The DC-3 Team Scale entry Geoff Combs builder Alvin Brown does realistic flyby model claimed third place event U Stan Alexander RC SCALE COMPETITIONS US characterized different skill levels AMA competition fliers can enter fun Scale Sportsman class work way up Expert US Scale Masters series 19 qualifying events around countryan Expert-class contestant has finish top 30% field meet qualify go championships fall international F4C FAI Scale program competitor must qualify positions three-person team best filers events watched judged picked compete Top Gun Invitational West Palm Beach Florida sisring event regularly draws competitors different parts world other event except FAT World Championships pilots invited try best other wow factorbuilding large complicated unique aircraft expand technical envelope Scale aeromodeling Giant Scale models radial engines turbines uncommon competitors try add realism score Aircraft eligible three years Practicing piloting skills flight routines essential pilot wants crack top 25 final standings 63 entries 1996 event its interesting note 23 eligible AMA Designer Scale competition aircraft must original design contestant eligible Models based kits commercially available plans eligible Sepp Uiberlacher s Spitfire winner high static score would come under classification would Nick Ziroli Jrs mM Bob Underwoods Hiperbipe Hal Parentis Ryan Fireball name few Before years event started several new models lost during testing included former champion Terry Nitsch s new Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Several other models lost practice competition year Nick Ziroli Jrs new TBM Avenger lost possibly due engine overheating Unfortunately 8 Model Aviation y Sheila Nitsch prepare Terrys Minute Men F-86 last round flying Terry took third Top Gun win September 1996 9 Above The first-place Team Scale de Havilland Tiger Moth Dave Patrick builder Graeme Mears Right A number fabricated metal parts used finish Dave Patricks Graeme Mears Team Scale Tiger Moth David Hayes Aries Thrush crop duster model took second place Expert its operating spraying system Photos author Graphic Desion Carla Kunz Garland Hamilton prepares BVM T-33 model finished seventh overallone three jets top ten 10 Model Aviation sionally fate aircraft push Scale aeromodeling s technical envelope Canadians foreign entries year Sepp Uiberlacher Karl Gross Graeme Mears competing aircraft Jack Diaz arrived Venezuela several members family compete first Top Gun beautiful F-4 Phantomit flaished 16th Jack Scale champion own country Other countries represented year included England Germany Brazil Some most-impressive models Expert class year relative newcomers meet Greg Hahns North American B-25 Mitchell Greg enlarged Nick Zirolis design build beautiful 118-inch-span version WW II bomber highly detailed 43pound aircraft powered two G-38 engines features flaps retracts bomb bay operating doors unique bomb tray inside Greg finished sixth new contest machine Greg also took home trophy Best Gas Engine Performance $200 dont see very well-finished Messerschmitt 109s Scale competition real beauty competes everyone takes notice Pat McCurry came Top Gun year largest Me-109 G-6 Ive ever seen competition 139-scale machine has wingspan 102 inches Pat said model weighed-in about 43 pounds Its powered G-62 turning 22 x 10 prop doors hatches operate just like full-scale aircraft replicating features quite accomplishment itself Pat won Critics Choice Award Best Designer Scale Entry model Having something different can sometimes make model stand out against rest field Scale competition six Lockheed T-33s year Ryan Fireball Fireball curious aircraft transitional post-WW II period Evidenfly US Navy didnt completely trust jet engines Ryan build experimental fighter powered piston RED MAX FUEL Super Fuel Engines CALL OR USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SPEED YOUR ORDER FILL IN QUANTITY ON THE LEFT TOTAL ON RIGHT Freight FREE gallons within Continental US New price break minimum 12 gallons shipped motorfreight no haz mat fee Drums treight collect Mix quantity total quantity determines price break Dealer club diacounts available please call detaila SC ordera add 5% sales tas UPS COD add $475 per carton Accept credit cards checks Also available Red Max T-shirts $9 Golf-shirts $13 Hats $6 ** Please note no longer ship quarts** 01W FUEL 4GAL 12GAL 2OGAL 6CGAL 124GAL 54GALTOTAL ORDERED MIXTURE PER GAL PER GALr PER GAL PER GAL PER GAL DRUM $ AMT HEIJ MAX lrnmiuivl FUEL Easy beginners powerful experts Available synthetic castor llends RED MAX 01187958908857794206D2 RED MAX 51272104299293686726283 RED MAX 10135811251075101594031964 RED MAX 1213831150liDO103996233670 RED MAX 151451121711671102102038200j REDMAXRACING FUEL Trophy winners planes boats cars loads documented records RED MAX2O1532129612461177108943602 RED MAX 251618138013301255116249284 RED MAX 301703146314131334123654965 RED MAX 401874163115811492138266328 RED MAX 502044179817481650152877691 RED MAX6O2215196519151808167489053 RED MAX 652300204919991887174794735 RED MAX 7023862132208219661820100416 RED MAX 7524712216216620451893106097 4-CYCLE FUEL Eliminates detonation & kickback 4-cy engines specially good older models 10-4 CYCLE 1323 1092 1042 983 910 2968 CYCLE 1409 1175 1125 1062 983 35365 4 SUPER TIGER 3000 FUEL Best fuel Super Tiger 2000- 4000 engines 5T3000 1358 1125 1075 1015 940 31964....... RED MAX DIESEL FUEL Superior diesel back list popular demand customers GAL 1550 1313 1301 1229 1092 47345 HELICOPTER FUEL *** Extremely smooth & cool running extrs defoamer & new SUPERIOR oil helicopters 10 Helicopter1362112910791019943322401 15 Helicopter1507127112211153106741892 25 Helicopter1896165216021512140067777 30 Helicopter1981173616861591147373458 RED MAX PERFORMANCE FUEL High flash point heavy oil use tuned pipes ducted fan & other heavy duty app 5 Pertormance 139611621112105097234500[ 10 Performancel481124811961129104540181 15 Performancels66133012801208111845862 REDMAXPATTERNFUEL Proven best fuel pattern engines using pumps tuned pipes SPattem1396116211121050972 10 Pattern1481124811961129104540181 .....{ 15 Pattern1566133012801208111845862 Power easy starting power smooth take offs power intricate maneuvers Red Max makes engine come alive power performance never expected can have power Its phone call away Power today next week next year Red Maxs secret ingredients keep engine lasting longer running powerfully other ___ 100% money back guarantee ___you completely satisfied ___any reason ___Red Max has power CUSTOM BLENDED FUEL INGREDIENTSGrand Total belier idle will mix custom fuel formula specialand better engine minimum gallon Fuel ingredients available inwear minimum quantities gallon Call prices items-characteristics Also special 2-cycle oil big engines such SAX etc Cleaner cooler running oil other marketthan ES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.other fuel September 1996 11 1936 MISS AMERICA 84 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 40 6t 2 cycle 48-704 cycle Radio 3-Channel B & M MODEL CO 290 W 1050 N LAYTON UT 84041 Phone 801-544-5689 Call Send $3UU tor Color Bmchure models $100 Color Pamphlet Miss America Only liT RES ADD 625% TAX PLEASE PRINT NAME BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP CARD TYPE AND NO EXPIRATION DATE _____________ 7/95 U COLORS Flame Red Deep Red Sky Blue Deep Blue Midnight Blue Bright Yellow Cub Yellow Dark Yellow Orange Black White Silver Perfect Paint high quality part fuel proof paint combines convenience superb results Perfect Paint will cover dopes epoxies metals fiberglass plastic smooth hard mar resis tant finish will crack chip NOW AVAILABLE pqcheveronihobbyiproductsE PO Box 2480 Sandusky Ohio 44870 Phone & Fax 419-797-2208 ecnstscheesndhycemaednnpettencedthntecvtttestentessa gcteetnnteetestndeamtefettemtnthelt pcessttcftetecesa Chaptem netadn Wkntynnneedtclesteahectsetcdyttnntks Snltetisgseatnneptattetetdeqtttpntettt Smut tttght petfeecing nhecffa Landieppattews hatety Isediag spines tectniegahentsnftey Cee ISci ContestantModeIStatic Score tent type emeesetty iged Pm ynsns takes esytelal knowledge sted tatest te seek ent Ith giving metensta stta use teem ne nttentesnty eitebte high nititedee EtactetO peweted sinceste have hate etesnilgly pepatne nod heck tesettes nemptenittes ef eleectent systems pecetetteneetee nedea1wtieetndmedeten CltnptensteetUde ctteeniegssnltytaee teeyittg amdte lnstcctcingtesttteds Thatettatteyctg SteVe necteeg teheeaieganatnektegtidee teyceetlag etneete etetem gems systems cheestttg batteries dtntgittg gaicdmgtigaactd teetetiqasa Cest Stitef Call now shipping handling charge ot added book purchased Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Flight 1Flight 2FlIght 3FlIght 4Total ScoreScoreScoreScoreScore gtCSpefleed Comyettticedenelmttcc Iltineemyretteasien etstntat taken pitec tette capable ef taking nEt aed lsndittg iete sneitiag mengd ePEC aseebstica Jim iekicneiea efaetekstie flight ann pensested itt nany te sedeestsadstepawhietthsnehnenyecnentittnesttdsgsinsedersctUs[v32][b2066249271821210]] Seenrat seeehstic tenenuesta ann shewesned itt 22 gage emettal heck cnamtteed felt ef istcstnsties feesll tenets tel pilem isetcdtng hem te psacistety adjest sect gim pece sitytatee fee pictaw ttenfsct ansekacice yne dee Chaytem anisette hceaisg penn teest setehatie sitylnen Radiceetnetice Adicatleg sed pencisely eietetisgyecesinptanss isnetal antekatic msneccetsncithdnteiisd issittactiens Cestest pnspanatiea aset nonctal cempetitiett dyn ycc endee new s peckm geide neetnlniteg mpecdcctieeetsllcttheaeeehstie etassenees mill isetoded fete ttlthe scott pnttehsan TInts nslsableu oseheusedan senfnenece Ice tesctice gstd Only cumIn time sttd pnsetice mitt neshle pee tc mantet natunbts iafeentstcce msenst Ateet ealy shest tiete ycc mill heahie cc mem ths Itytaglleldl CalteemtccedetytetepeesettstgcpyCnlt t-Intet-3te1-HthWKEscltccpyctestnllflSSsttd afneepeckstgcidn isclnded mith Aneehatic beck Plnsm iaetcde blIP Pet ahipping sect hncdtieg fmecclthcekendeeed 12 Model Aviation estants/Model StaticFlight 1Flight 2Flight 3 ScoreScoreScoreScore Flight 4Total ScoreScore J & C HOBBIES Order Line 1-800-309-8314 Info Line 412-796-9344 24hr Fax Order line 412-798-9857 Everyday Low Low Hitec Prices HAVE IT YOUR WAY! will customize Hitec Radio Up grade servos no servos iTx Focus 4 FM w/4 HS-30013295 Focus 6 FM w/4 HS-30015995 Flash S FM w/4 HS-42219995 Prism 7XF FM w/4 HS-42224195 Prism7XS FM w/Spec w/4 HS-42232995 Prism 7X FM w/Spectra Tx only22095 Spectra Module Prism 710995 Choice 4 crystals w/Spectra2895 RDC Supreme Rx wlcrystal6295 535 Micro Rx w/crystal6795 HS60 Super Micro 16 oz/in3895 HS-80 Sub Micro 31 oz/in2695 HS-80 MG Sub Micro w/metal gears3895 HS-101 Mim24oz/in2195 HS-101 MG Mini w/Metal gears3295 HS-205 BB Super mini 43 oz/m2795 HS-205 MG Super mini wlmetal gear3895 HS-300 Super Sport 42 ozlin1195 HS-422 Pro-servo 43 oz/in1395 145-425 RB Prow/dual ball bearings1995 HS-525 BR Hi Speed 47 az/rn3595 HS-545 BR Hi Torque 62 oz/in3595 HS-605 RB Hi Torque 77 oz/in3595 HS-605 MG Ultra Torque4695 HS-615 MG Super Torque 107z/in4695 HS700 BR Giant Scale 133 oz2995 HS-705 MG Super Giant 161 oz/in4295 HS-75 BR Retract 90 oz/in3995 HS-725 BR Sail winch 161 oz/in4895 HS-805 RB Mega 224 ozlin4895 CALL FOR SUPER SAITO PRICES 1! Extra Discounts Combos Shipping & Handling . $500 Continental USA FREE Gift orders over $200 Call Unadvertised Specials Most Orders Shipped m 24 hrs Total Satisfaction Guaranteed Join long list regular customers Come visit new store located just 15 minutes East Pittsburgh J & C Hobbles 100 Street Penn Hills PA 16285 Hours M-F 9to7 Sat 9toS Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Prices Subject Change Without Notice September1996 13 TEAM SCALE IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 SLALI lUtS bIPdJi LML order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax 1/4 SCALE 96 ISSMO Micro AV Competition International Society Structural Multi-disciplinary Optimization ISSMO announcing Micro AV competition objective competition employ multi-disciplinary design optimization MOO design build smallest aerial vehicle AV can perform following mission Fly photograph 15-meter size symbol ground located 600 meters launch site hidden view square enclosing fence 35-meter wide 15-meter high Provide legible image symbol launching individual launch site will two prizes awarded AVs complying competition rules $1250 prize smallest AV other $1250 prize design best MOO no 15 times size AV winning first prize competition will held site near University Florida campus April 51997 copy competition rules write ISSMO President Professor Raphael Haftka Department AeMES University Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6250 email haftkaufledu Additional information also available ISSMO home page httpllwwwaeroufleduf.getlissmohtm engine jet engine Navy used fighter small numbers 1945-1947 unusual twin-engine aircraft has project Hal Parentis several years Hals third aircraft type enlarged version Fireball spans 84 inches Its up-front power provided Saito 270 twin four-stroke engine buried deep fuselage 05 90 ducted-fan engine Air fed aft engine through intake slots inboard roots wing navy-blue aircraft fast twin-engine capability never questioned has unique sound air four-stroke ducted fan making own music flaps retracts external tank drop brakes operating tail hook Hal took ninth-place finish Expert Team Scale event two highly skilled modelers enter together modeler acts pilot other half team builder class youll see some very best craftsmanship realm Scale models Canadas Graeme Mears constructed de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth piloted first place Team Scale Dave Patrick A-scale model huge biplane wingspan 113 inches Power provided two-cylinder inline Moki 36 two-stroke engine turning 22 x 10 propeller Steve Elias Ian Richardson teamed up Ians T-33 finished US Air Force Thunderbirds color scheme went finish second Team Scale just point behind Graemes large biplane Douglas DC-3 seems favorite aircraft model Scale competition year three examples West Palm Beach Polo Club Two civilian DC-3 models C-47 military version Gooney Bird Dakota common nicknames timeless transport U U U U U U UUjj Basic Kit* epoxy pre p timed fibrglass fuse lage foam wing & stabilizer cores flying stab control mecha nism clear formed canopy full size plans & instructions Deluxe Kit* balsa laser cut plywood parts detailed cockpit kit armament pylons & missles pushrods hard ware *SCaie retracts tires & brakes available Call Send $3 Catalog 11216 Bluegrass Pkwy Louisville KY 40299 502 266-9234 U U U U 14 Model Aviation jU U U 4 Specs Wing Span61 Wing Area1306 in2 Length91 Weight25 lbs Engine2 91 larger Fanany 5 Channels4 12 Scale1764 Basic Kit$670Y U U U U U U Pat McCurry starts scratch-built 109 G-6 Pats model reproduction Feldwebel Heinrich Bartels aircraft bomb tray Greg Hahns B-25 holds six bombs Fourmost Bomb Drop units Greg enlarged Ziroli-designed bomber 118 inches September 1996 15 Hal Parenti finished ninth Expert Ryan Fireball model driven prop anda ducted fan Wayne Knights C-47 spans 144 inches features operating cargo doors During its flights model dropped cargo parachute 16 Model Aviation e The cockpit Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman TBM Avenger Nicks model features beautiful craftsmanship Right The wings Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman Avenger fold just like carrier-based full-scale version September 1996 17 Teamwork Third-place finisher Jeff Foley L gets some help starting model second-place finisher David Hayes TOP GU 1996 18 Model Aviation McCurrys 109 G-6 takeoff 102-inch-span model scratch-built cockpit features excellent detail Greg Hahns practice aircraft P-47 built enlarged Ziroli plans Gregs Jug features D- Tom Polapink L talks Craftsmanship Judge Bill DeVerna judges day invasion stripes check models documentation Wayne Knight came Top Gun C-47 constructed Ziroli plans olive-drab troop transport spans 140 inches powered two OS 108s Waynes model features operating cargo door model would make pass drop supplies side aircraft Another DC-3 Alvin Brown piloted Geoff Combs finish third Team Scale model displayed very realistic Scale operations during its flights Stephan Duerrsteins version finished eighth Expert class Alvin Stephans models Fiber Classics kits Terry Nitsch flew familiar F-86 Sabre jet third Top Gun win Bob Violett Models North American Sabre covered Coverite Presto aluminum covering marketed Foley Mfg Terry cut aluminum panels size attached aircraft Painted Ditzler acrylic enamel complete model finished off clearcoat Ditzler Del-Gb Terrys documentation came photos taken Buckley Air National Guard base Colorado Terry used speed brakes drop tanks two mechanical options during routine beat David Hayes 625 Terry blown just maneuver three flights could have dropped way fifth sixth place Competition Expert Class extremely close year especially first ten places Only four points separated Terry Nitschs first-place F-86 Bob Underwoods tenth-place Hiperbipe 667 difference between first third Most models Top Gun would right home full-scale aviation museums David Hayes Roanoke Rapids North Carolina finished very close second Expert class year flying Aries Thrush cropduster David put model through its paces weekend mishap model sitting top table rolled off breaking off models tail surfaces David able glue tail back thick cyanoacrylate ready third round flying competition Third place claimed Jeff Foley BEST GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR ______ Stainless Steel HEAD LOCK BEST DESIGN ____ Welded No Solder Acid Flux Flexing Wires BESTNiCad ___ BEST QUALITY & GUARANTEE _______ MODEL PRODUCTS CORPORATION BEST PRICE __________ St #045-WIO NiCad Charger$ 995 available write directSt #040-With NiCad __________________$ 1595 add $100 $200 outside USSt #041-With NiCad & Charger$ 2595 MODEL PRODUCTS CORPPH 908 850-1508 PO BOX 100 ALLAMUCHY NJ 07820FAX 908 850-8860 September 1996 19 Jet Model Products T-33 US Air Force jet trainer Jeffs 85-inch-span model powered 05 91 ducted-fan engine turning Dynainax fan Charlie Chambers finished fourth Expert P-61 twin-engine fighter Charlies model has wingspan 100 inches weighs 38 pounds model built Don Smith plans powered two Webra 12 two-stroke engines beautiful model replaces P-61 Charlie lost last year just before Top Gun Charlie used JR radio guide Black Widow did five top 10 finishers Expert class Four competitors used Airtronics systems Germanys Stephan Duerrstein used Multiplex radio round out top 10 meet combined Scale competition halftime aerobatic shows entertain nearly 18000 people over four days Add beautiful opening ceremonies highlighted full-scale Stearman flyover could say great meet beside some best people aeromodeling competing helping other wishing everyone could win administrative team including Frank Tiano sponsors West Palm Beach Aero Club worked make sure things ran smoothly everyone good time Its like told official know best people just plane people thats spelled P-L-A-N-E Hope see next year Top Gun Top Gun Merchandise Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Futaba JR Saito Geraro Enterprises Herr Engineering McDaniel K/C van Dell Jewelers Jim Meister Scale Pro Mark Top Gun Hussies Spring-Air Prop Wash Video Nick Ziroli Plans Pan American Dist NASA Cash Sponsors provided $200 cash awards plus custom trophy Airtronics Bob Violett Models Dave Platt Models Don Smith Plans Glen Torrance Models Lanier K/C North American Power Pro Mark R/C Report Remote Control Television Carden Aircraft Scale RIC Ej RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Catalog containing lists Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline RIC maintenance hints KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Discover MCard VISA COD Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm UPS USMAIL FEDEX etc 20 Model Aviation 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 Modeler Robart Mfg Hobby Hut Major Cash Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Frank Tiano Enterprises Scorekeeping Rosella Curry Chief Judge Tim Farrel Asst Chief Judge Bill Holland Impound Dawn Buckley Static Judges Bob Curry Bill DeVema Lee Henderson Charlie Beer Harvey Tomaison Steve Harris Flight Judges Darlene Frederick Wayne Frederick Jim Parker Tom Kozel George Jenkins Jim Semonian John Smith Stan Alexander Special Awards Critics Choice Pat McCuriy 109 * High Static Expert Sepp Uiberlacher Spitfire * High Static Team Jerry Caudle P-80 * Best Two-Stroke Performance Charlie Chambers P-61 Best Four-Stroke Performance Geoff Combs DC-3 Best Gas Engine Performance Greg Hahn B-25 * Best Multiengine Performance Jack Diaz F4* Best Jet Award Garland Hamilton T-33 * Best Civilian Award Corvin Miller Globe Swift * Best Military Award Charlie Chambers P 61 * Best Biplane Award Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * Best Aerobatic Performance Bill Han-is 33 * Engineering Excellence Nick Ziroli Jr TBF Avenger * Best Craftsmanship Charlie Chambers P-61 * Best Designer Scale Entry Graeme Mears 109 G6* Best Foreign Entry Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * * Received $200 sponsors 22 Model Aviation 0101 105003513213 040205043203050205000801 0802 rn 3216 04010503 3204 VIMV010310102 0105103503219 K-0501-0250 32241250 Factory Service CompleteO65O Parts T 1208 ISIJL/i 0ft0250T0100 0207-0251 02080402 040 030 030 0302o5 025204030250 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 MVVS Corporation America032\02 Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ \ 11011102 \ \ \ 11031104115002020101~12070203030310010301 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/09
Page Numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/09
Page Numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
The DC-3 Team Scale entry Geoff Combs builder Alvin Brown does realistic flyby model claimed third place event U Stan Alexander RC SCALE COMPETITIONS US characterized different skill levels AMA competition fliers can enter fun Scale Sportsman class work way up Expert US Scale Masters series 19 qualifying events around countryan Expert-class contestant has finish top 30% field meet qualify go championships fall international F4C FAI Scale program competitor must qualify positions three-person team best filers events watched judged picked compete Top Gun Invitational West Palm Beach Florida sisring event regularly draws competitors different parts world other event except FAT World Championships pilots invited try best other wow factorbuilding large complicated unique aircraft expand technical envelope Scale aeromodeling Giant Scale models radial engines turbines uncommon competitors try add realism score Aircraft eligible three years Practicing piloting skills flight routines essential pilot wants crack top 25 final standings 63 entries 1996 event its interesting note 23 eligible AMA Designer Scale competition aircraft must original design contestant eligible Models based kits commercially available plans eligible Sepp Uiberlacher s Spitfire winner high static score would come under classification would Nick Ziroli Jrs mM Bob Underwoods Hiperbipe Hal Parentis Ryan Fireball name few Before years event started several new models lost during testing included former champion Terry Nitsch s new Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Several other models lost practice competition year Nick Ziroli Jrs new TBM Avenger lost possibly due engine overheating Unfortunately 8 Model Aviation y Sheila Nitsch prepare Terrys Minute Men F-86 last round flying Terry took third Top Gun win September 1996 9 Above The first-place Team Scale de Havilland Tiger Moth Dave Patrick builder Graeme Mears Right A number fabricated metal parts used finish Dave Patricks Graeme Mears Team Scale Tiger Moth David Hayes Aries Thrush crop duster model took second place Expert its operating spraying system Photos author Graphic Desion Carla Kunz Garland Hamilton prepares BVM T-33 model finished seventh overallone three jets top ten 10 Model Aviation sionally fate aircraft push Scale aeromodeling s technical envelope Canadians foreign entries year Sepp Uiberlacher Karl Gross Graeme Mears competing aircraft Jack Diaz arrived Venezuela several members family compete first Top Gun beautiful F-4 Phantomit flaished 16th Jack Scale champion own country Other countries represented year included England Germany Brazil Some most-impressive models Expert class year relative newcomers meet Greg Hahns North American B-25 Mitchell Greg enlarged Nick Zirolis design build beautiful 118-inch-span version WW II bomber highly detailed 43pound aircraft powered two G-38 engines features flaps retracts bomb bay operating doors unique bomb tray inside Greg finished sixth new contest machine Greg also took home trophy Best Gas Engine Performance $200 dont see very well-finished Messerschmitt 109s Scale competition real beauty competes everyone takes notice Pat McCurry came Top Gun year largest Me-109 G-6 Ive ever seen competition 139-scale machine has wingspan 102 inches Pat said model weighed-in about 43 pounds Its powered G-62 turning 22 x 10 prop doors hatches operate just like full-scale aircraft replicating features quite accomplishment itself Pat won Critics Choice Award Best Designer Scale Entry model Having something different can sometimes make model stand out against rest field Scale competition six Lockheed T-33s year Ryan Fireball Fireball curious aircraft transitional post-WW II period Evidenfly US Navy didnt completely trust jet engines Ryan build experimental fighter powered piston RED MAX FUEL Super Fuel Engines CALL OR USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SPEED YOUR ORDER FILL IN QUANTITY ON THE LEFT TOTAL ON RIGHT Freight FREE gallons within Continental US New price break minimum 12 gallons shipped motorfreight no haz mat fee Drums treight collect Mix quantity total quantity determines price break Dealer club diacounts available please call detaila SC ordera add 5% sales tas UPS COD add $475 per carton Accept credit cards checks Also available Red Max T-shirts $9 Golf-shirts $13 Hats $6 ** Please note no longer ship quarts** 01W FUEL 4GAL 12GAL 2OGAL 6CGAL 124GAL 54GALTOTAL ORDERED MIXTURE PER GAL PER GALr PER GAL PER GAL PER GAL DRUM $ AMT HEIJ MAX lrnmiuivl FUEL Easy beginners powerful experts Available synthetic castor llends RED MAX 01187958908857794206D2 RED MAX 51272104299293686726283 RED MAX 10135811251075101594031964 RED MAX 1213831150liDO103996233670 RED MAX 151451121711671102102038200j REDMAXRACING FUEL Trophy winners planes boats cars loads documented records RED MAX2O1532129612461177108943602 RED MAX 251618138013301255116249284 RED MAX 301703146314131334123654965 RED MAX 401874163115811492138266328 RED MAX 502044179817481650152877691 RED MAX6O2215196519151808167489053 RED MAX 652300204919991887174794735 RED MAX 7023862132208219661820100416 RED MAX 7524712216216620451893106097 4-CYCLE FUEL Eliminates detonation & kickback 4-cy engines specially good older models 10-4 CYCLE 1323 1092 1042 983 910 2968 CYCLE 1409 1175 1125 1062 983 35365 4 SUPER TIGER 3000 FUEL Best fuel Super Tiger 2000- 4000 engines 5T3000 1358 1125 1075 1015 940 31964....... RED MAX DIESEL FUEL Superior diesel back list popular demand customers GAL 1550 1313 1301 1229 1092 47345 HELICOPTER FUEL *** Extremely smooth & cool running extrs defoamer & new SUPERIOR oil helicopters 10 Helicopter1362112910791019943322401 15 Helicopter1507127112211153106741892 25 Helicopter1896165216021512140067777 30 Helicopter1981173616861591147373458 RED MAX PERFORMANCE FUEL High flash point heavy oil use tuned pipes ducted fan & other heavy duty app 5 Pertormance 139611621112105097234500[ 10 Performancel481124811961129104540181 15 Performancels66133012801208111845862 REDMAXPATTERNFUEL Proven best fuel pattern engines using pumps tuned pipes SPattem1396116211121050972 10 Pattern1481124811961129104540181 .....{ 15 Pattern1566133012801208111845862 Power easy starting power smooth take offs power intricate maneuvers Red Max makes engine come alive power performance never expected can have power Its phone call away Power today next week next year Red Maxs secret ingredients keep engine lasting longer running powerfully other ___ 100% money back guarantee ___you completely satisfied ___any reason ___Red Max has power CUSTOM BLENDED FUEL INGREDIENTSGrand Total belier idle will mix custom fuel formula specialand better engine minimum gallon Fuel ingredients available inwear minimum quantities gallon Call prices items-characteristics Also special 2-cycle oil big engines such SAX etc Cleaner cooler running oil other marketthan ES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.other fuel September 1996 11 1936 MISS AMERICA 84 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 40 6t 2 cycle 48-704 cycle Radio 3-Channel B & M MODEL CO 290 W 1050 N LAYTON UT 84041 Phone 801-544-5689 Call Send $3UU tor Color Bmchure models $100 Color Pamphlet Miss America Only liT RES ADD 625% TAX PLEASE PRINT NAME BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP CARD TYPE AND NO EXPIRATION DATE _____________ 7/95 U COLORS Flame Red Deep Red Sky Blue Deep Blue Midnight Blue Bright Yellow Cub Yellow Dark Yellow Orange Black White Silver Perfect Paint high quality part fuel proof paint combines convenience superb results Perfect Paint will cover dopes epoxies metals fiberglass plastic smooth hard mar resis tant finish will crack chip NOW AVAILABLE pqcheveronihobbyiproductsE PO Box 2480 Sandusky Ohio 44870 Phone & Fax 419-797-2208 ecnstscheesndhycemaednnpettencedthntecvtttestentessa gcteetnnteetestndeamtefettemtnthelt pcessttcftetecesa Chaptem netadn Wkntynnneedtclesteahectsetcdyttnntks Snltetisgseatnneptattetetdeqtttpntettt Smut tttght petfeecing nhecffa Landieppattews hatety Isediag spines tectniegahentsnftey Cee ISci ContestantModeIStatic Score tent type emeesetty iged Pm ynsns takes esytelal knowledge sted tatest te seek ent Ith giving metensta stta use teem ne nttentesnty eitebte high nititedee EtactetO peweted sinceste have hate etesnilgly pepatne nod heck tesettes nemptenittes ef eleectent systems pecetetteneetee nedea1wtieetndmedeten CltnptensteetUde ctteeniegssnltytaee teeyittg amdte lnstcctcingtesttteds Thatettatteyctg SteVe necteeg teheeaieganatnektegtidee teyceetlag etneete etetem gems systems cheestttg batteries dtntgittg gaicdmgtigaactd teetetiqasa Cest Stitef Call now shipping handling charge ot added book purchased Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Flight 1Flight 2FlIght 3FlIght 4Total ScoreScoreScoreScoreScore gtCSpefleed Comyettticedenelmttcc Iltineemyretteasien etstntat taken pitec tette capable ef taking nEt aed lsndittg iete sneitiag mengd ePEC aseebstica Jim iekicneiea efaetekstie flight ann pensested itt nany te sedeestsadstepawhietthsnehnenyecnentittnesttdsgsinsedersctUs[v32][b2066249271821210]] Seenrat seeehstic tenenuesta ann shewesned itt 22 gage emettal heck cnamtteed felt ef istcstnsties feesll tenets tel pilem isetcdtng hem te psacistety adjest sect gim pece sitytatee fee pictaw ttenfsct ansekacice yne dee Chaytem anisette hceaisg penn teest setehatie sitylnen Radiceetnetice Adicatleg sed pencisely eietetisgyecesinptanss isnetal antekatic msneccetsncithdnteiisd issittactiens Cestest pnspanatiea aset nonctal cempetitiett dyn ycc endee new s peckm geide neetnlniteg mpecdcctieeetsllcttheaeeehstie etassenees mill isetoded fete ttlthe scott pnttehsan TInts nslsableu oseheusedan senfnenece Ice tesctice gstd Only cumIn time sttd pnsetice mitt neshle pee tc mantet natunbts iafeentstcce msenst Ateet ealy shest tiete ycc mill heahie cc mem ths Itytaglleldl CalteemtccedetytetepeesettstgcpyCnlt t-Intet-3te1-HthWKEscltccpyctestnllflSSsttd afneepeckstgcidn isclnded mith Aneehatic beck Plnsm iaetcde blIP Pet ahipping sect hncdtieg fmecclthcekendeeed 12 Model Aviation estants/Model StaticFlight 1Flight 2Flight 3 ScoreScoreScoreScore Flight 4Total ScoreScore J & C HOBBIES Order Line 1-800-309-8314 Info Line 412-796-9344 24hr Fax Order line 412-798-9857 Everyday Low Low Hitec Prices HAVE IT YOUR WAY! will customize Hitec Radio Up grade servos no servos iTx Focus 4 FM w/4 HS-30013295 Focus 6 FM w/4 HS-30015995 Flash S FM w/4 HS-42219995 Prism 7XF FM w/4 HS-42224195 Prism7XS FM w/Spec w/4 HS-42232995 Prism 7X FM w/Spectra Tx only22095 Spectra Module Prism 710995 Choice 4 crystals w/Spectra2895 RDC Supreme Rx wlcrystal6295 535 Micro Rx w/crystal6795 HS60 Super Micro 16 oz/in3895 HS-80 Sub Micro 31 oz/in2695 HS-80 MG Sub Micro w/metal gears3895 HS-101 Mim24oz/in2195 HS-101 MG Mini w/Metal gears3295 HS-205 BB Super mini 43 oz/m2795 HS-205 MG Super mini wlmetal gear3895 HS-300 Super Sport 42 ozlin1195 HS-422 Pro-servo 43 oz/in1395 145-425 RB Prow/dual ball bearings1995 HS-525 BR Hi Speed 47 az/rn3595 HS-545 BR Hi Torque 62 oz/in3595 HS-605 RB Hi Torque 77 oz/in3595 HS-605 MG Ultra Torque4695 HS-615 MG Super Torque 107z/in4695 HS700 BR Giant Scale 133 oz2995 HS-705 MG Super Giant 161 oz/in4295 HS-75 BR Retract 90 oz/in3995 HS-725 BR Sail winch 161 oz/in4895 HS-805 RB Mega 224 ozlin4895 CALL FOR SUPER SAITO PRICES 1! Extra Discounts Combos Shipping & Handling . $500 Continental USA FREE Gift orders over $200 Call Unadvertised Specials Most Orders Shipped m 24 hrs Total Satisfaction Guaranteed Join long list regular customers Come visit new store located just 15 minutes East Pittsburgh J & C Hobbles 100 Street Penn Hills PA 16285 Hours M-F 9to7 Sat 9toS Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Prices Subject Change Without Notice September1996 13 TEAM SCALE IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 SLALI lUtS bIPdJi LML order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax 1/4 SCALE 96 ISSMO Micro AV Competition International Society Structural Multi-disciplinary Optimization ISSMO announcing Micro AV competition objective competition employ multi-disciplinary design optimization MOO design build smallest aerial vehicle AV can perform following mission Fly photograph 15-meter size symbol ground located 600 meters launch site hidden view square enclosing fence 35-meter wide 15-meter high Provide legible image symbol launching individual launch site will two prizes awarded AVs complying competition rules $1250 prize smallest AV other $1250 prize design best MOO no 15 times size AV winning first prize competition will held site near University Florida campus April 51997 copy competition rules write ISSMO President Professor Raphael Haftka Department AeMES University Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6250 email haftkaufledu Additional information also available ISSMO home page httpllwwwaeroufleduf.getlissmohtm engine jet engine Navy used fighter small numbers 1945-1947 unusual twin-engine aircraft has project Hal Parentis several years Hals third aircraft type enlarged version Fireball spans 84 inches Its up-front power provided Saito 270 twin four-stroke engine buried deep fuselage 05 90 ducted-fan engine Air fed aft engine through intake slots inboard roots wing navy-blue aircraft fast twin-engine capability never questioned has unique sound air four-stroke ducted fan making own music flaps retracts external tank drop brakes operating tail hook Hal took ninth-place finish Expert Team Scale event two highly skilled modelers enter together modeler acts pilot other half team builder class youll see some very best craftsmanship realm Scale models Canadas Graeme Mears constructed de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth piloted first place Team Scale Dave Patrick A-scale model huge biplane wingspan 113 inches Power provided two-cylinder inline Moki 36 two-stroke engine turning 22 x 10 propeller Steve Elias Ian Richardson teamed up Ians T-33 finished US Air Force Thunderbirds color scheme went finish second Team Scale just point behind Graemes large biplane Douglas DC-3 seems favorite aircraft model Scale competition year three examples West Palm Beach Polo Club Two civilian DC-3 models C-47 military version Gooney Bird Dakota common nicknames timeless transport U U U U U U UUjj Basic Kit* epoxy pre p timed fibrglass fuse lage foam wing & stabilizer cores flying stab control mecha nism clear formed canopy full size plans & instructions Deluxe Kit* balsa laser cut plywood parts detailed cockpit kit armament pylons & missles pushrods hard ware *SCaie retracts tires & brakes available Call Send $3 Catalog 11216 Bluegrass Pkwy Louisville KY 40299 502 266-9234 U U U U 14 Model Aviation jU U U 4 Specs Wing Span61 Wing Area1306 in2 Length91 Weight25 lbs Engine2 91 larger Fanany 5 Channels4 12 Scale1764 Basic Kit$670Y U U U U U U Pat McCurry starts scratch-built 109 G-6 Pats model reproduction Feldwebel Heinrich Bartels aircraft bomb tray Greg Hahns B-25 holds six bombs Fourmost Bomb Drop units Greg enlarged Ziroli-designed bomber 118 inches September 1996 15 Hal Parenti finished ninth Expert Ryan Fireball model driven prop anda ducted fan Wayne Knights C-47 spans 144 inches features operating cargo doors During its flights model dropped cargo parachute 16 Model Aviation e The cockpit Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman TBM Avenger Nicks model features beautiful craftsmanship Right The wings Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman Avenger fold just like carrier-based full-scale version September 1996 17 Teamwork Third-place finisher Jeff Foley L gets some help starting model second-place finisher David Hayes TOP GU 1996 18 Model Aviation McCurrys 109 G-6 takeoff 102-inch-span model scratch-built cockpit features excellent detail Greg Hahns practice aircraft P-47 built enlarged Ziroli plans Gregs Jug features D- Tom Polapink L talks Craftsmanship Judge Bill DeVerna judges day invasion stripes check models documentation Wayne Knight came Top Gun C-47 constructed Ziroli plans olive-drab troop transport spans 140 inches powered two OS 108s Waynes model features operating cargo door model would make pass drop supplies side aircraft Another DC-3 Alvin Brown piloted Geoff Combs finish third Team Scale model displayed very realistic Scale operations during its flights Stephan Duerrsteins version finished eighth Expert class Alvin Stephans models Fiber Classics kits Terry Nitsch flew familiar F-86 Sabre jet third Top Gun win Bob Violett Models North American Sabre covered Coverite Presto aluminum covering marketed Foley Mfg Terry cut aluminum panels size attached aircraft Painted Ditzler acrylic enamel complete model finished off clearcoat Ditzler Del-Gb Terrys documentation came photos taken Buckley Air National Guard base Colorado Terry used speed brakes drop tanks two mechanical options during routine beat David Hayes 625 Terry blown just maneuver three flights could have dropped way fifth sixth place Competition Expert Class extremely close year especially first ten places Only four points separated Terry Nitschs first-place F-86 Bob Underwoods tenth-place Hiperbipe 667 difference between first third Most models Top Gun would right home full-scale aviation museums David Hayes Roanoke Rapids North Carolina finished very close second Expert class year flying Aries Thrush cropduster David put model through its paces weekend mishap model sitting top table rolled off breaking off models tail surfaces David able glue tail back thick cyanoacrylate ready third round flying competition Third place claimed Jeff Foley BEST GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR ______ Stainless Steel HEAD LOCK BEST DESIGN ____ Welded No Solder Acid Flux Flexing Wires BESTNiCad ___ BEST QUALITY & GUARANTEE _______ MODEL PRODUCTS CORPORATION BEST PRICE __________ St #045-WIO NiCad Charger$ 995 available write directSt #040-With NiCad __________________$ 1595 add $100 $200 outside USSt #041-With NiCad & Charger$ 2595 MODEL PRODUCTS CORPPH 908 850-1508 PO BOX 100 ALLAMUCHY NJ 07820FAX 908 850-8860 September 1996 19 Jet Model Products T-33 US Air Force jet trainer Jeffs 85-inch-span model powered 05 91 ducted-fan engine turning Dynainax fan Charlie Chambers finished fourth Expert P-61 twin-engine fighter Charlies model has wingspan 100 inches weighs 38 pounds model built Don Smith plans powered two Webra 12 two-stroke engines beautiful model replaces P-61 Charlie lost last year just before Top Gun Charlie used JR radio guide Black Widow did five top 10 finishers Expert class Four competitors used Airtronics systems Germanys Stephan Duerrstein used Multiplex radio round out top 10 meet combined Scale competition halftime aerobatic shows entertain nearly 18000 people over four days Add beautiful opening ceremonies highlighted full-scale Stearman flyover could say great meet beside some best people aeromodeling competing helping other wishing everyone could win administrative team including Frank Tiano sponsors West Palm Beach Aero Club worked make sure things ran smoothly everyone good time Its like told official know best people just plane people thats spelled P-L-A-N-E Hope see next year Top Gun Top Gun Merchandise Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Futaba JR Saito Geraro Enterprises Herr Engineering McDaniel K/C van Dell Jewelers Jim Meister Scale Pro Mark Top Gun Hussies Spring-Air Prop Wash Video Nick Ziroli Plans Pan American Dist NASA Cash Sponsors provided $200 cash awards plus custom trophy Airtronics Bob Violett Models Dave Platt Models Don Smith Plans Glen Torrance Models Lanier K/C North American Power Pro Mark R/C Report Remote Control Television Carden Aircraft Scale RIC Ej RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Catalog containing lists Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline RIC maintenance hints KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Discover MCard VISA COD Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm UPS USMAIL FEDEX etc 20 Model Aviation 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 Modeler Robart Mfg Hobby Hut Major Cash Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Frank Tiano Enterprises Scorekeeping Rosella Curry Chief Judge Tim Farrel Asst Chief Judge Bill Holland Impound Dawn Buckley Static Judges Bob Curry Bill DeVema Lee Henderson Charlie Beer Harvey Tomaison Steve Harris Flight Judges Darlene Frederick Wayne Frederick Jim Parker Tom Kozel George Jenkins Jim Semonian John Smith Stan Alexander Special Awards Critics Choice Pat McCuriy 109 * High Static Expert Sepp Uiberlacher Spitfire * High Static Team Jerry Caudle P-80 * Best Two-Stroke Performance Charlie Chambers P-61 Best Four-Stroke Performance Geoff Combs DC-3 Best Gas Engine Performance Greg Hahn B-25 * Best Multiengine Performance Jack Diaz F4* Best Jet Award Garland Hamilton T-33 * Best Civilian Award Corvin Miller Globe Swift * Best Military Award Charlie Chambers P 61 * Best Biplane Award Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * Best Aerobatic Performance Bill Han-is 33 * Engineering Excellence Nick Ziroli Jr TBF Avenger * Best Craftsmanship Charlie Chambers P-61 * Best Designer Scale Entry Graeme Mears 109 G6* Best Foreign Entry Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * * Received $200 sponsors 22 Model Aviation 0101 105003513213 040205043203050205000801 0802 rn 3216 04010503 3204 VIMV010310102 0105103503219 K-0501-0250 32241250 Factory Service CompleteO65O Parts T 1208 ISIJL/i 0ft0250T0100 0207-0251 02080402 040 030 030 0302o5 025204030250 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 MVVS Corporation America032\02 Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ \ 11011102 \ \ \ 11031104115002020101~12070203030310010301 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/09
Page Numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
The DC-3 Team Scale entry Geoff Combs builder Alvin Brown does realistic flyby model claimed third place event U Stan Alexander RC SCALE COMPETITIONS US characterized different skill levels AMA competition fliers can enter fun Scale Sportsman class work way up Expert US Scale Masters series 19 qualifying events around countryan Expert-class contestant has finish top 30% field meet qualify go championships fall international F4C FAI Scale program competitor must qualify positions three-person team best filers events watched judged picked compete Top Gun Invitational West Palm Beach Florida sisring event regularly draws competitors different parts world other event except FAT World Championships pilots invited try best other wow factorbuilding large complicated unique aircraft expand technical envelope Scale aeromodeling Giant Scale models radial engines turbines uncommon competitors try add realism score Aircraft eligible three years Practicing piloting skills flight routines essential pilot wants crack top 25 final standings 63 entries 1996 event its interesting note 23 eligible AMA Designer Scale competition aircraft must original design contestant eligible Models based kits commercially available plans eligible Sepp Uiberlacher s Spitfire winner high static score would come under classification would Nick Ziroli Jrs mM Bob Underwoods Hiperbipe Hal Parentis Ryan Fireball name few Before years event started several new models lost during testing included former champion Terry Nitsch s new Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Several other models lost practice competition year Nick Ziroli Jrs new TBM Avenger lost possibly due engine overheating Unfortunately 8 Model Aviation y Sheila Nitsch prepare Terrys Minute Men F-86 last round flying Terry took third Top Gun win September 1996 9 Above The first-place Team Scale de Havilland Tiger Moth Dave Patrick builder Graeme Mears Right A number fabricated metal parts used finish Dave Patricks Graeme Mears Team Scale Tiger Moth David Hayes Aries Thrush crop duster model took second place Expert its operating spraying system Photos author Graphic Desion Carla Kunz Garland Hamilton prepares BVM T-33 model finished seventh overallone three jets top ten 10 Model Aviation sionally fate aircraft push Scale aeromodeling s technical envelope Canadians foreign entries year Sepp Uiberlacher Karl Gross Graeme Mears competing aircraft Jack Diaz arrived Venezuela several members family compete first Top Gun beautiful F-4 Phantomit flaished 16th Jack Scale champion own country Other countries represented year included England Germany Brazil Some most-impressive models Expert class year relative newcomers meet Greg Hahns North American B-25 Mitchell Greg enlarged Nick Zirolis design build beautiful 118-inch-span version WW II bomber highly detailed 43pound aircraft powered two G-38 engines features flaps retracts bomb bay operating doors unique bomb tray inside Greg finished sixth new contest machine Greg also took home trophy Best Gas Engine Performance $200 dont see very well-finished Messerschmitt 109s Scale competition real beauty competes everyone takes notice Pat McCurry came Top Gun year largest Me-109 G-6 Ive ever seen competition 139-scale machine has wingspan 102 inches Pat said model weighed-in about 43 pounds Its powered G-62 turning 22 x 10 prop doors hatches operate just like full-scale aircraft replicating features quite accomplishment itself Pat won Critics Choice Award Best Designer Scale Entry model Having something different can sometimes make model stand out against rest field Scale competition six Lockheed T-33s year Ryan Fireball Fireball curious aircraft transitional post-WW II period Evidenfly US Navy didnt completely trust jet engines Ryan build experimental fighter powered piston RED MAX FUEL Super Fuel Engines CALL OR USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SPEED YOUR ORDER FILL IN QUANTITY ON THE LEFT TOTAL ON RIGHT Freight FREE gallons within Continental US New price break minimum 12 gallons shipped motorfreight no haz mat fee Drums treight collect Mix quantity total quantity determines price break Dealer club diacounts available please call detaila SC ordera add 5% sales tas UPS COD add $475 per carton Accept credit cards checks Also available Red Max T-shirts $9 Golf-shirts $13 Hats $6 ** Please note no longer ship quarts** 01W FUEL 4GAL 12GAL 2OGAL 6CGAL 124GAL 54GALTOTAL ORDERED MIXTURE PER GAL PER GALr PER GAL PER GAL PER GAL DRUM $ AMT HEIJ MAX lrnmiuivl FUEL Easy beginners powerful experts Available synthetic castor llends RED MAX 01187958908857794206D2 RED MAX 51272104299293686726283 RED MAX 10135811251075101594031964 RED MAX 1213831150liDO103996233670 RED MAX 151451121711671102102038200j REDMAXRACING FUEL Trophy winners planes boats cars loads documented records RED MAX2O1532129612461177108943602 RED MAX 251618138013301255116249284 RED MAX 301703146314131334123654965 RED MAX 401874163115811492138266328 RED MAX 502044179817481650152877691 RED MAX6O2215196519151808167489053 RED MAX 652300204919991887174794735 RED MAX 7023862132208219661820100416 RED MAX 7524712216216620451893106097 4-CYCLE FUEL Eliminates detonation & kickback 4-cy engines specially good older models 10-4 CYCLE 1323 1092 1042 983 910 2968 CYCLE 1409 1175 1125 1062 983 35365 4 SUPER TIGER 3000 FUEL Best fuel Super Tiger 2000- 4000 engines 5T3000 1358 1125 1075 1015 940 31964....... RED MAX DIESEL FUEL Superior diesel back list popular demand customers GAL 1550 1313 1301 1229 1092 47345 HELICOPTER FUEL *** Extremely smooth & cool running extrs defoamer & new SUPERIOR oil helicopters 10 Helicopter1362112910791019943322401 15 Helicopter1507127112211153106741892 25 Helicopter1896165216021512140067777 30 Helicopter1981173616861591147373458 RED MAX PERFORMANCE FUEL High flash point heavy oil use tuned pipes ducted fan & other heavy duty app 5 Pertormance 139611621112105097234500[ 10 Performancel481124811961129104540181 15 Performancels66133012801208111845862 REDMAXPATTERNFUEL Proven best fuel pattern engines using pumps tuned pipes SPattem1396116211121050972 10 Pattern1481124811961129104540181 .....{ 15 Pattern1566133012801208111845862 Power easy starting power smooth take offs power intricate maneuvers Red Max makes engine come alive power performance never expected can have power Its phone call away Power today next week next year Red Maxs secret ingredients keep engine lasting longer running powerfully other ___ 100% money back guarantee ___you completely satisfied ___any reason ___Red Max has power CUSTOM BLENDED FUEL INGREDIENTSGrand Total belier idle will mix custom fuel formula specialand better engine minimum gallon Fuel ingredients available inwear minimum quantities gallon Call prices items-characteristics Also special 2-cycle oil big engines such SAX etc Cleaner cooler running oil other marketthan ES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.other fuel September 1996 11 1936 MISS AMERICA 84 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 40 6t 2 cycle 48-704 cycle Radio 3-Channel B & M MODEL CO 290 W 1050 N LAYTON UT 84041 Phone 801-544-5689 Call Send $3UU tor Color Bmchure models $100 Color Pamphlet Miss America Only liT RES ADD 625% TAX PLEASE PRINT NAME BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP CARD TYPE AND NO EXPIRATION DATE _____________ 7/95 U COLORS Flame Red Deep Red Sky Blue Deep Blue Midnight Blue Bright Yellow Cub Yellow Dark Yellow Orange Black White Silver Perfect Paint high quality part fuel proof paint combines convenience superb results Perfect Paint will cover dopes epoxies metals fiberglass plastic smooth hard mar resis tant finish will crack chip NOW AVAILABLE pqcheveronihobbyiproductsE PO Box 2480 Sandusky Ohio 44870 Phone & Fax 419-797-2208 ecnstscheesndhycemaednnpettencedthntecvtttestentessa gcteetnnteetestndeamtefettemtnthelt pcessttcftetecesa Chaptem netadn Wkntynnneedtclesteahectsetcdyttnntks Snltetisgseatnneptattetetdeqtttpntettt Smut tttght petfeecing nhecffa Landieppattews hatety Isediag spines tectniegahentsnftey Cee ISci ContestantModeIStatic Score tent type emeesetty iged Pm ynsns takes esytelal knowledge sted tatest te seek ent Ith giving metensta stta use teem ne nttentesnty eitebte high nititedee EtactetO peweted sinceste have hate etesnilgly pepatne nod heck tesettes nemptenittes ef eleectent systems pecetetteneetee nedea1wtieetndmedeten CltnptensteetUde ctteeniegssnltytaee teeyittg amdte lnstcctcingtesttteds Thatettatteyctg SteVe necteeg teheeaieganatnektegtidee teyceetlag etneete etetem gems systems cheestttg batteries dtntgittg gaicdmgtigaactd teetetiqasa Cest Stitef Call now shipping handling charge ot added book purchased Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Flight 1Flight 2FlIght 3FlIght 4Total ScoreScoreScoreScoreScore gtCSpefleed Comyettticedenelmttcc Iltineemyretteasien etstntat taken pitec tette capable ef taking nEt aed lsndittg iete sneitiag mengd ePEC aseebstica Jim iekicneiea efaetekstie flight ann pensested itt nany te sedeestsadstepawhietthsnehnenyecnentittnesttdsgsinsedersctUs[v32][b2066249271821210]] Seenrat seeehstic tenenuesta ann shewesned itt 22 gage emettal heck cnamtteed felt ef istcstnsties feesll tenets tel pilem isetcdtng hem te psacistety adjest sect gim pece sitytatee fee pictaw ttenfsct ansekacice yne dee Chaytem anisette hceaisg penn teest setehatie sitylnen Radiceetnetice Adicatleg sed pencisely eietetisgyecesinptanss isnetal antekatic msneccetsncithdnteiisd issittactiens Cestest pnspanatiea aset nonctal cempetitiett dyn ycc endee new s peckm geide neetnlniteg mpecdcctieeetsllcttheaeeehstie etassenees mill isetoded fete ttlthe scott pnttehsan TInts nslsableu oseheusedan senfnenece Ice tesctice gstd Only cumIn time sttd pnsetice mitt neshle pee tc mantet natunbts iafeentstcce msenst Ateet ealy shest tiete ycc mill heahie cc mem ths Itytaglleldl CalteemtccedetytetepeesettstgcpyCnlt t-Intet-3te1-HthWKEscltccpyctestnllflSSsttd afneepeckstgcidn isclnded mith Aneehatic beck Plnsm iaetcde blIP Pet ahipping sect hncdtieg fmecclthcekendeeed 12 Model Aviation estants/Model StaticFlight 1Flight 2Flight 3 ScoreScoreScoreScore Flight 4Total ScoreScore J & C HOBBIES Order Line 1-800-309-8314 Info Line 412-796-9344 24hr Fax Order line 412-798-9857 Everyday Low Low Hitec Prices HAVE IT YOUR WAY! will customize Hitec Radio Up grade servos no servos iTx Focus 4 FM w/4 HS-30013295 Focus 6 FM w/4 HS-30015995 Flash S FM w/4 HS-42219995 Prism 7XF FM w/4 HS-42224195 Prism7XS FM w/Spec w/4 HS-42232995 Prism 7X FM w/Spectra Tx only22095 Spectra Module Prism 710995 Choice 4 crystals w/Spectra2895 RDC Supreme Rx wlcrystal6295 535 Micro Rx w/crystal6795 HS60 Super Micro 16 oz/in3895 HS-80 Sub Micro 31 oz/in2695 HS-80 MG Sub Micro w/metal gears3895 HS-101 Mim24oz/in2195 HS-101 MG Mini w/Metal gears3295 HS-205 BB Super mini 43 oz/m2795 HS-205 MG Super mini wlmetal gear3895 HS-300 Super Sport 42 ozlin1195 HS-422 Pro-servo 43 oz/in1395 145-425 RB Prow/dual ball bearings1995 HS-525 BR Hi Speed 47 az/rn3595 HS-545 BR Hi Torque 62 oz/in3595 HS-605 RB Hi Torque 77 oz/in3595 HS-605 MG Ultra Torque4695 HS-615 MG Super Torque 107z/in4695 HS700 BR Giant Scale 133 oz2995 HS-705 MG Super Giant 161 oz/in4295 HS-75 BR Retract 90 oz/in3995 HS-725 BR Sail winch 161 oz/in4895 HS-805 RB Mega 224 ozlin4895 CALL FOR SUPER SAITO PRICES 1! Extra Discounts Combos Shipping & Handling . $500 Continental USA FREE Gift orders over $200 Call Unadvertised Specials Most Orders Shipped m 24 hrs Total Satisfaction Guaranteed Join long list regular customers Come visit new store located just 15 minutes East Pittsburgh J & C Hobbles 100 Street Penn Hills PA 16285 Hours M-F 9to7 Sat 9toS Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Prices Subject Change Without Notice September1996 13 TEAM SCALE IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 SLALI lUtS bIPdJi LML order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax 1/4 SCALE 96 ISSMO Micro AV Competition International Society Structural Multi-disciplinary Optimization ISSMO announcing Micro AV competition objective competition employ multi-disciplinary design optimization MOO design build smallest aerial vehicle AV can perform following mission Fly photograph 15-meter size symbol ground located 600 meters launch site hidden view square enclosing fence 35-meter wide 15-meter high Provide legible image symbol launching individual launch site will two prizes awarded AVs complying competition rules $1250 prize smallest AV other $1250 prize design best MOO no 15 times size AV winning first prize competition will held site near University Florida campus April 51997 copy competition rules write ISSMO President Professor Raphael Haftka Department AeMES University Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6250 email haftkaufledu Additional information also available ISSMO home page httpllwwwaeroufleduf.getlissmohtm engine jet engine Navy used fighter small numbers 1945-1947 unusual twin-engine aircraft has project Hal Parentis several years Hals third aircraft type enlarged version Fireball spans 84 inches Its up-front power provided Saito 270 twin four-stroke engine buried deep fuselage 05 90 ducted-fan engine Air fed aft engine through intake slots inboard roots wing navy-blue aircraft fast twin-engine capability never questioned has unique sound air four-stroke ducted fan making own music flaps retracts external tank drop brakes operating tail hook Hal took ninth-place finish Expert Team Scale event two highly skilled modelers enter together modeler acts pilot other half team builder class youll see some very best craftsmanship realm Scale models Canadas Graeme Mears constructed de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth piloted first place Team Scale Dave Patrick A-scale model huge biplane wingspan 113 inches Power provided two-cylinder inline Moki 36 two-stroke engine turning 22 x 10 propeller Steve Elias Ian Richardson teamed up Ians T-33 finished US Air Force Thunderbirds color scheme went finish second Team Scale just point behind Graemes large biplane Douglas DC-3 seems favorite aircraft model Scale competition year three examples West Palm Beach Polo Club Two civilian DC-3 models C-47 military version Gooney Bird Dakota common nicknames timeless transport U U U U U U UUjj Basic Kit* epoxy pre p timed fibrglass fuse lage foam wing & stabilizer cores flying stab control mecha nism clear formed canopy full size plans & instructions Deluxe Kit* balsa laser cut plywood parts detailed cockpit kit armament pylons & missles pushrods hard ware *SCaie retracts tires & brakes available Call Send $3 Catalog 11216 Bluegrass Pkwy Louisville KY 40299 502 266-9234 U U U U 14 Model Aviation jU U U 4 Specs Wing Span61 Wing Area1306 in2 Length91 Weight25 lbs Engine2 91 larger Fanany 5 Channels4 12 Scale1764 Basic Kit$670Y U U U U U U Pat McCurry starts scratch-built 109 G-6 Pats model reproduction Feldwebel Heinrich Bartels aircraft bomb tray Greg Hahns B-25 holds six bombs Fourmost Bomb Drop units Greg enlarged Ziroli-designed bomber 118 inches September 1996 15 Hal Parenti finished ninth Expert Ryan Fireball model driven prop anda ducted fan Wayne Knights C-47 spans 144 inches features operating cargo doors During its flights model dropped cargo parachute 16 Model Aviation e The cockpit Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman TBM Avenger Nicks model features beautiful craftsmanship Right The wings Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman Avenger fold just like carrier-based full-scale version September 1996 17 Teamwork Third-place finisher Jeff Foley L gets some help starting model second-place finisher David Hayes TOP GU 1996 18 Model Aviation McCurrys 109 G-6 takeoff 102-inch-span model scratch-built cockpit features excellent detail Greg Hahns practice aircraft P-47 built enlarged Ziroli plans Gregs Jug features D- Tom Polapink L talks Craftsmanship Judge Bill DeVerna judges day invasion stripes check models documentation Wayne Knight came Top Gun C-47 constructed Ziroli plans olive-drab troop transport spans 140 inches powered two OS 108s Waynes model features operating cargo door model would make pass drop supplies side aircraft Another DC-3 Alvin Brown piloted Geoff Combs finish third Team Scale model displayed very realistic Scale operations during its flights Stephan Duerrsteins version finished eighth Expert class Alvin Stephans models Fiber Classics kits Terry Nitsch flew familiar F-86 Sabre jet third Top Gun win Bob Violett Models North American Sabre covered Coverite Presto aluminum covering marketed Foley Mfg Terry cut aluminum panels size attached aircraft Painted Ditzler acrylic enamel complete model finished off clearcoat Ditzler Del-Gb Terrys documentation came photos taken Buckley Air National Guard base Colorado Terry used speed brakes drop tanks two mechanical options during routine beat David Hayes 625 Terry blown just maneuver three flights could have dropped way fifth sixth place Competition Expert Class extremely close year especially first ten places Only four points separated Terry Nitschs first-place F-86 Bob Underwoods tenth-place Hiperbipe 667 difference between first third Most models Top Gun would right home full-scale aviation museums David Hayes Roanoke Rapids North Carolina finished very close second Expert class year flying Aries Thrush cropduster David put model through its paces weekend mishap model sitting top table rolled off breaking off models tail surfaces David able glue tail back thick cyanoacrylate ready third round flying competition Third place claimed Jeff Foley BEST GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR ______ Stainless Steel HEAD LOCK BEST DESIGN ____ Welded No Solder Acid Flux Flexing Wires BESTNiCad ___ BEST QUALITY & GUARANTEE _______ MODEL PRODUCTS CORPORATION BEST PRICE __________ St #045-WIO NiCad Charger$ 995 available write directSt #040-With NiCad __________________$ 1595 add $100 $200 outside USSt #041-With NiCad & Charger$ 2595 MODEL PRODUCTS CORPPH 908 850-1508 PO BOX 100 ALLAMUCHY NJ 07820FAX 908 850-8860 September 1996 19 Jet Model Products T-33 US Air Force jet trainer Jeffs 85-inch-span model powered 05 91 ducted-fan engine turning Dynainax fan Charlie Chambers finished fourth Expert P-61 twin-engine fighter Charlies model has wingspan 100 inches weighs 38 pounds model built Don Smith plans powered two Webra 12 two-stroke engines beautiful model replaces P-61 Charlie lost last year just before Top Gun Charlie used JR radio guide Black Widow did five top 10 finishers Expert class Four competitors used Airtronics systems Germanys Stephan Duerrstein used Multiplex radio round out top 10 meet combined Scale competition halftime aerobatic shows entertain nearly 18000 people over four days Add beautiful opening ceremonies highlighted full-scale Stearman flyover could say great meet beside some best people aeromodeling competing helping other wishing everyone could win administrative team including Frank Tiano sponsors West Palm Beach Aero Club worked make sure things ran smoothly everyone good time Its like told official know best people just plane people thats spelled P-L-A-N-E Hope see next year Top Gun Top Gun Merchandise Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Futaba JR Saito Geraro Enterprises Herr Engineering McDaniel K/C van Dell Jewelers Jim Meister Scale Pro Mark Top Gun Hussies Spring-Air Prop Wash Video Nick Ziroli Plans Pan American Dist NASA Cash Sponsors provided $200 cash awards plus custom trophy Airtronics Bob Violett Models Dave Platt Models Don Smith Plans Glen Torrance Models Lanier K/C North American Power Pro Mark R/C Report Remote Control Television Carden Aircraft Scale RIC Ej RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Catalog containing lists Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline RIC maintenance hints KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Discover MCard VISA COD Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm UPS USMAIL FEDEX etc 20 Model Aviation 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 Modeler Robart Mfg Hobby Hut Major Cash Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Frank Tiano Enterprises Scorekeeping Rosella Curry Chief Judge Tim Farrel Asst Chief Judge Bill Holland Impound Dawn Buckley Static Judges Bob Curry Bill DeVema Lee Henderson Charlie Beer Harvey Tomaison Steve Harris Flight Judges Darlene Frederick Wayne Frederick Jim Parker Tom Kozel George Jenkins Jim Semonian John Smith Stan Alexander Special Awards Critics Choice Pat McCuriy 109 * High Static Expert Sepp Uiberlacher Spitfire * High Static Team Jerry Caudle P-80 * Best Two-Stroke Performance Charlie Chambers P-61 Best Four-Stroke Performance Geoff Combs DC-3 Best Gas Engine Performance Greg Hahn B-25 * Best Multiengine Performance Jack Diaz F4* Best Jet Award Garland Hamilton T-33 * Best Civilian Award Corvin Miller Globe Swift * Best Military Award Charlie Chambers P 61 * Best Biplane Award Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * Best Aerobatic Performance Bill Han-is 33 * Engineering Excellence Nick Ziroli Jr TBF Avenger * Best Craftsmanship Charlie Chambers P-61 * Best Designer Scale Entry Graeme Mears 109 G6* Best Foreign Entry Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * * Received $200 sponsors 22 Model Aviation 0101 105003513213 040205043203050205000801 0802 rn 3216 04010503 3204 VIMV010310102 0105103503219 K-0501-0250 32241250 Factory Service CompleteO65O Parts T 1208 ISIJL/i 0ft0250T0100 0207-0251 02080402 040 030 030 0302o5 025204030250 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 MVVS Corporation America032\02 Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ \ 11011102 \ \ \ 11031104115002020101~12070203030310010301 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/09
Page Numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
The DC-3 Team Scale entry Geoff Combs builder Alvin Brown does realistic flyby model claimed third place event U Stan Alexander RC SCALE COMPETITIONS US characterized different skill levels AMA competition fliers can enter fun Scale Sportsman class work way up Expert US Scale Masters series 19 qualifying events around countryan Expert-class contestant has finish top 30% field meet qualify go championships fall international F4C FAI Scale program competitor must qualify positions three-person team best filers events watched judged picked compete Top Gun Invitational West Palm Beach Florida sisring event regularly draws competitors different parts world other event except FAT World Championships pilots invited try best other wow factorbuilding large complicated unique aircraft expand technical envelope Scale aeromodeling Giant Scale models radial engines turbines uncommon competitors try add realism score Aircraft eligible three years Practicing piloting skills flight routines essential pilot wants crack top 25 final standings 63 entries 1996 event its interesting note 23 eligible AMA Designer Scale competition aircraft must original design contestant eligible Models based kits commercially available plans eligible Sepp Uiberlacher s Spitfire winner high static score would come under classification would Nick Ziroli Jrs mM Bob Underwoods Hiperbipe Hal Parentis Ryan Fireball name few Before years event started several new models lost during testing included former champion Terry Nitsch s new Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Several other models lost practice competition year Nick Ziroli Jrs new TBM Avenger lost possibly due engine overheating Unfortunately 8 Model Aviation y Sheila Nitsch prepare Terrys Minute Men F-86 last round flying Terry took third Top Gun win September 1996 9 Above The first-place Team Scale de Havilland Tiger Moth Dave Patrick builder Graeme Mears Right A number fabricated metal parts used finish Dave Patricks Graeme Mears Team Scale Tiger Moth David Hayes Aries Thrush crop duster model took second place Expert its operating spraying system Photos author Graphic Desion Carla Kunz Garland Hamilton prepares BVM T-33 model finished seventh overallone three jets top ten 10 Model Aviation sionally fate aircraft push Scale aeromodeling s technical envelope Canadians foreign entries year Sepp Uiberlacher Karl Gross Graeme Mears competing aircraft Jack Diaz arrived Venezuela several members family compete first Top Gun beautiful F-4 Phantomit flaished 16th Jack Scale champion own country Other countries represented year included England Germany Brazil Some most-impressive models Expert class year relative newcomers meet Greg Hahns North American B-25 Mitchell Greg enlarged Nick Zirolis design build beautiful 118-inch-span version WW II bomber highly detailed 43pound aircraft powered two G-38 engines features flaps retracts bomb bay operating doors unique bomb tray inside Greg finished sixth new contest machine Greg also took home trophy Best Gas Engine Performance $200 dont see very well-finished Messerschmitt 109s Scale competition real beauty competes everyone takes notice Pat McCurry came Top Gun year largest Me-109 G-6 Ive ever seen competition 139-scale machine has wingspan 102 inches Pat said model weighed-in about 43 pounds Its powered G-62 turning 22 x 10 prop doors hatches operate just like full-scale aircraft replicating features quite accomplishment itself Pat won Critics Choice Award Best Designer Scale Entry model Having something different can sometimes make model stand out against rest field Scale competition six Lockheed T-33s year Ryan Fireball Fireball curious aircraft transitional post-WW II period Evidenfly US Navy didnt completely trust jet engines Ryan build experimental fighter powered piston RED MAX FUEL Super Fuel Engines CALL OR USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SPEED YOUR ORDER FILL IN QUANTITY ON THE LEFT TOTAL ON RIGHT Freight FREE gallons within Continental US New price break minimum 12 gallons shipped motorfreight no haz mat fee Drums treight collect Mix quantity total quantity determines price break Dealer club diacounts available please call detaila SC ordera add 5% sales tas UPS COD add $475 per carton Accept credit cards checks Also available Red Max T-shirts $9 Golf-shirts $13 Hats $6 ** Please note no longer ship quarts** 01W FUEL 4GAL 12GAL 2OGAL 6CGAL 124GAL 54GALTOTAL ORDERED MIXTURE PER GAL PER GALr PER GAL PER GAL PER GAL DRUM $ AMT HEIJ MAX lrnmiuivl FUEL Easy beginners powerful experts Available synthetic castor llends RED MAX 01187958908857794206D2 RED MAX 51272104299293686726283 RED MAX 10135811251075101594031964 RED MAX 1213831150liDO103996233670 RED MAX 151451121711671102102038200j REDMAXRACING FUEL Trophy winners planes boats cars loads documented records RED MAX2O1532129612461177108943602 RED MAX 251618138013301255116249284 RED MAX 301703146314131334123654965 RED MAX 401874163115811492138266328 RED MAX 502044179817481650152877691 RED MAX6O2215196519151808167489053 RED MAX 652300204919991887174794735 RED MAX 7023862132208219661820100416 RED MAX 7524712216216620451893106097 4-CYCLE FUEL Eliminates detonation & kickback 4-cy engines specially good older models 10-4 CYCLE 1323 1092 1042 983 910 2968 CYCLE 1409 1175 1125 1062 983 35365 4 SUPER TIGER 3000 FUEL Best fuel Super Tiger 2000- 4000 engines 5T3000 1358 1125 1075 1015 940 31964....... RED MAX DIESEL FUEL Superior diesel back list popular demand customers GAL 1550 1313 1301 1229 1092 47345 HELICOPTER FUEL *** Extremely smooth & cool running extrs defoamer & new SUPERIOR oil helicopters 10 Helicopter1362112910791019943322401 15 Helicopter1507127112211153106741892 25 Helicopter1896165216021512140067777 30 Helicopter1981173616861591147373458 RED MAX PERFORMANCE FUEL High flash point heavy oil use tuned pipes ducted fan & other heavy duty app 5 Pertormance 139611621112105097234500[ 10 Performancel481124811961129104540181 15 Performancels66133012801208111845862 REDMAXPATTERNFUEL Proven best fuel pattern engines using pumps tuned pipes SPattem1396116211121050972 10 Pattern1481124811961129104540181 .....{ 15 Pattern1566133012801208111845862 Power easy starting power smooth take offs power intricate maneuvers Red Max makes engine come alive power performance never expected can have power Its phone call away Power today next week next year Red Maxs secret ingredients keep engine lasting longer running powerfully other ___ 100% money back guarantee ___you completely satisfied ___any reason ___Red Max has power CUSTOM BLENDED FUEL INGREDIENTSGrand Total belier idle will mix custom fuel formula specialand better engine minimum gallon Fuel ingredients available inwear minimum quantities gallon Call prices items-characteristics Also special 2-cycle oil big engines such SAX etc Cleaner cooler running oil other marketthan ES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.other fuel September 1996 11 1936 MISS AMERICA 84 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 40 6t 2 cycle 48-704 cycle Radio 3-Channel B & M MODEL CO 290 W 1050 N LAYTON UT 84041 Phone 801-544-5689 Call Send $3UU tor Color Bmchure models $100 Color Pamphlet Miss America Only liT RES ADD 625% TAX PLEASE PRINT NAME BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP CARD TYPE AND NO EXPIRATION DATE _____________ 7/95 U COLORS Flame Red Deep Red Sky Blue Deep Blue Midnight Blue Bright Yellow Cub Yellow Dark Yellow Orange Black White Silver Perfect Paint high quality part fuel proof paint combines convenience superb results Perfect Paint will cover dopes epoxies metals fiberglass plastic smooth hard mar resis tant finish will crack chip NOW AVAILABLE pqcheveronihobbyiproductsE PO Box 2480 Sandusky Ohio 44870 Phone & Fax 419-797-2208 ecnstscheesndhycemaednnpettencedthntecvtttestentessa gcteetnnteetestndeamtefettemtnthelt pcessttcftetecesa Chaptem netadn Wkntynnneedtclesteahectsetcdyttnntks Snltetisgseatnneptattetetdeqtttpntettt Smut tttght petfeecing nhecffa Landieppattews hatety Isediag spines tectniegahentsnftey Cee ISci ContestantModeIStatic Score tent type emeesetty iged Pm ynsns takes esytelal knowledge sted tatest te seek ent Ith giving metensta stta use teem ne nttentesnty eitebte high nititedee EtactetO peweted sinceste have hate etesnilgly pepatne nod heck tesettes nemptenittes ef eleectent systems pecetetteneetee nedea1wtieetndmedeten CltnptensteetUde ctteeniegssnltytaee teeyittg amdte lnstcctcingtesttteds Thatettatteyctg SteVe necteeg teheeaieganatnektegtidee teyceetlag etneete etetem gems systems cheestttg batteries dtntgittg gaicdmgtigaactd teetetiqasa Cest Stitef Call now shipping handling charge ot added book purchased Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Flight 1Flight 2FlIght 3FlIght 4Total ScoreScoreScoreScoreScore gtCSpefleed Comyettticedenelmttcc Iltineemyretteasien etstntat taken pitec tette capable ef taking nEt aed lsndittg iete sneitiag mengd ePEC aseebstica Jim iekicneiea efaetekstie flight ann pensested itt nany te sedeestsadstepawhietthsnehnenyecnentittnesttdsgsinsedersctUs[v32][b2066249271821210]] Seenrat seeehstic tenenuesta ann shewesned itt 22 gage emettal heck cnamtteed felt ef istcstnsties feesll tenets tel pilem isetcdtng hem te psacistety adjest sect gim pece sitytatee fee pictaw ttenfsct ansekacice yne dee Chaytem anisette hceaisg penn teest setehatie sitylnen Radiceetnetice Adicatleg sed pencisely eietetisgyecesinptanss isnetal antekatic msneccetsncithdnteiisd issittactiens Cestest pnspanatiea aset nonctal cempetitiett dyn ycc endee new s peckm geide neetnlniteg mpecdcctieeetsllcttheaeeehstie etassenees mill isetoded fete ttlthe scott pnttehsan TInts nslsableu oseheusedan senfnenece Ice tesctice gstd Only cumIn time sttd pnsetice mitt neshle pee tc mantet natunbts iafeentstcce msenst Ateet ealy shest tiete ycc mill heahie cc mem ths Itytaglleldl CalteemtccedetytetepeesettstgcpyCnlt t-Intet-3te1-HthWKEscltccpyctestnllflSSsttd afneepeckstgcidn isclnded mith Aneehatic beck Plnsm iaetcde blIP Pet ahipping sect hncdtieg fmecclthcekendeeed 12 Model Aviation estants/Model StaticFlight 1Flight 2Flight 3 ScoreScoreScoreScore Flight 4Total ScoreScore J & C HOBBIES Order Line 1-800-309-8314 Info Line 412-796-9344 24hr Fax Order line 412-798-9857 Everyday Low Low Hitec Prices HAVE IT YOUR WAY! will customize Hitec Radio Up grade servos no servos iTx Focus 4 FM w/4 HS-30013295 Focus 6 FM w/4 HS-30015995 Flash S FM w/4 HS-42219995 Prism 7XF FM w/4 HS-42224195 Prism7XS FM w/Spec w/4 HS-42232995 Prism 7X FM w/Spectra Tx only22095 Spectra Module Prism 710995 Choice 4 crystals w/Spectra2895 RDC Supreme Rx wlcrystal6295 535 Micro Rx w/crystal6795 HS60 Super Micro 16 oz/in3895 HS-80 Sub Micro 31 oz/in2695 HS-80 MG Sub Micro w/metal gears3895 HS-101 Mim24oz/in2195 HS-101 MG Mini w/Metal gears3295 HS-205 BB Super mini 43 oz/m2795 HS-205 MG Super mini wlmetal gear3895 HS-300 Super Sport 42 ozlin1195 HS-422 Pro-servo 43 oz/in1395 145-425 RB Prow/dual ball bearings1995 HS-525 BR Hi Speed 47 az/rn3595 HS-545 BR Hi Torque 62 oz/in3595 HS-605 RB Hi Torque 77 oz/in3595 HS-605 MG Ultra Torque4695 HS-615 MG Super Torque 107z/in4695 HS700 BR Giant Scale 133 oz2995 HS-705 MG Super Giant 161 oz/in4295 HS-75 BR Retract 90 oz/in3995 HS-725 BR Sail winch 161 oz/in4895 HS-805 RB Mega 224 ozlin4895 CALL FOR SUPER SAITO PRICES 1! Extra Discounts Combos Shipping & Handling . $500 Continental USA FREE Gift orders over $200 Call Unadvertised Specials Most Orders Shipped m 24 hrs Total Satisfaction Guaranteed Join long list regular customers Come visit new store located just 15 minutes East Pittsburgh J & C Hobbles 100 Street Penn Hills PA 16285 Hours M-F 9to7 Sat 9toS Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Prices Subject Change Without Notice September1996 13 TEAM SCALE IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 SLALI lUtS bIPdJi LML order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax 1/4 SCALE 96 ISSMO Micro AV Competition International Society Structural Multi-disciplinary Optimization ISSMO announcing Micro AV competition objective competition employ multi-disciplinary design optimization MOO design build smallest aerial vehicle AV can perform following mission Fly photograph 15-meter size symbol ground located 600 meters launch site hidden view square enclosing fence 35-meter wide 15-meter high Provide legible image symbol launching individual launch site will two prizes awarded AVs complying competition rules $1250 prize smallest AV other $1250 prize design best MOO no 15 times size AV winning first prize competition will held site near University Florida campus April 51997 copy competition rules write ISSMO President Professor Raphael Haftka Department AeMES University Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6250 email haftkaufledu Additional information also available ISSMO home page httpllwwwaeroufleduf.getlissmohtm engine jet engine Navy used fighter small numbers 1945-1947 unusual twin-engine aircraft has project Hal Parentis several years Hals third aircraft type enlarged version Fireball spans 84 inches Its up-front power provided Saito 270 twin four-stroke engine buried deep fuselage 05 90 ducted-fan engine Air fed aft engine through intake slots inboard roots wing navy-blue aircraft fast twin-engine capability never questioned has unique sound air four-stroke ducted fan making own music flaps retracts external tank drop brakes operating tail hook Hal took ninth-place finish Expert Team Scale event two highly skilled modelers enter together modeler acts pilot other half team builder class youll see some very best craftsmanship realm Scale models Canadas Graeme Mears constructed de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth piloted first place Team Scale Dave Patrick A-scale model huge biplane wingspan 113 inches Power provided two-cylinder inline Moki 36 two-stroke engine turning 22 x 10 propeller Steve Elias Ian Richardson teamed up Ians T-33 finished US Air Force Thunderbirds color scheme went finish second Team Scale just point behind Graemes large biplane Douglas DC-3 seems favorite aircraft model Scale competition year three examples West Palm Beach Polo Club Two civilian DC-3 models C-47 military version Gooney Bird Dakota common nicknames timeless transport U U U U U U UUjj Basic Kit* epoxy pre p timed fibrglass fuse lage foam wing & stabilizer cores flying stab control mecha nism clear formed canopy full size plans & instructions Deluxe Kit* balsa laser cut plywood parts detailed cockpit kit armament pylons & missles pushrods hard ware *SCaie retracts tires & brakes available Call Send $3 Catalog 11216 Bluegrass Pkwy Louisville KY 40299 502 266-9234 U U U U 14 Model Aviation jU U U 4 Specs Wing Span61 Wing Area1306 in2 Length91 Weight25 lbs Engine2 91 larger Fanany 5 Channels4 12 Scale1764 Basic Kit$670Y U U U U U U Pat McCurry starts scratch-built 109 G-6 Pats model reproduction Feldwebel Heinrich Bartels aircraft bomb tray Greg Hahns B-25 holds six bombs Fourmost Bomb Drop units Greg enlarged Ziroli-designed bomber 118 inches September 1996 15 Hal Parenti finished ninth Expert Ryan Fireball model driven prop anda ducted fan Wayne Knights C-47 spans 144 inches features operating cargo doors During its flights model dropped cargo parachute 16 Model Aviation e The cockpit Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman TBM Avenger Nicks model features beautiful craftsmanship Right The wings Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman Avenger fold just like carrier-based full-scale version September 1996 17 Teamwork Third-place finisher Jeff Foley L gets some help starting model second-place finisher David Hayes TOP GU 1996 18 Model Aviation McCurrys 109 G-6 takeoff 102-inch-span model scratch-built cockpit features excellent detail Greg Hahns practice aircraft P-47 built enlarged Ziroli plans Gregs Jug features D- Tom Polapink L talks Craftsmanship Judge Bill DeVerna judges day invasion stripes check models documentation Wayne Knight came Top Gun C-47 constructed Ziroli plans olive-drab troop transport spans 140 inches powered two OS 108s Waynes model features operating cargo door model would make pass drop supplies side aircraft Another DC-3 Alvin Brown piloted Geoff Combs finish third Team Scale model displayed very realistic Scale operations during its flights Stephan Duerrsteins version finished eighth Expert class Alvin Stephans models Fiber Classics kits Terry Nitsch flew familiar F-86 Sabre jet third Top Gun win Bob Violett Models North American Sabre covered Coverite Presto aluminum covering marketed Foley Mfg Terry cut aluminum panels size attached aircraft Painted Ditzler acrylic enamel complete model finished off clearcoat Ditzler Del-Gb Terrys documentation came photos taken Buckley Air National Guard base Colorado Terry used speed brakes drop tanks two mechanical options during routine beat David Hayes 625 Terry blown just maneuver three flights could have dropped way fifth sixth place Competition Expert Class extremely close year especially first ten places Only four points separated Terry Nitschs first-place F-86 Bob Underwoods tenth-place Hiperbipe 667 difference between first third Most models Top Gun would right home full-scale aviation museums David Hayes Roanoke Rapids North Carolina finished very close second Expert class year flying Aries Thrush cropduster David put model through its paces weekend mishap model sitting top table rolled off breaking off models tail surfaces David able glue tail back thick cyanoacrylate ready third round flying competition Third place claimed Jeff Foley BEST GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR ______ Stainless Steel HEAD LOCK BEST DESIGN ____ Welded No Solder Acid Flux Flexing Wires BESTNiCad ___ BEST QUALITY & GUARANTEE _______ MODEL PRODUCTS CORPORATION BEST PRICE __________ St #045-WIO NiCad Charger$ 995 available write directSt #040-With NiCad __________________$ 1595 add $100 $200 outside USSt #041-With NiCad & Charger$ 2595 MODEL PRODUCTS CORPPH 908 850-1508 PO BOX 100 ALLAMUCHY NJ 07820FAX 908 850-8860 September 1996 19 Jet Model Products T-33 US Air Force jet trainer Jeffs 85-inch-span model powered 05 91 ducted-fan engine turning Dynainax fan Charlie Chambers finished fourth Expert P-61 twin-engine fighter Charlies model has wingspan 100 inches weighs 38 pounds model built Don Smith plans powered two Webra 12 two-stroke engines beautiful model replaces P-61 Charlie lost last year just before Top Gun Charlie used JR radio guide Black Widow did five top 10 finishers Expert class Four competitors used Airtronics systems Germanys Stephan Duerrstein used Multiplex radio round out top 10 meet combined Scale competition halftime aerobatic shows entertain nearly 18000 people over four days Add beautiful opening ceremonies highlighted full-scale Stearman flyover could say great meet beside some best people aeromodeling competing helping other wishing everyone could win administrative team including Frank Tiano sponsors West Palm Beach Aero Club worked make sure things ran smoothly everyone good time Its like told official know best people just plane people thats spelled P-L-A-N-E Hope see next year Top Gun Top Gun Merchandise Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Futaba JR Saito Geraro Enterprises Herr Engineering McDaniel K/C van Dell Jewelers Jim Meister Scale Pro Mark Top Gun Hussies Spring-Air Prop Wash Video Nick Ziroli Plans Pan American Dist NASA Cash Sponsors provided $200 cash awards plus custom trophy Airtronics Bob Violett Models Dave Platt Models Don Smith Plans Glen Torrance Models Lanier K/C North American Power Pro Mark R/C Report Remote Control Television Carden Aircraft Scale RIC Ej RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Catalog containing lists Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline RIC maintenance hints KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Discover MCard VISA COD Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm UPS USMAIL FEDEX etc 20 Model Aviation 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 Modeler Robart Mfg Hobby Hut Major Cash Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Frank Tiano Enterprises Scorekeeping Rosella Curry Chief Judge Tim Farrel Asst Chief Judge Bill Holland Impound Dawn Buckley Static Judges Bob Curry Bill DeVema Lee Henderson Charlie Beer Harvey Tomaison Steve Harris Flight Judges Darlene Frederick Wayne Frederick Jim Parker Tom Kozel George Jenkins Jim Semonian John Smith Stan Alexander Special Awards Critics Choice Pat McCuriy 109 * High Static Expert Sepp Uiberlacher Spitfire * High Static Team Jerry Caudle P-80 * Best Two-Stroke Performance Charlie Chambers P-61 Best Four-Stroke Performance Geoff Combs DC-3 Best Gas Engine Performance Greg Hahn B-25 * Best Multiengine Performance Jack Diaz F4* Best Jet Award Garland Hamilton T-33 * Best Civilian Award Corvin Miller Globe Swift * Best Military Award Charlie Chambers P 61 * Best Biplane Award Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * Best Aerobatic Performance Bill Han-is 33 * Engineering Excellence Nick Ziroli Jr TBF Avenger * Best Craftsmanship Charlie Chambers P-61 * Best Designer Scale Entry Graeme Mears 109 G6* Best Foreign Entry Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * * Received $200 sponsors 22 Model Aviation 0101 105003513213 040205043203050205000801 0802 rn 3216 04010503 3204 VIMV010310102 0105103503219 K-0501-0250 32241250 Factory Service CompleteO65O Parts T 1208 ISIJL/i 0ft0250T0100 0207-0251 02080402 040 030 030 0302o5 025204030250 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 MVVS Corporation America032\02 Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ \ 11011102 \ \ \ 11031104115002020101~12070203030310010301 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/09
Page Numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
The DC-3 Team Scale entry Geoff Combs builder Alvin Brown does realistic flyby model claimed third place event U Stan Alexander RC SCALE COMPETITIONS US characterized different skill levels AMA competition fliers can enter fun Scale Sportsman class work way up Expert US Scale Masters series 19 qualifying events around countryan Expert-class contestant has finish top 30% field meet qualify go championships fall international F4C FAI Scale program competitor must qualify positions three-person team best filers events watched judged picked compete Top Gun Invitational West Palm Beach Florida sisring event regularly draws competitors different parts world other event except FAT World Championships pilots invited try best other wow factorbuilding large complicated unique aircraft expand technical envelope Scale aeromodeling Giant Scale models radial engines turbines uncommon competitors try add realism score Aircraft eligible three years Practicing piloting skills flight routines essential pilot wants crack top 25 final standings 63 entries 1996 event its interesting note 23 eligible AMA Designer Scale competition aircraft must original design contestant eligible Models based kits commercially available plans eligible Sepp Uiberlacher s Spitfire winner high static score would come under classification would Nick Ziroli Jrs mM Bob Underwoods Hiperbipe Hal Parentis Ryan Fireball name few Before years event started several new models lost during testing included former champion Terry Nitsch s new Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Several other models lost practice competition year Nick Ziroli Jrs new TBM Avenger lost possibly due engine overheating Unfortunately 8 Model Aviation y Sheila Nitsch prepare Terrys Minute Men F-86 last round flying Terry took third Top Gun win September 1996 9 Above The first-place Team Scale de Havilland Tiger Moth Dave Patrick builder Graeme Mears Right A number fabricated metal parts used finish Dave Patricks Graeme Mears Team Scale Tiger Moth David Hayes Aries Thrush crop duster model took second place Expert its operating spraying system Photos author Graphic Desion Carla Kunz Garland Hamilton prepares BVM T-33 model finished seventh overallone three jets top ten 10 Model Aviation sionally fate aircraft push Scale aeromodeling s technical envelope Canadians foreign entries year Sepp Uiberlacher Karl Gross Graeme Mears competing aircraft Jack Diaz arrived Venezuela several members family compete first Top Gun beautiful F-4 Phantomit flaished 16th Jack Scale champion own country Other countries represented year included England Germany Brazil Some most-impressive models Expert class year relative newcomers meet Greg Hahns North American B-25 Mitchell Greg enlarged Nick Zirolis design build beautiful 118-inch-span version WW II bomber highly detailed 43pound aircraft powered two G-38 engines features flaps retracts bomb bay operating doors unique bomb tray inside Greg finished sixth new contest machine Greg also took home trophy Best Gas Engine Performance $200 dont see very well-finished Messerschmitt 109s Scale competition real beauty competes everyone takes notice Pat McCurry came Top Gun year largest Me-109 G-6 Ive ever seen competition 139-scale machine has wingspan 102 inches Pat said model weighed-in about 43 pounds Its powered G-62 turning 22 x 10 prop doors hatches operate just like full-scale aircraft replicating features quite accomplishment itself Pat won Critics Choice Award Best Designer Scale Entry model Having something different can sometimes make model stand out against rest field Scale competition six Lockheed T-33s year Ryan Fireball Fireball curious aircraft transitional post-WW II period Evidenfly US Navy didnt completely trust jet engines Ryan build experimental fighter powered piston RED MAX FUEL Super Fuel Engines CALL OR USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SPEED YOUR ORDER FILL IN QUANTITY ON THE LEFT TOTAL ON RIGHT Freight FREE gallons within Continental US New price break minimum 12 gallons shipped motorfreight no haz mat fee Drums treight collect Mix quantity total quantity determines price break Dealer club diacounts available please call detaila SC ordera add 5% sales tas UPS COD add $475 per carton Accept credit cards checks Also available Red Max T-shirts $9 Golf-shirts $13 Hats $6 ** Please note no longer ship quarts** 01W FUEL 4GAL 12GAL 2OGAL 6CGAL 124GAL 54GALTOTAL ORDERED MIXTURE PER GAL PER GALr PER GAL PER GAL PER GAL DRUM $ AMT HEIJ MAX lrnmiuivl FUEL Easy beginners powerful experts Available synthetic castor llends RED MAX 01187958908857794206D2 RED MAX 51272104299293686726283 RED MAX 10135811251075101594031964 RED MAX 1213831150liDO103996233670 RED MAX 151451121711671102102038200j REDMAXRACING FUEL Trophy winners planes boats cars loads documented records RED MAX2O1532129612461177108943602 RED MAX 251618138013301255116249284 RED MAX 301703146314131334123654965 RED MAX 401874163115811492138266328 RED MAX 502044179817481650152877691 RED MAX6O2215196519151808167489053 RED MAX 652300204919991887174794735 RED MAX 7023862132208219661820100416 RED MAX 7524712216216620451893106097 4-CYCLE FUEL Eliminates detonation & kickback 4-cy engines specially good older models 10-4 CYCLE 1323 1092 1042 983 910 2968 CYCLE 1409 1175 1125 1062 983 35365 4 SUPER TIGER 3000 FUEL Best fuel Super Tiger 2000- 4000 engines 5T3000 1358 1125 1075 1015 940 31964....... RED MAX DIESEL FUEL Superior diesel back list popular demand customers GAL 1550 1313 1301 1229 1092 47345 HELICOPTER FUEL *** Extremely smooth & cool running extrs defoamer & new SUPERIOR oil helicopters 10 Helicopter1362112910791019943322401 15 Helicopter1507127112211153106741892 25 Helicopter1896165216021512140067777 30 Helicopter1981173616861591147373458 RED MAX PERFORMANCE FUEL High flash point heavy oil use tuned pipes ducted fan & other heavy duty app 5 Pertormance 139611621112105097234500[ 10 Performancel481124811961129104540181 15 Performancels66133012801208111845862 REDMAXPATTERNFUEL Proven best fuel pattern engines using pumps tuned pipes SPattem1396116211121050972 10 Pattern1481124811961129104540181 .....{ 15 Pattern1566133012801208111845862 Power easy starting power smooth take offs power intricate maneuvers Red Max makes engine come alive power performance never expected can have power Its phone call away Power today next week next year Red Maxs secret ingredients keep engine lasting longer running powerfully other ___ 100% money back guarantee ___you completely satisfied ___any reason ___Red Max has power CUSTOM BLENDED FUEL INGREDIENTSGrand Total belier idle will mix custom fuel formula specialand better engine minimum gallon Fuel ingredients available inwear minimum quantities gallon Call prices items-characteristics Also special 2-cycle oil big engines such SAX etc Cleaner cooler running oil other marketthan ES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.other fuel September 1996 11 1936 MISS AMERICA 84 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 40 6t 2 cycle 48-704 cycle Radio 3-Channel B & M MODEL CO 290 W 1050 N LAYTON UT 84041 Phone 801-544-5689 Call Send $3UU tor Color Bmchure models $100 Color Pamphlet Miss America Only liT RES ADD 625% TAX PLEASE PRINT NAME BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP CARD TYPE AND NO EXPIRATION DATE _____________ 7/95 U COLORS Flame Red Deep Red Sky Blue Deep Blue Midnight Blue Bright Yellow Cub Yellow Dark Yellow Orange Black White Silver Perfect Paint high quality part fuel proof paint combines convenience superb results Perfect Paint will cover dopes epoxies metals fiberglass plastic smooth hard mar resis tant finish will crack chip NOW AVAILABLE pqcheveronihobbyiproductsE PO Box 2480 Sandusky Ohio 44870 Phone & Fax 419-797-2208 ecnstscheesndhycemaednnpettencedthntecvtttestentessa gcteetnnteetestndeamtefettemtnthelt pcessttcftetecesa Chaptem netadn Wkntynnneedtclesteahectsetcdyttnntks Snltetisgseatnneptattetetdeqtttpntettt Smut tttght petfeecing nhecffa Landieppattews hatety Isediag spines tectniegahentsnftey Cee ISci ContestantModeIStatic Score tent type emeesetty iged Pm ynsns takes esytelal knowledge sted tatest te seek ent Ith giving metensta stta use teem ne nttentesnty eitebte high nititedee EtactetO peweted sinceste have hate etesnilgly pepatne nod heck tesettes nemptenittes ef eleectent systems pecetetteneetee nedea1wtieetndmedeten CltnptensteetUde ctteeniegssnltytaee teeyittg amdte lnstcctcingtesttteds Thatettatteyctg SteVe necteeg teheeaieganatnektegtidee teyceetlag etneete etetem gems systems cheestttg batteries dtntgittg gaicdmgtigaactd teetetiqasa Cest Stitef Call now shipping handling charge ot added book purchased Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Flight 1Flight 2FlIght 3FlIght 4Total ScoreScoreScoreScoreScore gtCSpefleed Comyettticedenelmttcc Iltineemyretteasien etstntat taken pitec tette capable ef taking nEt aed lsndittg iete sneitiag mengd ePEC aseebstica Jim iekicneiea efaetekstie flight ann pensested itt nany te sedeestsadstepawhietthsnehnenyecnentittnesttdsgsinsedersctUs[v32][b2066249271821210]] Seenrat seeehstic tenenuesta ann shewesned itt 22 gage emettal heck cnamtteed felt ef istcstnsties feesll tenets tel pilem isetcdtng hem te psacistety adjest sect gim pece sitytatee fee pictaw ttenfsct ansekacice yne dee Chaytem anisette hceaisg penn teest setehatie sitylnen Radiceetnetice Adicatleg sed pencisely eietetisgyecesinptanss isnetal antekatic msneccetsncithdnteiisd issittactiens Cestest pnspanatiea aset nonctal cempetitiett dyn ycc endee new s peckm geide neetnlniteg mpecdcctieeetsllcttheaeeehstie etassenees mill isetoded fete ttlthe scott pnttehsan TInts nslsableu oseheusedan senfnenece Ice tesctice gstd Only cumIn time sttd pnsetice mitt neshle pee tc mantet natunbts iafeentstcce msenst Ateet ealy shest tiete ycc mill heahie cc mem ths Itytaglleldl CalteemtccedetytetepeesettstgcpyCnlt t-Intet-3te1-HthWKEscltccpyctestnllflSSsttd afneepeckstgcidn isclnded mith Aneehatic beck Plnsm iaetcde blIP Pet ahipping sect hncdtieg fmecclthcekendeeed 12 Model Aviation estants/Model StaticFlight 1Flight 2Flight 3 ScoreScoreScoreScore Flight 4Total ScoreScore J & C HOBBIES Order Line 1-800-309-8314 Info Line 412-796-9344 24hr Fax Order line 412-798-9857 Everyday Low Low Hitec Prices HAVE IT YOUR WAY! will customize Hitec Radio Up grade servos no servos iTx Focus 4 FM w/4 HS-30013295 Focus 6 FM w/4 HS-30015995 Flash S FM w/4 HS-42219995 Prism 7XF FM w/4 HS-42224195 Prism7XS FM w/Spec w/4 HS-42232995 Prism 7X FM w/Spectra Tx only22095 Spectra Module Prism 710995 Choice 4 crystals w/Spectra2895 RDC Supreme Rx wlcrystal6295 535 Micro Rx w/crystal6795 HS60 Super Micro 16 oz/in3895 HS-80 Sub Micro 31 oz/in2695 HS-80 MG Sub Micro w/metal gears3895 HS-101 Mim24oz/in2195 HS-101 MG Mini w/Metal gears3295 HS-205 BB Super mini 43 oz/m2795 HS-205 MG Super mini wlmetal gear3895 HS-300 Super Sport 42 ozlin1195 HS-422 Pro-servo 43 oz/in1395 145-425 RB Prow/dual ball bearings1995 HS-525 BR Hi Speed 47 az/rn3595 HS-545 BR Hi Torque 62 oz/in3595 HS-605 RB Hi Torque 77 oz/in3595 HS-605 MG Ultra Torque4695 HS-615 MG Super Torque 107z/in4695 HS700 BR Giant Scale 133 oz2995 HS-705 MG Super Giant 161 oz/in4295 HS-75 BR Retract 90 oz/in3995 HS-725 BR Sail winch 161 oz/in4895 HS-805 RB Mega 224 ozlin4895 CALL FOR SUPER SAITO PRICES 1! Extra Discounts Combos Shipping & Handling . $500 Continental USA FREE Gift orders over $200 Call Unadvertised Specials Most Orders Shipped m 24 hrs Total Satisfaction Guaranteed Join long list regular customers Come visit new store located just 15 minutes East Pittsburgh J & C Hobbles 100 Street Penn Hills PA 16285 Hours M-F 9to7 Sat 9toS Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Prices Subject Change Without Notice September1996 13 TEAM SCALE IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 SLALI lUtS bIPdJi LML order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax 1/4 SCALE 96 ISSMO Micro AV Competition International Society Structural Multi-disciplinary Optimization ISSMO announcing Micro AV competition objective competition employ multi-disciplinary design optimization MOO design build smallest aerial vehicle AV can perform following mission Fly photograph 15-meter size symbol ground located 600 meters launch site hidden view square enclosing fence 35-meter wide 15-meter high Provide legible image symbol launching individual launch site will two prizes awarded AVs complying competition rules $1250 prize smallest AV other $1250 prize design best MOO no 15 times size AV winning first prize competition will held site near University Florida campus April 51997 copy competition rules write ISSMO President Professor Raphael Haftka Department AeMES University Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6250 email haftkaufledu Additional information also available ISSMO home page httpllwwwaeroufleduf.getlissmohtm engine jet engine Navy used fighter small numbers 1945-1947 unusual twin-engine aircraft has project Hal Parentis several years Hals third aircraft type enlarged version Fireball spans 84 inches Its up-front power provided Saito 270 twin four-stroke engine buried deep fuselage 05 90 ducted-fan engine Air fed aft engine through intake slots inboard roots wing navy-blue aircraft fast twin-engine capability never questioned has unique sound air four-stroke ducted fan making own music flaps retracts external tank drop brakes operating tail hook Hal took ninth-place finish Expert Team Scale event two highly skilled modelers enter together modeler acts pilot other half team builder class youll see some very best craftsmanship realm Scale models Canadas Graeme Mears constructed de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth piloted first place Team Scale Dave Patrick A-scale model huge biplane wingspan 113 inches Power provided two-cylinder inline Moki 36 two-stroke engine turning 22 x 10 propeller Steve Elias Ian Richardson teamed up Ians T-33 finished US Air Force Thunderbirds color scheme went finish second Team Scale just point behind Graemes large biplane Douglas DC-3 seems favorite aircraft model Scale competition year three examples West Palm Beach Polo Club Two civilian DC-3 models C-47 military version Gooney Bird Dakota common nicknames timeless transport U U U U U U UUjj Basic Kit* epoxy pre p timed fibrglass fuse lage foam wing & stabilizer cores flying stab control mecha nism clear formed canopy full size plans & instructions Deluxe Kit* balsa laser cut plywood parts detailed cockpit kit armament pylons & missles pushrods hard ware *SCaie retracts tires & brakes available Call Send $3 Catalog 11216 Bluegrass Pkwy Louisville KY 40299 502 266-9234 U U U U 14 Model Aviation jU U U 4 Specs Wing Span61 Wing Area1306 in2 Length91 Weight25 lbs Engine2 91 larger Fanany 5 Channels4 12 Scale1764 Basic Kit$670Y U U U U U U Pat McCurry starts scratch-built 109 G-6 Pats model reproduction Feldwebel Heinrich Bartels aircraft bomb tray Greg Hahns B-25 holds six bombs Fourmost Bomb Drop units Greg enlarged Ziroli-designed bomber 118 inches September 1996 15 Hal Parenti finished ninth Expert Ryan Fireball model driven prop anda ducted fan Wayne Knights C-47 spans 144 inches features operating cargo doors During its flights model dropped cargo parachute 16 Model Aviation e The cockpit Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman TBM Avenger Nicks model features beautiful craftsmanship Right The wings Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman Avenger fold just like carrier-based full-scale version September 1996 17 Teamwork Third-place finisher Jeff Foley L gets some help starting model second-place finisher David Hayes TOP GU 1996 18 Model Aviation McCurrys 109 G-6 takeoff 102-inch-span model scratch-built cockpit features excellent detail Greg Hahns practice aircraft P-47 built enlarged Ziroli plans Gregs Jug features D- Tom Polapink L talks Craftsmanship Judge Bill DeVerna judges day invasion stripes check models documentation Wayne Knight came Top Gun C-47 constructed Ziroli plans olive-drab troop transport spans 140 inches powered two OS 108s Waynes model features operating cargo door model would make pass drop supplies side aircraft Another DC-3 Alvin Brown piloted Geoff Combs finish third Team Scale model displayed very realistic Scale operations during its flights Stephan Duerrsteins version finished eighth Expert class Alvin Stephans models Fiber Classics kits Terry Nitsch flew familiar F-86 Sabre jet third Top Gun win Bob Violett Models North American Sabre covered Coverite Presto aluminum covering marketed Foley Mfg Terry cut aluminum panels size attached aircraft Painted Ditzler acrylic enamel complete model finished off clearcoat Ditzler Del-Gb Terrys documentation came photos taken Buckley Air National Guard base Colorado Terry used speed brakes drop tanks two mechanical options during routine beat David Hayes 625 Terry blown just maneuver three flights could have dropped way fifth sixth place Competition Expert Class extremely close year especially first ten places Only four points separated Terry Nitschs first-place F-86 Bob Underwoods tenth-place Hiperbipe 667 difference between first third Most models Top Gun would right home full-scale aviation museums David Hayes Roanoke Rapids North Carolina finished very close second Expert class year flying Aries Thrush cropduster David put model through its paces weekend mishap model sitting top table rolled off breaking off models tail surfaces David able glue tail back thick cyanoacrylate ready third round flying competition Third place claimed Jeff Foley BEST GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR ______ Stainless Steel HEAD LOCK BEST DESIGN ____ Welded No Solder Acid Flux Flexing Wires BESTNiCad ___ BEST QUALITY & GUARANTEE _______ MODEL PRODUCTS CORPORATION BEST PRICE __________ St #045-WIO NiCad Charger$ 995 available write directSt #040-With NiCad __________________$ 1595 add $100 $200 outside USSt #041-With NiCad & Charger$ 2595 MODEL PRODUCTS CORPPH 908 850-1508 PO BOX 100 ALLAMUCHY NJ 07820FAX 908 850-8860 September 1996 19 Jet Model Products T-33 US Air Force jet trainer Jeffs 85-inch-span model powered 05 91 ducted-fan engine turning Dynainax fan Charlie Chambers finished fourth Expert P-61 twin-engine fighter Charlies model has wingspan 100 inches weighs 38 pounds model built Don Smith plans powered two Webra 12 two-stroke engines beautiful model replaces P-61 Charlie lost last year just before Top Gun Charlie used JR radio guide Black Widow did five top 10 finishers Expert class Four competitors used Airtronics systems Germanys Stephan Duerrstein used Multiplex radio round out top 10 meet combined Scale competition halftime aerobatic shows entertain nearly 18000 people over four days Add beautiful opening ceremonies highlighted full-scale Stearman flyover could say great meet beside some best people aeromodeling competing helping other wishing everyone could win administrative team including Frank Tiano sponsors West Palm Beach Aero Club worked make sure things ran smoothly everyone good time Its like told official know best people just plane people thats spelled P-L-A-N-E Hope see next year Top Gun Top Gun Merchandise Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Futaba JR Saito Geraro Enterprises Herr Engineering McDaniel K/C van Dell Jewelers Jim Meister Scale Pro Mark Top Gun Hussies Spring-Air Prop Wash Video Nick Ziroli Plans Pan American Dist NASA Cash Sponsors provided $200 cash awards plus custom trophy Airtronics Bob Violett Models Dave Platt Models Don Smith Plans Glen Torrance Models Lanier K/C North American Power Pro Mark R/C Report Remote Control Television Carden Aircraft Scale RIC Ej RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Catalog containing lists Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline RIC maintenance hints KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Discover MCard VISA COD Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm UPS USMAIL FEDEX etc 20 Model Aviation 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 Modeler Robart Mfg Hobby Hut Major Cash Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Frank Tiano Enterprises Scorekeeping Rosella Curry Chief Judge Tim Farrel Asst Chief Judge Bill Holland Impound Dawn Buckley Static Judges Bob Curry Bill DeVema Lee Henderson Charlie Beer Harvey Tomaison Steve Harris Flight Judges Darlene Frederick Wayne Frederick Jim Parker Tom Kozel George Jenkins Jim Semonian John Smith Stan Alexander Special Awards Critics Choice Pat McCuriy 109 * High Static Expert Sepp Uiberlacher Spitfire * High Static Team Jerry Caudle P-80 * Best Two-Stroke Performance Charlie Chambers P-61 Best Four-Stroke Performance Geoff Combs DC-3 Best Gas Engine Performance Greg Hahn B-25 * Best Multiengine Performance Jack Diaz F4* Best Jet Award Garland Hamilton T-33 * Best Civilian Award Corvin Miller Globe Swift * Best Military Award Charlie Chambers P 61 * Best Biplane Award Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * Best Aerobatic Performance Bill Han-is 33 * Engineering Excellence Nick Ziroli Jr TBF Avenger * Best Craftsmanship Charlie Chambers P-61 * Best Designer Scale Entry Graeme Mears 109 G6* Best Foreign Entry Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * * Received $200 sponsors 22 Model Aviation 0101 105003513213 040205043203050205000801 0802 rn 3216 04010503 3204 VIMV010310102 0105103503219 K-0501-0250 32241250 Factory Service CompleteO65O Parts T 1208 ISIJL/i 0ft0250T0100 0207-0251 02080402 040 030 030 0302o5 025204030250 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 MVVS Corporation America032\02 Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ \ 11011102 \ \ \ 11031104115002020101~12070203030310010301 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/09
Page Numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
The DC-3 Team Scale entry Geoff Combs builder Alvin Brown does realistic flyby model claimed third place event U Stan Alexander RC SCALE COMPETITIONS US characterized different skill levels AMA competition fliers can enter fun Scale Sportsman class work way up Expert US Scale Masters series 19 qualifying events around countryan Expert-class contestant has finish top 30% field meet qualify go championships fall international F4C FAI Scale program competitor must qualify positions three-person team best filers events watched judged picked compete Top Gun Invitational West Palm Beach Florida sisring event regularly draws competitors different parts world other event except FAT World Championships pilots invited try best other wow factorbuilding large complicated unique aircraft expand technical envelope Scale aeromodeling Giant Scale models radial engines turbines uncommon competitors try add realism score Aircraft eligible three years Practicing piloting skills flight routines essential pilot wants crack top 25 final standings 63 entries 1996 event its interesting note 23 eligible AMA Designer Scale competition aircraft must original design contestant eligible Models based kits commercially available plans eligible Sepp Uiberlacher s Spitfire winner high static score would come under classification would Nick Ziroli Jrs mM Bob Underwoods Hiperbipe Hal Parentis Ryan Fireball name few Before years event started several new models lost during testing included former champion Terry Nitsch s new Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Several other models lost practice competition year Nick Ziroli Jrs new TBM Avenger lost possibly due engine overheating Unfortunately 8 Model Aviation y Sheila Nitsch prepare Terrys Minute Men F-86 last round flying Terry took third Top Gun win September 1996 9 Above The first-place Team Scale de Havilland Tiger Moth Dave Patrick builder Graeme Mears Right A number fabricated metal parts used finish Dave Patricks Graeme Mears Team Scale Tiger Moth David Hayes Aries Thrush crop duster model took second place Expert its operating spraying system Photos author Graphic Desion Carla Kunz Garland Hamilton prepares BVM T-33 model finished seventh overallone three jets top ten 10 Model Aviation sionally fate aircraft push Scale aeromodeling s technical envelope Canadians foreign entries year Sepp Uiberlacher Karl Gross Graeme Mears competing aircraft Jack Diaz arrived Venezuela several members family compete first Top Gun beautiful F-4 Phantomit flaished 16th Jack Scale champion own country Other countries represented year included England Germany Brazil Some most-impressive models Expert class year relative newcomers meet Greg Hahns North American B-25 Mitchell Greg enlarged Nick Zirolis design build beautiful 118-inch-span version WW II bomber highly detailed 43pound aircraft powered two G-38 engines features flaps retracts bomb bay operating doors unique bomb tray inside Greg finished sixth new contest machine Greg also took home trophy Best Gas Engine Performance $200 dont see very well-finished Messerschmitt 109s Scale competition real beauty competes everyone takes notice Pat McCurry came Top Gun year largest Me-109 G-6 Ive ever seen competition 139-scale machine has wingspan 102 inches Pat said model weighed-in about 43 pounds Its powered G-62 turning 22 x 10 prop doors hatches operate just like full-scale aircraft replicating features quite accomplishment itself Pat won Critics Choice Award Best Designer Scale Entry model Having something different can sometimes make model stand out against rest field Scale competition six Lockheed T-33s year Ryan Fireball Fireball curious aircraft transitional post-WW II period Evidenfly US Navy didnt completely trust jet engines Ryan build experimental fighter powered piston RED MAX FUEL Super Fuel Engines CALL OR USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SPEED YOUR ORDER FILL IN QUANTITY ON THE LEFT TOTAL ON RIGHT Freight FREE gallons within Continental US New price break minimum 12 gallons shipped motorfreight no haz mat fee Drums treight collect Mix quantity total quantity determines price break Dealer club diacounts available please call detaila SC ordera add 5% sales tas UPS COD add $475 per carton Accept credit cards checks Also available Red Max T-shirts $9 Golf-shirts $13 Hats $6 ** Please note no longer ship quarts** 01W FUEL 4GAL 12GAL 2OGAL 6CGAL 124GAL 54GALTOTAL ORDERED MIXTURE PER GAL PER GALr PER GAL PER GAL PER GAL DRUM $ AMT HEIJ MAX lrnmiuivl FUEL Easy beginners powerful experts Available synthetic castor llends RED MAX 01187958908857794206D2 RED MAX 51272104299293686726283 RED MAX 10135811251075101594031964 RED MAX 1213831150liDO103996233670 RED MAX 151451121711671102102038200j REDMAXRACING FUEL Trophy winners planes boats cars loads documented records RED MAX2O1532129612461177108943602 RED MAX 251618138013301255116249284 RED MAX 301703146314131334123654965 RED MAX 401874163115811492138266328 RED MAX 502044179817481650152877691 RED MAX6O2215196519151808167489053 RED MAX 652300204919991887174794735 RED MAX 7023862132208219661820100416 RED MAX 7524712216216620451893106097 4-CYCLE FUEL Eliminates detonation & kickback 4-cy engines specially good older models 10-4 CYCLE 1323 1092 1042 983 910 2968 CYCLE 1409 1175 1125 1062 983 35365 4 SUPER TIGER 3000 FUEL Best fuel Super Tiger 2000- 4000 engines 5T3000 1358 1125 1075 1015 940 31964....... RED MAX DIESEL FUEL Superior diesel back list popular demand customers GAL 1550 1313 1301 1229 1092 47345 HELICOPTER FUEL *** Extremely smooth & cool running extrs defoamer & new SUPERIOR oil helicopters 10 Helicopter1362112910791019943322401 15 Helicopter1507127112211153106741892 25 Helicopter1896165216021512140067777 30 Helicopter1981173616861591147373458 RED MAX PERFORMANCE FUEL High flash point heavy oil use tuned pipes ducted fan & other heavy duty app 5 Pertormance 139611621112105097234500[ 10 Performancel481124811961129104540181 15 Performancels66133012801208111845862 REDMAXPATTERNFUEL Proven best fuel pattern engines using pumps tuned pipes SPattem1396116211121050972 10 Pattern1481124811961129104540181 .....{ 15 Pattern1566133012801208111845862 Power easy starting power smooth take offs power intricate maneuvers Red Max makes engine come alive power performance never expected can have power Its phone call away Power today next week next year Red Maxs secret ingredients keep engine lasting longer running powerfully other ___ 100% money back guarantee ___you completely satisfied ___any reason ___Red Max has power CUSTOM BLENDED FUEL INGREDIENTSGrand Total belier idle will mix custom fuel formula specialand better engine minimum gallon Fuel ingredients available inwear minimum quantities gallon Call prices items-characteristics Also special 2-cycle oil big engines such SAX etc Cleaner cooler running oil other marketthan ES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.other fuel September 1996 11 1936 MISS AMERICA 84 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 40 6t 2 cycle 48-704 cycle Radio 3-Channel B & M MODEL CO 290 W 1050 N LAYTON UT 84041 Phone 801-544-5689 Call Send $3UU tor Color Bmchure models $100 Color Pamphlet Miss America Only liT RES ADD 625% TAX PLEASE PRINT NAME BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP CARD TYPE AND NO EXPIRATION DATE _____________ 7/95 U COLORS Flame Red Deep Red Sky Blue Deep Blue Midnight Blue Bright Yellow Cub Yellow Dark Yellow Orange Black White Silver Perfect Paint high quality part fuel proof paint combines convenience superb results Perfect Paint will cover dopes epoxies metals fiberglass plastic smooth hard mar resis tant finish will crack chip NOW AVAILABLE pqcheveronihobbyiproductsE PO Box 2480 Sandusky Ohio 44870 Phone & Fax 419-797-2208 ecnstscheesndhycemaednnpettencedthntecvtttestentessa gcteetnnteetestndeamtefettemtnthelt pcessttcftetecesa Chaptem netadn Wkntynnneedtclesteahectsetcdyttnntks Snltetisgseatnneptattetetdeqtttpntettt Smut tttght petfeecing nhecffa Landieppattews hatety Isediag spines tectniegahentsnftey Cee ISci ContestantModeIStatic Score tent type emeesetty iged Pm ynsns takes esytelal knowledge sted tatest te seek ent Ith giving metensta stta use teem ne nttentesnty eitebte high nititedee EtactetO peweted sinceste have hate etesnilgly pepatne nod heck tesettes nemptenittes ef eleectent systems pecetetteneetee nedea1wtieetndmedeten CltnptensteetUde ctteeniegssnltytaee teeyittg amdte lnstcctcingtesttteds Thatettatteyctg SteVe necteeg teheeaieganatnektegtidee teyceetlag etneete etetem gems systems cheestttg batteries dtntgittg gaicdmgtigaactd teetetiqasa Cest Stitef Call now shipping handling charge ot added book purchased Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Flight 1Flight 2FlIght 3FlIght 4Total ScoreScoreScoreScoreScore gtCSpefleed Comyettticedenelmttcc Iltineemyretteasien etstntat taken pitec tette capable ef taking nEt aed lsndittg iete sneitiag mengd ePEC aseebstica Jim iekicneiea efaetekstie flight ann pensested itt nany te sedeestsadstepawhietthsnehnenyecnentittnesttdsgsinsedersctUs[v32][b2066249271821210]] Seenrat seeehstic tenenuesta ann shewesned itt 22 gage emettal heck cnamtteed felt ef istcstnsties feesll tenets tel pilem isetcdtng hem te psacistety adjest sect gim pece sitytatee fee pictaw ttenfsct ansekacice yne dee Chaytem anisette hceaisg penn teest setehatie sitylnen Radiceetnetice Adicatleg sed pencisely eietetisgyecesinptanss isnetal antekatic msneccetsncithdnteiisd issittactiens Cestest pnspanatiea aset nonctal cempetitiett dyn ycc endee new s peckm geide neetnlniteg mpecdcctieeetsllcttheaeeehstie etassenees mill isetoded fete ttlthe scott pnttehsan TInts nslsableu oseheusedan senfnenece Ice tesctice gstd Only cumIn time sttd pnsetice mitt neshle pee tc mantet natunbts iafeentstcce msenst Ateet ealy shest tiete ycc mill heahie cc mem ths Itytaglleldl CalteemtccedetytetepeesettstgcpyCnlt t-Intet-3te1-HthWKEscltccpyctestnllflSSsttd afneepeckstgcidn isclnded mith Aneehatic beck Plnsm iaetcde blIP Pet ahipping sect hncdtieg fmecclthcekendeeed 12 Model Aviation estants/Model StaticFlight 1Flight 2Flight 3 ScoreScoreScoreScore Flight 4Total ScoreScore J & C HOBBIES Order Line 1-800-309-8314 Info Line 412-796-9344 24hr Fax Order line 412-798-9857 Everyday Low Low Hitec Prices HAVE IT YOUR WAY! will customize Hitec Radio Up grade servos no servos iTx Focus 4 FM w/4 HS-30013295 Focus 6 FM w/4 HS-30015995 Flash S FM w/4 HS-42219995 Prism 7XF FM w/4 HS-42224195 Prism7XS FM w/Spec w/4 HS-42232995 Prism 7X FM w/Spectra Tx only22095 Spectra Module Prism 710995 Choice 4 crystals w/Spectra2895 RDC Supreme Rx wlcrystal6295 535 Micro Rx w/crystal6795 HS60 Super Micro 16 oz/in3895 HS-80 Sub Micro 31 oz/in2695 HS-80 MG Sub Micro w/metal gears3895 HS-101 Mim24oz/in2195 HS-101 MG Mini w/Metal gears3295 HS-205 BB Super mini 43 oz/m2795 HS-205 MG Super mini wlmetal gear3895 HS-300 Super Sport 42 ozlin1195 HS-422 Pro-servo 43 oz/in1395 145-425 RB Prow/dual ball bearings1995 HS-525 BR Hi Speed 47 az/rn3595 HS-545 BR Hi Torque 62 oz/in3595 HS-605 RB Hi Torque 77 oz/in3595 HS-605 MG Ultra Torque4695 HS-615 MG Super Torque 107z/in4695 HS700 BR Giant Scale 133 oz2995 HS-705 MG Super Giant 161 oz/in4295 HS-75 BR Retract 90 oz/in3995 HS-725 BR Sail winch 161 oz/in4895 HS-805 RB Mega 224 ozlin4895 CALL FOR SUPER SAITO PRICES 1! Extra Discounts Combos Shipping & Handling . $500 Continental USA FREE Gift orders over $200 Call Unadvertised Specials Most Orders Shipped m 24 hrs Total Satisfaction Guaranteed Join long list regular customers Come visit new store located just 15 minutes East Pittsburgh J & C Hobbles 100 Street Penn Hills PA 16285 Hours M-F 9to7 Sat 9toS Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Prices Subject Change Without Notice September1996 13 TEAM SCALE IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 SLALI lUtS bIPdJi LML order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax 1/4 SCALE 96 ISSMO Micro AV Competition International Society Structural Multi-disciplinary Optimization ISSMO announcing Micro AV competition objective competition employ multi-disciplinary design optimization MOO design build smallest aerial vehicle AV can perform following mission Fly photograph 15-meter size symbol ground located 600 meters launch site hidden view square enclosing fence 35-meter wide 15-meter high Provide legible image symbol launching individual launch site will two prizes awarded AVs complying competition rules $1250 prize smallest AV other $1250 prize design best MOO no 15 times size AV winning first prize competition will held site near University Florida campus April 51997 copy competition rules write ISSMO President Professor Raphael Haftka Department AeMES University Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6250 email haftkaufledu Additional information also available ISSMO home page httpllwwwaeroufleduf.getlissmohtm engine jet engine Navy used fighter small numbers 1945-1947 unusual twin-engine aircraft has project Hal Parentis several years Hals third aircraft type enlarged version Fireball spans 84 inches Its up-front power provided Saito 270 twin four-stroke engine buried deep fuselage 05 90 ducted-fan engine Air fed aft engine through intake slots inboard roots wing navy-blue aircraft fast twin-engine capability never questioned has unique sound air four-stroke ducted fan making own music flaps retracts external tank drop brakes operating tail hook Hal took ninth-place finish Expert Team Scale event two highly skilled modelers enter together modeler acts pilot other half team builder class youll see some very best craftsmanship realm Scale models Canadas Graeme Mears constructed de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth piloted first place Team Scale Dave Patrick A-scale model huge biplane wingspan 113 inches Power provided two-cylinder inline Moki 36 two-stroke engine turning 22 x 10 propeller Steve Elias Ian Richardson teamed up Ians T-33 finished US Air Force Thunderbirds color scheme went finish second Team Scale just point behind Graemes large biplane Douglas DC-3 seems favorite aircraft model Scale competition year three examples West Palm Beach Polo Club Two civilian DC-3 models C-47 military version Gooney Bird Dakota common nicknames timeless transport U U U U U U UUjj Basic Kit* epoxy pre p timed fibrglass fuse lage foam wing & stabilizer cores flying stab control mecha nism clear formed canopy full size plans & instructions Deluxe Kit* balsa laser cut plywood parts detailed cockpit kit armament pylons & missles pushrods hard ware *SCaie retracts tires & brakes available Call Send $3 Catalog 11216 Bluegrass Pkwy Louisville KY 40299 502 266-9234 U U U U 14 Model Aviation jU U U 4 Specs Wing Span61 Wing Area1306 in2 Length91 Weight25 lbs Engine2 91 larger Fanany 5 Channels4 12 Scale1764 Basic Kit$670Y U U U U U U Pat McCurry starts scratch-built 109 G-6 Pats model reproduction Feldwebel Heinrich Bartels aircraft bomb tray Greg Hahns B-25 holds six bombs Fourmost Bomb Drop units Greg enlarged Ziroli-designed bomber 118 inches September 1996 15 Hal Parenti finished ninth Expert Ryan Fireball model driven prop anda ducted fan Wayne Knights C-47 spans 144 inches features operating cargo doors During its flights model dropped cargo parachute 16 Model Aviation e The cockpit Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman TBM Avenger Nicks model features beautiful craftsmanship Right The wings Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman Avenger fold just like carrier-based full-scale version September 1996 17 Teamwork Third-place finisher Jeff Foley L gets some help starting model second-place finisher David Hayes TOP GU 1996 18 Model Aviation McCurrys 109 G-6 takeoff 102-inch-span model scratch-built cockpit features excellent detail Greg Hahns practice aircraft P-47 built enlarged Ziroli plans Gregs Jug features D- Tom Polapink L talks Craftsmanship Judge Bill DeVerna judges day invasion stripes check models documentation Wayne Knight came Top Gun C-47 constructed Ziroli plans olive-drab troop transport spans 140 inches powered two OS 108s Waynes model features operating cargo door model would make pass drop supplies side aircraft Another DC-3 Alvin Brown piloted Geoff Combs finish third Team Scale model displayed very realistic Scale operations during its flights Stephan Duerrsteins version finished eighth Expert class Alvin Stephans models Fiber Classics kits Terry Nitsch flew familiar F-86 Sabre jet third Top Gun win Bob Violett Models North American Sabre covered Coverite Presto aluminum covering marketed Foley Mfg Terry cut aluminum panels size attached aircraft Painted Ditzler acrylic enamel complete model finished off clearcoat Ditzler Del-Gb Terrys documentation came photos taken Buckley Air National Guard base Colorado Terry used speed brakes drop tanks two mechanical options during routine beat David Hayes 625 Terry blown just maneuver three flights could have dropped way fifth sixth place Competition Expert Class extremely close year especially first ten places Only four points separated Terry Nitschs first-place F-86 Bob Underwoods tenth-place Hiperbipe 667 difference between first third Most models Top Gun would right home full-scale aviation museums David Hayes Roanoke Rapids North Carolina finished very close second Expert class year flying Aries Thrush cropduster David put model through its paces weekend mishap model sitting top table rolled off breaking off models tail surfaces David able glue tail back thick cyanoacrylate ready third round flying competition Third place claimed Jeff Foley BEST GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR ______ Stainless Steel HEAD LOCK BEST DESIGN ____ Welded No Solder Acid Flux Flexing Wires BESTNiCad ___ BEST QUALITY & GUARANTEE _______ MODEL PRODUCTS CORPORATION BEST PRICE __________ St #045-WIO NiCad Charger$ 995 available write directSt #040-With NiCad __________________$ 1595 add $100 $200 outside USSt #041-With NiCad & Charger$ 2595 MODEL PRODUCTS CORPPH 908 850-1508 PO BOX 100 ALLAMUCHY NJ 07820FAX 908 850-8860 September 1996 19 Jet Model Products T-33 US Air Force jet trainer Jeffs 85-inch-span model powered 05 91 ducted-fan engine turning Dynainax fan Charlie Chambers finished fourth Expert P-61 twin-engine fighter Charlies model has wingspan 100 inches weighs 38 pounds model built Don Smith plans powered two Webra 12 two-stroke engines beautiful model replaces P-61 Charlie lost last year just before Top Gun Charlie used JR radio guide Black Widow did five top 10 finishers Expert class Four competitors used Airtronics systems Germanys Stephan Duerrstein used Multiplex radio round out top 10 meet combined Scale competition halftime aerobatic shows entertain nearly 18000 people over four days Add beautiful opening ceremonies highlighted full-scale Stearman flyover could say great meet beside some best people aeromodeling competing helping other wishing everyone could win administrative team including Frank Tiano sponsors West Palm Beach Aero Club worked make sure things ran smoothly everyone good time Its like told official know best people just plane people thats spelled P-L-A-N-E Hope see next year Top Gun Top Gun Merchandise Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Futaba JR Saito Geraro Enterprises Herr Engineering McDaniel K/C van Dell Jewelers Jim Meister Scale Pro Mark Top Gun Hussies Spring-Air Prop Wash Video Nick Ziroli Plans Pan American Dist NASA Cash Sponsors provided $200 cash awards plus custom trophy Airtronics Bob Violett Models Dave Platt Models Don Smith Plans Glen Torrance Models Lanier K/C North American Power Pro Mark R/C Report Remote Control Television Carden Aircraft Scale RIC Ej RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Catalog containing lists Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline RIC maintenance hints KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Discover MCard VISA COD Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm UPS USMAIL FEDEX etc 20 Model Aviation 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 Modeler Robart Mfg Hobby Hut Major Cash Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Frank Tiano Enterprises Scorekeeping Rosella Curry Chief Judge Tim Farrel Asst Chief Judge Bill Holland Impound Dawn Buckley Static Judges Bob Curry Bill DeVema Lee Henderson Charlie Beer Harvey Tomaison Steve Harris Flight Judges Darlene Frederick Wayne Frederick Jim Parker Tom Kozel George Jenkins Jim Semonian John Smith Stan Alexander Special Awards Critics Choice Pat McCuriy 109 * High Static Expert Sepp Uiberlacher Spitfire * High Static Team Jerry Caudle P-80 * Best Two-Stroke Performance Charlie Chambers P-61 Best Four-Stroke Performance Geoff Combs DC-3 Best Gas Engine Performance Greg Hahn B-25 * Best Multiengine Performance Jack Diaz F4* Best Jet Award Garland Hamilton T-33 * Best Civilian Award Corvin Miller Globe Swift * Best Military Award Charlie Chambers P 61 * Best Biplane Award Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * Best Aerobatic Performance Bill Han-is 33 * Engineering Excellence Nick Ziroli Jr TBF Avenger * Best Craftsmanship Charlie Chambers P-61 * Best Designer Scale Entry Graeme Mears 109 G6* Best Foreign Entry Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * * Received $200 sponsors 22 Model Aviation 0101 105003513213 040205043203050205000801 0802 rn 3216 04010503 3204 VIMV010310102 0105103503219 K-0501-0250 32241250 Factory Service CompleteO65O Parts T 1208 ISIJL/i 0ft0250T0100 0207-0251 02080402 040 030 030 0302o5 025204030250 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 MVVS Corporation America032\02 Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ \ 11011102 \ \ \ 11031104115002020101~12070203030310010301 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/09
Page Numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
The DC-3 Team Scale entry Geoff Combs builder Alvin Brown does realistic flyby model claimed third place event U Stan Alexander RC SCALE COMPETITIONS US characterized different skill levels AMA competition fliers can enter fun Scale Sportsman class work way up Expert US Scale Masters series 19 qualifying events around countryan Expert-class contestant has finish top 30% field meet qualify go championships fall international F4C FAI Scale program competitor must qualify positions three-person team best filers events watched judged picked compete Top Gun Invitational West Palm Beach Florida sisring event regularly draws competitors different parts world other event except FAT World Championships pilots invited try best other wow factorbuilding large complicated unique aircraft expand technical envelope Scale aeromodeling Giant Scale models radial engines turbines uncommon competitors try add realism score Aircraft eligible three years Practicing piloting skills flight routines essential pilot wants crack top 25 final standings 63 entries 1996 event its interesting note 23 eligible AMA Designer Scale competition aircraft must original design contestant eligible Models based kits commercially available plans eligible Sepp Uiberlacher s Spitfire winner high static score would come under classification would Nick Ziroli Jrs mM Bob Underwoods Hiperbipe Hal Parentis Ryan Fireball name few Before years event started several new models lost during testing included former champion Terry Nitsch s new Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Several other models lost practice competition year Nick Ziroli Jrs new TBM Avenger lost possibly due engine overheating Unfortunately 8 Model Aviation y Sheila Nitsch prepare Terrys Minute Men F-86 last round flying Terry took third Top Gun win September 1996 9 Above The first-place Team Scale de Havilland Tiger Moth Dave Patrick builder Graeme Mears Right A number fabricated metal parts used finish Dave Patricks Graeme Mears Team Scale Tiger Moth David Hayes Aries Thrush crop duster model took second place Expert its operating spraying system Photos author Graphic Desion Carla Kunz Garland Hamilton prepares BVM T-33 model finished seventh overallone three jets top ten 10 Model Aviation sionally fate aircraft push Scale aeromodeling s technical envelope Canadians foreign entries year Sepp Uiberlacher Karl Gross Graeme Mears competing aircraft Jack Diaz arrived Venezuela several members family compete first Top Gun beautiful F-4 Phantomit flaished 16th Jack Scale champion own country Other countries represented year included England Germany Brazil Some most-impressive models Expert class year relative newcomers meet Greg Hahns North American B-25 Mitchell Greg enlarged Nick Zirolis design build beautiful 118-inch-span version WW II bomber highly detailed 43pound aircraft powered two G-38 engines features flaps retracts bomb bay operating doors unique bomb tray inside Greg finished sixth new contest machine Greg also took home trophy Best Gas Engine Performance $200 dont see very well-finished Messerschmitt 109s Scale competition real beauty competes everyone takes notice Pat McCurry came Top Gun year largest Me-109 G-6 Ive ever seen competition 139-scale machine has wingspan 102 inches Pat said model weighed-in about 43 pounds Its powered G-62 turning 22 x 10 prop doors hatches operate just like full-scale aircraft replicating features quite accomplishment itself Pat won Critics Choice Award Best Designer Scale Entry model Having something different can sometimes make model stand out against rest field Scale competition six Lockheed T-33s year Ryan Fireball Fireball curious aircraft transitional post-WW II period Evidenfly US Navy didnt completely trust jet engines Ryan build experimental fighter powered piston RED MAX FUEL Super Fuel Engines CALL OR USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SPEED YOUR ORDER FILL IN QUANTITY ON THE LEFT TOTAL ON RIGHT Freight FREE gallons within Continental US New price break minimum 12 gallons shipped motorfreight no haz mat fee Drums treight collect Mix quantity total quantity determines price break Dealer club diacounts available please call detaila SC ordera add 5% sales tas UPS COD add $475 per carton Accept credit cards checks Also available Red Max T-shirts $9 Golf-shirts $13 Hats $6 ** Please note no longer ship quarts** 01W FUEL 4GAL 12GAL 2OGAL 6CGAL 124GAL 54GALTOTAL ORDERED MIXTURE PER GAL PER GALr PER GAL PER GAL PER GAL DRUM $ AMT HEIJ MAX lrnmiuivl FUEL Easy beginners powerful experts Available synthetic castor llends RED MAX 01187958908857794206D2 RED MAX 51272104299293686726283 RED MAX 10135811251075101594031964 RED MAX 1213831150liDO103996233670 RED MAX 151451121711671102102038200j REDMAXRACING FUEL Trophy winners planes boats cars loads documented records RED MAX2O1532129612461177108943602 RED MAX 251618138013301255116249284 RED MAX 301703146314131334123654965 RED MAX 401874163115811492138266328 RED MAX 502044179817481650152877691 RED MAX6O2215196519151808167489053 RED MAX 652300204919991887174794735 RED MAX 7023862132208219661820100416 RED MAX 7524712216216620451893106097 4-CYCLE FUEL Eliminates detonation & kickback 4-cy engines specially good older models 10-4 CYCLE 1323 1092 1042 983 910 2968 CYCLE 1409 1175 1125 1062 983 35365 4 SUPER TIGER 3000 FUEL Best fuel Super Tiger 2000- 4000 engines 5T3000 1358 1125 1075 1015 940 31964....... RED MAX DIESEL FUEL Superior diesel back list popular demand customers GAL 1550 1313 1301 1229 1092 47345 HELICOPTER FUEL *** Extremely smooth & cool running extrs defoamer & new SUPERIOR oil helicopters 10 Helicopter1362112910791019943322401 15 Helicopter1507127112211153106741892 25 Helicopter1896165216021512140067777 30 Helicopter1981173616861591147373458 RED MAX PERFORMANCE FUEL High flash point heavy oil use tuned pipes ducted fan & other heavy duty app 5 Pertormance 139611621112105097234500[ 10 Performancel481124811961129104540181 15 Performancels66133012801208111845862 REDMAXPATTERNFUEL Proven best fuel pattern engines using pumps tuned pipes SPattem1396116211121050972 10 Pattern1481124811961129104540181 .....{ 15 Pattern1566133012801208111845862 Power easy starting power smooth take offs power intricate maneuvers Red Max makes engine come alive power performance never expected can have power Its phone call away Power today next week next year Red Maxs secret ingredients keep engine lasting longer running powerfully other ___ 100% money back guarantee ___you completely satisfied ___any reason ___Red Max has power CUSTOM BLENDED FUEL INGREDIENTSGrand Total belier idle will mix custom fuel formula specialand better engine minimum gallon Fuel ingredients available inwear minimum quantities gallon Call prices items-characteristics Also special 2-cycle oil big engines such SAX etc Cleaner cooler running oil other marketthan ES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.other fuel September 1996 11 1936 MISS AMERICA 84 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 40 6t 2 cycle 48-704 cycle Radio 3-Channel B & M MODEL CO 290 W 1050 N LAYTON UT 84041 Phone 801-544-5689 Call Send $3UU tor Color Bmchure models $100 Color Pamphlet Miss America Only liT RES ADD 625% TAX PLEASE PRINT NAME BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP CARD TYPE AND NO EXPIRATION DATE _____________ 7/95 U COLORS Flame Red Deep Red Sky Blue Deep Blue Midnight Blue Bright Yellow Cub Yellow Dark Yellow Orange Black White Silver Perfect Paint high quality part fuel proof paint combines convenience superb results Perfect Paint will cover dopes epoxies metals fiberglass plastic smooth hard mar resis tant finish will crack chip NOW AVAILABLE pqcheveronihobbyiproductsE PO Box 2480 Sandusky Ohio 44870 Phone & Fax 419-797-2208 ecnstscheesndhycemaednnpettencedthntecvtttestentessa gcteetnnteetestndeamtefettemtnthelt pcessttcftetecesa Chaptem netadn Wkntynnneedtclesteahectsetcdyttnntks Snltetisgseatnneptattetetdeqtttpntettt Smut tttght petfeecing nhecffa Landieppattews hatety Isediag spines tectniegahentsnftey Cee ISci ContestantModeIStatic Score tent type emeesetty iged Pm ynsns takes esytelal knowledge sted tatest te seek ent Ith giving metensta stta use teem ne nttentesnty eitebte high nititedee EtactetO peweted sinceste have hate etesnilgly pepatne nod heck tesettes nemptenittes ef eleectent systems pecetetteneetee nedea1wtieetndmedeten CltnptensteetUde ctteeniegssnltytaee teeyittg amdte lnstcctcingtesttteds Thatettatteyctg SteVe necteeg teheeaieganatnektegtidee teyceetlag etneete etetem gems systems cheestttg batteries dtntgittg gaicdmgtigaactd teetetiqasa Cest Stitef Call now shipping handling charge ot added book purchased Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Flight 1Flight 2FlIght 3FlIght 4Total ScoreScoreScoreScoreScore gtCSpefleed Comyettticedenelmttcc Iltineemyretteasien etstntat taken pitec tette capable ef taking nEt aed lsndittg iete sneitiag mengd ePEC aseebstica Jim iekicneiea efaetekstie flight ann pensested itt nany te sedeestsadstepawhietthsnehnenyecnentittnesttdsgsinsedersctUs[v32][b2066249271821210]] Seenrat seeehstic tenenuesta ann shewesned itt 22 gage emettal heck cnamtteed felt ef istcstnsties feesll tenets tel pilem isetcdtng hem te psacistety adjest sect gim pece sitytatee fee pictaw ttenfsct ansekacice yne dee Chaytem anisette hceaisg penn teest setehatie sitylnen Radiceetnetice Adicatleg sed pencisely eietetisgyecesinptanss isnetal antekatic msneccetsncithdnteiisd issittactiens Cestest pnspanatiea aset nonctal cempetitiett dyn ycc endee new s peckm geide neetnlniteg mpecdcctieeetsllcttheaeeehstie etassenees mill isetoded fete ttlthe scott pnttehsan TInts nslsableu oseheusedan senfnenece Ice tesctice gstd Only cumIn time sttd pnsetice mitt neshle pee tc mantet natunbts iafeentstcce msenst Ateet ealy shest tiete ycc mill heahie cc mem ths Itytaglleldl CalteemtccedetytetepeesettstgcpyCnlt t-Intet-3te1-HthWKEscltccpyctestnllflSSsttd afneepeckstgcidn isclnded mith Aneehatic beck Plnsm iaetcde blIP Pet ahipping sect hncdtieg fmecclthcekendeeed 12 Model Aviation estants/Model StaticFlight 1Flight 2Flight 3 ScoreScoreScoreScore Flight 4Total ScoreScore J & C HOBBIES Order Line 1-800-309-8314 Info Line 412-796-9344 24hr Fax Order line 412-798-9857 Everyday Low Low Hitec Prices HAVE IT YOUR WAY! will customize Hitec Radio Up grade servos no servos iTx Focus 4 FM w/4 HS-30013295 Focus 6 FM w/4 HS-30015995 Flash S FM w/4 HS-42219995 Prism 7XF FM w/4 HS-42224195 Prism7XS FM w/Spec w/4 HS-42232995 Prism 7X FM w/Spectra Tx only22095 Spectra Module Prism 710995 Choice 4 crystals w/Spectra2895 RDC Supreme Rx wlcrystal6295 535 Micro Rx w/crystal6795 HS60 Super Micro 16 oz/in3895 HS-80 Sub Micro 31 oz/in2695 HS-80 MG Sub Micro w/metal gears3895 HS-101 Mim24oz/in2195 HS-101 MG Mini w/Metal gears3295 HS-205 BB Super mini 43 oz/m2795 HS-205 MG Super mini wlmetal gear3895 HS-300 Super Sport 42 ozlin1195 HS-422 Pro-servo 43 oz/in1395 145-425 RB Prow/dual ball bearings1995 HS-525 BR Hi Speed 47 az/rn3595 HS-545 BR Hi Torque 62 oz/in3595 HS-605 RB Hi Torque 77 oz/in3595 HS-605 MG Ultra Torque4695 HS-615 MG Super Torque 107z/in4695 HS700 BR Giant Scale 133 oz2995 HS-705 MG Super Giant 161 oz/in4295 HS-75 BR Retract 90 oz/in3995 HS-725 BR Sail winch 161 oz/in4895 HS-805 RB Mega 224 ozlin4895 CALL FOR SUPER SAITO PRICES 1! Extra Discounts Combos Shipping & Handling . $500 Continental USA FREE Gift orders over $200 Call Unadvertised Specials Most Orders Shipped m 24 hrs Total Satisfaction Guaranteed Join long list regular customers Come visit new store located just 15 minutes East Pittsburgh J & C Hobbles 100 Street Penn Hills PA 16285 Hours M-F 9to7 Sat 9toS Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Prices Subject Change Without Notice September1996 13 TEAM SCALE IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 SLALI lUtS bIPdJi LML order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax 1/4 SCALE 96 ISSMO Micro AV Competition International Society Structural Multi-disciplinary Optimization ISSMO announcing Micro AV competition objective competition employ multi-disciplinary design optimization MOO design build smallest aerial vehicle AV can perform following mission Fly photograph 15-meter size symbol ground located 600 meters launch site hidden view square enclosing fence 35-meter wide 15-meter high Provide legible image symbol launching individual launch site will two prizes awarded AVs complying competition rules $1250 prize smallest AV other $1250 prize design best MOO no 15 times size AV winning first prize competition will held site near University Florida campus April 51997 copy competition rules write ISSMO President Professor Raphael Haftka Department AeMES University Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6250 email haftkaufledu Additional information also available ISSMO home page httpllwwwaeroufleduf.getlissmohtm engine jet engine Navy used fighter small numbers 1945-1947 unusual twin-engine aircraft has project Hal Parentis several years Hals third aircraft type enlarged version Fireball spans 84 inches Its up-front power provided Saito 270 twin four-stroke engine buried deep fuselage 05 90 ducted-fan engine Air fed aft engine through intake slots inboard roots wing navy-blue aircraft fast twin-engine capability never questioned has unique sound air four-stroke ducted fan making own music flaps retracts external tank drop brakes operating tail hook Hal took ninth-place finish Expert Team Scale event two highly skilled modelers enter together modeler acts pilot other half team builder class youll see some very best craftsmanship realm Scale models Canadas Graeme Mears constructed de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth piloted first place Team Scale Dave Patrick A-scale model huge biplane wingspan 113 inches Power provided two-cylinder inline Moki 36 two-stroke engine turning 22 x 10 propeller Steve Elias Ian Richardson teamed up Ians T-33 finished US Air Force Thunderbirds color scheme went finish second Team Scale just point behind Graemes large biplane Douglas DC-3 seems favorite aircraft model Scale competition year three examples West Palm Beach Polo Club Two civilian DC-3 models C-47 military version Gooney Bird Dakota common nicknames timeless transport U U U U U U UUjj Basic Kit* epoxy pre p timed fibrglass fuse lage foam wing & stabilizer cores flying stab control mecha nism clear formed canopy full size plans & instructions Deluxe Kit* balsa laser cut plywood parts detailed cockpit kit armament pylons & missles pushrods hard ware *SCaie retracts tires & brakes available Call Send $3 Catalog 11216 Bluegrass Pkwy Louisville KY 40299 502 266-9234 U U U U 14 Model Aviation jU U U 4 Specs Wing Span61 Wing Area1306 in2 Length91 Weight25 lbs Engine2 91 larger Fanany 5 Channels4 12 Scale1764 Basic Kit$670Y U U U U U U Pat McCurry starts scratch-built 109 G-6 Pats model reproduction Feldwebel Heinrich Bartels aircraft bomb tray Greg Hahns B-25 holds six bombs Fourmost Bomb Drop units Greg enlarged Ziroli-designed bomber 118 inches September 1996 15 Hal Parenti finished ninth Expert Ryan Fireball model driven prop anda ducted fan Wayne Knights C-47 spans 144 inches features operating cargo doors During its flights model dropped cargo parachute 16 Model Aviation e The cockpit Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman TBM Avenger Nicks model features beautiful craftsmanship Right The wings Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman Avenger fold just like carrier-based full-scale version September 1996 17 Teamwork Third-place finisher Jeff Foley L gets some help starting model second-place finisher David Hayes TOP GU 1996 18 Model Aviation McCurrys 109 G-6 takeoff 102-inch-span model scratch-built cockpit features excellent detail Greg Hahns practice aircraft P-47 built enlarged Ziroli plans Gregs Jug features D- Tom Polapink L talks Craftsmanship Judge Bill DeVerna judges day invasion stripes check models documentation Wayne Knight came Top Gun C-47 constructed Ziroli plans olive-drab troop transport spans 140 inches powered two OS 108s Waynes model features operating cargo door model would make pass drop supplies side aircraft Another DC-3 Alvin Brown piloted Geoff Combs finish third Team Scale model displayed very realistic Scale operations during its flights Stephan Duerrsteins version finished eighth Expert class Alvin Stephans models Fiber Classics kits Terry Nitsch flew familiar F-86 Sabre jet third Top Gun win Bob Violett Models North American Sabre covered Coverite Presto aluminum covering marketed Foley Mfg Terry cut aluminum panels size attached aircraft Painted Ditzler acrylic enamel complete model finished off clearcoat Ditzler Del-Gb Terrys documentation came photos taken Buckley Air National Guard base Colorado Terry used speed brakes drop tanks two mechanical options during routine beat David Hayes 625 Terry blown just maneuver three flights could have dropped way fifth sixth place Competition Expert Class extremely close year especially first ten places Only four points separated Terry Nitschs first-place F-86 Bob Underwoods tenth-place Hiperbipe 667 difference between first third Most models Top Gun would right home full-scale aviation museums David Hayes Roanoke Rapids North Carolina finished very close second Expert class year flying Aries Thrush cropduster David put model through its paces weekend mishap model sitting top table rolled off breaking off models tail surfaces David able glue tail back thick cyanoacrylate ready third round flying competition Third place claimed Jeff Foley BEST GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR ______ Stainless Steel HEAD LOCK BEST DESIGN ____ Welded No Solder Acid Flux Flexing Wires BESTNiCad ___ BEST QUALITY & GUARANTEE _______ MODEL PRODUCTS CORPORATION BEST PRICE __________ St #045-WIO NiCad Charger$ 995 available write directSt #040-With NiCad __________________$ 1595 add $100 $200 outside USSt #041-With NiCad & Charger$ 2595 MODEL PRODUCTS CORPPH 908 850-1508 PO BOX 100 ALLAMUCHY NJ 07820FAX 908 850-8860 September 1996 19 Jet Model Products T-33 US Air Force jet trainer Jeffs 85-inch-span model powered 05 91 ducted-fan engine turning Dynainax fan Charlie Chambers finished fourth Expert P-61 twin-engine fighter Charlies model has wingspan 100 inches weighs 38 pounds model built Don Smith plans powered two Webra 12 two-stroke engines beautiful model replaces P-61 Charlie lost last year just before Top Gun Charlie used JR radio guide Black Widow did five top 10 finishers Expert class Four competitors used Airtronics systems Germanys Stephan Duerrstein used Multiplex radio round out top 10 meet combined Scale competition halftime aerobatic shows entertain nearly 18000 people over four days Add beautiful opening ceremonies highlighted full-scale Stearman flyover could say great meet beside some best people aeromodeling competing helping other wishing everyone could win administrative team including Frank Tiano sponsors West Palm Beach Aero Club worked make sure things ran smoothly everyone good time Its like told official know best people just plane people thats spelled P-L-A-N-E Hope see next year Top Gun Top Gun Merchandise Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Futaba JR Saito Geraro Enterprises Herr Engineering McDaniel K/C van Dell Jewelers Jim Meister Scale Pro Mark Top Gun Hussies Spring-Air Prop Wash Video Nick Ziroli Plans Pan American Dist NASA Cash Sponsors provided $200 cash awards plus custom trophy Airtronics Bob Violett Models Dave Platt Models Don Smith Plans Glen Torrance Models Lanier K/C North American Power Pro Mark R/C Report Remote Control Television Carden Aircraft Scale RIC Ej RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Catalog containing lists Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline RIC maintenance hints KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Discover MCard VISA COD Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm UPS USMAIL FEDEX etc 20 Model Aviation 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 Modeler Robart Mfg Hobby Hut Major Cash Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Frank Tiano Enterprises Scorekeeping Rosella Curry Chief Judge Tim Farrel Asst Chief Judge Bill Holland Impound Dawn Buckley Static Judges Bob Curry Bill DeVema Lee Henderson Charlie Beer Harvey Tomaison Steve Harris Flight Judges Darlene Frederick Wayne Frederick Jim Parker Tom Kozel George Jenkins Jim Semonian John Smith Stan Alexander Special Awards Critics Choice Pat McCuriy 109 * High Static Expert Sepp Uiberlacher Spitfire * High Static Team Jerry Caudle P-80 * Best Two-Stroke Performance Charlie Chambers P-61 Best Four-Stroke Performance Geoff Combs DC-3 Best Gas Engine Performance Greg Hahn B-25 * Best Multiengine Performance Jack Diaz F4* Best Jet Award Garland Hamilton T-33 * Best Civilian Award Corvin Miller Globe Swift * Best Military Award Charlie Chambers P 61 * Best Biplane Award Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * Best Aerobatic Performance Bill Han-is 33 * Engineering Excellence Nick Ziroli Jr TBF Avenger * Best Craftsmanship Charlie Chambers P-61 * Best Designer Scale Entry Graeme Mears 109 G6* Best Foreign Entry Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * * Received $200 sponsors 22 Model Aviation 0101 105003513213 040205043203050205000801 0802 rn 3216 04010503 3204 VIMV010310102 0105103503219 K-0501-0250 32241250 Factory Service CompleteO65O Parts T 1208 ISIJL/i 0ft0250T0100 0207-0251 02080402 040 030 030 0302o5 025204030250 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 MVVS Corporation America032\02 Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ \ 11011102 \ \ \ 11031104115002020101~12070203030310010301 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/09
Page Numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
The DC-3 Team Scale entry Geoff Combs builder Alvin Brown does realistic flyby model claimed third place event U Stan Alexander RC SCALE COMPETITIONS US characterized different skill levels AMA competition fliers can enter fun Scale Sportsman class work way up Expert US Scale Masters series 19 qualifying events around countryan Expert-class contestant has finish top 30% field meet qualify go championships fall international F4C FAI Scale program competitor must qualify positions three-person team best filers events watched judged picked compete Top Gun Invitational West Palm Beach Florida sisring event regularly draws competitors different parts world other event except FAT World Championships pilots invited try best other wow factorbuilding large complicated unique aircraft expand technical envelope Scale aeromodeling Giant Scale models radial engines turbines uncommon competitors try add realism score Aircraft eligible three years Practicing piloting skills flight routines essential pilot wants crack top 25 final standings 63 entries 1996 event its interesting note 23 eligible AMA Designer Scale competition aircraft must original design contestant eligible Models based kits commercially available plans eligible Sepp Uiberlacher s Spitfire winner high static score would come under classification would Nick Ziroli Jrs mM Bob Underwoods Hiperbipe Hal Parentis Ryan Fireball name few Before years event started several new models lost during testing included former champion Terry Nitsch s new Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Several other models lost practice competition year Nick Ziroli Jrs new TBM Avenger lost possibly due engine overheating Unfortunately 8 Model Aviation y Sheila Nitsch prepare Terrys Minute Men F-86 last round flying Terry took third Top Gun win September 1996 9 Above The first-place Team Scale de Havilland Tiger Moth Dave Patrick builder Graeme Mears Right A number fabricated metal parts used finish Dave Patricks Graeme Mears Team Scale Tiger Moth David Hayes Aries Thrush crop duster model took second place Expert its operating spraying system Photos author Graphic Desion Carla Kunz Garland Hamilton prepares BVM T-33 model finished seventh overallone three jets top ten 10 Model Aviation sionally fate aircraft push Scale aeromodeling s technical envelope Canadians foreign entries year Sepp Uiberlacher Karl Gross Graeme Mears competing aircraft Jack Diaz arrived Venezuela several members family compete first Top Gun beautiful F-4 Phantomit flaished 16th Jack Scale champion own country Other countries represented year included England Germany Brazil Some most-impressive models Expert class year relative newcomers meet Greg Hahns North American B-25 Mitchell Greg enlarged Nick Zirolis design build beautiful 118-inch-span version WW II bomber highly detailed 43pound aircraft powered two G-38 engines features flaps retracts bomb bay operating doors unique bomb tray inside Greg finished sixth new contest machine Greg also took home trophy Best Gas Engine Performance $200 dont see very well-finished Messerschmitt 109s Scale competition real beauty competes everyone takes notice Pat McCurry came Top Gun year largest Me-109 G-6 Ive ever seen competition 139-scale machine has wingspan 102 inches Pat said model weighed-in about 43 pounds Its powered G-62 turning 22 x 10 prop doors hatches operate just like full-scale aircraft replicating features quite accomplishment itself Pat won Critics Choice Award Best Designer Scale Entry model Having something different can sometimes make model stand out against rest field Scale competition six Lockheed T-33s year Ryan Fireball Fireball curious aircraft transitional post-WW II period Evidenfly US Navy didnt completely trust jet engines Ryan build experimental fighter powered piston RED MAX FUEL Super Fuel Engines CALL OR USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SPEED YOUR ORDER FILL IN QUANTITY ON THE LEFT TOTAL ON RIGHT Freight FREE gallons within Continental US New price break minimum 12 gallons shipped motorfreight no haz mat fee Drums treight collect Mix quantity total quantity determines price break Dealer club diacounts available please call detaila SC ordera add 5% sales tas UPS COD add $475 per carton Accept credit cards checks Also available Red Max T-shirts $9 Golf-shirts $13 Hats $6 ** Please note no longer ship quarts** 01W FUEL 4GAL 12GAL 2OGAL 6CGAL 124GAL 54GALTOTAL ORDERED MIXTURE PER GAL PER GALr PER GAL PER GAL PER GAL DRUM $ AMT HEIJ MAX lrnmiuivl FUEL Easy beginners powerful experts Available synthetic castor llends RED MAX 01187958908857794206D2 RED MAX 51272104299293686726283 RED MAX 10135811251075101594031964 RED MAX 1213831150liDO103996233670 RED MAX 151451121711671102102038200j REDMAXRACING FUEL Trophy winners planes boats cars loads documented records RED MAX2O1532129612461177108943602 RED MAX 251618138013301255116249284 RED MAX 301703146314131334123654965 RED MAX 401874163115811492138266328 RED MAX 502044179817481650152877691 RED MAX6O2215196519151808167489053 RED MAX 652300204919991887174794735 RED MAX 7023862132208219661820100416 RED MAX 7524712216216620451893106097 4-CYCLE FUEL Eliminates detonation & kickback 4-cy engines specially good older models 10-4 CYCLE 1323 1092 1042 983 910 2968 CYCLE 1409 1175 1125 1062 983 35365 4 SUPER TIGER 3000 FUEL Best fuel Super Tiger 2000- 4000 engines 5T3000 1358 1125 1075 1015 940 31964....... RED MAX DIESEL FUEL Superior diesel back list popular demand customers GAL 1550 1313 1301 1229 1092 47345 HELICOPTER FUEL *** Extremely smooth & cool running extrs defoamer & new SUPERIOR oil helicopters 10 Helicopter1362112910791019943322401 15 Helicopter1507127112211153106741892 25 Helicopter1896165216021512140067777 30 Helicopter1981173616861591147373458 RED MAX PERFORMANCE FUEL High flash point heavy oil use tuned pipes ducted fan & other heavy duty app 5 Pertormance 139611621112105097234500[ 10 Performancel481124811961129104540181 15 Performancels66133012801208111845862 REDMAXPATTERNFUEL Proven best fuel pattern engines using pumps tuned pipes SPattem1396116211121050972 10 Pattern1481124811961129104540181 .....{ 15 Pattern1566133012801208111845862 Power easy starting power smooth take offs power intricate maneuvers Red Max makes engine come alive power performance never expected can have power Its phone call away Power today next week next year Red Maxs secret ingredients keep engine lasting longer running powerfully other ___ 100% money back guarantee ___you completely satisfied ___any reason ___Red Max has power CUSTOM BLENDED FUEL INGREDIENTSGrand Total belier idle will mix custom fuel formula specialand better engine minimum gallon Fuel ingredients available inwear minimum quantities gallon Call prices items-characteristics Also special 2-cycle oil big engines such SAX etc Cleaner cooler running oil other marketthan ES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.other fuel September 1996 11 1936 MISS AMERICA 84 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 40 6t 2 cycle 48-704 cycle Radio 3-Channel B & M MODEL CO 290 W 1050 N LAYTON UT 84041 Phone 801-544-5689 Call Send $3UU tor Color Bmchure models $100 Color Pamphlet Miss America Only liT RES ADD 625% TAX PLEASE PRINT NAME BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP CARD TYPE AND NO EXPIRATION DATE _____________ 7/95 U COLORS Flame Red Deep Red Sky Blue Deep Blue Midnight Blue Bright Yellow Cub Yellow Dark Yellow Orange Black White Silver Perfect Paint high quality part fuel proof paint combines convenience superb results Perfect Paint will cover dopes epoxies metals fiberglass plastic smooth hard mar resis tant finish will crack chip NOW AVAILABLE pqcheveronihobbyiproductsE PO Box 2480 Sandusky Ohio 44870 Phone & Fax 419-797-2208 ecnstscheesndhycemaednnpettencedthntecvtttestentessa gcteetnnteetestndeamtefettemtnthelt pcessttcftetecesa Chaptem netadn Wkntynnneedtclesteahectsetcdyttnntks Snltetisgseatnneptattetetdeqtttpntettt Smut tttght petfeecing nhecffa Landieppattews hatety Isediag spines tectniegahentsnftey Cee ISci ContestantModeIStatic Score tent type emeesetty iged Pm ynsns takes esytelal knowledge sted tatest te seek ent Ith giving metensta stta use teem ne nttentesnty eitebte high nititedee EtactetO peweted sinceste have hate etesnilgly pepatne nod heck tesettes nemptenittes ef eleectent systems pecetetteneetee nedea1wtieetndmedeten CltnptensteetUde ctteeniegssnltytaee teeyittg amdte lnstcctcingtesttteds Thatettatteyctg SteVe necteeg teheeaieganatnektegtidee teyceetlag etneete etetem gems systems cheestttg batteries dtntgittg gaicdmgtigaactd teetetiqasa Cest Stitef Call now shipping handling charge ot added book purchased Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Flight 1Flight 2FlIght 3FlIght 4Total ScoreScoreScoreScoreScore gtCSpefleed Comyettticedenelmttcc Iltineemyretteasien etstntat taken pitec tette capable ef taking nEt aed lsndittg iete sneitiag mengd ePEC aseebstica Jim iekicneiea efaetekstie flight ann pensested itt nany te sedeestsadstepawhietthsnehnenyecnentittnesttdsgsinsedersctUs[v32][b2066249271821210]] Seenrat seeehstic tenenuesta ann shewesned itt 22 gage emettal heck cnamtteed felt ef istcstnsties feesll tenets tel pilem isetcdtng hem te psacistety adjest sect gim pece sitytatee fee pictaw ttenfsct ansekacice yne dee Chaytem anisette hceaisg penn teest setehatie sitylnen Radiceetnetice Adicatleg sed pencisely eietetisgyecesinptanss isnetal antekatic msneccetsncithdnteiisd issittactiens Cestest pnspanatiea aset nonctal cempetitiett dyn ycc endee new s peckm geide neetnlniteg mpecdcctieeetsllcttheaeeehstie etassenees mill isetoded fete ttlthe scott pnttehsan TInts nslsableu oseheusedan senfnenece Ice tesctice gstd Only cumIn time sttd pnsetice mitt neshle pee tc mantet natunbts iafeentstcce msenst Ateet ealy shest tiete ycc mill heahie cc mem ths Itytaglleldl CalteemtccedetytetepeesettstgcpyCnlt t-Intet-3te1-HthWKEscltccpyctestnllflSSsttd afneepeckstgcidn isclnded mith Aneehatic beck Plnsm iaetcde blIP Pet ahipping sect hncdtieg fmecclthcekendeeed 12 Model Aviation estants/Model StaticFlight 1Flight 2Flight 3 ScoreScoreScoreScore Flight 4Total ScoreScore J & C HOBBIES Order Line 1-800-309-8314 Info Line 412-796-9344 24hr Fax Order line 412-798-9857 Everyday Low Low Hitec Prices HAVE IT YOUR WAY! will customize Hitec Radio Up grade servos no servos iTx Focus 4 FM w/4 HS-30013295 Focus 6 FM w/4 HS-30015995 Flash S FM w/4 HS-42219995 Prism 7XF FM w/4 HS-42224195 Prism7XS FM w/Spec w/4 HS-42232995 Prism 7X FM w/Spectra Tx only22095 Spectra Module Prism 710995 Choice 4 crystals w/Spectra2895 RDC Supreme Rx wlcrystal6295 535 Micro Rx w/crystal6795 HS60 Super Micro 16 oz/in3895 HS-80 Sub Micro 31 oz/in2695 HS-80 MG Sub Micro w/metal gears3895 HS-101 Mim24oz/in2195 HS-101 MG Mini w/Metal gears3295 HS-205 BB Super mini 43 oz/m2795 HS-205 MG Super mini wlmetal gear3895 HS-300 Super Sport 42 ozlin1195 HS-422 Pro-servo 43 oz/in1395 145-425 RB Prow/dual ball bearings1995 HS-525 BR Hi Speed 47 az/rn3595 HS-545 BR Hi Torque 62 oz/in3595 HS-605 RB Hi Torque 77 oz/in3595 HS-605 MG Ultra Torque4695 HS-615 MG Super Torque 107z/in4695 HS700 BR Giant Scale 133 oz2995 HS-705 MG Super Giant 161 oz/in4295 HS-75 BR Retract 90 oz/in3995 HS-725 BR Sail winch 161 oz/in4895 HS-805 RB Mega 224 ozlin4895 CALL FOR SUPER SAITO PRICES 1! Extra Discounts Combos Shipping & Handling . $500 Continental USA FREE Gift orders over $200 Call Unadvertised Specials Most Orders Shipped m 24 hrs Total Satisfaction Guaranteed Join long list regular customers Come visit new store located just 15 minutes East Pittsburgh J & C Hobbles 100 Street Penn Hills PA 16285 Hours M-F 9to7 Sat 9toS Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Prices Subject Change Without Notice September1996 13 TEAM SCALE IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 SLALI lUtS bIPdJi LML order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax 1/4 SCALE 96 ISSMO Micro AV Competition International Society Structural Multi-disciplinary Optimization ISSMO announcing Micro AV competition objective competition employ multi-disciplinary design optimization MOO design build smallest aerial vehicle AV can perform following mission Fly photograph 15-meter size symbol ground located 600 meters launch site hidden view square enclosing fence 35-meter wide 15-meter high Provide legible image symbol launching individual launch site will two prizes awarded AVs complying competition rules $1250 prize smallest AV other $1250 prize design best MOO no 15 times size AV winning first prize competition will held site near University Florida campus April 51997 copy competition rules write ISSMO President Professor Raphael Haftka Department AeMES University Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6250 email haftkaufledu Additional information also available ISSMO home page httpllwwwaeroufleduf.getlissmohtm engine jet engine Navy used fighter small numbers 1945-1947 unusual twin-engine aircraft has project Hal Parentis several years Hals third aircraft type enlarged version Fireball spans 84 inches Its up-front power provided Saito 270 twin four-stroke engine buried deep fuselage 05 90 ducted-fan engine Air fed aft engine through intake slots inboard roots wing navy-blue aircraft fast twin-engine capability never questioned has unique sound air four-stroke ducted fan making own music flaps retracts external tank drop brakes operating tail hook Hal took ninth-place finish Expert Team Scale event two highly skilled modelers enter together modeler acts pilot other half team builder class youll see some very best craftsmanship realm Scale models Canadas Graeme Mears constructed de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth piloted first place Team Scale Dave Patrick A-scale model huge biplane wingspan 113 inches Power provided two-cylinder inline Moki 36 two-stroke engine turning 22 x 10 propeller Steve Elias Ian Richardson teamed up Ians T-33 finished US Air Force Thunderbirds color scheme went finish second Team Scale just point behind Graemes large biplane Douglas DC-3 seems favorite aircraft model Scale competition year three examples West Palm Beach Polo Club Two civilian DC-3 models C-47 military version Gooney Bird Dakota common nicknames timeless transport U U U U U U UUjj Basic Kit* epoxy pre p timed fibrglass fuse lage foam wing & stabilizer cores flying stab control mecha nism clear formed canopy full size plans & instructions Deluxe Kit* balsa laser cut plywood parts detailed cockpit kit armament pylons & missles pushrods hard ware *SCaie retracts tires & brakes available Call Send $3 Catalog 11216 Bluegrass Pkwy Louisville KY 40299 502 266-9234 U U U U 14 Model Aviation jU U U 4 Specs Wing Span61 Wing Area1306 in2 Length91 Weight25 lbs Engine2 91 larger Fanany 5 Channels4 12 Scale1764 Basic Kit$670Y U U U U U U Pat McCurry starts scratch-built 109 G-6 Pats model reproduction Feldwebel Heinrich Bartels aircraft bomb tray Greg Hahns B-25 holds six bombs Fourmost Bomb Drop units Greg enlarged Ziroli-designed bomber 118 inches September 1996 15 Hal Parenti finished ninth Expert Ryan Fireball model driven prop anda ducted fan Wayne Knights C-47 spans 144 inches features operating cargo doors During its flights model dropped cargo parachute 16 Model Aviation e The cockpit Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman TBM Avenger Nicks model features beautiful craftsmanship Right The wings Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman Avenger fold just like carrier-based full-scale version September 1996 17 Teamwork Third-place finisher Jeff Foley L gets some help starting model second-place finisher David Hayes TOP GU 1996 18 Model Aviation McCurrys 109 G-6 takeoff 102-inch-span model scratch-built cockpit features excellent detail Greg Hahns practice aircraft P-47 built enlarged Ziroli plans Gregs Jug features D- Tom Polapink L talks Craftsmanship Judge Bill DeVerna judges day invasion stripes check models documentation Wayne Knight came Top Gun C-47 constructed Ziroli plans olive-drab troop transport spans 140 inches powered two OS 108s Waynes model features operating cargo door model would make pass drop supplies side aircraft Another DC-3 Alvin Brown piloted Geoff Combs finish third Team Scale model displayed very realistic Scale operations during its flights Stephan Duerrsteins version finished eighth Expert class Alvin Stephans models Fiber Classics kits Terry Nitsch flew familiar F-86 Sabre jet third Top Gun win Bob Violett Models North American Sabre covered Coverite Presto aluminum covering marketed Foley Mfg Terry cut aluminum panels size attached aircraft Painted Ditzler acrylic enamel complete model finished off clearcoat Ditzler Del-Gb Terrys documentation came photos taken Buckley Air National Guard base Colorado Terry used speed brakes drop tanks two mechanical options during routine beat David Hayes 625 Terry blown just maneuver three flights could have dropped way fifth sixth place Competition Expert Class extremely close year especially first ten places Only four points separated Terry Nitschs first-place F-86 Bob Underwoods tenth-place Hiperbipe 667 difference between first third Most models Top Gun would right home full-scale aviation museums David Hayes Roanoke Rapids North Carolina finished very close second Expert class year flying Aries Thrush cropduster David put model through its paces weekend mishap model sitting top table rolled off breaking off models tail surfaces David able glue tail back thick cyanoacrylate ready third round flying competition Third place claimed Jeff Foley BEST GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR ______ Stainless Steel HEAD LOCK BEST DESIGN ____ Welded No Solder Acid Flux Flexing Wires BESTNiCad ___ BEST QUALITY & GUARANTEE _______ MODEL PRODUCTS CORPORATION BEST PRICE __________ St #045-WIO NiCad Charger$ 995 available write directSt #040-With NiCad __________________$ 1595 add $100 $200 outside USSt #041-With NiCad & Charger$ 2595 MODEL PRODUCTS CORPPH 908 850-1508 PO BOX 100 ALLAMUCHY NJ 07820FAX 908 850-8860 September 1996 19 Jet Model Products T-33 US Air Force jet trainer Jeffs 85-inch-span model powered 05 91 ducted-fan engine turning Dynainax fan Charlie Chambers finished fourth Expert P-61 twin-engine fighter Charlies model has wingspan 100 inches weighs 38 pounds model built Don Smith plans powered two Webra 12 two-stroke engines beautiful model replaces P-61 Charlie lost last year just before Top Gun Charlie used JR radio guide Black Widow did five top 10 finishers Expert class Four competitors used Airtronics systems Germanys Stephan Duerrstein used Multiplex radio round out top 10 meet combined Scale competition halftime aerobatic shows entertain nearly 18000 people over four days Add beautiful opening ceremonies highlighted full-scale Stearman flyover could say great meet beside some best people aeromodeling competing helping other wishing everyone could win administrative team including Frank Tiano sponsors West Palm Beach Aero Club worked make sure things ran smoothly everyone good time Its like told official know best people just plane people thats spelled P-L-A-N-E Hope see next year Top Gun Top Gun Merchandise Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Futaba JR Saito Geraro Enterprises Herr Engineering McDaniel K/C van Dell Jewelers Jim Meister Scale Pro Mark Top Gun Hussies Spring-Air Prop Wash Video Nick Ziroli Plans Pan American Dist NASA Cash Sponsors provided $200 cash awards plus custom trophy Airtronics Bob Violett Models Dave Platt Models Don Smith Plans Glen Torrance Models Lanier K/C North American Power Pro Mark R/C Report Remote Control Television Carden Aircraft Scale RIC Ej RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Catalog containing lists Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline RIC maintenance hints KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Discover MCard VISA COD Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm UPS USMAIL FEDEX etc 20 Model Aviation 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 Modeler Robart Mfg Hobby Hut Major Cash Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Frank Tiano Enterprises Scorekeeping Rosella Curry Chief Judge Tim Farrel Asst Chief Judge Bill Holland Impound Dawn Buckley Static Judges Bob Curry Bill DeVema Lee Henderson Charlie Beer Harvey Tomaison Steve Harris Flight Judges Darlene Frederick Wayne Frederick Jim Parker Tom Kozel George Jenkins Jim Semonian John Smith Stan Alexander Special Awards Critics Choice Pat McCuriy 109 * High Static Expert Sepp Uiberlacher Spitfire * High Static Team Jerry Caudle P-80 * Best Two-Stroke Performance Charlie Chambers P-61 Best Four-Stroke Performance Geoff Combs DC-3 Best Gas Engine Performance Greg Hahn B-25 * Best Multiengine Performance Jack Diaz F4* Best Jet Award Garland Hamilton T-33 * Best Civilian Award Corvin Miller Globe Swift * Best Military Award Charlie Chambers P 61 * Best Biplane Award Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * Best Aerobatic Performance Bill Han-is 33 * Engineering Excellence Nick Ziroli Jr TBF Avenger * Best Craftsmanship Charlie Chambers P-61 * Best Designer Scale Entry Graeme Mears 109 G6* Best Foreign Entry Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * * Received $200 sponsors 22 Model Aviation 0101 105003513213 040205043203050205000801 0802 rn 3216 04010503 3204 VIMV010310102 0105103503219 K-0501-0250 32241250 Factory Service CompleteO65O Parts T 1208 ISIJL/i 0ft0250T0100 0207-0251 02080402 040 030 030 0302o5 025204030250 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 MVVS Corporation America032\02 Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ \ 11011102 \ \ \ 11031104115002020101~12070203030310010301 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/09
Page Numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
The DC-3 Team Scale entry Geoff Combs builder Alvin Brown does realistic flyby model claimed third place event U Stan Alexander RC SCALE COMPETITIONS US characterized different skill levels AMA competition fliers can enter fun Scale Sportsman class work way up Expert US Scale Masters series 19 qualifying events around countryan Expert-class contestant has finish top 30% field meet qualify go championships fall international F4C FAI Scale program competitor must qualify positions three-person team best filers events watched judged picked compete Top Gun Invitational West Palm Beach Florida sisring event regularly draws competitors different parts world other event except FAT World Championships pilots invited try best other wow factorbuilding large complicated unique aircraft expand technical envelope Scale aeromodeling Giant Scale models radial engines turbines uncommon competitors try add realism score Aircraft eligible three years Practicing piloting skills flight routines essential pilot wants crack top 25 final standings 63 entries 1996 event its interesting note 23 eligible AMA Designer Scale competition aircraft must original design contestant eligible Models based kits commercially available plans eligible Sepp Uiberlacher s Spitfire winner high static score would come under classification would Nick Ziroli Jrs mM Bob Underwoods Hiperbipe Hal Parentis Ryan Fireball name few Before years event started several new models lost during testing included former champion Terry Nitsch s new Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Several other models lost practice competition year Nick Ziroli Jrs new TBM Avenger lost possibly due engine overheating Unfortunately 8 Model Aviation y Sheila Nitsch prepare Terrys Minute Men F-86 last round flying Terry took third Top Gun win September 1996 9 Above The first-place Team Scale de Havilland Tiger Moth Dave Patrick builder Graeme Mears Right A number fabricated metal parts used finish Dave Patricks Graeme Mears Team Scale Tiger Moth David Hayes Aries Thrush crop duster model took second place Expert its operating spraying system Photos author Graphic Desion Carla Kunz Garland Hamilton prepares BVM T-33 model finished seventh overallone three jets top ten 10 Model Aviation sionally fate aircraft push Scale aeromodeling s technical envelope Canadians foreign entries year Sepp Uiberlacher Karl Gross Graeme Mears competing aircraft Jack Diaz arrived Venezuela several members family compete first Top Gun beautiful F-4 Phantomit flaished 16th Jack Scale champion own country Other countries represented year included England Germany Brazil Some most-impressive models Expert class year relative newcomers meet Greg Hahns North American B-25 Mitchell Greg enlarged Nick Zirolis design build beautiful 118-inch-span version WW II bomber highly detailed 43pound aircraft powered two G-38 engines features flaps retracts bomb bay operating doors unique bomb tray inside Greg finished sixth new contest machine Greg also took home trophy Best Gas Engine Performance $200 dont see very well-finished Messerschmitt 109s Scale competition real beauty competes everyone takes notice Pat McCurry came Top Gun year largest Me-109 G-6 Ive ever seen competition 139-scale machine has wingspan 102 inches Pat said model weighed-in about 43 pounds Its powered G-62 turning 22 x 10 prop doors hatches operate just like full-scale aircraft replicating features quite accomplishment itself Pat won Critics Choice Award Best Designer Scale Entry model Having something different can sometimes make model stand out against rest field Scale competition six Lockheed T-33s year Ryan Fireball Fireball curious aircraft transitional post-WW II period Evidenfly US Navy didnt completely trust jet engines Ryan build experimental fighter powered piston RED MAX FUEL Super Fuel Engines CALL OR USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SPEED YOUR ORDER FILL IN QUANTITY ON THE LEFT TOTAL ON RIGHT Freight FREE gallons within Continental US New price break minimum 12 gallons shipped motorfreight no haz mat fee Drums treight collect Mix quantity total quantity determines price break Dealer club diacounts available please call detaila SC ordera add 5% sales tas UPS COD add $475 per carton Accept credit cards checks Also available Red Max T-shirts $9 Golf-shirts $13 Hats $6 ** Please note no longer ship quarts** 01W FUEL 4GAL 12GAL 2OGAL 6CGAL 124GAL 54GALTOTAL ORDERED MIXTURE PER GAL PER GALr PER GAL PER GAL PER GAL DRUM $ AMT HEIJ MAX lrnmiuivl FUEL Easy beginners powerful experts Available synthetic castor llends RED MAX 01187958908857794206D2 RED MAX 51272104299293686726283 RED MAX 10135811251075101594031964 RED MAX 1213831150liDO103996233670 RED MAX 151451121711671102102038200j REDMAXRACING FUEL Trophy winners planes boats cars loads documented records RED MAX2O1532129612461177108943602 RED MAX 251618138013301255116249284 RED MAX 301703146314131334123654965 RED MAX 401874163115811492138266328 RED MAX 502044179817481650152877691 RED MAX6O2215196519151808167489053 RED MAX 652300204919991887174794735 RED MAX 7023862132208219661820100416 RED MAX 7524712216216620451893106097 4-CYCLE FUEL Eliminates detonation & kickback 4-cy engines specially good older models 10-4 CYCLE 1323 1092 1042 983 910 2968 CYCLE 1409 1175 1125 1062 983 35365 4 SUPER TIGER 3000 FUEL Best fuel Super Tiger 2000- 4000 engines 5T3000 1358 1125 1075 1015 940 31964....... RED MAX DIESEL FUEL Superior diesel back list popular demand customers GAL 1550 1313 1301 1229 1092 47345 HELICOPTER FUEL *** Extremely smooth & cool running extrs defoamer & new SUPERIOR oil helicopters 10 Helicopter1362112910791019943322401 15 Helicopter1507127112211153106741892 25 Helicopter1896165216021512140067777 30 Helicopter1981173616861591147373458 RED MAX PERFORMANCE FUEL High flash point heavy oil use tuned pipes ducted fan & other heavy duty app 5 Pertormance 139611621112105097234500[ 10 Performancel481124811961129104540181 15 Performancels66133012801208111845862 REDMAXPATTERNFUEL Proven best fuel pattern engines using pumps tuned pipes SPattem1396116211121050972 10 Pattern1481124811961129104540181 .....{ 15 Pattern1566133012801208111845862 Power easy starting power smooth take offs power intricate maneuvers Red Max makes engine come alive power performance never expected can have power Its phone call away Power today next week next year Red Maxs secret ingredients keep engine lasting longer running powerfully other ___ 100% money back guarantee ___you completely satisfied ___any reason ___Red Max has power CUSTOM BLENDED FUEL INGREDIENTSGrand Total belier idle will mix custom fuel formula specialand better engine minimum gallon Fuel ingredients available inwear minimum quantities gallon Call prices items-characteristics Also special 2-cycle oil big engines such SAX etc Cleaner cooler running oil other marketthan ES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.other fuel September 1996 11 1936 MISS AMERICA 84 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 40 6t 2 cycle 48-704 cycle Radio 3-Channel B & M MODEL CO 290 W 1050 N LAYTON UT 84041 Phone 801-544-5689 Call Send $3UU tor Color Bmchure models $100 Color Pamphlet Miss America Only liT RES ADD 625% TAX PLEASE PRINT NAME BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP CARD TYPE AND NO EXPIRATION DATE _____________ 7/95 U COLORS Flame Red Deep Red Sky Blue Deep Blue Midnight Blue Bright Yellow Cub Yellow Dark Yellow Orange Black White Silver Perfect Paint high quality part fuel proof paint combines convenience superb results Perfect Paint will cover dopes epoxies metals fiberglass plastic smooth hard mar resis tant finish will crack chip NOW AVAILABLE pqcheveronihobbyiproductsE PO Box 2480 Sandusky Ohio 44870 Phone & Fax 419-797-2208 ecnstscheesndhycemaednnpettencedthntecvtttestentessa gcteetnnteetestndeamtefettemtnthelt pcessttcftetecesa Chaptem netadn Wkntynnneedtclesteahectsetcdyttnntks Snltetisgseatnneptattetetdeqtttpntettt Smut tttght petfeecing nhecffa Landieppattews hatety Isediag spines tectniegahentsnftey Cee ISci ContestantModeIStatic Score tent type emeesetty iged Pm ynsns takes esytelal knowledge sted tatest te seek ent Ith giving metensta stta use teem ne nttentesnty eitebte high nititedee EtactetO peweted sinceste have hate etesnilgly pepatne nod heck tesettes nemptenittes ef eleectent systems pecetetteneetee nedea1wtieetndmedeten CltnptensteetUde ctteeniegssnltytaee teeyittg amdte lnstcctcingtesttteds Thatettatteyctg SteVe necteeg teheeaieganatnektegtidee teyceetlag etneete etetem gems systems cheestttg batteries dtntgittg gaicdmgtigaactd teetetiqasa Cest Stitef Call now shipping handling charge ot added book purchased Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Flight 1Flight 2FlIght 3FlIght 4Total ScoreScoreScoreScoreScore gtCSpefleed Comyettticedenelmttcc Iltineemyretteasien etstntat taken pitec tette capable ef taking nEt aed lsndittg iete sneitiag mengd ePEC aseebstica Jim iekicneiea efaetekstie flight ann pensested itt nany te sedeestsadstepawhietthsnehnenyecnentittnesttdsgsinsedersctUs[v32][b2066249271821210]] Seenrat seeehstic tenenuesta ann shewesned itt 22 gage emettal heck cnamtteed felt ef istcstnsties feesll tenets tel pilem isetcdtng hem te psacistety adjest sect gim pece sitytatee fee pictaw ttenfsct ansekacice yne dee Chaytem anisette hceaisg penn teest setehatie sitylnen Radiceetnetice Adicatleg sed pencisely eietetisgyecesinptanss isnetal antekatic msneccetsncithdnteiisd issittactiens Cestest pnspanatiea aset nonctal cempetitiett dyn ycc endee new s peckm geide neetnlniteg mpecdcctieeetsllcttheaeeehstie etassenees mill isetoded fete ttlthe scott pnttehsan TInts nslsableu oseheusedan senfnenece Ice tesctice gstd Only cumIn time sttd pnsetice mitt neshle pee tc mantet natunbts iafeentstcce msenst Ateet ealy shest tiete ycc mill heahie cc mem ths Itytaglleldl CalteemtccedetytetepeesettstgcpyCnlt t-Intet-3te1-HthWKEscltccpyctestnllflSSsttd afneepeckstgcidn isclnded mith Aneehatic beck Plnsm iaetcde blIP Pet ahipping sect hncdtieg fmecclthcekendeeed 12 Model Aviation estants/Model StaticFlight 1Flight 2Flight 3 ScoreScoreScoreScore Flight 4Total ScoreScore J & C HOBBIES Order Line 1-800-309-8314 Info Line 412-796-9344 24hr Fax Order line 412-798-9857 Everyday Low Low Hitec Prices HAVE IT YOUR WAY! will customize Hitec Radio Up grade servos no servos iTx Focus 4 FM w/4 HS-30013295 Focus 6 FM w/4 HS-30015995 Flash S FM w/4 HS-42219995 Prism 7XF FM w/4 HS-42224195 Prism7XS FM w/Spec w/4 HS-42232995 Prism 7X FM w/Spectra Tx only22095 Spectra Module Prism 710995 Choice 4 crystals w/Spectra2895 RDC Supreme Rx wlcrystal6295 535 Micro Rx w/crystal6795 HS60 Super Micro 16 oz/in3895 HS-80 Sub Micro 31 oz/in2695 HS-80 MG Sub Micro w/metal gears3895 HS-101 Mim24oz/in2195 HS-101 MG Mini w/Metal gears3295 HS-205 BB Super mini 43 oz/m2795 HS-205 MG Super mini wlmetal gear3895 HS-300 Super Sport 42 ozlin1195 HS-422 Pro-servo 43 oz/in1395 145-425 RB Prow/dual ball bearings1995 HS-525 BR Hi Speed 47 az/rn3595 HS-545 BR Hi Torque 62 oz/in3595 HS-605 RB Hi Torque 77 oz/in3595 HS-605 MG Ultra Torque4695 HS-615 MG Super Torque 107z/in4695 HS700 BR Giant Scale 133 oz2995 HS-705 MG Super Giant 161 oz/in4295 HS-75 BR Retract 90 oz/in3995 HS-725 BR Sail winch 161 oz/in4895 HS-805 RB Mega 224 ozlin4895 CALL FOR SUPER SAITO PRICES 1! Extra Discounts Combos Shipping & Handling . $500 Continental USA FREE Gift orders over $200 Call Unadvertised Specials Most Orders Shipped m 24 hrs Total Satisfaction Guaranteed Join long list regular customers Come visit new store located just 15 minutes East Pittsburgh J & C Hobbles 100 Street Penn Hills PA 16285 Hours M-F 9to7 Sat 9toS Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Prices Subject Change Without Notice September1996 13 TEAM SCALE IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 SLALI lUtS bIPdJi LML order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax 1/4 SCALE 96 ISSMO Micro AV Competition International Society Structural Multi-disciplinary Optimization ISSMO announcing Micro AV competition objective competition employ multi-disciplinary design optimization MOO design build smallest aerial vehicle AV can perform following mission Fly photograph 15-meter size symbol ground located 600 meters launch site hidden view square enclosing fence 35-meter wide 15-meter high Provide legible image symbol launching individual launch site will two prizes awarded AVs complying competition rules $1250 prize smallest AV other $1250 prize design best MOO no 15 times size AV winning first prize competition will held site near University Florida campus April 51997 copy competition rules write ISSMO President Professor Raphael Haftka Department AeMES University Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6250 email haftkaufledu Additional information also available ISSMO home page httpllwwwaeroufleduf.getlissmohtm engine jet engine Navy used fighter small numbers 1945-1947 unusual twin-engine aircraft has project Hal Parentis several years Hals third aircraft type enlarged version Fireball spans 84 inches Its up-front power provided Saito 270 twin four-stroke engine buried deep fuselage 05 90 ducted-fan engine Air fed aft engine through intake slots inboard roots wing navy-blue aircraft fast twin-engine capability never questioned has unique sound air four-stroke ducted fan making own music flaps retracts external tank drop brakes operating tail hook Hal took ninth-place finish Expert Team Scale event two highly skilled modelers enter together modeler acts pilot other half team builder class youll see some very best craftsmanship realm Scale models Canadas Graeme Mears constructed de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth piloted first place Team Scale Dave Patrick A-scale model huge biplane wingspan 113 inches Power provided two-cylinder inline Moki 36 two-stroke engine turning 22 x 10 propeller Steve Elias Ian Richardson teamed up Ians T-33 finished US Air Force Thunderbirds color scheme went finish second Team Scale just point behind Graemes large biplane Douglas DC-3 seems favorite aircraft model Scale competition year three examples West Palm Beach Polo Club Two civilian DC-3 models C-47 military version Gooney Bird Dakota common nicknames timeless transport U U U U U U UUjj Basic Kit* epoxy pre p timed fibrglass fuse lage foam wing & stabilizer cores flying stab control mecha nism clear formed canopy full size plans & instructions Deluxe Kit* balsa laser cut plywood parts detailed cockpit kit armament pylons & missles pushrods hard ware *SCaie retracts tires & brakes available Call Send $3 Catalog 11216 Bluegrass Pkwy Louisville KY 40299 502 266-9234 U U U U 14 Model Aviation jU U U 4 Specs Wing Span61 Wing Area1306 in2 Length91 Weight25 lbs Engine2 91 larger Fanany 5 Channels4 12 Scale1764 Basic Kit$670Y U U U U U U Pat McCurry starts scratch-built 109 G-6 Pats model reproduction Feldwebel Heinrich Bartels aircraft bomb tray Greg Hahns B-25 holds six bombs Fourmost Bomb Drop units Greg enlarged Ziroli-designed bomber 118 inches September 1996 15 Hal Parenti finished ninth Expert Ryan Fireball model driven prop anda ducted fan Wayne Knights C-47 spans 144 inches features operating cargo doors During its flights model dropped cargo parachute 16 Model Aviation e The cockpit Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman TBM Avenger Nicks model features beautiful craftsmanship Right The wings Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman Avenger fold just like carrier-based full-scale version September 1996 17 Teamwork Third-place finisher Jeff Foley L gets some help starting model second-place finisher David Hayes TOP GU 1996 18 Model Aviation McCurrys 109 G-6 takeoff 102-inch-span model scratch-built cockpit features excellent detail Greg Hahns practice aircraft P-47 built enlarged Ziroli plans Gregs Jug features D- Tom Polapink L talks Craftsmanship Judge Bill DeVerna judges day invasion stripes check models documentation Wayne Knight came Top Gun C-47 constructed Ziroli plans olive-drab troop transport spans 140 inches powered two OS 108s Waynes model features operating cargo door model would make pass drop supplies side aircraft Another DC-3 Alvin Brown piloted Geoff Combs finish third Team Scale model displayed very realistic Scale operations during its flights Stephan Duerrsteins version finished eighth Expert class Alvin Stephans models Fiber Classics kits Terry Nitsch flew familiar F-86 Sabre jet third Top Gun win Bob Violett Models North American Sabre covered Coverite Presto aluminum covering marketed Foley Mfg Terry cut aluminum panels size attached aircraft Painted Ditzler acrylic enamel complete model finished off clearcoat Ditzler Del-Gb Terrys documentation came photos taken Buckley Air National Guard base Colorado Terry used speed brakes drop tanks two mechanical options during routine beat David Hayes 625 Terry blown just maneuver three flights could have dropped way fifth sixth place Competition Expert Class extremely close year especially first ten places Only four points separated Terry Nitschs first-place F-86 Bob Underwoods tenth-place Hiperbipe 667 difference between first third Most models Top Gun would right home full-scale aviation museums David Hayes Roanoke Rapids North Carolina finished very close second Expert class year flying Aries Thrush cropduster David put model through its paces weekend mishap model sitting top table rolled off breaking off models tail surfaces David able glue tail back thick cyanoacrylate ready third round flying competition Third place claimed Jeff Foley BEST GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR ______ Stainless Steel HEAD LOCK BEST DESIGN ____ Welded No Solder Acid Flux Flexing Wires BESTNiCad ___ BEST QUALITY & GUARANTEE _______ MODEL PRODUCTS CORPORATION BEST PRICE __________ St #045-WIO NiCad Charger$ 995 available write directSt #040-With NiCad __________________$ 1595 add $100 $200 outside USSt #041-With NiCad & Charger$ 2595 MODEL PRODUCTS CORPPH 908 850-1508 PO BOX 100 ALLAMUCHY NJ 07820FAX 908 850-8860 September 1996 19 Jet Model Products T-33 US Air Force jet trainer Jeffs 85-inch-span model powered 05 91 ducted-fan engine turning Dynainax fan Charlie Chambers finished fourth Expert P-61 twin-engine fighter Charlies model has wingspan 100 inches weighs 38 pounds model built Don Smith plans powered two Webra 12 two-stroke engines beautiful model replaces P-61 Charlie lost last year just before Top Gun Charlie used JR radio guide Black Widow did five top 10 finishers Expert class Four competitors used Airtronics systems Germanys Stephan Duerrstein used Multiplex radio round out top 10 meet combined Scale competition halftime aerobatic shows entertain nearly 18000 people over four days Add beautiful opening ceremonies highlighted full-scale Stearman flyover could say great meet beside some best people aeromodeling competing helping other wishing everyone could win administrative team including Frank Tiano sponsors West Palm Beach Aero Club worked make sure things ran smoothly everyone good time Its like told official know best people just plane people thats spelled P-L-A-N-E Hope see next year Top Gun Top Gun Merchandise Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Futaba JR Saito Geraro Enterprises Herr Engineering McDaniel K/C van Dell Jewelers Jim Meister Scale Pro Mark Top Gun Hussies Spring-Air Prop Wash Video Nick Ziroli Plans Pan American Dist NASA Cash Sponsors provided $200 cash awards plus custom trophy Airtronics Bob Violett Models Dave Platt Models Don Smith Plans Glen Torrance Models Lanier K/C North American Power Pro Mark R/C Report Remote Control Television Carden Aircraft Scale RIC Ej RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Catalog containing lists Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline RIC maintenance hints KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Discover MCard VISA COD Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm UPS USMAIL FEDEX etc 20 Model Aviation 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 Modeler Robart Mfg Hobby Hut Major Cash Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Frank Tiano Enterprises Scorekeeping Rosella Curry Chief Judge Tim Farrel Asst Chief Judge Bill Holland Impound Dawn Buckley Static Judges Bob Curry Bill DeVema Lee Henderson Charlie Beer Harvey Tomaison Steve Harris Flight Judges Darlene Frederick Wayne Frederick Jim Parker Tom Kozel George Jenkins Jim Semonian John Smith Stan Alexander Special Awards Critics Choice Pat McCuriy 109 * High Static Expert Sepp Uiberlacher Spitfire * High Static Team Jerry Caudle P-80 * Best Two-Stroke Performance Charlie Chambers P-61 Best Four-Stroke Performance Geoff Combs DC-3 Best Gas Engine Performance Greg Hahn B-25 * Best Multiengine Performance Jack Diaz F4* Best Jet Award Garland Hamilton T-33 * Best Civilian Award Corvin Miller Globe Swift * Best Military Award Charlie Chambers P 61 * Best Biplane Award Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * Best Aerobatic Performance Bill Han-is 33 * Engineering Excellence Nick Ziroli Jr TBF Avenger * Best Craftsmanship Charlie Chambers P-61 * Best Designer Scale Entry Graeme Mears 109 G6* Best Foreign Entry Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * * Received $200 sponsors 22 Model Aviation 0101 105003513213 040205043203050205000801 0802 rn 3216 04010503 3204 VIMV010310102 0105103503219 K-0501-0250 32241250 Factory Service CompleteO65O Parts T 1208 ISIJL/i 0ft0250T0100 0207-0251 02080402 040 030 030 0302o5 025204030250 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 MVVS Corporation America032\02 Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ \ 11011102 \ \ \ 11031104115002020101~12070203030310010301 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/09
Page Numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
The DC-3 Team Scale entry Geoff Combs builder Alvin Brown does realistic flyby model claimed third place event U Stan Alexander RC SCALE COMPETITIONS US characterized different skill levels AMA competition fliers can enter fun Scale Sportsman class work way up Expert US Scale Masters series 19 qualifying events around countryan Expert-class contestant has finish top 30% field meet qualify go championships fall international F4C FAI Scale program competitor must qualify positions three-person team best filers events watched judged picked compete Top Gun Invitational West Palm Beach Florida sisring event regularly draws competitors different parts world other event except FAT World Championships pilots invited try best other wow factorbuilding large complicated unique aircraft expand technical envelope Scale aeromodeling Giant Scale models radial engines turbines uncommon competitors try add realism score Aircraft eligible three years Practicing piloting skills flight routines essential pilot wants crack top 25 final standings 63 entries 1996 event its interesting note 23 eligible AMA Designer Scale competition aircraft must original design contestant eligible Models based kits commercially available plans eligible Sepp Uiberlacher s Spitfire winner high static score would come under classification would Nick Ziroli Jrs mM Bob Underwoods Hiperbipe Hal Parentis Ryan Fireball name few Before years event started several new models lost during testing included former champion Terry Nitsch s new Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Several other models lost practice competition year Nick Ziroli Jrs new TBM Avenger lost possibly due engine overheating Unfortunately 8 Model Aviation y Sheila Nitsch prepare Terrys Minute Men F-86 last round flying Terry took third Top Gun win September 1996 9 Above The first-place Team Scale de Havilland Tiger Moth Dave Patrick builder Graeme Mears Right A number fabricated metal parts used finish Dave Patricks Graeme Mears Team Scale Tiger Moth David Hayes Aries Thrush crop duster model took second place Expert its operating spraying system Photos author Graphic Desion Carla Kunz Garland Hamilton prepares BVM T-33 model finished seventh overallone three jets top ten 10 Model Aviation sionally fate aircraft push Scale aeromodeling s technical envelope Canadians foreign entries year Sepp Uiberlacher Karl Gross Graeme Mears competing aircraft Jack Diaz arrived Venezuela several members family compete first Top Gun beautiful F-4 Phantomit flaished 16th Jack Scale champion own country Other countries represented year included England Germany Brazil Some most-impressive models Expert class year relative newcomers meet Greg Hahns North American B-25 Mitchell Greg enlarged Nick Zirolis design build beautiful 118-inch-span version WW II bomber highly detailed 43pound aircraft powered two G-38 engines features flaps retracts bomb bay operating doors unique bomb tray inside Greg finished sixth new contest machine Greg also took home trophy Best Gas Engine Performance $200 dont see very well-finished Messerschmitt 109s Scale competition real beauty competes everyone takes notice Pat McCurry came Top Gun year largest Me-109 G-6 Ive ever seen competition 139-scale machine has wingspan 102 inches Pat said model weighed-in about 43 pounds Its powered G-62 turning 22 x 10 prop doors hatches operate just like full-scale aircraft replicating features quite accomplishment itself Pat won Critics Choice Award Best Designer Scale Entry model Having something different can sometimes make model stand out against rest field Scale competition six Lockheed T-33s year Ryan Fireball Fireball curious aircraft transitional post-WW II period Evidenfly US Navy didnt completely trust jet engines Ryan build experimental fighter powered piston RED MAX FUEL Super Fuel Engines CALL OR USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SPEED YOUR ORDER FILL IN QUANTITY ON THE LEFT TOTAL ON RIGHT Freight FREE gallons within Continental US New price break minimum 12 gallons shipped motorfreight no haz mat fee Drums treight collect Mix quantity total quantity determines price break Dealer club diacounts available please call detaila SC ordera add 5% sales tas UPS COD add $475 per carton Accept credit cards checks Also available Red Max T-shirts $9 Golf-shirts $13 Hats $6 ** Please note no longer ship quarts** 01W FUEL 4GAL 12GAL 2OGAL 6CGAL 124GAL 54GALTOTAL ORDERED MIXTURE PER GAL PER GALr PER GAL PER GAL PER GAL DRUM $ AMT HEIJ MAX lrnmiuivl FUEL Easy beginners powerful experts Available synthetic castor llends RED MAX 01187958908857794206D2 RED MAX 51272104299293686726283 RED MAX 10135811251075101594031964 RED MAX 1213831150liDO103996233670 RED MAX 151451121711671102102038200j REDMAXRACING FUEL Trophy winners planes boats cars loads documented records RED MAX2O1532129612461177108943602 RED MAX 251618138013301255116249284 RED MAX 301703146314131334123654965 RED MAX 401874163115811492138266328 RED MAX 502044179817481650152877691 RED MAX6O2215196519151808167489053 RED MAX 652300204919991887174794735 RED MAX 7023862132208219661820100416 RED MAX 7524712216216620451893106097 4-CYCLE FUEL Eliminates detonation & kickback 4-cy engines specially good older models 10-4 CYCLE 1323 1092 1042 983 910 2968 CYCLE 1409 1175 1125 1062 983 35365 4 SUPER TIGER 3000 FUEL Best fuel Super Tiger 2000- 4000 engines 5T3000 1358 1125 1075 1015 940 31964....... RED MAX DIESEL FUEL Superior diesel back list popular demand customers GAL 1550 1313 1301 1229 1092 47345 HELICOPTER FUEL *** Extremely smooth & cool running extrs defoamer & new SUPERIOR oil helicopters 10 Helicopter1362112910791019943322401 15 Helicopter1507127112211153106741892 25 Helicopter1896165216021512140067777 30 Helicopter1981173616861591147373458 RED MAX PERFORMANCE FUEL High flash point heavy oil use tuned pipes ducted fan & other heavy duty app 5 Pertormance 139611621112105097234500[ 10 Performancel481124811961129104540181 15 Performancels66133012801208111845862 REDMAXPATTERNFUEL Proven best fuel pattern engines using pumps tuned pipes SPattem1396116211121050972 10 Pattern1481124811961129104540181 .....{ 15 Pattern1566133012801208111845862 Power easy starting power smooth take offs power intricate maneuvers Red Max makes engine come alive power performance never expected can have power Its phone call away Power today next week next year Red Maxs secret ingredients keep engine lasting longer running powerfully other ___ 100% money back guarantee ___you completely satisfied ___any reason ___Red Max has power CUSTOM BLENDED FUEL INGREDIENTSGrand Total belier idle will mix custom fuel formula specialand better engine minimum gallon Fuel ingredients available inwear minimum quantities gallon Call prices items-characteristics Also special 2-cycle oil big engines such SAX etc Cleaner cooler running oil other marketthan ES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.other fuel September 1996 11 1936 MISS AMERICA 84 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 40 6t 2 cycle 48-704 cycle Radio 3-Channel B & M MODEL CO 290 W 1050 N LAYTON UT 84041 Phone 801-544-5689 Call Send $3UU tor Color Bmchure models $100 Color Pamphlet Miss America Only liT RES ADD 625% TAX PLEASE PRINT NAME BOX STREET CITY STATE ZIP CARD TYPE AND NO EXPIRATION DATE _____________ 7/95 U COLORS Flame Red Deep Red Sky Blue Deep Blue Midnight Blue Bright Yellow Cub Yellow Dark Yellow Orange Black White Silver Perfect Paint high quality part fuel proof paint combines convenience superb results Perfect Paint will cover dopes epoxies metals fiberglass plastic smooth hard mar resis tant finish will crack chip NOW AVAILABLE pqcheveronihobbyiproductsE PO Box 2480 Sandusky Ohio 44870 Phone & Fax 419-797-2208 ecnstscheesndhycemaednnpettencedthntecvtttestentessa gcteetnnteetestndeamtefettemtnthelt pcessttcftetecesa Chaptem netadn Wkntynnneedtclesteahectsetcdyttnntks Snltetisgseatnneptattetetdeqtttpntettt Smut tttght petfeecing nhecffa Landieppattews hatety Isediag spines tectniegahentsnftey Cee ISci ContestantModeIStatic Score tent type emeesetty iged Pm ynsns takes esytelal knowledge sted tatest te seek ent Ith giving metensta stta use teem ne nttentesnty eitebte high nititedee EtactetO peweted sinceste have hate etesnilgly pepatne nod heck tesettes nemptenittes ef eleectent systems pecetetteneetee nedea1wtieetndmedeten CltnptensteetUde ctteeniegssnltytaee teeyittg amdte lnstcctcingtesttteds Thatettatteyctg SteVe necteeg teheeaieganatnektegtidee teyceetlag etneete etetem gems systems cheestttg batteries dtntgittg gaicdmgtigaactd teetetiqasa Cest Stitef Call now shipping handling charge ot added book purchased Call Nighthawk Publishing 1-800-390-HAWK Flight 1Flight 2FlIght 3FlIght 4Total ScoreScoreScoreScoreScore gtCSpefleed Comyettticedenelmttcc Iltineemyretteasien etstntat taken pitec tette capable ef taking nEt aed lsndittg iete sneitiag mengd ePEC aseebstica Jim iekicneiea efaetekstie flight ann pensested itt nany te sedeestsadstepawhietthsnehnenyecnentittnesttdsgsinsedersctUs[v32][b2066249271821210]] Seenrat seeehstic tenenuesta ann shewesned itt 22 gage emettal heck cnamtteed felt ef istcstnsties feesll tenets tel pilem isetcdtng hem te psacistety adjest sect gim pece sitytatee fee pictaw ttenfsct ansekacice yne dee Chaytem anisette hceaisg penn teest setehatie sitylnen Radiceetnetice Adicatleg sed pencisely eietetisgyecesinptanss isnetal antekatic msneccetsncithdnteiisd issittactiens Cestest pnspanatiea aset nonctal cempetitiett dyn ycc endee new s peckm geide neetnlniteg mpecdcctieeetsllcttheaeeehstie etassenees mill isetoded fete ttlthe scott pnttehsan TInts nslsableu oseheusedan senfnenece Ice tesctice gstd Only cumIn time sttd pnsetice mitt neshle pee tc mantet natunbts iafeentstcce msenst Ateet ealy shest tiete ycc mill heahie cc mem ths Itytaglleldl CalteemtccedetytetepeesettstgcpyCnlt t-Intet-3te1-HthWKEscltccpyctestnllflSSsttd afneepeckstgcidn isclnded mith Aneehatic beck Plnsm iaetcde blIP Pet ahipping sect hncdtieg fmecclthcekendeeed 12 Model Aviation estants/Model StaticFlight 1Flight 2Flight 3 ScoreScoreScoreScore Flight 4Total ScoreScore J & C HOBBIES Order Line 1-800-309-8314 Info Line 412-796-9344 24hr Fax Order line 412-798-9857 Everyday Low Low Hitec Prices HAVE IT YOUR WAY! will customize Hitec Radio Up grade servos no servos iTx Focus 4 FM w/4 HS-30013295 Focus 6 FM w/4 HS-30015995 Flash S FM w/4 HS-42219995 Prism 7XF FM w/4 HS-42224195 Prism7XS FM w/Spec w/4 HS-42232995 Prism 7X FM w/Spectra Tx only22095 Spectra Module Prism 710995 Choice 4 crystals w/Spectra2895 RDC Supreme Rx wlcrystal6295 535 Micro Rx w/crystal6795 HS60 Super Micro 16 oz/in3895 HS-80 Sub Micro 31 oz/in2695 HS-80 MG Sub Micro w/metal gears3895 HS-101 Mim24oz/in2195 HS-101 MG Mini w/Metal gears3295 HS-205 BB Super mini 43 oz/m2795 HS-205 MG Super mini wlmetal gear3895 HS-300 Super Sport 42 ozlin1195 HS-422 Pro-servo 43 oz/in1395 145-425 RB Prow/dual ball bearings1995 HS-525 BR Hi Speed 47 az/rn3595 HS-545 BR Hi Torque 62 oz/in3595 HS-605 RB Hi Torque 77 oz/in3595 HS-605 MG Ultra Torque4695 HS-615 MG Super Torque 107z/in4695 HS700 BR Giant Scale 133 oz2995 HS-705 MG Super Giant 161 oz/in4295 HS-75 BR Retract 90 oz/in3995 HS-725 BR Sail winch 161 oz/in4895 HS-805 RB Mega 224 ozlin4895 CALL FOR SUPER SAITO PRICES 1! Extra Discounts Combos Shipping & Handling . $500 Continental USA FREE Gift orders over $200 Call Unadvertised Specials Most Orders Shipped m 24 hrs Total Satisfaction Guaranteed Join long list regular customers Come visit new store located just 15 minutes East Pittsburgh J & C Hobbles 100 Street Penn Hills PA 16285 Hours M-F 9to7 Sat 9toS Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted Prices Subject Change Without Notice September1996 13 TEAM SCALE IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 SLALI lUtS bIPdJi LML order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax 1/4 SCALE 96 ISSMO Micro AV Competition International Society Structural Multi-disciplinary Optimization ISSMO announcing Micro AV competition objective competition employ multi-disciplinary design optimization MOO design build smallest aerial vehicle AV can perform following mission Fly photograph 15-meter size symbol ground located 600 meters launch site hidden view square enclosing fence 35-meter wide 15-meter high Provide legible image symbol launching individual launch site will two prizes awarded AVs complying competition rules $1250 prize smallest AV other $1250 prize design best MOO no 15 times size AV winning first prize competition will held site near University Florida campus April 51997 copy competition rules write ISSMO President Professor Raphael Haftka Department AeMES University Florida Gainesville FL 32611-6250 email haftkaufledu Additional information also available ISSMO home page httpllwwwaeroufleduf.getlissmohtm engine jet engine Navy used fighter small numbers 1945-1947 unusual twin-engine aircraft has project Hal Parentis several years Hals third aircraft type enlarged version Fireball spans 84 inches Its up-front power provided Saito 270 twin four-stroke engine buried deep fuselage 05 90 ducted-fan engine Air fed aft engine through intake slots inboard roots wing navy-blue aircraft fast twin-engine capability never questioned has unique sound air four-stroke ducted fan making own music flaps retracts external tank drop brakes operating tail hook Hal took ninth-place finish Expert Team Scale event two highly skilled modelers enter together modeler acts pilot other half team builder class youll see some very best craftsmanship realm Scale models Canadas Graeme Mears constructed de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth piloted first place Team Scale Dave Patrick A-scale model huge biplane wingspan 113 inches Power provided two-cylinder inline Moki 36 two-stroke engine turning 22 x 10 propeller Steve Elias Ian Richardson teamed up Ians T-33 finished US Air Force Thunderbirds color scheme went finish second Team Scale just point behind Graemes large biplane Douglas DC-3 seems favorite aircraft model Scale competition year three examples West Palm Beach Polo Club Two civilian DC-3 models C-47 military version Gooney Bird Dakota common nicknames timeless transport U U U U U U UUjj Basic Kit* epoxy pre p timed fibrglass fuse lage foam wing & stabilizer cores flying stab control mecha nism clear formed canopy full size plans & instructions Deluxe Kit* balsa laser cut plywood parts detailed cockpit kit armament pylons & missles pushrods hard ware *SCaie retracts tires & brakes available Call Send $3 Catalog 11216 Bluegrass Pkwy Louisville KY 40299 502 266-9234 U U U U 14 Model Aviation jU U U 4 Specs Wing Span61 Wing Area1306 in2 Length91 Weight25 lbs Engine2 91 larger Fanany 5 Channels4 12 Scale1764 Basic Kit$670Y U U U U U U Pat McCurry starts scratch-built 109 G-6 Pats model reproduction Feldwebel Heinrich Bartels aircraft bomb tray Greg Hahns B-25 holds six bombs Fourmost Bomb Drop units Greg enlarged Ziroli-designed bomber 118 inches September 1996 15 Hal Parenti finished ninth Expert Ryan Fireball model driven prop anda ducted fan Wayne Knights C-47 spans 144 inches features operating cargo doors During its flights model dropped cargo parachute 16 Model Aviation e The cockpit Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman TBM Avenger Nicks model features beautiful craftsmanship Right The wings Nick Ziroli Jrs Grumman Avenger fold just like carrier-based full-scale version September 1996 17 Teamwork Third-place finisher Jeff Foley L gets some help starting model second-place finisher David Hayes TOP GU 1996 18 Model Aviation McCurrys 109 G-6 takeoff 102-inch-span model scratch-built cockpit features excellent detail Greg Hahns practice aircraft P-47 built enlarged Ziroli plans Gregs Jug features D- Tom Polapink L talks Craftsmanship Judge Bill DeVerna judges day invasion stripes check models documentation Wayne Knight came Top Gun C-47 constructed Ziroli plans olive-drab troop transport spans 140 inches powered two OS 108s Waynes model features operating cargo door model would make pass drop supplies side aircraft Another DC-3 Alvin Brown piloted Geoff Combs finish third Team Scale model displayed very realistic Scale operations during its flights Stephan Duerrsteins version finished eighth Expert class Alvin Stephans models Fiber Classics kits Terry Nitsch flew familiar F-86 Sabre jet third Top Gun win Bob Violett Models North American Sabre covered Coverite Presto aluminum covering marketed Foley Mfg Terry cut aluminum panels size attached aircraft Painted Ditzler acrylic enamel complete model finished off clearcoat Ditzler Del-Gb Terrys documentation came photos taken Buckley Air National Guard base Colorado Terry used speed brakes drop tanks two mechanical options during routine beat David Hayes 625 Terry blown just maneuver three flights could have dropped way fifth sixth place Competition Expert Class extremely close year especially first ten places Only four points separated Terry Nitschs first-place F-86 Bob Underwoods tenth-place Hiperbipe 667 difference between first third Most models Top Gun would right home full-scale aviation museums David Hayes Roanoke Rapids North Carolina finished very close second Expert class year flying Aries Thrush cropduster David put model through its paces weekend mishap model sitting top table rolled off breaking off models tail surfaces David able glue tail back thick cyanoacrylate ready third round flying competition Third place claimed Jeff Foley BEST GLOW PLUG CONNECTOR ______ Stainless Steel HEAD LOCK BEST DESIGN ____ Welded No Solder Acid Flux Flexing Wires BESTNiCad ___ BEST QUALITY & GUARANTEE _______ MODEL PRODUCTS CORPORATION BEST PRICE __________ St #045-WIO NiCad Charger$ 995 available write directSt #040-With NiCad __________________$ 1595 add $100 $200 outside USSt #041-With NiCad & Charger$ 2595 MODEL PRODUCTS CORPPH 908 850-1508 PO BOX 100 ALLAMUCHY NJ 07820FAX 908 850-8860 September 1996 19 Jet Model Products T-33 US Air Force jet trainer Jeffs 85-inch-span model powered 05 91 ducted-fan engine turning Dynainax fan Charlie Chambers finished fourth Expert P-61 twin-engine fighter Charlies model has wingspan 100 inches weighs 38 pounds model built Don Smith plans powered two Webra 12 two-stroke engines beautiful model replaces P-61 Charlie lost last year just before Top Gun Charlie used JR radio guide Black Widow did five top 10 finishers Expert class Four competitors used Airtronics systems Germanys Stephan Duerrstein used Multiplex radio round out top 10 meet combined Scale competition halftime aerobatic shows entertain nearly 18000 people over four days Add beautiful opening ceremonies highlighted full-scale Stearman flyover could say great meet beside some best people aeromodeling competing helping other wishing everyone could win administrative team including Frank Tiano sponsors West Palm Beach Aero Club worked make sure things ran smoothly everyone good time Its like told official know best people just plane people thats spelled P-L-A-N-E Hope see next year Top Gun Top Gun Merchandise Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Futaba JR Saito Geraro Enterprises Herr Engineering McDaniel K/C van Dell Jewelers Jim Meister Scale Pro Mark Top Gun Hussies Spring-Air Prop Wash Video Nick Ziroli Plans Pan American Dist NASA Cash Sponsors provided $200 cash awards plus custom trophy Airtronics Bob Violett Models Dave Platt Models Don Smith Plans Glen Torrance Models Lanier K/C North American Power Pro Mark R/C Report Remote Control Television Carden Aircraft Scale RIC Ej RIC SERVICE AT ITS BEST Sales Service Anything Radio Controlled Repairs Updates Custom Modifications Frequency Changes 6 Send Legal sized SAE 1996 Meter conversions ACE Airtronics Aristo-craft Cirrus EK Catalog containing lists Futaba Hitec Heathkit Hobby Shack JR Kraft KGL KSE Kline RIC maintenance hints KoPropo Pro-Line RCD Tower Hobbies World Engines & others Discover MCard VISA COD Calibrated Equipment Quick Turnaround Walk-in daily service 800 am-500 pm UPS USMAIL FEDEX etc 20 Model Aviation 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Michigan 48167 Ph 810-486-4800 Fax 810-486-1603 Modeler Robart Mfg Hobby Hut Major Cash Sponsors Model Airplane News Pacer Technology Frank Tiano Enterprises Scorekeeping Rosella Curry Chief Judge Tim Farrel Asst Chief Judge Bill Holland Impound Dawn Buckley Static Judges Bob Curry Bill DeVema Lee Henderson Charlie Beer Harvey Tomaison Steve Harris Flight Judges Darlene Frederick Wayne Frederick Jim Parker Tom Kozel George Jenkins Jim Semonian John Smith Stan Alexander Special Awards Critics Choice Pat McCuriy 109 * High Static Expert Sepp Uiberlacher Spitfire * High Static Team Jerry Caudle P-80 * Best Two-Stroke Performance Charlie Chambers P-61 Best Four-Stroke Performance Geoff Combs DC-3 Best Gas Engine Performance Greg Hahn B-25 * Best Multiengine Performance Jack Diaz F4* Best Jet Award Garland Hamilton T-33 * Best Civilian Award Corvin Miller Globe Swift * Best Military Award Charlie Chambers P 61 * Best Biplane Award Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * Best Aerobatic Performance Bill Han-is 33 * Engineering Excellence Nick Ziroli Jr TBF Avenger * Best Craftsmanship Charlie Chambers P-61 * Best Designer Scale Entry Graeme Mears 109 G6* Best Foreign Entry Graeme Mears Tiger Moth * * Received $200 sponsors 22 Model Aviation 0101 105003513213 040205043203050205000801 0802 rn 3216 04010503 3204 VIMV010310102 0105103503219 K-0501-0250 32241250 Factory Service CompleteO65O Parts T 1208 ISIJL/i 0ft0250T0100 0207-0251 02080402 040 030 030 0302o5 025204030250 7 Switchbud Place Ste 192-211 lands TX 77380 MVVS Corporation America032\02 Call 713-364-8011 713-298-7032All Q-500/ \ 11011102 \ \ \ 11031104115002020101~12070203030310010301 email 75627261 @compuservecomParts Stock