HOT TOPIC month Fowler flaps Giant Scale models Charles Fowler Alameda CA dropped talked half day about mechanism hes designed Later got back home sent test wing panel Boy slick installation Im going describe you can adapt Charles design particular Scale model Before begin three admonitions consider First Charles mechanism specifically intended particular Scale model fact hes testing non-Scale goat prove its functioning Second will some fiddling required adapt design specific model much flap extension drop angle depends lot bellcranks use length flap-action pushrods build installation Finally although components Fowler flap installa tion readily available hobby shops solidity flap mechanism requires knowledge silver soldering Although four solder joints made joins brass music wire Thus stronger solder highly recommended Giant scale installa tions flap operated its own servoto provide necessary redundancy system Depending specific installation may also possible link both flaps mechanically greater redundancy Charles Fowler-designed model Fowler flap mechanism closed-loop type other words although entire system uses pushrods its connected both sidea flap servo arm arrangement permits couple very desirable things Assuming use propor tional channel flap action intermediate posi tions between flaps Up flaps Down rig idly maintained pull-pull action closed loop insures flaps will move operate radio control JE 3 - H B EA J C B D — G I____ BY CHARLES H FOWLER DESIGN AND DRAWINGS Charles Fowlers flap mechanism shown two positions flaps extended right-hand por tion drawing flaps retracted left-hand side Drawing C Fowler Parts include heavy music wire portion flap extension system BHardwood guide blocks CWheel col lam tabs silver-soldered wire DFlap retalining rods EModified 900 aileron-type belicranks FHeavy music wire flap hinge pin GWheel collar silver soldered flap exten sion rod also keeps wire F moving HFlap servo IFlap control horns JBellcrank sliding wire pushrods Pushrod servo belicrank shown oniy remotest possibility extended flaps will blow back streamline themselves due aerodynamic forces Charles mechanism consists two major sys tems first moves flap hinge line back Out trailing edge wing sec ond system restrains rearward movement flap itself thus lowering flaps Both sys tems operate same pair slightly mod ified standard 900 nylon bellcranks 60-sized Scale models As youll note bellcrank mod ification amounts bit X-Acto trimHeres Fowler flap test section sent de Vries Charles Fowler test section differs drawings insofar servo place ment concerned Giant Scale Applications use servo per flap recommended Flap shown retracted 1 extended R 38 Model Aviation Radio Conoi Giant Scale John de Vries Colonel USAF Ret 4610 Moffat Lii Colorado Springs CO 80915 ming drawings accompany col umn Charles has depicted use CB Asso ciates belicranks admirably suitable Giant Scale models cranks tough cut should trimmed using hacksaw fol lowed cleanup using file hinge-line-moving system consists two lengths music wire has soldered short length brass tubing Tabs drilled accept standard quick-link-tipped pushrods soldered tubing pieces pushrods relatively short attach flap bellcranks ball-links allow changing angles Push Pull length music wire guided two hardwood blocks brass tubing has inserted function simple bearing hardwood blocks glued appropriate wing ribs guide support fore-aft movement music wire rear end length music wire standard copper circular-ended wire terminal standard wheel collar soldered place wheel collars ac cept ends third piece music wire embedded leading edge flap actual hinge flap holds flap model flap-lowering system attaches same belleranks move flap hinge line rearward point inboard toward mounting bolts hinge-line-moving system tached Two simple music wire pushrods quick-links attached rear ends connect two standard control horns bolted flaps self action flap-lowering pushrods move rearward since attach bellcranks nearer pivot restrain flap thereby pulling down airstream flaplowering pushrods attach belleranks means standard hardware items used con nect wire servo output arm connec tors have Allen-head bolts through hold pushrods place set length provide servo action flap mechanism bellcrank attached side doubleended servo arm other bellerank connected other side servo arm thus providing closed-loop tailcing about above Standard pushrods used connect servo belleranks ball fittings take out pushrod misalignment flap itself have noted has music wire embedded its leading edge music wire free-floating held place two lengths brass tubing epoxied wooden flap Side-to-side movement music wire hinge pin restrained fore-aft wires wheel collars Charles prototype installation flap made basswood A6 plywood appears good choice material ply laimnated top bass after has trimmed airfoil shape makes sporty installation flaps Up position because ply butts up against Continued page 154 $599 Nut use Electric Starters Made 6061 Aluminum strong enough 10 allow over tightening weighs under 1 oz 1 diameter 11/4 long 1/4 radius nose minimum AMA requirement 5/32 Iorq Hole 3/4 thread depth can use thinnest props 11 thread sizes fit engines market Send us order & well mail out fast MADE IN THE USA B C PRODUCTS 111 N Starkweather Pampa Texas 79065 806 665-6361 EZ1032 /32 D0580 m 1123212/32 L106106-1mm 107107-1mm 108108-1mm 181258-125mm 1101210-125mm L114281/4-28 151625/16-24 1 3824 3/8-24 VISA MASTERCARD MONEY ORDERS ACCEPTED DEALER INQUIRES WELCOME ENYA 15 5-8mm SS2O SS45 1/4-28 19 to 80 7-1mm 120 8-1mm FOX 19 45 1/4-28 60 120 5/16-24 HBALL SIZES 1/4-28 HP406-1mm 1205/16-24 others 1/4-28 IRVING ALL 1/4-28 K&B19 61 1/4-28 05105-8mm 15 12/32 206-1mm 21 50 1/4-28 60 1205/16-24 108 3/8-24 ROSSI ALL 8-125mm SUPERTIGER 11 to 15 5-8mm 19 to 60 1/4-28 61 to 90 5/16-24 2000 6000 10-125mm SATIO 30 60 6-1mm 65 1090 7-1mm 120 to 270 8-125mm WEBRA 281061 1/4-28 aOto90 &125mm MALONEY 100 3/8-24 PILOT GLASSES. HOW VALUABLE IS YOUR EYESIGHT Adjustable side frames free-flow ventilation Extremely light weight added comfort Attractive case included around frame fits comfortably aver prescription glasses Blocks harmful Quartz mist ultraviolet radiationcoated scratch resistance Made entirely Polycarbonate impact protection ANSI Z871 specifications Available in Clear shop work 81325 Amber overcast days & late afternoons S14~ Gray Sl45 & Mirror S1995 sunny days CA Mask S15~ Paint Mask S2045 member club hit prop b/ade thrown 60 engine close range lip blade struck Safety Plus glasses saved him serious injury possibly loss eye incident convinced everyone should wear safety glasses near model airplane engines being run upEd Saul Secretary Treasurer ____________Pikes Peak RO Club Prices include shipping handling FLU5 See hobby dealer first doesnt have what need order direct SAFETY PLUS PO Box 1173 Dept iM Clinton MS 39056 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-842-7233 ICont US Mississippi 601924-9640 JMC January 1989 39 Wily Coyote design Ed Carroll Model built flown Jack Cole Giant-size sport model may killed Pat Corderman u g ej ndreds cowls kits plans Strong lightweight one-piece construction Exact duplicates ttie manufacturers original Also radial cowls wheelpants Send Si 00 8-pg brochure call 703-890-60179 am-9 pm EDT phone orders information ASTER Dept MA Rt 1 Box 530 Goodvlew VA 24095tS GAS OR ELECTRIC COMING SOON PAONTO 40&604/ SEE YOUR DEA LER PUP 40 TRAINER SPORT J-3 PLAYMATE SUPER PLAYMATE 40 L PLAYMATE ELECTRIC50 SPAR WATCR POE MORE2025 AR Rdewater Hobby Enterprises R II 4lct SRPIELDPL 32691V4I%JnRDAVED 2025 $5495 2454653MC/VIUA4 GRAs VINTAGE FORSTER ENGINES Using original casting dies lastest computer controlled machin ery RJL producing highest quality lowest priced vintage engines available Both engines come complete original reprinted box literature Ignition version equipped clear plastic tank single speed Forster timer Both engines perfect SAM Old Time Stunt events Delivery Dec 88 glow Mar 89 ignition Satisfaction Guaranteedl Add $300 per engine shipping handling Calif residents add sales tax Glow plug spark plug coil condenser included RJL INDUSTRIES PO Box 5 Sierra Madre CA 91024 818 3590016 154 Model Aviation positive negative voltage servo connector bussed along printed wiring board track easily traceable printed circuit board positive voltage source feeds receiver via printed circuit track necessary cut track between last servo connector bus first component re ceiver board order receiver have its own battery recommend using deans connectors easily soldered have goldplated pins Most radios have connectors cannot unsoldered things could get involved youre handy sol dering iron unfamiliar basic electronics dont attempt operation yourself Seek assistance Another consider ation radio new under war ranty may want conimit permanent alterations Its something think about dual battery scheme has benefited radio systems date youve iden tified glitching due voltage dropoff problem do-it-yourself rem edy well worth considering Perhaps future well see radios Giant Scale air planes built wayor offered alter native standard radio Until will have modify own RC Giant Scale/de Vries Continued page 39 wings trailing edge another strip 1A6 ply wood smooth continuous airfoil section Although sounds complicated Mr Fowlers model Fowler flap mechanism actually beauti fully simple very reliable operation Check drawings carefully adapt model back noted effect broken props radiosWe told sad tale two Giants bit dust because excess engine vibration ren dered servos impotent New friend Warren Spur geon called during month similar tale woe model flying coin cidentally Ziroli P-40 bird flew beautiful lycompletely aerobatic stable rock power plant Zenoah G-62 therein lies tale boring skillful holes sky Warren realized didnt have control Warhawk realization confirmed model proceeded powder itself against unyielding earth onfield post-mortem revealed nothing would have caused accident Despite fact retracts salvageable major component beside radio survive impact radio seemed function properly r very careful examination engine told story far Warren concerned Hidden side prop drive assembly locknut parently come adrift allowing flywheel slip forward tapered prop shaft slippage severely unbalanced engine tendant severe vibrationsevere enough render RC servos unable control mod el Warren reported tapered prop shaft visibly chafed sort failure difficulteven impossibleto predict Partial disassembly engine make sure everything locked up tight possible corrective action could come up Maybe jiggle flywheel might have revealed loose locknut could have come loose air after checked What omnipresent Mur phy author well-known laws bear name time/dollar investment Giant Scale models Mr Spurgeons experience points up safety rule great force Check everything before crank up seems Pat Corderman Cordys Flying Circus 1502 N Prospect Colorado Springs CO 80907 designer/producer spectacular fiberglass Northrop Gamma kit column Oc tober 1988 may have solved park-bench al leron problem Earlier prototypes model avoided sexy Scale touch since Pat test pilot Jack Cole feared its use might lead aileron flutter Pat has designed built new wing park-benchers flight testing cur rently underway Gammas used above-the-wing ailerons also almost-fullspan split flaps Pats duplicated well Hes also working next kitting effort Itll Ed Carrolls giant Wily Coyote will feature all-fiberglass fuselage Although Coyote biggie may flown anything nose 90 up event prototype Pats Coyote kit should flying read column Back next month photos news about some very interesting Giant birds Ikon Northwest responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation Super pLaymale 60 60 SERRES HAS 64 SER4IUYMEThICALALUMINIR4 MAIN OEARPUEL TARE 45602 CYCLE AND MOTOR MOUNT ALL RE 48904 CYCLE $109952 Hour frame op kAts 25 sloe
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 38, 39, 154
HOT TOPIC month Fowler flaps Giant Scale models Charles Fowler Alameda CA dropped talked half day about mechanism hes designed Later got back home sent test wing panel Boy slick installation Im going describe you can adapt Charles design particular Scale model Before begin three admonitions consider First Charles mechanism specifically intended particular Scale model fact hes testing non-Scale goat prove its functioning Second will some fiddling required adapt design specific model much flap extension drop angle depends lot bellcranks use length flap-action pushrods build installation Finally although components Fowler flap installa tion readily available hobby shops solidity flap mechanism requires knowledge silver soldering Although four solder joints made joins brass music wire Thus stronger solder highly recommended Giant scale installa tions flap operated its own servoto provide necessary redundancy system Depending specific installation may also possible link both flaps mechanically greater redundancy Charles Fowler-designed model Fowler flap mechanism closed-loop type other words although entire system uses pushrods its connected both sidea flap servo arm arrangement permits couple very desirable things Assuming use propor tional channel flap action intermediate posi tions between flaps Up flaps Down rig idly maintained pull-pull action closed loop insures flaps will move operate radio control JE 3 - H B EA J C B D — G I____ BY CHARLES H FOWLER DESIGN AND DRAWINGS Charles Fowlers flap mechanism shown two positions flaps extended right-hand por tion drawing flaps retracted left-hand side Drawing C Fowler Parts include heavy music wire portion flap extension system BHardwood guide blocks CWheel col lam tabs silver-soldered wire DFlap retalining rods EModified 900 aileron-type belicranks FHeavy music wire flap hinge pin GWheel collar silver soldered flap exten sion rod also keeps wire F moving HFlap servo IFlap control horns JBellcrank sliding wire pushrods Pushrod servo belicrank shown oniy remotest possibility extended flaps will blow back streamline themselves due aerodynamic forces Charles mechanism consists two major sys tems first moves flap hinge line back Out trailing edge wing sec ond system restrains rearward movement flap itself thus lowering flaps Both sys tems operate same pair slightly mod ified standard 900 nylon bellcranks 60-sized Scale models As youll note bellcrank mod ification amounts bit X-Acto trimHeres Fowler flap test section sent de Vries Charles Fowler test section differs drawings insofar servo place ment concerned Giant Scale Applications use servo per flap recommended Flap shown retracted 1 extended R 38 Model Aviation Radio Conoi Giant Scale John de Vries Colonel USAF Ret 4610 Moffat Lii Colorado Springs CO 80915 ming drawings accompany col umn Charles has depicted use CB Asso ciates belicranks admirably suitable Giant Scale models cranks tough cut should trimmed using hacksaw fol lowed cleanup using file hinge-line-moving system consists two lengths music wire has soldered short length brass tubing Tabs drilled accept standard quick-link-tipped pushrods soldered tubing pieces pushrods relatively short attach flap bellcranks ball-links allow changing angles Push Pull length music wire guided two hardwood blocks brass tubing has inserted function simple bearing hardwood blocks glued appropriate wing ribs guide support fore-aft movement music wire rear end length music wire standard copper circular-ended wire terminal standard wheel collar soldered place wheel collars ac cept ends third piece music wire embedded leading edge flap actual hinge flap holds flap model flap-lowering system attaches same belleranks move flap hinge line rearward point inboard toward mounting bolts hinge-line-moving system tached Two simple music wire pushrods quick-links attached rear ends connect two standard control horns bolted flaps self action flap-lowering pushrods move rearward since attach bellcranks nearer pivot restrain flap thereby pulling down airstream flaplowering pushrods attach belleranks means standard hardware items used con nect wire servo output arm connec tors have Allen-head bolts through hold pushrods place set length provide servo action flap mechanism bellcrank attached side doubleended servo arm other bellerank connected other side servo arm thus providing closed-loop tailcing about above Standard pushrods used connect servo belleranks ball fittings take out pushrod misalignment flap itself have noted has music wire embedded its leading edge music wire free-floating held place two lengths brass tubing epoxied wooden flap Side-to-side movement music wire hinge pin restrained fore-aft wires wheel collars Charles prototype installation flap made basswood A6 plywood appears good choice material ply laimnated top bass after has trimmed airfoil shape makes sporty installation flaps Up position because ply butts up against Continued page 154 $599 Nut use Electric Starters Made 6061 Aluminum strong enough 10 allow over tightening weighs under 1 oz 1 diameter 11/4 long 1/4 radius nose minimum AMA requirement 5/32 Iorq Hole 3/4 thread depth can use thinnest props 11 thread sizes fit engines market Send us order & well mail out fast MADE IN THE USA B C PRODUCTS 111 N Starkweather Pampa Texas 79065 806 665-6361 EZ1032 /32 D0580 m 1123212/32 L106106-1mm 107107-1mm 108108-1mm 181258-125mm 1101210-125mm L114281/4-28 151625/16-24 1 3824 3/8-24 VISA MASTERCARD MONEY ORDERS ACCEPTED DEALER INQUIRES WELCOME ENYA 15 5-8mm SS2O SS45 1/4-28 19 to 80 7-1mm 120 8-1mm FOX 19 45 1/4-28 60 120 5/16-24 HBALL SIZES 1/4-28 HP406-1mm 1205/16-24 others 1/4-28 IRVING ALL 1/4-28 K&B19 61 1/4-28 05105-8mm 15 12/32 206-1mm 21 50 1/4-28 60 1205/16-24 108 3/8-24 ROSSI ALL 8-125mm SUPERTIGER 11 to 15 5-8mm 19 to 60 1/4-28 61 to 90 5/16-24 2000 6000 10-125mm SATIO 30 60 6-1mm 65 1090 7-1mm 120 to 270 8-125mm WEBRA 281061 1/4-28 aOto90 &125mm MALONEY 100 3/8-24 PILOT GLASSES. HOW VALUABLE IS YOUR EYESIGHT Adjustable side frames free-flow ventilation Extremely light weight added comfort Attractive case included around frame fits comfortably aver prescription glasses Blocks harmful Quartz mist ultraviolet radiationcoated scratch resistance Made entirely Polycarbonate impact protection ANSI Z871 specifications Available in Clear shop work 81325 Amber overcast days & late afternoons S14~ Gray Sl45 & Mirror S1995 sunny days CA Mask S15~ Paint Mask S2045 member club hit prop b/ade thrown 60 engine close range lip blade struck Safety Plus glasses saved him serious injury possibly loss eye incident convinced everyone should wear safety glasses near model airplane engines being run upEd Saul Secretary Treasurer ____________Pikes Peak RO Club Prices include shipping handling FLU5 See hobby dealer first doesnt have what need order direct SAFETY PLUS PO Box 1173 Dept iM Clinton MS 39056 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-842-7233 ICont US Mississippi 601924-9640 JMC January 1989 39 Wily Coyote design Ed Carroll Model built flown Jack Cole Giant-size sport model may killed Pat Corderman u g ej ndreds cowls kits plans Strong lightweight one-piece construction Exact duplicates ttie manufacturers original Also radial cowls wheelpants Send Si 00 8-pg brochure call 703-890-60179 am-9 pm EDT phone orders information ASTER Dept MA Rt 1 Box 530 Goodvlew VA 24095tS GAS OR ELECTRIC COMING SOON PAONTO 40&604/ SEE YOUR DEA LER PUP 40 TRAINER SPORT J-3 PLAYMATE SUPER PLAYMATE 40 L PLAYMATE ELECTRIC50 SPAR WATCR POE MORE2025 AR Rdewater Hobby Enterprises R II 4lct SRPIELDPL 32691V4I%JnRDAVED 2025 $5495 2454653MC/VIUA4 GRAs VINTAGE FORSTER ENGINES Using original casting dies lastest computer controlled machin ery RJL producing highest quality lowest priced vintage engines available Both engines come complete original reprinted box literature Ignition version equipped clear plastic tank single speed Forster timer Both engines perfect SAM Old Time Stunt events Delivery Dec 88 glow Mar 89 ignition Satisfaction Guaranteedl Add $300 per engine shipping handling Calif residents add sales tax Glow plug spark plug coil condenser included RJL INDUSTRIES PO Box 5 Sierra Madre CA 91024 818 3590016 154 Model Aviation positive negative voltage servo connector bussed along printed wiring board track easily traceable printed circuit board positive voltage source feeds receiver via printed circuit track necessary cut track between last servo connector bus first component re ceiver board order receiver have its own battery recommend using deans connectors easily soldered have goldplated pins Most radios have connectors cannot unsoldered things could get involved youre handy sol dering iron unfamiliar basic electronics dont attempt operation yourself Seek assistance Another consider ation radio new under war ranty may want conimit permanent alterations Its something think about dual battery scheme has benefited radio systems date youve iden tified glitching due voltage dropoff problem do-it-yourself rem edy well worth considering Perhaps future well see radios Giant Scale air planes built wayor offered alter native standard radio Until will have modify own RC Giant Scale/de Vries Continued page 39 wings trailing edge another strip 1A6 ply wood smooth continuous airfoil section Although sounds complicated Mr Fowlers model Fowler flap mechanism actually beauti fully simple very reliable operation Check drawings carefully adapt model back noted effect broken props radiosWe told sad tale two Giants bit dust because excess engine vibration ren dered servos impotent New friend Warren Spur geon called during month similar tale woe model flying coin cidentally Ziroli P-40 bird flew beautiful lycompletely aerobatic stable rock power plant Zenoah G-62 therein lies tale boring skillful holes sky Warren realized didnt have control Warhawk realization confirmed model proceeded powder itself against unyielding earth onfield post-mortem revealed nothing would have caused accident Despite fact retracts salvageable major component beside radio survive impact radio seemed function properly r very careful examination engine told story far Warren concerned Hidden side prop drive assembly locknut parently come adrift allowing flywheel slip forward tapered prop shaft slippage severely unbalanced engine tendant severe vibrationsevere enough render RC servos unable control mod el Warren reported tapered prop shaft visibly chafed sort failure difficulteven impossibleto predict Partial disassembly engine make sure everything locked up tight possible corrective action could come up Maybe jiggle flywheel might have revealed loose locknut could have come loose air after checked What omnipresent Mur phy author well-known laws bear name time/dollar investment Giant Scale models Mr Spurgeons experience points up safety rule great force Check everything before crank up seems Pat Corderman Cordys Flying Circus 1502 N Prospect Colorado Springs CO 80907 designer/producer spectacular fiberglass Northrop Gamma kit column Oc tober 1988 may have solved park-bench al leron problem Earlier prototypes model avoided sexy Scale touch since Pat test pilot Jack Cole feared its use might lead aileron flutter Pat has designed built new wing park-benchers flight testing cur rently underway Gammas used above-the-wing ailerons also almost-fullspan split flaps Pats duplicated well Hes also working next kitting effort Itll Ed Carrolls giant Wily Coyote will feature all-fiberglass fuselage Although Coyote biggie may flown anything nose 90 up event prototype Pats Coyote kit should flying read column Back next month photos news about some very interesting Giant birds Ikon Northwest responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation Super pLaymale 60 60 SERRES HAS 64 SER4IUYMEThICALALUMINIR4 MAIN OEARPUEL TARE 45602 CYCLE AND MOTOR MOUNT ALL RE 48904 CYCLE $109952 Hour frame op kAts 25 sloe
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 38, 39, 154
HOT TOPIC month Fowler flaps Giant Scale models Charles Fowler Alameda CA dropped talked half day about mechanism hes designed Later got back home sent test wing panel Boy slick installation Im going describe you can adapt Charles design particular Scale model Before begin three admonitions consider First Charles mechanism specifically intended particular Scale model fact hes testing non-Scale goat prove its functioning Second will some fiddling required adapt design specific model much flap extension drop angle depends lot bellcranks use length flap-action pushrods build installation Finally although components Fowler flap installa tion readily available hobby shops solidity flap mechanism requires knowledge silver soldering Although four solder joints made joins brass music wire Thus stronger solder highly recommended Giant scale installa tions flap operated its own servoto provide necessary redundancy system Depending specific installation may also possible link both flaps mechanically greater redundancy Charles Fowler-designed model Fowler flap mechanism closed-loop type other words although entire system uses pushrods its connected both sidea flap servo arm arrangement permits couple very desirable things Assuming use propor tional channel flap action intermediate posi tions between flaps Up flaps Down rig idly maintained pull-pull action closed loop insures flaps will move operate radio control JE 3 - H B EA J C B D — G I____ BY CHARLES H FOWLER DESIGN AND DRAWINGS Charles Fowlers flap mechanism shown two positions flaps extended right-hand por tion drawing flaps retracted left-hand side Drawing C Fowler Parts include heavy music wire portion flap extension system BHardwood guide blocks CWheel col lam tabs silver-soldered wire DFlap retalining rods EModified 900 aileron-type belicranks FHeavy music wire flap hinge pin GWheel collar silver soldered flap exten sion rod also keeps wire F moving HFlap servo IFlap control horns JBellcrank sliding wire pushrods Pushrod servo belicrank shown oniy remotest possibility extended flaps will blow back streamline themselves due aerodynamic forces Charles mechanism consists two major sys tems first moves flap hinge line back Out trailing edge wing sec ond system restrains rearward movement flap itself thus lowering flaps Both sys tems operate same pair slightly mod ified standard 900 nylon bellcranks 60-sized Scale models As youll note bellcrank mod ification amounts bit X-Acto trimHeres Fowler flap test section sent de Vries Charles Fowler test section differs drawings insofar servo place ment concerned Giant Scale Applications use servo per flap recommended Flap shown retracted 1 extended R 38 Model Aviation Radio Conoi Giant Scale John de Vries Colonel USAF Ret 4610 Moffat Lii Colorado Springs CO 80915 ming drawings accompany col umn Charles has depicted use CB Asso ciates belicranks admirably suitable Giant Scale models cranks tough cut should trimmed using hacksaw fol lowed cleanup using file hinge-line-moving system consists two lengths music wire has soldered short length brass tubing Tabs drilled accept standard quick-link-tipped pushrods soldered tubing pieces pushrods relatively short attach flap bellcranks ball-links allow changing angles Push Pull length music wire guided two hardwood blocks brass tubing has inserted function simple bearing hardwood blocks glued appropriate wing ribs guide support fore-aft movement music wire rear end length music wire standard copper circular-ended wire terminal standard wheel collar soldered place wheel collars ac cept ends third piece music wire embedded leading edge flap actual hinge flap holds flap model flap-lowering system attaches same belleranks move flap hinge line rearward point inboard toward mounting bolts hinge-line-moving system tached Two simple music wire pushrods quick-links attached rear ends connect two standard control horns bolted flaps self action flap-lowering pushrods move rearward since attach bellcranks nearer pivot restrain flap thereby pulling down airstream flaplowering pushrods attach belleranks means standard hardware items used con nect wire servo output arm connec tors have Allen-head bolts through hold pushrods place set length provide servo action flap mechanism bellcrank attached side doubleended servo arm other bellerank connected other side servo arm thus providing closed-loop tailcing about above Standard pushrods used connect servo belleranks ball fittings take out pushrod misalignment flap itself have noted has music wire embedded its leading edge music wire free-floating held place two lengths brass tubing epoxied wooden flap Side-to-side movement music wire hinge pin restrained fore-aft wires wheel collars Charles prototype installation flap made basswood A6 plywood appears good choice material ply laimnated top bass after has trimmed airfoil shape makes sporty installation flaps Up position because ply butts up against Continued page 154 $599 Nut use Electric Starters Made 6061 Aluminum strong enough 10 allow over tightening weighs under 1 oz 1 diameter 11/4 long 1/4 radius nose minimum AMA requirement 5/32 Iorq Hole 3/4 thread depth can use thinnest props 11 thread sizes fit engines market Send us order & well mail out fast MADE IN THE USA B C PRODUCTS 111 N Starkweather Pampa Texas 79065 806 665-6361 EZ1032 /32 D0580 m 1123212/32 L106106-1mm 107107-1mm 108108-1mm 181258-125mm 1101210-125mm L114281/4-28 151625/16-24 1 3824 3/8-24 VISA MASTERCARD MONEY ORDERS ACCEPTED DEALER INQUIRES WELCOME ENYA 15 5-8mm SS2O SS45 1/4-28 19 to 80 7-1mm 120 8-1mm FOX 19 45 1/4-28 60 120 5/16-24 HBALL SIZES 1/4-28 HP406-1mm 1205/16-24 others 1/4-28 IRVING ALL 1/4-28 K&B19 61 1/4-28 05105-8mm 15 12/32 206-1mm 21 50 1/4-28 60 1205/16-24 108 3/8-24 ROSSI ALL 8-125mm SUPERTIGER 11 to 15 5-8mm 19 to 60 1/4-28 61 to 90 5/16-24 2000 6000 10-125mm SATIO 30 60 6-1mm 65 1090 7-1mm 120 to 270 8-125mm WEBRA 281061 1/4-28 aOto90 &125mm MALONEY 100 3/8-24 PILOT GLASSES. HOW VALUABLE IS YOUR EYESIGHT Adjustable side frames free-flow ventilation Extremely light weight added comfort Attractive case included around frame fits comfortably aver prescription glasses Blocks harmful Quartz mist ultraviolet radiationcoated scratch resistance Made entirely Polycarbonate impact protection ANSI Z871 specifications Available in Clear shop work 81325 Amber overcast days & late afternoons S14~ Gray Sl45 & Mirror S1995 sunny days CA Mask S15~ Paint Mask S2045 member club hit prop b/ade thrown 60 engine close range lip blade struck Safety Plus glasses saved him serious injury possibly loss eye incident convinced everyone should wear safety glasses near model airplane engines being run upEd Saul Secretary Treasurer ____________Pikes Peak RO Club Prices include shipping handling FLU5 See hobby dealer first doesnt have what need order direct SAFETY PLUS PO Box 1173 Dept iM Clinton MS 39056 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-842-7233 ICont US Mississippi 601924-9640 JMC January 1989 39 Wily Coyote design Ed Carroll Model built flown Jack Cole Giant-size sport model may killed Pat Corderman u g ej ndreds cowls kits plans Strong lightweight one-piece construction Exact duplicates ttie manufacturers original Also radial cowls wheelpants Send Si 00 8-pg brochure call 703-890-60179 am-9 pm EDT phone orders information ASTER Dept MA Rt 1 Box 530 Goodvlew VA 24095tS GAS OR ELECTRIC COMING SOON PAONTO 40&604/ SEE YOUR DEA LER PUP 40 TRAINER SPORT J-3 PLAYMATE SUPER PLAYMATE 40 L PLAYMATE ELECTRIC50 SPAR WATCR POE MORE2025 AR Rdewater Hobby Enterprises R II 4lct SRPIELDPL 32691V4I%JnRDAVED 2025 $5495 2454653MC/VIUA4 GRAs VINTAGE FORSTER ENGINES Using original casting dies lastest computer controlled machin ery RJL producing highest quality lowest priced vintage engines available Both engines come complete original reprinted box literature Ignition version equipped clear plastic tank single speed Forster timer Both engines perfect SAM Old Time Stunt events Delivery Dec 88 glow Mar 89 ignition Satisfaction Guaranteedl Add $300 per engine shipping handling Calif residents add sales tax Glow plug spark plug coil condenser included RJL INDUSTRIES PO Box 5 Sierra Madre CA 91024 818 3590016 154 Model Aviation positive negative voltage servo connector bussed along printed wiring board track easily traceable printed circuit board positive voltage source feeds receiver via printed circuit track necessary cut track between last servo connector bus first component re ceiver board order receiver have its own battery recommend using deans connectors easily soldered have goldplated pins Most radios have connectors cannot unsoldered things could get involved youre handy sol dering iron unfamiliar basic electronics dont attempt operation yourself Seek assistance Another consider ation radio new under war ranty may want conimit permanent alterations Its something think about dual battery scheme has benefited radio systems date youve iden tified glitching due voltage dropoff problem do-it-yourself rem edy well worth considering Perhaps future well see radios Giant Scale air planes built wayor offered alter native standard radio Until will have modify own RC Giant Scale/de Vries Continued page 39 wings trailing edge another strip 1A6 ply wood smooth continuous airfoil section Although sounds complicated Mr Fowlers model Fowler flap mechanism actually beauti fully simple very reliable operation Check drawings carefully adapt model back noted effect broken props radiosWe told sad tale two Giants bit dust because excess engine vibration ren dered servos impotent New friend Warren Spur geon called during month similar tale woe model flying coin cidentally Ziroli P-40 bird flew beautiful lycompletely aerobatic stable rock power plant Zenoah G-62 therein lies tale boring skillful holes sky Warren realized didnt have control Warhawk realization confirmed model proceeded powder itself against unyielding earth onfield post-mortem revealed nothing would have caused accident Despite fact retracts salvageable major component beside radio survive impact radio seemed function properly r very careful examination engine told story far Warren concerned Hidden side prop drive assembly locknut parently come adrift allowing flywheel slip forward tapered prop shaft slippage severely unbalanced engine tendant severe vibrationsevere enough render RC servos unable control mod el Warren reported tapered prop shaft visibly chafed sort failure difficulteven impossibleto predict Partial disassembly engine make sure everything locked up tight possible corrective action could come up Maybe jiggle flywheel might have revealed loose locknut could have come loose air after checked What omnipresent Mur phy author well-known laws bear name time/dollar investment Giant Scale models Mr Spurgeons experience points up safety rule great force Check everything before crank up seems Pat Corderman Cordys Flying Circus 1502 N Prospect Colorado Springs CO 80907 designer/producer spectacular fiberglass Northrop Gamma kit column Oc tober 1988 may have solved park-bench al leron problem Earlier prototypes model avoided sexy Scale touch since Pat test pilot Jack Cole feared its use might lead aileron flutter Pat has designed built new wing park-benchers flight testing cur rently underway Gammas used above-the-wing ailerons also almost-fullspan split flaps Pats duplicated well Hes also working next kitting effort Itll Ed Carrolls giant Wily Coyote will feature all-fiberglass fuselage Although Coyote biggie may flown anything nose 90 up event prototype Pats Coyote kit should flying read column Back next month photos news about some very interesting Giant birds Ikon Northwest responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation Super pLaymale 60 60 SERRES HAS 64 SER4IUYMEThICALALUMINIR4 MAIN OEARPUEL TARE 45602 CYCLE AND MOTOR MOUNT ALL RE 48904 CYCLE $109952 Hour frame op kAts 25 sloe