claims neither expertise nor much interest competition remains alarmed rather strong dichotomy developing within SAM over 90-size four-cycle powerplants Considering lack solid reference real experience ofOld-Timers Dr DB Mathews PUSHING ALONG 1938 months Old-Timer subject sent us its original builder Harry Scatena Ham mond IN designed 1938 kept reasonably good flying condi tion years Finally fabric deteriorated point needing recover Harry decided convert radio controlled version Originally powered Ohisson 23 swinging eight-inch hand-carved pusher prop now reengined HP 21 four-cycle model has span 60 fuselage length 37 stab 20 fin 7 An Austin Craft timer used shut off Ohlssons ignition system small camera installed nose set expose film via another timer Harry doesnt mention successful camera idea might have does tell us model flew 110 flights single problem broken prop also says model its RC form runs quietly naturally takes off beautifully climbs briskly Properly trimmed out model will fly hands off Landings under power perfect threepointers Harry says Id like see modelers build pushers great fun build fly own limited ex perience confirms Harrys com ments have published several CO-2 pusher designs 25-sized RC model have vice-less no difficult set up con ventional tractor configuration Dont forget first successful manned powered flight pusher place called Kitty Hawk Old-time gas-powered pushers rather few few between Shereshaw XP-3 being few published prior 1942 configura tion became common immediately after WW II Bill Winters Pusher Sportster Model Airplane News July 1947 Jerry Stoloffs Yogi also MAN October 1944 Eagle Models kit coming quickly mind unusually-configured models type certainly would com petitive todays SAM contest scene nonetheless have strong appeal majority SAM members competition has no attraction Adding nitro fire writer fers following observation what worth am currently well develop ment sport RC non-Old-Timer publication magazine have firsthand opportunity compare four52 Model Aviation Harry J Scatena Hammond IN didnt give model name designed built 1938and still doesnt have Yes folks real Old-Timerthe very same model built 1938 True has recovered renovated converted RC Its original Ohlsson 23 has given way HP 21 four-stroke basic skeleton 47 years old Both Harry Doc attest pleasant characteristics pushersparticularly iack broken props Before Harry retired model 40 ears go flown 110 trouble-free flights Wingspan 60 fuselage 37 ong rudder fin 7-in long two-cycle power plants same model 4-60 obviously designed around new-generation 60 four-cycle powerplants both OS Enya have used prototypes has flown Supertigre Bullring 40 K&B 61 05 61 stroker Considering current SAM allowance 60% fourcycle displacement against two-cycle power-plants would presume 40 two-cycle would slightly stronger 60 stroker bunch model will roll snap Tigre crisply OS other hand will roll vertically least five times Frankly OS 13 x 5 prop K&B 11 x 7 prop pull model very comparably certainly highly scientific method comparing quickly ad mit Schnuerle 60 such firebreather Rossi others would un doubtedly stronger K&B 61 OS 61F5 inescapable fact re mains 60% comparison highly unrealistic Since SAM rules cannot changed another year writer going fly win hed likely forced using four-cycle powerplants turned OldTimers climbing out like FAI Power Free Flights above purely academic Schmidts Sparker System Judging volume mail August column has generated bunch folks get ting spark ignition increasing availability reproduction parts true antique engines well numerous Continued pare 148 NINTH ANNUAL RIIJ f1 I] 1 1 JANUARY 11 & 12 1986 PEST WEST ADMISSION Adults -$500 under 13- $300 under 6 free adult Discount tickets worth 50 cents hobby shops within 500-mile radius Pasadena California __ STATIC DISPLAY COMPETITION IN MANY CATEGORIES 1 lisimi LSUi ]Uj p lek ~1kl Ui] LA [S1I1 II [S]IU December 1985 53 Rev Bob Lowe Mulderdrift Transval South Africa powers line Miss Philadelphia L PAW 29 diesel Bill Laws Quincy IL uses Enya 60 twostroke beautiful Dragon Fly R plane 3view month Docs May 1984 col umn Thats real silk dope covering finest airplanes Ive ever built says Bill Mo del weighs 51/4 lb Redlblue trim Saturday 10AM -6 PM Sunday 1OAM-5PM SEE THE LATEST PRODUCTS AND VISII WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MODEL AIRCRAFT L ENGINES MODEL BOATS O CONTROL SYSTEMS *GIANT RAFFLE L CARS MODELING ACCESSORIES*SWAP SHOP OVERSEAS EXHIBITORS CORDIALLY IN VI TED INTERNATIONAL MODELER SHOW OFFICE PO Box 10127 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Ph 714 5484700 645-8830 MODEL PRODUCTS 07444 CORPORAT ON PU ha 314 Pmpiu Plains HEAD Copyright 1977 MPG P R 0 F E S S I_____ 0 N L LOCK ghs ese ed DONT GET KLIPPED GET U iSame eau two inga4 NO FORCE o/1L4atLon SL~ Lody 404 tong c04404i0n 4L LL4 3 48 inch ILad -tanda4d glow plug4 cluding BRIDI £NI/A 9LO-DVIL t OS 4 Stto/cL plu6 FOX FIR& BALL TEO-D&VtL 4L0-BLL 2oZ OPS ROSSI 2 SLr $695 IfI veAhI writ 4erce odd SOC useful should want add rangesor capabilityof instru ment such example concerns fact multimeters offer built-in 10 amp range Electric power systems operate currents greater 10 amps Another example concerns use common 20-volt range digital multimeters what really need 40-volt range Later well see deal other special cases using nitty gritty information preceding discussion just What Im doing trying hammer home fact current meters cluding multimeters current range always connected SERIES circuit youre measuring current flow very important distinction voltmeter always con nected ACROSS parallel component voltage being measured Think current meter water-flow meter current water must flow THROUGH measured Since cur rent meters have VERY LOW internal resistance connecting across charged battery example would stantly damage meter activate protective device meter might contain Finally since obvious current meters cause in-circuit drop least some small voltage would prob ably notice slight change motor rpm meter circuit current-meter voltage drop called 'burden~ insertion drop' usually between 01 03 volts full-scale meter deflection similar situation condition voltmeters Voltmeters require small current operation cur rent stolen circuit being measured effect called loading required current normally very smalla battery wouldnt notice wanted measure voltage across component itself has very little current flowing through rob bing could very significant Fortu nately latter condition does occur Electric power circuits because circuit currents high voltmeter effect goes unnoticed effects would very noticeable such circuits receiver other lowpower high-resistance electronic assem blies often must accounted Thus pure sense measure some thing change hope now recognize significance wiring similar losses Electric model power systems Current flowing through wiring connectors fuses switches etc causes voltage lossand consequently motor power loss Later well see evaluate such losses minimize See insight multimeters work can give appreciation things happen power installationsas promised Next month Basic Electricity con tinues such discussions regarding actual use voltage current functions multimeters some insight operation ohmmeter ranges Please forward questions include SASE please author Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Lans dale PA 19446 RC Old-Timers/Mathews Continued page 53 reproductions same engines has little surge interest letters also make painfully obvious writers have strong interest using Bill Schmidts igni tion system totally lack capability building circuit drawings Joe Klaus has come rescue Kustom Kraftsmanship operation will soon make available completely assem bled potted circuit board unit reasonable cost Now abso lutely reason either buy repro engine ranging John Morrells little Atom MG Products Forster 99 pick up ignition timer parts old engine youve lying around years Micro Model Engineering Kustom Kraftsmanships address PO Box 2699 Laguna Hills CA 92654 Telephone 714/830-5162 Micro Model Engineerings address 1301 W Lafayette St Sturgis MI 49091 Telephone 616/651-5431 Flash Ohlsson engines dominate Colusa CA contest Contestants flying models powered Ohlsson 60 ignition engines won three firsts second Only 1AA Texaco big Texaco events won other engines Ohlsson sec ond big Texaco antique brute power name game Ohlsson 60-pow ered model outdid challenges cluding several Schnuerle glow-powered entries spite longer allowed motor runs glow brutes due heavier models about Caveat emptor Thats Latin term mean ing buyer beware have examined several previously-mentioned reproduction engines recently part exhibit excellent work manship run well sometimes better originals did matter fact least two examples absolutely subpar both workmanship materi als Ill name since two ex amples might have exceptions rule shaft running downhill case bolts holding front housing ran off-center holes castings must have finished Continued page 150 148 Model Aviation GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR WEVE GOT YOUR STANDARD MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE II MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE MUFFLERS PITTS STYLE MUFFLERS TUNED PIPE ADAPTERS HELICOPTER MUFFLERS BOAT EXHAUST EXTENSIONS ACCESSORIES EXHAUST SYSTEMS SLIM LINE MUFFLERS PO BOX 3295 SCOTTSDALEAZ 85257 602 9875053 three swipes coarse file other popped crank pin after third run came cast spinner out-of-round naked eye could see point . buy reproductions approval clear understanding what guarantees Most manufacturers importers doing excellent work wont hesi tate assure buyer quality prod uct refusedont buy Dee B Mathews 8420 Nantucket Wichita KS 67212 RC Giant Scale/Beckman Continued page 55 years ago flying full-scale homebuilt replica Sopwith Triplane through generosity permitted STARS use own private full-scale landing strip clubs base operations has generously continued permission Carolyn Clapp widow mayor common council city Olean have graciously permitted local Municipal Airport closed full-scale aircraft during two-day Ral ly used exclusively Radio Con trol Scale event STARS Scale Rallies have existed concept must held Sunday fliers bulk model air craft participants no competi tion whatsoever no so-called landing registration fee Just come fly fact register ship display and/or fly given ticket free barbecue chicken dinner Scale ships order day size has never challengedlarge Giant Scale smaller Scale always welcome Though event has become associated Giant Scale basically trueany size welcome providing scale Saturday July 6 started off cool day moderate wind completely over cast sky seemed threaten rain moment did deter registrants Two flight lines set up hard-surfaced main runway airport used eight fliers time six fliers air almost con tinuously carefully-coordinated event flying went along hitch Three ducted-fan models flown superb Helicopter demonstration well 1984 total 124 regis trants two-day event noon Saturday 1985 Rally 118 registrants close ac tivities first day total 144 registrantsthe largest ever approximately 330 pm rains camebucket after bucket full very short time stopped completely flying resumed once again large scale rained another 10 minutes 200 chicken barbecue din ners being cooked would have wiped out As charcoal pits regained heat dinner served about half hour later usual After conclusion flying day STARS held its first model aircraft auction hesitancy some cluding thought might adding already overworked program activities Graciously Frank Anderson Mississauga Ontario former MAAC president offered auctioneer Within relatively short period time Frank everything auctioned off ap pears model aircraft auction will now standard portion annual Scale Rally usual Saturday evening social took placea large bonfire food beverages available fliers families camped Municipal Airport Sunday dawned cool completely over cast intermittent persistent drizzle Flying limited brave souls just wanted fly time spite inclement weather five registrants Sunday morning making grand total 149again largest ever would have registered two full TItn1jq b#wS Save tII8to~001 St Is. @ Tlnlef S pointS afl 150 Model Aviation RC VIDEO. GAZINE PES. Continued page 152 FAI RUBBER Sizes 1/4 3116 1/8 3/32 1/16 042 thick pound box Price $1300 FREE 4 oz bottle SLICK rubber lube per box Postpaid UPS USA 65 FF kits incH Starduster Coupe Deville 4 Satellites now avail Dragmaster Zingo FAI Power Tilka Wakefield P-30s 2 pacifier tanks Crocket hooks Slick lube Seelig ft KSB timers Front ends 3 prop kits 2 kinds fuse winders kinds hardware Books much 1985 catalog 75 Cal add 6% tax FAl Model Supply Ignition Engine Parts Only Over 450 Items Send $200 current catalog PO sox 3557 TORRANCE CA 00510
Edition: Model Aviation - 1985/12
Page Numbers: 52, 53, 148, 150
claims neither expertise nor much interest competition remains alarmed rather strong dichotomy developing within SAM over 90-size four-cycle powerplants Considering lack solid reference real experience ofOld-Timers Dr DB Mathews PUSHING ALONG 1938 months Old-Timer subject sent us its original builder Harry Scatena Ham mond IN designed 1938 kept reasonably good flying condi tion years Finally fabric deteriorated point needing recover Harry decided convert radio controlled version Originally powered Ohisson 23 swinging eight-inch hand-carved pusher prop now reengined HP 21 four-cycle model has span 60 fuselage length 37 stab 20 fin 7 An Austin Craft timer used shut off Ohlssons ignition system small camera installed nose set expose film via another timer Harry doesnt mention successful camera idea might have does tell us model flew 110 flights single problem broken prop also says model its RC form runs quietly naturally takes off beautifully climbs briskly Properly trimmed out model will fly hands off Landings under power perfect threepointers Harry says Id like see modelers build pushers great fun build fly own limited ex perience confirms Harrys com ments have published several CO-2 pusher designs 25-sized RC model have vice-less no difficult set up con ventional tractor configuration Dont forget first successful manned powered flight pusher place called Kitty Hawk Old-time gas-powered pushers rather few few between Shereshaw XP-3 being few published prior 1942 configura tion became common immediately after WW II Bill Winters Pusher Sportster Model Airplane News July 1947 Jerry Stoloffs Yogi also MAN October 1944 Eagle Models kit coming quickly mind unusually-configured models type certainly would com petitive todays SAM contest scene nonetheless have strong appeal majority SAM members competition has no attraction Adding nitro fire writer fers following observation what worth am currently well develop ment sport RC non-Old-Timer publication magazine have firsthand opportunity compare four52 Model Aviation Harry J Scatena Hammond IN didnt give model name designed built 1938and still doesnt have Yes folks real Old-Timerthe very same model built 1938 True has recovered renovated converted RC Its original Ohlsson 23 has given way HP 21 four-stroke basic skeleton 47 years old Both Harry Doc attest pleasant characteristics pushersparticularly iack broken props Before Harry retired model 40 ears go flown 110 trouble-free flights Wingspan 60 fuselage 37 ong rudder fin 7-in long two-cycle power plants same model 4-60 obviously designed around new-generation 60 four-cycle powerplants both OS Enya have used prototypes has flown Supertigre Bullring 40 K&B 61 05 61 stroker Considering current SAM allowance 60% fourcycle displacement against two-cycle power-plants would presume 40 two-cycle would slightly stronger 60 stroker bunch model will roll snap Tigre crisply OS other hand will roll vertically least five times Frankly OS 13 x 5 prop K&B 11 x 7 prop pull model very comparably certainly highly scientific method comparing quickly ad mit Schnuerle 60 such firebreather Rossi others would un doubtedly stronger K&B 61 OS 61F5 inescapable fact re mains 60% comparison highly unrealistic Since SAM rules cannot changed another year writer going fly win hed likely forced using four-cycle powerplants turned OldTimers climbing out like FAI Power Free Flights above purely academic Schmidts Sparker System Judging volume mail August column has generated bunch folks get ting spark ignition increasing availability reproduction parts true antique engines well numerous Continued pare 148 NINTH ANNUAL RIIJ f1 I] 1 1 JANUARY 11 & 12 1986 PEST WEST ADMISSION Adults -$500 under 13- $300 under 6 free adult Discount tickets worth 50 cents hobby shops within 500-mile radius Pasadena California __ STATIC DISPLAY COMPETITION IN MANY CATEGORIES 1 lisimi LSUi ]Uj p lek ~1kl Ui] LA [S1I1 II [S]IU December 1985 53 Rev Bob Lowe Mulderdrift Transval South Africa powers line Miss Philadelphia L PAW 29 diesel Bill Laws Quincy IL uses Enya 60 twostroke beautiful Dragon Fly R plane 3view month Docs May 1984 col umn Thats real silk dope covering finest airplanes Ive ever built says Bill Mo del weighs 51/4 lb Redlblue trim Saturday 10AM -6 PM Sunday 1OAM-5PM SEE THE LATEST PRODUCTS AND VISII WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MODEL AIRCRAFT L ENGINES MODEL BOATS O CONTROL SYSTEMS *GIANT RAFFLE L CARS MODELING ACCESSORIES*SWAP SHOP OVERSEAS EXHIBITORS CORDIALLY IN VI TED INTERNATIONAL MODELER SHOW OFFICE PO Box 10127 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Ph 714 5484700 645-8830 MODEL PRODUCTS 07444 CORPORAT ON PU ha 314 Pmpiu Plains HEAD Copyright 1977 MPG P R 0 F E S S I_____ 0 N L LOCK ghs ese ed DONT GET KLIPPED GET U iSame eau two inga4 NO FORCE o/1L4atLon SL~ Lody 404 tong c04404i0n 4L LL4 3 48 inch ILad -tanda4d glow plug4 cluding BRIDI £NI/A 9LO-DVIL t OS 4 Stto/cL plu6 FOX FIR& BALL TEO-D&VtL 4L0-BLL 2oZ OPS ROSSI 2 SLr $695 IfI veAhI writ 4erce odd SOC useful should want add rangesor capabilityof instru ment such example concerns fact multimeters offer built-in 10 amp range Electric power systems operate currents greater 10 amps Another example concerns use common 20-volt range digital multimeters what really need 40-volt range Later well see deal other special cases using nitty gritty information preceding discussion just What Im doing trying hammer home fact current meters cluding multimeters current range always connected SERIES circuit youre measuring current flow very important distinction voltmeter always con nected ACROSS parallel component voltage being measured Think current meter water-flow meter current water must flow THROUGH measured Since cur rent meters have VERY LOW internal resistance connecting across charged battery example would stantly damage meter activate protective device meter might contain Finally since obvious current meters cause in-circuit drop least some small voltage would prob ably notice slight change motor rpm meter circuit current-meter voltage drop called 'burden~ insertion drop' usually between 01 03 volts full-scale meter deflection similar situation condition voltmeters Voltmeters require small current operation cur rent stolen circuit being measured effect called loading required current normally very smalla battery wouldnt notice wanted measure voltage across component itself has very little current flowing through rob bing could very significant Fortu nately latter condition does occur Electric power circuits because circuit currents high voltmeter effect goes unnoticed effects would very noticeable such circuits receiver other lowpower high-resistance electronic assem blies often must accounted Thus pure sense measure some thing change hope now recognize significance wiring similar losses Electric model power systems Current flowing through wiring connectors fuses switches etc causes voltage lossand consequently motor power loss Later well see evaluate such losses minimize See insight multimeters work can give appreciation things happen power installationsas promised Next month Basic Electricity con tinues such discussions regarding actual use voltage current functions multimeters some insight operation ohmmeter ranges Please forward questions include SASE please author Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Lans dale PA 19446 RC Old-Timers/Mathews Continued page 53 reproductions same engines has little surge interest letters also make painfully obvious writers have strong interest using Bill Schmidts igni tion system totally lack capability building circuit drawings Joe Klaus has come rescue Kustom Kraftsmanship operation will soon make available completely assem bled potted circuit board unit reasonable cost Now abso lutely reason either buy repro engine ranging John Morrells little Atom MG Products Forster 99 pick up ignition timer parts old engine youve lying around years Micro Model Engineering Kustom Kraftsmanships address PO Box 2699 Laguna Hills CA 92654 Telephone 714/830-5162 Micro Model Engineerings address 1301 W Lafayette St Sturgis MI 49091 Telephone 616/651-5431 Flash Ohlsson engines dominate Colusa CA contest Contestants flying models powered Ohlsson 60 ignition engines won three firsts second Only 1AA Texaco big Texaco events won other engines Ohlsson sec ond big Texaco antique brute power name game Ohlsson 60-pow ered model outdid challenges cluding several Schnuerle glow-powered entries spite longer allowed motor runs glow brutes due heavier models about Caveat emptor Thats Latin term mean ing buyer beware have examined several previously-mentioned reproduction engines recently part exhibit excellent work manship run well sometimes better originals did matter fact least two examples absolutely subpar both workmanship materi als Ill name since two ex amples might have exceptions rule shaft running downhill case bolts holding front housing ran off-center holes castings must have finished Continued page 150 148 Model Aviation GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR WEVE GOT YOUR STANDARD MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE II MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE MUFFLERS PITTS STYLE MUFFLERS TUNED PIPE ADAPTERS HELICOPTER MUFFLERS BOAT EXHAUST EXTENSIONS ACCESSORIES EXHAUST SYSTEMS SLIM LINE MUFFLERS PO BOX 3295 SCOTTSDALEAZ 85257 602 9875053 three swipes coarse file other popped crank pin after third run came cast spinner out-of-round naked eye could see point . buy reproductions approval clear understanding what guarantees Most manufacturers importers doing excellent work wont hesi tate assure buyer quality prod uct refusedont buy Dee B Mathews 8420 Nantucket Wichita KS 67212 RC Giant Scale/Beckman Continued page 55 years ago flying full-scale homebuilt replica Sopwith Triplane through generosity permitted STARS use own private full-scale landing strip clubs base operations has generously continued permission Carolyn Clapp widow mayor common council city Olean have graciously permitted local Municipal Airport closed full-scale aircraft during two-day Ral ly used exclusively Radio Con trol Scale event STARS Scale Rallies have existed concept must held Sunday fliers bulk model air craft participants no competi tion whatsoever no so-called landing registration fee Just come fly fact register ship display and/or fly given ticket free barbecue chicken dinner Scale ships order day size has never challengedlarge Giant Scale smaller Scale always welcome Though event has become associated Giant Scale basically trueany size welcome providing scale Saturday July 6 started off cool day moderate wind completely over cast sky seemed threaten rain moment did deter registrants Two flight lines set up hard-surfaced main runway airport used eight fliers time six fliers air almost con tinuously carefully-coordinated event flying went along hitch Three ducted-fan models flown superb Helicopter demonstration well 1984 total 124 regis trants two-day event noon Saturday 1985 Rally 118 registrants close ac tivities first day total 144 registrantsthe largest ever approximately 330 pm rains camebucket after bucket full very short time stopped completely flying resumed once again large scale rained another 10 minutes 200 chicken barbecue din ners being cooked would have wiped out As charcoal pits regained heat dinner served about half hour later usual After conclusion flying day STARS held its first model aircraft auction hesitancy some cluding thought might adding already overworked program activities Graciously Frank Anderson Mississauga Ontario former MAAC president offered auctioneer Within relatively short period time Frank everything auctioned off ap pears model aircraft auction will now standard portion annual Scale Rally usual Saturday evening social took placea large bonfire food beverages available fliers families camped Municipal Airport Sunday dawned cool completely over cast intermittent persistent drizzle Flying limited brave souls just wanted fly time spite inclement weather five registrants Sunday morning making grand total 149again largest ever would have registered two full TItn1jq b#wS Save tII8to~001 St Is. @ Tlnlef S pointS afl 150 Model Aviation RC VIDEO. GAZINE PES. Continued page 152 FAI RUBBER Sizes 1/4 3116 1/8 3/32 1/16 042 thick pound box Price $1300 FREE 4 oz bottle SLICK rubber lube per box Postpaid UPS USA 65 FF kits incH Starduster Coupe Deville 4 Satellites now avail Dragmaster Zingo FAI Power Tilka Wakefield P-30s 2 pacifier tanks Crocket hooks Slick lube Seelig ft KSB timers Front ends 3 prop kits 2 kinds fuse winders kinds hardware Books much 1985 catalog 75 Cal add 6% tax FAl Model Supply Ignition Engine Parts Only Over 450 Items Send $200 current catalog PO sox 3557 TORRANCE CA 00510
Edition: Model Aviation - 1985/12
Page Numbers: 52, 53, 148, 150
claims neither expertise nor much interest competition remains alarmed rather strong dichotomy developing within SAM over 90-size four-cycle powerplants Considering lack solid reference real experience ofOld-Timers Dr DB Mathews PUSHING ALONG 1938 months Old-Timer subject sent us its original builder Harry Scatena Ham mond IN designed 1938 kept reasonably good flying condi tion years Finally fabric deteriorated point needing recover Harry decided convert radio controlled version Originally powered Ohisson 23 swinging eight-inch hand-carved pusher prop now reengined HP 21 four-cycle model has span 60 fuselage length 37 stab 20 fin 7 An Austin Craft timer used shut off Ohlssons ignition system small camera installed nose set expose film via another timer Harry doesnt mention successful camera idea might have does tell us model flew 110 flights single problem broken prop also says model its RC form runs quietly naturally takes off beautifully climbs briskly Properly trimmed out model will fly hands off Landings under power perfect threepointers Harry says Id like see modelers build pushers great fun build fly own limited ex perience confirms Harrys com ments have published several CO-2 pusher designs 25-sized RC model have vice-less no difficult set up con ventional tractor configuration Dont forget first successful manned powered flight pusher place called Kitty Hawk Old-time gas-powered pushers rather few few between Shereshaw XP-3 being few published prior 1942 configura tion became common immediately after WW II Bill Winters Pusher Sportster Model Airplane News July 1947 Jerry Stoloffs Yogi also MAN October 1944 Eagle Models kit coming quickly mind unusually-configured models type certainly would com petitive todays SAM contest scene nonetheless have strong appeal majority SAM members competition has no attraction Adding nitro fire writer fers following observation what worth am currently well develop ment sport RC non-Old-Timer publication magazine have firsthand opportunity compare four52 Model Aviation Harry J Scatena Hammond IN didnt give model name designed built 1938and still doesnt have Yes folks real Old-Timerthe very same model built 1938 True has recovered renovated converted RC Its original Ohlsson 23 has given way HP 21 four-stroke basic skeleton 47 years old Both Harry Doc attest pleasant characteristics pushersparticularly iack broken props Before Harry retired model 40 ears go flown 110 trouble-free flights Wingspan 60 fuselage 37 ong rudder fin 7-in long two-cycle power plants same model 4-60 obviously designed around new-generation 60 four-cycle powerplants both OS Enya have used prototypes has flown Supertigre Bullring 40 K&B 61 05 61 stroker Considering current SAM allowance 60% fourcycle displacement against two-cycle power-plants would presume 40 two-cycle would slightly stronger 60 stroker bunch model will roll snap Tigre crisply OS other hand will roll vertically least five times Frankly OS 13 x 5 prop K&B 11 x 7 prop pull model very comparably certainly highly scientific method comparing quickly ad mit Schnuerle 60 such firebreather Rossi others would un doubtedly stronger K&B 61 OS 61F5 inescapable fact re mains 60% comparison highly unrealistic Since SAM rules cannot changed another year writer going fly win hed likely forced using four-cycle powerplants turned OldTimers climbing out like FAI Power Free Flights above purely academic Schmidts Sparker System Judging volume mail August column has generated bunch folks get ting spark ignition increasing availability reproduction parts true antique engines well numerous Continued pare 148 NINTH ANNUAL RIIJ f1 I] 1 1 JANUARY 11 & 12 1986 PEST WEST ADMISSION Adults -$500 under 13- $300 under 6 free adult Discount tickets worth 50 cents hobby shops within 500-mile radius Pasadena California __ STATIC DISPLAY COMPETITION IN MANY CATEGORIES 1 lisimi LSUi ]Uj p lek ~1kl Ui] LA [S1I1 II [S]IU December 1985 53 Rev Bob Lowe Mulderdrift Transval South Africa powers line Miss Philadelphia L PAW 29 diesel Bill Laws Quincy IL uses Enya 60 twostroke beautiful Dragon Fly R plane 3view month Docs May 1984 col umn Thats real silk dope covering finest airplanes Ive ever built says Bill Mo del weighs 51/4 lb Redlblue trim Saturday 10AM -6 PM Sunday 1OAM-5PM SEE THE LATEST PRODUCTS AND VISII WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MODEL AIRCRAFT L ENGINES MODEL BOATS O CONTROL SYSTEMS *GIANT RAFFLE L CARS MODELING ACCESSORIES*SWAP SHOP OVERSEAS EXHIBITORS CORDIALLY IN VI TED INTERNATIONAL MODELER SHOW OFFICE PO Box 10127 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Ph 714 5484700 645-8830 MODEL PRODUCTS 07444 CORPORAT ON PU ha 314 Pmpiu Plains HEAD Copyright 1977 MPG P R 0 F E S S I_____ 0 N L LOCK ghs ese ed DONT GET KLIPPED GET U iSame eau two inga4 NO FORCE o/1L4atLon SL~ Lody 404 tong c04404i0n 4L LL4 3 48 inch ILad -tanda4d glow plug4 cluding BRIDI £NI/A 9LO-DVIL t OS 4 Stto/cL plu6 FOX FIR& BALL TEO-D&VtL 4L0-BLL 2oZ OPS ROSSI 2 SLr $695 IfI veAhI writ 4erce odd SOC useful should want add rangesor capabilityof instru ment such example concerns fact multimeters offer built-in 10 amp range Electric power systems operate currents greater 10 amps Another example concerns use common 20-volt range digital multimeters what really need 40-volt range Later well see deal other special cases using nitty gritty information preceding discussion just What Im doing trying hammer home fact current meters cluding multimeters current range always connected SERIES circuit youre measuring current flow very important distinction voltmeter always con nected ACROSS parallel component voltage being measured Think current meter water-flow meter current water must flow THROUGH measured Since cur rent meters have VERY LOW internal resistance connecting across charged battery example would stantly damage meter activate protective device meter might contain Finally since obvious current meters cause in-circuit drop least some small voltage would prob ably notice slight change motor rpm meter circuit current-meter voltage drop called 'burden~ insertion drop' usually between 01 03 volts full-scale meter deflection similar situation condition voltmeters Voltmeters require small current operation cur rent stolen circuit being measured effect called loading required current normally very smalla battery wouldnt notice wanted measure voltage across component itself has very little current flowing through rob bing could very significant Fortu nately latter condition does occur Electric power circuits because circuit currents high voltmeter effect goes unnoticed effects would very noticeable such circuits receiver other lowpower high-resistance electronic assem blies often must accounted Thus pure sense measure some thing change hope now recognize significance wiring similar losses Electric model power systems Current flowing through wiring connectors fuses switches etc causes voltage lossand consequently motor power loss Later well see evaluate such losses minimize See insight multimeters work can give appreciation things happen power installationsas promised Next month Basic Electricity con tinues such discussions regarding actual use voltage current functions multimeters some insight operation ohmmeter ranges Please forward questions include SASE please author Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Lans dale PA 19446 RC Old-Timers/Mathews Continued page 53 reproductions same engines has little surge interest letters also make painfully obvious writers have strong interest using Bill Schmidts igni tion system totally lack capability building circuit drawings Joe Klaus has come rescue Kustom Kraftsmanship operation will soon make available completely assem bled potted circuit board unit reasonable cost Now abso lutely reason either buy repro engine ranging John Morrells little Atom MG Products Forster 99 pick up ignition timer parts old engine youve lying around years Micro Model Engineering Kustom Kraftsmanships address PO Box 2699 Laguna Hills CA 92654 Telephone 714/830-5162 Micro Model Engineerings address 1301 W Lafayette St Sturgis MI 49091 Telephone 616/651-5431 Flash Ohlsson engines dominate Colusa CA contest Contestants flying models powered Ohlsson 60 ignition engines won three firsts second Only 1AA Texaco big Texaco events won other engines Ohlsson sec ond big Texaco antique brute power name game Ohlsson 60-pow ered model outdid challenges cluding several Schnuerle glow-powered entries spite longer allowed motor runs glow brutes due heavier models about Caveat emptor Thats Latin term mean ing buyer beware have examined several previously-mentioned reproduction engines recently part exhibit excellent work manship run well sometimes better originals did matter fact least two examples absolutely subpar both workmanship materi als Ill name since two ex amples might have exceptions rule shaft running downhill case bolts holding front housing ran off-center holes castings must have finished Continued page 150 148 Model Aviation GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR WEVE GOT YOUR STANDARD MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE II MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE MUFFLERS PITTS STYLE MUFFLERS TUNED PIPE ADAPTERS HELICOPTER MUFFLERS BOAT EXHAUST EXTENSIONS ACCESSORIES EXHAUST SYSTEMS SLIM LINE MUFFLERS PO BOX 3295 SCOTTSDALEAZ 85257 602 9875053 three swipes coarse file other popped crank pin after third run came cast spinner out-of-round naked eye could see point . buy reproductions approval clear understanding what guarantees Most manufacturers importers doing excellent work wont hesi tate assure buyer quality prod uct refusedont buy Dee B Mathews 8420 Nantucket Wichita KS 67212 RC Giant Scale/Beckman Continued page 55 years ago flying full-scale homebuilt replica Sopwith Triplane through generosity permitted STARS use own private full-scale landing strip clubs base operations has generously continued permission Carolyn Clapp widow mayor common council city Olean have graciously permitted local Municipal Airport closed full-scale aircraft during two-day Ral ly used exclusively Radio Con trol Scale event STARS Scale Rallies have existed concept must held Sunday fliers bulk model air craft participants no competi tion whatsoever no so-called landing registration fee Just come fly fact register ship display and/or fly given ticket free barbecue chicken dinner Scale ships order day size has never challengedlarge Giant Scale smaller Scale always welcome Though event has become associated Giant Scale basically trueany size welcome providing scale Saturday July 6 started off cool day moderate wind completely over cast sky seemed threaten rain moment did deter registrants Two flight lines set up hard-surfaced main runway airport used eight fliers time six fliers air almost con tinuously carefully-coordinated event flying went along hitch Three ducted-fan models flown superb Helicopter demonstration well 1984 total 124 regis trants two-day event noon Saturday 1985 Rally 118 registrants close ac tivities first day total 144 registrantsthe largest ever approximately 330 pm rains camebucket after bucket full very short time stopped completely flying resumed once again large scale rained another 10 minutes 200 chicken barbecue din ners being cooked would have wiped out As charcoal pits regained heat dinner served about half hour later usual After conclusion flying day STARS held its first model aircraft auction hesitancy some cluding thought might adding already overworked program activities Graciously Frank Anderson Mississauga Ontario former MAAC president offered auctioneer Within relatively short period time Frank everything auctioned off ap pears model aircraft auction will now standard portion annual Scale Rally usual Saturday evening social took placea large bonfire food beverages available fliers families camped Municipal Airport Sunday dawned cool completely over cast intermittent persistent drizzle Flying limited brave souls just wanted fly time spite inclement weather five registrants Sunday morning making grand total 149again largest ever would have registered two full TItn1jq b#wS Save tII8to~001 St Is. @ Tlnlef S pointS afl 150 Model Aviation RC VIDEO. GAZINE PES. Continued page 152 FAI RUBBER Sizes 1/4 3116 1/8 3/32 1/16 042 thick pound box Price $1300 FREE 4 oz bottle SLICK rubber lube per box Postpaid UPS USA 65 FF kits incH Starduster Coupe Deville 4 Satellites now avail Dragmaster Zingo FAI Power Tilka Wakefield P-30s 2 pacifier tanks Crocket hooks Slick lube Seelig ft KSB timers Front ends 3 prop kits 2 kinds fuse winders kinds hardware Books much 1985 catalog 75 Cal add 6% tax FAl Model Supply Ignition Engine Parts Only Over 450 Items Send $200 current catalog PO sox 3557 TORRANCE CA 00510
Edition: Model Aviation - 1985/12
Page Numbers: 52, 53, 148, 150
claims neither expertise nor much interest competition remains alarmed rather strong dichotomy developing within SAM over 90-size four-cycle powerplants Considering lack solid reference real experience ofOld-Timers Dr DB Mathews PUSHING ALONG 1938 months Old-Timer subject sent us its original builder Harry Scatena Ham mond IN designed 1938 kept reasonably good flying condi tion years Finally fabric deteriorated point needing recover Harry decided convert radio controlled version Originally powered Ohisson 23 swinging eight-inch hand-carved pusher prop now reengined HP 21 four-cycle model has span 60 fuselage length 37 stab 20 fin 7 An Austin Craft timer used shut off Ohlssons ignition system small camera installed nose set expose film via another timer Harry doesnt mention successful camera idea might have does tell us model flew 110 flights single problem broken prop also says model its RC form runs quietly naturally takes off beautifully climbs briskly Properly trimmed out model will fly hands off Landings under power perfect threepointers Harry says Id like see modelers build pushers great fun build fly own limited ex perience confirms Harrys com ments have published several CO-2 pusher designs 25-sized RC model have vice-less no difficult set up con ventional tractor configuration Dont forget first successful manned powered flight pusher place called Kitty Hawk Old-time gas-powered pushers rather few few between Shereshaw XP-3 being few published prior 1942 configura tion became common immediately after WW II Bill Winters Pusher Sportster Model Airplane News July 1947 Jerry Stoloffs Yogi also MAN October 1944 Eagle Models kit coming quickly mind unusually-configured models type certainly would com petitive todays SAM contest scene nonetheless have strong appeal majority SAM members competition has no attraction Adding nitro fire writer fers following observation what worth am currently well develop ment sport RC non-Old-Timer publication magazine have firsthand opportunity compare four52 Model Aviation Harry J Scatena Hammond IN didnt give model name designed built 1938and still doesnt have Yes folks real Old-Timerthe very same model built 1938 True has recovered renovated converted RC Its original Ohlsson 23 has given way HP 21 four-stroke basic skeleton 47 years old Both Harry Doc attest pleasant characteristics pushersparticularly iack broken props Before Harry retired model 40 ears go flown 110 trouble-free flights Wingspan 60 fuselage 37 ong rudder fin 7-in long two-cycle power plants same model 4-60 obviously designed around new-generation 60 four-cycle powerplants both OS Enya have used prototypes has flown Supertigre Bullring 40 K&B 61 05 61 stroker Considering current SAM allowance 60% fourcycle displacement against two-cycle power-plants would presume 40 two-cycle would slightly stronger 60 stroker bunch model will roll snap Tigre crisply OS other hand will roll vertically least five times Frankly OS 13 x 5 prop K&B 11 x 7 prop pull model very comparably certainly highly scientific method comparing quickly ad mit Schnuerle 60 such firebreather Rossi others would un doubtedly stronger K&B 61 OS 61F5 inescapable fact re mains 60% comparison highly unrealistic Since SAM rules cannot changed another year writer going fly win hed likely forced using four-cycle powerplants turned OldTimers climbing out like FAI Power Free Flights above purely academic Schmidts Sparker System Judging volume mail August column has generated bunch folks get ting spark ignition increasing availability reproduction parts true antique engines well numerous Continued pare 148 NINTH ANNUAL RIIJ f1 I] 1 1 JANUARY 11 & 12 1986 PEST WEST ADMISSION Adults -$500 under 13- $300 under 6 free adult Discount tickets worth 50 cents hobby shops within 500-mile radius Pasadena California __ STATIC DISPLAY COMPETITION IN MANY CATEGORIES 1 lisimi LSUi ]Uj p lek ~1kl Ui] LA [S1I1 II [S]IU December 1985 53 Rev Bob Lowe Mulderdrift Transval South Africa powers line Miss Philadelphia L PAW 29 diesel Bill Laws Quincy IL uses Enya 60 twostroke beautiful Dragon Fly R plane 3view month Docs May 1984 col umn Thats real silk dope covering finest airplanes Ive ever built says Bill Mo del weighs 51/4 lb Redlblue trim Saturday 10AM -6 PM Sunday 1OAM-5PM SEE THE LATEST PRODUCTS AND VISII WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MODEL AIRCRAFT L ENGINES MODEL BOATS O CONTROL SYSTEMS *GIANT RAFFLE L CARS MODELING ACCESSORIES*SWAP SHOP OVERSEAS EXHIBITORS CORDIALLY IN VI TED INTERNATIONAL MODELER SHOW OFFICE PO Box 10127 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Ph 714 5484700 645-8830 MODEL PRODUCTS 07444 CORPORAT ON PU ha 314 Pmpiu Plains HEAD Copyright 1977 MPG P R 0 F E S S I_____ 0 N L LOCK ghs ese ed DONT GET KLIPPED GET U iSame eau two inga4 NO FORCE o/1L4atLon SL~ Lody 404 tong c04404i0n 4L LL4 3 48 inch ILad -tanda4d glow plug4 cluding BRIDI £NI/A 9LO-DVIL t OS 4 Stto/cL plu6 FOX FIR& BALL TEO-D&VtL 4L0-BLL 2oZ OPS ROSSI 2 SLr $695 IfI veAhI writ 4erce odd SOC useful should want add rangesor capabilityof instru ment such example concerns fact multimeters offer built-in 10 amp range Electric power systems operate currents greater 10 amps Another example concerns use common 20-volt range digital multimeters what really need 40-volt range Later well see deal other special cases using nitty gritty information preceding discussion just What Im doing trying hammer home fact current meters cluding multimeters current range always connected SERIES circuit youre measuring current flow very important distinction voltmeter always con nected ACROSS parallel component voltage being measured Think current meter water-flow meter current water must flow THROUGH measured Since cur rent meters have VERY LOW internal resistance connecting across charged battery example would stantly damage meter activate protective device meter might contain Finally since obvious current meters cause in-circuit drop least some small voltage would prob ably notice slight change motor rpm meter circuit current-meter voltage drop called 'burden~ insertion drop' usually between 01 03 volts full-scale meter deflection similar situation condition voltmeters Voltmeters require small current operation cur rent stolen circuit being measured effect called loading required current normally very smalla battery wouldnt notice wanted measure voltage across component itself has very little current flowing through rob bing could very significant Fortu nately latter condition does occur Electric power circuits because circuit currents high voltmeter effect goes unnoticed effects would very noticeable such circuits receiver other lowpower high-resistance electronic assem blies often must accounted Thus pure sense measure some thing change hope now recognize significance wiring similar losses Electric model power systems Current flowing through wiring connectors fuses switches etc causes voltage lossand consequently motor power loss Later well see evaluate such losses minimize See insight multimeters work can give appreciation things happen power installationsas promised Next month Basic Electricity con tinues such discussions regarding actual use voltage current functions multimeters some insight operation ohmmeter ranges Please forward questions include SASE please author Bob Kopski 25 West End Dr Lans dale PA 19446 RC Old-Timers/Mathews Continued page 53 reproductions same engines has little surge interest letters also make painfully obvious writers have strong interest using Bill Schmidts igni tion system totally lack capability building circuit drawings Joe Klaus has come rescue Kustom Kraftsmanship operation will soon make available completely assem bled potted circuit board unit reasonable cost Now abso lutely reason either buy repro engine ranging John Morrells little Atom MG Products Forster 99 pick up ignition timer parts old engine youve lying around years Micro Model Engineering Kustom Kraftsmanships address PO Box 2699 Laguna Hills CA 92654 Telephone 714/830-5162 Micro Model Engineerings address 1301 W Lafayette St Sturgis MI 49091 Telephone 616/651-5431 Flash Ohlsson engines dominate Colusa CA contest Contestants flying models powered Ohlsson 60 ignition engines won three firsts second Only 1AA Texaco big Texaco events won other engines Ohlsson sec ond big Texaco antique brute power name game Ohlsson 60-pow ered model outdid challenges cluding several Schnuerle glow-powered entries spite longer allowed motor runs glow brutes due heavier models about Caveat emptor Thats Latin term mean ing buyer beware have examined several previously-mentioned reproduction engines recently part exhibit excellent work manship run well sometimes better originals did matter fact least two examples absolutely subpar both workmanship materi als Ill name since two ex amples might have exceptions rule shaft running downhill case bolts holding front housing ran off-center holes castings must have finished Continued page 150 148 Model Aviation GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR WEVE GOT YOUR STANDARD MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE II MUFFLERS SPORT SCALE MUFFLERS PITTS STYLE MUFFLERS TUNED PIPE ADAPTERS HELICOPTER MUFFLERS BOAT EXHAUST EXTENSIONS ACCESSORIES EXHAUST SYSTEMS SLIM LINE MUFFLERS PO BOX 3295 SCOTTSDALEAZ 85257 602 9875053 three swipes coarse file other popped crank pin after third run came cast spinner out-of-round naked eye could see point . buy reproductions approval clear understanding what guarantees Most manufacturers importers doing excellent work wont hesi tate assure buyer quality prod uct refusedont buy Dee B Mathews 8420 Nantucket Wichita KS 67212 RC Giant Scale/Beckman Continued page 55 years ago flying full-scale homebuilt replica Sopwith Triplane through generosity permitted STARS use own private full-scale landing strip clubs base operations has generously continued permission Carolyn Clapp widow mayor common council city Olean have graciously permitted local Municipal Airport closed full-scale aircraft during two-day Ral ly used exclusively Radio Con trol Scale event STARS Scale Rallies have existed concept must held Sunday fliers bulk model air craft participants no competi tion whatsoever no so-called landing registration fee Just come fly fact register ship display and/or fly given ticket free barbecue chicken dinner Scale ships order day size has never challengedlarge Giant Scale smaller Scale always welcome Though event has become associated Giant Scale basically trueany size welcome providing scale Saturday July 6 started off cool day moderate wind completely over cast sky seemed threaten rain moment did deter registrants Two flight lines set up hard-surfaced main runway airport used eight fliers time six fliers air almost con tinuously carefully-coordinated event flying went along hitch Three ducted-fan models flown superb Helicopter demonstration well 1984 total 124 regis trants two-day event noon Saturday 1985 Rally 118 registrants close ac tivities first day total 144 registrantsthe largest ever approximately 330 pm rains camebucket after bucket full very short time stopped completely flying resumed once again large scale rained another 10 minutes 200 chicken barbecue din ners being cooked would have wiped out As charcoal pits regained heat dinner served about half hour later usual After conclusion flying day STARS held its first model aircraft auction hesitancy some cluding thought might adding already overworked program activities Graciously Frank Anderson Mississauga Ontario former MAAC president offered auctioneer Within relatively short period time Frank everything auctioned off ap pears model aircraft auction will now standard portion annual Scale Rally usual Saturday evening social took placea large bonfire food beverages available fliers families camped Municipal Airport Sunday dawned cool completely over cast intermittent persistent drizzle Flying limited brave souls just wanted fly time spite inclement weather five registrants Sunday morning making grand total 149again largest ever would have registered two full TItn1jq b#wS Save tII8to~001 St Is. @ Tlnlef S pointS afl 150 Model Aviation RC VIDEO. GAZINE PES. Continued page 152 FAI RUBBER Sizes 1/4 3116 1/8 3/32 1/16 042 thick pound box Price $1300 FREE 4 oz bottle SLICK rubber lube per box Postpaid UPS USA 65 FF kits incH Starduster Coupe Deville 4 Satellites now avail Dragmaster Zingo FAI Power Tilka Wakefield P-30s 2 pacifier tanks Crocket hooks Slick lube Seelig ft KSB timers Front ends 3 prop kits 2 kinds fuse winders kinds hardware Books much 1985 catalog 75 Cal add 6% tax FAl Model Supply Ignition Engine Parts Only Over 450 Items Send $200 current catalog PO sox 3557 TORRANCE CA 00510