RADIO CONTROL GIANTS P111 MANY YEARS AGO month got stuck model airplanes interest generated 25 WACO Cabin biplane kit put out Scientific Model Co typical era Made balsa sticks Japanese tissue models fuselage red black stripe wings tail feathers yellow model assembled using Du PontTM Duco glue paper covering tightened blew through water siphon propeller sanded down rough balsa form wheels also balsa held place wire axle drop cement its end hay field across road house provided proper tall grass testing area model glided well gave unlubricated rubber motor about 100 turns let flyand fly did broad sweeping turns something about redand-yellow biplane got hooked followed Scientific all-balsa hand-launched glider flew beautifully Denny Condor won $5 prize local polo field difference between now now rubber bands used hold wings top Radio Control RC trainers Things also bigger much noisier much expensive thrill watching creation take air hasnt changed whit Aerodynamic laws still work cause same old thrill model flies its supposed As promised last month have some nifty photos British RCV rotating cylinder engine pictures sent Andy Sampson RCVs sales manager response E-mail request RCV makes 60 engine Im interested inthe 120 Both operate principle geared cylinder rotates drive propeller rather traditional reciprocating piston crankshaft propeller drive geared 21engine speed vs propeller rpm allowing Giant Scale-size propellers used larger engine Im talking regular 18 x 14 20 x 12 propellers Starting RCV four-stroke engines entirely different starting usual hummer Using special starter attachment engine turned over behind propeller point about halfway between propeller integral engine mount engine mounted biplane model particularly compact stock muffler comes engine can fully cowled Giant Scale applications Sporty sure So far RCV hasnt established US distributor its products However albeit bit pricey engines can ordered directly Visa MasterCardTM E-mail sales@rcvenginescom get order form snail mail credit card people will make necessary dollar conversion US price will about $560 plus shipping 120 starter attachment youre interested reading about exciting engine hit Internet wwwrcvenginescom Its good Web site hot summers day returning practice ground gunnery mission Four Mustangs break flying number four got little too close number three runway really pushed brakes got stopped right severe braking blew both main wheel tires brakes locked up fortunately old #56 P-S 1K didnt nose-over days hard braking could cause lock-up because drum brakes tended weld themselves shut Earlier during tour Wright Field Ohio good friend interesting test-piloting job given P-51H equipped disc brakes day after day hed shoot landing after landing shiny new fighter purpose weird testing activity see could overheat disk brakes cause lock up never happened old P-S iDs never did get retrofitted disks leads latest war story Although some mechanically adept Giant Scalers have installed brakes models its exception rather rule takes master machinist design fabricate functional brakes RCV engines smaller 60 larger 120 compact because model airplanes geared rotating cylinder Both easy enclose Giant Scale cowlings I heard Robart certainly has May1999 93 RCV engine mounted sporty aerobatic biplane will easy cowl yet easy cool flight Column has details acquire RCV engine IS E-Z BILT WWII Pedal Planes will have much fun building 3-6 year old will have flying Kit includes full size patterns complete instructions color photo list ready made parts included Kits $2000 total Specify plan wanted Kits available P-38 P-51 Brochure $100 SASE Flight Line Toys P0 Box 3484 ngfield MO 65808 94 Model Aviation er machinists has developed testing brake system models E mailed company info about system promised photos technical dope Imagine flight starts out remote control engine run-up head runwayall controlled radioapplied brakes boggles mind Tower Hobbies has finally shipped second Add-on its RC simulator has new models including electrics ducted fans turbines well five new flying fields big reasons ordered second Add-on includes Fokker Triplane three-decker sensitive aircraft first three takeoffs resulted nose-overs Once airplane airborne its certainly aerobatic original disks Ultra Its fun though Sopwith Camel stable Add-On number twos models Back merry month June luck 4Our 4-40x1/2 socket caps sell $435/i 00 alloy steel $665/lao stainless S750/50 aluminum fair prices sensible quantities fas teners need model building call write fax free catalog Micro Fasteners800-892-6917 110 Hillcrest Road908-806-4050 Fleminglon NJ 08822fax 908-788-2607 e-mail microf@blautnet Internet http//microfastenerscom 1IWrI4qtI4fieJiI1 flArJeJ 4#44TiJJAILwsIj Makes staRing easier safer Keeps GLO$VDRIVBR glaw plag hot last yaur engine needs 0 Connects hetween throttle servo receiver reversihie selectahie 0n points Unit can drive two glow plugs tarns OS transmiSer ott 105% electronic made USA Compatihle AM PM POM radio systems Low power consamption Comes hookup wire ng clip Size fT 12 054 . . -- 95 $3790 w/eoenectorl $4486 w/connetrtor & ptug cap UALL complete single twinengine twin-cylinder systems Gees older DI4L-OU7PJT SERVOREVERWE mdos thn ahility reverse direction semo operation Installations setups easier morn convenient Provides both normal reversed output use ate Y connector makes split elevator two-servo ailerons double-servo rudder installation sopor-easy 100% electrosic no setup fussjust connect forget Made USA works AM PM PCM radio systems Ultra-low power consamption Less radio connector Size 1ha Sgo 54 Weight 025 oz Pert No 2U $2495 $2790 complete w/connecto Complete syotemo other products available planes cam hoato Call write detailo E Rugged microprocessor-oussr reliahility Simply connect ,.ner Peatures two miolog modes individual servo reversing tourdifferent miolog rates features allow tailor mion needs poor model Will overdrive servos options selected simple switches Made USA designed torAM PM PCM radio systems Very low power consumption Less radio connectors Size 16 0 09004 Weight 025 oz Part No 0A $3095t $3685 complete wconnectors GlowDriver Multi-Cylinder Engines$4055 GlowDriver Boats3295 GlowDriver Cars & Trucho3295 AccessorySwitch 300 WaS3495 AccessorySwitch Low-Current2495 IgnitionUnit Rocket Powered Models3995 PowerBackup3095 SbServo2895 ServoFailSafe sew2295 ThrottleSwitch in/EEC & Timer4095 PowerRegulator 5 Volt1495 Ret ruolController fsr Electric Ret reels2995 ServoTrigger2295 ServoSwitch2995 ServoCycler Servo Tester2495 R 0 Box s CHRIsTI TX 78463-3129 Onorns Isroonovlos & Cuvnveco Scovico 1201 514-6843 Hoons M P lionhen Cosrovi- POX &Arrro Hovon 3Sf 914-5943 Ircosson F-our & TecosicuL Snorn pmefek@smhellner May1999 95 PRECISION FIBERGS Hundreds cowls radial cowls & wheelpants Strong lightweight one-piece construction Exact duplicate manufacturers original Phone orders information call 423-984-0828Send $100 catalog $200 Outside US 9 am -6 pm EDT 5 Fox Creek Rd sville TN 37777 AMA SINGE 1936 Add $500 SAN Send F.-TX ResIdents FREE add 7875% Catafeg e tan RC Flight Training Beginner advanced tailored individual long-time modeler full size airplane flight instruc tor will make progress fun easy during week stay beautiful far western North Carolina Write call information RC Flight Training 1635 Setawig Rdn BrasstownNC 28902 828-389-8968
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 93, 94, 95
RADIO CONTROL GIANTS P111 MANY YEARS AGO month got stuck model airplanes interest generated 25 WACO Cabin biplane kit put out Scientific Model Co typical era Made balsa sticks Japanese tissue models fuselage red black stripe wings tail feathers yellow model assembled using Du PontTM Duco glue paper covering tightened blew through water siphon propeller sanded down rough balsa form wheels also balsa held place wire axle drop cement its end hay field across road house provided proper tall grass testing area model glided well gave unlubricated rubber motor about 100 turns let flyand fly did broad sweeping turns something about redand-yellow biplane got hooked followed Scientific all-balsa hand-launched glider flew beautifully Denny Condor won $5 prize local polo field difference between now now rubber bands used hold wings top Radio Control RC trainers Things also bigger much noisier much expensive thrill watching creation take air hasnt changed whit Aerodynamic laws still work cause same old thrill model flies its supposed As promised last month have some nifty photos British RCV rotating cylinder engine pictures sent Andy Sampson RCVs sales manager response E-mail request RCV makes 60 engine Im interested inthe 120 Both operate principle geared cylinder rotates drive propeller rather traditional reciprocating piston crankshaft propeller drive geared 21engine speed vs propeller rpm allowing Giant Scale-size propellers used larger engine Im talking regular 18 x 14 20 x 12 propellers Starting RCV four-stroke engines entirely different starting usual hummer Using special starter attachment engine turned over behind propeller point about halfway between propeller integral engine mount engine mounted biplane model particularly compact stock muffler comes engine can fully cowled Giant Scale applications Sporty sure So far RCV hasnt established US distributor its products However albeit bit pricey engines can ordered directly Visa MasterCardTM E-mail sales@rcvenginescom get order form snail mail credit card people will make necessary dollar conversion US price will about $560 plus shipping 120 starter attachment youre interested reading about exciting engine hit Internet wwwrcvenginescom Its good Web site hot summers day returning practice ground gunnery mission Four Mustangs break flying number four got little too close number three runway really pushed brakes got stopped right severe braking blew both main wheel tires brakes locked up fortunately old #56 P-S 1K didnt nose-over days hard braking could cause lock-up because drum brakes tended weld themselves shut Earlier during tour Wright Field Ohio good friend interesting test-piloting job given P-51H equipped disc brakes day after day hed shoot landing after landing shiny new fighter purpose weird testing activity see could overheat disk brakes cause lock up never happened old P-S iDs never did get retrofitted disks leads latest war story Although some mechanically adept Giant Scalers have installed brakes models its exception rather rule takes master machinist design fabricate functional brakes RCV engines smaller 60 larger 120 compact because model airplanes geared rotating cylinder Both easy enclose Giant Scale cowlings I heard Robart certainly has May1999 93 RCV engine mounted sporty aerobatic biplane will easy cowl yet easy cool flight Column has details acquire RCV engine IS E-Z BILT WWII Pedal Planes will have much fun building 3-6 year old will have flying Kit includes full size patterns complete instructions color photo list ready made parts included Kits $2000 total Specify plan wanted Kits available P-38 P-51 Brochure $100 SASE Flight Line Toys P0 Box 3484 ngfield MO 65808 94 Model Aviation er machinists has developed testing brake system models E mailed company info about system promised photos technical dope Imagine flight starts out remote control engine run-up head runwayall controlled radioapplied brakes boggles mind Tower Hobbies has finally shipped second Add-on its RC simulator has new models including electrics ducted fans turbines well five new flying fields big reasons ordered second Add-on includes Fokker Triplane three-decker sensitive aircraft first three takeoffs resulted nose-overs Once airplane airborne its certainly aerobatic original disks Ultra Its fun though Sopwith Camel stable Add-On number twos models Back merry month June luck 4Our 4-40x1/2 socket caps sell $435/i 00 alloy steel $665/lao stainless S750/50 aluminum fair prices sensible quantities fas teners need model building call write fax free catalog Micro Fasteners800-892-6917 110 Hillcrest Road908-806-4050 Fleminglon NJ 08822fax 908-788-2607 e-mail microf@blautnet Internet http//microfastenerscom 1IWrI4qtI4fieJiI1 flArJeJ 4#44TiJJAILwsIj Makes staRing easier safer Keeps GLO$VDRIVBR glaw plag hot last yaur engine needs 0 Connects hetween throttle servo receiver reversihie selectahie 0n points Unit can drive two glow plugs tarns OS transmiSer ott 105% electronic made USA Compatihle AM PM POM radio systems Low power consamption Comes hookup wire ng clip Size fT 12 054 . . -- 95 $3790 w/eoenectorl $4486 w/connetrtor & ptug cap UALL complete single twinengine twin-cylinder systems Gees older DI4L-OU7PJT SERVOREVERWE mdos thn ahility reverse direction semo operation Installations setups easier morn convenient Provides both normal reversed output use ate Y connector makes split elevator two-servo ailerons double-servo rudder installation sopor-easy 100% electrosic no setup fussjust connect forget Made USA works AM PM PCM radio systems Ultra-low power consamption Less radio connector Size 1ha Sgo 54 Weight 025 oz Pert No 2U $2495 $2790 complete w/connecto Complete syotemo other products available planes cam hoato Call write detailo E Rugged microprocessor-oussr reliahility Simply connect ,.ner Peatures two miolog modes individual servo reversing tourdifferent miolog rates features allow tailor mion needs poor model Will overdrive servos options selected simple switches Made USA designed torAM PM PCM radio systems Very low power consumption Less radio connectors Size 16 0 09004 Weight 025 oz Part No 0A $3095t $3685 complete wconnectors GlowDriver Multi-Cylinder Engines$4055 GlowDriver Boats3295 GlowDriver Cars & Trucho3295 AccessorySwitch 300 WaS3495 AccessorySwitch Low-Current2495 IgnitionUnit Rocket Powered Models3995 PowerBackup3095 SbServo2895 ServoFailSafe sew2295 ThrottleSwitch in/EEC & Timer4095 PowerRegulator 5 Volt1495 Ret ruolController fsr Electric Ret reels2995 ServoTrigger2295 ServoSwitch2995 ServoCycler Servo Tester2495 R 0 Box s CHRIsTI TX 78463-3129 Onorns Isroonovlos & Cuvnveco Scovico 1201 514-6843 Hoons M P lionhen Cosrovi- POX &Arrro Hovon 3Sf 914-5943 Ircosson F-our & TecosicuL Snorn pmefek@smhellner May1999 95 PRECISION FIBERGS Hundreds cowls radial cowls & wheelpants Strong lightweight one-piece construction Exact duplicate manufacturers original Phone orders information call 423-984-0828Send $100 catalog $200 Outside US 9 am -6 pm EDT 5 Fox Creek Rd sville TN 37777 AMA SINGE 1936 Add $500 SAN Send F.-TX ResIdents FREE add 7875% Catafeg e tan RC Flight Training Beginner advanced tailored individual long-time modeler full size airplane flight instruc tor will make progress fun easy during week stay beautiful far western North Carolina Write call information RC Flight Training 1635 Setawig Rdn BrasstownNC 28902 828-389-8968
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 93, 94, 95
RADIO CONTROL GIANTS P111 MANY YEARS AGO month got stuck model airplanes interest generated 25 WACO Cabin biplane kit put out Scientific Model Co typical era Made balsa sticks Japanese tissue models fuselage red black stripe wings tail feathers yellow model assembled using Du PontTM Duco glue paper covering tightened blew through water siphon propeller sanded down rough balsa form wheels also balsa held place wire axle drop cement its end hay field across road house provided proper tall grass testing area model glided well gave unlubricated rubber motor about 100 turns let flyand fly did broad sweeping turns something about redand-yellow biplane got hooked followed Scientific all-balsa hand-launched glider flew beautifully Denny Condor won $5 prize local polo field difference between now now rubber bands used hold wings top Radio Control RC trainers Things also bigger much noisier much expensive thrill watching creation take air hasnt changed whit Aerodynamic laws still work cause same old thrill model flies its supposed As promised last month have some nifty photos British RCV rotating cylinder engine pictures sent Andy Sampson RCVs sales manager response E-mail request RCV makes 60 engine Im interested inthe 120 Both operate principle geared cylinder rotates drive propeller rather traditional reciprocating piston crankshaft propeller drive geared 21engine speed vs propeller rpm allowing Giant Scale-size propellers used larger engine Im talking regular 18 x 14 20 x 12 propellers Starting RCV four-stroke engines entirely different starting usual hummer Using special starter attachment engine turned over behind propeller point about halfway between propeller integral engine mount engine mounted biplane model particularly compact stock muffler comes engine can fully cowled Giant Scale applications Sporty sure So far RCV hasnt established US distributor its products However albeit bit pricey engines can ordered directly Visa MasterCardTM E-mail sales@rcvenginescom get order form snail mail credit card people will make necessary dollar conversion US price will about $560 plus shipping 120 starter attachment youre interested reading about exciting engine hit Internet wwwrcvenginescom Its good Web site hot summers day returning practice ground gunnery mission Four Mustangs break flying number four got little too close number three runway really pushed brakes got stopped right severe braking blew both main wheel tires brakes locked up fortunately old #56 P-S 1K didnt nose-over days hard braking could cause lock-up because drum brakes tended weld themselves shut Earlier during tour Wright Field Ohio good friend interesting test-piloting job given P-51H equipped disc brakes day after day hed shoot landing after landing shiny new fighter purpose weird testing activity see could overheat disk brakes cause lock up never happened old P-S iDs never did get retrofitted disks leads latest war story Although some mechanically adept Giant Scalers have installed brakes models its exception rather rule takes master machinist design fabricate functional brakes RCV engines smaller 60 larger 120 compact because model airplanes geared rotating cylinder Both easy enclose Giant Scale cowlings I heard Robart certainly has May1999 93 RCV engine mounted sporty aerobatic biplane will easy cowl yet easy cool flight Column has details acquire RCV engine IS E-Z BILT WWII Pedal Planes will have much fun building 3-6 year old will have flying Kit includes full size patterns complete instructions color photo list ready made parts included Kits $2000 total Specify plan wanted Kits available P-38 P-51 Brochure $100 SASE Flight Line Toys P0 Box 3484 ngfield MO 65808 94 Model Aviation er machinists has developed testing brake system models E mailed company info about system promised photos technical dope Imagine flight starts out remote control engine run-up head runwayall controlled radioapplied brakes boggles mind Tower Hobbies has finally shipped second Add-on its RC simulator has new models including electrics ducted fans turbines well five new flying fields big reasons ordered second Add-on includes Fokker Triplane three-decker sensitive aircraft first three takeoffs resulted nose-overs Once airplane airborne its certainly aerobatic original disks Ultra Its fun though Sopwith Camel stable Add-On number twos models Back merry month June luck 4Our 4-40x1/2 socket caps sell $435/i 00 alloy steel $665/lao stainless S750/50 aluminum fair prices sensible quantities fas teners need model building call write fax free catalog Micro Fasteners800-892-6917 110 Hillcrest Road908-806-4050 Fleminglon NJ 08822fax 908-788-2607 e-mail microf@blautnet Internet http//microfastenerscom 1IWrI4qtI4fieJiI1 flArJeJ 4#44TiJJAILwsIj Makes staRing easier safer Keeps GLO$VDRIVBR glaw plag hot last yaur engine needs 0 Connects hetween throttle servo receiver reversihie selectahie 0n points Unit can drive two glow plugs tarns OS transmiSer ott 105% electronic made USA Compatihle AM PM POM radio systems Low power consamption Comes hookup wire ng clip Size fT 12 054 . . -- 95 $3790 w/eoenectorl $4486 w/connetrtor & ptug cap UALL complete single twinengine twin-cylinder systems Gees older DI4L-OU7PJT SERVOREVERWE mdos thn ahility reverse direction semo operation Installations setups easier morn convenient Provides both normal reversed output use ate Y connector makes split elevator two-servo ailerons double-servo rudder installation sopor-easy 100% electrosic no setup fussjust connect forget Made USA works AM PM PCM radio systems Ultra-low power consamption Less radio connector Size 1ha Sgo 54 Weight 025 oz Pert No 2U $2495 $2790 complete w/connecto Complete syotemo other products available planes cam hoato Call write detailo E Rugged microprocessor-oussr reliahility Simply connect ,.ner Peatures two miolog modes individual servo reversing tourdifferent miolog rates features allow tailor mion needs poor model Will overdrive servos options selected simple switches Made USA designed torAM PM PCM radio systems Very low power consumption Less radio connectors Size 16 0 09004 Weight 025 oz Part No 0A $3095t $3685 complete wconnectors GlowDriver Multi-Cylinder Engines$4055 GlowDriver Boats3295 GlowDriver Cars & Trucho3295 AccessorySwitch 300 WaS3495 AccessorySwitch Low-Current2495 IgnitionUnit Rocket Powered Models3995 PowerBackup3095 SbServo2895 ServoFailSafe sew2295 ThrottleSwitch in/EEC & Timer4095 PowerRegulator 5 Volt1495 Ret ruolController fsr Electric Ret reels2995 ServoTrigger2295 ServoSwitch2995 ServoCycler Servo Tester2495 R 0 Box s CHRIsTI TX 78463-3129 Onorns Isroonovlos & Cuvnveco Scovico 1201 514-6843 Hoons M P lionhen Cosrovi- POX &Arrro Hovon 3Sf 914-5943 Ircosson F-our & TecosicuL Snorn pmefek@smhellner May1999 95 PRECISION FIBERGS Hundreds cowls radial cowls & wheelpants Strong lightweight one-piece construction Exact duplicate manufacturers original Phone orders information call 423-984-0828Send $100 catalog $200 Outside US 9 am -6 pm EDT 5 Fox Creek Rd sville TN 37777 AMA SINGE 1936 Add $500 SAN Send F.-TX ResIdents FREE add 7875% Catafeg e tan RC Flight Training Beginner advanced tailored individual long-time modeler full size airplane flight instruc tor will make progress fun easy during week stay beautiful far western North Carolina Write call information RC Flight Training 1635 Setawig Rdn BrasstownNC 28902 828-389-8968