Giant Scale Bob Beckman II EXCEPTIONAL EDWARDS ENGINE Over Labor Day weekend Evelyn managed visit favorite fly ing sites Merwin Ranch near Sacra mento CA Next month Ill tell about activity weekend right now want talk about fabulous engine saw Like us Forest Edwards got Giant Scale because liked increased realism larger models However built 1/4-scale Fleet biplane Concept kit didnt feel looked sounded enough like real thing proceeded design build engine would look like radial engineit would sound like too original Fleet powered five-cylinder Kinner radial engine Forest set out make reasonable look-alike Kinner could handle A-scale models power reserve Edwards first radial engine about 30% smaller version shown uses glow ignition has quite successful about 700 flights date Forest moved current engine has following specifica tions Type Air-cooled 5-cylinder radial spark ignition four-cycle Bore 11 Stroke 12 Displacement 114 cu per cylinder 57 cu total Ignition Single coil CDI gear-driven distributor Weight 801 lb including oil tank engine mount ignition system Size 115-in diameter 8 pro peller firewall Propeller 24 x 14 max rpm5500 engine operates 75/25 mixture methanol gasoline no oil add ed lubrication external four-ounce tank 30-weight oil Fuel fed through Perry carburetor take manifold preheated engine exhaust Spark ignition capacitive discharge system triggered Hall Effect sensor gear-driven distribu tor routes high tension dividual cylinders Modified NGK ME-8 plugs fully-shielded high-tension leads used reduce possibility radio interference Ignition power supplied 500 mA battery Engine exhaust outForest Edwards 28-lb Fleet biplane has look realism boosted tho homemade 5-cylinder radial engine sitting nose 1 photo right get closer look Edwards Radial Engine turns 2414 Zinger prop 5500 rpm finned rectangular box between iowor two cylinders oil sumpthe engine uses pressurized olliubrication system U Rear view Edwards Radial Engine L reveals shielded hightension leads going distributor spark plugs Also confluence of biacksnake intake piping RC carburetor intake manifold point heated engine exhaustnote exhaust pipe leading back point other exhaust pipes open Photo right gives idea parts work goes Edwards Radial Only cylinder assembly shown Yes youcan buy 56 Model Aviation put via collector ring single trumpettype outlet pipe Valve timing via double intake exhaust cam gear-driven engine speed overhead valves actuated pushrods externallymounted rocker arms Pistons machined 2024-T356 aluminum alloy three piston rings machined cast iron third ring oil control slotted piston drilled provide complete oil control Oil supplied oil tank engine gear-type pressure pump oil collects sump returned oil tank gear-type scavenge pump tank oil four oz circulates through engine approximately two minutes thus cooling oil engines internal parts Primary cooling engine large number cooling fins cylinder Installation Edwards Radial Engine quite simple provided have Continued page 151 NEW Drill Jig Motor Mounts Tool ready drilling holes Fits mount up 3 wide At last have found reliable way drill tap engine mounts Simply clamp mount firewall Insert pins drop engine down pins Slide guides around desired engine location Drill holes through hardened guides Move guides aside tap holes Supports wood avoid deflection drills tap breakage Heat treated steel guides included 4-40 6-32 holes Additional support block included perfect holes hand drill Money Back Guarantee Fully $2500 plus $2 shipping charge Calif res add 6% Dealer Inquiries welcome 3 320-3068 1843 Torrance Blvd Torrance CA 90501 January1986 57 Phil Karafilas has just made gorgeous Beech D18 Navy designation uses twin Zenoah engines power photo above runs up engines Bob Morse plays anchor Clearly visible takeoff shot below 1 deflection twin rudders compensate torqueinduced yawdone automatically gyroscope Exceptional realism plane evident flyby below HAL PAYNE ENTERPRISES MULTIPLEX DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED 2001 FM Narrowbond RCM 14 MEMORY SOFT MODULE Cli ROYAL mc! Flight Tested Since 1979 himrr i& 02 7725 E REDFIELD RD SUITE 105 SCOTTSDALE AIRPARKO SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA 852600 PHONE 602 483-9577 Clinic last year something funny happenedthere practically no takers Clinic Electric suddenly grew up Very nearly everyone everything up running well Result Clinic discontinued year served its purpose seems its time past What better testimony present advanced Electric state Next year Well its too early know sure theres some discussion about adjusting format meet keep pace progress Electric modeling steadily-increasing Electric participation proficiency year brings can see possibility being some specialized events catering desiring flex Electric muscles Thus next year may see word contest associated some events can never see word fun-fly disassociated basic KRC Electric FlyI believe will always plenty low-key atmos phere available meet famous Finally accolades KRC members ran showthe biggest best Electric Fly ever KRC Field Officer Ed Schmitt KRC Secretary Ken Stinson two gentlemen teamed up took monumental task organizing years meeta near year-long job now realize supported assisted nearly KRC member two-thirds dont fly Electric accommodation assistance would no Electric Fly Now behalf Officers Membership Keystone RC Club hearty sincere Thank model hobby industry provid ed huge amounts support Elec tric cause traveled very far friends families join us hearty sincere Thank toofor Electric Fly Please direct comment question SASE please author Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Lansdale PA 19446 may happy quiet land ings yours RC Giant Scale/Beckman Continued page 57 strong flat firewall radial mount simply bolted firewall engine installed mount addition fuel tank four-oz oil tank re quired Throttle linkage installation ignition box servo-controlled ignition switch completes job Operation Edwards Radial Engine realistic its sound First fuel aircrat check oil level tank ignition OFF pull propeller around least five times make sure oil has gathered lower cylinders Next ignition still OFF open throttle full choke car buretor intake pull prop through several turns Now set throttle fast-idle position turn ignition ON flip prop engine will start As full-scale engine needs few minutes warm-up before ready put out full power Forests 28-lb Fleet will take off 1/3 throttleand cruise less power requested maneuvers its some spare Ive seen several radial engines designed model use first Ive seen its size weight seems put out enough power provide scalelike operation engine available ap proximately $3000a not-unreasonable price considering work involved information contact Edwards Engine Co 12645 Amber Lane Grass Valley CA 95949 Beautiful Beech D-18 Over years have reported models designed built Phil Karafilis San Ramon CA Phil former airline pilot retire several years ago health reasons kept right flying though via models Last year way 1984 IMAA Fun Fly Festival Los Angeles spent few days visiting friends Infroduclng. iirebull RIC Idle-Bar Glow Plugs Long Short Also.Only $169 Traditional line non-idle bar Glow Plugs Six Types 3 Heat Ranges High Performance Glow Element Blow Proof Seal Swanson Associates PO Box 151 Wayne NJ 07470 Only $129 SHED p946 C. ASSOCIATES INC 25558 CLOUD WAY ASO CA 94555 455-783-55AA C JO January1986 151 / Kraft RIC Electronics PERSONAL SERVICE BY ERB SPECIAL LOW PRICESService charge repair and/or checkup system four servos $2975 maximum Extra servos$250 Parts return shipment extra FREQUENCY CONVERSIONSS3000 per system 50% off repair checkup SPECIALIZINGin competition systems frequency conversions FM equipment CUSTOM REPAIRSAll systems given personal attention test report comments careful cost control effort made return system likenew better operating condition HEATHKIT CUSTOMERSNew frequency conversions now available plugin systemsS3500 per system AUTHORIZED FACTORY SER VICE FOR 1685 Beckwith Dr Hudson OH 44236216 655-2278 San Francisco Bay area visits Phil see latest twin Beech D-18 WW II Navy markings features model include homemade retracts flaps twin Zenoah G-28 engines gyroscopic control rudder gyro intended help overcome yaw induced failure enginePhils first twin Douglas A-20 model lost engine failed takeoff As can see pictures Beech superb flier understand kit model works have no further details moment Bob Beckman 8248 Holly Grove Ct Manassas VA 22110 responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 58 11362 flying Jacobson PoleKitty old Ron Young Cox Nice motoring Jimmy first time Jim has owned record obviously mess Rounding out top five Greg Doe fast time 1194 put him Doolittleand after four heats Greg emerged winner gets name beautiful trophy hangs lodge Rough River Now racIng Lockport NY reports sent Ernie Nikodem race held August 18 Hamburg NY busy day three events being flown winds strong out south blowing straight across race course strong winds held times Sport event lot slower have seeing two times l40s saw some radio problems Hamburg Race Neil Wat son lost Sport ship due radio prob lem Doug Baker crashed beauti ful FAI ship radio misbehaved editor half-second loss signal trying round No 1 pylon Al Mack Dave Ford midair Sport first round Al lost trusty old streamline Scat Cat probably winningest plane ever UPRC circuit ship ever beat consistency Jerry Muscatos Purple People Eater 1983-1984 However Al showed up Jamestown new trusty replace ment proceeded take first place just like old times Thanks extended Bruce Knox UPRC worker maximus Gary Gau Contest Director whole Ham burg work force. Jamestown weather beau tiful light winds warm hot temperatures no rain racing times reflected good weather Sport event 18 times l40s Gary Gaus 139 tied Jerry Muscatos all-time Sport record Neil Watsons 120 Formula believe new UPRC Circuit record time however will have veri fied Although radio problems Hamburg no Jamestown Bob Ball crashed first heat Everything went sleep right after take off Ernie Nikodem three glitches Down elevator three successive laps Dave Gierke quick series glitches Formula control returned about A-second before blue Formula would have bought farm engine shut down ship land ed normally race again another day UPRC racers would like thank Bob Dart hosted Howard Dart Memorial Race Thanks also extended Al Hemenger assisted Bob Dart putting race thanks also extended workers PAC MODEL SUPPLY 203 5750916 Flight-Proven DesignsTemp 203 3931990 Balsa construction 5-6 lbs Cessna 150 40 Powered 62Easy Construction 11015 hrsl Stable Fliers Mooney 40 Powered 62Scale Like Appearance Slow Flying Capabilities Cherokee 40 Powered 604955 ea plus $250 UPS Cherokee Scalecontest Proven 123 place Ken Barnes ~ plus 800 shipping Cessna 15025 Powered 50 *38w plus $250 UPS NEW Firemaster Bipe565/-7lbs.O0Powered 6995llntroductoryPricel Coming Soon 60 Powered Pattern Ships MasterCard ers Invited Meler Sr Owner/Pres lie Perugini Assist 152 Model Aviation WEVE GOT YOUR SIi1 STANDARD MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE II MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE MUFFLERS PITTS STYLE MUFFLERS TUNED PIPE ADAPTERS HELICOPTER MUFFLERS BOAT EXHAUST EXTENSIONS ACCESSORIES EXHAUST SYSTEMS SLIM LINE MUFFLERS PO BOX 3295 SCOTTSDALEAZ 85257 602 9675053
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 56, 57, 151, 152
Giant Scale Bob Beckman II EXCEPTIONAL EDWARDS ENGINE Over Labor Day weekend Evelyn managed visit favorite fly ing sites Merwin Ranch near Sacra mento CA Next month Ill tell about activity weekend right now want talk about fabulous engine saw Like us Forest Edwards got Giant Scale because liked increased realism larger models However built 1/4-scale Fleet biplane Concept kit didnt feel looked sounded enough like real thing proceeded design build engine would look like radial engineit would sound like too original Fleet powered five-cylinder Kinner radial engine Forest set out make reasonable look-alike Kinner could handle A-scale models power reserve Edwards first radial engine about 30% smaller version shown uses glow ignition has quite successful about 700 flights date Forest moved current engine has following specifica tions Type Air-cooled 5-cylinder radial spark ignition four-cycle Bore 11 Stroke 12 Displacement 114 cu per cylinder 57 cu total Ignition Single coil CDI gear-driven distributor Weight 801 lb including oil tank engine mount ignition system Size 115-in diameter 8 pro peller firewall Propeller 24 x 14 max rpm5500 engine operates 75/25 mixture methanol gasoline no oil add ed lubrication external four-ounce tank 30-weight oil Fuel fed through Perry carburetor take manifold preheated engine exhaust Spark ignition capacitive discharge system triggered Hall Effect sensor gear-driven distribu tor routes high tension dividual cylinders Modified NGK ME-8 plugs fully-shielded high-tension leads used reduce possibility radio interference Ignition power supplied 500 mA battery Engine exhaust outForest Edwards 28-lb Fleet biplane has look realism boosted tho homemade 5-cylinder radial engine sitting nose 1 photo right get closer look Edwards Radial Engine turns 2414 Zinger prop 5500 rpm finned rectangular box between iowor two cylinders oil sumpthe engine uses pressurized olliubrication system U Rear view Edwards Radial Engine L reveals shielded hightension leads going distributor spark plugs Also confluence of biacksnake intake piping RC carburetor intake manifold point heated engine exhaustnote exhaust pipe leading back point other exhaust pipes open Photo right gives idea parts work goes Edwards Radial Only cylinder assembly shown Yes youcan buy 56 Model Aviation put via collector ring single trumpettype outlet pipe Valve timing via double intake exhaust cam gear-driven engine speed overhead valves actuated pushrods externallymounted rocker arms Pistons machined 2024-T356 aluminum alloy three piston rings machined cast iron third ring oil control slotted piston drilled provide complete oil control Oil supplied oil tank engine gear-type pressure pump oil collects sump returned oil tank gear-type scavenge pump tank oil four oz circulates through engine approximately two minutes thus cooling oil engines internal parts Primary cooling engine large number cooling fins cylinder Installation Edwards Radial Engine quite simple provided have Continued page 151 NEW Drill Jig Motor Mounts Tool ready drilling holes Fits mount up 3 wide At last have found reliable way drill tap engine mounts Simply clamp mount firewall Insert pins drop engine down pins Slide guides around desired engine location Drill holes through hardened guides Move guides aside tap holes Supports wood avoid deflection drills tap breakage Heat treated steel guides included 4-40 6-32 holes Additional support block included perfect holes hand drill Money Back Guarantee Fully $2500 plus $2 shipping charge Calif res add 6% Dealer Inquiries welcome 3 320-3068 1843 Torrance Blvd Torrance CA 90501 January1986 57 Phil Karafilas has just made gorgeous Beech D18 Navy designation uses twin Zenoah engines power photo above runs up engines Bob Morse plays anchor Clearly visible takeoff shot below 1 deflection twin rudders compensate torqueinduced yawdone automatically gyroscope Exceptional realism plane evident flyby below HAL PAYNE ENTERPRISES MULTIPLEX DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED 2001 FM Narrowbond RCM 14 MEMORY SOFT MODULE Cli ROYAL mc! Flight Tested Since 1979 himrr i& 02 7725 E REDFIELD RD SUITE 105 SCOTTSDALE AIRPARKO SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA 852600 PHONE 602 483-9577 Clinic last year something funny happenedthere practically no takers Clinic Electric suddenly grew up Very nearly everyone everything up running well Result Clinic discontinued year served its purpose seems its time past What better testimony present advanced Electric state Next year Well its too early know sure theres some discussion about adjusting format meet keep pace progress Electric modeling steadily-increasing Electric participation proficiency year brings can see possibility being some specialized events catering desiring flex Electric muscles Thus next year may see word contest associated some events can never see word fun-fly disassociated basic KRC Electric FlyI believe will always plenty low-key atmos phere available meet famous Finally accolades KRC members ran showthe biggest best Electric Fly ever KRC Field Officer Ed Schmitt KRC Secretary Ken Stinson two gentlemen teamed up took monumental task organizing years meeta near year-long job now realize supported assisted nearly KRC member two-thirds dont fly Electric accommodation assistance would no Electric Fly Now behalf Officers Membership Keystone RC Club hearty sincere Thank model hobby industry provid ed huge amounts support Elec tric cause traveled very far friends families join us hearty sincere Thank toofor Electric Fly Please direct comment question SASE please author Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Lansdale PA 19446 may happy quiet land ings yours RC Giant Scale/Beckman Continued page 57 strong flat firewall radial mount simply bolted firewall engine installed mount addition fuel tank four-oz oil tank re quired Throttle linkage installation ignition box servo-controlled ignition switch completes job Operation Edwards Radial Engine realistic its sound First fuel aircrat check oil level tank ignition OFF pull propeller around least five times make sure oil has gathered lower cylinders Next ignition still OFF open throttle full choke car buretor intake pull prop through several turns Now set throttle fast-idle position turn ignition ON flip prop engine will start As full-scale engine needs few minutes warm-up before ready put out full power Forests 28-lb Fleet will take off 1/3 throttleand cruise less power requested maneuvers its some spare Ive seen several radial engines designed model use first Ive seen its size weight seems put out enough power provide scalelike operation engine available ap proximately $3000a not-unreasonable price considering work involved information contact Edwards Engine Co 12645 Amber Lane Grass Valley CA 95949 Beautiful Beech D-18 Over years have reported models designed built Phil Karafilis San Ramon CA Phil former airline pilot retire several years ago health reasons kept right flying though via models Last year way 1984 IMAA Fun Fly Festival Los Angeles spent few days visiting friends Infroduclng. iirebull RIC Idle-Bar Glow Plugs Long Short Also.Only $169 Traditional line non-idle bar Glow Plugs Six Types 3 Heat Ranges High Performance Glow Element Blow Proof Seal Swanson Associates PO Box 151 Wayne NJ 07470 Only $129 SHED p946 C. ASSOCIATES INC 25558 CLOUD WAY ASO CA 94555 455-783-55AA C JO January1986 151 / Kraft RIC Electronics PERSONAL SERVICE BY ERB SPECIAL LOW PRICESService charge repair and/or checkup system four servos $2975 maximum Extra servos$250 Parts return shipment extra FREQUENCY CONVERSIONSS3000 per system 50% off repair checkup SPECIALIZINGin competition systems frequency conversions FM equipment CUSTOM REPAIRSAll systems given personal attention test report comments careful cost control effort made return system likenew better operating condition HEATHKIT CUSTOMERSNew frequency conversions now available plugin systemsS3500 per system AUTHORIZED FACTORY SER VICE FOR 1685 Beckwith Dr Hudson OH 44236216 655-2278 San Francisco Bay area visits Phil see latest twin Beech D-18 WW II Navy markings features model include homemade retracts flaps twin Zenoah G-28 engines gyroscopic control rudder gyro intended help overcome yaw induced failure enginePhils first twin Douglas A-20 model lost engine failed takeoff As can see pictures Beech superb flier understand kit model works have no further details moment Bob Beckman 8248 Holly Grove Ct Manassas VA 22110 responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 58 11362 flying Jacobson PoleKitty old Ron Young Cox Nice motoring Jimmy first time Jim has owned record obviously mess Rounding out top five Greg Doe fast time 1194 put him Doolittleand after four heats Greg emerged winner gets name beautiful trophy hangs lodge Rough River Now racIng Lockport NY reports sent Ernie Nikodem race held August 18 Hamburg NY busy day three events being flown winds strong out south blowing straight across race course strong winds held times Sport event lot slower have seeing two times l40s saw some radio problems Hamburg Race Neil Wat son lost Sport ship due radio prob lem Doug Baker crashed beauti ful FAI ship radio misbehaved editor half-second loss signal trying round No 1 pylon Al Mack Dave Ford midair Sport first round Al lost trusty old streamline Scat Cat probably winningest plane ever UPRC circuit ship ever beat consistency Jerry Muscatos Purple People Eater 1983-1984 However Al showed up Jamestown new trusty replace ment proceeded take first place just like old times Thanks extended Bruce Knox UPRC worker maximus Gary Gau Contest Director whole Ham burg work force. Jamestown weather beau tiful light winds warm hot temperatures no rain racing times reflected good weather Sport event 18 times l40s Gary Gaus 139 tied Jerry Muscatos all-time Sport record Neil Watsons 120 Formula believe new UPRC Circuit record time however will have veri fied Although radio problems Hamburg no Jamestown Bob Ball crashed first heat Everything went sleep right after take off Ernie Nikodem three glitches Down elevator three successive laps Dave Gierke quick series glitches Formula control returned about A-second before blue Formula would have bought farm engine shut down ship land ed normally race again another day UPRC racers would like thank Bob Dart hosted Howard Dart Memorial Race Thanks also extended Al Hemenger assisted Bob Dart putting race thanks also extended workers PAC MODEL SUPPLY 203 5750916 Flight-Proven DesignsTemp 203 3931990 Balsa construction 5-6 lbs Cessna 150 40 Powered 62Easy Construction 11015 hrsl Stable Fliers Mooney 40 Powered 62Scale Like Appearance Slow Flying Capabilities Cherokee 40 Powered 604955 ea plus $250 UPS Cherokee Scalecontest Proven 123 place Ken Barnes ~ plus 800 shipping Cessna 15025 Powered 50 *38w plus $250 UPS NEW Firemaster Bipe565/-7lbs.O0Powered 6995llntroductoryPricel Coming Soon 60 Powered Pattern Ships MasterCard ers Invited Meler Sr Owner/Pres lie Perugini Assist 152 Model Aviation WEVE GOT YOUR SIi1 STANDARD MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE II MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE MUFFLERS PITTS STYLE MUFFLERS TUNED PIPE ADAPTERS HELICOPTER MUFFLERS BOAT EXHAUST EXTENSIONS ACCESSORIES EXHAUST SYSTEMS SLIM LINE MUFFLERS PO BOX 3295 SCOTTSDALEAZ 85257 602 9675053
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 56, 57, 151, 152
Giant Scale Bob Beckman II EXCEPTIONAL EDWARDS ENGINE Over Labor Day weekend Evelyn managed visit favorite fly ing sites Merwin Ranch near Sacra mento CA Next month Ill tell about activity weekend right now want talk about fabulous engine saw Like us Forest Edwards got Giant Scale because liked increased realism larger models However built 1/4-scale Fleet biplane Concept kit didnt feel looked sounded enough like real thing proceeded design build engine would look like radial engineit would sound like too original Fleet powered five-cylinder Kinner radial engine Forest set out make reasonable look-alike Kinner could handle A-scale models power reserve Edwards first radial engine about 30% smaller version shown uses glow ignition has quite successful about 700 flights date Forest moved current engine has following specifica tions Type Air-cooled 5-cylinder radial spark ignition four-cycle Bore 11 Stroke 12 Displacement 114 cu per cylinder 57 cu total Ignition Single coil CDI gear-driven distributor Weight 801 lb including oil tank engine mount ignition system Size 115-in diameter 8 pro peller firewall Propeller 24 x 14 max rpm5500 engine operates 75/25 mixture methanol gasoline no oil add ed lubrication external four-ounce tank 30-weight oil Fuel fed through Perry carburetor take manifold preheated engine exhaust Spark ignition capacitive discharge system triggered Hall Effect sensor gear-driven distribu tor routes high tension dividual cylinders Modified NGK ME-8 plugs fully-shielded high-tension leads used reduce possibility radio interference Ignition power supplied 500 mA battery Engine exhaust outForest Edwards 28-lb Fleet biplane has look realism boosted tho homemade 5-cylinder radial engine sitting nose 1 photo right get closer look Edwards Radial Engine turns 2414 Zinger prop 5500 rpm finned rectangular box between iowor two cylinders oil sumpthe engine uses pressurized olliubrication system U Rear view Edwards Radial Engine L reveals shielded hightension leads going distributor spark plugs Also confluence of biacksnake intake piping RC carburetor intake manifold point heated engine exhaustnote exhaust pipe leading back point other exhaust pipes open Photo right gives idea parts work goes Edwards Radial Only cylinder assembly shown Yes youcan buy 56 Model Aviation put via collector ring single trumpettype outlet pipe Valve timing via double intake exhaust cam gear-driven engine speed overhead valves actuated pushrods externallymounted rocker arms Pistons machined 2024-T356 aluminum alloy three piston rings machined cast iron third ring oil control slotted piston drilled provide complete oil control Oil supplied oil tank engine gear-type pressure pump oil collects sump returned oil tank gear-type scavenge pump tank oil four oz circulates through engine approximately two minutes thus cooling oil engines internal parts Primary cooling engine large number cooling fins cylinder Installation Edwards Radial Engine quite simple provided have Continued page 151 NEW Drill Jig Motor Mounts Tool ready drilling holes Fits mount up 3 wide At last have found reliable way drill tap engine mounts Simply clamp mount firewall Insert pins drop engine down pins Slide guides around desired engine location Drill holes through hardened guides Move guides aside tap holes Supports wood avoid deflection drills tap breakage Heat treated steel guides included 4-40 6-32 holes Additional support block included perfect holes hand drill Money Back Guarantee Fully $2500 plus $2 shipping charge Calif res add 6% Dealer Inquiries welcome 3 320-3068 1843 Torrance Blvd Torrance CA 90501 January1986 57 Phil Karafilas has just made gorgeous Beech D18 Navy designation uses twin Zenoah engines power photo above runs up engines Bob Morse plays anchor Clearly visible takeoff shot below 1 deflection twin rudders compensate torqueinduced yawdone automatically gyroscope Exceptional realism plane evident flyby below HAL PAYNE ENTERPRISES MULTIPLEX DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED 2001 FM Narrowbond RCM 14 MEMORY SOFT MODULE Cli ROYAL mc! Flight Tested Since 1979 himrr i& 02 7725 E REDFIELD RD SUITE 105 SCOTTSDALE AIRPARKO SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA 852600 PHONE 602 483-9577 Clinic last year something funny happenedthere practically no takers Clinic Electric suddenly grew up Very nearly everyone everything up running well Result Clinic discontinued year served its purpose seems its time past What better testimony present advanced Electric state Next year Well its too early know sure theres some discussion about adjusting format meet keep pace progress Electric modeling steadily-increasing Electric participation proficiency year brings can see possibility being some specialized events catering desiring flex Electric muscles Thus next year may see word contest associated some events can never see word fun-fly disassociated basic KRC Electric FlyI believe will always plenty low-key atmos phere available meet famous Finally accolades KRC members ran showthe biggest best Electric Fly ever KRC Field Officer Ed Schmitt KRC Secretary Ken Stinson two gentlemen teamed up took monumental task organizing years meeta near year-long job now realize supported assisted nearly KRC member two-thirds dont fly Electric accommodation assistance would no Electric Fly Now behalf Officers Membership Keystone RC Club hearty sincere Thank model hobby industry provid ed huge amounts support Elec tric cause traveled very far friends families join us hearty sincere Thank toofor Electric Fly Please direct comment question SASE please author Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Lansdale PA 19446 may happy quiet land ings yours RC Giant Scale/Beckman Continued page 57 strong flat firewall radial mount simply bolted firewall engine installed mount addition fuel tank four-oz oil tank re quired Throttle linkage installation ignition box servo-controlled ignition switch completes job Operation Edwards Radial Engine realistic its sound First fuel aircrat check oil level tank ignition OFF pull propeller around least five times make sure oil has gathered lower cylinders Next ignition still OFF open throttle full choke car buretor intake pull prop through several turns Now set throttle fast-idle position turn ignition ON flip prop engine will start As full-scale engine needs few minutes warm-up before ready put out full power Forests 28-lb Fleet will take off 1/3 throttleand cruise less power requested maneuvers its some spare Ive seen several radial engines designed model use first Ive seen its size weight seems put out enough power provide scalelike operation engine available ap proximately $3000a not-unreasonable price considering work involved information contact Edwards Engine Co 12645 Amber Lane Grass Valley CA 95949 Beautiful Beech D-18 Over years have reported models designed built Phil Karafilis San Ramon CA Phil former airline pilot retire several years ago health reasons kept right flying though via models Last year way 1984 IMAA Fun Fly Festival Los Angeles spent few days visiting friends Infroduclng. iirebull RIC Idle-Bar Glow Plugs Long Short Also.Only $169 Traditional line non-idle bar Glow Plugs Six Types 3 Heat Ranges High Performance Glow Element Blow Proof Seal Swanson Associates PO Box 151 Wayne NJ 07470 Only $129 SHED p946 C. ASSOCIATES INC 25558 CLOUD WAY ASO CA 94555 455-783-55AA C JO January1986 151 / Kraft RIC Electronics PERSONAL SERVICE BY ERB SPECIAL LOW PRICESService charge repair and/or checkup system four servos $2975 maximum Extra servos$250 Parts return shipment extra FREQUENCY CONVERSIONSS3000 per system 50% off repair checkup SPECIALIZINGin competition systems frequency conversions FM equipment CUSTOM REPAIRSAll systems given personal attention test report comments careful cost control effort made return system likenew better operating condition HEATHKIT CUSTOMERSNew frequency conversions now available plugin systemsS3500 per system AUTHORIZED FACTORY SER VICE FOR 1685 Beckwith Dr Hudson OH 44236216 655-2278 San Francisco Bay area visits Phil see latest twin Beech D-18 WW II Navy markings features model include homemade retracts flaps twin Zenoah G-28 engines gyroscopic control rudder gyro intended help overcome yaw induced failure enginePhils first twin Douglas A-20 model lost engine failed takeoff As can see pictures Beech superb flier understand kit model works have no further details moment Bob Beckman 8248 Holly Grove Ct Manassas VA 22110 responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 58 11362 flying Jacobson PoleKitty old Ron Young Cox Nice motoring Jimmy first time Jim has owned record obviously mess Rounding out top five Greg Doe fast time 1194 put him Doolittleand after four heats Greg emerged winner gets name beautiful trophy hangs lodge Rough River Now racIng Lockport NY reports sent Ernie Nikodem race held August 18 Hamburg NY busy day three events being flown winds strong out south blowing straight across race course strong winds held times Sport event lot slower have seeing two times l40s saw some radio problems Hamburg Race Neil Wat son lost Sport ship due radio prob lem Doug Baker crashed beauti ful FAI ship radio misbehaved editor half-second loss signal trying round No 1 pylon Al Mack Dave Ford midair Sport first round Al lost trusty old streamline Scat Cat probably winningest plane ever UPRC circuit ship ever beat consistency Jerry Muscatos Purple People Eater 1983-1984 However Al showed up Jamestown new trusty replace ment proceeded take first place just like old times Thanks extended Bruce Knox UPRC worker maximus Gary Gau Contest Director whole Ham burg work force. Jamestown weather beau tiful light winds warm hot temperatures no rain racing times reflected good weather Sport event 18 times l40s Gary Gaus 139 tied Jerry Muscatos all-time Sport record Neil Watsons 120 Formula believe new UPRC Circuit record time however will have veri fied Although radio problems Hamburg no Jamestown Bob Ball crashed first heat Everything went sleep right after take off Ernie Nikodem three glitches Down elevator three successive laps Dave Gierke quick series glitches Formula control returned about A-second before blue Formula would have bought farm engine shut down ship land ed normally race again another day UPRC racers would like thank Bob Dart hosted Howard Dart Memorial Race Thanks also extended Al Hemenger assisted Bob Dart putting race thanks also extended workers PAC MODEL SUPPLY 203 5750916 Flight-Proven DesignsTemp 203 3931990 Balsa construction 5-6 lbs Cessna 150 40 Powered 62Easy Construction 11015 hrsl Stable Fliers Mooney 40 Powered 62Scale Like Appearance Slow Flying Capabilities Cherokee 40 Powered 604955 ea plus $250 UPS Cherokee Scalecontest Proven 123 place Ken Barnes ~ plus 800 shipping Cessna 15025 Powered 50 *38w plus $250 UPS NEW Firemaster Bipe565/-7lbs.O0Powered 6995llntroductoryPricel Coming Soon 60 Powered Pattern Ships MasterCard ers Invited Meler Sr Owner/Pres lie Perugini Assist 152 Model Aviation WEVE GOT YOUR SIi1 STANDARD MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE II MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE MUFFLERS PITTS STYLE MUFFLERS TUNED PIPE ADAPTERS HELICOPTER MUFFLERS BOAT EXHAUST EXTENSIONS ACCESSORIES EXHAUST SYSTEMS SLIM LINE MUFFLERS PO BOX 3295 SCOTTSDALEAZ 85257 602 9675053
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 56, 57, 151, 152
Giant Scale Bob Beckman II EXCEPTIONAL EDWARDS ENGINE Over Labor Day weekend Evelyn managed visit favorite fly ing sites Merwin Ranch near Sacra mento CA Next month Ill tell about activity weekend right now want talk about fabulous engine saw Like us Forest Edwards got Giant Scale because liked increased realism larger models However built 1/4-scale Fleet biplane Concept kit didnt feel looked sounded enough like real thing proceeded design build engine would look like radial engineit would sound like too original Fleet powered five-cylinder Kinner radial engine Forest set out make reasonable look-alike Kinner could handle A-scale models power reserve Edwards first radial engine about 30% smaller version shown uses glow ignition has quite successful about 700 flights date Forest moved current engine has following specifica tions Type Air-cooled 5-cylinder radial spark ignition four-cycle Bore 11 Stroke 12 Displacement 114 cu per cylinder 57 cu total Ignition Single coil CDI gear-driven distributor Weight 801 lb including oil tank engine mount ignition system Size 115-in diameter 8 pro peller firewall Propeller 24 x 14 max rpm5500 engine operates 75/25 mixture methanol gasoline no oil add ed lubrication external four-ounce tank 30-weight oil Fuel fed through Perry carburetor take manifold preheated engine exhaust Spark ignition capacitive discharge system triggered Hall Effect sensor gear-driven distribu tor routes high tension dividual cylinders Modified NGK ME-8 plugs fully-shielded high-tension leads used reduce possibility radio interference Ignition power supplied 500 mA battery Engine exhaust outForest Edwards 28-lb Fleet biplane has look realism boosted tho homemade 5-cylinder radial engine sitting nose 1 photo right get closer look Edwards Radial Engine turns 2414 Zinger prop 5500 rpm finned rectangular box between iowor two cylinders oil sumpthe engine uses pressurized olliubrication system U Rear view Edwards Radial Engine L reveals shielded hightension leads going distributor spark plugs Also confluence of biacksnake intake piping RC carburetor intake manifold point heated engine exhaustnote exhaust pipe leading back point other exhaust pipes open Photo right gives idea parts work goes Edwards Radial Only cylinder assembly shown Yes youcan buy 56 Model Aviation put via collector ring single trumpettype outlet pipe Valve timing via double intake exhaust cam gear-driven engine speed overhead valves actuated pushrods externallymounted rocker arms Pistons machined 2024-T356 aluminum alloy three piston rings machined cast iron third ring oil control slotted piston drilled provide complete oil control Oil supplied oil tank engine gear-type pressure pump oil collects sump returned oil tank gear-type scavenge pump tank oil four oz circulates through engine approximately two minutes thus cooling oil engines internal parts Primary cooling engine large number cooling fins cylinder Installation Edwards Radial Engine quite simple provided have Continued page 151 NEW Drill Jig Motor Mounts Tool ready drilling holes Fits mount up 3 wide At last have found reliable way drill tap engine mounts Simply clamp mount firewall Insert pins drop engine down pins Slide guides around desired engine location Drill holes through hardened guides Move guides aside tap holes Supports wood avoid deflection drills tap breakage Heat treated steel guides included 4-40 6-32 holes Additional support block included perfect holes hand drill Money Back Guarantee Fully $2500 plus $2 shipping charge Calif res add 6% Dealer Inquiries welcome 3 320-3068 1843 Torrance Blvd Torrance CA 90501 January1986 57 Phil Karafilas has just made gorgeous Beech D18 Navy designation uses twin Zenoah engines power photo above runs up engines Bob Morse plays anchor Clearly visible takeoff shot below 1 deflection twin rudders compensate torqueinduced yawdone automatically gyroscope Exceptional realism plane evident flyby below HAL PAYNE ENTERPRISES MULTIPLEX DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED 2001 FM Narrowbond RCM 14 MEMORY SOFT MODULE Cli ROYAL mc! Flight Tested Since 1979 himrr i& 02 7725 E REDFIELD RD SUITE 105 SCOTTSDALE AIRPARKO SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA 852600 PHONE 602 483-9577 Clinic last year something funny happenedthere practically no takers Clinic Electric suddenly grew up Very nearly everyone everything up running well Result Clinic discontinued year served its purpose seems its time past What better testimony present advanced Electric state Next year Well its too early know sure theres some discussion about adjusting format meet keep pace progress Electric modeling steadily-increasing Electric participation proficiency year brings can see possibility being some specialized events catering desiring flex Electric muscles Thus next year may see word contest associated some events can never see word fun-fly disassociated basic KRC Electric FlyI believe will always plenty low-key atmos phere available meet famous Finally accolades KRC members ran showthe biggest best Electric Fly ever KRC Field Officer Ed Schmitt KRC Secretary Ken Stinson two gentlemen teamed up took monumental task organizing years meeta near year-long job now realize supported assisted nearly KRC member two-thirds dont fly Electric accommodation assistance would no Electric Fly Now behalf Officers Membership Keystone RC Club hearty sincere Thank model hobby industry provid ed huge amounts support Elec tric cause traveled very far friends families join us hearty sincere Thank toofor Electric Fly Please direct comment question SASE please author Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Lansdale PA 19446 may happy quiet land ings yours RC Giant Scale/Beckman Continued page 57 strong flat firewall radial mount simply bolted firewall engine installed mount addition fuel tank four-oz oil tank re quired Throttle linkage installation ignition box servo-controlled ignition switch completes job Operation Edwards Radial Engine realistic its sound First fuel aircrat check oil level tank ignition OFF pull propeller around least five times make sure oil has gathered lower cylinders Next ignition still OFF open throttle full choke car buretor intake pull prop through several turns Now set throttle fast-idle position turn ignition ON flip prop engine will start As full-scale engine needs few minutes warm-up before ready put out full power Forests 28-lb Fleet will take off 1/3 throttleand cruise less power requested maneuvers its some spare Ive seen several radial engines designed model use first Ive seen its size weight seems put out enough power provide scalelike operation engine available ap proximately $3000a not-unreasonable price considering work involved information contact Edwards Engine Co 12645 Amber Lane Grass Valley CA 95949 Beautiful Beech D-18 Over years have reported models designed built Phil Karafilis San Ramon CA Phil former airline pilot retire several years ago health reasons kept right flying though via models Last year way 1984 IMAA Fun Fly Festival Los Angeles spent few days visiting friends Infroduclng. iirebull RIC Idle-Bar Glow Plugs Long Short Also.Only $169 Traditional line non-idle bar Glow Plugs Six Types 3 Heat Ranges High Performance Glow Element Blow Proof Seal Swanson Associates PO Box 151 Wayne NJ 07470 Only $129 SHED p946 C. ASSOCIATES INC 25558 CLOUD WAY ASO CA 94555 455-783-55AA C JO January1986 151 / Kraft RIC Electronics PERSONAL SERVICE BY ERB SPECIAL LOW PRICESService charge repair and/or checkup system four servos $2975 maximum Extra servos$250 Parts return shipment extra FREQUENCY CONVERSIONSS3000 per system 50% off repair checkup SPECIALIZINGin competition systems frequency conversions FM equipment CUSTOM REPAIRSAll systems given personal attention test report comments careful cost control effort made return system likenew better operating condition HEATHKIT CUSTOMERSNew frequency conversions now available plugin systemsS3500 per system AUTHORIZED FACTORY SER VICE FOR 1685 Beckwith Dr Hudson OH 44236216 655-2278 San Francisco Bay area visits Phil see latest twin Beech D-18 WW II Navy markings features model include homemade retracts flaps twin Zenoah G-28 engines gyroscopic control rudder gyro intended help overcome yaw induced failure enginePhils first twin Douglas A-20 model lost engine failed takeoff As can see pictures Beech superb flier understand kit model works have no further details moment Bob Beckman 8248 Holly Grove Ct Manassas VA 22110 responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 58 11362 flying Jacobson PoleKitty old Ron Young Cox Nice motoring Jimmy first time Jim has owned record obviously mess Rounding out top five Greg Doe fast time 1194 put him Doolittleand after four heats Greg emerged winner gets name beautiful trophy hangs lodge Rough River Now racIng Lockport NY reports sent Ernie Nikodem race held August 18 Hamburg NY busy day three events being flown winds strong out south blowing straight across race course strong winds held times Sport event lot slower have seeing two times l40s saw some radio problems Hamburg Race Neil Wat son lost Sport ship due radio prob lem Doug Baker crashed beauti ful FAI ship radio misbehaved editor half-second loss signal trying round No 1 pylon Al Mack Dave Ford midair Sport first round Al lost trusty old streamline Scat Cat probably winningest plane ever UPRC circuit ship ever beat consistency Jerry Muscatos Purple People Eater 1983-1984 However Al showed up Jamestown new trusty replace ment proceeded take first place just like old times Thanks extended Bruce Knox UPRC worker maximus Gary Gau Contest Director whole Ham burg work force. Jamestown weather beau tiful light winds warm hot temperatures no rain racing times reflected good weather Sport event 18 times l40s Gary Gaus 139 tied Jerry Muscatos all-time Sport record Neil Watsons 120 Formula believe new UPRC Circuit record time however will have veri fied Although radio problems Hamburg no Jamestown Bob Ball crashed first heat Everything went sleep right after take off Ernie Nikodem three glitches Down elevator three successive laps Dave Gierke quick series glitches Formula control returned about A-second before blue Formula would have bought farm engine shut down ship land ed normally race again another day UPRC racers would like thank Bob Dart hosted Howard Dart Memorial Race Thanks also extended Al Hemenger assisted Bob Dart putting race thanks also extended workers PAC MODEL SUPPLY 203 5750916 Flight-Proven DesignsTemp 203 3931990 Balsa construction 5-6 lbs Cessna 150 40 Powered 62Easy Construction 11015 hrsl Stable Fliers Mooney 40 Powered 62Scale Like Appearance Slow Flying Capabilities Cherokee 40 Powered 604955 ea plus $250 UPS Cherokee Scalecontest Proven 123 place Ken Barnes ~ plus 800 shipping Cessna 15025 Powered 50 *38w plus $250 UPS NEW Firemaster Bipe565/-7lbs.O0Powered 6995llntroductoryPricel Coming Soon 60 Powered Pattern Ships MasterCard ers Invited Meler Sr Owner/Pres lie Perugini Assist 152 Model Aviation WEVE GOT YOUR SIi1 STANDARD MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE II MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE MUFFLERS PITTS STYLE MUFFLERS TUNED PIPE ADAPTERS HELICOPTER MUFFLERS BOAT EXHAUST EXTENSIONS ACCESSORIES EXHAUST SYSTEMS SLIM LINE MUFFLERS PO BOX 3295 SCOTTSDALEAZ 85257 602 9675053