U Dick Sarpolus THE POPULAR full-scale acrolcan easily seen today available Extras Lasers Caps Pitts etc variety sizes construction new version acrobatic aircraft appears its short time before RC version out kit form ub1ished construction Usually latest 16 Modei Aviation s tapered plug-in wing large ailerons elevators rudder provide plenty aerobatic capability designs popular get attention flying fields like newer aircraft too older design Ive always admired has never much impact modeling world Stephens Akro late 1960s Clayton Stephens Akro very few acrobatic monoplanes around dared challenge biplanes Pitts about hottest acrobatic machine going Stephens designed Akro take Pitts new competition pilot Leo Loudenslager opened lot eyes began winning major contests Stephens Akro After few years flying Akro built himself Loudenslager stripped machine down rebuilt number modifications major modification changing appearance big way removal bubble canopy addition turtledeck along much-smaller canopy Rebuilt different appearance new color scheme Loudenslager s modified Akro began winning competition events airplane got new name Laser Time went Laser became famous dont hear about Stephens Akro anymore 32 vibration isolation mounts Two exhaust stacks exit bottom special exhaust baffle available may competitive Laser other newer designs like appearance large bubble canopy sleek racerlike lines Akro Im aware RC design published original bubble-canopy Akro 60-size model number modified Akros built some raised turtledeck eliminated full bubble canopy some have modeled wanted large gas/ignition-engine Akro figured Loudenslager modified Akro get Laser could start Laser layout modify back Akro configuration version certainly isnt 100% authentic exact scale its obviously Stephens Akroand its quick easy build flies well saw several pictures Stephens Akro flown acrobatic pilot JoAnn Nottke its white red black color scheme really looked good get enough information model particular aircraft checked Bob Banka s Scale Model Research Sure enough Bob several three-view drawings available number Foto Paaks cover different Akros set color photos JoAnn Nottkes aircraft photos big help Contact Bob November 1996 17 ~umnor Full-scale Akro flown JoAnn Nottke Three-views photos available Scale Model Research 3114 Yukon Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel 714 979-8058 lay out Akro design took look several three-view drawings varied bit several Laser plans also varied little tough part designing scratch-building figuring handle cowl canopy needed case Fiberglass Specialties available Laser cowl size required Steve Durecki willing modify necessary suit Akro fuselage design make mold add line cowls Steve also large bubble canopy very close Akros size shape Again theyre exactly scale look real good theyre available Molded fiberglass wheel pants Laser already being made Steve theyre available too Fiberglass Specialties 38624 Mt Kisco Dr Sterling Heights MI 48310 next item needed formed aluminum landing gear Abell Hobby Manufacturing Co Box 22573 Billings MT 59101 now manufactures gear model really nice job gear aluminum alloy works fine gear looks good piece hard-to-find hardware aluminum tube spar composite socket tubes plug-in wing design Gator R/C Products Inc 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 has just what need So tough stuff available order special parts get cut own foam cores cut out wood parts have Stephens Akro kit laid out wing 90-inch span highly tapered wing has just over 1300 square inches area builder prototype Akro Lance Schneider longtime friend fellow RCer Lance always admired original Akro tempted project get back active RC flying having left hobby some years get ultralight home-built aviation activity pushed complete Akro plans quickly built up prototype thought about power plant used finally settled Air Hobbies Sachs 32 primarily because combination muffler/engine mount looked very convenient engine also has electronic ignition system variable timing coupled throttle linkage knew retarding timing idle would make engine easy start advanced timing top end would produce power engine runs great reasonably quiet special baffle available go inside muffler lower noise level has plenty power good vertical performance like popular Quadra 42 Ive used number different designs Im sure would fine aircraft milder flying CONSTRUCTION construction totally conventional well proven fuselage basic box balsa sides plywood doublers Foam-cored top blocks sheeted balsa foam-cored tail surfaces wing panels foam-cored several plywood ribs retaining composite tubes aluminum tube spar again standard procedure airplane easy build foam-core construction will reasonably light prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 weighs 19 pounds Lance aircraft ready cover about six weeks covered Akro Coverites 21st Century pre-painted fabric red dark blue white following color scheme JoAnn Nottkes aircraft using variety computer-cut vinyl trimmings scale appearance Most acrobatic full-scale aircraft utilize wire bracing tail surfaces although werent used prototype Id recommend appearance well added strength Du-Bro has good line devises/rods/straps available use Modelers flying field recognize full-scale acrobatic machine heritage know about older Stephens Akro design does attract attention favorable comments Scratch-builders usually develop own building procedures techniques Ill review methods use Fuselage Select finn hard balsa two sides edge-gluing splicing needed get size required Glue 146 plywood doublers ood landing gear block doublers plywood stab-saddle doublers balsa lower edge strips two fuselage sides like firewall least k large engines laminate piece 1A piece ood fuselage side flat workbench add firewall next three bulkheads side installing perpendicular side Glue second fuselage side bulkheads sides parallel firewall wing trailing edge position November 1996 19 Pilot figure adds touch realism close-to-scale color scheme accomplished Coverites 21st Century fabric paint Author prefers forward servo location fiberglass tube pushrods Lance Schneider prefers rear-mounted servos short elevator rudder linkages Lance begins field assembly sliding aluminum-tube joiner through fuselage Lack cutout wing results stronger fuselage II2/D CO&POSIYE TUBE 7/ FOR/ U5 ALLWINI* TUBE WING JOINER FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS NOT SHOWS iN THIS ViEW FOR CLARITY BALSA D OVER S/B TN/CE FOAM CORES I/B PLYWOODWING TUBE HARDWARE AVAILABLE FROMGATOR N/C PRODUCTS INCSB 0 I/2 BALSA BALSAB 37/3 POMPANO DR FL 355/4 5/5 PLY FIREWALL __________________I BLOCKS/ /111 VERTICAL FIN I/B PLYWOODEXTERDS THROUGH FUSELAGE TOP AVAILABLE FROM-5/32 BALSA OVERTO STAB/I FOAN COREI TOP SECTIONSBALSA FIBERGLASS COWL WHEEL FASTS AND CANOPY FIBERBIASS SPEC/ALT/ES S/SOD N/LAND DR SO/YE MACOMB MI 4B045 PLYWOOD SPACER I/N PLYWOODRIGHT ANGLE BRACKETHATCH LANDING GEAR NOUN YR LANDING GEAR________ FIBERGLASS N WHEELSWHEEL PANTS THE PROTOTYPE AIRCRAFT HAD A/N HORS/ES SACHS 35 ENGINE TWO ELEVATOR SERVOS WITH SEPARATE LINKAGE TO EACH ELEVATOR RECOMMENDED I/B BALSA BULKHEADS 0 I 5 5 4 5 B F B 5 /0 II IS fI III IJ STEPHENS AKRO SCALE/ASHOBATIC AIRCRAFT FOR LARGE ENGINES DES/GNED AND DRAWN BY DICK SANPOLUS MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8221 SHEET IOFS 0 0 0 CD 0 L FRONT NRA FE _____HARDWOOD BLOCK FLUSH WiTH GOT TOM SURFACESHEET WINS WITH DRILL AND TAP FOR WING RETAINING BOLT335 BALSA__ ____INTO TUBE SPAR/JOINER I__ __- -Il/B ID COMPOSITE TUBE -INSTALL AILERON SERVO______ FOR I/N ALUMINUM TUBEIIN BOTTOM SURFACEBALSA IWING SPAR/JOINER_____ -1/5 BALSA HOLE THROUGH FOAM COREI3/B BALSA AILERON EXTENSION CABLE 1/B PLYWOOD RIBS______ 3/N DOWEL TIP TEMPLATE i/N PLY ROOT RIB AND FOAM CORE TEMPLATE TOP SURFACE ABELL HOBBY AMD MANUF P0 BOX 22575 MT 590 Th4Th zziizzzzz FOAM CORE FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS LATES III 1117- HEETING ii CONS TRUC TI ALTERNATEIIi TECHNIQUE EDGE FRAMING \-ui- 7 1 1 4 1 CD 3 CCD 0 0 0 S7EPHENS AKRO MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8222 - T B OF B $ TEPHINS AKRO ________________________________AFARr N FLIGHt. cu r ARTeTC LI#4S~. &AtSA 3/JZSfI3AL$AIli fIIJJ --A c 1 Ti4 WREN 5AJLU cr IWN I 10 I2 DESiGNED BY DICK SARPOLU 5 Northeast Aerodynamics excited roll out entire new lineup eight popular World War II fighter aircraft F6F Hellcat P-40 Warhawk Messerschmitt Bf-109 Russian Mig-3 Hawker Hurricane Japanese Zero Focke-Wuif FW-190 P-51 Mustang Anyone looking fantastic new airplane serious dog fighting funflying just ripping up sky impress friends will find Profile Warbirds flyers area lining up get hands great kits Northeast Aerodynamics known high quality care puts its products Ask favorite hobby shop call us direct $5495 plus shipping Visa Mastercard accepted dealer inquiries invited Engine Recommendation Wing Span Wing Area Fuselage Length Weight Range Wing Loading Range 20 36 50 inches 430 sq inches 37 inches 25 325 lbs 15 19 oz/sq ft Add triangle stock heavy fiberglass cloth behind firewall reinforce its joint sides also put several small screws firewall through fuselage sides extra reinforcement Pull tail end together installing rear bulkheads As done sure fuselage sides taper stralght line rear straight-cut foam rear top block will fit correctly trial-fit foam rear top block install rear bulkheads can trim move bulkheads needed foam core fit Before sheeting foam fuselage top blocks check see sheeted will line up flush lower fuselage assembly foam can sanded necessary proper alignment three foam top blocks fuselage because way tapers sheeted separately cockpit opening can cut though before top blocks glued place cockpit floor /s balsa Sheet foam blocks recommend Dave Browns Southern Sorghum contact cement Other adhesives could thinly spread epoxy other contact cement prefer Before gluing fuselage top blocks place fit 1 /2 ID phenolic tube through fuselage sides accept aluminum spar dont glue wing panels fitted fuselage tube can glued place after checking sure everything lines up correctly slot must cut though rear top fuselage block vertical fin installation its easier before gluing block place plywood landing-gear mount epoxied fuselage add some hardwood blocks inside holes will drilled tapped nylon gear retaining bolts provide wood threaded bolt holes also use aluminum right-angle bracket side gear mount bolting gear mount through fuselage sides As airplanes get larger heavier believe epoxy alone wont hold gear mount place during rough landing want nylon gear retaining bolts break necessarynot pull out section fuselage 24 Model Aviation Robinson Road Hudson NH 03051 fax 603 881-5899 After engine mounting arrangement done holes drilled through firewall fuel tubing throttle linkage etc plywood forward bottom piece can glued fuselage Before sheeting fuselage bottom cut holes rear bulkheads fit elevator rudder pushrods Since plug-in wing setup removable hatch needed fuselage bottom access radio gear fuel tank Lite Ply hatch can retained several screws removal Wing Work needed foam wing cores before sheeted /8 plywood rib fitted root core core cut 12 inches out root installation second /s plywood rib sure second plywood rib place correcfly hole spar tube establishes dihedral want aluminum spar parallel top wing surface making flat dihedral angle bottom surface wing Mark top plywood rib installed toward upper wing surface foam can removed spars tube first using heated metal rod put hole through core inserting cutting wire hooking up its bow cutting hole plywood ribs templates could also done using large round file Before gluing plywood ribs foam sand necessary get good fit flush foam Also sand root end foam core will fit flush fuselage side top wing surface right angle fuselage isnt critical can shimmed balsa sanded fit later spar tube epoxied foam core through plywood ribs Another hole needed through foam core root location aileron servo servo extension cable heat end metal rod propane torch push hot end through foam melting tunnel 3/ dowel locating pin glued wing panel through root plywood rib short plywood rib farther out core wing cores sheeted /32 5 C H 4 a a uj N 4 z 4 z a z [5 2 45 4 C a H 4 a 2 a a C [5 T U a JOYBOX AIHHLA5 CONTRUU Make no mistake allows models S-IIMHUIOIAI SCEERY simulators sameactual fly like actual nc nu hURl CAUSES Any simulator will let flyaircraft around has models allow MIITIPIE AIRFUNE SIMPER realism actually improverealistically perform rolling MMUIAhIAiIiWS YE TI SIMUATE YU MEL flyingcircles torque rolls exactan avalanche Try doing simulation flying awith average simulator lop IPPUT multitude nc aircraft information NUIIIUI1UUNPATIILE typical flying fieldcomplete radio controlcmiISwTuuJrayIJhj characteristic ncsimulation package see eine flight duplicated no matterlocal dealer visit us smallinternet give us callIa7232uumjij~ 395 HiS 10fl8E4 EWA2U U 1*5111 EM CWPAI1EI WWUUI WH NA U HEflEpjfl7253 WHAT liLT 3515 CIRWUCSEIA 15 PIN 4 AXIS SMUSRI 7243 HARES LI WRY 3245 DAVE BROWN PRODUCTS INC 4510 LAYHIGH ROAD HAMILTON OHIO 45013 513/730-1575 513/730-0152 November1996 27 ITHING ILSEU T PLAYING Safe Easy RC Building Flying Flying has aRC Sallplanes favorite manyElectric Gliders beginning pilots andexplores instrnctors sixintricacies step tested programdifferent type RIC completelyflying presented easy Chapters include understand guideLanding methods Chapters includeThermal flying AerodynamicsSlope soaring Selecting trainerOperating electric plane c flight Performing take offsmotors power systems Landing patterns Safely landing plane Choosing batteries charging Learning about SafetyBuilding tips techniques Cost $995 Cost $1195 Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Send Check Money Order P 0 Box 15019 Colorado Springs CO 80935 RIC Sport Competition Aerobatics comprehensive manual takes pilot exciting world RC aerobatics intricacies aerohatic flight presented easy understand steps have proven time again under actual training conditions Chapters include Choosing acrobatic airplanes o selection sting precisely trimming airplanes ral aerobatic maneuvers detailed instrnctions Contest preparation actual competition tips order now pocket guide containing reproduction of aerobatic maneuvers will includedfree purchase Actuat price $299 Cost $1395 Including yourfree pocket guide Shipping & Handling charge $200 added book purchased medium balsa edge-glued necessary needed width toughest part edge gluing sheeting getting tight fit between individual sheets cut balsa doesnt have good straight edges use long sanding straightedge made piece aluminum right angle stock really warped sheet cut new straight edge long steel measuring ruler sharp modeling knife use aliphatic-resin type wood glues joining easier sand smooth joint Edge-glue sheeting taping joints together masking tape make up size needed flip wood over open taped joints over edge workbench apply glue edges wood sheeting flat bench scrape excess glue off joint putty knife weight wood until glue dries Peel off masking tape use taped side outer surface sheeting sand inside surface sheeting rougher sandpaper speed up work use finer sandpaper finish off outer surface core sheeted top bottom trim off leading edge block-sand square Add oversized leading edge strip plane sand shape Add wingtip sheeting round edges slightly ailerons cut sheeted wing trimmed down allow balsa edging glued place sanded shape Hinge ailerons along centerline using large sturdy freely moving hingeswhatever type prefer Adding simulated aileron counterbalance shape tip isnt really required sure adds realistic scale detailing Recesses cut lower wing surface aileron servo mounting epoxy plywood mounting pieces position suit servos having protrude wing surface just enough hook up aileron pushrods extra reinforcement suggest fiberglass cloth epoxy applied around inboard ends wing panels extending about eight inches wing panel roots phenolic tube section fuselage yet glued slide aluminum tube spar place add both wing panels Check see dihedral 28 Model Aviation 0101105003513213 0402 0504 320305020500 0801 08020901 EiIEA~010310102 0105103500401 0503 3204L4*0951 3224U 1211 1250 0250 G5O Factory Service Complete0304 120 0 Parts/0303 SUp1OOrt0250105 0207-0251 02080402 0401 0307 03011105- 02 30252040303b2 MVVS Corporation America 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 02\ Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ 11031104115002020101 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock1207 0203 0303 1001 0301 0 02 angle same both sides Also check see wing panels fit closely fuselage both sides get good fit might want add layer balsa wing root surface sand its easier trying taper-sand plywood root rib Elongate shim holes fuselage sides required wing panels properly lined up leave everything place epoxy phenolic tube fuselage working through open fuselage bottom area sure both wing panels same zero angle incidence panels lined up 3/9 dowel stub wing roots protruding mating fuselage holes Move and/or shim holes align wing panels retain wing panels spar use hardwood block glued wing flush wing surface drill tap hardwood 10-32 steel retaining bolt bolt will extend down aluminum tube spar wing first bolt place drill other wing panel easy aiignment leave tube spar place wing panel airplane disassembled access hatch bottom fuselage can removed aileron cable hookup wing panels mounted Tail Surfaces built flat workbench surface 3/9 hot-wire-cut foam sheets cut shape 3/ x 1/2 balsa edging reinforcing added sheeted 3A2 balsa wing cores simulated counterbalance areas elevators rudder arent really needed suggest scale appearance its too much work wing mounted fuselage add horizontal stab aligning wing stab/fuselage joint important balsa added between fuselage sides provide added gluing area stab narrow strip fiberglass cloth epoxy outside joint also good idea vertical fin added aligned perpendicular stab plywood section bottom rear fuselage used mount leaf-spring tail wheel assembly Whatever hinges usethe various molded nylon flat hinges hinge-point stylecut slots drill holes 1/32s250 1/lts23850 3/32 s 24661 1/8524965 3116s26074 1/4s26890 3/95286119 1/2s23011042143 1/32 s 336435969 1/20 x 336435060 1/16 x 336445060 3/32 s 343526167 1/Ox 352637384 3/1653627684101 1/4s37894113130 5/16s3109152 3/8x3105115149170 1/2x3135150175205 3/4x3225310 1/32 s 450007092 1/20 s 456067992 1/105456607992 3/32x46982106114 1/Ox 47693112134 3/lOs 487199140156 1/4s4106152162179 5/16s4102234 3/Ox 4165210239285 1/2x4249205315336 3/4x4350471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/3254125142 1/854150109 3/1654164189 1/4s4176295 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/816 3/1617 1/420 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/874 AILERONS3648 1/4s15782 1/451-1/46590 1/451-1/274185 1/45280115 5/1651-1/474105 S/1651-1/275106 5/165286120 3/Ox 1-1/480115 3/851-1/283116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/295149 1/252106150 1/4s275 1/4s3109 3/85290 3/0s3131 1/2s3154 ADD EQS SMA FED LEADINGEDGE 2535 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/853/854 1/251/275 3/4x3/495 1/lOx 1/8 1/lOs 1/4 1/lOx 3/8 1/165 1/2 3/32 SO 3/32x 1/4 3/3253/8 3/32x1/2 1/8 SO 1/8x3/16 1/Os 1/4 1/853/8 1/851/2 1/853/4 1/8s 1 3/16 SQ 3/lOs 1/4 3/1653/8 3/165 1/2 3/1653/4 3/165 1 1/4 SQ 1/453/0 1/451/2 1/453/4 1/4x1 S/it SQ 3/8 SO 3/8s1/2 3/853/4 3/85 1 1/2 SO 1/253/4 1/2s 1 5/8 SO 3/4 SO 3/4s1 BUNDLE DEALS 20 1/165 3 203/3253 151/853 153/16 53 101/453 103/853 51/2 53 201/16 54 101/16s4 153/3254 103/3254 101/9 54 51/854 103/1654 53/16s4 10 1/4u4 51/4x4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 10 10 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 30 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 40 53 67 49 60 76 60 81 99 36 799 970 875 1050 875 1050 095 1235 1150 875 1000 1400 950 1300 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 30 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 104 86 111 132 48 900 1075 625 735 835 36 29 33 40 54 68 131 225 I48 3119 1/255278119LU 1/lOs 378119 3/325393144 1/8 53114175 3/1653132202 1/453157237 3/853188307I 1/2s3238382C LU 3/4 53375519 153532719 1/3254123109c 1/20s4123188 1/16 54123189LU 3/3254149232 1/854169262 3/lOs 4197300 1/4s4237332J 3/8x4357563 1/2s4492088 /41/4-S lb WOoD sab/sctts sslabitity SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/856250395 1/9512395750 1/4512495950 LITE PLY 122448 1/Os 6100125 235 1/Os 12125235 450 1/456125175 340 1/4512175345 650 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64s6140275495 1/64512 279 510 950 1/32s6 95 180 325 1/325 12 180 335 635 1/165 6 95 180 325 1/16512 180 335 625 1/95 6 95 180 335 1/85 12 190 335 650 4 PLY BIRCH 12 24 48 3/16 sO 109 215 345 3/lOs 12 215 345 685 5 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32s6135260490 3/32s12260500895 1/85 6145280525 1/8s 12280550950 1/4s6125250380 1/4s12230380725 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6150 295 525 3/8512285 5501000 OPLYBIRCH122448 1/256200350 575 1/25 123505801125 HARD MAPLE 18 1/451/445 1/4s3/850 1/451/256 3/853/850 3/851/256 3/853/465 3/8s175 3/851-1/2115 1/251/275 78 85 92 / 8A553648 68" /42439 /42539 21 29 , ,2036 1/853/8LU3546 1/851/24155 1/8s3/44763 3/16 SQ2038 3/1653/84053 3/1651/24864 3/16s3/46588 1/450 45 57 100 1/4x3/8 53 69 1/451/26181130 1/453/4 183 110 1186 3/85064 85 138 3/851/27591154 1/2 SO 05 105 180 1/253/4 94 125 200 ADD DD 55 EX ERA EQS 7ADKA DING GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/8x3/41/850 3/853/45/3250 1/2s3/43/1655 WING SKtNS3O36 1/32x 12479 535 1/20512479 535 1/16512479 535 3/32s 12579 645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/051/229 3/1653/435 1/45139 5/1651-1/450 3/Osl-1/2 56 1/25290 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 OZ 5 Minute425 669 iS Minute425 669 39 Minute425 669 2 Hour425 669 20 Minute429 840 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 us Thin orGE185 1 Thin ot GE300 2 Thin orGE550 Oso Thin GE1650 1/2 Os Ostra Thick200 1 Oxtra thick330 2oo Ostra Thick600 Oso tutta thick1800 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 Thin GE425 1 Thin ot GE705 2oo Thin orGE1305 2 Acceletator315 8 os Acc Oefill695 tst tips 6149 tst tips slice 6149 SEND Si FOR COMPLETE CATALOG INFO & HELP 806-7q3-6394 ORDERS ONI 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 ont 46 State Handitog Charoe $650 880 UPS Add $550 COO SEN 8000 estra PP API EPO accept Visa MC Discover personal checksD MAILLONE STAR MODELS si COD 6 t/5 % tax Texas US currency Mm wood order $1580 ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock TX 79423 wm RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST JA~Rso Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Catalog containing lists RIC maintenance hints Discover MCard VISA COD UPS USMA IL FEDEX etc November 1996 29 KMI 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 surfaces notch control surfaces appropriate permit close fit small hinge-line gap still allowing proper movement use ood control horn mounts recessing epoxying plywood tail surfaces horns mounted self-tapping screws use ood servo mounts fuselage recommend larger 4-40 threaded rods devises linkages Fiberglass tube pushrods used elevator linkages Using separate servos elevator its own pushrod allows pushrods straight servo arm control horn Since pushrods cross over within fuselage elevator servos mounted slightly higher other keep pushrods rubbing together tail wheel steering tied rudder small springs actual linkage servo rudder can done pushrod twin cable pull-pull setup prefer long Y harness needed two aileron servos mounted wing panels 1 200-mAh battery pack used wrapped foam rubber positioned beneath fuel tank battery pack can relocated proper balancebehind wing needed Lance Schneider builder prototype Akro mounted elevator rudder servos protruding fuselage sides just ahead tail surfaces Lance prefers short pushrods used setup its valid alternate approach may like better standard setup concern about rear servo mounting possible weakening fuselage sides servo cutouts sure double up around servo openings suggest thin plywood exact engine mounting must done suit engine used prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 used muffler/radial mount arrangement engine quite light five pounds including muffler two exhaust pipes point down behind engine cylinder muffler/mount fiberglass cowl trimmed needed clear engine cylinder exhaust extensions carburetor cowl held place several 10-32 nylon bolts fuselage 3/2-inch spinner required CB unit used prototype ignition switch mounted fuselage side close nose radio system switch also mounted fuselage side back away ignition system fiberglass wheel pants mounted axles aluminum landing gear brackets Sig Covering Lance covered Akro Coverites 21st Century prepainted iron-on fabric painted fiberglass cowl wheel pants aluminum landing gear perfectly matching 21st Century spray paint added vinyl stick-on lettering few decals realistic acrobatic aircraft appearance convinced him add pilot figure cockpit scale realism overall weight Lances Akro bit less 20 pounds consider quite light aircraft size complexity Hying conventional overall layout construction design didnt expect surprises test flights done windy day Air Hobbies Sachs 32 got Akro off ground immediately quickly apparent engine/aircraft combination hot setup model definitely hard fly performs very well easy handling mild Sunday sport flying What didnt completely expect very capable acrobatic ability aircraft anything could think possible Good-looking lomcevaks knife-edge circling unlimited vertical performance tail slides humpty bumps snapsall done well some capable pilots does mean Akros layout large control surfaces reasonably light weight plenty power good-running 32 combine happy result Consider Stephens Akro easy building easy flying scale-looking sport machine know has full acrobatic capability enjoy Sarpolus 32 Alameda Ct Shrewsbury NJ 07702 30 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
U Dick Sarpolus THE POPULAR full-scale acrolcan easily seen today available Extras Lasers Caps Pitts etc variety sizes construction new version acrobatic aircraft appears its short time before RC version out kit form ub1ished construction Usually latest 16 Modei Aviation s tapered plug-in wing large ailerons elevators rudder provide plenty aerobatic capability designs popular get attention flying fields like newer aircraft too older design Ive always admired has never much impact modeling world Stephens Akro late 1960s Clayton Stephens Akro very few acrobatic monoplanes around dared challenge biplanes Pitts about hottest acrobatic machine going Stephens designed Akro take Pitts new competition pilot Leo Loudenslager opened lot eyes began winning major contests Stephens Akro After few years flying Akro built himself Loudenslager stripped machine down rebuilt number modifications major modification changing appearance big way removal bubble canopy addition turtledeck along much-smaller canopy Rebuilt different appearance new color scheme Loudenslager s modified Akro began winning competition events airplane got new name Laser Time went Laser became famous dont hear about Stephens Akro anymore 32 vibration isolation mounts Two exhaust stacks exit bottom special exhaust baffle available may competitive Laser other newer designs like appearance large bubble canopy sleek racerlike lines Akro Im aware RC design published original bubble-canopy Akro 60-size model number modified Akros built some raised turtledeck eliminated full bubble canopy some have modeled wanted large gas/ignition-engine Akro figured Loudenslager modified Akro get Laser could start Laser layout modify back Akro configuration version certainly isnt 100% authentic exact scale its obviously Stephens Akroand its quick easy build flies well saw several pictures Stephens Akro flown acrobatic pilot JoAnn Nottke its white red black color scheme really looked good get enough information model particular aircraft checked Bob Banka s Scale Model Research Sure enough Bob several three-view drawings available number Foto Paaks cover different Akros set color photos JoAnn Nottkes aircraft photos big help Contact Bob November 1996 17 ~umnor Full-scale Akro flown JoAnn Nottke Three-views photos available Scale Model Research 3114 Yukon Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel 714 979-8058 lay out Akro design took look several three-view drawings varied bit several Laser plans also varied little tough part designing scratch-building figuring handle cowl canopy needed case Fiberglass Specialties available Laser cowl size required Steve Durecki willing modify necessary suit Akro fuselage design make mold add line cowls Steve also large bubble canopy very close Akros size shape Again theyre exactly scale look real good theyre available Molded fiberglass wheel pants Laser already being made Steve theyre available too Fiberglass Specialties 38624 Mt Kisco Dr Sterling Heights MI 48310 next item needed formed aluminum landing gear Abell Hobby Manufacturing Co Box 22573 Billings MT 59101 now manufactures gear model really nice job gear aluminum alloy works fine gear looks good piece hard-to-find hardware aluminum tube spar composite socket tubes plug-in wing design Gator R/C Products Inc 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 has just what need So tough stuff available order special parts get cut own foam cores cut out wood parts have Stephens Akro kit laid out wing 90-inch span highly tapered wing has just over 1300 square inches area builder prototype Akro Lance Schneider longtime friend fellow RCer Lance always admired original Akro tempted project get back active RC flying having left hobby some years get ultralight home-built aviation activity pushed complete Akro plans quickly built up prototype thought about power plant used finally settled Air Hobbies Sachs 32 primarily because combination muffler/engine mount looked very convenient engine also has electronic ignition system variable timing coupled throttle linkage knew retarding timing idle would make engine easy start advanced timing top end would produce power engine runs great reasonably quiet special baffle available go inside muffler lower noise level has plenty power good vertical performance like popular Quadra 42 Ive used number different designs Im sure would fine aircraft milder flying CONSTRUCTION construction totally conventional well proven fuselage basic box balsa sides plywood doublers Foam-cored top blocks sheeted balsa foam-cored tail surfaces wing panels foam-cored several plywood ribs retaining composite tubes aluminum tube spar again standard procedure airplane easy build foam-core construction will reasonably light prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 weighs 19 pounds Lance aircraft ready cover about six weeks covered Akro Coverites 21st Century pre-painted fabric red dark blue white following color scheme JoAnn Nottkes aircraft using variety computer-cut vinyl trimmings scale appearance Most acrobatic full-scale aircraft utilize wire bracing tail surfaces although werent used prototype Id recommend appearance well added strength Du-Bro has good line devises/rods/straps available use Modelers flying field recognize full-scale acrobatic machine heritage know about older Stephens Akro design does attract attention favorable comments Scratch-builders usually develop own building procedures techniques Ill review methods use Fuselage Select finn hard balsa two sides edge-gluing splicing needed get size required Glue 146 plywood doublers ood landing gear block doublers plywood stab-saddle doublers balsa lower edge strips two fuselage sides like firewall least k large engines laminate piece 1A piece ood fuselage side flat workbench add firewall next three bulkheads side installing perpendicular side Glue second fuselage side bulkheads sides parallel firewall wing trailing edge position November 1996 19 Pilot figure adds touch realism close-to-scale color scheme accomplished Coverites 21st Century fabric paint Author prefers forward servo location fiberglass tube pushrods Lance Schneider prefers rear-mounted servos short elevator rudder linkages Lance begins field assembly sliding aluminum-tube joiner through fuselage Lack cutout wing results stronger fuselage II2/D CO&POSIYE TUBE 7/ FOR/ U5 ALLWINI* TUBE WING JOINER FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS NOT SHOWS iN THIS ViEW FOR CLARITY BALSA D OVER S/B TN/CE FOAM CORES I/B PLYWOODWING TUBE HARDWARE AVAILABLE FROMGATOR N/C PRODUCTS INCSB 0 I/2 BALSA BALSAB 37/3 POMPANO DR FL 355/4 5/5 PLY FIREWALL __________________I BLOCKS/ /111 VERTICAL FIN I/B PLYWOODEXTERDS THROUGH FUSELAGE TOP AVAILABLE FROM-5/32 BALSA OVERTO STAB/I FOAN COREI TOP SECTIONSBALSA FIBERGLASS COWL WHEEL FASTS AND CANOPY FIBERBIASS SPEC/ALT/ES S/SOD N/LAND DR SO/YE MACOMB MI 4B045 PLYWOOD SPACER I/N PLYWOODRIGHT ANGLE BRACKETHATCH LANDING GEAR NOUN YR LANDING GEAR________ FIBERGLASS N WHEELSWHEEL PANTS THE PROTOTYPE AIRCRAFT HAD A/N HORS/ES SACHS 35 ENGINE TWO ELEVATOR SERVOS WITH SEPARATE LINKAGE TO EACH ELEVATOR RECOMMENDED I/B BALSA BULKHEADS 0 I 5 5 4 5 B F B 5 /0 II IS fI III IJ STEPHENS AKRO SCALE/ASHOBATIC AIRCRAFT FOR LARGE ENGINES DES/GNED AND DRAWN BY DICK SANPOLUS MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8221 SHEET IOFS 0 0 0 CD 0 L FRONT NRA FE _____HARDWOOD BLOCK FLUSH WiTH GOT TOM SURFACESHEET WINS WITH DRILL AND TAP FOR WING RETAINING BOLT335 BALSA__ ____INTO TUBE SPAR/JOINER I__ __- -Il/B ID COMPOSITE TUBE -INSTALL AILERON SERVO______ FOR I/N ALUMINUM TUBEIIN BOTTOM SURFACEBALSA IWING SPAR/JOINER_____ -1/5 BALSA HOLE THROUGH FOAM COREI3/B BALSA AILERON EXTENSION CABLE 1/B PLYWOOD RIBS______ 3/N DOWEL TIP TEMPLATE i/N PLY ROOT RIB AND FOAM CORE TEMPLATE TOP SURFACE ABELL HOBBY AMD MANUF P0 BOX 22575 MT 590 Th4Th zziizzzzz FOAM CORE FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS LATES III 1117- HEETING ii CONS TRUC TI ALTERNATEIIi TECHNIQUE EDGE FRAMING \-ui- 7 1 1 4 1 CD 3 CCD 0 0 0 S7EPHENS AKRO MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8222 - T B OF B $ TEPHINS AKRO ________________________________AFARr N FLIGHt. cu r ARTeTC LI#4S~. &AtSA 3/JZSfI3AL$AIli fIIJJ --A c 1 Ti4 WREN 5AJLU cr IWN I 10 I2 DESiGNED BY DICK SARPOLU 5 Northeast Aerodynamics excited roll out entire new lineup eight popular World War II fighter aircraft F6F Hellcat P-40 Warhawk Messerschmitt Bf-109 Russian Mig-3 Hawker Hurricane Japanese Zero Focke-Wuif FW-190 P-51 Mustang Anyone looking fantastic new airplane serious dog fighting funflying just ripping up sky impress friends will find Profile Warbirds flyers area lining up get hands great kits Northeast Aerodynamics known high quality care puts its products Ask favorite hobby shop call us direct $5495 plus shipping Visa Mastercard accepted dealer inquiries invited Engine Recommendation Wing Span Wing Area Fuselage Length Weight Range Wing Loading Range 20 36 50 inches 430 sq inches 37 inches 25 325 lbs 15 19 oz/sq ft Add triangle stock heavy fiberglass cloth behind firewall reinforce its joint sides also put several small screws firewall through fuselage sides extra reinforcement Pull tail end together installing rear bulkheads As done sure fuselage sides taper stralght line rear straight-cut foam rear top block will fit correctly trial-fit foam rear top block install rear bulkheads can trim move bulkheads needed foam core fit Before sheeting foam fuselage top blocks check see sheeted will line up flush lower fuselage assembly foam can sanded necessary proper alignment three foam top blocks fuselage because way tapers sheeted separately cockpit opening can cut though before top blocks glued place cockpit floor /s balsa Sheet foam blocks recommend Dave Browns Southern Sorghum contact cement Other adhesives could thinly spread epoxy other contact cement prefer Before gluing fuselage top blocks place fit 1 /2 ID phenolic tube through fuselage sides accept aluminum spar dont glue wing panels fitted fuselage tube can glued place after checking sure everything lines up correctly slot must cut though rear top fuselage block vertical fin installation its easier before gluing block place plywood landing-gear mount epoxied fuselage add some hardwood blocks inside holes will drilled tapped nylon gear retaining bolts provide wood threaded bolt holes also use aluminum right-angle bracket side gear mount bolting gear mount through fuselage sides As airplanes get larger heavier believe epoxy alone wont hold gear mount place during rough landing want nylon gear retaining bolts break necessarynot pull out section fuselage 24 Model Aviation Robinson Road Hudson NH 03051 fax 603 881-5899 After engine mounting arrangement done holes drilled through firewall fuel tubing throttle linkage etc plywood forward bottom piece can glued fuselage Before sheeting fuselage bottom cut holes rear bulkheads fit elevator rudder pushrods Since plug-in wing setup removable hatch needed fuselage bottom access radio gear fuel tank Lite Ply hatch can retained several screws removal Wing Work needed foam wing cores before sheeted /8 plywood rib fitted root core core cut 12 inches out root installation second /s plywood rib sure second plywood rib place correcfly hole spar tube establishes dihedral want aluminum spar parallel top wing surface making flat dihedral angle bottom surface wing Mark top plywood rib installed toward upper wing surface foam can removed spars tube first using heated metal rod put hole through core inserting cutting wire hooking up its bow cutting hole plywood ribs templates could also done using large round file Before gluing plywood ribs foam sand necessary get good fit flush foam Also sand root end foam core will fit flush fuselage side top wing surface right angle fuselage isnt critical can shimmed balsa sanded fit later spar tube epoxied foam core through plywood ribs Another hole needed through foam core root location aileron servo servo extension cable heat end metal rod propane torch push hot end through foam melting tunnel 3/ dowel locating pin glued wing panel through root plywood rib short plywood rib farther out core wing cores sheeted /32 5 C H 4 a a uj N 4 z 4 z a z [5 2 45 4 C a H 4 a 2 a a C [5 T U a JOYBOX AIHHLA5 CONTRUU Make no mistake allows models S-IIMHUIOIAI SCEERY simulators sameactual fly like actual nc nu hURl CAUSES Any simulator will let flyaircraft around has models allow MIITIPIE AIRFUNE SIMPER realism actually improverealistically perform rolling MMUIAhIAiIiWS YE TI SIMUATE YU MEL flyingcircles torque rolls exactan avalanche Try doing simulation flying awith average simulator lop IPPUT multitude nc aircraft information NUIIIUI1UUNPATIILE typical flying fieldcomplete radio controlcmiISwTuuJrayIJhj characteristic ncsimulation package see eine flight duplicated no matterlocal dealer visit us smallinternet give us callIa7232uumjij~ 395 HiS 10fl8E4 EWA2U U 1*5111 EM CWPAI1EI WWUUI WH NA U HEflEpjfl7253 WHAT liLT 3515 CIRWUCSEIA 15 PIN 4 AXIS SMUSRI 7243 HARES LI WRY 3245 DAVE BROWN PRODUCTS INC 4510 LAYHIGH ROAD HAMILTON OHIO 45013 513/730-1575 513/730-0152 November1996 27 ITHING ILSEU T PLAYING Safe Easy RC Building Flying Flying has aRC Sallplanes favorite manyElectric Gliders beginning pilots andexplores instrnctors sixintricacies step tested programdifferent type RIC completelyflying presented easy Chapters include understand guideLanding methods Chapters includeThermal flying AerodynamicsSlope soaring Selecting trainerOperating electric plane c flight Performing take offsmotors power systems Landing patterns Safely landing plane Choosing batteries charging Learning about SafetyBuilding tips techniques Cost $995 Cost $1195 Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Send Check Money Order P 0 Box 15019 Colorado Springs CO 80935 RIC Sport Competition Aerobatics comprehensive manual takes pilot exciting world RC aerobatics intricacies aerohatic flight presented easy understand steps have proven time again under actual training conditions Chapters include Choosing acrobatic airplanes o selection sting precisely trimming airplanes ral aerobatic maneuvers detailed instrnctions Contest preparation actual competition tips order now pocket guide containing reproduction of aerobatic maneuvers will includedfree purchase Actuat price $299 Cost $1395 Including yourfree pocket guide Shipping & Handling charge $200 added book purchased medium balsa edge-glued necessary needed width toughest part edge gluing sheeting getting tight fit between individual sheets cut balsa doesnt have good straight edges use long sanding straightedge made piece aluminum right angle stock really warped sheet cut new straight edge long steel measuring ruler sharp modeling knife use aliphatic-resin type wood glues joining easier sand smooth joint Edge-glue sheeting taping joints together masking tape make up size needed flip wood over open taped joints over edge workbench apply glue edges wood sheeting flat bench scrape excess glue off joint putty knife weight wood until glue dries Peel off masking tape use taped side outer surface sheeting sand inside surface sheeting rougher sandpaper speed up work use finer sandpaper finish off outer surface core sheeted top bottom trim off leading edge block-sand square Add oversized leading edge strip plane sand shape Add wingtip sheeting round edges slightly ailerons cut sheeted wing trimmed down allow balsa edging glued place sanded shape Hinge ailerons along centerline using large sturdy freely moving hingeswhatever type prefer Adding simulated aileron counterbalance shape tip isnt really required sure adds realistic scale detailing Recesses cut lower wing surface aileron servo mounting epoxy plywood mounting pieces position suit servos having protrude wing surface just enough hook up aileron pushrods extra reinforcement suggest fiberglass cloth epoxy applied around inboard ends wing panels extending about eight inches wing panel roots phenolic tube section fuselage yet glued slide aluminum tube spar place add both wing panels Check see dihedral 28 Model Aviation 0101105003513213 0402 0504 320305020500 0801 08020901 EiIEA~010310102 0105103500401 0503 3204L4*0951 3224U 1211 1250 0250 G5O Factory Service Complete0304 120 0 Parts/0303 SUp1OOrt0250105 0207-0251 02080402 0401 0307 03011105- 02 30252040303b2 MVVS Corporation America 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 02\ Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ 11031104115002020101 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock1207 0203 0303 1001 0301 0 02 angle same both sides Also check see wing panels fit closely fuselage both sides get good fit might want add layer balsa wing root surface sand its easier trying taper-sand plywood root rib Elongate shim holes fuselage sides required wing panels properly lined up leave everything place epoxy phenolic tube fuselage working through open fuselage bottom area sure both wing panels same zero angle incidence panels lined up 3/9 dowel stub wing roots protruding mating fuselage holes Move and/or shim holes align wing panels retain wing panels spar use hardwood block glued wing flush wing surface drill tap hardwood 10-32 steel retaining bolt bolt will extend down aluminum tube spar wing first bolt place drill other wing panel easy aiignment leave tube spar place wing panel airplane disassembled access hatch bottom fuselage can removed aileron cable hookup wing panels mounted Tail Surfaces built flat workbench surface 3/9 hot-wire-cut foam sheets cut shape 3/ x 1/2 balsa edging reinforcing added sheeted 3A2 balsa wing cores simulated counterbalance areas elevators rudder arent really needed suggest scale appearance its too much work wing mounted fuselage add horizontal stab aligning wing stab/fuselage joint important balsa added between fuselage sides provide added gluing area stab narrow strip fiberglass cloth epoxy outside joint also good idea vertical fin added aligned perpendicular stab plywood section bottom rear fuselage used mount leaf-spring tail wheel assembly Whatever hinges usethe various molded nylon flat hinges hinge-point stylecut slots drill holes 1/32s250 1/lts23850 3/32 s 24661 1/8524965 3116s26074 1/4s26890 3/95286119 1/2s23011042143 1/32 s 336435969 1/20 x 336435060 1/16 x 336445060 3/32 s 343526167 1/Ox 352637384 3/1653627684101 1/4s37894113130 5/16s3109152 3/8x3105115149170 1/2x3135150175205 3/4x3225310 1/32 s 450007092 1/20 s 456067992 1/105456607992 3/32x46982106114 1/Ox 47693112134 3/lOs 487199140156 1/4s4106152162179 5/16s4102234 3/Ox 4165210239285 1/2x4249205315336 3/4x4350471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/3254125142 1/854150109 3/1654164189 1/4s4176295 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/816 3/1617 1/420 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/874 AILERONS3648 1/4s15782 1/451-1/46590 1/451-1/274185 1/45280115 5/1651-1/474105 S/1651-1/275106 5/165286120 3/Ox 1-1/480115 3/851-1/283116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/295149 1/252106150 1/4s275 1/4s3109 3/85290 3/0s3131 1/2s3154 ADD EQS SMA FED LEADINGEDGE 2535 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/853/854 1/251/275 3/4x3/495 1/lOx 1/8 1/lOs 1/4 1/lOx 3/8 1/165 1/2 3/32 SO 3/32x 1/4 3/3253/8 3/32x1/2 1/8 SO 1/8x3/16 1/Os 1/4 1/853/8 1/851/2 1/853/4 1/8s 1 3/16 SQ 3/lOs 1/4 3/1653/8 3/165 1/2 3/1653/4 3/165 1 1/4 SQ 1/453/0 1/451/2 1/453/4 1/4x1 S/it SQ 3/8 SO 3/8s1/2 3/853/4 3/85 1 1/2 SO 1/253/4 1/2s 1 5/8 SO 3/4 SO 3/4s1 BUNDLE DEALS 20 1/165 3 203/3253 151/853 153/16 53 101/453 103/853 51/2 53 201/16 54 101/16s4 153/3254 103/3254 101/9 54 51/854 103/1654 53/16s4 10 1/4u4 51/4x4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 10 10 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 30 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 40 53 67 49 60 76 60 81 99 36 799 970 875 1050 875 1050 095 1235 1150 875 1000 1400 950 1300 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 30 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 104 86 111 132 48 900 1075 625 735 835 36 29 33 40 54 68 131 225 I48 3119 1/255278119LU 1/lOs 378119 3/325393144 1/8 53114175 3/1653132202 1/453157237 3/853188307I 1/2s3238382C LU 3/4 53375519 153532719 1/3254123109c 1/20s4123188 1/16 54123189LU 3/3254149232 1/854169262 3/lOs 4197300 1/4s4237332J 3/8x4357563 1/2s4492088 /41/4-S lb WOoD sab/sctts sslabitity SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/856250395 1/9512395750 1/4512495950 LITE PLY 122448 1/Os 6100125 235 1/Os 12125235 450 1/456125175 340 1/4512175345 650 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64s6140275495 1/64512 279 510 950 1/32s6 95 180 325 1/325 12 180 335 635 1/165 6 95 180 325 1/16512 180 335 625 1/95 6 95 180 335 1/85 12 190 335 650 4 PLY BIRCH 12 24 48 3/16 sO 109 215 345 3/lOs 12 215 345 685 5 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32s6135260490 3/32s12260500895 1/85 6145280525 1/8s 12280550950 1/4s6125250380 1/4s12230380725 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6150 295 525 3/8512285 5501000 OPLYBIRCH122448 1/256200350 575 1/25 123505801125 HARD MAPLE 18 1/451/445 1/4s3/850 1/451/256 3/853/850 3/851/256 3/853/465 3/8s175 3/851-1/2115 1/251/275 78 85 92 / 8A553648 68" /42439 /42539 21 29 , ,2036 1/853/8LU3546 1/851/24155 1/8s3/44763 3/16 SQ2038 3/1653/84053 3/1651/24864 3/16s3/46588 1/450 45 57 100 1/4x3/8 53 69 1/451/26181130 1/453/4 183 110 1186 3/85064 85 138 3/851/27591154 1/2 SO 05 105 180 1/253/4 94 125 200 ADD DD 55 EX ERA EQS 7ADKA DING GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/8x3/41/850 3/853/45/3250 1/2s3/43/1655 WING SKtNS3O36 1/32x 12479 535 1/20512479 535 1/16512479 535 3/32s 12579 645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/051/229 3/1653/435 1/45139 5/1651-1/450 3/Osl-1/2 56 1/25290 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 OZ 5 Minute425 669 iS Minute425 669 39 Minute425 669 2 Hour425 669 20 Minute429 840 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 us Thin orGE185 1 Thin ot GE300 2 Thin orGE550 Oso Thin GE1650 1/2 Os Ostra Thick200 1 Oxtra thick330 2oo Ostra Thick600 Oso tutta thick1800 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 Thin GE425 1 Thin ot GE705 2oo Thin orGE1305 2 Acceletator315 8 os Acc Oefill695 tst tips 6149 tst tips slice 6149 SEND Si FOR COMPLETE CATALOG INFO & HELP 806-7q3-6394 ORDERS ONI 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 ont 46 State Handitog Charoe $650 880 UPS Add $550 COO SEN 8000 estra PP API EPO accept Visa MC Discover personal checksD MAILLONE STAR MODELS si COD 6 t/5 % tax Texas US currency Mm wood order $1580 ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock TX 79423 wm RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST JA~Rso Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Catalog containing lists RIC maintenance hints Discover MCard VISA COD UPS USMA IL FEDEX etc November 1996 29 KMI 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 surfaces notch control surfaces appropriate permit close fit small hinge-line gap still allowing proper movement use ood control horn mounts recessing epoxying plywood tail surfaces horns mounted self-tapping screws use ood servo mounts fuselage recommend larger 4-40 threaded rods devises linkages Fiberglass tube pushrods used elevator linkages Using separate servos elevator its own pushrod allows pushrods straight servo arm control horn Since pushrods cross over within fuselage elevator servos mounted slightly higher other keep pushrods rubbing together tail wheel steering tied rudder small springs actual linkage servo rudder can done pushrod twin cable pull-pull setup prefer long Y harness needed two aileron servos mounted wing panels 1 200-mAh battery pack used wrapped foam rubber positioned beneath fuel tank battery pack can relocated proper balancebehind wing needed Lance Schneider builder prototype Akro mounted elevator rudder servos protruding fuselage sides just ahead tail surfaces Lance prefers short pushrods used setup its valid alternate approach may like better standard setup concern about rear servo mounting possible weakening fuselage sides servo cutouts sure double up around servo openings suggest thin plywood exact engine mounting must done suit engine used prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 used muffler/radial mount arrangement engine quite light five pounds including muffler two exhaust pipes point down behind engine cylinder muffler/mount fiberglass cowl trimmed needed clear engine cylinder exhaust extensions carburetor cowl held place several 10-32 nylon bolts fuselage 3/2-inch spinner required CB unit used prototype ignition switch mounted fuselage side close nose radio system switch also mounted fuselage side back away ignition system fiberglass wheel pants mounted axles aluminum landing gear brackets Sig Covering Lance covered Akro Coverites 21st Century prepainted iron-on fabric painted fiberglass cowl wheel pants aluminum landing gear perfectly matching 21st Century spray paint added vinyl stick-on lettering few decals realistic acrobatic aircraft appearance convinced him add pilot figure cockpit scale realism overall weight Lances Akro bit less 20 pounds consider quite light aircraft size complexity Hying conventional overall layout construction design didnt expect surprises test flights done windy day Air Hobbies Sachs 32 got Akro off ground immediately quickly apparent engine/aircraft combination hot setup model definitely hard fly performs very well easy handling mild Sunday sport flying What didnt completely expect very capable acrobatic ability aircraft anything could think possible Good-looking lomcevaks knife-edge circling unlimited vertical performance tail slides humpty bumps snapsall done well some capable pilots does mean Akros layout large control surfaces reasonably light weight plenty power good-running 32 combine happy result Consider Stephens Akro easy building easy flying scale-looking sport machine know has full acrobatic capability enjoy Sarpolus 32 Alameda Ct Shrewsbury NJ 07702 30 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
U Dick Sarpolus THE POPULAR full-scale acrolcan easily seen today available Extras Lasers Caps Pitts etc variety sizes construction new version acrobatic aircraft appears its short time before RC version out kit form ub1ished construction Usually latest 16 Modei Aviation s tapered plug-in wing large ailerons elevators rudder provide plenty aerobatic capability designs popular get attention flying fields like newer aircraft too older design Ive always admired has never much impact modeling world Stephens Akro late 1960s Clayton Stephens Akro very few acrobatic monoplanes around dared challenge biplanes Pitts about hottest acrobatic machine going Stephens designed Akro take Pitts new competition pilot Leo Loudenslager opened lot eyes began winning major contests Stephens Akro After few years flying Akro built himself Loudenslager stripped machine down rebuilt number modifications major modification changing appearance big way removal bubble canopy addition turtledeck along much-smaller canopy Rebuilt different appearance new color scheme Loudenslager s modified Akro began winning competition events airplane got new name Laser Time went Laser became famous dont hear about Stephens Akro anymore 32 vibration isolation mounts Two exhaust stacks exit bottom special exhaust baffle available may competitive Laser other newer designs like appearance large bubble canopy sleek racerlike lines Akro Im aware RC design published original bubble-canopy Akro 60-size model number modified Akros built some raised turtledeck eliminated full bubble canopy some have modeled wanted large gas/ignition-engine Akro figured Loudenslager modified Akro get Laser could start Laser layout modify back Akro configuration version certainly isnt 100% authentic exact scale its obviously Stephens Akroand its quick easy build flies well saw several pictures Stephens Akro flown acrobatic pilot JoAnn Nottke its white red black color scheme really looked good get enough information model particular aircraft checked Bob Banka s Scale Model Research Sure enough Bob several three-view drawings available number Foto Paaks cover different Akros set color photos JoAnn Nottkes aircraft photos big help Contact Bob November 1996 17 ~umnor Full-scale Akro flown JoAnn Nottke Three-views photos available Scale Model Research 3114 Yukon Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel 714 979-8058 lay out Akro design took look several three-view drawings varied bit several Laser plans also varied little tough part designing scratch-building figuring handle cowl canopy needed case Fiberglass Specialties available Laser cowl size required Steve Durecki willing modify necessary suit Akro fuselage design make mold add line cowls Steve also large bubble canopy very close Akros size shape Again theyre exactly scale look real good theyre available Molded fiberglass wheel pants Laser already being made Steve theyre available too Fiberglass Specialties 38624 Mt Kisco Dr Sterling Heights MI 48310 next item needed formed aluminum landing gear Abell Hobby Manufacturing Co Box 22573 Billings MT 59101 now manufactures gear model really nice job gear aluminum alloy works fine gear looks good piece hard-to-find hardware aluminum tube spar composite socket tubes plug-in wing design Gator R/C Products Inc 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 has just what need So tough stuff available order special parts get cut own foam cores cut out wood parts have Stephens Akro kit laid out wing 90-inch span highly tapered wing has just over 1300 square inches area builder prototype Akro Lance Schneider longtime friend fellow RCer Lance always admired original Akro tempted project get back active RC flying having left hobby some years get ultralight home-built aviation activity pushed complete Akro plans quickly built up prototype thought about power plant used finally settled Air Hobbies Sachs 32 primarily because combination muffler/engine mount looked very convenient engine also has electronic ignition system variable timing coupled throttle linkage knew retarding timing idle would make engine easy start advanced timing top end would produce power engine runs great reasonably quiet special baffle available go inside muffler lower noise level has plenty power good vertical performance like popular Quadra 42 Ive used number different designs Im sure would fine aircraft milder flying CONSTRUCTION construction totally conventional well proven fuselage basic box balsa sides plywood doublers Foam-cored top blocks sheeted balsa foam-cored tail surfaces wing panels foam-cored several plywood ribs retaining composite tubes aluminum tube spar again standard procedure airplane easy build foam-core construction will reasonably light prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 weighs 19 pounds Lance aircraft ready cover about six weeks covered Akro Coverites 21st Century pre-painted fabric red dark blue white following color scheme JoAnn Nottkes aircraft using variety computer-cut vinyl trimmings scale appearance Most acrobatic full-scale aircraft utilize wire bracing tail surfaces although werent used prototype Id recommend appearance well added strength Du-Bro has good line devises/rods/straps available use Modelers flying field recognize full-scale acrobatic machine heritage know about older Stephens Akro design does attract attention favorable comments Scratch-builders usually develop own building procedures techniques Ill review methods use Fuselage Select finn hard balsa two sides edge-gluing splicing needed get size required Glue 146 plywood doublers ood landing gear block doublers plywood stab-saddle doublers balsa lower edge strips two fuselage sides like firewall least k large engines laminate piece 1A piece ood fuselage side flat workbench add firewall next three bulkheads side installing perpendicular side Glue second fuselage side bulkheads sides parallel firewall wing trailing edge position November 1996 19 Pilot figure adds touch realism close-to-scale color scheme accomplished Coverites 21st Century fabric paint Author prefers forward servo location fiberglass tube pushrods Lance Schneider prefers rear-mounted servos short elevator rudder linkages Lance begins field assembly sliding aluminum-tube joiner through fuselage Lack cutout wing results stronger fuselage II2/D CO&POSIYE TUBE 7/ FOR/ U5 ALLWINI* TUBE WING JOINER FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS NOT SHOWS iN THIS ViEW FOR CLARITY BALSA D OVER S/B TN/CE FOAM CORES I/B PLYWOODWING TUBE HARDWARE AVAILABLE FROMGATOR N/C PRODUCTS INCSB 0 I/2 BALSA BALSAB 37/3 POMPANO DR FL 355/4 5/5 PLY FIREWALL __________________I BLOCKS/ /111 VERTICAL FIN I/B PLYWOODEXTERDS THROUGH FUSELAGE TOP AVAILABLE FROM-5/32 BALSA OVERTO STAB/I FOAN COREI TOP SECTIONSBALSA FIBERGLASS COWL WHEEL FASTS AND CANOPY FIBERBIASS SPEC/ALT/ES S/SOD N/LAND DR SO/YE MACOMB MI 4B045 PLYWOOD SPACER I/N PLYWOODRIGHT ANGLE BRACKETHATCH LANDING GEAR NOUN YR LANDING GEAR________ FIBERGLASS N WHEELSWHEEL PANTS THE PROTOTYPE AIRCRAFT HAD A/N HORS/ES SACHS 35 ENGINE TWO ELEVATOR SERVOS WITH SEPARATE LINKAGE TO EACH ELEVATOR RECOMMENDED I/B BALSA BULKHEADS 0 I 5 5 4 5 B F B 5 /0 II IS fI III IJ STEPHENS AKRO SCALE/ASHOBATIC AIRCRAFT FOR LARGE ENGINES DES/GNED AND DRAWN BY DICK SANPOLUS MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8221 SHEET IOFS 0 0 0 CD 0 L FRONT NRA FE _____HARDWOOD BLOCK FLUSH WiTH GOT TOM SURFACESHEET WINS WITH DRILL AND TAP FOR WING RETAINING BOLT335 BALSA__ ____INTO TUBE SPAR/JOINER I__ __- -Il/B ID COMPOSITE TUBE -INSTALL AILERON SERVO______ FOR I/N ALUMINUM TUBEIIN BOTTOM SURFACEBALSA IWING SPAR/JOINER_____ -1/5 BALSA HOLE THROUGH FOAM COREI3/B BALSA AILERON EXTENSION CABLE 1/B PLYWOOD RIBS______ 3/N DOWEL TIP TEMPLATE i/N PLY ROOT RIB AND FOAM CORE TEMPLATE TOP SURFACE ABELL HOBBY AMD MANUF P0 BOX 22575 MT 590 Th4Th zziizzzzz FOAM CORE FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS LATES III 1117- HEETING ii CONS TRUC TI ALTERNATEIIi TECHNIQUE EDGE FRAMING \-ui- 7 1 1 4 1 CD 3 CCD 0 0 0 S7EPHENS AKRO MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8222 - T B OF B $ TEPHINS AKRO ________________________________AFARr N FLIGHt. cu r ARTeTC LI#4S~. &AtSA 3/JZSfI3AL$AIli fIIJJ --A c 1 Ti4 WREN 5AJLU cr IWN I 10 I2 DESiGNED BY DICK SARPOLU 5 Northeast Aerodynamics excited roll out entire new lineup eight popular World War II fighter aircraft F6F Hellcat P-40 Warhawk Messerschmitt Bf-109 Russian Mig-3 Hawker Hurricane Japanese Zero Focke-Wuif FW-190 P-51 Mustang Anyone looking fantastic new airplane serious dog fighting funflying just ripping up sky impress friends will find Profile Warbirds flyers area lining up get hands great kits Northeast Aerodynamics known high quality care puts its products Ask favorite hobby shop call us direct $5495 plus shipping Visa Mastercard accepted dealer inquiries invited Engine Recommendation Wing Span Wing Area Fuselage Length Weight Range Wing Loading Range 20 36 50 inches 430 sq inches 37 inches 25 325 lbs 15 19 oz/sq ft Add triangle stock heavy fiberglass cloth behind firewall reinforce its joint sides also put several small screws firewall through fuselage sides extra reinforcement Pull tail end together installing rear bulkheads As done sure fuselage sides taper stralght line rear straight-cut foam rear top block will fit correctly trial-fit foam rear top block install rear bulkheads can trim move bulkheads needed foam core fit Before sheeting foam fuselage top blocks check see sheeted will line up flush lower fuselage assembly foam can sanded necessary proper alignment three foam top blocks fuselage because way tapers sheeted separately cockpit opening can cut though before top blocks glued place cockpit floor /s balsa Sheet foam blocks recommend Dave Browns Southern Sorghum contact cement Other adhesives could thinly spread epoxy other contact cement prefer Before gluing fuselage top blocks place fit 1 /2 ID phenolic tube through fuselage sides accept aluminum spar dont glue wing panels fitted fuselage tube can glued place after checking sure everything lines up correctly slot must cut though rear top fuselage block vertical fin installation its easier before gluing block place plywood landing-gear mount epoxied fuselage add some hardwood blocks inside holes will drilled tapped nylon gear retaining bolts provide wood threaded bolt holes also use aluminum right-angle bracket side gear mount bolting gear mount through fuselage sides As airplanes get larger heavier believe epoxy alone wont hold gear mount place during rough landing want nylon gear retaining bolts break necessarynot pull out section fuselage 24 Model Aviation Robinson Road Hudson NH 03051 fax 603 881-5899 After engine mounting arrangement done holes drilled through firewall fuel tubing throttle linkage etc plywood forward bottom piece can glued fuselage Before sheeting fuselage bottom cut holes rear bulkheads fit elevator rudder pushrods Since plug-in wing setup removable hatch needed fuselage bottom access radio gear fuel tank Lite Ply hatch can retained several screws removal Wing Work needed foam wing cores before sheeted /8 plywood rib fitted root core core cut 12 inches out root installation second /s plywood rib sure second plywood rib place correcfly hole spar tube establishes dihedral want aluminum spar parallel top wing surface making flat dihedral angle bottom surface wing Mark top plywood rib installed toward upper wing surface foam can removed spars tube first using heated metal rod put hole through core inserting cutting wire hooking up its bow cutting hole plywood ribs templates could also done using large round file Before gluing plywood ribs foam sand necessary get good fit flush foam Also sand root end foam core will fit flush fuselage side top wing surface right angle fuselage isnt critical can shimmed balsa sanded fit later spar tube epoxied foam core through plywood ribs Another hole needed through foam core root location aileron servo servo extension cable heat end metal rod propane torch push hot end through foam melting tunnel 3/ dowel locating pin glued wing panel through root plywood rib short plywood rib farther out core wing cores sheeted /32 5 C H 4 a a uj N 4 z 4 z a z [5 2 45 4 C a H 4 a 2 a a C [5 T U a JOYBOX AIHHLA5 CONTRUU Make no mistake allows models S-IIMHUIOIAI SCEERY simulators sameactual fly like actual nc nu hURl CAUSES Any simulator will let flyaircraft around has models allow MIITIPIE AIRFUNE SIMPER realism actually improverealistically perform rolling MMUIAhIAiIiWS YE TI SIMUATE YU MEL flyingcircles torque rolls exactan avalanche Try doing simulation flying awith average simulator lop IPPUT multitude nc aircraft information NUIIIUI1UUNPATIILE typical flying fieldcomplete radio controlcmiISwTuuJrayIJhj characteristic ncsimulation package see eine flight duplicated no matterlocal dealer visit us smallinternet give us callIa7232uumjij~ 395 HiS 10fl8E4 EWA2U U 1*5111 EM CWPAI1EI WWUUI WH NA U HEflEpjfl7253 WHAT liLT 3515 CIRWUCSEIA 15 PIN 4 AXIS SMUSRI 7243 HARES LI WRY 3245 DAVE BROWN PRODUCTS INC 4510 LAYHIGH ROAD HAMILTON OHIO 45013 513/730-1575 513/730-0152 November1996 27 ITHING ILSEU T PLAYING Safe Easy RC Building Flying Flying has aRC Sallplanes favorite manyElectric Gliders beginning pilots andexplores instrnctors sixintricacies step tested programdifferent type RIC completelyflying presented easy Chapters include understand guideLanding methods Chapters includeThermal flying AerodynamicsSlope soaring Selecting trainerOperating electric plane c flight Performing take offsmotors power systems Landing patterns Safely landing plane Choosing batteries charging Learning about SafetyBuilding tips techniques Cost $995 Cost $1195 Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Send Check Money Order P 0 Box 15019 Colorado Springs CO 80935 RIC Sport Competition Aerobatics comprehensive manual takes pilot exciting world RC aerobatics intricacies aerohatic flight presented easy understand steps have proven time again under actual training conditions Chapters include Choosing acrobatic airplanes o selection sting precisely trimming airplanes ral aerobatic maneuvers detailed instrnctions Contest preparation actual competition tips order now pocket guide containing reproduction of aerobatic maneuvers will includedfree purchase Actuat price $299 Cost $1395 Including yourfree pocket guide Shipping & Handling charge $200 added book purchased medium balsa edge-glued necessary needed width toughest part edge gluing sheeting getting tight fit between individual sheets cut balsa doesnt have good straight edges use long sanding straightedge made piece aluminum right angle stock really warped sheet cut new straight edge long steel measuring ruler sharp modeling knife use aliphatic-resin type wood glues joining easier sand smooth joint Edge-glue sheeting taping joints together masking tape make up size needed flip wood over open taped joints over edge workbench apply glue edges wood sheeting flat bench scrape excess glue off joint putty knife weight wood until glue dries Peel off masking tape use taped side outer surface sheeting sand inside surface sheeting rougher sandpaper speed up work use finer sandpaper finish off outer surface core sheeted top bottom trim off leading edge block-sand square Add oversized leading edge strip plane sand shape Add wingtip sheeting round edges slightly ailerons cut sheeted wing trimmed down allow balsa edging glued place sanded shape Hinge ailerons along centerline using large sturdy freely moving hingeswhatever type prefer Adding simulated aileron counterbalance shape tip isnt really required sure adds realistic scale detailing Recesses cut lower wing surface aileron servo mounting epoxy plywood mounting pieces position suit servos having protrude wing surface just enough hook up aileron pushrods extra reinforcement suggest fiberglass cloth epoxy applied around inboard ends wing panels extending about eight inches wing panel roots phenolic tube section fuselage yet glued slide aluminum tube spar place add both wing panels Check see dihedral 28 Model Aviation 0101105003513213 0402 0504 320305020500 0801 08020901 EiIEA~010310102 0105103500401 0503 3204L4*0951 3224U 1211 1250 0250 G5O Factory Service Complete0304 120 0 Parts/0303 SUp1OOrt0250105 0207-0251 02080402 0401 0307 03011105- 02 30252040303b2 MVVS Corporation America 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 02\ Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ 11031104115002020101 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock1207 0203 0303 1001 0301 0 02 angle same both sides Also check see wing panels fit closely fuselage both sides get good fit might want add layer balsa wing root surface sand its easier trying taper-sand plywood root rib Elongate shim holes fuselage sides required wing panels properly lined up leave everything place epoxy phenolic tube fuselage working through open fuselage bottom area sure both wing panels same zero angle incidence panels lined up 3/9 dowel stub wing roots protruding mating fuselage holes Move and/or shim holes align wing panels retain wing panels spar use hardwood block glued wing flush wing surface drill tap hardwood 10-32 steel retaining bolt bolt will extend down aluminum tube spar wing first bolt place drill other wing panel easy aiignment leave tube spar place wing panel airplane disassembled access hatch bottom fuselage can removed aileron cable hookup wing panels mounted Tail Surfaces built flat workbench surface 3/9 hot-wire-cut foam sheets cut shape 3/ x 1/2 balsa edging reinforcing added sheeted 3A2 balsa wing cores simulated counterbalance areas elevators rudder arent really needed suggest scale appearance its too much work wing mounted fuselage add horizontal stab aligning wing stab/fuselage joint important balsa added between fuselage sides provide added gluing area stab narrow strip fiberglass cloth epoxy outside joint also good idea vertical fin added aligned perpendicular stab plywood section bottom rear fuselage used mount leaf-spring tail wheel assembly Whatever hinges usethe various molded nylon flat hinges hinge-point stylecut slots drill holes 1/32s250 1/lts23850 3/32 s 24661 1/8524965 3116s26074 1/4s26890 3/95286119 1/2s23011042143 1/32 s 336435969 1/20 x 336435060 1/16 x 336445060 3/32 s 343526167 1/Ox 352637384 3/1653627684101 1/4s37894113130 5/16s3109152 3/8x3105115149170 1/2x3135150175205 3/4x3225310 1/32 s 450007092 1/20 s 456067992 1/105456607992 3/32x46982106114 1/Ox 47693112134 3/lOs 487199140156 1/4s4106152162179 5/16s4102234 3/Ox 4165210239285 1/2x4249205315336 3/4x4350471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/3254125142 1/854150109 3/1654164189 1/4s4176295 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/816 3/1617 1/420 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/874 AILERONS3648 1/4s15782 1/451-1/46590 1/451-1/274185 1/45280115 5/1651-1/474105 S/1651-1/275106 5/165286120 3/Ox 1-1/480115 3/851-1/283116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/295149 1/252106150 1/4s275 1/4s3109 3/85290 3/0s3131 1/2s3154 ADD EQS SMA FED LEADINGEDGE 2535 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/853/854 1/251/275 3/4x3/495 1/lOx 1/8 1/lOs 1/4 1/lOx 3/8 1/165 1/2 3/32 SO 3/32x 1/4 3/3253/8 3/32x1/2 1/8 SO 1/8x3/16 1/Os 1/4 1/853/8 1/851/2 1/853/4 1/8s 1 3/16 SQ 3/lOs 1/4 3/1653/8 3/165 1/2 3/1653/4 3/165 1 1/4 SQ 1/453/0 1/451/2 1/453/4 1/4x1 S/it SQ 3/8 SO 3/8s1/2 3/853/4 3/85 1 1/2 SO 1/253/4 1/2s 1 5/8 SO 3/4 SO 3/4s1 BUNDLE DEALS 20 1/165 3 203/3253 151/853 153/16 53 101/453 103/853 51/2 53 201/16 54 101/16s4 153/3254 103/3254 101/9 54 51/854 103/1654 53/16s4 10 1/4u4 51/4x4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 10 10 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 30 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 40 53 67 49 60 76 60 81 99 36 799 970 875 1050 875 1050 095 1235 1150 875 1000 1400 950 1300 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 30 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 104 86 111 132 48 900 1075 625 735 835 36 29 33 40 54 68 131 225 I48 3119 1/255278119LU 1/lOs 378119 3/325393144 1/8 53114175 3/1653132202 1/453157237 3/853188307I 1/2s3238382C LU 3/4 53375519 153532719 1/3254123109c 1/20s4123188 1/16 54123189LU 3/3254149232 1/854169262 3/lOs 4197300 1/4s4237332J 3/8x4357563 1/2s4492088 /41/4-S lb WOoD sab/sctts sslabitity SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/856250395 1/9512395750 1/4512495950 LITE PLY 122448 1/Os 6100125 235 1/Os 12125235 450 1/456125175 340 1/4512175345 650 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64s6140275495 1/64512 279 510 950 1/32s6 95 180 325 1/325 12 180 335 635 1/165 6 95 180 325 1/16512 180 335 625 1/95 6 95 180 335 1/85 12 190 335 650 4 PLY BIRCH 12 24 48 3/16 sO 109 215 345 3/lOs 12 215 345 685 5 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32s6135260490 3/32s12260500895 1/85 6145280525 1/8s 12280550950 1/4s6125250380 1/4s12230380725 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6150 295 525 3/8512285 5501000 OPLYBIRCH122448 1/256200350 575 1/25 123505801125 HARD MAPLE 18 1/451/445 1/4s3/850 1/451/256 3/853/850 3/851/256 3/853/465 3/8s175 3/851-1/2115 1/251/275 78 85 92 / 8A553648 68" /42439 /42539 21 29 , ,2036 1/853/8LU3546 1/851/24155 1/8s3/44763 3/16 SQ2038 3/1653/84053 3/1651/24864 3/16s3/46588 1/450 45 57 100 1/4x3/8 53 69 1/451/26181130 1/453/4 183 110 1186 3/85064 85 138 3/851/27591154 1/2 SO 05 105 180 1/253/4 94 125 200 ADD DD 55 EX ERA EQS 7ADKA DING GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/8x3/41/850 3/853/45/3250 1/2s3/43/1655 WING SKtNS3O36 1/32x 12479 535 1/20512479 535 1/16512479 535 3/32s 12579 645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/051/229 3/1653/435 1/45139 5/1651-1/450 3/Osl-1/2 56 1/25290 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 OZ 5 Minute425 669 iS Minute425 669 39 Minute425 669 2 Hour425 669 20 Minute429 840 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 us Thin orGE185 1 Thin ot GE300 2 Thin orGE550 Oso Thin GE1650 1/2 Os Ostra Thick200 1 Oxtra thick330 2oo Ostra Thick600 Oso tutta thick1800 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 Thin GE425 1 Thin ot GE705 2oo Thin orGE1305 2 Acceletator315 8 os Acc Oefill695 tst tips 6149 tst tips slice 6149 SEND Si FOR COMPLETE CATALOG INFO & HELP 806-7q3-6394 ORDERS ONI 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 ont 46 State Handitog Charoe $650 880 UPS Add $550 COO SEN 8000 estra PP API EPO accept Visa MC Discover personal checksD MAILLONE STAR MODELS si COD 6 t/5 % tax Texas US currency Mm wood order $1580 ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock TX 79423 wm RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST JA~Rso Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Catalog containing lists RIC maintenance hints Discover MCard VISA COD UPS USMA IL FEDEX etc November 1996 29 KMI 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 surfaces notch control surfaces appropriate permit close fit small hinge-line gap still allowing proper movement use ood control horn mounts recessing epoxying plywood tail surfaces horns mounted self-tapping screws use ood servo mounts fuselage recommend larger 4-40 threaded rods devises linkages Fiberglass tube pushrods used elevator linkages Using separate servos elevator its own pushrod allows pushrods straight servo arm control horn Since pushrods cross over within fuselage elevator servos mounted slightly higher other keep pushrods rubbing together tail wheel steering tied rudder small springs actual linkage servo rudder can done pushrod twin cable pull-pull setup prefer long Y harness needed two aileron servos mounted wing panels 1 200-mAh battery pack used wrapped foam rubber positioned beneath fuel tank battery pack can relocated proper balancebehind wing needed Lance Schneider builder prototype Akro mounted elevator rudder servos protruding fuselage sides just ahead tail surfaces Lance prefers short pushrods used setup its valid alternate approach may like better standard setup concern about rear servo mounting possible weakening fuselage sides servo cutouts sure double up around servo openings suggest thin plywood exact engine mounting must done suit engine used prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 used muffler/radial mount arrangement engine quite light five pounds including muffler two exhaust pipes point down behind engine cylinder muffler/mount fiberglass cowl trimmed needed clear engine cylinder exhaust extensions carburetor cowl held place several 10-32 nylon bolts fuselage 3/2-inch spinner required CB unit used prototype ignition switch mounted fuselage side close nose radio system switch also mounted fuselage side back away ignition system fiberglass wheel pants mounted axles aluminum landing gear brackets Sig Covering Lance covered Akro Coverites 21st Century prepainted iron-on fabric painted fiberglass cowl wheel pants aluminum landing gear perfectly matching 21st Century spray paint added vinyl stick-on lettering few decals realistic acrobatic aircraft appearance convinced him add pilot figure cockpit scale realism overall weight Lances Akro bit less 20 pounds consider quite light aircraft size complexity Hying conventional overall layout construction design didnt expect surprises test flights done windy day Air Hobbies Sachs 32 got Akro off ground immediately quickly apparent engine/aircraft combination hot setup model definitely hard fly performs very well easy handling mild Sunday sport flying What didnt completely expect very capable acrobatic ability aircraft anything could think possible Good-looking lomcevaks knife-edge circling unlimited vertical performance tail slides humpty bumps snapsall done well some capable pilots does mean Akros layout large control surfaces reasonably light weight plenty power good-running 32 combine happy result Consider Stephens Akro easy building easy flying scale-looking sport machine know has full acrobatic capability enjoy Sarpolus 32 Alameda Ct Shrewsbury NJ 07702 30 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
U Dick Sarpolus THE POPULAR full-scale acrolcan easily seen today available Extras Lasers Caps Pitts etc variety sizes construction new version acrobatic aircraft appears its short time before RC version out kit form ub1ished construction Usually latest 16 Modei Aviation s tapered plug-in wing large ailerons elevators rudder provide plenty aerobatic capability designs popular get attention flying fields like newer aircraft too older design Ive always admired has never much impact modeling world Stephens Akro late 1960s Clayton Stephens Akro very few acrobatic monoplanes around dared challenge biplanes Pitts about hottest acrobatic machine going Stephens designed Akro take Pitts new competition pilot Leo Loudenslager opened lot eyes began winning major contests Stephens Akro After few years flying Akro built himself Loudenslager stripped machine down rebuilt number modifications major modification changing appearance big way removal bubble canopy addition turtledeck along much-smaller canopy Rebuilt different appearance new color scheme Loudenslager s modified Akro began winning competition events airplane got new name Laser Time went Laser became famous dont hear about Stephens Akro anymore 32 vibration isolation mounts Two exhaust stacks exit bottom special exhaust baffle available may competitive Laser other newer designs like appearance large bubble canopy sleek racerlike lines Akro Im aware RC design published original bubble-canopy Akro 60-size model number modified Akros built some raised turtledeck eliminated full bubble canopy some have modeled wanted large gas/ignition-engine Akro figured Loudenslager modified Akro get Laser could start Laser layout modify back Akro configuration version certainly isnt 100% authentic exact scale its obviously Stephens Akroand its quick easy build flies well saw several pictures Stephens Akro flown acrobatic pilot JoAnn Nottke its white red black color scheme really looked good get enough information model particular aircraft checked Bob Banka s Scale Model Research Sure enough Bob several three-view drawings available number Foto Paaks cover different Akros set color photos JoAnn Nottkes aircraft photos big help Contact Bob November 1996 17 ~umnor Full-scale Akro flown JoAnn Nottke Three-views photos available Scale Model Research 3114 Yukon Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel 714 979-8058 lay out Akro design took look several three-view drawings varied bit several Laser plans also varied little tough part designing scratch-building figuring handle cowl canopy needed case Fiberglass Specialties available Laser cowl size required Steve Durecki willing modify necessary suit Akro fuselage design make mold add line cowls Steve also large bubble canopy very close Akros size shape Again theyre exactly scale look real good theyre available Molded fiberglass wheel pants Laser already being made Steve theyre available too Fiberglass Specialties 38624 Mt Kisco Dr Sterling Heights MI 48310 next item needed formed aluminum landing gear Abell Hobby Manufacturing Co Box 22573 Billings MT 59101 now manufactures gear model really nice job gear aluminum alloy works fine gear looks good piece hard-to-find hardware aluminum tube spar composite socket tubes plug-in wing design Gator R/C Products Inc 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 has just what need So tough stuff available order special parts get cut own foam cores cut out wood parts have Stephens Akro kit laid out wing 90-inch span highly tapered wing has just over 1300 square inches area builder prototype Akro Lance Schneider longtime friend fellow RCer Lance always admired original Akro tempted project get back active RC flying having left hobby some years get ultralight home-built aviation activity pushed complete Akro plans quickly built up prototype thought about power plant used finally settled Air Hobbies Sachs 32 primarily because combination muffler/engine mount looked very convenient engine also has electronic ignition system variable timing coupled throttle linkage knew retarding timing idle would make engine easy start advanced timing top end would produce power engine runs great reasonably quiet special baffle available go inside muffler lower noise level has plenty power good vertical performance like popular Quadra 42 Ive used number different designs Im sure would fine aircraft milder flying CONSTRUCTION construction totally conventional well proven fuselage basic box balsa sides plywood doublers Foam-cored top blocks sheeted balsa foam-cored tail surfaces wing panels foam-cored several plywood ribs retaining composite tubes aluminum tube spar again standard procedure airplane easy build foam-core construction will reasonably light prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 weighs 19 pounds Lance aircraft ready cover about six weeks covered Akro Coverites 21st Century pre-painted fabric red dark blue white following color scheme JoAnn Nottkes aircraft using variety computer-cut vinyl trimmings scale appearance Most acrobatic full-scale aircraft utilize wire bracing tail surfaces although werent used prototype Id recommend appearance well added strength Du-Bro has good line devises/rods/straps available use Modelers flying field recognize full-scale acrobatic machine heritage know about older Stephens Akro design does attract attention favorable comments Scratch-builders usually develop own building procedures techniques Ill review methods use Fuselage Select finn hard balsa two sides edge-gluing splicing needed get size required Glue 146 plywood doublers ood landing gear block doublers plywood stab-saddle doublers balsa lower edge strips two fuselage sides like firewall least k large engines laminate piece 1A piece ood fuselage side flat workbench add firewall next three bulkheads side installing perpendicular side Glue second fuselage side bulkheads sides parallel firewall wing trailing edge position November 1996 19 Pilot figure adds touch realism close-to-scale color scheme accomplished Coverites 21st Century fabric paint Author prefers forward servo location fiberglass tube pushrods Lance Schneider prefers rear-mounted servos short elevator rudder linkages Lance begins field assembly sliding aluminum-tube joiner through fuselage Lack cutout wing results stronger fuselage II2/D CO&POSIYE TUBE 7/ FOR/ U5 ALLWINI* TUBE WING JOINER FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS NOT SHOWS iN THIS ViEW FOR CLARITY BALSA D OVER S/B TN/CE FOAM CORES I/B PLYWOODWING TUBE HARDWARE AVAILABLE FROMGATOR N/C PRODUCTS INCSB 0 I/2 BALSA BALSAB 37/3 POMPANO DR FL 355/4 5/5 PLY FIREWALL __________________I BLOCKS/ /111 VERTICAL FIN I/B PLYWOODEXTERDS THROUGH FUSELAGE TOP AVAILABLE FROM-5/32 BALSA OVERTO STAB/I FOAN COREI TOP SECTIONSBALSA FIBERGLASS COWL WHEEL FASTS AND CANOPY FIBERBIASS SPEC/ALT/ES S/SOD N/LAND DR SO/YE MACOMB MI 4B045 PLYWOOD SPACER I/N PLYWOODRIGHT ANGLE BRACKETHATCH LANDING GEAR NOUN YR LANDING GEAR________ FIBERGLASS N WHEELSWHEEL PANTS THE PROTOTYPE AIRCRAFT HAD A/N HORS/ES SACHS 35 ENGINE TWO ELEVATOR SERVOS WITH SEPARATE LINKAGE TO EACH ELEVATOR RECOMMENDED I/B BALSA BULKHEADS 0 I 5 5 4 5 B F B 5 /0 II IS fI III IJ STEPHENS AKRO SCALE/ASHOBATIC AIRCRAFT FOR LARGE ENGINES DES/GNED AND DRAWN BY DICK SANPOLUS MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8221 SHEET IOFS 0 0 0 CD 0 L FRONT NRA FE _____HARDWOOD BLOCK FLUSH WiTH GOT TOM SURFACESHEET WINS WITH DRILL AND TAP FOR WING RETAINING BOLT335 BALSA__ ____INTO TUBE SPAR/JOINER I__ __- -Il/B ID COMPOSITE TUBE -INSTALL AILERON SERVO______ FOR I/N ALUMINUM TUBEIIN BOTTOM SURFACEBALSA IWING SPAR/JOINER_____ -1/5 BALSA HOLE THROUGH FOAM COREI3/B BALSA AILERON EXTENSION CABLE 1/B PLYWOOD RIBS______ 3/N DOWEL TIP TEMPLATE i/N PLY ROOT RIB AND FOAM CORE TEMPLATE TOP SURFACE ABELL HOBBY AMD MANUF P0 BOX 22575 MT 590 Th4Th zziizzzzz FOAM CORE FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS LATES III 1117- HEETING ii CONS TRUC TI ALTERNATEIIi TECHNIQUE EDGE FRAMING \-ui- 7 1 1 4 1 CD 3 CCD 0 0 0 S7EPHENS AKRO MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8222 - T B OF B $ TEPHINS AKRO ________________________________AFARr N FLIGHt. cu r ARTeTC LI#4S~. &AtSA 3/JZSfI3AL$AIli fIIJJ --A c 1 Ti4 WREN 5AJLU cr IWN I 10 I2 DESiGNED BY DICK SARPOLU 5 Northeast Aerodynamics excited roll out entire new lineup eight popular World War II fighter aircraft F6F Hellcat P-40 Warhawk Messerschmitt Bf-109 Russian Mig-3 Hawker Hurricane Japanese Zero Focke-Wuif FW-190 P-51 Mustang Anyone looking fantastic new airplane serious dog fighting funflying just ripping up sky impress friends will find Profile Warbirds flyers area lining up get hands great kits Northeast Aerodynamics known high quality care puts its products Ask favorite hobby shop call us direct $5495 plus shipping Visa Mastercard accepted dealer inquiries invited Engine Recommendation Wing Span Wing Area Fuselage Length Weight Range Wing Loading Range 20 36 50 inches 430 sq inches 37 inches 25 325 lbs 15 19 oz/sq ft Add triangle stock heavy fiberglass cloth behind firewall reinforce its joint sides also put several small screws firewall through fuselage sides extra reinforcement Pull tail end together installing rear bulkheads As done sure fuselage sides taper stralght line rear straight-cut foam rear top block will fit correctly trial-fit foam rear top block install rear bulkheads can trim move bulkheads needed foam core fit Before sheeting foam fuselage top blocks check see sheeted will line up flush lower fuselage assembly foam can sanded necessary proper alignment three foam top blocks fuselage because way tapers sheeted separately cockpit opening can cut though before top blocks glued place cockpit floor /s balsa Sheet foam blocks recommend Dave Browns Southern Sorghum contact cement Other adhesives could thinly spread epoxy other contact cement prefer Before gluing fuselage top blocks place fit 1 /2 ID phenolic tube through fuselage sides accept aluminum spar dont glue wing panels fitted fuselage tube can glued place after checking sure everything lines up correctly slot must cut though rear top fuselage block vertical fin installation its easier before gluing block place plywood landing-gear mount epoxied fuselage add some hardwood blocks inside holes will drilled tapped nylon gear retaining bolts provide wood threaded bolt holes also use aluminum right-angle bracket side gear mount bolting gear mount through fuselage sides As airplanes get larger heavier believe epoxy alone wont hold gear mount place during rough landing want nylon gear retaining bolts break necessarynot pull out section fuselage 24 Model Aviation Robinson Road Hudson NH 03051 fax 603 881-5899 After engine mounting arrangement done holes drilled through firewall fuel tubing throttle linkage etc plywood forward bottom piece can glued fuselage Before sheeting fuselage bottom cut holes rear bulkheads fit elevator rudder pushrods Since plug-in wing setup removable hatch needed fuselage bottom access radio gear fuel tank Lite Ply hatch can retained several screws removal Wing Work needed foam wing cores before sheeted /8 plywood rib fitted root core core cut 12 inches out root installation second /s plywood rib sure second plywood rib place correcfly hole spar tube establishes dihedral want aluminum spar parallel top wing surface making flat dihedral angle bottom surface wing Mark top plywood rib installed toward upper wing surface foam can removed spars tube first using heated metal rod put hole through core inserting cutting wire hooking up its bow cutting hole plywood ribs templates could also done using large round file Before gluing plywood ribs foam sand necessary get good fit flush foam Also sand root end foam core will fit flush fuselage side top wing surface right angle fuselage isnt critical can shimmed balsa sanded fit later spar tube epoxied foam core through plywood ribs Another hole needed through foam core root location aileron servo servo extension cable heat end metal rod propane torch push hot end through foam melting tunnel 3/ dowel locating pin glued wing panel through root plywood rib short plywood rib farther out core wing cores sheeted /32 5 C H 4 a a uj N 4 z 4 z a z [5 2 45 4 C a H 4 a 2 a a C [5 T U a JOYBOX AIHHLA5 CONTRUU Make no mistake allows models S-IIMHUIOIAI SCEERY simulators sameactual fly like actual nc nu hURl CAUSES Any simulator will let flyaircraft around has models allow MIITIPIE AIRFUNE SIMPER realism actually improverealistically perform rolling MMUIAhIAiIiWS YE TI SIMUATE YU MEL flyingcircles torque rolls exactan avalanche Try doing simulation flying awith average simulator lop IPPUT multitude nc aircraft information NUIIIUI1UUNPATIILE typical flying fieldcomplete radio controlcmiISwTuuJrayIJhj characteristic ncsimulation package see eine flight duplicated no matterlocal dealer visit us smallinternet give us callIa7232uumjij~ 395 HiS 10fl8E4 EWA2U U 1*5111 EM CWPAI1EI WWUUI WH NA U HEflEpjfl7253 WHAT liLT 3515 CIRWUCSEIA 15 PIN 4 AXIS SMUSRI 7243 HARES LI WRY 3245 DAVE BROWN PRODUCTS INC 4510 LAYHIGH ROAD HAMILTON OHIO 45013 513/730-1575 513/730-0152 November1996 27 ITHING ILSEU T PLAYING Safe Easy RC Building Flying Flying has aRC Sallplanes favorite manyElectric Gliders beginning pilots andexplores instrnctors sixintricacies step tested programdifferent type RIC completelyflying presented easy Chapters include understand guideLanding methods Chapters includeThermal flying AerodynamicsSlope soaring Selecting trainerOperating electric plane c flight Performing take offsmotors power systems Landing patterns Safely landing plane Choosing batteries charging Learning about SafetyBuilding tips techniques Cost $995 Cost $1195 Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Send Check Money Order P 0 Box 15019 Colorado Springs CO 80935 RIC Sport Competition Aerobatics comprehensive manual takes pilot exciting world RC aerobatics intricacies aerohatic flight presented easy understand steps have proven time again under actual training conditions Chapters include Choosing acrobatic airplanes o selection sting precisely trimming airplanes ral aerobatic maneuvers detailed instrnctions Contest preparation actual competition tips order now pocket guide containing reproduction of aerobatic maneuvers will includedfree purchase Actuat price $299 Cost $1395 Including yourfree pocket guide Shipping & Handling charge $200 added book purchased medium balsa edge-glued necessary needed width toughest part edge gluing sheeting getting tight fit between individual sheets cut balsa doesnt have good straight edges use long sanding straightedge made piece aluminum right angle stock really warped sheet cut new straight edge long steel measuring ruler sharp modeling knife use aliphatic-resin type wood glues joining easier sand smooth joint Edge-glue sheeting taping joints together masking tape make up size needed flip wood over open taped joints over edge workbench apply glue edges wood sheeting flat bench scrape excess glue off joint putty knife weight wood until glue dries Peel off masking tape use taped side outer surface sheeting sand inside surface sheeting rougher sandpaper speed up work use finer sandpaper finish off outer surface core sheeted top bottom trim off leading edge block-sand square Add oversized leading edge strip plane sand shape Add wingtip sheeting round edges slightly ailerons cut sheeted wing trimmed down allow balsa edging glued place sanded shape Hinge ailerons along centerline using large sturdy freely moving hingeswhatever type prefer Adding simulated aileron counterbalance shape tip isnt really required sure adds realistic scale detailing Recesses cut lower wing surface aileron servo mounting epoxy plywood mounting pieces position suit servos having protrude wing surface just enough hook up aileron pushrods extra reinforcement suggest fiberglass cloth epoxy applied around inboard ends wing panels extending about eight inches wing panel roots phenolic tube section fuselage yet glued slide aluminum tube spar place add both wing panels Check see dihedral 28 Model Aviation 0101105003513213 0402 0504 320305020500 0801 08020901 EiIEA~010310102 0105103500401 0503 3204L4*0951 3224U 1211 1250 0250 G5O Factory Service Complete0304 120 0 Parts/0303 SUp1OOrt0250105 0207-0251 02080402 0401 0307 03011105- 02 30252040303b2 MVVS Corporation America 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 02\ Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ 11031104115002020101 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock1207 0203 0303 1001 0301 0 02 angle same both sides Also check see wing panels fit closely fuselage both sides get good fit might want add layer balsa wing root surface sand its easier trying taper-sand plywood root rib Elongate shim holes fuselage sides required wing panels properly lined up leave everything place epoxy phenolic tube fuselage working through open fuselage bottom area sure both wing panels same zero angle incidence panels lined up 3/9 dowel stub wing roots protruding mating fuselage holes Move and/or shim holes align wing panels retain wing panels spar use hardwood block glued wing flush wing surface drill tap hardwood 10-32 steel retaining bolt bolt will extend down aluminum tube spar wing first bolt place drill other wing panel easy aiignment leave tube spar place wing panel airplane disassembled access hatch bottom fuselage can removed aileron cable hookup wing panels mounted Tail Surfaces built flat workbench surface 3/9 hot-wire-cut foam sheets cut shape 3/ x 1/2 balsa edging reinforcing added sheeted 3A2 balsa wing cores simulated counterbalance areas elevators rudder arent really needed suggest scale appearance its too much work wing mounted fuselage add horizontal stab aligning wing stab/fuselage joint important balsa added between fuselage sides provide added gluing area stab narrow strip fiberglass cloth epoxy outside joint also good idea vertical fin added aligned perpendicular stab plywood section bottom rear fuselage used mount leaf-spring tail wheel assembly Whatever hinges usethe various molded nylon flat hinges hinge-point stylecut slots drill holes 1/32s250 1/lts23850 3/32 s 24661 1/8524965 3116s26074 1/4s26890 3/95286119 1/2s23011042143 1/32 s 336435969 1/20 x 336435060 1/16 x 336445060 3/32 s 343526167 1/Ox 352637384 3/1653627684101 1/4s37894113130 5/16s3109152 3/8x3105115149170 1/2x3135150175205 3/4x3225310 1/32 s 450007092 1/20 s 456067992 1/105456607992 3/32x46982106114 1/Ox 47693112134 3/lOs 487199140156 1/4s4106152162179 5/16s4102234 3/Ox 4165210239285 1/2x4249205315336 3/4x4350471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/3254125142 1/854150109 3/1654164189 1/4s4176295 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/816 3/1617 1/420 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/874 AILERONS3648 1/4s15782 1/451-1/46590 1/451-1/274185 1/45280115 5/1651-1/474105 S/1651-1/275106 5/165286120 3/Ox 1-1/480115 3/851-1/283116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/295149 1/252106150 1/4s275 1/4s3109 3/85290 3/0s3131 1/2s3154 ADD EQS SMA FED LEADINGEDGE 2535 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/853/854 1/251/275 3/4x3/495 1/lOx 1/8 1/lOs 1/4 1/lOx 3/8 1/165 1/2 3/32 SO 3/32x 1/4 3/3253/8 3/32x1/2 1/8 SO 1/8x3/16 1/Os 1/4 1/853/8 1/851/2 1/853/4 1/8s 1 3/16 SQ 3/lOs 1/4 3/1653/8 3/165 1/2 3/1653/4 3/165 1 1/4 SQ 1/453/0 1/451/2 1/453/4 1/4x1 S/it SQ 3/8 SO 3/8s1/2 3/853/4 3/85 1 1/2 SO 1/253/4 1/2s 1 5/8 SO 3/4 SO 3/4s1 BUNDLE DEALS 20 1/165 3 203/3253 151/853 153/16 53 101/453 103/853 51/2 53 201/16 54 101/16s4 153/3254 103/3254 101/9 54 51/854 103/1654 53/16s4 10 1/4u4 51/4x4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 10 10 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 30 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 40 53 67 49 60 76 60 81 99 36 799 970 875 1050 875 1050 095 1235 1150 875 1000 1400 950 1300 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 30 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 104 86 111 132 48 900 1075 625 735 835 36 29 33 40 54 68 131 225 I48 3119 1/255278119LU 1/lOs 378119 3/325393144 1/8 53114175 3/1653132202 1/453157237 3/853188307I 1/2s3238382C LU 3/4 53375519 153532719 1/3254123109c 1/20s4123188 1/16 54123189LU 3/3254149232 1/854169262 3/lOs 4197300 1/4s4237332J 3/8x4357563 1/2s4492088 /41/4-S lb WOoD sab/sctts sslabitity SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/856250395 1/9512395750 1/4512495950 LITE PLY 122448 1/Os 6100125 235 1/Os 12125235 450 1/456125175 340 1/4512175345 650 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64s6140275495 1/64512 279 510 950 1/32s6 95 180 325 1/325 12 180 335 635 1/165 6 95 180 325 1/16512 180 335 625 1/95 6 95 180 335 1/85 12 190 335 650 4 PLY BIRCH 12 24 48 3/16 sO 109 215 345 3/lOs 12 215 345 685 5 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32s6135260490 3/32s12260500895 1/85 6145280525 1/8s 12280550950 1/4s6125250380 1/4s12230380725 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6150 295 525 3/8512285 5501000 OPLYBIRCH122448 1/256200350 575 1/25 123505801125 HARD MAPLE 18 1/451/445 1/4s3/850 1/451/256 3/853/850 3/851/256 3/853/465 3/8s175 3/851-1/2115 1/251/275 78 85 92 / 8A553648 68" /42439 /42539 21 29 , ,2036 1/853/8LU3546 1/851/24155 1/8s3/44763 3/16 SQ2038 3/1653/84053 3/1651/24864 3/16s3/46588 1/450 45 57 100 1/4x3/8 53 69 1/451/26181130 1/453/4 183 110 1186 3/85064 85 138 3/851/27591154 1/2 SO 05 105 180 1/253/4 94 125 200 ADD DD 55 EX ERA EQS 7ADKA DING GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/8x3/41/850 3/853/45/3250 1/2s3/43/1655 WING SKtNS3O36 1/32x 12479 535 1/20512479 535 1/16512479 535 3/32s 12579 645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/051/229 3/1653/435 1/45139 5/1651-1/450 3/Osl-1/2 56 1/25290 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 OZ 5 Minute425 669 iS Minute425 669 39 Minute425 669 2 Hour425 669 20 Minute429 840 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 us Thin orGE185 1 Thin ot GE300 2 Thin orGE550 Oso Thin GE1650 1/2 Os Ostra Thick200 1 Oxtra thick330 2oo Ostra Thick600 Oso tutta thick1800 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 Thin GE425 1 Thin ot GE705 2oo Thin orGE1305 2 Acceletator315 8 os Acc Oefill695 tst tips 6149 tst tips slice 6149 SEND Si FOR COMPLETE CATALOG INFO & HELP 806-7q3-6394 ORDERS ONI 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 ont 46 State Handitog Charoe $650 880 UPS Add $550 COO SEN 8000 estra PP API EPO accept Visa MC Discover personal checksD MAILLONE STAR MODELS si COD 6 t/5 % tax Texas US currency Mm wood order $1580 ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock TX 79423 wm RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST JA~Rso Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Catalog containing lists RIC maintenance hints Discover MCard VISA COD UPS USMA IL FEDEX etc November 1996 29 KMI 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 surfaces notch control surfaces appropriate permit close fit small hinge-line gap still allowing proper movement use ood control horn mounts recessing epoxying plywood tail surfaces horns mounted self-tapping screws use ood servo mounts fuselage recommend larger 4-40 threaded rods devises linkages Fiberglass tube pushrods used elevator linkages Using separate servos elevator its own pushrod allows pushrods straight servo arm control horn Since pushrods cross over within fuselage elevator servos mounted slightly higher other keep pushrods rubbing together tail wheel steering tied rudder small springs actual linkage servo rudder can done pushrod twin cable pull-pull setup prefer long Y harness needed two aileron servos mounted wing panels 1 200-mAh battery pack used wrapped foam rubber positioned beneath fuel tank battery pack can relocated proper balancebehind wing needed Lance Schneider builder prototype Akro mounted elevator rudder servos protruding fuselage sides just ahead tail surfaces Lance prefers short pushrods used setup its valid alternate approach may like better standard setup concern about rear servo mounting possible weakening fuselage sides servo cutouts sure double up around servo openings suggest thin plywood exact engine mounting must done suit engine used prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 used muffler/radial mount arrangement engine quite light five pounds including muffler two exhaust pipes point down behind engine cylinder muffler/mount fiberglass cowl trimmed needed clear engine cylinder exhaust extensions carburetor cowl held place several 10-32 nylon bolts fuselage 3/2-inch spinner required CB unit used prototype ignition switch mounted fuselage side close nose radio system switch also mounted fuselage side back away ignition system fiberglass wheel pants mounted axles aluminum landing gear brackets Sig Covering Lance covered Akro Coverites 21st Century prepainted iron-on fabric painted fiberglass cowl wheel pants aluminum landing gear perfectly matching 21st Century spray paint added vinyl stick-on lettering few decals realistic acrobatic aircraft appearance convinced him add pilot figure cockpit scale realism overall weight Lances Akro bit less 20 pounds consider quite light aircraft size complexity Hying conventional overall layout construction design didnt expect surprises test flights done windy day Air Hobbies Sachs 32 got Akro off ground immediately quickly apparent engine/aircraft combination hot setup model definitely hard fly performs very well easy handling mild Sunday sport flying What didnt completely expect very capable acrobatic ability aircraft anything could think possible Good-looking lomcevaks knife-edge circling unlimited vertical performance tail slides humpty bumps snapsall done well some capable pilots does mean Akros layout large control surfaces reasonably light weight plenty power good-running 32 combine happy result Consider Stephens Akro easy building easy flying scale-looking sport machine know has full acrobatic capability enjoy Sarpolus 32 Alameda Ct Shrewsbury NJ 07702 30 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
U Dick Sarpolus THE POPULAR full-scale acrolcan easily seen today available Extras Lasers Caps Pitts etc variety sizes construction new version acrobatic aircraft appears its short time before RC version out kit form ub1ished construction Usually latest 16 Modei Aviation s tapered plug-in wing large ailerons elevators rudder provide plenty aerobatic capability designs popular get attention flying fields like newer aircraft too older design Ive always admired has never much impact modeling world Stephens Akro late 1960s Clayton Stephens Akro very few acrobatic monoplanes around dared challenge biplanes Pitts about hottest acrobatic machine going Stephens designed Akro take Pitts new competition pilot Leo Loudenslager opened lot eyes began winning major contests Stephens Akro After few years flying Akro built himself Loudenslager stripped machine down rebuilt number modifications major modification changing appearance big way removal bubble canopy addition turtledeck along much-smaller canopy Rebuilt different appearance new color scheme Loudenslager s modified Akro began winning competition events airplane got new name Laser Time went Laser became famous dont hear about Stephens Akro anymore 32 vibration isolation mounts Two exhaust stacks exit bottom special exhaust baffle available may competitive Laser other newer designs like appearance large bubble canopy sleek racerlike lines Akro Im aware RC design published original bubble-canopy Akro 60-size model number modified Akros built some raised turtledeck eliminated full bubble canopy some have modeled wanted large gas/ignition-engine Akro figured Loudenslager modified Akro get Laser could start Laser layout modify back Akro configuration version certainly isnt 100% authentic exact scale its obviously Stephens Akroand its quick easy build flies well saw several pictures Stephens Akro flown acrobatic pilot JoAnn Nottke its white red black color scheme really looked good get enough information model particular aircraft checked Bob Banka s Scale Model Research Sure enough Bob several three-view drawings available number Foto Paaks cover different Akros set color photos JoAnn Nottkes aircraft photos big help Contact Bob November 1996 17 ~umnor Full-scale Akro flown JoAnn Nottke Three-views photos available Scale Model Research 3114 Yukon Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel 714 979-8058 lay out Akro design took look several three-view drawings varied bit several Laser plans also varied little tough part designing scratch-building figuring handle cowl canopy needed case Fiberglass Specialties available Laser cowl size required Steve Durecki willing modify necessary suit Akro fuselage design make mold add line cowls Steve also large bubble canopy very close Akros size shape Again theyre exactly scale look real good theyre available Molded fiberglass wheel pants Laser already being made Steve theyre available too Fiberglass Specialties 38624 Mt Kisco Dr Sterling Heights MI 48310 next item needed formed aluminum landing gear Abell Hobby Manufacturing Co Box 22573 Billings MT 59101 now manufactures gear model really nice job gear aluminum alloy works fine gear looks good piece hard-to-find hardware aluminum tube spar composite socket tubes plug-in wing design Gator R/C Products Inc 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 has just what need So tough stuff available order special parts get cut own foam cores cut out wood parts have Stephens Akro kit laid out wing 90-inch span highly tapered wing has just over 1300 square inches area builder prototype Akro Lance Schneider longtime friend fellow RCer Lance always admired original Akro tempted project get back active RC flying having left hobby some years get ultralight home-built aviation activity pushed complete Akro plans quickly built up prototype thought about power plant used finally settled Air Hobbies Sachs 32 primarily because combination muffler/engine mount looked very convenient engine also has electronic ignition system variable timing coupled throttle linkage knew retarding timing idle would make engine easy start advanced timing top end would produce power engine runs great reasonably quiet special baffle available go inside muffler lower noise level has plenty power good vertical performance like popular Quadra 42 Ive used number different designs Im sure would fine aircraft milder flying CONSTRUCTION construction totally conventional well proven fuselage basic box balsa sides plywood doublers Foam-cored top blocks sheeted balsa foam-cored tail surfaces wing panels foam-cored several plywood ribs retaining composite tubes aluminum tube spar again standard procedure airplane easy build foam-core construction will reasonably light prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 weighs 19 pounds Lance aircraft ready cover about six weeks covered Akro Coverites 21st Century pre-painted fabric red dark blue white following color scheme JoAnn Nottkes aircraft using variety computer-cut vinyl trimmings scale appearance Most acrobatic full-scale aircraft utilize wire bracing tail surfaces although werent used prototype Id recommend appearance well added strength Du-Bro has good line devises/rods/straps available use Modelers flying field recognize full-scale acrobatic machine heritage know about older Stephens Akro design does attract attention favorable comments Scratch-builders usually develop own building procedures techniques Ill review methods use Fuselage Select finn hard balsa two sides edge-gluing splicing needed get size required Glue 146 plywood doublers ood landing gear block doublers plywood stab-saddle doublers balsa lower edge strips two fuselage sides like firewall least k large engines laminate piece 1A piece ood fuselage side flat workbench add firewall next three bulkheads side installing perpendicular side Glue second fuselage side bulkheads sides parallel firewall wing trailing edge position November 1996 19 Pilot figure adds touch realism close-to-scale color scheme accomplished Coverites 21st Century fabric paint Author prefers forward servo location fiberglass tube pushrods Lance Schneider prefers rear-mounted servos short elevator rudder linkages Lance begins field assembly sliding aluminum-tube joiner through fuselage Lack cutout wing results stronger fuselage II2/D CO&POSIYE TUBE 7/ FOR/ U5 ALLWINI* TUBE WING JOINER FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS NOT SHOWS iN THIS ViEW FOR CLARITY BALSA D OVER S/B TN/CE FOAM CORES I/B PLYWOODWING TUBE HARDWARE AVAILABLE FROMGATOR N/C PRODUCTS INCSB 0 I/2 BALSA BALSAB 37/3 POMPANO DR FL 355/4 5/5 PLY FIREWALL __________________I BLOCKS/ /111 VERTICAL FIN I/B PLYWOODEXTERDS THROUGH FUSELAGE TOP AVAILABLE FROM-5/32 BALSA OVERTO STAB/I FOAN COREI TOP SECTIONSBALSA FIBERGLASS COWL WHEEL FASTS AND CANOPY FIBERBIASS SPEC/ALT/ES S/SOD N/LAND DR SO/YE MACOMB MI 4B045 PLYWOOD SPACER I/N PLYWOODRIGHT ANGLE BRACKETHATCH LANDING GEAR NOUN YR LANDING GEAR________ FIBERGLASS N WHEELSWHEEL PANTS THE PROTOTYPE AIRCRAFT HAD A/N HORS/ES SACHS 35 ENGINE TWO ELEVATOR SERVOS WITH SEPARATE LINKAGE TO EACH ELEVATOR RECOMMENDED I/B BALSA BULKHEADS 0 I 5 5 4 5 B F B 5 /0 II IS fI III IJ STEPHENS AKRO SCALE/ASHOBATIC AIRCRAFT FOR LARGE ENGINES DES/GNED AND DRAWN BY DICK SANPOLUS MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8221 SHEET IOFS 0 0 0 CD 0 L FRONT NRA FE _____HARDWOOD BLOCK FLUSH WiTH GOT TOM SURFACESHEET WINS WITH DRILL AND TAP FOR WING RETAINING BOLT335 BALSA__ ____INTO TUBE SPAR/JOINER I__ __- -Il/B ID COMPOSITE TUBE -INSTALL AILERON SERVO______ FOR I/N ALUMINUM TUBEIIN BOTTOM SURFACEBALSA IWING SPAR/JOINER_____ -1/5 BALSA HOLE THROUGH FOAM COREI3/B BALSA AILERON EXTENSION CABLE 1/B PLYWOOD RIBS______ 3/N DOWEL TIP TEMPLATE i/N PLY ROOT RIB AND FOAM CORE TEMPLATE TOP SURFACE ABELL HOBBY AMD MANUF P0 BOX 22575 MT 590 Th4Th zziizzzzz FOAM CORE FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS LATES III 1117- HEETING ii CONS TRUC TI ALTERNATEIIi TECHNIQUE EDGE FRAMING \-ui- 7 1 1 4 1 CD 3 CCD 0 0 0 S7EPHENS AKRO MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8222 - T B OF B $ TEPHINS AKRO ________________________________AFARr N FLIGHt. cu r ARTeTC LI#4S~. &AtSA 3/JZSfI3AL$AIli fIIJJ --A c 1 Ti4 WREN 5AJLU cr IWN I 10 I2 DESiGNED BY DICK SARPOLU 5 Northeast Aerodynamics excited roll out entire new lineup eight popular World War II fighter aircraft F6F Hellcat P-40 Warhawk Messerschmitt Bf-109 Russian Mig-3 Hawker Hurricane Japanese Zero Focke-Wuif FW-190 P-51 Mustang Anyone looking fantastic new airplane serious dog fighting funflying just ripping up sky impress friends will find Profile Warbirds flyers area lining up get hands great kits Northeast Aerodynamics known high quality care puts its products Ask favorite hobby shop call us direct $5495 plus shipping Visa Mastercard accepted dealer inquiries invited Engine Recommendation Wing Span Wing Area Fuselage Length Weight Range Wing Loading Range 20 36 50 inches 430 sq inches 37 inches 25 325 lbs 15 19 oz/sq ft Add triangle stock heavy fiberglass cloth behind firewall reinforce its joint sides also put several small screws firewall through fuselage sides extra reinforcement Pull tail end together installing rear bulkheads As done sure fuselage sides taper stralght line rear straight-cut foam rear top block will fit correctly trial-fit foam rear top block install rear bulkheads can trim move bulkheads needed foam core fit Before sheeting foam fuselage top blocks check see sheeted will line up flush lower fuselage assembly foam can sanded necessary proper alignment three foam top blocks fuselage because way tapers sheeted separately cockpit opening can cut though before top blocks glued place cockpit floor /s balsa Sheet foam blocks recommend Dave Browns Southern Sorghum contact cement Other adhesives could thinly spread epoxy other contact cement prefer Before gluing fuselage top blocks place fit 1 /2 ID phenolic tube through fuselage sides accept aluminum spar dont glue wing panels fitted fuselage tube can glued place after checking sure everything lines up correctly slot must cut though rear top fuselage block vertical fin installation its easier before gluing block place plywood landing-gear mount epoxied fuselage add some hardwood blocks inside holes will drilled tapped nylon gear retaining bolts provide wood threaded bolt holes also use aluminum right-angle bracket side gear mount bolting gear mount through fuselage sides As airplanes get larger heavier believe epoxy alone wont hold gear mount place during rough landing want nylon gear retaining bolts break necessarynot pull out section fuselage 24 Model Aviation Robinson Road Hudson NH 03051 fax 603 881-5899 After engine mounting arrangement done holes drilled through firewall fuel tubing throttle linkage etc plywood forward bottom piece can glued fuselage Before sheeting fuselage bottom cut holes rear bulkheads fit elevator rudder pushrods Since plug-in wing setup removable hatch needed fuselage bottom access radio gear fuel tank Lite Ply hatch can retained several screws removal Wing Work needed foam wing cores before sheeted /8 plywood rib fitted root core core cut 12 inches out root installation second /s plywood rib sure second plywood rib place correcfly hole spar tube establishes dihedral want aluminum spar parallel top wing surface making flat dihedral angle bottom surface wing Mark top plywood rib installed toward upper wing surface foam can removed spars tube first using heated metal rod put hole through core inserting cutting wire hooking up its bow cutting hole plywood ribs templates could also done using large round file Before gluing plywood ribs foam sand necessary get good fit flush foam Also sand root end foam core will fit flush fuselage side top wing surface right angle fuselage isnt critical can shimmed balsa sanded fit later spar tube epoxied foam core through plywood ribs Another hole needed through foam core root location aileron servo servo extension cable heat end metal rod propane torch push hot end through foam melting tunnel 3/ dowel locating pin glued wing panel through root plywood rib short plywood rib farther out core wing cores sheeted /32 5 C H 4 a a uj N 4 z 4 z a z [5 2 45 4 C a H 4 a 2 a a C [5 T U a JOYBOX AIHHLA5 CONTRUU Make no mistake allows models S-IIMHUIOIAI SCEERY simulators sameactual fly like actual nc nu hURl CAUSES Any simulator will let flyaircraft around has models allow MIITIPIE AIRFUNE SIMPER realism actually improverealistically perform rolling MMUIAhIAiIiWS YE TI SIMUATE YU MEL flyingcircles torque rolls exactan avalanche Try doing simulation flying awith average simulator lop IPPUT multitude nc aircraft information NUIIIUI1UUNPATIILE typical flying fieldcomplete radio controlcmiISwTuuJrayIJhj characteristic ncsimulation package see eine flight duplicated no matterlocal dealer visit us smallinternet give us callIa7232uumjij~ 395 HiS 10fl8E4 EWA2U U 1*5111 EM CWPAI1EI WWUUI WH NA U HEflEpjfl7253 WHAT liLT 3515 CIRWUCSEIA 15 PIN 4 AXIS SMUSRI 7243 HARES LI WRY 3245 DAVE BROWN PRODUCTS INC 4510 LAYHIGH ROAD HAMILTON OHIO 45013 513/730-1575 513/730-0152 November1996 27 ITHING ILSEU T PLAYING Safe Easy RC Building Flying Flying has aRC Sallplanes favorite manyElectric Gliders beginning pilots andexplores instrnctors sixintricacies step tested programdifferent type RIC completelyflying presented easy Chapters include understand guideLanding methods Chapters includeThermal flying AerodynamicsSlope soaring Selecting trainerOperating electric plane c flight Performing take offsmotors power systems Landing patterns Safely landing plane Choosing batteries charging Learning about SafetyBuilding tips techniques Cost $995 Cost $1195 Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Send Check Money Order P 0 Box 15019 Colorado Springs CO 80935 RIC Sport Competition Aerobatics comprehensive manual takes pilot exciting world RC aerobatics intricacies aerohatic flight presented easy understand steps have proven time again under actual training conditions Chapters include Choosing acrobatic airplanes o selection sting precisely trimming airplanes ral aerobatic maneuvers detailed instrnctions Contest preparation actual competition tips order now pocket guide containing reproduction of aerobatic maneuvers will includedfree purchase Actuat price $299 Cost $1395 Including yourfree pocket guide Shipping & Handling charge $200 added book purchased medium balsa edge-glued necessary needed width toughest part edge gluing sheeting getting tight fit between individual sheets cut balsa doesnt have good straight edges use long sanding straightedge made piece aluminum right angle stock really warped sheet cut new straight edge long steel measuring ruler sharp modeling knife use aliphatic-resin type wood glues joining easier sand smooth joint Edge-glue sheeting taping joints together masking tape make up size needed flip wood over open taped joints over edge workbench apply glue edges wood sheeting flat bench scrape excess glue off joint putty knife weight wood until glue dries Peel off masking tape use taped side outer surface sheeting sand inside surface sheeting rougher sandpaper speed up work use finer sandpaper finish off outer surface core sheeted top bottom trim off leading edge block-sand square Add oversized leading edge strip plane sand shape Add wingtip sheeting round edges slightly ailerons cut sheeted wing trimmed down allow balsa edging glued place sanded shape Hinge ailerons along centerline using large sturdy freely moving hingeswhatever type prefer Adding simulated aileron counterbalance shape tip isnt really required sure adds realistic scale detailing Recesses cut lower wing surface aileron servo mounting epoxy plywood mounting pieces position suit servos having protrude wing surface just enough hook up aileron pushrods extra reinforcement suggest fiberglass cloth epoxy applied around inboard ends wing panels extending about eight inches wing panel roots phenolic tube section fuselage yet glued slide aluminum tube spar place add both wing panels Check see dihedral 28 Model Aviation 0101105003513213 0402 0504 320305020500 0801 08020901 EiIEA~010310102 0105103500401 0503 3204L4*0951 3224U 1211 1250 0250 G5O Factory Service Complete0304 120 0 Parts/0303 SUp1OOrt0250105 0207-0251 02080402 0401 0307 03011105- 02 30252040303b2 MVVS Corporation America 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 02\ Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ 11031104115002020101 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock1207 0203 0303 1001 0301 0 02 angle same both sides Also check see wing panels fit closely fuselage both sides get good fit might want add layer balsa wing root surface sand its easier trying taper-sand plywood root rib Elongate shim holes fuselage sides required wing panels properly lined up leave everything place epoxy phenolic tube fuselage working through open fuselage bottom area sure both wing panels same zero angle incidence panels lined up 3/9 dowel stub wing roots protruding mating fuselage holes Move and/or shim holes align wing panels retain wing panels spar use hardwood block glued wing flush wing surface drill tap hardwood 10-32 steel retaining bolt bolt will extend down aluminum tube spar wing first bolt place drill other wing panel easy aiignment leave tube spar place wing panel airplane disassembled access hatch bottom fuselage can removed aileron cable hookup wing panels mounted Tail Surfaces built flat workbench surface 3/9 hot-wire-cut foam sheets cut shape 3/ x 1/2 balsa edging reinforcing added sheeted 3A2 balsa wing cores simulated counterbalance areas elevators rudder arent really needed suggest scale appearance its too much work wing mounted fuselage add horizontal stab aligning wing stab/fuselage joint important balsa added between fuselage sides provide added gluing area stab narrow strip fiberglass cloth epoxy outside joint also good idea vertical fin added aligned perpendicular stab plywood section bottom rear fuselage used mount leaf-spring tail wheel assembly Whatever hinges usethe various molded nylon flat hinges hinge-point stylecut slots drill holes 1/32s250 1/lts23850 3/32 s 24661 1/8524965 3116s26074 1/4s26890 3/95286119 1/2s23011042143 1/32 s 336435969 1/20 x 336435060 1/16 x 336445060 3/32 s 343526167 1/Ox 352637384 3/1653627684101 1/4s37894113130 5/16s3109152 3/8x3105115149170 1/2x3135150175205 3/4x3225310 1/32 s 450007092 1/20 s 456067992 1/105456607992 3/32x46982106114 1/Ox 47693112134 3/lOs 487199140156 1/4s4106152162179 5/16s4102234 3/Ox 4165210239285 1/2x4249205315336 3/4x4350471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/3254125142 1/854150109 3/1654164189 1/4s4176295 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/816 3/1617 1/420 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/874 AILERONS3648 1/4s15782 1/451-1/46590 1/451-1/274185 1/45280115 5/1651-1/474105 S/1651-1/275106 5/165286120 3/Ox 1-1/480115 3/851-1/283116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/295149 1/252106150 1/4s275 1/4s3109 3/85290 3/0s3131 1/2s3154 ADD EQS SMA FED LEADINGEDGE 2535 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/853/854 1/251/275 3/4x3/495 1/lOx 1/8 1/lOs 1/4 1/lOx 3/8 1/165 1/2 3/32 SO 3/32x 1/4 3/3253/8 3/32x1/2 1/8 SO 1/8x3/16 1/Os 1/4 1/853/8 1/851/2 1/853/4 1/8s 1 3/16 SQ 3/lOs 1/4 3/1653/8 3/165 1/2 3/1653/4 3/165 1 1/4 SQ 1/453/0 1/451/2 1/453/4 1/4x1 S/it SQ 3/8 SO 3/8s1/2 3/853/4 3/85 1 1/2 SO 1/253/4 1/2s 1 5/8 SO 3/4 SO 3/4s1 BUNDLE DEALS 20 1/165 3 203/3253 151/853 153/16 53 101/453 103/853 51/2 53 201/16 54 101/16s4 153/3254 103/3254 101/9 54 51/854 103/1654 53/16s4 10 1/4u4 51/4x4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 10 10 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 30 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 40 53 67 49 60 76 60 81 99 36 799 970 875 1050 875 1050 095 1235 1150 875 1000 1400 950 1300 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 30 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 104 86 111 132 48 900 1075 625 735 835 36 29 33 40 54 68 131 225 I48 3119 1/255278119LU 1/lOs 378119 3/325393144 1/8 53114175 3/1653132202 1/453157237 3/853188307I 1/2s3238382C LU 3/4 53375519 153532719 1/3254123109c 1/20s4123188 1/16 54123189LU 3/3254149232 1/854169262 3/lOs 4197300 1/4s4237332J 3/8x4357563 1/2s4492088 /41/4-S lb WOoD sab/sctts sslabitity SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/856250395 1/9512395750 1/4512495950 LITE PLY 122448 1/Os 6100125 235 1/Os 12125235 450 1/456125175 340 1/4512175345 650 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64s6140275495 1/64512 279 510 950 1/32s6 95 180 325 1/325 12 180 335 635 1/165 6 95 180 325 1/16512 180 335 625 1/95 6 95 180 335 1/85 12 190 335 650 4 PLY BIRCH 12 24 48 3/16 sO 109 215 345 3/lOs 12 215 345 685 5 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32s6135260490 3/32s12260500895 1/85 6145280525 1/8s 12280550950 1/4s6125250380 1/4s12230380725 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6150 295 525 3/8512285 5501000 OPLYBIRCH122448 1/256200350 575 1/25 123505801125 HARD MAPLE 18 1/451/445 1/4s3/850 1/451/256 3/853/850 3/851/256 3/853/465 3/8s175 3/851-1/2115 1/251/275 78 85 92 / 8A553648 68" /42439 /42539 21 29 , ,2036 1/853/8LU3546 1/851/24155 1/8s3/44763 3/16 SQ2038 3/1653/84053 3/1651/24864 3/16s3/46588 1/450 45 57 100 1/4x3/8 53 69 1/451/26181130 1/453/4 183 110 1186 3/85064 85 138 3/851/27591154 1/2 SO 05 105 180 1/253/4 94 125 200 ADD DD 55 EX ERA EQS 7ADKA DING GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/8x3/41/850 3/853/45/3250 1/2s3/43/1655 WING SKtNS3O36 1/32x 12479 535 1/20512479 535 1/16512479 535 3/32s 12579 645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/051/229 3/1653/435 1/45139 5/1651-1/450 3/Osl-1/2 56 1/25290 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 OZ 5 Minute425 669 iS Minute425 669 39 Minute425 669 2 Hour425 669 20 Minute429 840 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 us Thin orGE185 1 Thin ot GE300 2 Thin orGE550 Oso Thin GE1650 1/2 Os Ostra Thick200 1 Oxtra thick330 2oo Ostra Thick600 Oso tutta thick1800 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 Thin GE425 1 Thin ot GE705 2oo Thin orGE1305 2 Acceletator315 8 os Acc Oefill695 tst tips 6149 tst tips slice 6149 SEND Si FOR COMPLETE CATALOG INFO & HELP 806-7q3-6394 ORDERS ONI 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 ont 46 State Handitog Charoe $650 880 UPS Add $550 COO SEN 8000 estra PP API EPO accept Visa MC Discover personal checksD MAILLONE STAR MODELS si COD 6 t/5 % tax Texas US currency Mm wood order $1580 ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock TX 79423 wm RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST JA~Rso Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Catalog containing lists RIC maintenance hints Discover MCard VISA COD UPS USMA IL FEDEX etc November 1996 29 KMI 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 surfaces notch control surfaces appropriate permit close fit small hinge-line gap still allowing proper movement use ood control horn mounts recessing epoxying plywood tail surfaces horns mounted self-tapping screws use ood servo mounts fuselage recommend larger 4-40 threaded rods devises linkages Fiberglass tube pushrods used elevator linkages Using separate servos elevator its own pushrod allows pushrods straight servo arm control horn Since pushrods cross over within fuselage elevator servos mounted slightly higher other keep pushrods rubbing together tail wheel steering tied rudder small springs actual linkage servo rudder can done pushrod twin cable pull-pull setup prefer long Y harness needed two aileron servos mounted wing panels 1 200-mAh battery pack used wrapped foam rubber positioned beneath fuel tank battery pack can relocated proper balancebehind wing needed Lance Schneider builder prototype Akro mounted elevator rudder servos protruding fuselage sides just ahead tail surfaces Lance prefers short pushrods used setup its valid alternate approach may like better standard setup concern about rear servo mounting possible weakening fuselage sides servo cutouts sure double up around servo openings suggest thin plywood exact engine mounting must done suit engine used prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 used muffler/radial mount arrangement engine quite light five pounds including muffler two exhaust pipes point down behind engine cylinder muffler/mount fiberglass cowl trimmed needed clear engine cylinder exhaust extensions carburetor cowl held place several 10-32 nylon bolts fuselage 3/2-inch spinner required CB unit used prototype ignition switch mounted fuselage side close nose radio system switch also mounted fuselage side back away ignition system fiberglass wheel pants mounted axles aluminum landing gear brackets Sig Covering Lance covered Akro Coverites 21st Century prepainted iron-on fabric painted fiberglass cowl wheel pants aluminum landing gear perfectly matching 21st Century spray paint added vinyl stick-on lettering few decals realistic acrobatic aircraft appearance convinced him add pilot figure cockpit scale realism overall weight Lances Akro bit less 20 pounds consider quite light aircraft size complexity Hying conventional overall layout construction design didnt expect surprises test flights done windy day Air Hobbies Sachs 32 got Akro off ground immediately quickly apparent engine/aircraft combination hot setup model definitely hard fly performs very well easy handling mild Sunday sport flying What didnt completely expect very capable acrobatic ability aircraft anything could think possible Good-looking lomcevaks knife-edge circling unlimited vertical performance tail slides humpty bumps snapsall done well some capable pilots does mean Akros layout large control surfaces reasonably light weight plenty power good-running 32 combine happy result Consider Stephens Akro easy building easy flying scale-looking sport machine know has full acrobatic capability enjoy Sarpolus 32 Alameda Ct Shrewsbury NJ 07702 30 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
U Dick Sarpolus THE POPULAR full-scale acrolcan easily seen today available Extras Lasers Caps Pitts etc variety sizes construction new version acrobatic aircraft appears its short time before RC version out kit form ub1ished construction Usually latest 16 Modei Aviation s tapered plug-in wing large ailerons elevators rudder provide plenty aerobatic capability designs popular get attention flying fields like newer aircraft too older design Ive always admired has never much impact modeling world Stephens Akro late 1960s Clayton Stephens Akro very few acrobatic monoplanes around dared challenge biplanes Pitts about hottest acrobatic machine going Stephens designed Akro take Pitts new competition pilot Leo Loudenslager opened lot eyes began winning major contests Stephens Akro After few years flying Akro built himself Loudenslager stripped machine down rebuilt number modifications major modification changing appearance big way removal bubble canopy addition turtledeck along much-smaller canopy Rebuilt different appearance new color scheme Loudenslager s modified Akro began winning competition events airplane got new name Laser Time went Laser became famous dont hear about Stephens Akro anymore 32 vibration isolation mounts Two exhaust stacks exit bottom special exhaust baffle available may competitive Laser other newer designs like appearance large bubble canopy sleek racerlike lines Akro Im aware RC design published original bubble-canopy Akro 60-size model number modified Akros built some raised turtledeck eliminated full bubble canopy some have modeled wanted large gas/ignition-engine Akro figured Loudenslager modified Akro get Laser could start Laser layout modify back Akro configuration version certainly isnt 100% authentic exact scale its obviously Stephens Akroand its quick easy build flies well saw several pictures Stephens Akro flown acrobatic pilot JoAnn Nottke its white red black color scheme really looked good get enough information model particular aircraft checked Bob Banka s Scale Model Research Sure enough Bob several three-view drawings available number Foto Paaks cover different Akros set color photos JoAnn Nottkes aircraft photos big help Contact Bob November 1996 17 ~umnor Full-scale Akro flown JoAnn Nottke Three-views photos available Scale Model Research 3114 Yukon Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel 714 979-8058 lay out Akro design took look several three-view drawings varied bit several Laser plans also varied little tough part designing scratch-building figuring handle cowl canopy needed case Fiberglass Specialties available Laser cowl size required Steve Durecki willing modify necessary suit Akro fuselage design make mold add line cowls Steve also large bubble canopy very close Akros size shape Again theyre exactly scale look real good theyre available Molded fiberglass wheel pants Laser already being made Steve theyre available too Fiberglass Specialties 38624 Mt Kisco Dr Sterling Heights MI 48310 next item needed formed aluminum landing gear Abell Hobby Manufacturing Co Box 22573 Billings MT 59101 now manufactures gear model really nice job gear aluminum alloy works fine gear looks good piece hard-to-find hardware aluminum tube spar composite socket tubes plug-in wing design Gator R/C Products Inc 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 has just what need So tough stuff available order special parts get cut own foam cores cut out wood parts have Stephens Akro kit laid out wing 90-inch span highly tapered wing has just over 1300 square inches area builder prototype Akro Lance Schneider longtime friend fellow RCer Lance always admired original Akro tempted project get back active RC flying having left hobby some years get ultralight home-built aviation activity pushed complete Akro plans quickly built up prototype thought about power plant used finally settled Air Hobbies Sachs 32 primarily because combination muffler/engine mount looked very convenient engine also has electronic ignition system variable timing coupled throttle linkage knew retarding timing idle would make engine easy start advanced timing top end would produce power engine runs great reasonably quiet special baffle available go inside muffler lower noise level has plenty power good vertical performance like popular Quadra 42 Ive used number different designs Im sure would fine aircraft milder flying CONSTRUCTION construction totally conventional well proven fuselage basic box balsa sides plywood doublers Foam-cored top blocks sheeted balsa foam-cored tail surfaces wing panels foam-cored several plywood ribs retaining composite tubes aluminum tube spar again standard procedure airplane easy build foam-core construction will reasonably light prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 weighs 19 pounds Lance aircraft ready cover about six weeks covered Akro Coverites 21st Century pre-painted fabric red dark blue white following color scheme JoAnn Nottkes aircraft using variety computer-cut vinyl trimmings scale appearance Most acrobatic full-scale aircraft utilize wire bracing tail surfaces although werent used prototype Id recommend appearance well added strength Du-Bro has good line devises/rods/straps available use Modelers flying field recognize full-scale acrobatic machine heritage know about older Stephens Akro design does attract attention favorable comments Scratch-builders usually develop own building procedures techniques Ill review methods use Fuselage Select finn hard balsa two sides edge-gluing splicing needed get size required Glue 146 plywood doublers ood landing gear block doublers plywood stab-saddle doublers balsa lower edge strips two fuselage sides like firewall least k large engines laminate piece 1A piece ood fuselage side flat workbench add firewall next three bulkheads side installing perpendicular side Glue second fuselage side bulkheads sides parallel firewall wing trailing edge position November 1996 19 Pilot figure adds touch realism close-to-scale color scheme accomplished Coverites 21st Century fabric paint Author prefers forward servo location fiberglass tube pushrods Lance Schneider prefers rear-mounted servos short elevator rudder linkages Lance begins field assembly sliding aluminum-tube joiner through fuselage Lack cutout wing results stronger fuselage II2/D CO&POSIYE TUBE 7/ FOR/ U5 ALLWINI* TUBE WING JOINER FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS NOT SHOWS iN THIS ViEW FOR CLARITY BALSA D OVER S/B TN/CE FOAM CORES I/B PLYWOODWING TUBE HARDWARE AVAILABLE FROMGATOR N/C PRODUCTS INCSB 0 I/2 BALSA BALSAB 37/3 POMPANO DR FL 355/4 5/5 PLY FIREWALL __________________I BLOCKS/ /111 VERTICAL FIN I/B PLYWOODEXTERDS THROUGH FUSELAGE TOP AVAILABLE FROM-5/32 BALSA OVERTO STAB/I FOAN COREI TOP SECTIONSBALSA FIBERGLASS COWL WHEEL FASTS AND CANOPY FIBERBIASS SPEC/ALT/ES S/SOD N/LAND DR SO/YE MACOMB MI 4B045 PLYWOOD SPACER I/N PLYWOODRIGHT ANGLE BRACKETHATCH LANDING GEAR NOUN YR LANDING GEAR________ FIBERGLASS N WHEELSWHEEL PANTS THE PROTOTYPE AIRCRAFT HAD A/N HORS/ES SACHS 35 ENGINE TWO ELEVATOR SERVOS WITH SEPARATE LINKAGE TO EACH ELEVATOR RECOMMENDED I/B BALSA BULKHEADS 0 I 5 5 4 5 B F B 5 /0 II IS fI III IJ STEPHENS AKRO SCALE/ASHOBATIC AIRCRAFT FOR LARGE ENGINES DES/GNED AND DRAWN BY DICK SANPOLUS MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8221 SHEET IOFS 0 0 0 CD 0 L FRONT NRA FE _____HARDWOOD BLOCK FLUSH WiTH GOT TOM SURFACESHEET WINS WITH DRILL AND TAP FOR WING RETAINING BOLT335 BALSA__ ____INTO TUBE SPAR/JOINER I__ __- -Il/B ID COMPOSITE TUBE -INSTALL AILERON SERVO______ FOR I/N ALUMINUM TUBEIIN BOTTOM SURFACEBALSA IWING SPAR/JOINER_____ -1/5 BALSA HOLE THROUGH FOAM COREI3/B BALSA AILERON EXTENSION CABLE 1/B PLYWOOD RIBS______ 3/N DOWEL TIP TEMPLATE i/N PLY ROOT RIB AND FOAM CORE TEMPLATE TOP SURFACE ABELL HOBBY AMD MANUF P0 BOX 22575 MT 590 Th4Th zziizzzzz FOAM CORE FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS LATES III 1117- HEETING ii CONS TRUC TI ALTERNATEIIi TECHNIQUE EDGE FRAMING \-ui- 7 1 1 4 1 CD 3 CCD 0 0 0 S7EPHENS AKRO MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8222 - T B OF B $ TEPHINS AKRO ________________________________AFARr N FLIGHt. cu r ARTeTC LI#4S~. &AtSA 3/JZSfI3AL$AIli fIIJJ --A c 1 Ti4 WREN 5AJLU cr IWN I 10 I2 DESiGNED BY DICK SARPOLU 5 Northeast Aerodynamics excited roll out entire new lineup eight popular World War II fighter aircraft F6F Hellcat P-40 Warhawk Messerschmitt Bf-109 Russian Mig-3 Hawker Hurricane Japanese Zero Focke-Wuif FW-190 P-51 Mustang Anyone looking fantastic new airplane serious dog fighting funflying just ripping up sky impress friends will find Profile Warbirds flyers area lining up get hands great kits Northeast Aerodynamics known high quality care puts its products Ask favorite hobby shop call us direct $5495 plus shipping Visa Mastercard accepted dealer inquiries invited Engine Recommendation Wing Span Wing Area Fuselage Length Weight Range Wing Loading Range 20 36 50 inches 430 sq inches 37 inches 25 325 lbs 15 19 oz/sq ft Add triangle stock heavy fiberglass cloth behind firewall reinforce its joint sides also put several small screws firewall through fuselage sides extra reinforcement Pull tail end together installing rear bulkheads As done sure fuselage sides taper stralght line rear straight-cut foam rear top block will fit correctly trial-fit foam rear top block install rear bulkheads can trim move bulkheads needed foam core fit Before sheeting foam fuselage top blocks check see sheeted will line up flush lower fuselage assembly foam can sanded necessary proper alignment three foam top blocks fuselage because way tapers sheeted separately cockpit opening can cut though before top blocks glued place cockpit floor /s balsa Sheet foam blocks recommend Dave Browns Southern Sorghum contact cement Other adhesives could thinly spread epoxy other contact cement prefer Before gluing fuselage top blocks place fit 1 /2 ID phenolic tube through fuselage sides accept aluminum spar dont glue wing panels fitted fuselage tube can glued place after checking sure everything lines up correctly slot must cut though rear top fuselage block vertical fin installation its easier before gluing block place plywood landing-gear mount epoxied fuselage add some hardwood blocks inside holes will drilled tapped nylon gear retaining bolts provide wood threaded bolt holes also use aluminum right-angle bracket side gear mount bolting gear mount through fuselage sides As airplanes get larger heavier believe epoxy alone wont hold gear mount place during rough landing want nylon gear retaining bolts break necessarynot pull out section fuselage 24 Model Aviation Robinson Road Hudson NH 03051 fax 603 881-5899 After engine mounting arrangement done holes drilled through firewall fuel tubing throttle linkage etc plywood forward bottom piece can glued fuselage Before sheeting fuselage bottom cut holes rear bulkheads fit elevator rudder pushrods Since plug-in wing setup removable hatch needed fuselage bottom access radio gear fuel tank Lite Ply hatch can retained several screws removal Wing Work needed foam wing cores before sheeted /8 plywood rib fitted root core core cut 12 inches out root installation second /s plywood rib sure second plywood rib place correcfly hole spar tube establishes dihedral want aluminum spar parallel top wing surface making flat dihedral angle bottom surface wing Mark top plywood rib installed toward upper wing surface foam can removed spars tube first using heated metal rod put hole through core inserting cutting wire hooking up its bow cutting hole plywood ribs templates could also done using large round file Before gluing plywood ribs foam sand necessary get good fit flush foam Also sand root end foam core will fit flush fuselage side top wing surface right angle fuselage isnt critical can shimmed balsa sanded fit later spar tube epoxied foam core through plywood ribs Another hole needed through foam core root location aileron servo servo extension cable heat end metal rod propane torch push hot end through foam melting tunnel 3/ dowel locating pin glued wing panel through root plywood rib short plywood rib farther out core wing cores sheeted /32 5 C H 4 a a uj N 4 z 4 z a z [5 2 45 4 C a H 4 a 2 a a C [5 T U a JOYBOX AIHHLA5 CONTRUU Make no mistake allows models S-IIMHUIOIAI SCEERY simulators sameactual fly like actual nc nu hURl CAUSES Any simulator will let flyaircraft around has models allow MIITIPIE AIRFUNE SIMPER realism actually improverealistically perform rolling MMUIAhIAiIiWS YE TI SIMUATE YU MEL flyingcircles torque rolls exactan avalanche Try doing simulation flying awith average simulator lop IPPUT multitude nc aircraft information NUIIIUI1UUNPATIILE typical flying fieldcomplete radio controlcmiISwTuuJrayIJhj characteristic ncsimulation package see eine flight duplicated no matterlocal dealer visit us smallinternet give us callIa7232uumjij~ 395 HiS 10fl8E4 EWA2U U 1*5111 EM CWPAI1EI WWUUI WH NA U HEflEpjfl7253 WHAT liLT 3515 CIRWUCSEIA 15 PIN 4 AXIS SMUSRI 7243 HARES LI WRY 3245 DAVE BROWN PRODUCTS INC 4510 LAYHIGH ROAD HAMILTON OHIO 45013 513/730-1575 513/730-0152 November1996 27 ITHING ILSEU T PLAYING Safe Easy RC Building Flying Flying has aRC Sallplanes favorite manyElectric Gliders beginning pilots andexplores instrnctors sixintricacies step tested programdifferent type RIC completelyflying presented easy Chapters include understand guideLanding methods Chapters includeThermal flying AerodynamicsSlope soaring Selecting trainerOperating electric plane c flight Performing take offsmotors power systems Landing patterns Safely landing plane Choosing batteries charging Learning about SafetyBuilding tips techniques Cost $995 Cost $1195 Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Send Check Money Order P 0 Box 15019 Colorado Springs CO 80935 RIC Sport Competition Aerobatics comprehensive manual takes pilot exciting world RC aerobatics intricacies aerohatic flight presented easy understand steps have proven time again under actual training conditions Chapters include Choosing acrobatic airplanes o selection sting precisely trimming airplanes ral aerobatic maneuvers detailed instrnctions Contest preparation actual competition tips order now pocket guide containing reproduction of aerobatic maneuvers will includedfree purchase Actuat price $299 Cost $1395 Including yourfree pocket guide Shipping & Handling charge $200 added book purchased medium balsa edge-glued necessary needed width toughest part edge gluing sheeting getting tight fit between individual sheets cut balsa doesnt have good straight edges use long sanding straightedge made piece aluminum right angle stock really warped sheet cut new straight edge long steel measuring ruler sharp modeling knife use aliphatic-resin type wood glues joining easier sand smooth joint Edge-glue sheeting taping joints together masking tape make up size needed flip wood over open taped joints over edge workbench apply glue edges wood sheeting flat bench scrape excess glue off joint putty knife weight wood until glue dries Peel off masking tape use taped side outer surface sheeting sand inside surface sheeting rougher sandpaper speed up work use finer sandpaper finish off outer surface core sheeted top bottom trim off leading edge block-sand square Add oversized leading edge strip plane sand shape Add wingtip sheeting round edges slightly ailerons cut sheeted wing trimmed down allow balsa edging glued place sanded shape Hinge ailerons along centerline using large sturdy freely moving hingeswhatever type prefer Adding simulated aileron counterbalance shape tip isnt really required sure adds realistic scale detailing Recesses cut lower wing surface aileron servo mounting epoxy plywood mounting pieces position suit servos having protrude wing surface just enough hook up aileron pushrods extra reinforcement suggest fiberglass cloth epoxy applied around inboard ends wing panels extending about eight inches wing panel roots phenolic tube section fuselage yet glued slide aluminum tube spar place add both wing panels Check see dihedral 28 Model Aviation 0101105003513213 0402 0504 320305020500 0801 08020901 EiIEA~010310102 0105103500401 0503 3204L4*0951 3224U 1211 1250 0250 G5O Factory Service Complete0304 120 0 Parts/0303 SUp1OOrt0250105 0207-0251 02080402 0401 0307 03011105- 02 30252040303b2 MVVS Corporation America 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 02\ Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ 11031104115002020101 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock1207 0203 0303 1001 0301 0 02 angle same both sides Also check see wing panels fit closely fuselage both sides get good fit might want add layer balsa wing root surface sand its easier trying taper-sand plywood root rib Elongate shim holes fuselage sides required wing panels properly lined up leave everything place epoxy phenolic tube fuselage working through open fuselage bottom area sure both wing panels same zero angle incidence panels lined up 3/9 dowel stub wing roots protruding mating fuselage holes Move and/or shim holes align wing panels retain wing panels spar use hardwood block glued wing flush wing surface drill tap hardwood 10-32 steel retaining bolt bolt will extend down aluminum tube spar wing first bolt place drill other wing panel easy aiignment leave tube spar place wing panel airplane disassembled access hatch bottom fuselage can removed aileron cable hookup wing panels mounted Tail Surfaces built flat workbench surface 3/9 hot-wire-cut foam sheets cut shape 3/ x 1/2 balsa edging reinforcing added sheeted 3A2 balsa wing cores simulated counterbalance areas elevators rudder arent really needed suggest scale appearance its too much work wing mounted fuselage add horizontal stab aligning wing stab/fuselage joint important balsa added between fuselage sides provide added gluing area stab narrow strip fiberglass cloth epoxy outside joint also good idea vertical fin added aligned perpendicular stab plywood section bottom rear fuselage used mount leaf-spring tail wheel assembly Whatever hinges usethe various molded nylon flat hinges hinge-point stylecut slots drill holes 1/32s250 1/lts23850 3/32 s 24661 1/8524965 3116s26074 1/4s26890 3/95286119 1/2s23011042143 1/32 s 336435969 1/20 x 336435060 1/16 x 336445060 3/32 s 343526167 1/Ox 352637384 3/1653627684101 1/4s37894113130 5/16s3109152 3/8x3105115149170 1/2x3135150175205 3/4x3225310 1/32 s 450007092 1/20 s 456067992 1/105456607992 3/32x46982106114 1/Ox 47693112134 3/lOs 487199140156 1/4s4106152162179 5/16s4102234 3/Ox 4165210239285 1/2x4249205315336 3/4x4350471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/3254125142 1/854150109 3/1654164189 1/4s4176295 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/816 3/1617 1/420 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/874 AILERONS3648 1/4s15782 1/451-1/46590 1/451-1/274185 1/45280115 5/1651-1/474105 S/1651-1/275106 5/165286120 3/Ox 1-1/480115 3/851-1/283116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/295149 1/252106150 1/4s275 1/4s3109 3/85290 3/0s3131 1/2s3154 ADD EQS SMA FED LEADINGEDGE 2535 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/853/854 1/251/275 3/4x3/495 1/lOx 1/8 1/lOs 1/4 1/lOx 3/8 1/165 1/2 3/32 SO 3/32x 1/4 3/3253/8 3/32x1/2 1/8 SO 1/8x3/16 1/Os 1/4 1/853/8 1/851/2 1/853/4 1/8s 1 3/16 SQ 3/lOs 1/4 3/1653/8 3/165 1/2 3/1653/4 3/165 1 1/4 SQ 1/453/0 1/451/2 1/453/4 1/4x1 S/it SQ 3/8 SO 3/8s1/2 3/853/4 3/85 1 1/2 SO 1/253/4 1/2s 1 5/8 SO 3/4 SO 3/4s1 BUNDLE DEALS 20 1/165 3 203/3253 151/853 153/16 53 101/453 103/853 51/2 53 201/16 54 101/16s4 153/3254 103/3254 101/9 54 51/854 103/1654 53/16s4 10 1/4u4 51/4x4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 10 10 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 30 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 40 53 67 49 60 76 60 81 99 36 799 970 875 1050 875 1050 095 1235 1150 875 1000 1400 950 1300 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 30 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 104 86 111 132 48 900 1075 625 735 835 36 29 33 40 54 68 131 225 I48 3119 1/255278119LU 1/lOs 378119 3/325393144 1/8 53114175 3/1653132202 1/453157237 3/853188307I 1/2s3238382C LU 3/4 53375519 153532719 1/3254123109c 1/20s4123188 1/16 54123189LU 3/3254149232 1/854169262 3/lOs 4197300 1/4s4237332J 3/8x4357563 1/2s4492088 /41/4-S lb WOoD sab/sctts sslabitity SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/856250395 1/9512395750 1/4512495950 LITE PLY 122448 1/Os 6100125 235 1/Os 12125235 450 1/456125175 340 1/4512175345 650 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64s6140275495 1/64512 279 510 950 1/32s6 95 180 325 1/325 12 180 335 635 1/165 6 95 180 325 1/16512 180 335 625 1/95 6 95 180 335 1/85 12 190 335 650 4 PLY BIRCH 12 24 48 3/16 sO 109 215 345 3/lOs 12 215 345 685 5 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32s6135260490 3/32s12260500895 1/85 6145280525 1/8s 12280550950 1/4s6125250380 1/4s12230380725 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6150 295 525 3/8512285 5501000 OPLYBIRCH122448 1/256200350 575 1/25 123505801125 HARD MAPLE 18 1/451/445 1/4s3/850 1/451/256 3/853/850 3/851/256 3/853/465 3/8s175 3/851-1/2115 1/251/275 78 85 92 / 8A553648 68" /42439 /42539 21 29 , ,2036 1/853/8LU3546 1/851/24155 1/8s3/44763 3/16 SQ2038 3/1653/84053 3/1651/24864 3/16s3/46588 1/450 45 57 100 1/4x3/8 53 69 1/451/26181130 1/453/4 183 110 1186 3/85064 85 138 3/851/27591154 1/2 SO 05 105 180 1/253/4 94 125 200 ADD DD 55 EX ERA EQS 7ADKA DING GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/8x3/41/850 3/853/45/3250 1/2s3/43/1655 WING SKtNS3O36 1/32x 12479 535 1/20512479 535 1/16512479 535 3/32s 12579 645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/051/229 3/1653/435 1/45139 5/1651-1/450 3/Osl-1/2 56 1/25290 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 OZ 5 Minute425 669 iS Minute425 669 39 Minute425 669 2 Hour425 669 20 Minute429 840 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 us Thin orGE185 1 Thin ot GE300 2 Thin orGE550 Oso Thin GE1650 1/2 Os Ostra Thick200 1 Oxtra thick330 2oo Ostra Thick600 Oso tutta thick1800 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 Thin GE425 1 Thin ot GE705 2oo Thin orGE1305 2 Acceletator315 8 os Acc Oefill695 tst tips 6149 tst tips slice 6149 SEND Si FOR COMPLETE CATALOG INFO & HELP 806-7q3-6394 ORDERS ONI 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 ont 46 State Handitog Charoe $650 880 UPS Add $550 COO SEN 8000 estra PP API EPO accept Visa MC Discover personal checksD MAILLONE STAR MODELS si COD 6 t/5 % tax Texas US currency Mm wood order $1580 ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock TX 79423 wm RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST JA~Rso Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Catalog containing lists RIC maintenance hints Discover MCard VISA COD UPS USMA IL FEDEX etc November 1996 29 KMI 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 surfaces notch control surfaces appropriate permit close fit small hinge-line gap still allowing proper movement use ood control horn mounts recessing epoxying plywood tail surfaces horns mounted self-tapping screws use ood servo mounts fuselage recommend larger 4-40 threaded rods devises linkages Fiberglass tube pushrods used elevator linkages Using separate servos elevator its own pushrod allows pushrods straight servo arm control horn Since pushrods cross over within fuselage elevator servos mounted slightly higher other keep pushrods rubbing together tail wheel steering tied rudder small springs actual linkage servo rudder can done pushrod twin cable pull-pull setup prefer long Y harness needed two aileron servos mounted wing panels 1 200-mAh battery pack used wrapped foam rubber positioned beneath fuel tank battery pack can relocated proper balancebehind wing needed Lance Schneider builder prototype Akro mounted elevator rudder servos protruding fuselage sides just ahead tail surfaces Lance prefers short pushrods used setup its valid alternate approach may like better standard setup concern about rear servo mounting possible weakening fuselage sides servo cutouts sure double up around servo openings suggest thin plywood exact engine mounting must done suit engine used prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 used muffler/radial mount arrangement engine quite light five pounds including muffler two exhaust pipes point down behind engine cylinder muffler/mount fiberglass cowl trimmed needed clear engine cylinder exhaust extensions carburetor cowl held place several 10-32 nylon bolts fuselage 3/2-inch spinner required CB unit used prototype ignition switch mounted fuselage side close nose radio system switch also mounted fuselage side back away ignition system fiberglass wheel pants mounted axles aluminum landing gear brackets Sig Covering Lance covered Akro Coverites 21st Century prepainted iron-on fabric painted fiberglass cowl wheel pants aluminum landing gear perfectly matching 21st Century spray paint added vinyl stick-on lettering few decals realistic acrobatic aircraft appearance convinced him add pilot figure cockpit scale realism overall weight Lances Akro bit less 20 pounds consider quite light aircraft size complexity Hying conventional overall layout construction design didnt expect surprises test flights done windy day Air Hobbies Sachs 32 got Akro off ground immediately quickly apparent engine/aircraft combination hot setup model definitely hard fly performs very well easy handling mild Sunday sport flying What didnt completely expect very capable acrobatic ability aircraft anything could think possible Good-looking lomcevaks knife-edge circling unlimited vertical performance tail slides humpty bumps snapsall done well some capable pilots does mean Akros layout large control surfaces reasonably light weight plenty power good-running 32 combine happy result Consider Stephens Akro easy building easy flying scale-looking sport machine know has full acrobatic capability enjoy Sarpolus 32 Alameda Ct Shrewsbury NJ 07702 30 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
U Dick Sarpolus THE POPULAR full-scale acrolcan easily seen today available Extras Lasers Caps Pitts etc variety sizes construction new version acrobatic aircraft appears its short time before RC version out kit form ub1ished construction Usually latest 16 Modei Aviation s tapered plug-in wing large ailerons elevators rudder provide plenty aerobatic capability designs popular get attention flying fields like newer aircraft too older design Ive always admired has never much impact modeling world Stephens Akro late 1960s Clayton Stephens Akro very few acrobatic monoplanes around dared challenge biplanes Pitts about hottest acrobatic machine going Stephens designed Akro take Pitts new competition pilot Leo Loudenslager opened lot eyes began winning major contests Stephens Akro After few years flying Akro built himself Loudenslager stripped machine down rebuilt number modifications major modification changing appearance big way removal bubble canopy addition turtledeck along much-smaller canopy Rebuilt different appearance new color scheme Loudenslager s modified Akro began winning competition events airplane got new name Laser Time went Laser became famous dont hear about Stephens Akro anymore 32 vibration isolation mounts Two exhaust stacks exit bottom special exhaust baffle available may competitive Laser other newer designs like appearance large bubble canopy sleek racerlike lines Akro Im aware RC design published original bubble-canopy Akro 60-size model number modified Akros built some raised turtledeck eliminated full bubble canopy some have modeled wanted large gas/ignition-engine Akro figured Loudenslager modified Akro get Laser could start Laser layout modify back Akro configuration version certainly isnt 100% authentic exact scale its obviously Stephens Akroand its quick easy build flies well saw several pictures Stephens Akro flown acrobatic pilot JoAnn Nottke its white red black color scheme really looked good get enough information model particular aircraft checked Bob Banka s Scale Model Research Sure enough Bob several three-view drawings available number Foto Paaks cover different Akros set color photos JoAnn Nottkes aircraft photos big help Contact Bob November 1996 17 ~umnor Full-scale Akro flown JoAnn Nottke Three-views photos available Scale Model Research 3114 Yukon Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel 714 979-8058 lay out Akro design took look several three-view drawings varied bit several Laser plans also varied little tough part designing scratch-building figuring handle cowl canopy needed case Fiberglass Specialties available Laser cowl size required Steve Durecki willing modify necessary suit Akro fuselage design make mold add line cowls Steve also large bubble canopy very close Akros size shape Again theyre exactly scale look real good theyre available Molded fiberglass wheel pants Laser already being made Steve theyre available too Fiberglass Specialties 38624 Mt Kisco Dr Sterling Heights MI 48310 next item needed formed aluminum landing gear Abell Hobby Manufacturing Co Box 22573 Billings MT 59101 now manufactures gear model really nice job gear aluminum alloy works fine gear looks good piece hard-to-find hardware aluminum tube spar composite socket tubes plug-in wing design Gator R/C Products Inc 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 has just what need So tough stuff available order special parts get cut own foam cores cut out wood parts have Stephens Akro kit laid out wing 90-inch span highly tapered wing has just over 1300 square inches area builder prototype Akro Lance Schneider longtime friend fellow RCer Lance always admired original Akro tempted project get back active RC flying having left hobby some years get ultralight home-built aviation activity pushed complete Akro plans quickly built up prototype thought about power plant used finally settled Air Hobbies Sachs 32 primarily because combination muffler/engine mount looked very convenient engine also has electronic ignition system variable timing coupled throttle linkage knew retarding timing idle would make engine easy start advanced timing top end would produce power engine runs great reasonably quiet special baffle available go inside muffler lower noise level has plenty power good vertical performance like popular Quadra 42 Ive used number different designs Im sure would fine aircraft milder flying CONSTRUCTION construction totally conventional well proven fuselage basic box balsa sides plywood doublers Foam-cored top blocks sheeted balsa foam-cored tail surfaces wing panels foam-cored several plywood ribs retaining composite tubes aluminum tube spar again standard procedure airplane easy build foam-core construction will reasonably light prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 weighs 19 pounds Lance aircraft ready cover about six weeks covered Akro Coverites 21st Century pre-painted fabric red dark blue white following color scheme JoAnn Nottkes aircraft using variety computer-cut vinyl trimmings scale appearance Most acrobatic full-scale aircraft utilize wire bracing tail surfaces although werent used prototype Id recommend appearance well added strength Du-Bro has good line devises/rods/straps available use Modelers flying field recognize full-scale acrobatic machine heritage know about older Stephens Akro design does attract attention favorable comments Scratch-builders usually develop own building procedures techniques Ill review methods use Fuselage Select finn hard balsa two sides edge-gluing splicing needed get size required Glue 146 plywood doublers ood landing gear block doublers plywood stab-saddle doublers balsa lower edge strips two fuselage sides like firewall least k large engines laminate piece 1A piece ood fuselage side flat workbench add firewall next three bulkheads side installing perpendicular side Glue second fuselage side bulkheads sides parallel firewall wing trailing edge position November 1996 19 Pilot figure adds touch realism close-to-scale color scheme accomplished Coverites 21st Century fabric paint Author prefers forward servo location fiberglass tube pushrods Lance Schneider prefers rear-mounted servos short elevator rudder linkages Lance begins field assembly sliding aluminum-tube joiner through fuselage Lack cutout wing results stronger fuselage II2/D CO&POSIYE TUBE 7/ FOR/ U5 ALLWINI* TUBE WING JOINER FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS NOT SHOWS iN THIS ViEW FOR CLARITY BALSA D OVER S/B TN/CE FOAM CORES I/B PLYWOODWING TUBE HARDWARE AVAILABLE FROMGATOR N/C PRODUCTS INCSB 0 I/2 BALSA BALSAB 37/3 POMPANO DR FL 355/4 5/5 PLY FIREWALL __________________I BLOCKS/ /111 VERTICAL FIN I/B PLYWOODEXTERDS THROUGH FUSELAGE TOP AVAILABLE FROM-5/32 BALSA OVERTO STAB/I FOAN COREI TOP SECTIONSBALSA FIBERGLASS COWL WHEEL FASTS AND CANOPY FIBERBIASS SPEC/ALT/ES S/SOD N/LAND DR SO/YE MACOMB MI 4B045 PLYWOOD SPACER I/N PLYWOODRIGHT ANGLE BRACKETHATCH LANDING GEAR NOUN YR LANDING GEAR________ FIBERGLASS N WHEELSWHEEL PANTS THE PROTOTYPE AIRCRAFT HAD A/N HORS/ES SACHS 35 ENGINE TWO ELEVATOR SERVOS WITH SEPARATE LINKAGE TO EACH ELEVATOR RECOMMENDED I/B BALSA BULKHEADS 0 I 5 5 4 5 B F B 5 /0 II IS fI III IJ STEPHENS AKRO SCALE/ASHOBATIC AIRCRAFT FOR LARGE ENGINES DES/GNED AND DRAWN BY DICK SANPOLUS MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8221 SHEET IOFS 0 0 0 CD 0 L FRONT NRA FE _____HARDWOOD BLOCK FLUSH WiTH GOT TOM SURFACESHEET WINS WITH DRILL AND TAP FOR WING RETAINING BOLT335 BALSA__ ____INTO TUBE SPAR/JOINER I__ __- -Il/B ID COMPOSITE TUBE -INSTALL AILERON SERVO______ FOR I/N ALUMINUM TUBEIIN BOTTOM SURFACEBALSA IWING SPAR/JOINER_____ -1/5 BALSA HOLE THROUGH FOAM COREI3/B BALSA AILERON EXTENSION CABLE 1/B PLYWOOD RIBS______ 3/N DOWEL TIP TEMPLATE i/N PLY ROOT RIB AND FOAM CORE TEMPLATE TOP SURFACE ABELL HOBBY AMD MANUF P0 BOX 22575 MT 590 Th4Th zziizzzzz FOAM CORE FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS LATES III 1117- HEETING ii CONS TRUC TI ALTERNATEIIi TECHNIQUE EDGE FRAMING \-ui- 7 1 1 4 1 CD 3 CCD 0 0 0 S7EPHENS AKRO MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8222 - T B OF B $ TEPHINS AKRO ________________________________AFARr N FLIGHt. cu r ARTeTC LI#4S~. &AtSA 3/JZSfI3AL$AIli fIIJJ --A c 1 Ti4 WREN 5AJLU cr IWN I 10 I2 DESiGNED BY DICK SARPOLU 5 Northeast Aerodynamics excited roll out entire new lineup eight popular World War II fighter aircraft F6F Hellcat P-40 Warhawk Messerschmitt Bf-109 Russian Mig-3 Hawker Hurricane Japanese Zero Focke-Wuif FW-190 P-51 Mustang Anyone looking fantastic new airplane serious dog fighting funflying just ripping up sky impress friends will find Profile Warbirds flyers area lining up get hands great kits Northeast Aerodynamics known high quality care puts its products Ask favorite hobby shop call us direct $5495 plus shipping Visa Mastercard accepted dealer inquiries invited Engine Recommendation Wing Span Wing Area Fuselage Length Weight Range Wing Loading Range 20 36 50 inches 430 sq inches 37 inches 25 325 lbs 15 19 oz/sq ft Add triangle stock heavy fiberglass cloth behind firewall reinforce its joint sides also put several small screws firewall through fuselage sides extra reinforcement Pull tail end together installing rear bulkheads As done sure fuselage sides taper stralght line rear straight-cut foam rear top block will fit correctly trial-fit foam rear top block install rear bulkheads can trim move bulkheads needed foam core fit Before sheeting foam fuselage top blocks check see sheeted will line up flush lower fuselage assembly foam can sanded necessary proper alignment three foam top blocks fuselage because way tapers sheeted separately cockpit opening can cut though before top blocks glued place cockpit floor /s balsa Sheet foam blocks recommend Dave Browns Southern Sorghum contact cement Other adhesives could thinly spread epoxy other contact cement prefer Before gluing fuselage top blocks place fit 1 /2 ID phenolic tube through fuselage sides accept aluminum spar dont glue wing panels fitted fuselage tube can glued place after checking sure everything lines up correctly slot must cut though rear top fuselage block vertical fin installation its easier before gluing block place plywood landing-gear mount epoxied fuselage add some hardwood blocks inside holes will drilled tapped nylon gear retaining bolts provide wood threaded bolt holes also use aluminum right-angle bracket side gear mount bolting gear mount through fuselage sides As airplanes get larger heavier believe epoxy alone wont hold gear mount place during rough landing want nylon gear retaining bolts break necessarynot pull out section fuselage 24 Model Aviation Robinson Road Hudson NH 03051 fax 603 881-5899 After engine mounting arrangement done holes drilled through firewall fuel tubing throttle linkage etc plywood forward bottom piece can glued fuselage Before sheeting fuselage bottom cut holes rear bulkheads fit elevator rudder pushrods Since plug-in wing setup removable hatch needed fuselage bottom access radio gear fuel tank Lite Ply hatch can retained several screws removal Wing Work needed foam wing cores before sheeted /8 plywood rib fitted root core core cut 12 inches out root installation second /s plywood rib sure second plywood rib place correcfly hole spar tube establishes dihedral want aluminum spar parallel top wing surface making flat dihedral angle bottom surface wing Mark top plywood rib installed toward upper wing surface foam can removed spars tube first using heated metal rod put hole through core inserting cutting wire hooking up its bow cutting hole plywood ribs templates could also done using large round file Before gluing plywood ribs foam sand necessary get good fit flush foam Also sand root end foam core will fit flush fuselage side top wing surface right angle fuselage isnt critical can shimmed balsa sanded fit later spar tube epoxied foam core through plywood ribs Another hole needed through foam core root location aileron servo servo extension cable heat end metal rod propane torch push hot end through foam melting tunnel 3/ dowel locating pin glued wing panel through root plywood rib short plywood rib farther out core wing cores sheeted /32 5 C H 4 a a uj N 4 z 4 z a z [5 2 45 4 C a H 4 a 2 a a C [5 T U a JOYBOX AIHHLA5 CONTRUU Make no mistake allows models S-IIMHUIOIAI SCEERY simulators sameactual fly like actual nc nu hURl CAUSES Any simulator will let flyaircraft around has models allow MIITIPIE AIRFUNE SIMPER realism actually improverealistically perform rolling MMUIAhIAiIiWS YE TI SIMUATE YU MEL flyingcircles torque rolls exactan avalanche Try doing simulation flying awith average simulator lop IPPUT multitude nc aircraft information NUIIIUI1UUNPATIILE typical flying fieldcomplete radio controlcmiISwTuuJrayIJhj characteristic ncsimulation package see eine flight duplicated no matterlocal dealer visit us smallinternet give us callIa7232uumjij~ 395 HiS 10fl8E4 EWA2U U 1*5111 EM CWPAI1EI WWUUI WH NA U HEflEpjfl7253 WHAT liLT 3515 CIRWUCSEIA 15 PIN 4 AXIS SMUSRI 7243 HARES LI WRY 3245 DAVE BROWN PRODUCTS INC 4510 LAYHIGH ROAD HAMILTON OHIO 45013 513/730-1575 513/730-0152 November1996 27 ITHING ILSEU T PLAYING Safe Easy RC Building Flying Flying has aRC Sallplanes favorite manyElectric Gliders beginning pilots andexplores instrnctors sixintricacies step tested programdifferent type RIC completelyflying presented easy Chapters include understand guideLanding methods Chapters includeThermal flying AerodynamicsSlope soaring Selecting trainerOperating electric plane c flight Performing take offsmotors power systems Landing patterns Safely landing plane Choosing batteries charging Learning about SafetyBuilding tips techniques Cost $995 Cost $1195 Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Send Check Money Order P 0 Box 15019 Colorado Springs CO 80935 RIC Sport Competition Aerobatics comprehensive manual takes pilot exciting world RC aerobatics intricacies aerohatic flight presented easy understand steps have proven time again under actual training conditions Chapters include Choosing acrobatic airplanes o selection sting precisely trimming airplanes ral aerobatic maneuvers detailed instrnctions Contest preparation actual competition tips order now pocket guide containing reproduction of aerobatic maneuvers will includedfree purchase Actuat price $299 Cost $1395 Including yourfree pocket guide Shipping & Handling charge $200 added book purchased medium balsa edge-glued necessary needed width toughest part edge gluing sheeting getting tight fit between individual sheets cut balsa doesnt have good straight edges use long sanding straightedge made piece aluminum right angle stock really warped sheet cut new straight edge long steel measuring ruler sharp modeling knife use aliphatic-resin type wood glues joining easier sand smooth joint Edge-glue sheeting taping joints together masking tape make up size needed flip wood over open taped joints over edge workbench apply glue edges wood sheeting flat bench scrape excess glue off joint putty knife weight wood until glue dries Peel off masking tape use taped side outer surface sheeting sand inside surface sheeting rougher sandpaper speed up work use finer sandpaper finish off outer surface core sheeted top bottom trim off leading edge block-sand square Add oversized leading edge strip plane sand shape Add wingtip sheeting round edges slightly ailerons cut sheeted wing trimmed down allow balsa edging glued place sanded shape Hinge ailerons along centerline using large sturdy freely moving hingeswhatever type prefer Adding simulated aileron counterbalance shape tip isnt really required sure adds realistic scale detailing Recesses cut lower wing surface aileron servo mounting epoxy plywood mounting pieces position suit servos having protrude wing surface just enough hook up aileron pushrods extra reinforcement suggest fiberglass cloth epoxy applied around inboard ends wing panels extending about eight inches wing panel roots phenolic tube section fuselage yet glued slide aluminum tube spar place add both wing panels Check see dihedral 28 Model Aviation 0101105003513213 0402 0504 320305020500 0801 08020901 EiIEA~010310102 0105103500401 0503 3204L4*0951 3224U 1211 1250 0250 G5O Factory Service Complete0304 120 0 Parts/0303 SUp1OOrt0250105 0207-0251 02080402 0401 0307 03011105- 02 30252040303b2 MVVS Corporation America 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 02\ Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ 11031104115002020101 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock1207 0203 0303 1001 0301 0 02 angle same both sides Also check see wing panels fit closely fuselage both sides get good fit might want add layer balsa wing root surface sand its easier trying taper-sand plywood root rib Elongate shim holes fuselage sides required wing panels properly lined up leave everything place epoxy phenolic tube fuselage working through open fuselage bottom area sure both wing panels same zero angle incidence panels lined up 3/9 dowel stub wing roots protruding mating fuselage holes Move and/or shim holes align wing panels retain wing panels spar use hardwood block glued wing flush wing surface drill tap hardwood 10-32 steel retaining bolt bolt will extend down aluminum tube spar wing first bolt place drill other wing panel easy aiignment leave tube spar place wing panel airplane disassembled access hatch bottom fuselage can removed aileron cable hookup wing panels mounted Tail Surfaces built flat workbench surface 3/9 hot-wire-cut foam sheets cut shape 3/ x 1/2 balsa edging reinforcing added sheeted 3A2 balsa wing cores simulated counterbalance areas elevators rudder arent really needed suggest scale appearance its too much work wing mounted fuselage add horizontal stab aligning wing stab/fuselage joint important balsa added between fuselage sides provide added gluing area stab narrow strip fiberglass cloth epoxy outside joint also good idea vertical fin added aligned perpendicular stab plywood section bottom rear fuselage used mount leaf-spring tail wheel assembly Whatever hinges usethe various molded nylon flat hinges hinge-point stylecut slots drill holes 1/32s250 1/lts23850 3/32 s 24661 1/8524965 3116s26074 1/4s26890 3/95286119 1/2s23011042143 1/32 s 336435969 1/20 x 336435060 1/16 x 336445060 3/32 s 343526167 1/Ox 352637384 3/1653627684101 1/4s37894113130 5/16s3109152 3/8x3105115149170 1/2x3135150175205 3/4x3225310 1/32 s 450007092 1/20 s 456067992 1/105456607992 3/32x46982106114 1/Ox 47693112134 3/lOs 487199140156 1/4s4106152162179 5/16s4102234 3/Ox 4165210239285 1/2x4249205315336 3/4x4350471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/3254125142 1/854150109 3/1654164189 1/4s4176295 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/816 3/1617 1/420 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/874 AILERONS3648 1/4s15782 1/451-1/46590 1/451-1/274185 1/45280115 5/1651-1/474105 S/1651-1/275106 5/165286120 3/Ox 1-1/480115 3/851-1/283116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/295149 1/252106150 1/4s275 1/4s3109 3/85290 3/0s3131 1/2s3154 ADD EQS SMA FED LEADINGEDGE 2535 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/853/854 1/251/275 3/4x3/495 1/lOx 1/8 1/lOs 1/4 1/lOx 3/8 1/165 1/2 3/32 SO 3/32x 1/4 3/3253/8 3/32x1/2 1/8 SO 1/8x3/16 1/Os 1/4 1/853/8 1/851/2 1/853/4 1/8s 1 3/16 SQ 3/lOs 1/4 3/1653/8 3/165 1/2 3/1653/4 3/165 1 1/4 SQ 1/453/0 1/451/2 1/453/4 1/4x1 S/it SQ 3/8 SO 3/8s1/2 3/853/4 3/85 1 1/2 SO 1/253/4 1/2s 1 5/8 SO 3/4 SO 3/4s1 BUNDLE DEALS 20 1/165 3 203/3253 151/853 153/16 53 101/453 103/853 51/2 53 201/16 54 101/16s4 153/3254 103/3254 101/9 54 51/854 103/1654 53/16s4 10 1/4u4 51/4x4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 10 10 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 30 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 40 53 67 49 60 76 60 81 99 36 799 970 875 1050 875 1050 095 1235 1150 875 1000 1400 950 1300 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 30 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 104 86 111 132 48 900 1075 625 735 835 36 29 33 40 54 68 131 225 I48 3119 1/255278119LU 1/lOs 378119 3/325393144 1/8 53114175 3/1653132202 1/453157237 3/853188307I 1/2s3238382C LU 3/4 53375519 153532719 1/3254123109c 1/20s4123188 1/16 54123189LU 3/3254149232 1/854169262 3/lOs 4197300 1/4s4237332J 3/8x4357563 1/2s4492088 /41/4-S lb WOoD sab/sctts sslabitity SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/856250395 1/9512395750 1/4512495950 LITE PLY 122448 1/Os 6100125 235 1/Os 12125235 450 1/456125175 340 1/4512175345 650 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64s6140275495 1/64512 279 510 950 1/32s6 95 180 325 1/325 12 180 335 635 1/165 6 95 180 325 1/16512 180 335 625 1/95 6 95 180 335 1/85 12 190 335 650 4 PLY BIRCH 12 24 48 3/16 sO 109 215 345 3/lOs 12 215 345 685 5 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32s6135260490 3/32s12260500895 1/85 6145280525 1/8s 12280550950 1/4s6125250380 1/4s12230380725 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6150 295 525 3/8512285 5501000 OPLYBIRCH122448 1/256200350 575 1/25 123505801125 HARD MAPLE 18 1/451/445 1/4s3/850 1/451/256 3/853/850 3/851/256 3/853/465 3/8s175 3/851-1/2115 1/251/275 78 85 92 / 8A553648 68" /42439 /42539 21 29 , ,2036 1/853/8LU3546 1/851/24155 1/8s3/44763 3/16 SQ2038 3/1653/84053 3/1651/24864 3/16s3/46588 1/450 45 57 100 1/4x3/8 53 69 1/451/26181130 1/453/4 183 110 1186 3/85064 85 138 3/851/27591154 1/2 SO 05 105 180 1/253/4 94 125 200 ADD DD 55 EX ERA EQS 7ADKA DING GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/8x3/41/850 3/853/45/3250 1/2s3/43/1655 WING SKtNS3O36 1/32x 12479 535 1/20512479 535 1/16512479 535 3/32s 12579 645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/051/229 3/1653/435 1/45139 5/1651-1/450 3/Osl-1/2 56 1/25290 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 OZ 5 Minute425 669 iS Minute425 669 39 Minute425 669 2 Hour425 669 20 Minute429 840 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 us Thin orGE185 1 Thin ot GE300 2 Thin orGE550 Oso Thin GE1650 1/2 Os Ostra Thick200 1 Oxtra thick330 2oo Ostra Thick600 Oso tutta thick1800 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 Thin GE425 1 Thin ot GE705 2oo Thin orGE1305 2 Acceletator315 8 os Acc Oefill695 tst tips 6149 tst tips slice 6149 SEND Si FOR COMPLETE CATALOG INFO & HELP 806-7q3-6394 ORDERS ONI 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 ont 46 State Handitog Charoe $650 880 UPS Add $550 COO SEN 8000 estra PP API EPO accept Visa MC Discover personal checksD MAILLONE STAR MODELS si COD 6 t/5 % tax Texas US currency Mm wood order $1580 ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock TX 79423 wm RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST JA~Rso Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Catalog containing lists RIC maintenance hints Discover MCard VISA COD UPS USMA IL FEDEX etc November 1996 29 KMI 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 surfaces notch control surfaces appropriate permit close fit small hinge-line gap still allowing proper movement use ood control horn mounts recessing epoxying plywood tail surfaces horns mounted self-tapping screws use ood servo mounts fuselage recommend larger 4-40 threaded rods devises linkages Fiberglass tube pushrods used elevator linkages Using separate servos elevator its own pushrod allows pushrods straight servo arm control horn Since pushrods cross over within fuselage elevator servos mounted slightly higher other keep pushrods rubbing together tail wheel steering tied rudder small springs actual linkage servo rudder can done pushrod twin cable pull-pull setup prefer long Y harness needed two aileron servos mounted wing panels 1 200-mAh battery pack used wrapped foam rubber positioned beneath fuel tank battery pack can relocated proper balancebehind wing needed Lance Schneider builder prototype Akro mounted elevator rudder servos protruding fuselage sides just ahead tail surfaces Lance prefers short pushrods used setup its valid alternate approach may like better standard setup concern about rear servo mounting possible weakening fuselage sides servo cutouts sure double up around servo openings suggest thin plywood exact engine mounting must done suit engine used prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 used muffler/radial mount arrangement engine quite light five pounds including muffler two exhaust pipes point down behind engine cylinder muffler/mount fiberglass cowl trimmed needed clear engine cylinder exhaust extensions carburetor cowl held place several 10-32 nylon bolts fuselage 3/2-inch spinner required CB unit used prototype ignition switch mounted fuselage side close nose radio system switch also mounted fuselage side back away ignition system fiberglass wheel pants mounted axles aluminum landing gear brackets Sig Covering Lance covered Akro Coverites 21st Century prepainted iron-on fabric painted fiberglass cowl wheel pants aluminum landing gear perfectly matching 21st Century spray paint added vinyl stick-on lettering few decals realistic acrobatic aircraft appearance convinced him add pilot figure cockpit scale realism overall weight Lances Akro bit less 20 pounds consider quite light aircraft size complexity Hying conventional overall layout construction design didnt expect surprises test flights done windy day Air Hobbies Sachs 32 got Akro off ground immediately quickly apparent engine/aircraft combination hot setup model definitely hard fly performs very well easy handling mild Sunday sport flying What didnt completely expect very capable acrobatic ability aircraft anything could think possible Good-looking lomcevaks knife-edge circling unlimited vertical performance tail slides humpty bumps snapsall done well some capable pilots does mean Akros layout large control surfaces reasonably light weight plenty power good-running 32 combine happy result Consider Stephens Akro easy building easy flying scale-looking sport machine know has full acrobatic capability enjoy Sarpolus 32 Alameda Ct Shrewsbury NJ 07702 30 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
U Dick Sarpolus THE POPULAR full-scale acrolcan easily seen today available Extras Lasers Caps Pitts etc variety sizes construction new version acrobatic aircraft appears its short time before RC version out kit form ub1ished construction Usually latest 16 Modei Aviation s tapered plug-in wing large ailerons elevators rudder provide plenty aerobatic capability designs popular get attention flying fields like newer aircraft too older design Ive always admired has never much impact modeling world Stephens Akro late 1960s Clayton Stephens Akro very few acrobatic monoplanes around dared challenge biplanes Pitts about hottest acrobatic machine going Stephens designed Akro take Pitts new competition pilot Leo Loudenslager opened lot eyes began winning major contests Stephens Akro After few years flying Akro built himself Loudenslager stripped machine down rebuilt number modifications major modification changing appearance big way removal bubble canopy addition turtledeck along much-smaller canopy Rebuilt different appearance new color scheme Loudenslager s modified Akro began winning competition events airplane got new name Laser Time went Laser became famous dont hear about Stephens Akro anymore 32 vibration isolation mounts Two exhaust stacks exit bottom special exhaust baffle available may competitive Laser other newer designs like appearance large bubble canopy sleek racerlike lines Akro Im aware RC design published original bubble-canopy Akro 60-size model number modified Akros built some raised turtledeck eliminated full bubble canopy some have modeled wanted large gas/ignition-engine Akro figured Loudenslager modified Akro get Laser could start Laser layout modify back Akro configuration version certainly isnt 100% authentic exact scale its obviously Stephens Akroand its quick easy build flies well saw several pictures Stephens Akro flown acrobatic pilot JoAnn Nottke its white red black color scheme really looked good get enough information model particular aircraft checked Bob Banka s Scale Model Research Sure enough Bob several three-view drawings available number Foto Paaks cover different Akros set color photos JoAnn Nottkes aircraft photos big help Contact Bob November 1996 17 ~umnor Full-scale Akro flown JoAnn Nottke Three-views photos available Scale Model Research 3114 Yukon Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel 714 979-8058 lay out Akro design took look several three-view drawings varied bit several Laser plans also varied little tough part designing scratch-building figuring handle cowl canopy needed case Fiberglass Specialties available Laser cowl size required Steve Durecki willing modify necessary suit Akro fuselage design make mold add line cowls Steve also large bubble canopy very close Akros size shape Again theyre exactly scale look real good theyre available Molded fiberglass wheel pants Laser already being made Steve theyre available too Fiberglass Specialties 38624 Mt Kisco Dr Sterling Heights MI 48310 next item needed formed aluminum landing gear Abell Hobby Manufacturing Co Box 22573 Billings MT 59101 now manufactures gear model really nice job gear aluminum alloy works fine gear looks good piece hard-to-find hardware aluminum tube spar composite socket tubes plug-in wing design Gator R/C Products Inc 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 has just what need So tough stuff available order special parts get cut own foam cores cut out wood parts have Stephens Akro kit laid out wing 90-inch span highly tapered wing has just over 1300 square inches area builder prototype Akro Lance Schneider longtime friend fellow RCer Lance always admired original Akro tempted project get back active RC flying having left hobby some years get ultralight home-built aviation activity pushed complete Akro plans quickly built up prototype thought about power plant used finally settled Air Hobbies Sachs 32 primarily because combination muffler/engine mount looked very convenient engine also has electronic ignition system variable timing coupled throttle linkage knew retarding timing idle would make engine easy start advanced timing top end would produce power engine runs great reasonably quiet special baffle available go inside muffler lower noise level has plenty power good vertical performance like popular Quadra 42 Ive used number different designs Im sure would fine aircraft milder flying CONSTRUCTION construction totally conventional well proven fuselage basic box balsa sides plywood doublers Foam-cored top blocks sheeted balsa foam-cored tail surfaces wing panels foam-cored several plywood ribs retaining composite tubes aluminum tube spar again standard procedure airplane easy build foam-core construction will reasonably light prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 weighs 19 pounds Lance aircraft ready cover about six weeks covered Akro Coverites 21st Century pre-painted fabric red dark blue white following color scheme JoAnn Nottkes aircraft using variety computer-cut vinyl trimmings scale appearance Most acrobatic full-scale aircraft utilize wire bracing tail surfaces although werent used prototype Id recommend appearance well added strength Du-Bro has good line devises/rods/straps available use Modelers flying field recognize full-scale acrobatic machine heritage know about older Stephens Akro design does attract attention favorable comments Scratch-builders usually develop own building procedures techniques Ill review methods use Fuselage Select finn hard balsa two sides edge-gluing splicing needed get size required Glue 146 plywood doublers ood landing gear block doublers plywood stab-saddle doublers balsa lower edge strips two fuselage sides like firewall least k large engines laminate piece 1A piece ood fuselage side flat workbench add firewall next three bulkheads side installing perpendicular side Glue second fuselage side bulkheads sides parallel firewall wing trailing edge position November 1996 19 Pilot figure adds touch realism close-to-scale color scheme accomplished Coverites 21st Century fabric paint Author prefers forward servo location fiberglass tube pushrods Lance Schneider prefers rear-mounted servos short elevator rudder linkages Lance begins field assembly sliding aluminum-tube joiner through fuselage Lack cutout wing results stronger fuselage II2/D CO&POSIYE TUBE 7/ FOR/ U5 ALLWINI* TUBE WING JOINER FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS NOT SHOWS iN THIS ViEW FOR CLARITY BALSA D OVER S/B TN/CE FOAM CORES I/B PLYWOODWING TUBE HARDWARE AVAILABLE FROMGATOR N/C PRODUCTS INCSB 0 I/2 BALSA BALSAB 37/3 POMPANO DR FL 355/4 5/5 PLY FIREWALL __________________I BLOCKS/ /111 VERTICAL FIN I/B PLYWOODEXTERDS THROUGH FUSELAGE TOP AVAILABLE FROM-5/32 BALSA OVERTO STAB/I FOAN COREI TOP SECTIONSBALSA FIBERGLASS COWL WHEEL FASTS AND CANOPY FIBERBIASS SPEC/ALT/ES S/SOD N/LAND DR SO/YE MACOMB MI 4B045 PLYWOOD SPACER I/N PLYWOODRIGHT ANGLE BRACKETHATCH LANDING GEAR NOUN YR LANDING GEAR________ FIBERGLASS N WHEELSWHEEL PANTS THE PROTOTYPE AIRCRAFT HAD A/N HORS/ES SACHS 35 ENGINE TWO ELEVATOR SERVOS WITH SEPARATE LINKAGE TO EACH ELEVATOR RECOMMENDED I/B BALSA BULKHEADS 0 I 5 5 4 5 B F B 5 /0 II IS fI III IJ STEPHENS AKRO SCALE/ASHOBATIC AIRCRAFT FOR LARGE ENGINES DES/GNED AND DRAWN BY DICK SANPOLUS MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8221 SHEET IOFS 0 0 0 CD 0 L FRONT NRA FE _____HARDWOOD BLOCK FLUSH WiTH GOT TOM SURFACESHEET WINS WITH DRILL AND TAP FOR WING RETAINING BOLT335 BALSA__ ____INTO TUBE SPAR/JOINER I__ __- -Il/B ID COMPOSITE TUBE -INSTALL AILERON SERVO______ FOR I/N ALUMINUM TUBEIIN BOTTOM SURFACEBALSA IWING SPAR/JOINER_____ -1/5 BALSA HOLE THROUGH FOAM COREI3/B BALSA AILERON EXTENSION CABLE 1/B PLYWOOD RIBS______ 3/N DOWEL TIP TEMPLATE i/N PLY ROOT RIB AND FOAM CORE TEMPLATE TOP SURFACE ABELL HOBBY AMD MANUF P0 BOX 22575 MT 590 Th4Th zziizzzzz FOAM CORE FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS LATES III 1117- HEETING ii CONS TRUC TI ALTERNATEIIi TECHNIQUE EDGE FRAMING \-ui- 7 1 1 4 1 CD 3 CCD 0 0 0 S7EPHENS AKRO MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8222 - T B OF B $ TEPHINS AKRO ________________________________AFARr N FLIGHt. cu r ARTeTC LI#4S~. &AtSA 3/JZSfI3AL$AIli fIIJJ --A c 1 Ti4 WREN 5AJLU cr IWN I 10 I2 DESiGNED BY DICK SARPOLU 5 Northeast Aerodynamics excited roll out entire new lineup eight popular World War II fighter aircraft F6F Hellcat P-40 Warhawk Messerschmitt Bf-109 Russian Mig-3 Hawker Hurricane Japanese Zero Focke-Wuif FW-190 P-51 Mustang Anyone looking fantastic new airplane serious dog fighting funflying just ripping up sky impress friends will find Profile Warbirds flyers area lining up get hands great kits Northeast Aerodynamics known high quality care puts its products Ask favorite hobby shop call us direct $5495 plus shipping Visa Mastercard accepted dealer inquiries invited Engine Recommendation Wing Span Wing Area Fuselage Length Weight Range Wing Loading Range 20 36 50 inches 430 sq inches 37 inches 25 325 lbs 15 19 oz/sq ft Add triangle stock heavy fiberglass cloth behind firewall reinforce its joint sides also put several small screws firewall through fuselage sides extra reinforcement Pull tail end together installing rear bulkheads As done sure fuselage sides taper stralght line rear straight-cut foam rear top block will fit correctly trial-fit foam rear top block install rear bulkheads can trim move bulkheads needed foam core fit Before sheeting foam fuselage top blocks check see sheeted will line up flush lower fuselage assembly foam can sanded necessary proper alignment three foam top blocks fuselage because way tapers sheeted separately cockpit opening can cut though before top blocks glued place cockpit floor /s balsa Sheet foam blocks recommend Dave Browns Southern Sorghum contact cement Other adhesives could thinly spread epoxy other contact cement prefer Before gluing fuselage top blocks place fit 1 /2 ID phenolic tube through fuselage sides accept aluminum spar dont glue wing panels fitted fuselage tube can glued place after checking sure everything lines up correctly slot must cut though rear top fuselage block vertical fin installation its easier before gluing block place plywood landing-gear mount epoxied fuselage add some hardwood blocks inside holes will drilled tapped nylon gear retaining bolts provide wood threaded bolt holes also use aluminum right-angle bracket side gear mount bolting gear mount through fuselage sides As airplanes get larger heavier believe epoxy alone wont hold gear mount place during rough landing want nylon gear retaining bolts break necessarynot pull out section fuselage 24 Model Aviation Robinson Road Hudson NH 03051 fax 603 881-5899 After engine mounting arrangement done holes drilled through firewall fuel tubing throttle linkage etc plywood forward bottom piece can glued fuselage Before sheeting fuselage bottom cut holes rear bulkheads fit elevator rudder pushrods Since plug-in wing setup removable hatch needed fuselage bottom access radio gear fuel tank Lite Ply hatch can retained several screws removal Wing Work needed foam wing cores before sheeted /8 plywood rib fitted root core core cut 12 inches out root installation second /s plywood rib sure second plywood rib place correcfly hole spar tube establishes dihedral want aluminum spar parallel top wing surface making flat dihedral angle bottom surface wing Mark top plywood rib installed toward upper wing surface foam can removed spars tube first using heated metal rod put hole through core inserting cutting wire hooking up its bow cutting hole plywood ribs templates could also done using large round file Before gluing plywood ribs foam sand necessary get good fit flush foam Also sand root end foam core will fit flush fuselage side top wing surface right angle fuselage isnt critical can shimmed balsa sanded fit later spar tube epoxied foam core through plywood ribs Another hole needed through foam core root location aileron servo servo extension cable heat end metal rod propane torch push hot end through foam melting tunnel 3/ dowel locating pin glued wing panel through root plywood rib short plywood rib farther out core wing cores sheeted /32 5 C H 4 a a uj N 4 z 4 z a z [5 2 45 4 C a H 4 a 2 a a C [5 T U a JOYBOX AIHHLA5 CONTRUU Make no mistake allows models S-IIMHUIOIAI SCEERY simulators sameactual fly like actual nc nu hURl CAUSES Any simulator will let flyaircraft around has models allow MIITIPIE AIRFUNE SIMPER realism actually improverealistically perform rolling MMUIAhIAiIiWS YE TI SIMUATE YU MEL flyingcircles torque rolls exactan avalanche Try doing simulation flying awith average simulator lop IPPUT multitude nc aircraft information NUIIIUI1UUNPATIILE typical flying fieldcomplete radio controlcmiISwTuuJrayIJhj characteristic ncsimulation package see eine flight duplicated no matterlocal dealer visit us smallinternet give us callIa7232uumjij~ 395 HiS 10fl8E4 EWA2U U 1*5111 EM CWPAI1EI WWUUI WH NA U HEflEpjfl7253 WHAT liLT 3515 CIRWUCSEIA 15 PIN 4 AXIS SMUSRI 7243 HARES LI WRY 3245 DAVE BROWN PRODUCTS INC 4510 LAYHIGH ROAD HAMILTON OHIO 45013 513/730-1575 513/730-0152 November1996 27 ITHING ILSEU T PLAYING Safe Easy RC Building Flying Flying has aRC Sallplanes favorite manyElectric Gliders beginning pilots andexplores instrnctors sixintricacies step tested programdifferent type RIC completelyflying presented easy Chapters include understand guideLanding methods Chapters includeThermal flying AerodynamicsSlope soaring Selecting trainerOperating electric plane c flight Performing take offsmotors power systems Landing patterns Safely landing plane Choosing batteries charging Learning about SafetyBuilding tips techniques Cost $995 Cost $1195 Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Send Check Money Order P 0 Box 15019 Colorado Springs CO 80935 RIC Sport Competition Aerobatics comprehensive manual takes pilot exciting world RC aerobatics intricacies aerohatic flight presented easy understand steps have proven time again under actual training conditions Chapters include Choosing acrobatic airplanes o selection sting precisely trimming airplanes ral aerobatic maneuvers detailed instrnctions Contest preparation actual competition tips order now pocket guide containing reproduction of aerobatic maneuvers will includedfree purchase Actuat price $299 Cost $1395 Including yourfree pocket guide Shipping & Handling charge $200 added book purchased medium balsa edge-glued necessary needed width toughest part edge gluing sheeting getting tight fit between individual sheets cut balsa doesnt have good straight edges use long sanding straightedge made piece aluminum right angle stock really warped sheet cut new straight edge long steel measuring ruler sharp modeling knife use aliphatic-resin type wood glues joining easier sand smooth joint Edge-glue sheeting taping joints together masking tape make up size needed flip wood over open taped joints over edge workbench apply glue edges wood sheeting flat bench scrape excess glue off joint putty knife weight wood until glue dries Peel off masking tape use taped side outer surface sheeting sand inside surface sheeting rougher sandpaper speed up work use finer sandpaper finish off outer surface core sheeted top bottom trim off leading edge block-sand square Add oversized leading edge strip plane sand shape Add wingtip sheeting round edges slightly ailerons cut sheeted wing trimmed down allow balsa edging glued place sanded shape Hinge ailerons along centerline using large sturdy freely moving hingeswhatever type prefer Adding simulated aileron counterbalance shape tip isnt really required sure adds realistic scale detailing Recesses cut lower wing surface aileron servo mounting epoxy plywood mounting pieces position suit servos having protrude wing surface just enough hook up aileron pushrods extra reinforcement suggest fiberglass cloth epoxy applied around inboard ends wing panels extending about eight inches wing panel roots phenolic tube section fuselage yet glued slide aluminum tube spar place add both wing panels Check see dihedral 28 Model Aviation 0101105003513213 0402 0504 320305020500 0801 08020901 EiIEA~010310102 0105103500401 0503 3204L4*0951 3224U 1211 1250 0250 G5O Factory Service Complete0304 120 0 Parts/0303 SUp1OOrt0250105 0207-0251 02080402 0401 0307 03011105- 02 30252040303b2 MVVS Corporation America 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 02\ Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ 11031104115002020101 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock1207 0203 0303 1001 0301 0 02 angle same both sides Also check see wing panels fit closely fuselage both sides get good fit might want add layer balsa wing root surface sand its easier trying taper-sand plywood root rib Elongate shim holes fuselage sides required wing panels properly lined up leave everything place epoxy phenolic tube fuselage working through open fuselage bottom area sure both wing panels same zero angle incidence panels lined up 3/9 dowel stub wing roots protruding mating fuselage holes Move and/or shim holes align wing panels retain wing panels spar use hardwood block glued wing flush wing surface drill tap hardwood 10-32 steel retaining bolt bolt will extend down aluminum tube spar wing first bolt place drill other wing panel easy aiignment leave tube spar place wing panel airplane disassembled access hatch bottom fuselage can removed aileron cable hookup wing panels mounted Tail Surfaces built flat workbench surface 3/9 hot-wire-cut foam sheets cut shape 3/ x 1/2 balsa edging reinforcing added sheeted 3A2 balsa wing cores simulated counterbalance areas elevators rudder arent really needed suggest scale appearance its too much work wing mounted fuselage add horizontal stab aligning wing stab/fuselage joint important balsa added between fuselage sides provide added gluing area stab narrow strip fiberglass cloth epoxy outside joint also good idea vertical fin added aligned perpendicular stab plywood section bottom rear fuselage used mount leaf-spring tail wheel assembly Whatever hinges usethe various molded nylon flat hinges hinge-point stylecut slots drill holes 1/32s250 1/lts23850 3/32 s 24661 1/8524965 3116s26074 1/4s26890 3/95286119 1/2s23011042143 1/32 s 336435969 1/20 x 336435060 1/16 x 336445060 3/32 s 343526167 1/Ox 352637384 3/1653627684101 1/4s37894113130 5/16s3109152 3/8x3105115149170 1/2x3135150175205 3/4x3225310 1/32 s 450007092 1/20 s 456067992 1/105456607992 3/32x46982106114 1/Ox 47693112134 3/lOs 487199140156 1/4s4106152162179 5/16s4102234 3/Ox 4165210239285 1/2x4249205315336 3/4x4350471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/3254125142 1/854150109 3/1654164189 1/4s4176295 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/816 3/1617 1/420 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/874 AILERONS3648 1/4s15782 1/451-1/46590 1/451-1/274185 1/45280115 5/1651-1/474105 S/1651-1/275106 5/165286120 3/Ox 1-1/480115 3/851-1/283116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/295149 1/252106150 1/4s275 1/4s3109 3/85290 3/0s3131 1/2s3154 ADD EQS SMA FED LEADINGEDGE 2535 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/853/854 1/251/275 3/4x3/495 1/lOx 1/8 1/lOs 1/4 1/lOx 3/8 1/165 1/2 3/32 SO 3/32x 1/4 3/3253/8 3/32x1/2 1/8 SO 1/8x3/16 1/Os 1/4 1/853/8 1/851/2 1/853/4 1/8s 1 3/16 SQ 3/lOs 1/4 3/1653/8 3/165 1/2 3/1653/4 3/165 1 1/4 SQ 1/453/0 1/451/2 1/453/4 1/4x1 S/it SQ 3/8 SO 3/8s1/2 3/853/4 3/85 1 1/2 SO 1/253/4 1/2s 1 5/8 SO 3/4 SO 3/4s1 BUNDLE DEALS 20 1/165 3 203/3253 151/853 153/16 53 101/453 103/853 51/2 53 201/16 54 101/16s4 153/3254 103/3254 101/9 54 51/854 103/1654 53/16s4 10 1/4u4 51/4x4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 10 10 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 30 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 40 53 67 49 60 76 60 81 99 36 799 970 875 1050 875 1050 095 1235 1150 875 1000 1400 950 1300 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 30 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 104 86 111 132 48 900 1075 625 735 835 36 29 33 40 54 68 131 225 I48 3119 1/255278119LU 1/lOs 378119 3/325393144 1/8 53114175 3/1653132202 1/453157237 3/853188307I 1/2s3238382C LU 3/4 53375519 153532719 1/3254123109c 1/20s4123188 1/16 54123189LU 3/3254149232 1/854169262 3/lOs 4197300 1/4s4237332J 3/8x4357563 1/2s4492088 /41/4-S lb WOoD sab/sctts sslabitity SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/856250395 1/9512395750 1/4512495950 LITE PLY 122448 1/Os 6100125 235 1/Os 12125235 450 1/456125175 340 1/4512175345 650 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64s6140275495 1/64512 279 510 950 1/32s6 95 180 325 1/325 12 180 335 635 1/165 6 95 180 325 1/16512 180 335 625 1/95 6 95 180 335 1/85 12 190 335 650 4 PLY BIRCH 12 24 48 3/16 sO 109 215 345 3/lOs 12 215 345 685 5 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32s6135260490 3/32s12260500895 1/85 6145280525 1/8s 12280550950 1/4s6125250380 1/4s12230380725 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6150 295 525 3/8512285 5501000 OPLYBIRCH122448 1/256200350 575 1/25 123505801125 HARD MAPLE 18 1/451/445 1/4s3/850 1/451/256 3/853/850 3/851/256 3/853/465 3/8s175 3/851-1/2115 1/251/275 78 85 92 / 8A553648 68" /42439 /42539 21 29 , ,2036 1/853/8LU3546 1/851/24155 1/8s3/44763 3/16 SQ2038 3/1653/84053 3/1651/24864 3/16s3/46588 1/450 45 57 100 1/4x3/8 53 69 1/451/26181130 1/453/4 183 110 1186 3/85064 85 138 3/851/27591154 1/2 SO 05 105 180 1/253/4 94 125 200 ADD DD 55 EX ERA EQS 7ADKA DING GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/8x3/41/850 3/853/45/3250 1/2s3/43/1655 WING SKtNS3O36 1/32x 12479 535 1/20512479 535 1/16512479 535 3/32s 12579 645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/051/229 3/1653/435 1/45139 5/1651-1/450 3/Osl-1/2 56 1/25290 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 OZ 5 Minute425 669 iS Minute425 669 39 Minute425 669 2 Hour425 669 20 Minute429 840 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 us Thin orGE185 1 Thin ot GE300 2 Thin orGE550 Oso Thin GE1650 1/2 Os Ostra Thick200 1 Oxtra thick330 2oo Ostra Thick600 Oso tutta thick1800 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 Thin GE425 1 Thin ot GE705 2oo Thin orGE1305 2 Acceletator315 8 os Acc Oefill695 tst tips 6149 tst tips slice 6149 SEND Si FOR COMPLETE CATALOG INFO & HELP 806-7q3-6394 ORDERS ONI 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 ont 46 State Handitog Charoe $650 880 UPS Add $550 COO SEN 8000 estra PP API EPO accept Visa MC Discover personal checksD MAILLONE STAR MODELS si COD 6 t/5 % tax Texas US currency Mm wood order $1580 ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock TX 79423 wm RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST JA~Rso Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Catalog containing lists RIC maintenance hints Discover MCard VISA COD UPS USMA IL FEDEX etc November 1996 29 KMI 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 surfaces notch control surfaces appropriate permit close fit small hinge-line gap still allowing proper movement use ood control horn mounts recessing epoxying plywood tail surfaces horns mounted self-tapping screws use ood servo mounts fuselage recommend larger 4-40 threaded rods devises linkages Fiberglass tube pushrods used elevator linkages Using separate servos elevator its own pushrod allows pushrods straight servo arm control horn Since pushrods cross over within fuselage elevator servos mounted slightly higher other keep pushrods rubbing together tail wheel steering tied rudder small springs actual linkage servo rudder can done pushrod twin cable pull-pull setup prefer long Y harness needed two aileron servos mounted wing panels 1 200-mAh battery pack used wrapped foam rubber positioned beneath fuel tank battery pack can relocated proper balancebehind wing needed Lance Schneider builder prototype Akro mounted elevator rudder servos protruding fuselage sides just ahead tail surfaces Lance prefers short pushrods used setup its valid alternate approach may like better standard setup concern about rear servo mounting possible weakening fuselage sides servo cutouts sure double up around servo openings suggest thin plywood exact engine mounting must done suit engine used prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 used muffler/radial mount arrangement engine quite light five pounds including muffler two exhaust pipes point down behind engine cylinder muffler/mount fiberglass cowl trimmed needed clear engine cylinder exhaust extensions carburetor cowl held place several 10-32 nylon bolts fuselage 3/2-inch spinner required CB unit used prototype ignition switch mounted fuselage side close nose radio system switch also mounted fuselage side back away ignition system fiberglass wheel pants mounted axles aluminum landing gear brackets Sig Covering Lance covered Akro Coverites 21st Century prepainted iron-on fabric painted fiberglass cowl wheel pants aluminum landing gear perfectly matching 21st Century spray paint added vinyl stick-on lettering few decals realistic acrobatic aircraft appearance convinced him add pilot figure cockpit scale realism overall weight Lances Akro bit less 20 pounds consider quite light aircraft size complexity Hying conventional overall layout construction design didnt expect surprises test flights done windy day Air Hobbies Sachs 32 got Akro off ground immediately quickly apparent engine/aircraft combination hot setup model definitely hard fly performs very well easy handling mild Sunday sport flying What didnt completely expect very capable acrobatic ability aircraft anything could think possible Good-looking lomcevaks knife-edge circling unlimited vertical performance tail slides humpty bumps snapsall done well some capable pilots does mean Akros layout large control surfaces reasonably light weight plenty power good-running 32 combine happy result Consider Stephens Akro easy building easy flying scale-looking sport machine know has full acrobatic capability enjoy Sarpolus 32 Alameda Ct Shrewsbury NJ 07702 30 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
U Dick Sarpolus THE POPULAR full-scale acrolcan easily seen today available Extras Lasers Caps Pitts etc variety sizes construction new version acrobatic aircraft appears its short time before RC version out kit form ub1ished construction Usually latest 16 Modei Aviation s tapered plug-in wing large ailerons elevators rudder provide plenty aerobatic capability designs popular get attention flying fields like newer aircraft too older design Ive always admired has never much impact modeling world Stephens Akro late 1960s Clayton Stephens Akro very few acrobatic monoplanes around dared challenge biplanes Pitts about hottest acrobatic machine going Stephens designed Akro take Pitts new competition pilot Leo Loudenslager opened lot eyes began winning major contests Stephens Akro After few years flying Akro built himself Loudenslager stripped machine down rebuilt number modifications major modification changing appearance big way removal bubble canopy addition turtledeck along much-smaller canopy Rebuilt different appearance new color scheme Loudenslager s modified Akro began winning competition events airplane got new name Laser Time went Laser became famous dont hear about Stephens Akro anymore 32 vibration isolation mounts Two exhaust stacks exit bottom special exhaust baffle available may competitive Laser other newer designs like appearance large bubble canopy sleek racerlike lines Akro Im aware RC design published original bubble-canopy Akro 60-size model number modified Akros built some raised turtledeck eliminated full bubble canopy some have modeled wanted large gas/ignition-engine Akro figured Loudenslager modified Akro get Laser could start Laser layout modify back Akro configuration version certainly isnt 100% authentic exact scale its obviously Stephens Akroand its quick easy build flies well saw several pictures Stephens Akro flown acrobatic pilot JoAnn Nottke its white red black color scheme really looked good get enough information model particular aircraft checked Bob Banka s Scale Model Research Sure enough Bob several three-view drawings available number Foto Paaks cover different Akros set color photos JoAnn Nottkes aircraft photos big help Contact Bob November 1996 17 ~umnor Full-scale Akro flown JoAnn Nottke Three-views photos available Scale Model Research 3114 Yukon Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel 714 979-8058 lay out Akro design took look several three-view drawings varied bit several Laser plans also varied little tough part designing scratch-building figuring handle cowl canopy needed case Fiberglass Specialties available Laser cowl size required Steve Durecki willing modify necessary suit Akro fuselage design make mold add line cowls Steve also large bubble canopy very close Akros size shape Again theyre exactly scale look real good theyre available Molded fiberglass wheel pants Laser already being made Steve theyre available too Fiberglass Specialties 38624 Mt Kisco Dr Sterling Heights MI 48310 next item needed formed aluminum landing gear Abell Hobby Manufacturing Co Box 22573 Billings MT 59101 now manufactures gear model really nice job gear aluminum alloy works fine gear looks good piece hard-to-find hardware aluminum tube spar composite socket tubes plug-in wing design Gator R/C Products Inc 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 has just what need So tough stuff available order special parts get cut own foam cores cut out wood parts have Stephens Akro kit laid out wing 90-inch span highly tapered wing has just over 1300 square inches area builder prototype Akro Lance Schneider longtime friend fellow RCer Lance always admired original Akro tempted project get back active RC flying having left hobby some years get ultralight home-built aviation activity pushed complete Akro plans quickly built up prototype thought about power plant used finally settled Air Hobbies Sachs 32 primarily because combination muffler/engine mount looked very convenient engine also has electronic ignition system variable timing coupled throttle linkage knew retarding timing idle would make engine easy start advanced timing top end would produce power engine runs great reasonably quiet special baffle available go inside muffler lower noise level has plenty power good vertical performance like popular Quadra 42 Ive used number different designs Im sure would fine aircraft milder flying CONSTRUCTION construction totally conventional well proven fuselage basic box balsa sides plywood doublers Foam-cored top blocks sheeted balsa foam-cored tail surfaces wing panels foam-cored several plywood ribs retaining composite tubes aluminum tube spar again standard procedure airplane easy build foam-core construction will reasonably light prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 weighs 19 pounds Lance aircraft ready cover about six weeks covered Akro Coverites 21st Century pre-painted fabric red dark blue white following color scheme JoAnn Nottkes aircraft using variety computer-cut vinyl trimmings scale appearance Most acrobatic full-scale aircraft utilize wire bracing tail surfaces although werent used prototype Id recommend appearance well added strength Du-Bro has good line devises/rods/straps available use Modelers flying field recognize full-scale acrobatic machine heritage know about older Stephens Akro design does attract attention favorable comments Scratch-builders usually develop own building procedures techniques Ill review methods use Fuselage Select finn hard balsa two sides edge-gluing splicing needed get size required Glue 146 plywood doublers ood landing gear block doublers plywood stab-saddle doublers balsa lower edge strips two fuselage sides like firewall least k large engines laminate piece 1A piece ood fuselage side flat workbench add firewall next three bulkheads side installing perpendicular side Glue second fuselage side bulkheads sides parallel firewall wing trailing edge position November 1996 19 Pilot figure adds touch realism close-to-scale color scheme accomplished Coverites 21st Century fabric paint Author prefers forward servo location fiberglass tube pushrods Lance Schneider prefers rear-mounted servos short elevator rudder linkages Lance begins field assembly sliding aluminum-tube joiner through fuselage Lack cutout wing results stronger fuselage II2/D CO&POSIYE TUBE 7/ FOR/ U5 ALLWINI* TUBE WING JOINER FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS NOT SHOWS iN THIS ViEW FOR CLARITY BALSA D OVER S/B TN/CE FOAM CORES I/B PLYWOODWING TUBE HARDWARE AVAILABLE FROMGATOR N/C PRODUCTS INCSB 0 I/2 BALSA BALSAB 37/3 POMPANO DR FL 355/4 5/5 PLY FIREWALL __________________I BLOCKS/ /111 VERTICAL FIN I/B PLYWOODEXTERDS THROUGH FUSELAGE TOP AVAILABLE FROM-5/32 BALSA OVERTO STAB/I FOAN COREI TOP SECTIONSBALSA FIBERGLASS COWL WHEEL FASTS AND CANOPY FIBERBIASS SPEC/ALT/ES S/SOD N/LAND DR SO/YE MACOMB MI 4B045 PLYWOOD SPACER I/N PLYWOODRIGHT ANGLE BRACKETHATCH LANDING GEAR NOUN YR LANDING GEAR________ FIBERGLASS N WHEELSWHEEL PANTS THE PROTOTYPE AIRCRAFT HAD A/N HORS/ES SACHS 35 ENGINE TWO ELEVATOR SERVOS WITH SEPARATE LINKAGE TO EACH ELEVATOR RECOMMENDED I/B BALSA BULKHEADS 0 I 5 5 4 5 B F B 5 /0 II IS fI III IJ STEPHENS AKRO SCALE/ASHOBATIC AIRCRAFT FOR LARGE ENGINES DES/GNED AND DRAWN BY DICK SANPOLUS MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8221 SHEET IOFS 0 0 0 CD 0 L FRONT NRA FE _____HARDWOOD BLOCK FLUSH WiTH GOT TOM SURFACESHEET WINS WITH DRILL AND TAP FOR WING RETAINING BOLT335 BALSA__ ____INTO TUBE SPAR/JOINER I__ __- -Il/B ID COMPOSITE TUBE -INSTALL AILERON SERVO______ FOR I/N ALUMINUM TUBEIIN BOTTOM SURFACEBALSA IWING SPAR/JOINER_____ -1/5 BALSA HOLE THROUGH FOAM COREI3/B BALSA AILERON EXTENSION CABLE 1/B PLYWOOD RIBS______ 3/N DOWEL TIP TEMPLATE i/N PLY ROOT RIB AND FOAM CORE TEMPLATE TOP SURFACE ABELL HOBBY AMD MANUF P0 BOX 22575 MT 590 Th4Th zziizzzzz FOAM CORE FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS LATES III 1117- HEETING ii CONS TRUC TI ALTERNATEIIi TECHNIQUE EDGE FRAMING \-ui- 7 1 1 4 1 CD 3 CCD 0 0 0 S7EPHENS AKRO MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8222 - T B OF B $ TEPHINS AKRO ________________________________AFARr N FLIGHt. cu r ARTeTC LI#4S~. &AtSA 3/JZSfI3AL$AIli fIIJJ --A c 1 Ti4 WREN 5AJLU cr IWN I 10 I2 DESiGNED BY DICK SARPOLU 5 Northeast Aerodynamics excited roll out entire new lineup eight popular World War II fighter aircraft F6F Hellcat P-40 Warhawk Messerschmitt Bf-109 Russian Mig-3 Hawker Hurricane Japanese Zero Focke-Wuif FW-190 P-51 Mustang Anyone looking fantastic new airplane serious dog fighting funflying just ripping up sky impress friends will find Profile Warbirds flyers area lining up get hands great kits Northeast Aerodynamics known high quality care puts its products Ask favorite hobby shop call us direct $5495 plus shipping Visa Mastercard accepted dealer inquiries invited Engine Recommendation Wing Span Wing Area Fuselage Length Weight Range Wing Loading Range 20 36 50 inches 430 sq inches 37 inches 25 325 lbs 15 19 oz/sq ft Add triangle stock heavy fiberglass cloth behind firewall reinforce its joint sides also put several small screws firewall through fuselage sides extra reinforcement Pull tail end together installing rear bulkheads As done sure fuselage sides taper stralght line rear straight-cut foam rear top block will fit correctly trial-fit foam rear top block install rear bulkheads can trim move bulkheads needed foam core fit Before sheeting foam fuselage top blocks check see sheeted will line up flush lower fuselage assembly foam can sanded necessary proper alignment three foam top blocks fuselage because way tapers sheeted separately cockpit opening can cut though before top blocks glued place cockpit floor /s balsa Sheet foam blocks recommend Dave Browns Southern Sorghum contact cement Other adhesives could thinly spread epoxy other contact cement prefer Before gluing fuselage top blocks place fit 1 /2 ID phenolic tube through fuselage sides accept aluminum spar dont glue wing panels fitted fuselage tube can glued place after checking sure everything lines up correctly slot must cut though rear top fuselage block vertical fin installation its easier before gluing block place plywood landing-gear mount epoxied fuselage add some hardwood blocks inside holes will drilled tapped nylon gear retaining bolts provide wood threaded bolt holes also use aluminum right-angle bracket side gear mount bolting gear mount through fuselage sides As airplanes get larger heavier believe epoxy alone wont hold gear mount place during rough landing want nylon gear retaining bolts break necessarynot pull out section fuselage 24 Model Aviation Robinson Road Hudson NH 03051 fax 603 881-5899 After engine mounting arrangement done holes drilled through firewall fuel tubing throttle linkage etc plywood forward bottom piece can glued fuselage Before sheeting fuselage bottom cut holes rear bulkheads fit elevator rudder pushrods Since plug-in wing setup removable hatch needed fuselage bottom access radio gear fuel tank Lite Ply hatch can retained several screws removal Wing Work needed foam wing cores before sheeted /8 plywood rib fitted root core core cut 12 inches out root installation second /s plywood rib sure second plywood rib place correcfly hole spar tube establishes dihedral want aluminum spar parallel top wing surface making flat dihedral angle bottom surface wing Mark top plywood rib installed toward upper wing surface foam can removed spars tube first using heated metal rod put hole through core inserting cutting wire hooking up its bow cutting hole plywood ribs templates could also done using large round file Before gluing plywood ribs foam sand necessary get good fit flush foam Also sand root end foam core will fit flush fuselage side top wing surface right angle fuselage isnt critical can shimmed balsa sanded fit later spar tube epoxied foam core through plywood ribs Another hole needed through foam core root location aileron servo servo extension cable heat end metal rod propane torch push hot end through foam melting tunnel 3/ dowel locating pin glued wing panel through root plywood rib short plywood rib farther out core wing cores sheeted /32 5 C H 4 a a uj N 4 z 4 z a z [5 2 45 4 C a H 4 a 2 a a C [5 T U a JOYBOX AIHHLA5 CONTRUU Make no mistake allows models S-IIMHUIOIAI SCEERY simulators sameactual fly like actual nc nu hURl CAUSES Any simulator will let flyaircraft around has models allow MIITIPIE AIRFUNE SIMPER realism actually improverealistically perform rolling MMUIAhIAiIiWS YE TI SIMUATE YU MEL flyingcircles torque rolls exactan avalanche Try doing simulation flying awith average simulator lop IPPUT multitude nc aircraft information NUIIIUI1UUNPATIILE typical flying fieldcomplete radio controlcmiISwTuuJrayIJhj characteristic ncsimulation package see eine flight duplicated no matterlocal dealer visit us smallinternet give us callIa7232uumjij~ 395 HiS 10fl8E4 EWA2U U 1*5111 EM CWPAI1EI WWUUI WH NA U HEflEpjfl7253 WHAT liLT 3515 CIRWUCSEIA 15 PIN 4 AXIS SMUSRI 7243 HARES LI WRY 3245 DAVE BROWN PRODUCTS INC 4510 LAYHIGH ROAD HAMILTON OHIO 45013 513/730-1575 513/730-0152 November1996 27 ITHING ILSEU T PLAYING Safe Easy RC Building Flying Flying has aRC Sallplanes favorite manyElectric Gliders beginning pilots andexplores instrnctors sixintricacies step tested programdifferent type RIC completelyflying presented easy Chapters include understand guideLanding methods Chapters includeThermal flying AerodynamicsSlope soaring Selecting trainerOperating electric plane c flight Performing take offsmotors power systems Landing patterns Safely landing plane Choosing batteries charging Learning about SafetyBuilding tips techniques Cost $995 Cost $1195 Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Send Check Money Order P 0 Box 15019 Colorado Springs CO 80935 RIC Sport Competition Aerobatics comprehensive manual takes pilot exciting world RC aerobatics intricacies aerohatic flight presented easy understand steps have proven time again under actual training conditions Chapters include Choosing acrobatic airplanes o selection sting precisely trimming airplanes ral aerobatic maneuvers detailed instrnctions Contest preparation actual competition tips order now pocket guide containing reproduction of aerobatic maneuvers will includedfree purchase Actuat price $299 Cost $1395 Including yourfree pocket guide Shipping & Handling charge $200 added book purchased medium balsa edge-glued necessary needed width toughest part edge gluing sheeting getting tight fit between individual sheets cut balsa doesnt have good straight edges use long sanding straightedge made piece aluminum right angle stock really warped sheet cut new straight edge long steel measuring ruler sharp modeling knife use aliphatic-resin type wood glues joining easier sand smooth joint Edge-glue sheeting taping joints together masking tape make up size needed flip wood over open taped joints over edge workbench apply glue edges wood sheeting flat bench scrape excess glue off joint putty knife weight wood until glue dries Peel off masking tape use taped side outer surface sheeting sand inside surface sheeting rougher sandpaper speed up work use finer sandpaper finish off outer surface core sheeted top bottom trim off leading edge block-sand square Add oversized leading edge strip plane sand shape Add wingtip sheeting round edges slightly ailerons cut sheeted wing trimmed down allow balsa edging glued place sanded shape Hinge ailerons along centerline using large sturdy freely moving hingeswhatever type prefer Adding simulated aileron counterbalance shape tip isnt really required sure adds realistic scale detailing Recesses cut lower wing surface aileron servo mounting epoxy plywood mounting pieces position suit servos having protrude wing surface just enough hook up aileron pushrods extra reinforcement suggest fiberglass cloth epoxy applied around inboard ends wing panels extending about eight inches wing panel roots phenolic tube section fuselage yet glued slide aluminum tube spar place add both wing panels Check see dihedral 28 Model Aviation 0101105003513213 0402 0504 320305020500 0801 08020901 EiIEA~010310102 0105103500401 0503 3204L4*0951 3224U 1211 1250 0250 G5O Factory Service Complete0304 120 0 Parts/0303 SUp1OOrt0250105 0207-0251 02080402 0401 0307 03011105- 02 30252040303b2 MVVS Corporation America 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 02\ Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ 11031104115002020101 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock1207 0203 0303 1001 0301 0 02 angle same both sides Also check see wing panels fit closely fuselage both sides get good fit might want add layer balsa wing root surface sand its easier trying taper-sand plywood root rib Elongate shim holes fuselage sides required wing panels properly lined up leave everything place epoxy phenolic tube fuselage working through open fuselage bottom area sure both wing panels same zero angle incidence panels lined up 3/9 dowel stub wing roots protruding mating fuselage holes Move and/or shim holes align wing panels retain wing panels spar use hardwood block glued wing flush wing surface drill tap hardwood 10-32 steel retaining bolt bolt will extend down aluminum tube spar wing first bolt place drill other wing panel easy aiignment leave tube spar place wing panel airplane disassembled access hatch bottom fuselage can removed aileron cable hookup wing panels mounted Tail Surfaces built flat workbench surface 3/9 hot-wire-cut foam sheets cut shape 3/ x 1/2 balsa edging reinforcing added sheeted 3A2 balsa wing cores simulated counterbalance areas elevators rudder arent really needed suggest scale appearance its too much work wing mounted fuselage add horizontal stab aligning wing stab/fuselage joint important balsa added between fuselage sides provide added gluing area stab narrow strip fiberglass cloth epoxy outside joint also good idea vertical fin added aligned perpendicular stab plywood section bottom rear fuselage used mount leaf-spring tail wheel assembly Whatever hinges usethe various molded nylon flat hinges hinge-point stylecut slots drill holes 1/32s250 1/lts23850 3/32 s 24661 1/8524965 3116s26074 1/4s26890 3/95286119 1/2s23011042143 1/32 s 336435969 1/20 x 336435060 1/16 x 336445060 3/32 s 343526167 1/Ox 352637384 3/1653627684101 1/4s37894113130 5/16s3109152 3/8x3105115149170 1/2x3135150175205 3/4x3225310 1/32 s 450007092 1/20 s 456067992 1/105456607992 3/32x46982106114 1/Ox 47693112134 3/lOs 487199140156 1/4s4106152162179 5/16s4102234 3/Ox 4165210239285 1/2x4249205315336 3/4x4350471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/3254125142 1/854150109 3/1654164189 1/4s4176295 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/816 3/1617 1/420 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/874 AILERONS3648 1/4s15782 1/451-1/46590 1/451-1/274185 1/45280115 5/1651-1/474105 S/1651-1/275106 5/165286120 3/Ox 1-1/480115 3/851-1/283116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/295149 1/252106150 1/4s275 1/4s3109 3/85290 3/0s3131 1/2s3154 ADD EQS SMA FED LEADINGEDGE 2535 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/853/854 1/251/275 3/4x3/495 1/lOx 1/8 1/lOs 1/4 1/lOx 3/8 1/165 1/2 3/32 SO 3/32x 1/4 3/3253/8 3/32x1/2 1/8 SO 1/8x3/16 1/Os 1/4 1/853/8 1/851/2 1/853/4 1/8s 1 3/16 SQ 3/lOs 1/4 3/1653/8 3/165 1/2 3/1653/4 3/165 1 1/4 SQ 1/453/0 1/451/2 1/453/4 1/4x1 S/it SQ 3/8 SO 3/8s1/2 3/853/4 3/85 1 1/2 SO 1/253/4 1/2s 1 5/8 SO 3/4 SO 3/4s1 BUNDLE DEALS 20 1/165 3 203/3253 151/853 153/16 53 101/453 103/853 51/2 53 201/16 54 101/16s4 153/3254 103/3254 101/9 54 51/854 103/1654 53/16s4 10 1/4u4 51/4x4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 10 10 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 30 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 40 53 67 49 60 76 60 81 99 36 799 970 875 1050 875 1050 095 1235 1150 875 1000 1400 950 1300 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 30 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 104 86 111 132 48 900 1075 625 735 835 36 29 33 40 54 68 131 225 I48 3119 1/255278119LU 1/lOs 378119 3/325393144 1/8 53114175 3/1653132202 1/453157237 3/853188307I 1/2s3238382C LU 3/4 53375519 153532719 1/3254123109c 1/20s4123188 1/16 54123189LU 3/3254149232 1/854169262 3/lOs 4197300 1/4s4237332J 3/8x4357563 1/2s4492088 /41/4-S lb WOoD sab/sctts sslabitity SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/856250395 1/9512395750 1/4512495950 LITE PLY 122448 1/Os 6100125 235 1/Os 12125235 450 1/456125175 340 1/4512175345 650 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64s6140275495 1/64512 279 510 950 1/32s6 95 180 325 1/325 12 180 335 635 1/165 6 95 180 325 1/16512 180 335 625 1/95 6 95 180 335 1/85 12 190 335 650 4 PLY BIRCH 12 24 48 3/16 sO 109 215 345 3/lOs 12 215 345 685 5 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32s6135260490 3/32s12260500895 1/85 6145280525 1/8s 12280550950 1/4s6125250380 1/4s12230380725 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6150 295 525 3/8512285 5501000 OPLYBIRCH122448 1/256200350 575 1/25 123505801125 HARD MAPLE 18 1/451/445 1/4s3/850 1/451/256 3/853/850 3/851/256 3/853/465 3/8s175 3/851-1/2115 1/251/275 78 85 92 / 8A553648 68" /42439 /42539 21 29 , ,2036 1/853/8LU3546 1/851/24155 1/8s3/44763 3/16 SQ2038 3/1653/84053 3/1651/24864 3/16s3/46588 1/450 45 57 100 1/4x3/8 53 69 1/451/26181130 1/453/4 183 110 1186 3/85064 85 138 3/851/27591154 1/2 SO 05 105 180 1/253/4 94 125 200 ADD DD 55 EX ERA EQS 7ADKA DING GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/8x3/41/850 3/853/45/3250 1/2s3/43/1655 WING SKtNS3O36 1/32x 12479 535 1/20512479 535 1/16512479 535 3/32s 12579 645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/051/229 3/1653/435 1/45139 5/1651-1/450 3/Osl-1/2 56 1/25290 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 OZ 5 Minute425 669 iS Minute425 669 39 Minute425 669 2 Hour425 669 20 Minute429 840 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 us Thin orGE185 1 Thin ot GE300 2 Thin orGE550 Oso Thin GE1650 1/2 Os Ostra Thick200 1 Oxtra thick330 2oo Ostra Thick600 Oso tutta thick1800 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 Thin GE425 1 Thin ot GE705 2oo Thin orGE1305 2 Acceletator315 8 os Acc Oefill695 tst tips 6149 tst tips slice 6149 SEND Si FOR COMPLETE CATALOG INFO & HELP 806-7q3-6394 ORDERS ONI 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 ont 46 State Handitog Charoe $650 880 UPS Add $550 COO SEN 8000 estra PP API EPO accept Visa MC Discover personal checksD MAILLONE STAR MODELS si COD 6 t/5 % tax Texas US currency Mm wood order $1580 ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock TX 79423 wm RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST JA~Rso Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Catalog containing lists RIC maintenance hints Discover MCard VISA COD UPS USMA IL FEDEX etc November 1996 29 KMI 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 surfaces notch control surfaces appropriate permit close fit small hinge-line gap still allowing proper movement use ood control horn mounts recessing epoxying plywood tail surfaces horns mounted self-tapping screws use ood servo mounts fuselage recommend larger 4-40 threaded rods devises linkages Fiberglass tube pushrods used elevator linkages Using separate servos elevator its own pushrod allows pushrods straight servo arm control horn Since pushrods cross over within fuselage elevator servos mounted slightly higher other keep pushrods rubbing together tail wheel steering tied rudder small springs actual linkage servo rudder can done pushrod twin cable pull-pull setup prefer long Y harness needed two aileron servos mounted wing panels 1 200-mAh battery pack used wrapped foam rubber positioned beneath fuel tank battery pack can relocated proper balancebehind wing needed Lance Schneider builder prototype Akro mounted elevator rudder servos protruding fuselage sides just ahead tail surfaces Lance prefers short pushrods used setup its valid alternate approach may like better standard setup concern about rear servo mounting possible weakening fuselage sides servo cutouts sure double up around servo openings suggest thin plywood exact engine mounting must done suit engine used prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 used muffler/radial mount arrangement engine quite light five pounds including muffler two exhaust pipes point down behind engine cylinder muffler/mount fiberglass cowl trimmed needed clear engine cylinder exhaust extensions carburetor cowl held place several 10-32 nylon bolts fuselage 3/2-inch spinner required CB unit used prototype ignition switch mounted fuselage side close nose radio system switch also mounted fuselage side back away ignition system fiberglass wheel pants mounted axles aluminum landing gear brackets Sig Covering Lance covered Akro Coverites 21st Century prepainted iron-on fabric painted fiberglass cowl wheel pants aluminum landing gear perfectly matching 21st Century spray paint added vinyl stick-on lettering few decals realistic acrobatic aircraft appearance convinced him add pilot figure cockpit scale realism overall weight Lances Akro bit less 20 pounds consider quite light aircraft size complexity Hying conventional overall layout construction design didnt expect surprises test flights done windy day Air Hobbies Sachs 32 got Akro off ground immediately quickly apparent engine/aircraft combination hot setup model definitely hard fly performs very well easy handling mild Sunday sport flying What didnt completely expect very capable acrobatic ability aircraft anything could think possible Good-looking lomcevaks knife-edge circling unlimited vertical performance tail slides humpty bumps snapsall done well some capable pilots does mean Akros layout large control surfaces reasonably light weight plenty power good-running 32 combine happy result Consider Stephens Akro easy building easy flying scale-looking sport machine know has full acrobatic capability enjoy Sarpolus 32 Alameda Ct Shrewsbury NJ 07702 30 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
U Dick Sarpolus THE POPULAR full-scale acrolcan easily seen today available Extras Lasers Caps Pitts etc variety sizes construction new version acrobatic aircraft appears its short time before RC version out kit form ub1ished construction Usually latest 16 Modei Aviation s tapered plug-in wing large ailerons elevators rudder provide plenty aerobatic capability designs popular get attention flying fields like newer aircraft too older design Ive always admired has never much impact modeling world Stephens Akro late 1960s Clayton Stephens Akro very few acrobatic monoplanes around dared challenge biplanes Pitts about hottest acrobatic machine going Stephens designed Akro take Pitts new competition pilot Leo Loudenslager opened lot eyes began winning major contests Stephens Akro After few years flying Akro built himself Loudenslager stripped machine down rebuilt number modifications major modification changing appearance big way removal bubble canopy addition turtledeck along much-smaller canopy Rebuilt different appearance new color scheme Loudenslager s modified Akro began winning competition events airplane got new name Laser Time went Laser became famous dont hear about Stephens Akro anymore 32 vibration isolation mounts Two exhaust stacks exit bottom special exhaust baffle available may competitive Laser other newer designs like appearance large bubble canopy sleek racerlike lines Akro Im aware RC design published original bubble-canopy Akro 60-size model number modified Akros built some raised turtledeck eliminated full bubble canopy some have modeled wanted large gas/ignition-engine Akro figured Loudenslager modified Akro get Laser could start Laser layout modify back Akro configuration version certainly isnt 100% authentic exact scale its obviously Stephens Akroand its quick easy build flies well saw several pictures Stephens Akro flown acrobatic pilot JoAnn Nottke its white red black color scheme really looked good get enough information model particular aircraft checked Bob Banka s Scale Model Research Sure enough Bob several three-view drawings available number Foto Paaks cover different Akros set color photos JoAnn Nottkes aircraft photos big help Contact Bob November 1996 17 ~umnor Full-scale Akro flown JoAnn Nottke Three-views photos available Scale Model Research 3114 Yukon Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel 714 979-8058 lay out Akro design took look several three-view drawings varied bit several Laser plans also varied little tough part designing scratch-building figuring handle cowl canopy needed case Fiberglass Specialties available Laser cowl size required Steve Durecki willing modify necessary suit Akro fuselage design make mold add line cowls Steve also large bubble canopy very close Akros size shape Again theyre exactly scale look real good theyre available Molded fiberglass wheel pants Laser already being made Steve theyre available too Fiberglass Specialties 38624 Mt Kisco Dr Sterling Heights MI 48310 next item needed formed aluminum landing gear Abell Hobby Manufacturing Co Box 22573 Billings MT 59101 now manufactures gear model really nice job gear aluminum alloy works fine gear looks good piece hard-to-find hardware aluminum tube spar composite socket tubes plug-in wing design Gator R/C Products Inc 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 has just what need So tough stuff available order special parts get cut own foam cores cut out wood parts have Stephens Akro kit laid out wing 90-inch span highly tapered wing has just over 1300 square inches area builder prototype Akro Lance Schneider longtime friend fellow RCer Lance always admired original Akro tempted project get back active RC flying having left hobby some years get ultralight home-built aviation activity pushed complete Akro plans quickly built up prototype thought about power plant used finally settled Air Hobbies Sachs 32 primarily because combination muffler/engine mount looked very convenient engine also has electronic ignition system variable timing coupled throttle linkage knew retarding timing idle would make engine easy start advanced timing top end would produce power engine runs great reasonably quiet special baffle available go inside muffler lower noise level has plenty power good vertical performance like popular Quadra 42 Ive used number different designs Im sure would fine aircraft milder flying CONSTRUCTION construction totally conventional well proven fuselage basic box balsa sides plywood doublers Foam-cored top blocks sheeted balsa foam-cored tail surfaces wing panels foam-cored several plywood ribs retaining composite tubes aluminum tube spar again standard procedure airplane easy build foam-core construction will reasonably light prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 weighs 19 pounds Lance aircraft ready cover about six weeks covered Akro Coverites 21st Century pre-painted fabric red dark blue white following color scheme JoAnn Nottkes aircraft using variety computer-cut vinyl trimmings scale appearance Most acrobatic full-scale aircraft utilize wire bracing tail surfaces although werent used prototype Id recommend appearance well added strength Du-Bro has good line devises/rods/straps available use Modelers flying field recognize full-scale acrobatic machine heritage know about older Stephens Akro design does attract attention favorable comments Scratch-builders usually develop own building procedures techniques Ill review methods use Fuselage Select finn hard balsa two sides edge-gluing splicing needed get size required Glue 146 plywood doublers ood landing gear block doublers plywood stab-saddle doublers balsa lower edge strips two fuselage sides like firewall least k large engines laminate piece 1A piece ood fuselage side flat workbench add firewall next three bulkheads side installing perpendicular side Glue second fuselage side bulkheads sides parallel firewall wing trailing edge position November 1996 19 Pilot figure adds touch realism close-to-scale color scheme accomplished Coverites 21st Century fabric paint Author prefers forward servo location fiberglass tube pushrods Lance Schneider prefers rear-mounted servos short elevator rudder linkages Lance begins field assembly sliding aluminum-tube joiner through fuselage Lack cutout wing results stronger fuselage II2/D CO&POSIYE TUBE 7/ FOR/ U5 ALLWINI* TUBE WING JOINER FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS NOT SHOWS iN THIS ViEW FOR CLARITY BALSA D OVER S/B TN/CE FOAM CORES I/B PLYWOODWING TUBE HARDWARE AVAILABLE FROMGATOR N/C PRODUCTS INCSB 0 I/2 BALSA BALSAB 37/3 POMPANO DR FL 355/4 5/5 PLY FIREWALL __________________I BLOCKS/ /111 VERTICAL FIN I/B PLYWOODEXTERDS THROUGH FUSELAGE TOP AVAILABLE FROM-5/32 BALSA OVERTO STAB/I FOAN COREI TOP SECTIONSBALSA FIBERGLASS COWL WHEEL FASTS AND CANOPY FIBERBIASS SPEC/ALT/ES S/SOD N/LAND DR SO/YE MACOMB MI 4B045 PLYWOOD SPACER I/N PLYWOODRIGHT ANGLE BRACKETHATCH LANDING GEAR NOUN YR LANDING GEAR________ FIBERGLASS N WHEELSWHEEL PANTS THE PROTOTYPE AIRCRAFT HAD A/N HORS/ES SACHS 35 ENGINE TWO ELEVATOR SERVOS WITH SEPARATE LINKAGE TO EACH ELEVATOR RECOMMENDED I/B BALSA BULKHEADS 0 I 5 5 4 5 B F B 5 /0 II IS fI III IJ STEPHENS AKRO SCALE/ASHOBATIC AIRCRAFT FOR LARGE ENGINES DES/GNED AND DRAWN BY DICK SANPOLUS MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8221 SHEET IOFS 0 0 0 CD 0 L FRONT NRA FE _____HARDWOOD BLOCK FLUSH WiTH GOT TOM SURFACESHEET WINS WITH DRILL AND TAP FOR WING RETAINING BOLT335 BALSA__ ____INTO TUBE SPAR/JOINER I__ __- -Il/B ID COMPOSITE TUBE -INSTALL AILERON SERVO______ FOR I/N ALUMINUM TUBEIIN BOTTOM SURFACEBALSA IWING SPAR/JOINER_____ -1/5 BALSA HOLE THROUGH FOAM COREI3/B BALSA AILERON EXTENSION CABLE 1/B PLYWOOD RIBS______ 3/N DOWEL TIP TEMPLATE i/N PLY ROOT RIB AND FOAM CORE TEMPLATE TOP SURFACE ABELL HOBBY AMD MANUF P0 BOX 22575 MT 590 Th4Th zziizzzzz FOAM CORE FUSELAGE TOP BLOCKS LATES III 1117- HEETING ii CONS TRUC TI ALTERNATEIIi TECHNIQUE EDGE FRAMING \-ui- 7 1 1 4 1 CD 3 CCD 0 0 0 S7EPHENS AKRO MODEL AVIATION MAGAZINE 8222 - T B OF B $ TEPHINS AKRO ________________________________AFARr N FLIGHt. cu r ARTeTC LI#4S~. &AtSA 3/JZSfI3AL$AIli fIIJJ --A c 1 Ti4 WREN 5AJLU cr IWN I 10 I2 DESiGNED BY DICK SARPOLU 5 Northeast Aerodynamics excited roll out entire new lineup eight popular World War II fighter aircraft F6F Hellcat P-40 Warhawk Messerschmitt Bf-109 Russian Mig-3 Hawker Hurricane Japanese Zero Focke-Wuif FW-190 P-51 Mustang Anyone looking fantastic new airplane serious dog fighting funflying just ripping up sky impress friends will find Profile Warbirds flyers area lining up get hands great kits Northeast Aerodynamics known high quality care puts its products Ask favorite hobby shop call us direct $5495 plus shipping Visa Mastercard accepted dealer inquiries invited Engine Recommendation Wing Span Wing Area Fuselage Length Weight Range Wing Loading Range 20 36 50 inches 430 sq inches 37 inches 25 325 lbs 15 19 oz/sq ft Add triangle stock heavy fiberglass cloth behind firewall reinforce its joint sides also put several small screws firewall through fuselage sides extra reinforcement Pull tail end together installing rear bulkheads As done sure fuselage sides taper stralght line rear straight-cut foam rear top block will fit correctly trial-fit foam rear top block install rear bulkheads can trim move bulkheads needed foam core fit Before sheeting foam fuselage top blocks check see sheeted will line up flush lower fuselage assembly foam can sanded necessary proper alignment three foam top blocks fuselage because way tapers sheeted separately cockpit opening can cut though before top blocks glued place cockpit floor /s balsa Sheet foam blocks recommend Dave Browns Southern Sorghum contact cement Other adhesives could thinly spread epoxy other contact cement prefer Before gluing fuselage top blocks place fit 1 /2 ID phenolic tube through fuselage sides accept aluminum spar dont glue wing panels fitted fuselage tube can glued place after checking sure everything lines up correctly slot must cut though rear top fuselage block vertical fin installation its easier before gluing block place plywood landing-gear mount epoxied fuselage add some hardwood blocks inside holes will drilled tapped nylon gear retaining bolts provide wood threaded bolt holes also use aluminum right-angle bracket side gear mount bolting gear mount through fuselage sides As airplanes get larger heavier believe epoxy alone wont hold gear mount place during rough landing want nylon gear retaining bolts break necessarynot pull out section fuselage 24 Model Aviation Robinson Road Hudson NH 03051 fax 603 881-5899 After engine mounting arrangement done holes drilled through firewall fuel tubing throttle linkage etc plywood forward bottom piece can glued fuselage Before sheeting fuselage bottom cut holes rear bulkheads fit elevator rudder pushrods Since plug-in wing setup removable hatch needed fuselage bottom access radio gear fuel tank Lite Ply hatch can retained several screws removal Wing Work needed foam wing cores before sheeted /8 plywood rib fitted root core core cut 12 inches out root installation second /s plywood rib sure second plywood rib place correcfly hole spar tube establishes dihedral want aluminum spar parallel top wing surface making flat dihedral angle bottom surface wing Mark top plywood rib installed toward upper wing surface foam can removed spars tube first using heated metal rod put hole through core inserting cutting wire hooking up its bow cutting hole plywood ribs templates could also done using large round file Before gluing plywood ribs foam sand necessary get good fit flush foam Also sand root end foam core will fit flush fuselage side top wing surface right angle fuselage isnt critical can shimmed balsa sanded fit later spar tube epoxied foam core through plywood ribs Another hole needed through foam core root location aileron servo servo extension cable heat end metal rod propane torch push hot end through foam melting tunnel 3/ dowel locating pin glued wing panel through root plywood rib short plywood rib farther out core wing cores sheeted /32 5 C H 4 a a uj N 4 z 4 z a z [5 2 45 4 C a H 4 a 2 a a C [5 T U a JOYBOX AIHHLA5 CONTRUU Make no mistake allows models S-IIMHUIOIAI SCEERY simulators sameactual fly like actual nc nu hURl CAUSES Any simulator will let flyaircraft around has models allow MIITIPIE AIRFUNE SIMPER realism actually improverealistically perform rolling MMUIAhIAiIiWS YE TI SIMUATE YU MEL flyingcircles torque rolls exactan avalanche Try doing simulation flying awith average simulator lop IPPUT multitude nc aircraft information NUIIIUI1UUNPATIILE typical flying fieldcomplete radio controlcmiISwTuuJrayIJhj characteristic ncsimulation package see eine flight duplicated no matterlocal dealer visit us smallinternet give us callIa7232uumjij~ 395 HiS 10fl8E4 EWA2U U 1*5111 EM CWPAI1EI WWUUI WH NA U HEflEpjfl7253 WHAT liLT 3515 CIRWUCSEIA 15 PIN 4 AXIS SMUSRI 7243 HARES LI WRY 3245 DAVE BROWN PRODUCTS INC 4510 LAYHIGH ROAD HAMILTON OHIO 45013 513/730-1575 513/730-0152 November1996 27 ITHING ILSEU T PLAYING Safe Easy RC Building Flying Flying has aRC Sallplanes favorite manyElectric Gliders beginning pilots andexplores instrnctors sixintricacies step tested programdifferent type RIC completelyflying presented easy Chapters include understand guideLanding methods Chapters includeThermal flying AerodynamicsSlope soaring Selecting trainerOperating electric plane c flight Performing take offsmotors power systems Landing patterns Safely landing plane Choosing batteries charging Learning about SafetyBuilding tips techniques Cost $995 Cost $1195 Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Send Check Money Order P 0 Box 15019 Colorado Springs CO 80935 RIC Sport Competition Aerobatics comprehensive manual takes pilot exciting world RC aerobatics intricacies aerohatic flight presented easy understand steps have proven time again under actual training conditions Chapters include Choosing acrobatic airplanes o selection sting precisely trimming airplanes ral aerobatic maneuvers detailed instrnctions Contest preparation actual competition tips order now pocket guide containing reproduction of aerobatic maneuvers will includedfree purchase Actuat price $299 Cost $1395 Including yourfree pocket guide Shipping & Handling charge $200 added book purchased medium balsa edge-glued necessary needed width toughest part edge gluing sheeting getting tight fit between individual sheets cut balsa doesnt have good straight edges use long sanding straightedge made piece aluminum right angle stock really warped sheet cut new straight edge long steel measuring ruler sharp modeling knife use aliphatic-resin type wood glues joining easier sand smooth joint Edge-glue sheeting taping joints together masking tape make up size needed flip wood over open taped joints over edge workbench apply glue edges wood sheeting flat bench scrape excess glue off joint putty knife weight wood until glue dries Peel off masking tape use taped side outer surface sheeting sand inside surface sheeting rougher sandpaper speed up work use finer sandpaper finish off outer surface core sheeted top bottom trim off leading edge block-sand square Add oversized leading edge strip plane sand shape Add wingtip sheeting round edges slightly ailerons cut sheeted wing trimmed down allow balsa edging glued place sanded shape Hinge ailerons along centerline using large sturdy freely moving hingeswhatever type prefer Adding simulated aileron counterbalance shape tip isnt really required sure adds realistic scale detailing Recesses cut lower wing surface aileron servo mounting epoxy plywood mounting pieces position suit servos having protrude wing surface just enough hook up aileron pushrods extra reinforcement suggest fiberglass cloth epoxy applied around inboard ends wing panels extending about eight inches wing panel roots phenolic tube section fuselage yet glued slide aluminum tube spar place add both wing panels Check see dihedral 28 Model Aviation 0101105003513213 0402 0504 320305020500 0801 08020901 EiIEA~010310102 0105103500401 0503 3204L4*0951 3224U 1211 1250 0250 G5O Factory Service Complete0304 120 0 Parts/0303 SUp1OOrt0250105 0207-0251 02080402 0401 0307 03011105- 02 30252040303b2 MVVS Corporation America 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 02\ Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ 11031104115002020101 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock1207 0203 0303 1001 0301 0 02 angle same both sides Also check see wing panels fit closely fuselage both sides get good fit might want add layer balsa wing root surface sand its easier trying taper-sand plywood root rib Elongate shim holes fuselage sides required wing panels properly lined up leave everything place epoxy phenolic tube fuselage working through open fuselage bottom area sure both wing panels same zero angle incidence panels lined up 3/9 dowel stub wing roots protruding mating fuselage holes Move and/or shim holes align wing panels retain wing panels spar use hardwood block glued wing flush wing surface drill tap hardwood 10-32 steel retaining bolt bolt will extend down aluminum tube spar wing first bolt place drill other wing panel easy aiignment leave tube spar place wing panel airplane disassembled access hatch bottom fuselage can removed aileron cable hookup wing panels mounted Tail Surfaces built flat workbench surface 3/9 hot-wire-cut foam sheets cut shape 3/ x 1/2 balsa edging reinforcing added sheeted 3A2 balsa wing cores simulated counterbalance areas elevators rudder arent really needed suggest scale appearance its too much work wing mounted fuselage add horizontal stab aligning wing stab/fuselage joint important balsa added between fuselage sides provide added gluing area stab narrow strip fiberglass cloth epoxy outside joint also good idea vertical fin added aligned perpendicular stab plywood section bottom rear fuselage used mount leaf-spring tail wheel assembly Whatever hinges usethe various molded nylon flat hinges hinge-point stylecut slots drill holes 1/32s250 1/lts23850 3/32 s 24661 1/8524965 3116s26074 1/4s26890 3/95286119 1/2s23011042143 1/32 s 336435969 1/20 x 336435060 1/16 x 336445060 3/32 s 343526167 1/Ox 352637384 3/1653627684101 1/4s37894113130 5/16s3109152 3/8x3105115149170 1/2x3135150175205 3/4x3225310 1/32 s 450007092 1/20 s 456067992 1/105456607992 3/32x46982106114 1/Ox 47693112134 3/lOs 487199140156 1/4s4106152162179 5/16s4102234 3/Ox 4165210239285 1/2x4249205315336 3/4x4350471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/3254125142 1/854150109 3/1654164189 1/4s4176295 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/816 3/1617 1/420 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/874 AILERONS3648 1/4s15782 1/451-1/46590 1/451-1/274185 1/45280115 5/1651-1/474105 S/1651-1/275106 5/165286120 3/Ox 1-1/480115 3/851-1/283116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/295149 1/252106150 1/4s275 1/4s3109 3/85290 3/0s3131 1/2s3154 ADD EQS SMA FED LEADINGEDGE 2535 SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/853/854 1/251/275 3/4x3/495 1/lOx 1/8 1/lOs 1/4 1/lOx 3/8 1/165 1/2 3/32 SO 3/32x 1/4 3/3253/8 3/32x1/2 1/8 SO 1/8x3/16 1/Os 1/4 1/853/8 1/851/2 1/853/4 1/8s 1 3/16 SQ 3/lOs 1/4 3/1653/8 3/165 1/2 3/1653/4 3/165 1 1/4 SQ 1/453/0 1/451/2 1/453/4 1/4x1 S/it SQ 3/8 SO 3/8s1/2 3/853/4 3/85 1 1/2 SO 1/253/4 1/2s 1 5/8 SO 3/4 SO 3/4s1 BUNDLE DEALS 20 1/165 3 203/3253 151/853 153/16 53 101/453 103/853 51/2 53 201/16 54 101/16s4 153/3254 103/3254 101/9 54 51/854 103/1654 53/16s4 10 1/4u4 51/4x4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 10 10 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 30 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 40 53 67 49 60 76 60 81 99 36 799 970 875 1050 875 1050 095 1235 1150 875 1000 1400 950 1300 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 30 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 104 86 111 132 48 900 1075 625 735 835 36 29 33 40 54 68 131 225 I48 3119 1/255278119LU 1/lOs 378119 3/325393144 1/8 53114175 3/1653132202 1/453157237 3/853188307I 1/2s3238382C LU 3/4 53375519 153532719 1/3254123109c 1/20s4123188 1/16 54123189LU 3/3254149232 1/854169262 3/lOs 4197300 1/4s4237332J 3/8x4357563 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Lubbock TX 79423 wm RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST JA~Rso Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Catalog containing lists RIC maintenance hints Discover MCard VISA COD UPS USMA IL FEDEX etc November 1996 29 KMI 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 surfaces notch control surfaces appropriate permit close fit small hinge-line gap still allowing proper movement use ood control horn mounts recessing epoxying plywood tail surfaces horns mounted self-tapping screws use ood servo mounts fuselage recommend larger 4-40 threaded rods devises linkages Fiberglass tube pushrods used elevator linkages Using separate servos elevator its own pushrod allows pushrods straight servo arm control horn Since pushrods cross over within fuselage elevator servos mounted slightly higher other keep pushrods rubbing together tail wheel steering tied rudder small springs actual linkage servo rudder can done pushrod twin cable pull-pull setup prefer long Y harness needed two aileron servos mounted wing panels 1 200-mAh battery pack used wrapped foam rubber positioned beneath fuel tank battery pack can relocated proper balancebehind wing needed Lance Schneider builder prototype Akro mounted elevator rudder servos protruding fuselage sides just ahead tail surfaces Lance prefers short pushrods used setup its valid alternate approach may like better standard setup concern about rear servo mounting possible weakening fuselage sides servo cutouts sure double up around servo openings suggest thin plywood exact engine mounting must done suit engine used prototype Air Hobbies Sachs 32 used muffler/radial mount arrangement engine quite light five pounds including muffler two exhaust pipes point down behind engine cylinder muffler/mount fiberglass cowl trimmed needed clear engine cylinder exhaust extensions carburetor cowl held place several 10-32 nylon bolts fuselage 3/2-inch spinner required CB unit used prototype ignition switch mounted fuselage side close nose radio system switch also mounted fuselage side back away ignition system fiberglass wheel pants mounted axles aluminum landing gear brackets Sig Covering Lance covered Akro Coverites 21st Century prepainted iron-on fabric painted fiberglass cowl wheel pants aluminum landing gear perfectly matching 21st Century spray paint added vinyl stick-on lettering few decals realistic acrobatic aircraft appearance convinced him add pilot figure cockpit scale realism overall weight Lances Akro bit less 20 pounds consider quite light aircraft size complexity Hying conventional overall layout construction design didnt expect surprises test flights done windy day Air Hobbies Sachs 32 got Akro off ground immediately quickly apparent engine/aircraft combination hot setup model definitely hard fly performs very well easy handling mild Sunday sport flying What didnt completely expect very capable acrobatic ability aircraft anything could think possible Good-looking lomcevaks knife-edge circling unlimited vertical performance tail slides humpty bumps snapsall done well some capable pilots does mean Akros layout large control surfaces reasonably light weight plenty power good-running 32 combine happy result Consider Stephens Akro easy building easy flying scale-looking sport machine know has full acrobatic capability enjoy Sarpolus 32 Alameda Ct Shrewsbury NJ 07702 30 Model Aviation