C PYLON RACING Bill Hager SUMMER just around corner although write 99 degrees outside promise hotter weather its way have several races already end May As said earlier time time will write up some contest reports different areas have some idea what going parts country So send contest reports Also send some pictures will try use some must black white preferably 5 x 7 just received contest report Middle Tennessee Radio Control Society pylon races held April 19 20 report John Kilsdonk middle states season opener race held beautiful Percy Warner Park among flowering trees top hill race CD Greg Doe did out standing job Greg along workers should congratulated job well done Three events flown over two days flown 10-lap 2 mile 478 QM course AAs flew eight laps /2 race won Forest Whitson GLH Jimmy Bartels fast time 136 QM Gail Jacobson emerged winner newPole Kittyatwo-piece QM-size Polecat flying perfect score also fast time event 12901 Cliff Smith also flying Pole Kitty second Quickie 500 drew outstanding 33 entries Using SEMPRA rules KB 8011 Spickler Kit no mufflers re-worked props 3-way tie first perfect scores Since three same frequency positions decided fast times Jimmy Bartels took first Denny Sumner second John Kilsdonk third conclusion excellent weekend racing excellent hospitality officiating summary results zAl entries 1-F Whitson 145 2-i Bands 136 3-C Smith 146 4-G Jacobson 146 5I Kilsdonk 155 Q-500-33 entries I-i Bartels 2-D Sumner 3-i Kilsdonk 4-G Jacobson 5-D Boute Quarter MidgetI 3 entries -G Jacobson 15 Pt 12901 2-C Smith 14 pt. 1450 3-D Sumner 13 Pt 1370 4-i Kilsdonk 13 Pt 1390 5-T Grandenher 12 Pt 144 Next go Austin Texas Austin R/C Association put its first race May 11 very nice very new flying field located northeast side Austin Quickie 500 race CD George Parks club did great job 21 entries George Parks did usual turning fast time 1277 new part number 995 lists $1750 will young flier named Rick Kopif tied Ray McFarland need replace 0 rings needle valve first fly off Rays engine blew leaving unit inside out red silicone #0060 way open Rick Watch out guys rings since Buna N Bulyle rubber Viton youngsters getting faster time 0 rings expand lock up assembly Q-50021 entries 1-Rick Kopff 2Opt 1333 contact Nitro does matter 2-Ray McFarland 20 Pt 1359 3-George unit mounted long have 90 degrees Parks 18 Pt 1277 4-Peter Campo 18 Pt throw 1383 5-Bill Hager 17 Pt 1331 First disassemble new needle valve unit completely also removing fuel inlet chuck lathe spray bar turn down whole brass unit 375 od File flat fuel inlet hole Wash unit carefully screw fuel inlet point put Continued page 118 September 1980 29 in-air adjustable needle valve used few fliers area seems work Heres its done example uses Prather mount however can use whatever mount want needle valve off OPS 65 Marine eneine Clu ng its best lfl Austin eeii rere left right George Parks 3rd p1 tast time Bill Hager 5th Ray McFarland 2nd Peter Campo 4th Ricky Kopff 1st RC Pylon/Hager continued page 29 some liquid soap both 0 rings grooves install silicone #006 0 rings Lubricate inner 0 ring Lubriplate # 106 good lithium grease Reassemble needle valve unit grease outer 0 ring will find can move air adjusting arm 8 12 in-os torque well within strength limits KPS-18 FP-20 servos next step mill groove 375 Ys cutter 300 deep side mount can put needle up down whichever turns center groove cut 887 back mount drill tap two 440 holes side groove cut small metal strap drill two holes clamp needle valve unit mount Run Hot Stuff around needle valve unit screws cement whole mess mount Cut hole fuselage clear needle valve install mount needle valve unit Install fuel tubing running tank through cutoff new needle valve inlet Remove needle valve assembly engines carburetor make dump carb out Super Tigre K&B fuel inlet preferably K&B since made piece Screw nylon bolt other side carb needle valve used Cut off flush inside carb Hot Stuff nylon bolt place Hook in-flight unit needle valve outlet carb fuel tubing ready go beauty unit can actually change engines have install turn needle valve Once engine set morning adjusting done trans mitter allows pilot lean richen plane air long piece glow plug element left will try pass hints tips get have send Bill Hager 4622 Bridgeport Garland TX 75043 Vista/Marshall continued page 36 personal requirements Using 12-6 propeller 60 cu engine model flies best engine running fast 4 cyclejust would run pattern ship model too slow engine too rich too fast engine lean Ifly model 018 diameter lines 70 long lines little slack wing-overs engine too rich CL Aerobatics/Paul continued page 38 straight may take operation get right also chance Pauls case leadouts may too low compared center gravity especially since plane has inverted engine As Chris Lella pointed out trimming articles could lead improper vertical balance result being outboard wingtip flying up However since kit original design would look also chance somehow Paul may have too much inboard flap causing inboard wing stall Out outside maneuvers result being outboard wing comes up inside maneuvers may just enough tip weight counterbalance stall noticed Lastly Paul may want try adding tip weight help hold Out plane outside maneuvers course easiest solution should try possiblity tip weight will really help hourglass vertical eights course too much tip weight wing will start dipping inside squares familiar hinging action conclude still feel Paul probably has built-in warp wing will either have tweak flaps steam wing following letter received Larry Miles 6595 Foxridge Drive Mission KS 66202 1 frequently see kids adults would like get UC flying am ignorant what good UC planes available magazines seem strangely silent about beginners UC Whats guy like hundreds others about advising new comers about easy build sturdy inexpensive flyable beginners planes Nobody looking after beginning UC needs doesnt make good sense seeing UC adaptable city dwellers use easiest learn Cox has come out electric UC about $700 K-Mart Woolco claim easiest UC plane ever fly Id like see product review plane Coxs claims true has no serious defects would ideal beginning pilots unable dont feel column right place types articles request forward letter some can does believe beginning should occupy large portion magazine Especially liked article listed planes good steps pilot profi ciency Think should frequently list planes column refer readers back past issue gives details sake new occasional readers Model Aviation answer Larrys letter feel beginning planes available control line time time beginning novice articles magazines frequency beginning radio control articles lets face ale just RC fliers writers out could produce articles beginning control line flying dont appear regularity writers have successful competition plane will take crusading CLers like yourself get ball rolling assist beginners Editors note See May 1979 issue ofModelAviation construction article Crashmaster superb beginners CL model comes two sizes too available full-size plan No 262 $125 See page 128 ordering instructions RBM information precision aerobatics PAMPA write Wynn Paul 1640 Maywick Drive Lexington KY 40504 RC Racing/Lee continued page 39 expected new Slow Rat real good John went over night Franks home very carefully jigged up block foam cut John some cores new super Slow Rat John got controls installed wing sheeted building fuselage Boy really making progress got wing glued going cut opening bottom wing sheeting access internal leadouts John being superior Houston Racer gone far make template installing controls would know EXACTLY leadouts would time came cut opening Well. youve undoubtedly guessed now John cut bottom sheeting wing some reason sheeting still stuck some foam wouldnt come loose So dug little out find foam instead opening leadouts Upon some intensive examina tion John thought shake wing see could hear leadouts rattling around inside wing couldbut inside outboard wing Seems John done such nice job wing installed controls wrong side Oh well John maybe some day well come up inverted Slow youll have just plane next story must tell about Ric poor unfortunate soul bought Franks old 58powered Slow Rat Ric relative newcomer Control Line Racing having predominantly sport flier up until about three years ago Ric has come long way years hes still nationally competitive Houston Racer like Frank John still OK guy Now Texas fly event Ive mentioned before called Quickie Rat designed around profile Rat racers easy build fly easy build can whip out easy week Ric built flying him getting pretty tacky decided put together new Southwesterns Dallas last Labor Day heard week before contest neat new Rat was really going good Well. Labor Day weekend came Dallas fly Ric brought 118 Model Aviation IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT QUADRAS QUADRA REPAIR- $1000 plus parts Jim Messers ERCOUPE KIT- $19995* Concepts BIG FLEET KIT- $17995* Barkleys TIGER MOTH KIT- $22995* *includes FREE Du-Bro Wheels -SCALE PLANS FOR QUADRA ERCOUPE SKYBOLT- $2000 ea SUPER STEARMAN- $495 ZINGER & TOP FLITE PROPS- 10% off BALSA & SPRUCE sIzes- 45% off COCKPIT KIT Ercoupe- $1500 Stearman $1800 Fleet- $1800 RADIAL ENGINESfor Fleet- $3000 COVERITE 15 rolls - 20% off 24-Hour Seice. Add $250 postage Send Bank Check Money Order JIM MESSERS QUALITY MODEL PRODUCTS 106 Valley View DrAllegany NY 14706 New 1/4 SCALE 1918 NIEUPORT 28 C1 Far additional inloimalion WW 1 Classic Catalogue send $100 PROCTOR ENTERPRISES CORP PO Box 9641 San Diego CA 92109
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 29, 118
C PYLON RACING Bill Hager SUMMER just around corner although write 99 degrees outside promise hotter weather its way have several races already end May As said earlier time time will write up some contest reports different areas have some idea what going parts country So send contest reports Also send some pictures will try use some must black white preferably 5 x 7 just received contest report Middle Tennessee Radio Control Society pylon races held April 19 20 report John Kilsdonk middle states season opener race held beautiful Percy Warner Park among flowering trees top hill race CD Greg Doe did out standing job Greg along workers should congratulated job well done Three events flown over two days flown 10-lap 2 mile 478 QM course AAs flew eight laps /2 race won Forest Whitson GLH Jimmy Bartels fast time 136 QM Gail Jacobson emerged winner newPole Kittyatwo-piece QM-size Polecat flying perfect score also fast time event 12901 Cliff Smith also flying Pole Kitty second Quickie 500 drew outstanding 33 entries Using SEMPRA rules KB 8011 Spickler Kit no mufflers re-worked props 3-way tie first perfect scores Since three same frequency positions decided fast times Jimmy Bartels took first Denny Sumner second John Kilsdonk third conclusion excellent weekend racing excellent hospitality officiating summary results zAl entries 1-F Whitson 145 2-i Bands 136 3-C Smith 146 4-G Jacobson 146 5I Kilsdonk 155 Q-500-33 entries I-i Bartels 2-D Sumner 3-i Kilsdonk 4-G Jacobson 5-D Boute Quarter MidgetI 3 entries -G Jacobson 15 Pt 12901 2-C Smith 14 pt. 1450 3-D Sumner 13 Pt 1370 4-i Kilsdonk 13 Pt 1390 5-T Grandenher 12 Pt 144 Next go Austin Texas Austin R/C Association put its first race May 11 very nice very new flying field located northeast side Austin Quickie 500 race CD George Parks club did great job 21 entries George Parks did usual turning fast time 1277 new part number 995 lists $1750 will young flier named Rick Kopif tied Ray McFarland need replace 0 rings needle valve first fly off Rays engine blew leaving unit inside out red silicone #0060 way open Rick Watch out guys rings since Buna N Bulyle rubber Viton youngsters getting faster time 0 rings expand lock up assembly Q-50021 entries 1-Rick Kopff 2Opt 1333 contact Nitro does matter 2-Ray McFarland 20 Pt 1359 3-George unit mounted long have 90 degrees Parks 18 Pt 1277 4-Peter Campo 18 Pt throw 1383 5-Bill Hager 17 Pt 1331 First disassemble new needle valve unit completely also removing fuel inlet chuck lathe spray bar turn down whole brass unit 375 od File flat fuel inlet hole Wash unit carefully screw fuel inlet point put Continued page 118 September 1980 29 in-air adjustable needle valve used few fliers area seems work Heres its done example uses Prather mount however can use whatever mount want needle valve off OPS 65 Marine eneine Clu ng its best lfl Austin eeii rere left right George Parks 3rd p1 tast time Bill Hager 5th Ray McFarland 2nd Peter Campo 4th Ricky Kopff 1st RC Pylon/Hager continued page 29 some liquid soap both 0 rings grooves install silicone #006 0 rings Lubricate inner 0 ring Lubriplate # 106 good lithium grease Reassemble needle valve unit grease outer 0 ring will find can move air adjusting arm 8 12 in-os torque well within strength limits KPS-18 FP-20 servos next step mill groove 375 Ys cutter 300 deep side mount can put needle up down whichever turns center groove cut 887 back mount drill tap two 440 holes side groove cut small metal strap drill two holes clamp needle valve unit mount Run Hot Stuff around needle valve unit screws cement whole mess mount Cut hole fuselage clear needle valve install mount needle valve unit Install fuel tubing running tank through cutoff new needle valve inlet Remove needle valve assembly engines carburetor make dump carb out Super Tigre K&B fuel inlet preferably K&B since made piece Screw nylon bolt other side carb needle valve used Cut off flush inside carb Hot Stuff nylon bolt place Hook in-flight unit needle valve outlet carb fuel tubing ready go beauty unit can actually change engines have install turn needle valve Once engine set morning adjusting done trans mitter allows pilot lean richen plane air long piece glow plug element left will try pass hints tips get have send Bill Hager 4622 Bridgeport Garland TX 75043 Vista/Marshall continued page 36 personal requirements Using 12-6 propeller 60 cu engine model flies best engine running fast 4 cyclejust would run pattern ship model too slow engine too rich too fast engine lean Ifly model 018 diameter lines 70 long lines little slack wing-overs engine too rich CL Aerobatics/Paul continued page 38 straight may take operation get right also chance Pauls case leadouts may too low compared center gravity especially since plane has inverted engine As Chris Lella pointed out trimming articles could lead improper vertical balance result being outboard wingtip flying up However since kit original design would look also chance somehow Paul may have too much inboard flap causing inboard wing stall Out outside maneuvers result being outboard wing comes up inside maneuvers may just enough tip weight counterbalance stall noticed Lastly Paul may want try adding tip weight help hold Out plane outside maneuvers course easiest solution should try possiblity tip weight will really help hourglass vertical eights course too much tip weight wing will start dipping inside squares familiar hinging action conclude still feel Paul probably has built-in warp wing will either have tweak flaps steam wing following letter received Larry Miles 6595 Foxridge Drive Mission KS 66202 1 frequently see kids adults would like get UC flying am ignorant what good UC planes available magazines seem strangely silent about beginners UC Whats guy like hundreds others about advising new comers about easy build sturdy inexpensive flyable beginners planes Nobody looking after beginning UC needs doesnt make good sense seeing UC adaptable city dwellers use easiest learn Cox has come out electric UC about $700 K-Mart Woolco claim easiest UC plane ever fly Id like see product review plane Coxs claims true has no serious defects would ideal beginning pilots unable dont feel column right place types articles request forward letter some can does believe beginning should occupy large portion magazine Especially liked article listed planes good steps pilot profi ciency Think should frequently list planes column refer readers back past issue gives details sake new occasional readers Model Aviation answer Larrys letter feel beginning planes available control line time time beginning novice articles magazines frequency beginning radio control articles lets face ale just RC fliers writers out could produce articles beginning control line flying dont appear regularity writers have successful competition plane will take crusading CLers like yourself get ball rolling assist beginners Editors note See May 1979 issue ofModelAviation construction article Crashmaster superb beginners CL model comes two sizes too available full-size plan No 262 $125 See page 128 ordering instructions RBM information precision aerobatics PAMPA write Wynn Paul 1640 Maywick Drive Lexington KY 40504 RC Racing/Lee continued page 39 expected new Slow Rat real good John went over night Franks home very carefully jigged up block foam cut John some cores new super Slow Rat John got controls installed wing sheeted building fuselage Boy really making progress got wing glued going cut opening bottom wing sheeting access internal leadouts John being superior Houston Racer gone far make template installing controls would know EXACTLY leadouts would time came cut opening Well. youve undoubtedly guessed now John cut bottom sheeting wing some reason sheeting still stuck some foam wouldnt come loose So dug little out find foam instead opening leadouts Upon some intensive examina tion John thought shake wing see could hear leadouts rattling around inside wing couldbut inside outboard wing Seems John done such nice job wing installed controls wrong side Oh well John maybe some day well come up inverted Slow youll have just plane next story must tell about Ric poor unfortunate soul bought Franks old 58powered Slow Rat Ric relative newcomer Control Line Racing having predominantly sport flier up until about three years ago Ric has come long way years hes still nationally competitive Houston Racer like Frank John still OK guy Now Texas fly event Ive mentioned before called Quickie Rat designed around profile Rat racers easy build fly easy build can whip out easy week Ric built flying him getting pretty tacky decided put together new Southwesterns Dallas last Labor Day heard week before contest neat new Rat was really going good Well. Labor Day weekend came Dallas fly Ric brought 118 Model Aviation IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT QUADRAS QUADRA REPAIR- $1000 plus parts Jim Messers ERCOUPE KIT- $19995* Concepts BIG FLEET KIT- $17995* Barkleys TIGER MOTH KIT- $22995* *includes FREE Du-Bro Wheels -SCALE PLANS FOR QUADRA ERCOUPE SKYBOLT- $2000 ea SUPER STEARMAN- $495 ZINGER & TOP FLITE PROPS- 10% off BALSA & SPRUCE sIzes- 45% off COCKPIT KIT Ercoupe- $1500 Stearman $1800 Fleet- $1800 RADIAL ENGINESfor Fleet- $3000 COVERITE 15 rolls - 20% off 24-Hour Seice. Add $250 postage Send Bank Check Money Order JIM MESSERS QUALITY MODEL PRODUCTS 106 Valley View DrAllegany NY 14706 New 1/4 SCALE 1918 NIEUPORT 28 C1 Far additional inloimalion WW 1 Classic Catalogue send $100 PROCTOR ENTERPRISES CORP PO Box 9641 San Diego CA 92109