOnnny urrieu ang nia qudrwr-scale model Harold Kriers Great Lakes Special Built 1961 picture taken 1963 Wash ington State airshow Model weighs 111/2 lb 1/16 THREADED BALL LINK This new4 piece g threaded ball link set fits perfectly servo arm holes bellcranks nylon horns throt tie arms Strong easy hook up No 190 Just bolt onl 85
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 32, 33
GIANT SCALE Bob Beckman MAIL call Ive getting lot mail Fm going catch up some month youre still waiting answer dont see hang will respond first write Johnny Burnett Portland OR Weve couple back forth now heres part second letter Dear BobThanks answering letter Lost some negs years ago mail dont send anymore mail Anyhow am enclosing three prints models back 59 60Looking forward seeing pics fine Sparrowhawk Its all-time favorites too ask what would like see column thing Im bipe nut would like see methods cabane attachment interplane struts also way make obtain some big donut air wheels 1/4 scale Ive included Johnnys pictures didnt mention engine would imagine glo 60 subject wheels have long thought full-scale tailwheel inner tubes might good bet Wally Rinker didnt just think about did Sacramento last May turned wooden hub about 8-in tube Looked quite useable Dan Santich King NC hit Dear Bob article May issue really got thinking easier build scratch someones plans suppose depends plans use have built tried some plans bad would have quicker easier draw own beyond definition scratch nothing desired flight characteristics mind seems inclusive note phrase impractical highly doubtful anyone would could comply meant include engine radio prop fuel tank wheels quick links etc draw line have got Big Bird Bug too since leaving Top Flite must say am really hooked Now neighbors come over no longer am referred old guy plays toy airplanes string Would like get some info have Large Airplane organizations As efforts easier have success know little tricks others have learned experience knows may have something offer Enclosed some pics just-completed SI-S powered Super Hustler weighs 18 lb dry Built Sheber plans would put airplane category kit hope wife puts Hot Stuff next Martini fuel line spaghetti Big BestDan Dans pictures unfortunately color Polar oids cant share Heres portion reply Dan 32 Model Aviation AM making some progresswith Sparrowhawk Herearethe parts foran upperwing panel ready assemble 4 spars 1/4 sq spruce root rib 1/8 ply remaining ribs 3/16 foam core board laminated balsa tip aluminum tube leading edge expensive item balsa about dollars worth Some ribs have trimmed ailerons prime example scratch-builders art unfinished Bellanca Pacemaker Bob Duke displayed Sacramento Giant Scale Fly-in last May Without true scratchbuilders would get plans can hardly wait photos finished plane Also seen sacramento ass May tflis pair WW big birds Triplane Palmer Cramer Bob Holmans plans Eindecker scratch-built design byJohn Lockwood Bob Holman also has Johns plans available Webra 91s power superb flying machines Dear DanThanks letter Its nice know someone out listening comments its obvious didnt quite express myself completely What Im saying average plane built kit required certain set skills average plane built plans required some additional skills develop plans plane can built requires skills maintain step plan-built scratch-built much bigger kit-built plan-built No way can plane built Sheber plans same category kit-built plane dont think implied anything like think youre pulling leg scratch scratch However know models everything including engine fittings designed built scratch Oh come think builders didnt metal cut down trees sol guess werent really scratch-built AII kidding aside think term scratchbuilt can reasonably allow use pre existing components depends what scratch-building example reasonable include commercially available engine scratch design airplane assembling GHQ engine kit didnt give scratch-built engine fact seldom gave kind engine dont mean imply scratch-built plane automatically better Like anything else depends does well does Ive done lot scratch-building over years both original design scale successful ones certainly majority least learned something Dans query about big bird organizations common Ill answer ofthem now two such organizations know three countingthe Canadian group mentioned last month Quarter Scale Association America QSAA older better known restrict activities one-quarter size scale replicas sting man carrying aircraft constitution requires officers association reside Las Vegas NV area address Pat Bunker 6532 Bourbon Way Las Vegas NV 89107 Miniature Aircraft Society MAS dedicated advancement enjoyment kinds big birds have president Don Godfrey Super Stearman fame 11member board representatives members throughout US Canada member France address Godfrey & Son Music 254 Washington St Binghamton NY 19301 Send $1000 either both theyll make card carrying member Thistledown Flyers again Last month told about Aug 2 & 3 Monster Airplane Rally Napoleon OH Turns out that taking place about time read just warm-up session three-day Labor Day weekend going again will Miniature Aircraft Society regional fly-in should doozy Thistledown Flyers should know run Giant Scale fly-in After have weekend 40-member club fields 75 big birds itself info contact Corky Heitman Thistledown Flyers P0 Box 334 Napoleon OH 43545or phone 419 264-5441 Bob Beckman 8248 Holly Grove Ct. Manas sas VA 22110 SAFE FLYING IS NO ACCIDENT rFUEL TUBING CLEAR NEOPRENE SUPER BLUE SILICONE FUEL AVAI LADLE OFF ThE ROLL OR PAQAGEO IN 2 LENGTHS CATPKG NOFUEL TUBINGPRICE 2182 FT CLEAR VINYL-SM.30 2192 FT CLEAR VINYL-MED.40 2202 FT CLEAR VINYL-LG.50 2212 FT SILICONE-SM.90 2222 FT SILICONE-MED$110 2232 FT SILICONE-LG$150 2242 FT NEOPRENE-SM.60 2252 FT NEOPRENE-MED.80 2262 FT NEOPRENE-LG.90 THE FINAL FILTER n ONLY 11/4 LONG FILTERS IN EITHER DIRECTION ultimate in-line fuel filter twice much fuel filtering capacity filters now available extremely fine 130 micron polyester screen filters out smallest particles yet because large filtering ares does restrict fuel flow Proven 20% better wire screen equivalents classy looking aluminum filter should used between engine tank fuel can lineACTUAL SIZE CAT NO 162 ONLY $175 CLEAN BY BACK FLUSHING NOTHING GETS PAST THE FINAL FILTER T-PINS STRONG SMOOTH AND SHARP IN 3 POPULAR SIZES NO254 . 1-1/2. $200 NO253. 1-1/4. $175 NO252 .1 . $150 100 PER PACKAGE PINS SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE DU-BRO PRODUCTS INCORPORATED September 1980 33 JOnnny urrieu ang nia qudrwr-scale model Harold Kriers Great Lakes Special Built 1961 picture taken 1963 Wash ington State airshow Model weighs 111/2 lb 1/16 THREADED BALL LINK This new4 piece g threaded ball link set fits perfectly servo arm holes bellcranks nylon horns throt tie arms Strong easy hook up No 190 Just bolt onl 85