U Gary Shaw U rvm -v.L CKLISTS The weather report predicts day will calm sunnycheck wife says shell out day kidscheck airplane charged loaded carcheck quick call ol flying buddy reveals hell field time get there-check Ahhlifes good Before leaving home conduct quick mental review make sure have everything model radio flight box cleaning equipment tools everything charged Rats remember flight box gel cell Ni-Cd starter could use some topping off just case grab chargers both packing car glance airplane notice small chip propellerprobably small piece gravel didnt see after last flight well did get dark quickly last time flew back out garage head toward field way remember might need put some tape small cut got covering wind grabbed wing out hands took model apart Luckily wind carried wing quite some distance quick check reveals cut damage arrive field ahead buddy wonder no else out flying such nice day waiting hook up chargers batteries need topping off inspect wing know two aileron extensions last time think missing find no loose parts check car although fortunate enough find spare extension flight box whewww ask yourself could have misplaced try plug replacement extension receiver wont go plastic tip old stuck slot must have damage thought wind grabbed wing looks extension snapped off got lost grass Now have fish old plastic out put new extension before can put model together What heck have some time kill should have checked everything before going field anyway Maybe accident gremlins trying tell something sounds its time sit down have soda story sounds remotely familiar perhaps its time start taking hobby seriously homework take time ready Take hint what airplanes last flight telling Complete minor repairs check damage youve mishap Before get itch run field remember objective enjoy trouble-free safe afternoon create stress modeling lets escape Make point storing airplanes ready-to-fly condition have rips tears covering watchful underlying harm structure check damage gently flexing wing slight twisting motion watching loose movement underneath find something suspicious use XActoTM blade open covering Thoroughly repair damage replace covering complete job Enough said Sticky Situation Cyanoacrylate CyA adhesives blessing allow swift assembly completion projects would take much longer another adhesive used Look almost modeling magazine youll find dozens companies offering everything thinnest viscosity thickest accelerators debonders odorless etc almost too choose Having used CyA years Im hooked although have developed some preferences first preference getting stuck literally project being able free myself am constructing wing panel learned sheeting wing would much quicker put glue thin CyA ribs accelerator kicker sheeting 58 Model Aviation allowed press edge piece sheeting onto leading edge thereby sticking pressing sheet onto ribs similar effect must have gotten some accelerator tip thin CyA bottle caused plug No problem thought Ill shove pin through tip Ill ready continue make strong effort penetrate clog did unplug pressurized spurt thin CyA shot over face glue missed eyes hit area hat forehead meet spent next 30 minutes trying get hat off still remnant glue stuck forehead after week should have wearing goggles glasses know squeeze full bottle anything too tightly something going give sooner later thought being emergency room eyes glued shut still sends shivers down back isnt much out regarding CyA precautions warnings say because brands Ive used have effect eyes sinuses similar onions used long can usually count headache and/or red eyes Manufacturers recommend adequate ventilation Ive provided Whats beginning concern though Ive gotten older Im less tolerant vapors wonder others experiencing similar things Id like receive some mail regarding health effects associated long periods CyA use Writing describe concerns regarding exposure CyA Roy McGuckin San Diego Sometime early seventies first modelers hit devastating allergic reaction CyA glue back chest covered unbearable itchy rash dermatologist couldnt diagnose until deduced what causing process elimination remember stripping shorts rolling snow get relief thats bad cortisone antihistamines slowly subsided didnt use CyA glue again until fall 1997 tried odorless type same problem rime wont go away its over year now dermatologist says have Grovers Disease chronic itchy skin condition unknown origin statistically associated outside allergic factors Luckily antihistamines control itching bearable degree completely have collected some medical research papers Grovers Disease far can tell medical profession doesnt know what causes cure dont seem interested fact exact same problem previously CyA glue dont know what CyA glue explain [what] Im writing ask other modelers out have having chronic allergic problems have diagnosed have diagnosed Grovers Disease Id like hear fellow modelers about allergic experiences CyA glue particularly have chronic recurrence would prefer letter phone call would acceptable Roy McGuckin 16686 Orilla Dr San Diego CA 92128 Tel 618 6738123 Id appreciate copy letters sent Roy Until know hazards exist follow label directions manufacturer warnings may apply using anything produces mists fumes vapors ventilation key feel respirator order call manufacturer guidance selection Thats month 4May1999 61 Cali fax wnte inform aton pnces TNC ELECTRONICS 2 WHITES LANE WOQOSTOCK NY TEL 144791549 PAl 0144796542 NOT NEW VIDEOS FROM INCABRCTM IF YOURE INTO R/C AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OR VIDEOGRAPHY YOU MUST CHECK OUT THESE HOT NEW HIGH-QUALITY VIDEOS THE EXCELLENT INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDES SHOW YOU HOW TO DO THE VARIOUS INSTALLATIONS PROPERLY AND THEYRE ENTERTAINING AND ACTION-PACKED TOO INCAB-RC PHOTOGRAPHY $1995 S&H INCAB-RC VIDEOGRAPHY $2495 S&H INCAB-RC VIDEOLINK $2995 S&H PAL AND CCAM ADD $500 PER TAPE 1NCAB RCTM AVE UPTON PRODUCTIONS INC 7jP7N59CELLENCE IN INFORMATION AND ENTERTAINMENTIr ORDERS 541-683-5445 OFFICE FAX 541-689-5667 DAVE UPTON PRODUCTIONS 4487 KNOOP AVE EUGENE OREGON 97402 THERES GREAT SAMPLES ON OUR WEBSITE httpllwwwINCAB-RCcom
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 58, 61
U Gary Shaw U rvm -v.L CKLISTS The weather report predicts day will calm sunnycheck wife says shell out day kidscheck airplane charged loaded carcheck quick call ol flying buddy reveals hell field time get there-check Ahhlifes good Before leaving home conduct quick mental review make sure have everything model radio flight box cleaning equipment tools everything charged Rats remember flight box gel cell Ni-Cd starter could use some topping off just case grab chargers both packing car glance airplane notice small chip propellerprobably small piece gravel didnt see after last flight well did get dark quickly last time flew back out garage head toward field way remember might need put some tape small cut got covering wind grabbed wing out hands took model apart Luckily wind carried wing quite some distance quick check reveals cut damage arrive field ahead buddy wonder no else out flying such nice day waiting hook up chargers batteries need topping off inspect wing know two aileron extensions last time think missing find no loose parts check car although fortunate enough find spare extension flight box whewww ask yourself could have misplaced try plug replacement extension receiver wont go plastic tip old stuck slot must have damage thought wind grabbed wing looks extension snapped off got lost grass Now have fish old plastic out put new extension before can put model together What heck have some time kill should have checked everything before going field anyway Maybe accident gremlins trying tell something sounds its time sit down have soda story sounds remotely familiar perhaps its time start taking hobby seriously homework take time ready Take hint what airplanes last flight telling Complete minor repairs check damage youve mishap Before get itch run field remember objective enjoy trouble-free safe afternoon create stress modeling lets escape Make point storing airplanes ready-to-fly condition have rips tears covering watchful underlying harm structure check damage gently flexing wing slight twisting motion watching loose movement underneath find something suspicious use XActoTM blade open covering Thoroughly repair damage replace covering complete job Enough said Sticky Situation Cyanoacrylate CyA adhesives blessing allow swift assembly completion projects would take much longer another adhesive used Look almost modeling magazine youll find dozens companies offering everything thinnest viscosity thickest accelerators debonders odorless etc almost too choose Having used CyA years Im hooked although have developed some preferences first preference getting stuck literally project being able free myself am constructing wing panel learned sheeting wing would much quicker put glue thin CyA ribs accelerator kicker sheeting 58 Model Aviation allowed press edge piece sheeting onto leading edge thereby sticking pressing sheet onto ribs similar effect must have gotten some accelerator tip thin CyA bottle caused plug No problem thought Ill shove pin through tip Ill ready continue make strong effort penetrate clog did unplug pressurized spurt thin CyA shot over face glue missed eyes hit area hat forehead meet spent next 30 minutes trying get hat off still remnant glue stuck forehead after week should have wearing goggles glasses know squeeze full bottle anything too tightly something going give sooner later thought being emergency room eyes glued shut still sends shivers down back isnt much out regarding CyA precautions warnings say because brands Ive used have effect eyes sinuses similar onions used long can usually count headache and/or red eyes Manufacturers recommend adequate ventilation Ive provided Whats beginning concern though Ive gotten older Im less tolerant vapors wonder others experiencing similar things Id like receive some mail regarding health effects associated long periods CyA use Writing describe concerns regarding exposure CyA Roy McGuckin San Diego Sometime early seventies first modelers hit devastating allergic reaction CyA glue back chest covered unbearable itchy rash dermatologist couldnt diagnose until deduced what causing process elimination remember stripping shorts rolling snow get relief thats bad cortisone antihistamines slowly subsided didnt use CyA glue again until fall 1997 tried odorless type same problem rime wont go away its over year now dermatologist says have Grovers Disease chronic itchy skin condition unknown origin statistically associated outside allergic factors Luckily antihistamines control itching bearable degree completely have collected some medical research papers Grovers Disease far can tell medical profession doesnt know what causes cure dont seem interested fact exact same problem previously CyA glue dont know what CyA glue explain [what] Im writing ask other modelers out have having chronic allergic problems have diagnosed have diagnosed Grovers Disease Id like hear fellow modelers about allergic experiences CyA glue particularly have chronic recurrence would prefer letter phone call would acceptable Roy McGuckin 16686 Orilla Dr San Diego CA 92128 Tel 618 6738123 Id appreciate copy letters sent Roy Until know hazards exist follow label directions manufacturer warnings may apply using anything produces mists fumes vapors ventilation key feel respirator order call manufacturer guidance selection Thats month 4May1999 61 Cali fax wnte inform aton pnces TNC ELECTRONICS 2 WHITES LANE WOQOSTOCK NY TEL 144791549 PAl 0144796542 NOT NEW VIDEOS FROM INCABRCTM IF YOURE INTO R/C AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OR VIDEOGRAPHY YOU MUST CHECK OUT THESE HOT NEW HIGH-QUALITY VIDEOS THE EXCELLENT INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDES SHOW YOU HOW TO DO THE VARIOUS INSTALLATIONS PROPERLY AND THEYRE ENTERTAINING AND ACTION-PACKED TOO INCAB-RC PHOTOGRAPHY $1995 S&H INCAB-RC VIDEOGRAPHY $2495 S&H INCAB-RC VIDEOLINK $2995 S&H PAL AND CCAM ADD $500 PER TAPE 1NCAB RCTM AVE UPTON PRODUCTIONS INC 7jP7N59CELLENCE IN INFORMATION AND ENTERTAINMENTIr ORDERS 541-683-5445 OFFICE FAX 541-689-5667 DAVE UPTON PRODUCTIONS 4487 KNOOP AVE EUGENE OREGON 97402 THERES GREAT SAMPLES ON OUR WEBSITE httpllwwwINCAB-RCcom