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[Headline: Rare Bear Fun Fighter at HHAEFI]
Jay Skinner ([email protected]) submitted a photo taken by Judy Murdock. Jay wrote:
“We were at [the] Hodges Hobbies All Electric Fly In, aka HHAEFI, pronounced ‘hay-fee.’ Held October 16 through 18, it’s been held for nine straight years and is hosted by Mac Hodges on his beautiful, manicured field in Americus, Georgia. Chris Scoggins [was] CD. It’s a really laidback fun-fly. The nighttime antics are legendary, suffice it to say.
“This is a shot of me (Jay Skinner) launching Mark Murdock’s (L) Rare Bear Fun Fighter. It’s sporting a 4S 1,000 [LiPo battery] with a 40-amp ESC [electronic speed control]. The rest is stock. It does over 100 mph and according to Mark, ‘it keeps you on your toes.’”
Judy shot the image using a Nikon D60 with a 98mm focal length, f/5.6 f-stop, and an ISO of 100 at 1/500 second.[dingbat]
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