THE 1991 PYLON RACING season off running full tilt Wow what year Formula fliers have waiting new engine last ST X40 made 1985 new Nelson engine out engine built just usthe Formula pilots wow first reports show worth waiting advanced Quickie 500 fliers new Nelson Q 500 engine just fantastic next issue went first district race few weeks ago overheard few discussions among contest workers about what about national Miniature Pylon Racing Association has just come out 1991 Race Procedure Guide think going put race us going race should read guide So go operation RC Pylon contest requires organization dedicated manpower successful RC Pylon Contest Director must assume greater amount responsibility assure successful meet intent guide help define operation procedures standardize contest procedures used throughout nation should used supplement AMA Rule Book Except mandatory safety requirements procedures stated book written guidelines Though procedures strongly recommended realized local conditions may require deviation Safety No1 concern RC Pylon Contest Directors following list safety procedures must used operation contest Violation procedures may result cancellation NMPRA Championship Points contestants would have earned such contest 1 The pit spectator areas must outside minimum distances stated current AMA Rule Book 2 Protective barriers must pylons lap counters area workers stand behind barriers should least 7 ft high made least chain link fencing its equivalent 3 No workers except No 3 pylon judge contestants may Danger Area near No 3 pylon 4 The ready area heat after already flying should out course between No 2 No 3 pylons following safety procedures highly recommended 1 Hard-hats starter flight recorder lap counters No 2 No 3 pylon judges 2 A minimum number people should out course CD Starter should chase anyone out flying area feel does belong Safety course item can wait rules paperwork During course racing event unforeseen situation may arise requires immediate controls CD therefore has authority initiate procedure feels necessary eliminate dangerous situation following procedures describe operation Formula contest Any modification necessary Q-500 QM FM Pylon will noted later Race preparation announcements pre-entry forms RC Pylon contest should define local deviation normal racing procedure Pre-entry recommended since simplifies registration procedures however pre-entry need required course should laid out accordance AMA Rule Book mandatory safety procedures must incorporated layout pylons should highly visible approximately 20 ft high under 15 ft high landing area should set up outside course preferably side course opposite pit area Landings will made between No 2 No 3 pylons time public address system strongly recommended both pit spectator areas Registration Pre entry information should include pilots name address AMA FCC license numbers applicable NMPRA number optional type color aircraft make engine radio frequency Cards information should made before contest pre-entries cards may used post contest reports Registration Desk should manned two persons depending expected number entries contestants must register desk must show current AMA FCC licenses Ham frequencies pay entry fee paid pre-entry confirm information cards correct contestants pre-entered must also fill out information cards During registration aircraft should examined qualified modeler technician Specific items look 1 Short pieces rubber tubing used secure devises prevent coming disconnected flight Continued page 188 NMPRA Information Card NAME CODE NUMBER ADORESS CHANNEL CITY STATE AMA NUMBER NO 1 AIRCRAFT NMPRA NUMBER COLOR COLOR #1#2#3#4 YELLOWGREENWHITEORANGE [ioU WE D WI2 CUT CARDYLAP CARD 2 Cuts Sbowlng Cut Card Lap Counters Cards can made up PVC electrical conduit sheet metal plastic cardboard lap cut cards Heres sample typical registration cardthis courtesy NMPRA Procedure Guide Pylon racing reprinted column 1 Cut Showing July 1991 47 Pylon Racing Bill Hager 4 Holly Springs Dr Conroo TX 77302 NO 2 AIRCRAFT No 692 3 Meter Scooter$1150 RC High Performance Sailplane Spans 118-in 2 plan sheets No 693 Cardinal Classic$575 CL Sport Stunter 35 power Spans 50-in No 193SOllelgo CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI World Champs$375 No 262Crashniaster CL Crash-prnof trainer two sizeslS30 35/40 power$125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane AC Sport Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 ir 14 scale Two sheetsS625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards flying boat 3-channel 15-power Fly land removable gear$375 No 326Taylor Cub AC Don Srolls Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans St in$350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope 500mg $300 No 386Laeer 200 AC Spurs Scale replica championship Aerobatic flier Uses 40 power 4-S channel Two sheets$1075 No 4471/2A Miax America AC Old-Timer Texaco model 049 glow 3-channels S650 No 460440 AC Shoulder-wing sport flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 465Blue Max II AC Fan-fly sportoter 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight stroctore$700 No 539Simifar Slow-Motion 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 onus 3-ch AC$355 No 578Schwelzer 1-26B AC Quarter-ocole Sailplane spans 125 Two plan sheetsS1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC Golden Age Aacer spans 72 1/s scale 60 power Thrue plan sheetsS1175 oNo 588Marlah AC Slope-Soadno Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels5 425 0No 593Tayloreraft AC Sport Scale light plane builds standard 2-placer clipped-wing air show stonter Spans either 70 o 0or 59 39140 two-stroke 40/48 fear-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docomentation$ 1000 C\J No 598Coronet 150 AC-Assist Old-Timer enlarged lSghb spans 72 onus 40-size 4-stmkel30-size2-stroke$ 050 05No 603Sparrow Hawk P-30 FF Competition robber-power plane won 87 Nato Spans 30 inS 2 25 No 609 Taperwing AC Pylon gacer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet$ 6 00 VNo 619 Keith RIder R4 FF Scale Golden Age racer robber power spans 18 in$ 3 00 No 620 GImlet 40 AC SporliPattem plane spans 60 in. 40/50 engine 2 sheetsS 11 00 CO 624 Keleher Lark AC Quarter-scale homebulfl spans 69 60/90 4-stroke power 2 plan sheets no doc$ 11 00 123No 626 Sweepee AC Spert/Pattem canards forward-swept wing spans 64 in. ooes 40 power 2 plan sheets.S 1300 oNo 628Prime Cut AC Sport/Aerobatic plane spans 90 in. uses Ouadrh 35/40-size power Two plan sheets5 1300 No 630OrigInal Fly Baby AC Old-Timer spans 72 in. ones 10/25 2-cycle 40 4-cycle power 2 plan sheets$ 1150 No 641Lii Ole Reliable AC Old-Timer sport flier spans 5w/a engines$ 575 IDNo 644Belianca Columbia AC Schoolyard Scale 2 AC channels engine Wingspan 46 inS 575 no No 646 Winter Hawk FF Aubber-power Coope dhlioer competihon plane spans 47 inS 375 E No 650 47/88 RC SpecIal AC Aershatic sport plane 40 power spans 61 3 plan sheets5 1075 No 652 Der Fledermauc AC Low-wing sport plane 20/2S power spans 55 in $ 675 No 654 Taniecat AC Trainer/sportster otyled like F14 spans 66 40161 power Four plan sheets $ 1S25 122No 655 Astroatar FF AMA Class 0/B Gas plane spans 67 onus 325/350cc powerS 000 No 657 Super SquIre AC Trainer 35/40 2-stroke 53 4-strake power spans 56 in S 750 6 E No 659 Boom Box PP Wakeheld Aubber competition plane spans 54 in S 4 00 No 881 Embry-Omatlc FF Embryo Endurance robber-power plane spans 20 in$ 200 oNo 663Pea Patch AC Sportster spans 60 uses 40/SO 4-stroke power 2 plan sheetsS900 No 664Stuka Stunt CL Stunter semiscale spans 37 in.S5 00 o 0No 885ConscIentIous Oblector FF Muluihill Aubber competition plane spans 50 Oat5 575 No 686Blitz AC Sportster spans 48 uses hot 29132 power 2 plan sheetsS 1075 CNo 887AT-6 CL Semiscale profile Stunter 35/40 pewer spans 47 in5 575 0 122 -No 669Rob Raven AC Sailplane unique twist-wing control Spans 70-in Aequiros Olenon mioing$ 650 C noNo 671Ceaana Cardinal FF Aeminder Scale sport flier power spaos 39 -in$ 575 N No 672Kmckerlac AC updated uersion pioneer sport plane spans 74-in two plan sheetsS 1375 73Caudlmorelax Faut Combat ship designed 25-32 power Fnam wing spans 48-inS 500 Os tO eNo 674Krumpier AC 075-powerad Electric semi-scale bi-winger spans 39-in5 575 E No 675 BOF-1 FF twin-tailed sport flier tsr Coo 02 Pee Wee engine spans 25-inS 225 0 No 676 Hiliner AC twin-electitc high-wing Sport ship designed lnr Hiline lmp-30 motor Has tricycle gear spans 40 in. S 400 00 No 677 ThunderbIrd CL Stunter 20-35 power Two plao sheets drawn original 1002 Veco kit Spars 54 in5 975 ~No 678Bean Boo FF West Coast Bostonian Outdoor design Spans 16 inS 150 C0No 679BIg Bingol Large AC Sportster spans 95 120-24 power Two plan sheetsS 1700 No 680 Belixeve Winner Aussian FAI CL Combat ship spans 47 in5 475 122No 681 1969 Bade BD4 FF Aubber Scale model spans 19 in$ 325 CNo 682 B T Vintage Trainer AC Aeminder-Scale Sportster 30-size engines Spans 47 Two plan sheets$ 1150 o 683 Michaels Mustang CL Sport Scale P-Si Va0 engines Spans 21 $ 325 No 684 staggerwing Beech 3-Chunnel AC Schonlyard-Scale hi-wing Sportster Fnr 349 power Spans 32-in 5 No 685 AkroBat CL Stunter high-performance 040 engines Sysos 32-in $ 230 SINo 686Poller AC Paoern-type sport plane 2- 4-cycle puwur Spans 65-in $ 725 05No 687WIndsock Non-flying Profile P-Si used winduane Spans 36-in$ 575 NNo 688Stealth Glider FF rubberband-launched foamibalsa Canard Catapult/SteaOh Glider combs Spans 9-in$ 200 oNo 689Thomas Morse Scout 54C AC A-scale biplane 90 power Spans 93-in 3 plan sheets$ 1975 05No 690P-82B TwIn Mustang CL Profile Sportster twin MVVS 25 diesels Spans 40-in 2 plan sheets$ 1050 No 6911927 HL2 PP Scale model Polish homebsilt tsr 6-0 watt motor robber C02 Spans 29-in$ 225 us 03 00quests payment some other - * 193262310314326332386447 460465539578581588593598 609619620624626628630 V641644646650652654655657 g300 659661663664665666667669 o V671672673674675676677678 680681682683684685686 687688689690691692693694 Plan price inCudeS first cass postage US delivery whiCh Air Mai over 300 mies I orders non-US address lease add S250 Air Mail oSta 8 handlin Ian 305 Make Check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMA 1810 5 Samuel Morse Dr. Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print CarefullyEnclosed $ -______________________ i~I________________________________ o. NAME ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ REET en 1 Os CITY E ______________________________________ ZIP _____________________________ [v32][b-2-10-1-10]]-I numbers plans wish order best handling please include re- service plans order ___________________________________ Cardinal/Haught Continued page 187 Adding details Mount elevator horn elevator make connecting pushrod Make pushrod guide either /s6 wire cotter key Hook up pushrod adjust amount control surface movement prefer Mount engine fuel line filter Attach dummy engine unit Install wheels retainers Use fairly heavy piece clear plastic windshield Bend fit glue epoxy Finish off lead-outs check balance point youre ready go flying Let winds blow Equipped 0S.35 engine Cardinal Classic has plenty power turbulent air Its consistent reliable flier So what waiting Lets get cracking Nationals dreamD RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 47 2 Throffle shut-off will visually inspected may functionally tested during contest 3 screws holding engine mount mount firewall must place secure 4 Receiver battery pack should protected against vibration accordance radio manufacturers recommendations 5 Washers will used screws holding servos mounting trays also screws holding tray rails washers will approximately same diameter grommets Servos mounted directly rails will also have washers mounting screws addition servo trays used will have least extra safety screw necessarily turned down tightly placed between grommets rear tray prevent tray slipping out grommets flight 6A keeper collar will pushrods have right angle bend connecting servos S-bends acceptable clevis used both ends pushrod devises will secured will turn 7All control surfaces will firm hinge line excess slop discretion safety inspector 8Positive thread-type wing bolts screws will secure wing place two-piece aircraft 9A positive method holding wheel axle will used wheel shall bind 10 entire aircraft shall inspected stress cracks aircraft fails above items must repaired before can entered 188 Model Aviation Continued next month
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 47, 188
THE 1991 PYLON RACING season off running full tilt Wow what year Formula fliers have waiting new engine last ST X40 made 1985 new Nelson engine out engine built just usthe Formula pilots wow first reports show worth waiting advanced Quickie 500 fliers new Nelson Q 500 engine just fantastic next issue went first district race few weeks ago overheard few discussions among contest workers about what about national Miniature Pylon Racing Association has just come out 1991 Race Procedure Guide think going put race us going race should read guide So go operation RC Pylon contest requires organization dedicated manpower successful RC Pylon Contest Director must assume greater amount responsibility assure successful meet intent guide help define operation procedures standardize contest procedures used throughout nation should used supplement AMA Rule Book Except mandatory safety requirements procedures stated book written guidelines Though procedures strongly recommended realized local conditions may require deviation Safety No1 concern RC Pylon Contest Directors following list safety procedures must used operation contest Violation procedures may result cancellation NMPRA Championship Points contestants would have earned such contest 1 The pit spectator areas must outside minimum distances stated current AMA Rule Book 2 Protective barriers must pylons lap counters area workers stand behind barriers should least 7 ft high made least chain link fencing its equivalent 3 No workers except No 3 pylon judge contestants may Danger Area near No 3 pylon 4 The ready area heat after already flying should out course between No 2 No 3 pylons following safety procedures highly recommended 1 Hard-hats starter flight recorder lap counters No 2 No 3 pylon judges 2 A minimum number people should out course CD Starter should chase anyone out flying area feel does belong Safety course item can wait rules paperwork During course racing event unforeseen situation may arise requires immediate controls CD therefore has authority initiate procedure feels necessary eliminate dangerous situation following procedures describe operation Formula contest Any modification necessary Q-500 QM FM Pylon will noted later Race preparation announcements pre-entry forms RC Pylon contest should define local deviation normal racing procedure Pre-entry recommended since simplifies registration procedures however pre-entry need required course should laid out accordance AMA Rule Book mandatory safety procedures must incorporated layout pylons should highly visible approximately 20 ft high under 15 ft high landing area should set up outside course preferably side course opposite pit area Landings will made between No 2 No 3 pylons time public address system strongly recommended both pit spectator areas Registration Pre entry information should include pilots name address AMA FCC license numbers applicable NMPRA number optional type color aircraft make engine radio frequency Cards information should made before contest pre-entries cards may used post contest reports Registration Desk should manned two persons depending expected number entries contestants must register desk must show current AMA FCC licenses Ham frequencies pay entry fee paid pre-entry confirm information cards correct contestants pre-entered must also fill out information cards During registration aircraft should examined qualified modeler technician Specific items look 1 Short pieces rubber tubing used secure devises prevent coming disconnected flight Continued page 188 NMPRA Information Card NAME CODE NUMBER ADORESS CHANNEL CITY STATE AMA NUMBER NO 1 AIRCRAFT NMPRA NUMBER COLOR COLOR #1#2#3#4 YELLOWGREENWHITEORANGE [ioU WE D WI2 CUT CARDYLAP CARD 2 Cuts Sbowlng Cut Card Lap Counters Cards can made up PVC electrical conduit sheet metal plastic cardboard lap cut cards Heres sample typical registration cardthis courtesy NMPRA Procedure Guide Pylon racing reprinted column 1 Cut Showing July 1991 47 Pylon Racing Bill Hager 4 Holly Springs Dr Conroo TX 77302 NO 2 AIRCRAFT No 692 3 Meter Scooter$1150 RC High Performance Sailplane Spans 118-in 2 plan sheets No 693 Cardinal Classic$575 CL Sport Stunter 35 power Spans 50-in No 193SOllelgo CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI World Champs$375 No 262Crashniaster CL Crash-prnof trainer two sizeslS30 35/40 power$125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane AC Sport Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 ir 14 scale Two sheetsS625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards flying boat 3-channel 15-power Fly land removable gear$375 No 326Taylor Cub AC Don Srolls Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans St in$350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope 500mg $300 No 386Laeer 200 AC Spurs Scale replica championship Aerobatic flier Uses 40 power 4-S channel Two sheets$1075 No 4471/2A Miax America AC Old-Timer Texaco model 049 glow 3-channels S650 No 460440 AC Shoulder-wing sport flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 465Blue Max II AC Fan-fly sportoter 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight stroctore$700 No 539Simifar Slow-Motion 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 onus 3-ch AC$355 No 578Schwelzer 1-26B AC Quarter-ocole Sailplane spans 125 Two plan sheetsS1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC Golden Age Aacer spans 72 1/s scale 60 power Thrue plan sheetsS1175 oNo 588Marlah AC Slope-Soadno Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels5 425 0No 593Tayloreraft AC Sport Scale light plane builds standard 2-placer clipped-wing air show stonter Spans either 70 o 0or 59 39140 two-stroke 40/48 fear-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docomentation$ 1000 C\J No 598Coronet 150 AC-Assist Old-Timer enlarged lSghb spans 72 onus 40-size 4-stmkel30-size2-stroke$ 050 05No 603Sparrow Hawk P-30 FF Competition robber-power plane won 87 Nato Spans 30 inS 2 25 No 609 Taperwing AC Pylon gacer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet$ 6 00 VNo 619 Keith RIder R4 FF Scale Golden Age racer robber power spans 18 in$ 3 00 No 620 GImlet 40 AC SporliPattem plane spans 60 in. 40/50 engine 2 sheetsS 11 00 CO 624 Keleher Lark AC Quarter-scale homebulfl spans 69 60/90 4-stroke power 2 plan sheets no doc$ 11 00 123No 626 Sweepee AC Spert/Pattem canards forward-swept wing spans 64 in. ooes 40 power 2 plan sheets.S 1300 oNo 628Prime Cut AC Sport/Aerobatic plane spans 90 in. uses Ouadrh 35/40-size power Two plan sheets5 1300 No 630OrigInal Fly Baby AC Old-Timer spans 72 in. ones 10/25 2-cycle 40 4-cycle power 2 plan sheets$ 1150 No 641Lii Ole Reliable AC Old-Timer sport flier spans 5w/a engines$ 575 IDNo 644Belianca Columbia AC Schoolyard Scale 2 AC channels engine Wingspan 46 inS 575 no No 646 Winter Hawk FF Aubber-power Coope dhlioer competihon plane spans 47 inS 375 E No 650 47/88 RC SpecIal AC Aershatic sport plane 40 power spans 61 3 plan sheets5 1075 No 652 Der Fledermauc AC Low-wing sport plane 20/2S power spans 55 in $ 675 No 654 Taniecat AC Trainer/sportster otyled like F14 spans 66 40161 power Four plan sheets $ 1S25 122No 655 Astroatar FF AMA Class 0/B Gas plane spans 67 onus 325/350cc powerS 000 No 657 Super SquIre AC Trainer 35/40 2-stroke 53 4-strake power spans 56 in S 750 6 E No 659 Boom Box PP Wakeheld Aubber competition plane spans 54 in S 4 00 No 881 Embry-Omatlc FF Embryo Endurance robber-power plane spans 20 in$ 200 oNo 663Pea Patch AC Sportster spans 60 uses 40/SO 4-stroke power 2 plan sheetsS900 No 664Stuka Stunt CL Stunter semiscale spans 37 in.S5 00 o 0No 885ConscIentIous Oblector FF Muluihill Aubber competition plane spans 50 Oat5 575 No 686Blitz AC Sportster spans 48 uses hot 29132 power 2 plan sheetsS 1075 CNo 887AT-6 CL Semiscale profile Stunter 35/40 pewer spans 47 in5 575 0 122 -No 669Rob Raven AC Sailplane unique twist-wing control Spans 70-in Aequiros Olenon mioing$ 650 C noNo 671Ceaana Cardinal FF Aeminder Scale sport flier power spaos 39 -in$ 575 N No 672Kmckerlac AC updated uersion pioneer sport plane spans 74-in two plan sheetsS 1375 73Caudlmorelax Faut Combat ship designed 25-32 power Fnam wing spans 48-inS 500 Os tO eNo 674Krumpier AC 075-powerad Electric semi-scale bi-winger spans 39-in5 575 E No 675 BOF-1 FF twin-tailed sport flier tsr Coo 02 Pee Wee engine spans 25-inS 225 0 No 676 Hiliner AC twin-electitc high-wing Sport ship designed lnr Hiline lmp-30 motor Has tricycle gear spans 40 in. S 400 00 No 677 ThunderbIrd CL Stunter 20-35 power Two plao sheets drawn original 1002 Veco kit Spars 54 in5 975 ~No 678Bean Boo FF West Coast Bostonian Outdoor design Spans 16 inS 150 C0No 679BIg Bingol Large AC Sportster spans 95 120-24 power Two plan sheetsS 1700 No 680 Belixeve Winner Aussian FAI CL Combat ship spans 47 in5 475 122No 681 1969 Bade BD4 FF Aubber Scale model spans 19 in$ 325 CNo 682 B T Vintage Trainer AC Aeminder-Scale Sportster 30-size engines Spans 47 Two plan sheets$ 1150 o 683 Michaels Mustang CL Sport Scale P-Si Va0 engines Spans 21 $ 325 No 684 staggerwing Beech 3-Chunnel AC Schonlyard-Scale hi-wing Sportster Fnr 349 power Spans 32-in 5 No 685 AkroBat CL Stunter high-performance 040 engines Sysos 32-in $ 230 SINo 686Poller AC Paoern-type sport plane 2- 4-cycle puwur Spans 65-in $ 725 05No 687WIndsock Non-flying Profile P-Si used winduane Spans 36-in$ 575 NNo 688Stealth Glider FF rubberband-launched foamibalsa Canard Catapult/SteaOh Glider combs Spans 9-in$ 200 oNo 689Thomas Morse Scout 54C AC A-scale biplane 90 power Spans 93-in 3 plan sheets$ 1975 05No 690P-82B TwIn Mustang CL Profile Sportster twin MVVS 25 diesels Spans 40-in 2 plan sheets$ 1050 No 6911927 HL2 PP Scale model Polish homebsilt tsr 6-0 watt motor robber C02 Spans 29-in$ 225 us 03 00quests payment some other - * 193262310314326332386447 460465539578581588593598 609619620624626628630 V641644646650652654655657 g300 659661663664665666667669 o V671672673674675676677678 680681682683684685686 687688689690691692693694 Plan price inCudeS first cass postage US delivery whiCh Air Mai over 300 mies I orders non-US address lease add S250 Air Mail oSta 8 handlin Ian 305 Make Check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMA 1810 5 Samuel Morse Dr. Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print CarefullyEnclosed $ -______________________ i~I________________________________ o. NAME ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ REET en 1 Os CITY E ______________________________________ ZIP _____________________________ [v32][b-2-10-1-10]]-I numbers plans wish order best handling please include re- service plans order ___________________________________ Cardinal/Haught Continued page 187 Adding details Mount elevator horn elevator make connecting pushrod Make pushrod guide either /s6 wire cotter key Hook up pushrod adjust amount control surface movement prefer Mount engine fuel line filter Attach dummy engine unit Install wheels retainers Use fairly heavy piece clear plastic windshield Bend fit glue epoxy Finish off lead-outs check balance point youre ready go flying Let winds blow Equipped 0S.35 engine Cardinal Classic has plenty power turbulent air Its consistent reliable flier So what waiting Lets get cracking Nationals dreamD RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 47 2 Throffle shut-off will visually inspected may functionally tested during contest 3 screws holding engine mount mount firewall must place secure 4 Receiver battery pack should protected against vibration accordance radio manufacturers recommendations 5 Washers will used screws holding servos mounting trays also screws holding tray rails washers will approximately same diameter grommets Servos mounted directly rails will also have washers mounting screws addition servo trays used will have least extra safety screw necessarily turned down tightly placed between grommets rear tray prevent tray slipping out grommets flight 6A keeper collar will pushrods have right angle bend connecting servos S-bends acceptable clevis used both ends pushrod devises will secured will turn 7All control surfaces will firm hinge line excess slop discretion safety inspector 8Positive thread-type wing bolts screws will secure wing place two-piece aircraft 9A positive method holding wheel axle will used wheel shall bind 10 entire aircraft shall inspected stress cracks aircraft fails above items must repaired before can entered 188 Model Aviation Continued next month