Editors Note Since last issue MA Ishould like make token gift member ship design came down selection design ship seemed have signficance much mod ern stuff During 1948 designed first AC 6 ft 7 version Good Brothers radio 4-arm escapement Ohlsson 6a glorious controlled free flight Walt Schroder built beautifully wonderfulflights northwest Con necticut old Canaan airport plans appeared Mechanix Illustrated year afterwards Annual am indebted Ralph Davis Portsmouth VA supplied old clippings make possible scaled down version seehe has built highly mod jfied versions big through years After three years offlying model being used Don Srull test bed engines competition scale models nota beginners model although has lovely characteristics able shoot two smooth touch-and-goes own stuff new RC Special well within flying capabilities construction featureyou own plans incidentally took perfectionist Lloyd Hunt over six months drawhe sort ofdraflsman lofts everything willtalk nothing butflying spirit thing well captured photog John Preston DURING fall 1977 after building lapse 13 years preceded over 100 RCjobs story about flying scale-down version pioneer ing model same name printed 1948 Bill Winter bitten yet again modeling bug tough start up cold needs inspiration found past decided scale down first RC flown flying story lies things occur scale down airplane Dimensions change directly areas diminish square So wing loading goes up airspeed rises response different fact RC Special named after its granddaddy related appearance proved something else just sheer wonderful luck Span 614 inches wing area including portion over cabin about 515 sq Gross 4 lbs loading high about 20 ounces per sq ft few months powered Veco 19 later 0S 30 its first flight gray pre-rain evening Shangri La off gently after slight uphill run grass 2 3 mph breeze right during flight handled Hurst Bowers Don Srull John Worth John Preston mysterious others tracked perfectly climbed moderately good sport performance aloft What struck us its phenomenal smoothness response delightfully groovy turns Unmowed strips hot humid days dictated increase power OS 30one nicest starting throttling sport engines man could desire 19 turned 1O-3 30 11-3 11-4 spite low pitch trimmed ship moved out surprisingly well wing too big Having checked out some 25 light plane types dim past can relate craft terms real aircraft fits modeling spectrum fly will find yourself thinking real airplane terms kind machine Cub Cub forgiving airplanes historystudents hundreds thousands have hung several fect off ground stall landings hit thud bounced bounced cant Luscombe RC Special might like Tn-Pacer carrying four people has bit bite man handled takeoff nosed up oscillating glide approach small dips zooms over-correction loading high no twist tipsI couldnt afford area Thats handicap am lousy pilot Ive never stalled dropped tip approach did suffer major overhaul through stupid transgression safe flying rules 90-degree day high humidity medium sized grass strip cut wecks cross wind right angles takeoff wind got under right wing causing moderate left swerve takeoffyou always get 54 Model Aviation swing trail dragger tail comes up suddenly torque felt Overcorrected right ship hauled off badlyjust damned stupidinto wind diagonally across strip would have gotten away hut some irra tional impulse made use hard left rudder align runway really So over runway another hard right got desired heading Now ship verge stalla real oneand wont break can wobble back stick side side stall tip should wish spin So suddenly right tip stalled rudder corrections went inverted Dave Brown might have rolled out stayed invertcd area elevator pushrod outermost hole So thinking cartRC Special BC Special BC Special BC Special BC Special Afew seconds later ship still curving inforthe spotyes three-pointed Againstthesky pix made during same flight Five degrees di hedral proved turnand-bank perfect three channels Continuous hands off 360 loss altitude selfrecovery Bottom right After touch-andgostill same flightship cir cled field inside trees altitude shown photo wheeled tore out cabin like shark bite 3/16 nylon bolts dont let go seems tunately block under cabin held fish head fish tail together major damage easily repaired During repair added 2 degrees incidencethe wing flat have some positive incidence consider line draw through LE IE increase natural flySeptember 1980 55 VEEEl1El7 flEl / /El tcndcncicsit also added modest down thrust effect flew two years rods outer holes smooth scale-like responses wised up Moved elevator rod hole two rudder real rudder power emergency variable wind takeoff swing ship back line fast enough inner-circle picks up lift side Cub et al really booting rudder bar proportional avail able play safe TakeolTs approaches landings power off simply picture bookwhcn thc other guys flies docsnt stall easily outer elevator horn hole hold its nose very high low motor eventually right tip will drop hold right rudder can spun have seen pattern pilot fail spin low elevator power delectable pleasure showing him rocked backstick side side would break spin totally safe airplane can flown gale takeoff through landing Srull puts Only beginners horsing sticks can cause trouble Now what ship like Sure can snap-roll loop quite hold inverted smooooth imagine Play games first year used set up cross-country mind travel about using nothing slight trim adjustments hold solid headings Power trim held precise altitudes found utter disbelief heavily loaded machine soars like crazy warm day vagrant lift Soon going sky high throttling back setting up wide right turns rudder trim flying hands off Often would spiral up occasion flown during small sailplane meet got higher idle sailplane brought down immediately resumed gliding climb pin-point height So soaring ability heavy machine provided fair speed maintained will swoop fast wide circles nose down bit going up up slow up fast glide will sink right through thermal would urge Falcon 56 pilots especially Senior Falcon jockeys have go Telemaster would formidable soarer Perhaps Sigs Cadet Sr others get idea pattern jobs have rare occasions soared unexpected lift After chilly early morning hot sun say 11 oclock turns place hat-sucking para dise Everything goes up kind flying led onto sixfoot low wing lightweight out glides Special 2 Special can outsoar 6-ft Sniffer 05 35 4-oz tank Incidentally tanks 4 ounces Sometimes Special can climbed half throttle soarcd 3 throttle 10-13 minute engine run heavy Snifferfor windy 56 Model Aviation -e- 6 ft 7 original designed 1948 accidental aesthetic things found pay off highly loaded small version shown rounded windshieldwing junction top cabin being curved blend Aflatwindshield definitely inferior dont need strut lightening holesa son handy machinist hard bounce landing tends bend hard aluminum strut across bigger hole near fuselageoverdid bit FULL-SIZE PLANS AVAILABLE . SEE PAGE 128 00 4.4_________ ZZIZEII -~fr z rh 00 IIIIII weather flyingis veritable buzzard warm weather /3 less throttle sometimes idle will run 18 minutes 4 ounces glide until bring down four flights Sniffer finds lift Special joy shoot touch-and-goes find lift imparts profound impres sion flying real aircraft have allowed strangers take over flighteven though didnt know flown radio Some wring out spins snaps Most hardly touch just fly mouths hanging open say Thats nice Now understand scale-down accident designed nice things lucky lottery winner thats Get straight old-timer its looks 32-year-old ancestry true sport cabin model build it should MonoKoted Fabric dope paint will make hotterand perhaps wont soar Performance could approach so-called 40 trainers heavier used oldstyle truly transparent red MonoKote new stuff opaque blue yellow trans parent look great too Incidentally thought hated MonoKote grows flexible age Use Balsarite first improve adhesion run Balsarite over scamsseams should overlapped going rearward keep out fuel am positive chord could increased inch leaving wing right highpoint rib moved back about inch will add perhaps 60 sq silk etc paint wont hurt muchbut use 35 40 must Thats OK handy throttle Perhaps 6-oz tank 40 carry modest nose ballasttaken out now due Srulls heavier dieselized 35s effect would lengthen nose slightly course loading would drop accompanying 3-view shows would like update spry old-timer going 23012 wing section found T-Craft September 1980 57 uiaer highly transparent red MonoKate makes structure conversation piece field first attempt called wrong number advice guy yet build first RC told us Did just said came out grand So much prejudice Silk colored dope recommended due rather high wing loading scaled-down wing Another lucKy reasure sine odriuwing fuselagetOptO point attlie tin ieaolng eugeairf low overfin rudder highly effective Compare rudder shape planperfectionist Lloyd Hunt made plans thought looked real corrected Dont agreewhat heck trike gear typical modem construction sized Specials ailerons dont need chord increased area strip worry trike geared ship will appease ailerons shown 4-channel guys along guys fearful tail draggersand will track autowith two variations dihedralone matically nose longer too Fly like mode Ralph Davis has beautiful-flying original- other cabin job convex undercambered WING TIP WITH 5 DIHEGHA WING TIP WITH 0 OPTEGHAL ________________-46 4 Someday well modernize Speciallike Airfoil NACA 23012 old standby found T-Craft others 2 degrees incidence Intend 4-channelsbut shown both ways Side-mount ed engine trike gear should please sport flier Chord 1-inch bigger wings skinned foam Fill own structuremodern sheet etc Nose wheel should 2%if unshorn grass go 3-in mains 3Y4 Ralph Davis still builds modernized originals 48 job uses foam-core wing authentic tail-dragger builds up curved wing tips laminated edges ribs 40 displacement suggested 5 GIHEGRA FOP S CHANNEI 60 2 GI-IEL*SAL FOP 4 CHANNEL 05-40 ENGINE 3/16MW wing will highly stable pitch should clean groovy Id use foam skin Davis did open-work tip like preserve planform using laminated tip strips Fuselage can sheet etc just box build oldie have let down work up something new 3view doubt will disappointed either case ptefer inch prop diameter recommended engine manufacturer two inches less pitch fine tuning will reveal dont want bomb 2 ENG NE SHOWN SIDE MOUNTED SCHIP SLERLES SHOWN FOP 4 CHANNEL OPEPSTDN ND ANEPONS PEGSHED WITH 5 CHANNELS K Whether own EXPERIMENTAL cy IRCR ASSOCIATION airplane dream about EAA has lot offer EAA L EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC PO Box 229 Hales Corners Wisconsin 53130 SpecialSPORT AIRCRAFT YOU CAN BUILD$495 pp 58 Model Aviation EAA members receive SPORT VIA TION magazine FREE BROCHURE PACK $150 AL DUES $2500
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
Editors Note Since last issue MA Ishould like make token gift member ship design came down selection design ship seemed have signficance much mod ern stuff During 1948 designed first AC 6 ft 7 version Good Brothers radio 4-arm escapement Ohlsson 6a glorious controlled free flight Walt Schroder built beautifully wonderfulflights northwest Con necticut old Canaan airport plans appeared Mechanix Illustrated year afterwards Annual am indebted Ralph Davis Portsmouth VA supplied old clippings make possible scaled down version seehe has built highly mod jfied versions big through years After three years offlying model being used Don Srull test bed engines competition scale models nota beginners model although has lovely characteristics able shoot two smooth touch-and-goes own stuff new RC Special well within flying capabilities construction featureyou own plans incidentally took perfectionist Lloyd Hunt over six months drawhe sort ofdraflsman lofts everything willtalk nothing butflying spirit thing well captured photog John Preston DURING fall 1977 after building lapse 13 years preceded over 100 RCjobs story about flying scale-down version pioneer ing model same name printed 1948 Bill Winter bitten yet again modeling bug tough start up cold needs inspiration found past decided scale down first RC flown flying story lies things occur scale down airplane Dimensions change directly areas diminish square So wing loading goes up airspeed rises response different fact RC Special named after its granddaddy related appearance proved something else just sheer wonderful luck Span 614 inches wing area including portion over cabin about 515 sq Gross 4 lbs loading high about 20 ounces per sq ft few months powered Veco 19 later 0S 30 its first flight gray pre-rain evening Shangri La off gently after slight uphill run grass 2 3 mph breeze right during flight handled Hurst Bowers Don Srull John Worth John Preston mysterious others tracked perfectly climbed moderately good sport performance aloft What struck us its phenomenal smoothness response delightfully groovy turns Unmowed strips hot humid days dictated increase power OS 30one nicest starting throttling sport engines man could desire 19 turned 1O-3 30 11-3 11-4 spite low pitch trimmed ship moved out surprisingly well wing too big Having checked out some 25 light plane types dim past can relate craft terms real aircraft fits modeling spectrum fly will find yourself thinking real airplane terms kind machine Cub Cub forgiving airplanes historystudents hundreds thousands have hung several fect off ground stall landings hit thud bounced bounced cant Luscombe RC Special might like Tn-Pacer carrying four people has bit bite man handled takeoff nosed up oscillating glide approach small dips zooms over-correction loading high no twist tipsI couldnt afford area Thats handicap am lousy pilot Ive never stalled dropped tip approach did suffer major overhaul through stupid transgression safe flying rules 90-degree day high humidity medium sized grass strip cut wecks cross wind right angles takeoff wind got under right wing causing moderate left swerve takeoffyou always get 54 Model Aviation swing trail dragger tail comes up suddenly torque felt Overcorrected right ship hauled off badlyjust damned stupidinto wind diagonally across strip would have gotten away hut some irra tional impulse made use hard left rudder align runway really So over runway another hard right got desired heading Now ship verge stalla real oneand wont break can wobble back stick side side stall tip should wish spin So suddenly right tip stalled rudder corrections went inverted Dave Brown might have rolled out stayed invertcd area elevator pushrod outermost hole So thinking cartRC Special BC Special BC Special BC Special BC Special Afew seconds later ship still curving inforthe spotyes three-pointed Againstthesky pix made during same flight Five degrees di hedral proved turnand-bank perfect three channels Continuous hands off 360 loss altitude selfrecovery Bottom right After touch-andgostill same flightship cir cled field inside trees altitude shown photo wheeled tore out cabin like shark bite 3/16 nylon bolts dont let go seems tunately block under cabin held fish head fish tail together major damage easily repaired During repair added 2 degrees incidencethe wing flat have some positive incidence consider line draw through LE IE increase natural flySeptember 1980 55 VEEEl1El7 flEl / /El tcndcncicsit also added modest down thrust effect flew two years rods outer holes smooth scale-like responses wised up Moved elevator rod hole two rudder real rudder power emergency variable wind takeoff swing ship back line fast enough inner-circle picks up lift side Cub et al really booting rudder bar proportional avail able play safe TakeolTs approaches landings power off simply picture bookwhcn thc other guys flies docsnt stall easily outer elevator horn hole hold its nose very high low motor eventually right tip will drop hold right rudder can spun have seen pattern pilot fail spin low elevator power delectable pleasure showing him rocked backstick side side would break spin totally safe airplane can flown gale takeoff through landing Srull puts Only beginners horsing sticks can cause trouble Now what ship like Sure can snap-roll loop quite hold inverted smooooth imagine Play games first year used set up cross-country mind travel about using nothing slight trim adjustments hold solid headings Power trim held precise altitudes found utter disbelief heavily loaded machine soars like crazy warm day vagrant lift Soon going sky high throttling back setting up wide right turns rudder trim flying hands off Often would spiral up occasion flown during small sailplane meet got higher idle sailplane brought down immediately resumed gliding climb pin-point height So soaring ability heavy machine provided fair speed maintained will swoop fast wide circles nose down bit going up up slow up fast glide will sink right through thermal would urge Falcon 56 pilots especially Senior Falcon jockeys have go Telemaster would formidable soarer Perhaps Sigs Cadet Sr others get idea pattern jobs have rare occasions soared unexpected lift After chilly early morning hot sun say 11 oclock turns place hat-sucking para dise Everything goes up kind flying led onto sixfoot low wing lightweight out glides Special 2 Special can outsoar 6-ft Sniffer 05 35 4-oz tank Incidentally tanks 4 ounces Sometimes Special can climbed half throttle soarcd 3 throttle 10-13 minute engine run heavy Snifferfor windy 56 Model Aviation -e- 6 ft 7 original designed 1948 accidental aesthetic things found pay off highly loaded small version shown rounded windshieldwing junction top cabin being curved blend Aflatwindshield definitely inferior dont need strut lightening holesa son handy machinist hard bounce landing tends bend hard aluminum strut across bigger hole near fuselageoverdid bit FULL-SIZE PLANS AVAILABLE . SEE PAGE 128 00 4.4_________ ZZIZEII -~fr z rh 00 IIIIII weather flyingis veritable buzzard warm weather /3 less throttle sometimes idle will run 18 minutes 4 ounces glide until bring down four flights Sniffer finds lift Special joy shoot touch-and-goes find lift imparts profound impres sion flying real aircraft have allowed strangers take over flighteven though didnt know flown radio Some wring out spins snaps Most hardly touch just fly mouths hanging open say Thats nice Now understand scale-down accident designed nice things lucky lottery winner thats Get straight old-timer its looks 32-year-old ancestry true sport cabin model build it should MonoKoted Fabric dope paint will make hotterand perhaps wont soar Performance could approach so-called 40 trainers heavier used oldstyle truly transparent red MonoKote new stuff opaque blue yellow trans parent look great too Incidentally thought hated MonoKote grows flexible age Use Balsarite first improve adhesion run Balsarite over scamsseams should overlapped going rearward keep out fuel am positive chord could increased inch leaving wing right highpoint rib moved back about inch will add perhaps 60 sq silk etc paint wont hurt muchbut use 35 40 must Thats OK handy throttle Perhaps 6-oz tank 40 carry modest nose ballasttaken out now due Srulls heavier dieselized 35s effect would lengthen nose slightly course loading would drop accompanying 3-view shows would like update spry old-timer going 23012 wing section found T-Craft September 1980 57 uiaer highly transparent red MonoKate makes structure conversation piece field first attempt called wrong number advice guy yet build first RC told us Did just said came out grand So much prejudice Silk colored dope recommended due rather high wing loading scaled-down wing Another lucKy reasure sine odriuwing fuselagetOptO point attlie tin ieaolng eugeairf low overfin rudder highly effective Compare rudder shape planperfectionist Lloyd Hunt made plans thought looked real corrected Dont agreewhat heck trike gear typical modem construction sized Specials ailerons dont need chord increased area strip worry trike geared ship will appease ailerons shown 4-channel guys along guys fearful tail draggersand will track autowith two variations dihedralone matically nose longer too Fly like mode Ralph Davis has beautiful-flying original- other cabin job convex undercambered WING TIP WITH 5 DIHEGHA WING TIP WITH 0 OPTEGHAL ________________-46 4 Someday well modernize Speciallike Airfoil NACA 23012 old standby found T-Craft others 2 degrees incidence Intend 4-channelsbut shown both ways Side-mount ed engine trike gear should please sport flier Chord 1-inch bigger wings skinned foam Fill own structuremodern sheet etc Nose wheel should 2%if unshorn grass go 3-in mains 3Y4 Ralph Davis still builds modernized originals 48 job uses foam-core wing authentic tail-dragger builds up curved wing tips laminated edges ribs 40 displacement suggested 5 GIHEGRA FOP S CHANNEI 60 2 GI-IEL*SAL FOP 4 CHANNEL 05-40 ENGINE 3/16MW wing will highly stable pitch should clean groovy Id use foam skin Davis did open-work tip like preserve planform using laminated tip strips Fuselage can sheet etc just box build oldie have let down work up something new 3view doubt will disappointed either case ptefer inch prop diameter recommended engine manufacturer two inches less pitch fine tuning will reveal dont want bomb 2 ENG NE SHOWN SIDE MOUNTED SCHIP SLERLES SHOWN FOP 4 CHANNEL OPEPSTDN ND ANEPONS PEGSHED WITH 5 CHANNELS K Whether own EXPERIMENTAL cy IRCR ASSOCIATION airplane dream about EAA has lot offer EAA L EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC PO Box 229 Hales Corners Wisconsin 53130 SpecialSPORT AIRCRAFT YOU CAN BUILD$495 pp 58 Model Aviation EAA members receive SPORT VIA TION magazine FREE BROCHURE PACK $150 AL DUES $2500
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
Editors Note Since last issue MA Ishould like make token gift member ship design came down selection design ship seemed have signficance much mod ern stuff During 1948 designed first AC 6 ft 7 version Good Brothers radio 4-arm escapement Ohlsson 6a glorious controlled free flight Walt Schroder built beautifully wonderfulflights northwest Con necticut old Canaan airport plans appeared Mechanix Illustrated year afterwards Annual am indebted Ralph Davis Portsmouth VA supplied old clippings make possible scaled down version seehe has built highly mod jfied versions big through years After three years offlying model being used Don Srull test bed engines competition scale models nota beginners model although has lovely characteristics able shoot two smooth touch-and-goes own stuff new RC Special well within flying capabilities construction featureyou own plans incidentally took perfectionist Lloyd Hunt over six months drawhe sort ofdraflsman lofts everything willtalk nothing butflying spirit thing well captured photog John Preston DURING fall 1977 after building lapse 13 years preceded over 100 RCjobs story about flying scale-down version pioneer ing model same name printed 1948 Bill Winter bitten yet again modeling bug tough start up cold needs inspiration found past decided scale down first RC flown flying story lies things occur scale down airplane Dimensions change directly areas diminish square So wing loading goes up airspeed rises response different fact RC Special named after its granddaddy related appearance proved something else just sheer wonderful luck Span 614 inches wing area including portion over cabin about 515 sq Gross 4 lbs loading high about 20 ounces per sq ft few months powered Veco 19 later 0S 30 its first flight gray pre-rain evening Shangri La off gently after slight uphill run grass 2 3 mph breeze right during flight handled Hurst Bowers Don Srull John Worth John Preston mysterious others tracked perfectly climbed moderately good sport performance aloft What struck us its phenomenal smoothness response delightfully groovy turns Unmowed strips hot humid days dictated increase power OS 30one nicest starting throttling sport engines man could desire 19 turned 1O-3 30 11-3 11-4 spite low pitch trimmed ship moved out surprisingly well wing too big Having checked out some 25 light plane types dim past can relate craft terms real aircraft fits modeling spectrum fly will find yourself thinking real airplane terms kind machine Cub Cub forgiving airplanes historystudents hundreds thousands have hung several fect off ground stall landings hit thud bounced bounced cant Luscombe RC Special might like Tn-Pacer carrying four people has bit bite man handled takeoff nosed up oscillating glide approach small dips zooms over-correction loading high no twist tipsI couldnt afford area Thats handicap am lousy pilot Ive never stalled dropped tip approach did suffer major overhaul through stupid transgression safe flying rules 90-degree day high humidity medium sized grass strip cut wecks cross wind right angles takeoff wind got under right wing causing moderate left swerve takeoffyou always get 54 Model Aviation swing trail dragger tail comes up suddenly torque felt Overcorrected right ship hauled off badlyjust damned stupidinto wind diagonally across strip would have gotten away hut some irra tional impulse made use hard left rudder align runway really So over runway another hard right got desired heading Now ship verge stalla real oneand wont break can wobble back stick side side stall tip should wish spin So suddenly right tip stalled rudder corrections went inverted Dave Brown might have rolled out stayed invertcd area elevator pushrod outermost hole So thinking cartRC Special BC Special BC Special BC Special BC Special Afew seconds later ship still curving inforthe spotyes three-pointed Againstthesky pix made during same flight Five degrees di hedral proved turnand-bank perfect three channels Continuous hands off 360 loss altitude selfrecovery Bottom right After touch-andgostill same flightship cir cled field inside trees altitude shown photo wheeled tore out cabin like shark bite 3/16 nylon bolts dont let go seems tunately block under cabin held fish head fish tail together major damage easily repaired During repair added 2 degrees incidencethe wing flat have some positive incidence consider line draw through LE IE increase natural flySeptember 1980 55 VEEEl1El7 flEl / /El tcndcncicsit also added modest down thrust effect flew two years rods outer holes smooth scale-like responses wised up Moved elevator rod hole two rudder real rudder power emergency variable wind takeoff swing ship back line fast enough inner-circle picks up lift side Cub et al really booting rudder bar proportional avail able play safe TakeolTs approaches landings power off simply picture bookwhcn thc other guys flies docsnt stall easily outer elevator horn hole hold its nose very high low motor eventually right tip will drop hold right rudder can spun have seen pattern pilot fail spin low elevator power delectable pleasure showing him rocked backstick side side would break spin totally safe airplane can flown gale takeoff through landing Srull puts Only beginners horsing sticks can cause trouble Now what ship like Sure can snap-roll loop quite hold inverted smooooth imagine Play games first year used set up cross-country mind travel about using nothing slight trim adjustments hold solid headings Power trim held precise altitudes found utter disbelief heavily loaded machine soars like crazy warm day vagrant lift Soon going sky high throttling back setting up wide right turns rudder trim flying hands off Often would spiral up occasion flown during small sailplane meet got higher idle sailplane brought down immediately resumed gliding climb pin-point height So soaring ability heavy machine provided fair speed maintained will swoop fast wide circles nose down bit going up up slow up fast glide will sink right through thermal would urge Falcon 56 pilots especially Senior Falcon jockeys have go Telemaster would formidable soarer Perhaps Sigs Cadet Sr others get idea pattern jobs have rare occasions soared unexpected lift After chilly early morning hot sun say 11 oclock turns place hat-sucking para dise Everything goes up kind flying led onto sixfoot low wing lightweight out glides Special 2 Special can outsoar 6-ft Sniffer 05 35 4-oz tank Incidentally tanks 4 ounces Sometimes Special can climbed half throttle soarcd 3 throttle 10-13 minute engine run heavy Snifferfor windy 56 Model Aviation -e- 6 ft 7 original designed 1948 accidental aesthetic things found pay off highly loaded small version shown rounded windshieldwing junction top cabin being curved blend Aflatwindshield definitely inferior dont need strut lightening holesa son handy machinist hard bounce landing tends bend hard aluminum strut across bigger hole near fuselageoverdid bit FULL-SIZE PLANS AVAILABLE . SEE PAGE 128 00 4.4_________ ZZIZEII -~fr z rh 00 IIIIII weather flyingis veritable buzzard warm weather /3 less throttle sometimes idle will run 18 minutes 4 ounces glide until bring down four flights Sniffer finds lift Special joy shoot touch-and-goes find lift imparts profound impres sion flying real aircraft have allowed strangers take over flighteven though didnt know flown radio Some wring out spins snaps Most hardly touch just fly mouths hanging open say Thats nice Now understand scale-down accident designed nice things lucky lottery winner thats Get straight old-timer its looks 32-year-old ancestry true sport cabin model build it should MonoKoted Fabric dope paint will make hotterand perhaps wont soar Performance could approach so-called 40 trainers heavier used oldstyle truly transparent red MonoKote new stuff opaque blue yellow trans parent look great too Incidentally thought hated MonoKote grows flexible age Use Balsarite first improve adhesion run Balsarite over scamsseams should overlapped going rearward keep out fuel am positive chord could increased inch leaving wing right highpoint rib moved back about inch will add perhaps 60 sq silk etc paint wont hurt muchbut use 35 40 must Thats OK handy throttle Perhaps 6-oz tank 40 carry modest nose ballasttaken out now due Srulls heavier dieselized 35s effect would lengthen nose slightly course loading would drop accompanying 3-view shows would like update spry old-timer going 23012 wing section found T-Craft September 1980 57 uiaer highly transparent red MonoKate makes structure conversation piece field first attempt called wrong number advice guy yet build first RC told us Did just said came out grand So much prejudice Silk colored dope recommended due rather high wing loading scaled-down wing Another lucKy reasure sine odriuwing fuselagetOptO point attlie tin ieaolng eugeairf low overfin rudder highly effective Compare rudder shape planperfectionist Lloyd Hunt made plans thought looked real corrected Dont agreewhat heck trike gear typical modem construction sized Specials ailerons dont need chord increased area strip worry trike geared ship will appease ailerons shown 4-channel guys along guys fearful tail draggersand will track autowith two variations dihedralone matically nose longer too Fly like mode Ralph Davis has beautiful-flying original- other cabin job convex undercambered WING TIP WITH 5 DIHEGHA WING TIP WITH 0 OPTEGHAL ________________-46 4 Someday well modernize Speciallike Airfoil NACA 23012 old standby found T-Craft others 2 degrees incidence Intend 4-channelsbut shown both ways Side-mount ed engine trike gear should please sport flier Chord 1-inch bigger wings skinned foam Fill own structuremodern sheet etc Nose wheel should 2%if unshorn grass go 3-in mains 3Y4 Ralph Davis still builds modernized originals 48 job uses foam-core wing authentic tail-dragger builds up curved wing tips laminated edges ribs 40 displacement suggested 5 GIHEGRA FOP S CHANNEI 60 2 GI-IEL*SAL FOP 4 CHANNEL 05-40 ENGINE 3/16MW wing will highly stable pitch should clean groovy Id use foam skin Davis did open-work tip like preserve planform using laminated tip strips Fuselage can sheet etc just box build oldie have let down work up something new 3view doubt will disappointed either case ptefer inch prop diameter recommended engine manufacturer two inches less pitch fine tuning will reveal dont want bomb 2 ENG NE SHOWN SIDE MOUNTED SCHIP SLERLES SHOWN FOP 4 CHANNEL OPEPSTDN ND ANEPONS PEGSHED WITH 5 CHANNELS K Whether own EXPERIMENTAL cy IRCR ASSOCIATION airplane dream about EAA has lot offer EAA L EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC PO Box 229 Hales Corners Wisconsin 53130 SpecialSPORT AIRCRAFT YOU CAN BUILD$495 pp 58 Model Aviation EAA members receive SPORT VIA TION magazine FREE BROCHURE PACK $150 AL DUES $2500
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
Editors Note Since last issue MA Ishould like make token gift member ship design came down selection design ship seemed have signficance much mod ern stuff During 1948 designed first AC 6 ft 7 version Good Brothers radio 4-arm escapement Ohlsson 6a glorious controlled free flight Walt Schroder built beautifully wonderfulflights northwest Con necticut old Canaan airport plans appeared Mechanix Illustrated year afterwards Annual am indebted Ralph Davis Portsmouth VA supplied old clippings make possible scaled down version seehe has built highly mod jfied versions big through years After three years offlying model being used Don Srull test bed engines competition scale models nota beginners model although has lovely characteristics able shoot two smooth touch-and-goes own stuff new RC Special well within flying capabilities construction featureyou own plans incidentally took perfectionist Lloyd Hunt over six months drawhe sort ofdraflsman lofts everything willtalk nothing butflying spirit thing well captured photog John Preston DURING fall 1977 after building lapse 13 years preceded over 100 RCjobs story about flying scale-down version pioneer ing model same name printed 1948 Bill Winter bitten yet again modeling bug tough start up cold needs inspiration found past decided scale down first RC flown flying story lies things occur scale down airplane Dimensions change directly areas diminish square So wing loading goes up airspeed rises response different fact RC Special named after its granddaddy related appearance proved something else just sheer wonderful luck Span 614 inches wing area including portion over cabin about 515 sq Gross 4 lbs loading high about 20 ounces per sq ft few months powered Veco 19 later 0S 30 its first flight gray pre-rain evening Shangri La off gently after slight uphill run grass 2 3 mph breeze right during flight handled Hurst Bowers Don Srull John Worth John Preston mysterious others tracked perfectly climbed moderately good sport performance aloft What struck us its phenomenal smoothness response delightfully groovy turns Unmowed strips hot humid days dictated increase power OS 30one nicest starting throttling sport engines man could desire 19 turned 1O-3 30 11-3 11-4 spite low pitch trimmed ship moved out surprisingly well wing too big Having checked out some 25 light plane types dim past can relate craft terms real aircraft fits modeling spectrum fly will find yourself thinking real airplane terms kind machine Cub Cub forgiving airplanes historystudents hundreds thousands have hung several fect off ground stall landings hit thud bounced bounced cant Luscombe RC Special might like Tn-Pacer carrying four people has bit bite man handled takeoff nosed up oscillating glide approach small dips zooms over-correction loading high no twist tipsI couldnt afford area Thats handicap am lousy pilot Ive never stalled dropped tip approach did suffer major overhaul through stupid transgression safe flying rules 90-degree day high humidity medium sized grass strip cut wecks cross wind right angles takeoff wind got under right wing causing moderate left swerve takeoffyou always get 54 Model Aviation swing trail dragger tail comes up suddenly torque felt Overcorrected right ship hauled off badlyjust damned stupidinto wind diagonally across strip would have gotten away hut some irra tional impulse made use hard left rudder align runway really So over runway another hard right got desired heading Now ship verge stalla real oneand wont break can wobble back stick side side stall tip should wish spin So suddenly right tip stalled rudder corrections went inverted Dave Brown might have rolled out stayed invertcd area elevator pushrod outermost hole So thinking cartRC Special BC Special BC Special BC Special BC Special Afew seconds later ship still curving inforthe spotyes three-pointed Againstthesky pix made during same flight Five degrees di hedral proved turnand-bank perfect three channels Continuous hands off 360 loss altitude selfrecovery Bottom right After touch-andgostill same flightship cir cled field inside trees altitude shown photo wheeled tore out cabin like shark bite 3/16 nylon bolts dont let go seems tunately block under cabin held fish head fish tail together major damage easily repaired During repair added 2 degrees incidencethe wing flat have some positive incidence consider line draw through LE IE increase natural flySeptember 1980 55 VEEEl1El7 flEl / /El tcndcncicsit also added modest down thrust effect flew two years rods outer holes smooth scale-like responses wised up Moved elevator rod hole two rudder real rudder power emergency variable wind takeoff swing ship back line fast enough inner-circle picks up lift side Cub et al really booting rudder bar proportional avail able play safe TakeolTs approaches landings power off simply picture bookwhcn thc other guys flies docsnt stall easily outer elevator horn hole hold its nose very high low motor eventually right tip will drop hold right rudder can spun have seen pattern pilot fail spin low elevator power delectable pleasure showing him rocked backstick side side would break spin totally safe airplane can flown gale takeoff through landing Srull puts Only beginners horsing sticks can cause trouble Now what ship like Sure can snap-roll loop quite hold inverted smooooth imagine Play games first year used set up cross-country mind travel about using nothing slight trim adjustments hold solid headings Power trim held precise altitudes found utter disbelief heavily loaded machine soars like crazy warm day vagrant lift Soon going sky high throttling back setting up wide right turns rudder trim flying hands off Often would spiral up occasion flown during small sailplane meet got higher idle sailplane brought down immediately resumed gliding climb pin-point height So soaring ability heavy machine provided fair speed maintained will swoop fast wide circles nose down bit going up up slow up fast glide will sink right through thermal would urge Falcon 56 pilots especially Senior Falcon jockeys have go Telemaster would formidable soarer Perhaps Sigs Cadet Sr others get idea pattern jobs have rare occasions soared unexpected lift After chilly early morning hot sun say 11 oclock turns place hat-sucking para dise Everything goes up kind flying led onto sixfoot low wing lightweight out glides Special 2 Special can outsoar 6-ft Sniffer 05 35 4-oz tank Incidentally tanks 4 ounces Sometimes Special can climbed half throttle soarcd 3 throttle 10-13 minute engine run heavy Snifferfor windy 56 Model Aviation -e- 6 ft 7 original designed 1948 accidental aesthetic things found pay off highly loaded small version shown rounded windshieldwing junction top cabin being curved blend Aflatwindshield definitely inferior dont need strut lightening holesa son handy machinist hard bounce landing tends bend hard aluminum strut across bigger hole near fuselageoverdid bit FULL-SIZE PLANS AVAILABLE . SEE PAGE 128 00 4.4_________ ZZIZEII -~fr z rh 00 IIIIII weather flyingis veritable buzzard warm weather /3 less throttle sometimes idle will run 18 minutes 4 ounces glide until bring down four flights Sniffer finds lift Special joy shoot touch-and-goes find lift imparts profound impres sion flying real aircraft have allowed strangers take over flighteven though didnt know flown radio Some wring out spins snaps Most hardly touch just fly mouths hanging open say Thats nice Now understand scale-down accident designed nice things lucky lottery winner thats Get straight old-timer its looks 32-year-old ancestry true sport cabin model build it should MonoKoted Fabric dope paint will make hotterand perhaps wont soar Performance could approach so-called 40 trainers heavier used oldstyle truly transparent red MonoKote new stuff opaque blue yellow trans parent look great too Incidentally thought hated MonoKote grows flexible age Use Balsarite first improve adhesion run Balsarite over scamsseams should overlapped going rearward keep out fuel am positive chord could increased inch leaving wing right highpoint rib moved back about inch will add perhaps 60 sq silk etc paint wont hurt muchbut use 35 40 must Thats OK handy throttle Perhaps 6-oz tank 40 carry modest nose ballasttaken out now due Srulls heavier dieselized 35s effect would lengthen nose slightly course loading would drop accompanying 3-view shows would like update spry old-timer going 23012 wing section found T-Craft September 1980 57 uiaer highly transparent red MonoKate makes structure conversation piece field first attempt called wrong number advice guy yet build first RC told us Did just said came out grand So much prejudice Silk colored dope recommended due rather high wing loading scaled-down wing Another lucKy reasure sine odriuwing fuselagetOptO point attlie tin ieaolng eugeairf low overfin rudder highly effective Compare rudder shape planperfectionist Lloyd Hunt made plans thought looked real corrected Dont agreewhat heck trike gear typical modem construction sized Specials ailerons dont need chord increased area strip worry trike geared ship will appease ailerons shown 4-channel guys along guys fearful tail draggersand will track autowith two variations dihedralone matically nose longer too Fly like mode Ralph Davis has beautiful-flying original- other cabin job convex undercambered WING TIP WITH 5 DIHEGHA WING TIP WITH 0 OPTEGHAL ________________-46 4 Someday well modernize Speciallike Airfoil NACA 23012 old standby found T-Craft others 2 degrees incidence Intend 4-channelsbut shown both ways Side-mount ed engine trike gear should please sport flier Chord 1-inch bigger wings skinned foam Fill own structuremodern sheet etc Nose wheel should 2%if unshorn grass go 3-in mains 3Y4 Ralph Davis still builds modernized originals 48 job uses foam-core wing authentic tail-dragger builds up curved wing tips laminated edges ribs 40 displacement suggested 5 GIHEGRA FOP S CHANNEI 60 2 GI-IEL*SAL FOP 4 CHANNEL 05-40 ENGINE 3/16MW wing will highly stable pitch should clean groovy Id use foam skin Davis did open-work tip like preserve planform using laminated tip strips Fuselage can sheet etc just box build oldie have let down work up something new 3view doubt will disappointed either case ptefer inch prop diameter recommended engine manufacturer two inches less pitch fine tuning will reveal dont want bomb 2 ENG NE SHOWN SIDE MOUNTED SCHIP SLERLES SHOWN FOP 4 CHANNEL OPEPSTDN ND ANEPONS PEGSHED WITH 5 CHANNELS K Whether own EXPERIMENTAL cy IRCR ASSOCIATION airplane dream about EAA has lot offer EAA L EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC PO Box 229 Hales Corners Wisconsin 53130 SpecialSPORT AIRCRAFT YOU CAN BUILD$495 pp 58 Model Aviation EAA members receive SPORT VIA TION magazine FREE BROCHURE PACK $150 AL DUES $2500
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
Editors Note Since last issue MA Ishould like make token gift member ship design came down selection design ship seemed have signficance much mod ern stuff During 1948 designed first AC 6 ft 7 version Good Brothers radio 4-arm escapement Ohlsson 6a glorious controlled free flight Walt Schroder built beautifully wonderfulflights northwest Con necticut old Canaan airport plans appeared Mechanix Illustrated year afterwards Annual am indebted Ralph Davis Portsmouth VA supplied old clippings make possible scaled down version seehe has built highly mod jfied versions big through years After three years offlying model being used Don Srull test bed engines competition scale models nota beginners model although has lovely characteristics able shoot two smooth touch-and-goes own stuff new RC Special well within flying capabilities construction featureyou own plans incidentally took perfectionist Lloyd Hunt over six months drawhe sort ofdraflsman lofts everything willtalk nothing butflying spirit thing well captured photog John Preston DURING fall 1977 after building lapse 13 years preceded over 100 RCjobs story about flying scale-down version pioneer ing model same name printed 1948 Bill Winter bitten yet again modeling bug tough start up cold needs inspiration found past decided scale down first RC flown flying story lies things occur scale down airplane Dimensions change directly areas diminish square So wing loading goes up airspeed rises response different fact RC Special named after its granddaddy related appearance proved something else just sheer wonderful luck Span 614 inches wing area including portion over cabin about 515 sq Gross 4 lbs loading high about 20 ounces per sq ft few months powered Veco 19 later 0S 30 its first flight gray pre-rain evening Shangri La off gently after slight uphill run grass 2 3 mph breeze right during flight handled Hurst Bowers Don Srull John Worth John Preston mysterious others tracked perfectly climbed moderately good sport performance aloft What struck us its phenomenal smoothness response delightfully groovy turns Unmowed strips hot humid days dictated increase power OS 30one nicest starting throttling sport engines man could desire 19 turned 1O-3 30 11-3 11-4 spite low pitch trimmed ship moved out surprisingly well wing too big Having checked out some 25 light plane types dim past can relate craft terms real aircraft fits modeling spectrum fly will find yourself thinking real airplane terms kind machine Cub Cub forgiving airplanes historystudents hundreds thousands have hung several fect off ground stall landings hit thud bounced bounced cant Luscombe RC Special might like Tn-Pacer carrying four people has bit bite man handled takeoff nosed up oscillating glide approach small dips zooms over-correction loading high no twist tipsI couldnt afford area Thats handicap am lousy pilot Ive never stalled dropped tip approach did suffer major overhaul through stupid transgression safe flying rules 90-degree day high humidity medium sized grass strip cut wecks cross wind right angles takeoff wind got under right wing causing moderate left swerve takeoffyou always get 54 Model Aviation swing trail dragger tail comes up suddenly torque felt Overcorrected right ship hauled off badlyjust damned stupidinto wind diagonally across strip would have gotten away hut some irra tional impulse made use hard left rudder align runway really So over runway another hard right got desired heading Now ship verge stalla real oneand wont break can wobble back stick side side stall tip should wish spin So suddenly right tip stalled rudder corrections went inverted Dave Brown might have rolled out stayed invertcd area elevator pushrod outermost hole So thinking cartRC Special BC Special BC Special BC Special BC Special Afew seconds later ship still curving inforthe spotyes three-pointed Againstthesky pix made during same flight Five degrees di hedral proved turnand-bank perfect three channels Continuous hands off 360 loss altitude selfrecovery Bottom right After touch-andgostill same flightship cir cled field inside trees altitude shown photo wheeled tore out cabin like shark bite 3/16 nylon bolts dont let go seems tunately block under cabin held fish head fish tail together major damage easily repaired During repair added 2 degrees incidencethe wing flat have some positive incidence consider line draw through LE IE increase natural flySeptember 1980 55 VEEEl1El7 flEl / /El tcndcncicsit also added modest down thrust effect flew two years rods outer holes smooth scale-like responses wised up Moved elevator rod hole two rudder real rudder power emergency variable wind takeoff swing ship back line fast enough inner-circle picks up lift side Cub et al really booting rudder bar proportional avail able play safe TakeolTs approaches landings power off simply picture bookwhcn thc other guys flies docsnt stall easily outer elevator horn hole hold its nose very high low motor eventually right tip will drop hold right rudder can spun have seen pattern pilot fail spin low elevator power delectable pleasure showing him rocked backstick side side would break spin totally safe airplane can flown gale takeoff through landing Srull puts Only beginners horsing sticks can cause trouble Now what ship like Sure can snap-roll loop quite hold inverted smooooth imagine Play games first year used set up cross-country mind travel about using nothing slight trim adjustments hold solid headings Power trim held precise altitudes found utter disbelief heavily loaded machine soars like crazy warm day vagrant lift Soon going sky high throttling back setting up wide right turns rudder trim flying hands off Often would spiral up occasion flown during small sailplane meet got higher idle sailplane brought down immediately resumed gliding climb pin-point height So soaring ability heavy machine provided fair speed maintained will swoop fast wide circles nose down bit going up up slow up fast glide will sink right through thermal would urge Falcon 56 pilots especially Senior Falcon jockeys have go Telemaster would formidable soarer Perhaps Sigs Cadet Sr others get idea pattern jobs have rare occasions soared unexpected lift After chilly early morning hot sun say 11 oclock turns place hat-sucking para dise Everything goes up kind flying led onto sixfoot low wing lightweight out glides Special 2 Special can outsoar 6-ft Sniffer 05 35 4-oz tank Incidentally tanks 4 ounces Sometimes Special can climbed half throttle soarcd 3 throttle 10-13 minute engine run heavy Snifferfor windy 56 Model Aviation -e- 6 ft 7 original designed 1948 accidental aesthetic things found pay off highly loaded small version shown rounded windshieldwing junction top cabin being curved blend Aflatwindshield definitely inferior dont need strut lightening holesa son handy machinist hard bounce landing tends bend hard aluminum strut across bigger hole near fuselageoverdid bit FULL-SIZE PLANS AVAILABLE . SEE PAGE 128 00 4.4_________ ZZIZEII -~fr z rh 00 IIIIII weather flyingis veritable buzzard warm weather /3 less throttle sometimes idle will run 18 minutes 4 ounces glide until bring down four flights Sniffer finds lift Special joy shoot touch-and-goes find lift imparts profound impres sion flying real aircraft have allowed strangers take over flighteven though didnt know flown radio Some wring out spins snaps Most hardly touch just fly mouths hanging open say Thats nice Now understand scale-down accident designed nice things lucky lottery winner thats Get straight old-timer its looks 32-year-old ancestry true sport cabin model build it should MonoKoted Fabric dope paint will make hotterand perhaps wont soar Performance could approach so-called 40 trainers heavier used oldstyle truly transparent red MonoKote new stuff opaque blue yellow trans parent look great too Incidentally thought hated MonoKote grows flexible age Use Balsarite first improve adhesion run Balsarite over scamsseams should overlapped going rearward keep out fuel am positive chord could increased inch leaving wing right highpoint rib moved back about inch will add perhaps 60 sq silk etc paint wont hurt muchbut use 35 40 must Thats OK handy throttle Perhaps 6-oz tank 40 carry modest nose ballasttaken out now due Srulls heavier dieselized 35s effect would lengthen nose slightly course loading would drop accompanying 3-view shows would like update spry old-timer going 23012 wing section found T-Craft September 1980 57 uiaer highly transparent red MonoKate makes structure conversation piece field first attempt called wrong number advice guy yet build first RC told us Did just said came out grand So much prejudice Silk colored dope recommended due rather high wing loading scaled-down wing Another lucKy reasure sine odriuwing fuselagetOptO point attlie tin ieaolng eugeairf low overfin rudder highly effective Compare rudder shape planperfectionist Lloyd Hunt made plans thought looked real corrected Dont agreewhat heck trike gear typical modem construction sized Specials ailerons dont need chord increased area strip worry trike geared ship will appease ailerons shown 4-channel guys along guys fearful tail draggersand will track autowith two variations dihedralone matically nose longer too Fly like mode Ralph Davis has beautiful-flying original- other cabin job convex undercambered WING TIP WITH 5 DIHEGHA WING TIP WITH 0 OPTEGHAL ________________-46 4 Someday well modernize Speciallike Airfoil NACA 23012 old standby found T-Craft others 2 degrees incidence Intend 4-channelsbut shown both ways Side-mount ed engine trike gear should please sport flier Chord 1-inch bigger wings skinned foam Fill own structuremodern sheet etc Nose wheel should 2%if unshorn grass go 3-in mains 3Y4 Ralph Davis still builds modernized originals 48 job uses foam-core wing authentic tail-dragger builds up curved wing tips laminated edges ribs 40 displacement suggested 5 GIHEGRA FOP S CHANNEI 60 2 GI-IEL*SAL FOP 4 CHANNEL 05-40 ENGINE 3/16MW wing will highly stable pitch should clean groovy Id use foam skin Davis did open-work tip like preserve planform using laminated tip strips Fuselage can sheet etc just box build oldie have let down work up something new 3view doubt will disappointed either case ptefer inch prop diameter recommended engine manufacturer two inches less pitch fine tuning will reveal dont want bomb 2 ENG NE SHOWN SIDE MOUNTED SCHIP SLERLES SHOWN FOP 4 CHANNEL OPEPSTDN ND ANEPONS PEGSHED WITH 5 CHANNELS K Whether own EXPERIMENTAL cy IRCR ASSOCIATION airplane dream about EAA has lot offer EAA L EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC PO Box 229 Hales Corners Wisconsin 53130 SpecialSPORT AIRCRAFT YOU CAN BUILD$495 pp 58 Model Aviation EAA members receive SPORT VIA TION magazine FREE BROCHURE PACK $150 AL DUES $2500